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Erika Ramelli

December 26, 27 and 28 only in Asclepios

The director of Better Humans, Dallas, comes exclusively invited by Asclepios to help you start the year in optimum conditions, offering: Guided Meditation December 26, 5:00 pm Chakras Regulations Individual consultations for Mental and Physical Balance Reservations: (506) 24 33 16 68 email: info@asclepioscr.com

Erika Ramelli
26, 27 y 28 de diciembre en Asclepios
La directora de Better Humans, Dallas, llega exclusivamente invitada por Asclepios para que usted inicie el ao en condiciones ptimas, ofrecindole: Meditacin guiada 26 de diciembre, 5:00 pm Regulaciones de Chakras Consultas individuales para Balance Fsico-Mental Reserve hoy: (506) 24 33 16 68 email: info@asclepioscr.com

After graduating from college, she went on to work in the corporate world. She spent 10 years balancing a successful Erika is a world wellness leader and entrepreneur that built what has now corporate career as a Sales Director in become a highly recognized school of the Telecommunications and Technology industryjuggling deadlines and mind-body transformation! Miss Ramelli was born with a hyper-sensory reports - while she was simoultaneously pursuing a stress-free personal life and gift, and called by some an Indigo Child. She has practiced various styles building Better Humans, LLC lead by a quest for inner peace, self-awareness, of meditation since she was 13 years social responsibility, health and happiold. ness. Her interest for mind-body Miss Ramelli started her mind guiding scientific developments have taken her to attend seminars on neuroscience vocation at a very young age.

Erikas BIO

and the quantum wellness arena in India, Thailand, Mexico, Colombia, and Canada. She is a Stress Management Coach, Nutrition Counselor and a committed Pranic Healer under the teachings of Master Co, disciple of Master Choa Kok Sui. She follows the Kagyu Tibetan Lineage. Erika is also the Executive Editor of CHIC Magazine. (A publication targeting Hispanic teenagers) and writes a wellness column for the U.S. Colombian Consulate newsletter.

Erika has a BA in International Business, a minor in Management and a minor in Economy from WSU. She is also certified as a Stress Management Coach, Holistic Nutritional Consultant, Meditation Instructor and a Pranic Healer.

To develop higher levels of self-awareness & consciousness by teaching individuals how to create physical and emotional balance through educational wellness programs.

Erikas QUOTE
You are not what you were born, but what you have in yourself to beGodfrey of Ibelin Be master of mind rather than mastered by mind Zen Proverb

About Better HUMANS

BETTER HUMANS, LLC was designed to teach, coach and assist people in achieving physical and emotional balance through non-invasive mental, nutritional and holistic techniques. We want people across the globe to live healthier and happier lives, by guiding them in letting go of old-useless habits and beliefs; giving them knowledge and the necessary tools to do so on their own!

Wellness Coaching. Stress Management Meditation Holistic Nutrition Energy Healing (Pranic Healing) We offer Seminars, Corporate Wellness Packages & Individual Sessions in English and Spanish worldwide. Programs are tailored to effectively captivate the audience! Children and adults will equally benefit from these teachings. Erika is registered with the Dallas Independent School District as a Welllness Counselor and Speaker

Vendor# 49764

By appointement only www.betterhumans.net erika@betterhumans.net Cell: 214-680-2948

Biografa de Erika Ramelli

Lo que en algn momento empez como un anhelo e ideal humano, hoy se ha convertido en una escuela de vida, con impacto en ms de 9 pases! Nacida con una habilidad extrasensorial, y catalogada por algunos como nio ndigo, la Colombo-Suiza Erika Ramelli lleva practicando varias tcnicas de meditacin desde tan solo sus 13 aos, empezando su vocacin de desarrollo espiritual desde muy temprana edad. Creci en Suiza donde impulso su inters por las propiedades curativas de las hierbas y la importancia del uso de terapias naturales para llevar una vida saludable. Con tan solo 17 aos, y sin haber terminado su bachillerato, ya dictaba seminarios corporativos sobre manejo de estrs y poder mental para grupos de ms de 30 personas! Erika reside en Estados Unidos desde 1997, donde hizo su carrera en gerencia de negocios internacionales.Trabaj activamente en el mundo de las telecomunicaciones por ms de nueve aos como directora de ventas y gerente regional y logr mantener un exitoso y armonioso estilo de vida cumpliendo horarios, reportes de productividad, entrenando personal, logrando metas, etc. simultneamente, llevando a cabo un desarrollo espiritual. Constantemente guiada por el principio de la felicidad interna, meditacin, y el continuo deseo de balance integral, Erika ha tenido la oportunidad de viajar alrededor del mundo y recibir enseanzas directas de maestros en India, Tailandia, USA, Colombia (entre otros) Actualmente est cursando su Maestra en Herbologa y Naturopata. Esta certificada como Stress Management Coach, es Aroma-terapeuta, sanadora Prnica bajo la guianza de Master Choa Kok Sui y Stephen Co. Adems, lleva aos de estudios en meditacin y filosofa Budista. Sigue el linaje Mayahana y es practicante de Shambhala siguiendo las enseanzas de Chgyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Su inters por los avances cientficos la ha llevado a participar en seminarios de neurociencia, fsica quntica y salud quntica. Ha trabajado con eminencias en neurociencia, filosofa de la mente y ciencia cognitiva como Evan Thompson, Dr. Richard Davidson, Dr. Erwin Cruz y Greg Kramer. Erika habla ingls, francs y espaol; siendo esta una herramienta vital que le ha permitido viajar y ensenar seminarios y talleres en Europa, Norte y Sur Amrica. Sus cursos estn diseados para crear balance y armona entre los aspectos fsicos, emocionales y espirituales a los que se enfrentan las personas y empresas, as guindolas a fomentar un ambiente positivo. Su espritu carismtico la ha llevado a convertirse en una entrenadora de vida que te hace pensar y sacude tu alma convirtindote en un Better Human! Tu mente siempre ser tu farmacia ms cercana! Erika Ramelli

Erika Ramelli
Dallas Yoga & Wellness Center 4525 Lemmon Ave. Ste. 305 Dallas, TX 75219 214-988 1113 erika@betterhumans.net betterhumans.net Facebook: Erika Ramelli Twitter: @eramelli

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