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Endocrine system:

Conns syndrome: too much aldosterone S&S: aldosterone retains to much sodium and water, increasing BP (headaches, blurred vision, fatigue), and lowering potassium ( muscle cramps & weakness, numbness, and temporary paralysis), increase urine and thirst

Graves disease- hyperthyroidism too much energy S&S: lose weight, high BP, HR, exopthalmos (bulging eyes), increase anxiety, restlessness, irregular menstrual periods, lose hair, increase appetizer, heat intolerance, swollen thyroid glands (goiter), decrease TSH (0.5-5.5), increase T3 and T3 (4.5-12.5), bumps in forehead and hands

Myxedema- hypothyroidism- not enough production of thyriod S&S: Gain weight, constipation, fatigue, weakness, depression, cold intolerance, increase TSH (0.5-5.5) and decrease T3 and T4 (4.5-12.5), thin hair, eyebrows, thickness of skin, heavier menstrual periods, paleness, muscle/ joints pain, increase cholesterol (>200), anemia, increase liver enzymes

Hyperparathyroidism Increase PTH hormone (increase calcium and vitamin D, decrease phosphorus) S&S: Too much calcium (bone/joint, muscle weakness, pain, fatigue, fracture of long bones (calcium taken from bones, decrease height), depressant-9-10.1), decrease phosphorus (2.4-4.1), PTH also causes too much vitamin D and helps prevent loss of calcium in the urine, increase thirst, loss of appetite

Hypoparathyroidism: Decrease PTH hormone (low calcium, high phosphorus, low magnesium) S&S: cataracts, brittle nails, dry hair/skin, muscle cramps, tingling lips/fingers/toes, tetany (muscle spasms), seizure, weak tooth, painful menstruation

Cushing syndrome: increase cortisol steroid (decrease immune system, breakdown of lipids/proteins, inhibits insulin, increase aldosterone, decrease calcium) S&S: increase aldosterone (increase BP- headaches, blurred vision/decrease potassium- muscle cramps/weakness), decrease immune system (high WBC), inhibits insulin (increase glucose), decrease calcium (tetany, muscle spasm), upper body obesity and thin extremities, moon face, woman (increase facial hair, irregular/stop menstrual period), male (decrease sex appetite, impotence, decrease fertility), mental changes (anxiety, depression, behavior changes), acne, purple marks, easy bruising, buffalo lump

Addison disease: decrease cortisol steroid S&S: lose weight, petechaie, low BP (increase HR trying to pump blood, paleness), increase potassium (muscle twitching), increase calcium (extreme weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, slow movement), decrease glucose, N/V, diarrhea, mouth lesions

Diabetic ketoacidosis- This is first sign of diabetic (an attack instead of a disease)- insulin decrease sugar and potassium S&S: deep/rapid breathing, fruity breath odor, N/V, Stomach pain, dry skin, fatigue, muscle stiffness, warm skin, gradual onset, (3ps) polyuria (increase urine output), polyphagia (excessive hunger), polydipsia (excessive thirst),

Hyperglycemia- High blood sugar (70-110) High fiber diet keep sugar level steady (slow down absorption) S&S: Increase glucose levels (70-110), OGTT (>200 after 2hr), fatigue, blurry vision, weight loss, and 3 Ps o Type 1:Fast Onset, increase respiration, 3 Ps, fatigue, weight loss, N/V o Type 2: Blurry vision, fatigue and 3Ps

Hypoglycemia- (70-110) low blood sugar S&S: Rapid onset, cold sweat, malaise (ill feeling), convulsion, dizziness, headache, weak, faint, seizure, memory loss, hallucinations, different pupil size, pale, muscle pain

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