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SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Hours per Week Field Work/ Lecture Practical Tutorials 04 -02 04 02 -04 02 -04 -02 04 -02 --03 20 04 09 Duration of Exam in Hours 03 03 03 03 03 -15 Marks for I.A. 50 50 50 50 50 50 300 Exam 100 100 100 100 100 -500

Subject Code 10SSE11 10SSE12 10SSE13 10SSE14 10SSE15x 10SCS16

Name of the Subject Topics in Software Engineering - I Topics in Algorithms Topics in Database Systems Web Services Elective I Seminar Total

Total Marks 150 150 150 150 150 50 800

I Semester Elective I 10SSE151 Advances in Compiler Design 10SSE152 Computer Graphics and visualization 10SSE153 Computer Systems Performance Analysis Note: The Internal Assessment marks of 50 for the core subjects with 2 hours of practical will have 30 marks for theory and 20 marks for practical work.

M. Tech Software engineering I SEMESTER TOPICS IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING I Subject Code: 10SSE11 I.A. Marks : 50 Hours/Week : 04 Exam Hours: 03 Total Hours : 52 Exam Marks: 100 1. Introduction and Review of Software Process Models FAQs about Software Engineering; Professional and ethical responsibility;Software process models; Process iteration; Process activities; Computer-Aided Software Engineering. 2. Rapid Software Development, Software Reuse Agile methods; Extreme programming; Rapid application development. Reuse landscape; Design patterns; Generator-based reuse; Application frameworks; Application system reuse. 3. CBSE Components and component models; Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE). 4. Software Evolution: Program evolution dynamics; Software maintenance; Evolution processes; Legacy system evolution. 5. Verification and Validation Planning verification and validation; Software inspections; System testing; Component testing; Test case design; Test automation. 6. Critical Systems, Specifications of Critical Systems What are critical systems? Examples; System dependability, availability and reliability. Risk-driven specification; Safety specification; Security specification; Software reliability specification. 7. Critical Systems Development, Validation Dependable processes; Dependable programming; Fault tolerance and fault tolerant architectures. Reliability validation; Safety assurance; Security assessment; Safety and dependability cases. 8. Distributed Systems Architecture Multiprocessor architectures; Client-Server architectures; Distributed object architectures; Inter-Organizational distributed computing.

9. Real-Time Software Design Real-time systems; System design; Monitoring and control systems; Data acquisition systems. TEXT BOOK: 1. Ian Sommerville: Software Engineering, 8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Roger.S.Pressman: Software Engineering-A Practitioners approach, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007.

TOPICS IN ALGORITHMS Subject Code: 10SSE12` Hours/Week : 04 Total Hours : 52 I.A. Marks : 50 Exam Hours: 03 Exam Marks: 100

1. Review of Analysis Techniques: Growth of Functions: Asymptotic notations; Standard notations and common functions; Recurrences and Solution of Recurrence equations- The substitution method, The recurrence tree method, The master method; Amortized Analysis: Aggregate, Accounting and Potential Methods. 2. Graph Algorithms: Bellman - Ford Algorithm; Single source shortest paths in a DAG; Johnsons Algorithm for sparse graphs; Flow networks and Ford-Fulkerson method; Maximum bipartite matching. 3. Internet Algorithms: Search engines; Ranking web pages; Hashing; Caching, content delivery, and consistent hashing. 4. Number -Theoretic Algorithms: Elementary notions; GCD; Modular Arithmetic; Solving modular linear equations; The Chinese remainder theorem; Powers of an element; RSA cryptosystem; Primality testing; Integer factorization. 5. String-Matching Algorithms: Nave string Matching; Rabin - Karp algorithm; String matching with finite automata; Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm; Boyer Moore algorithms. 6. Probabilistic and Randomized Algorithms: Probabilistic algorithms; Randomizing deterministic algorithms, Monte Carlo and Las Vegas algorithms; Probabilistic numeric algorithms. Laboratory Work: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Design, develop, and run a program in any language to implement the Bellman-Ford algorithm and determine its performance. Design, develop, and run a program in any language to implement Johnsons algorithm and determine its performance. Design, develop, and run a program in any language to implement a Monte Carlo algorithm to test the primality of a given integer and determine its performance. Design, develop, and run a program in any language to solve the string matching problem using nave approach and the KMP algorithm and compare their performances. Design, develop, and run a program in any language to solve modular linear equations. Design, develop, and run a program in any language to implement a Page Ranking algorithm.

TEXT BOOKS: 1. T. H Cormen, C E Leiserson, R L Rivest and C Stein: Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition, PrenticeHall of India, 2010. 2. Kenneth A. Berman, Jerome L. Paul: Algorithms, Cengage Learning, 2002. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, S.Rajasekharan: Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, 2nd Edition, Universities press, 2007.

TOPICS IN DATA BASE SYSTEMS Subject Code: 10SSE13 Hours/Week : 04 I.A. Marks : 50 Exam Hours: 03

Total Hours : 52

Exam Marks: 100

1. Review of Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints: Relational model concepts; Relational model constraints and relational database schemas; Update operations, transactions and dealing with constraint violations. 2. Object and Object-Relational Databases: Overview of Object-Oriented Concepts Objects, Encapsulation, Type and class hierarchies, complex objects; Object model of ODMG, Object definition Language ODL; Object Query Language OQL; Overview of C++ language binding; Conceptual design of Object database. Overview of object relational features of SQL; Object-relational features of Oracle; Implementation and related issues for extended type systems; The nested relational model. 3. Enhanced Data Models for Some Advanced Applications: Active database concepts and triggers; Temporal, Spatial, and Deductive Databases Basic concepts. 4. Data Mining and Information Retrieval: Decision-support systems; Data analysis and OLAP; Data Warehousing; Data mining; Overview of information retrieval; Relevance ranking using terms; Relevance using hyperlinks; Synonyms, Homonyms, and Ontologies; Indexing of documents; Measuring retrieval effectiveness; Web search engines; Information retrieval and structured data; Directories. 5. Parallel Databases: Introduction; I/O Parallelism; Interquery parallelism; Intraquery parallelism; Intraoperation parallelism; Interoperation parallelism; Design of parallel systems. 6. Distributed Databases: Homogeneous and heterogeneous databases; Distributed storage; Distributed transactions; Concurrency control in distributed databases; Availability; Distributed query processing; Heterogeneous distributed databases; Directory systems. 7. More Recent Applications: Mobile databases; Multimedia databases; Geographical Information Systems; Genome data management. Laboratory Work: (The following tasks can be implemented on Oracle or any other suitable RDBMS with support Object features) 1. 2. 3. Develop a database application to demonstrate storing and retrieving of BLOB and CLOB objects. Develop a database application to demonstrate the representation of multivalued attributes, and the use of nested tables to represent complex objects. Write suitable queries to demonstrate their use. Design and develop a suitable Student Database application. One of the attributes to me maintained is the attendance of a student in each subject for which he/she has enrolled. Using TRIGGERS, write active rules to do the following: a. Whenever the attendance is updated, check if the attendance is less than 85%; if so, notify the Head of the Department concerned. b. Whenever, the marks in an Internal Assessment Test are entered, check if the marks are less than 40%; if so, notify the Head of the Department concerned. Design, develop, and execute a program in a language of your choice to implement the algorithm for determining relevance of a document using TF-IDF approach and demonstrate its working against suitable data.


TEXT BOOKS: 1. Elmasri and Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007. 2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan: Database System Concepts, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2010. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke: Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2003. 2. Connolly and Begg: Database Systems, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.


Subject Code: 10SSE14 Hours/Week : 04 Total Hours : 52

I.A. Marks : 50 Exam Hours: 03 Exam Marks: 100

1. Introduction: The basics of Web Services; An example; Next generation of the Web; Interacting with Web Services; The echnology of Web Services; XML for business collaboration: ebXML; Web Services versus other technologies; Additional technologies. 2. XML: An example; Instance and schema; Processing XML documents; Namespaces; Transformation; XML specifications and information. 3. WSDL: Basics; WSDL elements; The extensible WSDL framework; Importing WSDL elements; WSDLRelated Namespaces; Extensions for binding to SOAP. 4. SOAP: Example; The SOAP specifications; SOAP message processing; SOAP use of Namespaces; Changes in the V1.2 draft; SOAP Multipart MIME; Attachments; SOAP I the context of existing systems; Future directions. 5. UDDI Registry: The UDDI organization; The concepts underlying UDDI; How UDDI works? UDDI SOAP APIs; Usage scenarios; Using WSDL with UDDI; UDDI for private use; UDDI support for SOAP, Complex business relationships, and UNICODE. 6. EBXML: Overview of ebXML; ebXML specifications. 7. Implementation: Implementation architectures; Major implementation streams; .NET; J2EE Application Servers. 8. Some More Issues: Transaction Management; Security; Practical considerations; Future standards. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Eric Newcomer: Understanding Web Services XML, WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI, Pearson , 2002. 2. James McGovern et al: Java Web Services Architecture, Elsevier, 2003. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Aaron E. Walsh: UDDI, SOAP, and WSDL The Web Services Specification Reference Book, Prentice Hall PTR, 2000. 2. Relevant web Sites.

ADVANCES IN COMPILER DESIGN Subject Code: 10SSE151 Hours/Week : 04 Total Hours : 52 I.A. Marks : 50 Exam Hours: 03 Exam Marks: 100

1. Introduction and Review: Language processors; The structure of a Compiler; The evolution of programming languages; The science of building a compiler; Applications of Compiler technology; Programming language basics. 2. Topics in Code Generation: Issues in the design of Code Generator; Peephole optimization; Register allocation and assignment; Instruction selection by tree rewriting; Optimal code generation for expressions; Dynamic programming code generation. 3. Machine-Independent Optimizations: The principle sources of optimization; Introduction to data flow analysis; Foundations of data flow analysis; Constant propagation; Partial-redundancy elimination; Loops in flow graphs; Region-based analysis; Symbolic analysis. 4. Instruction-Level Parallelism: Process architectures; Code-scheduling constraints; Basic-block scheduling; Global code scheduling; Software pipelining.

5. Optimizing for Parallelism and Locality: Basic concepts; An example of matrix multiplication; Iteration spaces; Affine array indexes; Data reuse; Array data dependence analysis; Finding synchronization-free parallelism; Synchronization between parallel loops; Pipelining; Locality optimizations.

TEXT BOOKS: 1. Alfred V Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D Ullman: Compilers - Principles, Techniques and Tools, 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2007. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Charles N. Fischer, Richard J. leBlanc, Jr.: Crafting a Compiler with C, Pearson, 1991. 2. Andrew W Apple: Modern Compiler Implementation in C, Cambridge University Press, 1997. 3. Kenneth C Louden: Compiler Construction Principles & Practice, Cengage Learning, 1997.

COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND VISUALIZATION Subject Code: 10SSE152 Hours/Week : 04 Total Hours : 52 I.A. Marks : 50 Exam Hours: 03 xam Marks: 100

1. Introduction: Applications of computer graphics; A graphics system; Images: Physical and synthetic; Imaging systems; The synthetic camera model; The programmers interface; Graphics architectures; Programmable pipelines; Performance characteristics. Graphics Programming: The Sierpinski gasket; Programming two-dimensional applications. 2. The OpenGL: The OpenGL API; Primitives and attributes; Color; Viewing; Control functions; The Gasket program; Polygons and recursion; The three-dimensional gasket; Plotting implicit functions. 3. Input and Interaction: Interaction; Input devices; Clients and servers; Display lists; Display lists and modeling; Programming event-driven input; Menus; Picking; A simple CAD program; Building interactive models; Animating interactive programs; Design of interactive programs; Logic operations. 4. Geometric Objects and Transformations: Scalars, points, and vectors; Three-dimensional primitives; Coordinate systems and frames; Modeling a colored cube; Affine transformations; Rotation, translation and scaling. Transformations in homogeneous coordinates; Concatenation of transformations; OpenGL transformation matrices; Interfaces to three-dimensional applications; Quaternions. 5. Viewing: Classical and computer viewing; Viewing with a computer; Positioning of the camera; Simple projections; Projections in OpenGL; Hidden-surface removal; Interactive mesh displays; Parallel-projection matrices; Perspective-projection matrices; Projections and shadows. 6. Lighting and Shading: Light and matter; Light sources; The Phong lighting model; Computation of vectors; Polygonal shading; Approximation of a sphere by recursive subdivisions; Light sources in OpenGL; Specification of materials in OpenGL; Shading of the sphere model; Global illumination. 7. Curves and surfaces: Representation of curves and surfaces; Design criteria; Parametric cubic polynomial curves; Interpolation; Hermite curves and surfaces; Bezier curves and surfaces; Cubic B-Splines; General BSplines; Rendering curves and surfaces; Curves and surfaces in OpenGL. Text Book: 1. Edward Angel: Interactive Computer Graphics A Top-Down Approach with OpenGL, 5th Edition, Pearson, 2009.

Reference Books: 1. 2. Donald Hearn and Pauline Baker: Computer Graphics- OpenGL Version, 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2004. F.S. Hill,Jr.: Computer Graphics Using OpenGL,2nd Edition, Pearson, 2001.


James D Foley, Andries Van Dam, Steven K Feiner, John F Hughes, Computer Graphics, Addisonwesley 1997.

COMPUTER SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Subject Code: 10SSE153 Hours/Week : 04 Total Hours : 52 I.A. Marks : 50 Exam Hours: 03 Exam Marks: 100

1. Introduction: The art of Performance Evaluation; Common Mistakes in Performance Evaluation, A Systematic Approach to Performance Evaluation, Selecting an Evaluation Technique, Selecting Performance Metrics, Commonly used Performance Metrics, Utility Classification of Performance Metrics, Setting Performance Requirements. 2. Workloads, Workload Selection and Characterization: Types of Work loads, addition instructions, Instruction mixes, Kernels; Synthetic programs, Application benchmarks, Popular benchmarks. Work load Selection: Services exercised, level of detail; Representativeness; Timeliness, Other considerations in workload selection. Work load characterization Techniques: Terminology; Averaging, Specifying dispersion, Single Parameter Histograms, Multi Parameter Histograms, Principle Component Analysis, Markov Models, Clustering. 3. Monitors, Program Execution Monitors and Accounting Logs: Monitors: Terminology and classification; Software and hardware monitors, Software versus hardware monitors, Firmware and hybrid monitors, Distributed System Monitors, Program Execution Monitors and Accounting Logs, Program Execution Monitors, Techniques for Improving Program Performance, Accounting Logs, Analysis and Interpretation of Accounting log data, Using accounting logs to answer commonly asked questions. 4. Capacity Planning and Benchmarking: Steps in capacity planning and management; Problems in Capacity Planning; Common Mistakes in Benchmarking; Benchmarking Games; Load Drivers; Remote-Terminal Emulation; Components of an RTE; Limitations of RTEs. 5. Experimental Design and and Analysis: Introduction: Terminology, Common mistakes in experiments, Types of experimental designs, 2k Factorial Designs, Concepts, Computation of effects, Sign table method for computing effects; Allocation of variance; General 2 k Factorial Designs, General full factorial designs with k factors: Model, Analysis of a General Design, Informal Methods. 6. Queuing Models: Introduction: Queuing Notation; Rules for all Queues; Littles Law, Types of Stochastic Process. Analysis of Single Queue: Birth-Death Processes; M/M/1 Queue; M/M/m Queue; M/M/m/B Queue with finite buffers; Results for other M/M/1 Queuing Systems. Queuing Networks: Open and Closed Queuing Networks; Product form networks, queuing Network models of Computer Systems. Operational Laws: Utilization Law; Forced Flow Law; Littles Law; General Response Time Law; Interactive Response Time Law; Bottleneck Analysis; Mean Value Analysis and Related Techniques; Analysis of Open Queuing Networks; Mean Value Analysis; Approximate MVA; Balanced Job Bounds; Convolution Algorithm, Distribution of Jobs in a System, Convolution Algorithm for Computing G(N), Computing Performance using G(N), Timesharing Systems, Hierarchical Decomposition of Large Queuing Networks: Load Dependent Service Centres, Hierarchichal Decomposition, Limitations of Queuing Theory. Text Book: 1. Raj Jain: The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, 2007. Reference Books: 1. Paul J Fortier, Howard E Michel: computer Systems Performance Evaluation and prediction, Elsevier, 2003. 2. Trivedi K S: Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications, 2nd Edition, Wiley India, 2001.

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