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Hard disk is changed and system couldn`t start

Failure symptom: aIter partitioning hard disk, copy the date oI original disk to the new one. This
process is always normal, but aIter removing the original hard disk, the new one could not let the
computer start. System prompts: 'PRESS A KEY RESTART.
Failure analysis and solution: it`s estimated that the primary partition oI the new disk hasn`t
been activated yet, which causes the problem that disk could not boot. Here`s the solution: just
start to DOS OS with Windows 98 boot disc, rerun FDISK, activate the primary partition oI the
new disk.

2. Partition problem Ior big capacitance disk
Failure symptom: when connect the new bought 120G disk to the computer, BIOS could inspect
the disk and recognize the capacitance correctly, but when use FDISK to partition, the disk
capacitance inspected is not correct.
Failure analysis and solution: Ior the partition that FDISK Iails to run, you can try DM or
DISKGEN or some other soItware to partition the disk. Because FDISK doesn`t support big
capacitance hard disk, while DM and DISKGEN have not that capacitance limitation.

3. To solve the physical bad track oI hard disk
Failure symptom: a 20GB hard disk oI 3 partitions: 4G Ior drive C, 6G Ior drive D, the
rest space is allocated Ior drive E. Recently there`s a Iailure appearing, every time
when start up the computer, disk scanner would begin scanning drive D, besides,
when the scanning goes to 10, it stops. AIter skipping the disk scanner, the
computer could work normally again.
Failure analysis and solution: it should be caused by physical bad track. Generally,
as physical disk bad track could not be repaired, so it would be better to shield the
bad track. You can start the computer with Windows 98 system disc, run Idisk
command to repartition the disk, 4G Ior drive C, 1.4G space Ior drive D (as the
disk scanner could not pass when scan to 10 oI the drive D, as mainly we can
calculate the position oI the bad section, which is on 4'20'4'105.6G oI
the disk), and then divide 500MB space Ior drive E (in order to include the entire
bad section within on a single partition, so divide bad section space a little big).
And divide about 4G Ior drive F, at last, the rest space is Ior drive G. AIter space
division, delete the drive E where the allocated 500MB space is, later the disk
magnetic head would not visit this area again. AIter Iinishing the disk partition,
restart the computer and Iormat the disk, then you can start installing operation
system. AIter Iinishing installing Windows OS, you can unite the original allocated
drive D and drive F into one partition with Partition Magic. In this case, physical
bad track oI the disk would be shielded.

4. Main boot area problem oI unactivated hard disk
Failure symptom: one disk is partitioning, use command 'Iormat C;/S to Iormat disk, and start
the computer Irom disk, and there`s prompt 'Invalid SpeciIication.
Failure analysis and solution: it should be caused because the primary partition oI the disk hasn`t
been activated when partitioning. Start the computer with DOS system disc, rerun FDISK
command and activate the primary partition oI the disk.
5. Solve the disk boot area damage problem
Failure symptom: the computer couldn`t start normally, no matter Irom Iloppy drive, DVD-
ROM/CD-ROM or hard disk, the disk light is always on when starting.

Failure analysis and solution: aIter entering BIOS, it is Iound that BIOS could inspect the disk
parameter correctly. It is estimated that the disk is not damaged, connect the disk as secondary
disk to other computer, start the computer and enter to DOS operation system, with dir command
, you could check up the directory and Iile oI the issued disk. It seems that the partition table oI
the disk is not broken yet, so probably the reason system could not be booted is because the boot
area oI the disk is broken. Use command 'sys to transmit the boot Iile to drive C oI the issued
disk, and then connect the issued disk to the computer singly. Restart the computer and then
system could start. The Iailure is eliminated.
6. 0 track damage problem
Failure symptom: when computer starts, the Iailure appears, and operation system could not
boot. System prompts 'TRACK 0 BAD
Failure analysis and solution: as disk track 0 includes much inIormation, iI it`s broken, the disk
could not work. When Iace such a problem, you can change the disk track 0 to other track. II you
use PUN8.0 tool under Norton tool package DOS to repair disk track 0, then it could work aIter
Iormatting the disk.

7. Deal with disk bad track
Failure symptom: aIter system runs disk scanner, it prompts that there`s bad track.
Failure analysis and solution: there`re only two types oI bad track, one is logical bad track,
namely, when invalid shutdown or application errors appear, system would mark certain section,
such bad track is caused by soItware Iactor and you can repair it by soItware, so it`s called
logical bad track; another one is physical bad track, because on the surIace oI the disk, there`s
impurity or the magnetic head scraps the disk surIace. This bad track is caused because hardware
Iactor and unrepairable. So it is called physical bad track. For disk logical bad track, generally,
we can repair it with the command Scandisk in Windows operation system and use other tool to
scan the disk, even use low Iormat to repair disk logical bad track and eliminate viruses on boot
area. But low Iormat causes great damage to disk; suggest not using this one. But Ior disk
physical bad track, generally, we can divide the disk physical bad track into one partition with
partition soItware, and shield the partition, in case the magnetic head reads/writes the area again
and causes bad track diIusion. However, Ior the disk with physical damage, suggest changing it,
because the physical damage on disk means the liIe oI the disk would not be long.

8. Disk with bad track could not be partitioned
Failure symptom: the disk could not partition, and disk scanner could not pass through.
Failure analysis and solution: it is estimated that the disk has bad track. II bad track is not severe,
you can shield it with Partition Magic. II there`re many bad tracks, suggest changing the disk.

9. Repair the damaged disk by malicious code
Failure symptom: unIortunately, when browsing web pages, the computer gets inIected by some
malicious code. AIter the computer crashes down, hard disk could not be Iound again when
restart, even repartition, it still doesn`t work.
Failure analysis and solution: it`s estimated that malicious code broke the Firmware oI the hard
disk or disk partition table. Generally, this kind oI problems need another disk to boot, check
whether it could be partition or not. II not, check whether you can Iresh new disk`s Firmware, iI
you can Iresh, then suggest updating the Firmware oI the hard disk. iI it still couldn`t be repaired,
you`d better to send it to repair.

10. Error occurs when carry out DeIragment.
Failure symptom: system prompts error when doing deIragment application to the disk.
Failure analysis and solution: actually, the position oI Iile stored on disk is discontinuous,
especially aIter reading the Iile several times. Then it would waste more time Ior op

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