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/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Swiffy runtime version 3.6.1 * * In addition to the Google Terms of Service (http://www.google.

com/accounts/TO S), * Google grants you and the Google Swiffy end users a personal, worldwide, * royalty-free, non-assignable and non-exclusive license to use the Google Swif fy * runtime to host it for Google Swiffy end users and to use it in connection wi th * the Google Swiffy service. */ var g = void 0, h = true, j = null, k = false, aa = window, l = Object, m = document, n = Math, ba = Array, q = Number, da = Error, ea = Boolean, fa = parseInt, r = String, ga = decodeURIComponent; function ha(a, b) { return a.data = b } function ia(a, b) { return a.currentTarget = b } function ja(a, b) { return a.keyCode = b } function ka(a, b) { return a.type = b } function la(a, b) { return a.toString = b } function ma(a, b) { return a.length = b } function na(a, b) { return a.target = b } function oa(a, b) { return a.call = b } function pa(a, b) { return a.start = b } function qa(a, b) {

return a.returnValue = b } function ra(a, b) { return a.apply = b } var N, Vb = this, Wb = function (a) { var b = typeof a; if (b == "object") if (a) { if (a instanceof Array) return "array"; else if (a instanceof Object) return b; var c = Object[prototype][toString][call](a); if (c == "[object Window]") return "object"; if (c == "[object Array]" typeof a[length] == "number" && typeof a[splice] != "undefined" && typeof a[propertyIsEnumerable] != "undefined" && !a[ propertyIsEnumerable]("splice")) return "array"; if (c == "[object Function]" typeof a[call] != "undefined" && typ eof a[propertyIsEnumerable] != "undefined" && !a[propertyIsEnumerable]("call")) return "function" } else return "null"; else if (b == "function" && typeof a[call] == "undefined") return "objec t"; return b }, O = function (a) { return a !== g }, Xb = function (a) { return Wb(a) == "array" }, Yb = function (a) { var b = Wb(a); return b == "array" b == "object" && typeof a[length] == "number" }, P = function (a) { return typeof a == "string" }, Q = function (a) { return Wb(a) == "function" }, Zb = function (a) { a = Wb(a); return a == "object" a == "array" a == "function" }, bc = function (a) { return a[$b] (a[$b] = ++ac) }, $b = "closure_uid_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 2147483648))[toString](36) , ac = 0, cc = function (a, b, c) { return a[call][apply](a.bind, arguments) }, dc = function (a, b, c) { if (!a) throw Error(); if (arguments[length] > 2) { var d = Array[prototype][slice][call](arguments, 2); return function () {

var c = Array[prototype][slice][call](arguments); Array[prototype].unshift[apply](c, d); return a[apply](b, c) } } else return function () { return a[apply](b, arguments) } }, R = function (a, b, c) { R = Function[prototype].bind && Function[prototype].bind[toString]()[ind exOf]("native code") != -1 ? cc : dc; return R[apply](j, arguments) }, ec = function (a, b) { var c = Array[prototype][slice][call](arguments, 1); return function () { var b = Array[prototype][slice][call](arguments); b.unshift[apply](b, c); return a[apply](this, b) } }, T = function (a, b) { function c() {} c.prototype = b[prototype]; a.o = b[prototype]; a.prototype = new c; a[prototype].constructor = a }; var fc = function (a) { this.stack = Error().stack ""; if (a) this.message = String(a) }; T(fc, Error); fc[prototype].name = "CustomError"; var gc = function (a, b) { for (var c = 1; c < arguments[length]; c++) var d = String(arguments[c]) [replace](/\$/g, "$$$$"), a = a[replace](/\%appendChild/, d); return a }, hc = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.!~*'()]*$/, ic = function (a) { a = String(a); return !hc.test(a) ? encodeURIComponent(a) : a }, oc = function (a, b) { if (b) return a[replace](jc, "&amp;")[replace](kc, "&lt;")[replace](lc, "&gt;")[replace](mc, "&quot;"); else { if (!nc.test(a)) return a; a[indexOf]("&") != -1 && (a = a[replace](jc, "&amp;")); a[indexOf]("<") != -1 && (a = a[replace](kc, "&lt;")); a[indexOf](">") != -1 && (a = a[replace](lc, "&gt;")); a[indexOf]('"') != -1 && (a = a[replace](mc, "&quot;")); return a } }, jc = /&/g, kc = /</g, lc = />/g,

mc = /\"/g, nc = /[&<>\"]/, pc = function (a, b) { if (a < b) return -1; else if (a > b) return 1; return 0 }; var qc = function (a, b) { b.unshift(a); fc[call](this, gc[apply](j, b)); b[shift](); this.ih = a }; T(qc, fc); qc[prototype].name = "AssertionError"; var U = function (a, b, c) { if (!a) { var d = Array[prototype][slice][call](arguments, 2), e = "Assertion failed"; if (b) { e += ": " + b; var f = d } throw new qc("" + e, f []); } return a }; var rc = Array[prototype], sc = rc[indexOf] ? function (a, b, c) { U(a[length] != j); return rc[indexOf][call](a, b, c) } : function (a, b, c) { c = c == j ? 0 : c < 0 ? n.max(0, a[length] + c) : c; if (P(a)) return !P(b) b[length] != 1 ? -1 : a[indexOf](b, c); for (; c < a[length]; c++) if (c in a && a[c] === b) return c; return -1 }, tc = rc.forEach ? function (a, b, c) { U(a[length] != j); rc.forEach[call](a, b, c) } : function (a, b, c) { for (var d = a[length], e = P(a) ? a[split]("") : a, f = 0; f < d; f++) f in e && b[call](c, e[f], f, a) }, uc = function (a, b) { var c = sc(a, b), d; if (d = c >= 0) U(a[length] != j), rc[splice][call](a, c, 1); return d }, vc = function (a) { return rc[concat][apply](rc, arguments) }, wc = function (a) { if (Xb(a)) return vc(a); else { for (var b = [], c = 0, d = a[length]; c < d; c++) b[c] = a[c]; return b } }, xc = function (a, b) { for (var c = 1; c < arguments[length]; c++) { var d = arguments[c],

e; if (Xb(d) a, d);

(e = Yb(d)) && d[hasOwnProperty]("callee")) a[push][apply](

else if (e) for (var f = a[length], i = d[length], o = 0; o < i; o++) a[ f + o] = d[o]; else a[push](d) } }, zc = function (a, b, c, d) { U(a[length] != j); return rc[splice][apply](a, yc(arguments, 1)) }, yc = function (a, b, c) { U(a[length] != j); return arguments[length] <= 2 ? rc[slice][call](a, b) : rc[slice][call](a, b , c) }, Ac = function (a, b, c, d, e) { for (var f = 0, i = a[length], o; f < i;) { var p = f + i >> 1, A; A = c ? b[call](e, a[p], p, a) : b(d, a[p]); A > 0 ? f = p + 1 : (i = p, o = !A) } return o ? f : ~f }, Bc = function (a, b) { return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0 }, Cc = function (a, b, c) { c = Ac(a, c Bc, k, b); return c < 0 ? (zc(a, -(c + 1), 0, b), h) : k }; var Dc = function (a, b, c) { for (var d in a) b[call](c, a[d], d, a) }, Ec = "constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocale String,toString,valueOf".split(","), Fc = function (a, b) { for (var c, d, e = 1; e < arguments[length]; e++) { d = arguments[e]; for (c in d) a[c] = d[c]; for (var f = 0; f < Ec[length]; f++) c = Ec[f], Object[prototype][ha sOwnProperty][call](d, c) && (a[c] = d[c]) } }; var Gc, Hc, Ic, Jc, Kc = function () { return Vb[navigator] ? Vb[navigator].userAgent : j }; Jc = Ic = Hc = Gc = k; var Lc; if (Lc = Kc()) { var Mc = Vb[navigator]; Gc = Lc[indexOf]("Opera") == 0; Hc = !Gc && Lc[indexOf]("MSIE") != -1; Ic = !Gc && Lc[indexOf]("WebKit") != -1; Jc = !Gc && !Ic && Mc.product == "Gecko" } var Nc = Gc, Oc = Hc, Pc = Jc, Qc = Ic, Rc = Vb[navigator], Sc = (Rc && Rc.platform "")[indexOf]("Mac") != -1, Tc;

a: { var Uc = "", Vc; if (Nc && Vb.opera) var Wc = Vb.opera.version, Uc = typeof Wc == "function" ? Wc() : Wc; else if (Pc ? Vc = /rv\:([^\);]+)(\) ;)/ : Oc ? Vc = /MSIE\appendChild+([^\) ;]+)(\) ;)/ : Qc && (Vc = /WebKit\/(\S+)/), Vc) var Xc = Vc.exec(Kc()), Uc = Xc ? Xc[1] : ""; if (Oc) { var Yc, Zc = Vb.document; Yc = Zc ? Zc.documentMode : g; if (Yc > parseFloat(Uc)) { Tc = String(Yc); break a } } Tc = Uc } var $c = Tc, ad = {}, bd = function (a) { var b; if (!(b = ad[a])) { b = 0; for (var c = String($c)[replace](/^[\appendChild\xa0]+ [\appendChild \xa0]+$/g, "")[split]("."), d = String(a)[replace](/^[\appendChild\xa0]+ [\appen dChild\xa0]+$/g, "")[split]("."), e = n.max(c[length], d[length]), f = 0; b == 0 && f < e; f++) { var i = c[f] "", o = d[f] "", p = RegExp("(\\d*)(\\toString*)", "g"), A = RegExp("(\\d*)(\\toString*)", "g"); do { var ca = p.exec(i) ["", "", ""], V = A.exec(o) ["", "", ""]; if (ca[0][length] == 0 && V[0][length] == 0) break; b = pc(ca[1][length] == 0 ? 0 : parseInt(ca[1], 10), V[1][le ngth] == 0 ? 0 : parseInt(V[1], 10)) pc(ca[2][length] == 0, V[2][length] == 0 ) pc(ca[2], V[2]) } while (b == 0) } b = ad[a] = b >= 0 } return b }, cd = {}, dd = function (a) { return cd[a] (cd[a] = Oc && document.documentMode && document.documen tMode >= a) }; var ed = !Oc dd(9); !Pc && !Oc Oc && dd(9) Pc && bd("1.9.1"); Oc && bd("9"); var fd = function (a, b) { var c; c = (c = a.className) && typeof c[split] == "function" ? c[split](/\appe ndChild+/) : []; var d = yc(arguments, 1), e; e = c;

for (var f = 0, i = 0; i < d[length]; i++) sc(e, d[i]) >= 0 (e[push]( d[i]), f++); e = f == d[length]; a.className = c[join](" "); return e }; var hd = function (a, b) { Dc(b, function (b, d) { d == "style" ? a[style].cssText = b : d == "class" ? a.className = b : d == "for" ? a.htmlFor = b : d in gd ? a[setAttribute](gd[d], b) : d.lastInde xOf("aria-", 0) == 0 ? a[setAttribute](d, b) : a[d] = b }) }, gd = { cellpadding: "cellPadding", cellspacing: "cellSpacing", colspan: "colSpan", rowspan: "rowSpan", valign: "vAlign", height: "height", width: "width", usemap: "useMap", frameborder: "frameBorder", maxlength: "maxLength", type: "type" }, jd = function (a, b, c) { var d = arguments, e = d[0], f = d[1]; if (!ed && f && (f[name] f[type])) { e = ["<", e]; f[name] && e[push](' name="', oc(f[name]), '"'); if (f[type]) { e[push](' type="', oc(f[type]), '"'); var i = {}; Fc(i, f); f = i; delete f[type] } e[push](">"); e = e[join]("") } e = document[createElement](e); if (f) P(f) ? e.className = f : Xb(f) ? fd[apply](j, [e][concat](f)) : h d(e, f); d[length] > 2 && id(document, e, d, 2); return e }, id = function (a, b, c, d) { function e(c) { c && b[appendChild](P(c) ? a[createTextNode](c) : c) } for (; d < c[length]; d++) { var f = c[d]; Yb(f) && !(Zb(f) && f.nodeType > 0) ? tc(kd(f) ? wc(f) : f, e) : e(f ) } }, ld = function (a) {

for (var b; b = a.firstChild;) a[removeChild](b) }, md = function (a) { return a && a[parentNode] ? a[parentNode][removeChild](a) : j }, nd = function (a, b) { var c = b[parentNode]; c && c.replaceChild(a, b) }, kd = function (a) { if (a && typeof a[length] == "number") if (Zb(a)) return typeof a.item = = "function" typeof a.item == "string"; else if (Q(a)) return typeof a.item == "function"; return k }; var od = function (a) { od[" "](a); return a }; od[" "] = function () {}; !Oc dd(9); var pd = !Oc dd(9), qd = Oc && !bd("8"); var rd = function () {}; rd[prototype].We = k; rd[prototype].hc = function () { if (!this.We) this.We = h, this.play() }; rd[prototype].play = function () { this.Cg && sd[apply](j, this.Cg) }; var sd = function (a) { for (var b = 0, c = arguments[length]; b < c; ++b) { var d = arguments[b]; Yb(d) ? sd[apply](j, d) : d && typeof d.hc == "function" && d.hc() } }; var td = function (a, b) { ka(this, a); na(this, b); ia(this, this[target]) }; T(td, rd); N = td[prototype]; N.play = function () { delete this[type]; delete this[target]; delete this.currentTarget }; N.body = k; N.nc = h; N.stopPropagation = function () { this.body = h }; N.preventDefault = function () { this.nc = k }; var ud = function (a, b) { a && this[init](a, b) };

T(ud, td); N = ud[prototype]; na(N, j); N.relatedTarget = j; N.offsetX = 0; N.offsetY = 0; N.clientX = 0; N.clientY = 0; N.screenX = 0; N.screenY = 0; N.button = 0; ja(N, 0); N.charCode = 0; N.ctrlKey = k; N.altKey = k; N.shiftKey = k; N.metaKey = k; N.hg = k; N.POSITIVE_INFINITY = j; N.init = function (a, b) { var c = ka(this, a[type]); td[call](this, c); na(this, a[target] a.srcElement); ia(this, b); var d = a.relatedTarget; if (d) { if (Pc) { var e; a: { try { od(d.nodeName); e = h; break a } catch (f) {} e = k } e (d = j) } } else if (c == "mouseover") d = a.fromElement; else if (c == "mouseout") d = a.toElement; this.relatedTarget = d; this.offsetX = a.offsetX !== g ? a.offsetX : a.layerX; this.offsetY = a.offsetY !== g ? a.offsetY : a.layerY; this.clientX = a.clientX !== g ? a.clientX : a.pageX; this.clientY = a.clientY !== g ? a.clientY : a.pageY; this.screenX = a.screenX 0; this.screenY = a.screenY 0; this.button = a.button; ja(this, a[keyCode] 0); this.charCode = a[charCode] (c == "keypress" ? a[keyCode] : 0); this.ctrlKey = a[ctrlKey]; this.altKey = a.altKey; this.shiftKey = a.shiftKey; this.metaKey = a.metaKey; this.hg = Sc ? a.metaKey : a[ctrlKey]; this.state = a.state; this.POSITIVE_INFINITY = a; delete this.nc; delete this.body };

N.stopPropagation = function () { ud.o[stopPropagation][call](this); this.POSITIVE_INFINITY[stopPropagation] ? this.POSITIVE_INFINITY[stopPropaga tion]() : this.POSITIVE_INFINITY.cancelBubble = h }; N.preventDefault = function () { ud.o[preventDefault][call](this); var a = this.POSITIVE_INFINITY; if (a[preventDefault]) a[preventDefault](); else if (qa(a, k), qd) try { (a[ctrlKey] a[keyCode] >= 112 && a[keyCode] <= 123) && ja(a, -1) } catch (b) {} }; N.play = function () { ud.o.play[call](this); this.POSITIVE_INFINITY = j; na(this, j); ia(this, j); this.relatedTarget = j }; var vd = function () {}, wd = 0; N = vd[prototype]; N.key = 0; N.filters = k; N.Qe = k; N.init = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { if (Q(a)) this.Oe = h; else if (a && a[$a] && Q(a[$a])) this.Oe = k; else throw Error("Invalid listener argument"); this.mc = a; this.De = b; this.src = c; ka(this, d); this.capture = !! e; this.Ed = f; this.Qe = k; this.key = ++wd; this.filters = k }; N.handleEvent = function (a) { return this.Oe ? this.mc[call](this.Ed this.src, a) : this.mc[$a][call](t his.mc, a) }; var xd = {}, yd = {}, zd = {}, Ad = {}, W = function (a, b, c, d, e) { if (b) if (Xb(b)) { for (var f = 0; f < b[length]; f++) W(a, b[f], c, d, e); return j } else { var d = !! d, i = yd; b in i (i[b] = { indexOf: 0, na: 0 }); i = i[b];

d in i (i[d] = { indexOf: 0, na: 0 }, i.indexOf++); var i = i[d], o = bc(a), p; i.na++; if (i[o]) { p = i[o]; for (f = 0; f < p[length]; f++) if (i = p[f], i.mc == c && i.Ed == e) { if (i.filters) break; return p[f].key } } else p = i[o] = [], i.indexOf++; f = Bd(); f.src = a; i = new vd; i[init](c, f, a, b, d, e); c = i.key; f.key = c; p[push](i); xd[c] = i; zd[o] (zd[o] = []); zd[o][push](i); a.addEventListener ? (a == Vb !a.Ee) && a.addEventListener(b, f, d) : a.attachEvent(b in Ad ? Ad[b] : Ad[b] = "on" + b, f); return c } else throw Error("Invalid event type"); }, Bd = function () { var a = Cd, b = pd ? function (c) { return a[call](b.src, b.key, c) } : function (c) { c = a[call](b.src, b.key, c); if (!c) return c }; return b }, Dd = function (a, b, c, d, e) { if (Xb(b)) { for (var f = 0; f < b[length]; f++) Dd(a, b[f], c, d, e); return j } d = !! d; a: { f = yd; if (b in f && (f = f[b], d in f && (f = f[d], a = bc(a), f[a]))) { a = f[a]; break a } a = j } if (!a) return k; for (f = 0; f < a[length]; f++) if (a[f].mc == c && a[f][capture] == d & & a[f].Ed == e) return Ed(a[f].key); return k

}, Ed = function (a) { if (!xd[a]) return k; var b = xd[a]; if (b.filters) return k; var c = b.src, d = b[type], e = b.De, f = b[capture]; c.removeEventListener ? (c == Vb !c.Ee) && c.removeEventListener(d, e , f) : c.detachEvent && c.detachEvent(d in Ad ? Ad[d] : Ad[d] = "on" + d, e); c = bc(c); e = yd[d][f][c]; if (zd[c]) { var i = zd[c]; uc(i, b); i[length] == 0 && delete zd[c] } b.filters = h; e.Ke = h; Fd(d, f, c, e); delete xd[a]; return h }, Fd = function (a, b, c, d) { if (!d.$c && d.Ke) { for (var e = 0, f = 0; e < d[length]; e++) d[e].filters ? d[e].De.sr c = j : (e != f && (d[f] = d[e]), f++); ma(d, f); d.Ke = k; f == 0 && (delete yd[a][b][c], yd[a][b].indexOf--, yd[a][b].indexOf == 0 && (delete yd[a][b], yd[a].indexOf--), yd[a].indexOf == 0 && delete yd[a]) } }, Gd = function (a, b, c) { var d = 0, e = b == j, f = c == j, c = !! c; if (a == j) Dc(zd, function (a) { for (var i = a[length] - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var o = a[i]; if ((e b == o[type]) && (f c == o[capture])) Ed(o.key), d+ + } }); else if (a = bc(a), zd[a]) for (var a = zd[a], i = a[length] - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) { var o = a[i]; if ((e b == o[type]) && (f c == o[capture])) Ed(o.key), d++ } return d }, Id = function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = 1, b = bc(b); if (a[b]) { a.na--; a = a[b]; a.$c ? a.$c++ : a.$c = 1;

try { for (var i = a[length], o = 0; o < i; o++) { var p = a[o]; p && !p.filters && (f &= Hd(p, e) !== k) } } finally { a.$c--, Fd(c, d, b, a) } } return Boolean(f) }, Hd = function (a, b) { var c = a[$a](b); a.Qe && Ed(a.key); return c }, Cd = function (a, b) { if (!xd[a]) return h; var c = xd[a], d = c[type], e = yd; if (!(d in e)) return h; var e = e[d], f, i; if (!pd) { var o; if (!(o = b)) a: { o = "window.event" [split]("."); for (var p = Vb; f = o[shift]();) if (p[f] != j) p = p[f]; else { o = j; break a } o = p } f = o; o = h in e; p = k in e; if (o) { if (f[keyCode] < 0 f[returnValue] != g) return h; a: { var A = k; if (f[keyCode] == 0) try { ja(f, -1); break a } catch (ca) { A = h }(A f[returnValue] == g) && qa(f, h) } } A = new ud; A[init](f, this); f = h; try { if (o) { for (var V = [], eb = A.currentTarget; eb; eb = eb[parentNod e]) V[push](eb); i = e[h]; i.na = i.indexOf; for (var I = V[length] - 1; !A.body && I >= 0 && i.na; I--)

ia(A, V[I]), f &= Id(i, V[I], d, h, A); if (p) { i = e[k]; i.na = i.indexOf; for (I = 0; !A.body && I < V[length] && i.na; I++) ia(A, V[I]), f &= Id(i, V[I], d, k, A) } } else f = Hd(c, A) } finally { V && ma(V, 0), A.hc() } return f } d = new ud(b, this); try { f = Hd(c, d) } finally { d.hc() } return f }; var Jd = function () {}; T(Jd, rd); N = Jd[prototype]; N.Ee = h; N.Bd = j; N.addEventListener = function (a, b, c, d) { W(this, a, b, c, d) }; N.removeEventListener = function (a, b, c, d) { Dd(this, a, b, c, d) }; N.dispatchEvent = function (a) { var b = a[type] a, c = yd; if (b in c) { if (P(a)) a = new td(a, this); else if (a instanceof td) na(a, a[target] this); else { var d = a, a = new td(b, this); Fc(a, d) } var d = 1, e, c = c[b], b = h in c, f; if (b) { e = []; for (f = this; f; f = f.Bd) e[push](f); f = c[h]; f.na = f.indexOf; for (var i = e[length] - 1; !a.body && i >= 0 && f.na; i--) ia(a, e[ i]), d &= Id(f, e[i], a[type], h, a) && a.nc != k } if (k in c) if (f = c[k], f.na = f.indexOf, b) for (i = 0; !a.body && i < e[length] && f.na; i++) ia(a, e[i]), d &= Id(f, e[i], a[type], k, a) && a.nc ! = k; else for (e = this; !a.body && e && f.na; e = e.Bd) ia(a, e), d &= Id(f, e, a[type], k, a) && a.nc != k;

a = Boolean(d) } else a = h; return a }; N.play = function () { Jd.o.play[call](this); Gd(this); this.Bd = j }; var Ld = function (a, b, c, d, e) { if (!Oc && (!Qc !bd("525"))) return h; if (Sc && e) return Kd(a); if (e && !d) return k; if (!c && (b == 17 b == 18)) return k; if (Oc && d && b == a) return k; switch (a) { case 13: return !(Oc && dd(9)); case 27: return !Qc } return Kd(a) }, Kd = function (a) { if (a >= 48 && a <= 57) return h; if (a >= 96 && a <= 106) return h; if (a >= 65 && a <= 90) return h; if (Qc && a == 0) return h; switch (a) { case 32: case 63: case 107: case 109: case 110: case 111: case 186: case 59: case 189: case 187: case 188: case 190: case 191: case 192: case 222: case 219: case 220: case 221: return h; default: return k } }; var Md = function (a, b) { a && this.Bg(a, b) }; T(Md, Jd); N = Md[prototype]; N.sc = j; N.bd = j; N.Ld = j;

N.cd = j; N.name = -1; N.$a = -1; var Nd = { 3: 13, 12: 144, 63232: 38, 63233: 40, 63234: 37, 63235: 39, 63236: 112, 63237: 113, 63238: 114, 63239: 115, 63240: 116, 63241: 117, 63242: 118, 63243: 119, 63244: 120, 63245: 121, 63246: 122, 63247: 123, 63248: 44, 63272: 46, 63273: 36, 63275: 35, 63276: 33, 63277: 34, 63289: 144, 63302: 45 }, Od = { Up: 38, Down: 40, Left: 37, Right: 39, Enter: 13, F1: 112, F2: 113, F3: 114, F4: 115, F5: 116, F6: 117, F7: 118, F8: 119, F9: 120, F10: 121, F11: 122, F12: 123, "U+007F": 46, Home: 36, End: 35, PageUp: 33, PageDown: 34, Insert: 45 }, Pd = { 61: 187, 59: 186 },

Qd = Oc Qc && bd("525"); N = Md[prototype]; N.kg = function (a) { if (Qc && (this.name == 17 && !a[ctrlKey] this.name == 18 && !a.altKey)) this.$a = this.name = -1; Qd && !Ld(a[keyCode], this.name, a.shiftKey, a[ctrlKey], a.altKey) ? this[$a ](a) : this.$a = Pc && a[keyCode] in Pd ? Pd[a[keyCode]] : a[keyCode] }; N.lg = function () { this.$a = this.name = -1 }; N.handleEvent = function (a) { var b = a.POSITIVE_INFINITY, c, d; Oc && a[type] == "keypress" ? (c = this.$a, d = c != 13 && c != 27 ? b[keyCo de] : 0) : Qc && a[type] == "keypress" ? (c = this.$a, d = b[charCode] >= 0 && b [charCode] < 63232 && Kd(c) ? b[charCode] : 0) : Nc ? (c = this.$a, d = Kd(c) ? b[keyCode] : 0) : (c = b[keyCode] this.$a, d = b[charCode] 0, Sc && d == 6 3 && !c && (c = 191)); var e = c, f = b.keyIdentifier; c ? c >= 63232 && c in Nd ? e = Nd[c] : c == 25 && a.shiftKey && (e = 9) : f && f in Od && (e = Od[f]); a = e == this.name; this.name = e; b = new Rd(e, d, a, b); try { this.dispatchEvent(b) } finally { b.hc() } }; N.Bg = function (a, b) { this.cd && this.detach(); this.sc = a; this.bd = W(this.sc, "keypress", this, b); this.Ld = W(this.sc, "keydown", this.kg, b, this); this.cd = W(this.sc, "keyup", this.lg, b, this) }; N.detach = function () { if (this.bd) Ed(this.bd), Ed(this.Ld), Ed(this.cd), this.cd = this.Ld = this .bd = j; this.sc = j; this.$a = this.name = -1 }; N.play = function () { Md.o.play[call](this); this.detach() }; var Rd = function (a, b, c, d) { d && this[init](d, g); ka(this, "key"); ja(this, a); this.charCode = b; this.repeat = c }; T(Rd, ud); var Sd = function () {}; (function (a) { a.oa = function () {

return a.vg (a.vg = new a) } })(Sd); Sd[prototype].Dg = 0; Sd[prototype].slice = function () { return ":" + (this.Dg++)[toString](36) }; Sd.oa(); var Td = "StopIteration" in Vb ? Vb.StopIteration : Error("StopIteration"), Ud = function () {}; Ud[prototype].next = function () { throw Td; }; Ud[prototype].Ag = function () { return this }; var Vd = function (a, b) { this.states = {}; this.X = []; var c = arguments[length]; if (c > 1) { if (c % 2) throw Error("Uneven number of arguments"); for (var d = 0; d < c; d += 2) this.set(arguments[d], arguments[d + 1]) } else a && this.jg(a) }; N = Vd[prototype]; N.indexOf = 0; N.Jd = 0; N.ad = function () { this.Pd(); for (var a = [], b = 0; b < this.X[length]; b++) a[push](this.states[this.X[ b]]); return a }; N.pc = function () { this.Pd(); return this.X[concat]() }; N.xmax = function (a) { return Object[prototype][hasOwnProperty][call](this.states, a) }; N.Pd = function () { if (this.indexOf != this.X[length]) { for (var a = 0, b = 0; a < this.X[length];) { var c = this.X[a]; Object[prototype][hasOwnProperty][call](this.states, c) && (this.X[b ++] = c); a++ } ma(this.X, b) } if (this.indexOf != this.X[length]) { for (var d = {}, b = a = 0; a < this.X[length];) c = this.X[a], Object[p rototype][hasOwnProperty][call](d, c) (this.X[b++] = c, d[c] = 1), a++; ma(this.X, b) } }; N.get = function (a, b) { return Object[prototype][hasOwnProperty][call](this.states, a) ? this.states

[a] : b }; N.set = function (a, b) { Object[prototype][hasOwnProperty][call](this.states, a) (this.indexOf++, this.X[push](a), this.Jd++); this.states[a] = b }; N.jg = function (a) { var b; if (a instanceof Vd) b = a.pc(), a = a.ad(); else { b = []; var c = 0, d; for (d in a) b[c++] = d; c = []; d = 0; for (var e in a) c[d++] = a[e]; a = c } for (e = 0; e < b[length]; e++) this.set(b[e], a[e]) }; N.Ag = function (a) { this.Pd(); var b = 0, c = this.X, d = this.states, e = this.Jd, f = this, i = new Ud; i.next = function () { for (;;) { if (e != f.Jd) throw Error("The map has changed since the iterator w as created"); if (b >= c[length]) throw Td; var i = c[b++]; return a ? i : d[i] } }; return i }; var Wd = function (a, b, c) { this.navigator = a j; this.Ve = b j; this.wg = !! c }; N = Wd[prototype]; N.trackAsMenu = function () { if (!this.T && (this.T = new Vd, this.indexOf = 0, this.navigator)) for (var a = this.navigator[split]("&"), b = 0; b < a[length]; b++) { var c = a[b][indexOf]("="), d = j, e = j; c >= 0 ? (d = a[b].substring(0, c), e = a[b].substring(c + 1)) : d = a[b ]; d = decodeURIComponent(d[replace](/\+/g, " ")); d = this.__proto__(d); this.add(d, e ? decodeURIComponent(e[replace](/\+/g, " ")) : "") } };

N.T = j; N.indexOf = j; N.add = function (a, b) { this.trackAsMenu(); this.Be(); a = this.__proto__(a); if (this.xmax(a)) { var c = this.T.get(a); Xb(c) ? c[push](b) : this.T.set(a, [c, b]) } else this.T.set(a, b); this.indexOf++; return this }; N.xmax = function (a) { this.trackAsMenu(); a = this.__proto__(a); return this.T.xmax(a) }; N.pc = function () { this.trackAsMenu(); for (var a = this.T.ad(), b = this.T.pc(), c = [], d = 0; d < b[length]; d++ ) { var e = a[d]; if (Xb(e)) for (var f = 0; f < e[length]; f++) c[push](b[d]); else c[push](b[d]) } return c }; N.ad = function (a) { this.trackAsMenu(); if (a) if (a = this.__proto__(a), this.xmax(a)) { var b = this.T.get(a); if (Xb(b)) return b; else a = [], a[push](b) } else a = []; else for (var b = this.T.ad(), a = [], c = 0; c < b[length]; c++) { var d = b[c]; Xb(d) ? xc(a, d) : a[push](d) } return a }; N.set = function (a, b) { this.trackAsMenu(); this.Be(); a = this.__proto__(a); if (this.xmax(a)) { var c = this.T.get(a); Xb(c) ? this.indexOf -= c[length] : this.indexOf-} this.T.set(a, b); this.indexOf++; return this }; N.get = function (a, b) { this.trackAsMenu(); a = this.__proto__(a); if (this.xmax(a)) { var c = this.T.get(a); return Xb(c) ? c[0] : c } else return b

}; la(N, function () { if (this.navigator) return this.navigator; if (!this.T) return ""; for (var a = [], b = 0, c = this.T.pc(), d = 0; d < c[length]; d++) { var e = c[d], f = ic(e), e = this.T.get(e); if (Xb(e)) for (var i = 0; i < e[length]; i++) b > 0 && a[push]("&"), a[ push](f), e[i] !== "" && a[push]("=", ic(e[i])), b++; else b > 0 && a[push]("&"), a[push](f), e !== "" && a[push]("=", ic(e)), b++ } return this.navigator = a[join]("") }); N.Be = function () { delete this.Lg; delete this.navigator; this.Ve && delete this.Ve.Kg }; N.__proto__ = function (a) { a = String(a); this.wg && (a = a[toLowerCase]()); return a }; var X = function (a, b) { this.keyCode = a; this.setAttribute = b }; X[prototype].parseInt = function (a) { var b = this.keyCode * a.b + this.setAttribute * a.d + a.f; this.keyCode = this.keyCode * a.a + this.setAttribute * a.c + a.e; this.setAttribute = b }; var Xd = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; this.d = d; this.e = e; this.f = f }; N = Xd[prototype]; N.xd = function () { var a = this.a * this.d - this.b * this.c; return new Xd(this.d / a, -this.b / a, -this.c / a, this.a / a, (this.c * th is.f - this.d * this.e) / a, (this.b * this.e - this.a * this.f) / a) }; N.gg = function (a) { var b = n.cos(a), a = n.sin(a); return new Xd(this.a * b - this.c * a, this.b * b - this.d * a, this.a * a + this.c * b, this.b * a + this.d * b, this.e, this.f) }; N.fc = function (a, b) { return new Xd(this.a * a, this.b * a, this.c * b, this.d * b, this.e, this.f ) }; N.translate = function (a, b) { return new Xd(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e + a, this.f + b)

}; la(N, function () { return "matrix(" + this.a + " " + this.b + " " + this.c + " " + this.d + " " + this.e + " " + this.f + ")" }); N.multiply = function (a) { return new Xd(this.a * a.a + this.c * a.b, this.b * a.a + this.d * a.b, this .a * a.c + this.c * a.d, this.b * a.c + this.d * a.d, this.a * a.e + this.c * a. f + this.e, this.b * a.e + this.d * a.f + this.f) }; var Yd = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, i, o) { this.getOwnPropertyNames = a; this.preventDefault = b; this.getParent = c; this.getNamedItem = d; this.indent = e; this.createTextNode = f; this.ymax = i; this.setAttributeNS = o }; N = Yd[prototype]; N.Rf = function (a) { return new Yd(this.getOwnPropertyNames * a.getOwnPropertyNames, this.getOwnP ropertyNames * a.preventDefault + this.preventDefault, this.getParent * a.getPar ent, this.getParent * a.getNamedItem + this.getNamedItem, this.indent * a.indent , this.indent * a.createTextNode + this.createTextNode, this.ymax * a.ymax, this .ymax * a.setAttributeNS + this.setAttributeNS) }; ra(N, function (a) { return new Zd(a.charCodeAt * this.getOwnPropertyNames + this.preventDefault, a.returnValue * this.getParent + this.getNamedItem, a.b * this.indent + this.cr eateTextNode, this.te(a.a)) }); N.$f = function (a, b, c) { return new Zd(a * this.getOwnPropertyNames + this.preventDefault, b * this.g etParent + this.getNamedItem, c * this.indent + this.createTextNode, 1) }; N.te = function (a) { return this.ymax * a + this.setAttributeNS / 255 }; N.Of = function () { return this.getOwnPropertyNames == 1 && this.preventDefault == 0 && this.get Parent == 1 && this.getNamedItem == 0 && this.indent == 1 && this.createTextNode == 0 && this.setAttributeNS == 0 }; var $d = function (a, b, c, d) { this.ve(); if (O(a)) this.type = a; if (O(b)) this.toString = b; if (O(c)) this.style = c; if (O(d)) this.call = d }; N = $d[prototype]; N.ve = function () { this.type = Number[POSITIVE_INFINITY]; this.style = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; this.toString = Number[POSITIVE_INFINITY]; this.call = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY }; N.expand = function (a) {

if if if if

(a.keyCode < this.type) this.type = a.keyCode; (a.keyCode > this.style) this.style = a.keyCode; (a.setAttribute < this.toString) this.toString = a.setAttribute; (a.setAttribute > this.call) this.call = a.setAttribute

}; N.add = function (a) { this.toString += a.toString; this.call += a.call; this.type += a.type; this.style += a.style }; N.parseInt = function (a) { var b = new X(this.type, this.toString), c = new X(this.type, this.call), d = new X(this.style, this.toString), e = new X(this.style, this.call); this.ve(); b.parseInt(a); c.parseInt(a); d.parseInt(a); e.parseInt(a); this[expand](b); this[expand](c); this[expand](d); this[expand](e) }; N.Nf = function (a) { return (this.type >= a.type && this.type <= a.style this.style >= a.type && this.style <= a.style a.type >= this.type && a.type <= this.style) && (thi s.toString >= a.toString && this.toString <= a.call this.call >= a.toString & & this.call <= a.call a.toString >= this.toString && a.toString <= this.call) }; N.contains = function (a, b) { return a >= this.type && a <= this.style && b >= this.toString && b <= this. call }; N.ug = function (a) { this[expand](new X(a.type, a.toString)); this[expand](new X(a.type, a.call)); this[expand](new X(a.style, a.toString)); this[expand](new X(a.style, a.call)) }; var ae = function (a, b, c, d) { if (Zb(a)) { var b = b == j ? Object[getOwnPropertyNames](a) : P(b) ? b[split](", ") : b, e = {}; if (d & 4) e.writable = h; if (d & 2) e.configurable = h; if (d & 1) e.enumerable = h; if (c & 4) e.writable = k; if (c & 2) e.configurable = k; if (c & 1) e.enumerable = k; for (c = 0; c < b[length]; ++c)(d = Object[getOwnPropertyDescriptor] (a, b[c])) && d.configurable && Object[defineProperty](a, b[c], e) } }, be = function () {}; Object[defineProperty](be[prototype], "unwatch", { get: function () {

return function (a) { if (arguments[length] < 1) return k; var b = this[a]; delete this[a]; this[a] = b; return h } } }); Object[defineProperty](be[prototype], "watch", { get: function () { return function (a, b, c) { if (arguments[length] < 2) return k; for (var d = this, e = j, f = this; f[__proto__]; f = f[__proto__]) if (Object[getOwnPropertyDescriptor](f, a) != j) { d = f; e = Object[getOwnPropertyDescriptor](f, a); break } if (!e e.configurable) { var i = d[a]; delete d[a]; Object[defineProperty](d, a, { get: function () { return i }, set: function (d) { return i = b[call](this, a, i, d, c) }, configurable: h }) } return h } } }); var ce = {}; be.registerClass = function (a, b) { if (arguments[length] < 2) return k; ce[a] = b; return h }; ae(be, j, 3); var de = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, i) { O(a) && O(b) ? (c = O(c) ? c : 1, d = O(d) ? d : 0, e = O(e) ? e : 0, f = O(f) ? f : 0, i = O(i) ? i : 0, this.Sd = new Date(a, b, c, d, e, f, i)) : thi s.Sd = O(a) ? new Date(a) : new Date; if (!de[prototype].getDate) { a = Object[getOwnPropertyNames](this.Sd[__proto__]); for (b = 0; b < a[length]; b++) a[b] != "constructor" && (de[prototy pe][a[b]] = ec(function (a, b) { return this.Sd[a](b) }, a[b])) } }; de.UTC = Date.UTC; ae(de, j, 3); var ee = function () { switch (arguments[length]) { case 0:

break; case 1: ma(this, arguments[0]); break; default: for (var a = 0; a < arguments[length]; ++a) this[push](arguments[a]) } }; T(ee, Array); var fe = function () {}, ge = {}, he = 0, ie = 0, je = []; fe.addListener = function (a) { O(a) && "onKeyUp" in a && "onKeyDown" in a && (sc(je, a) >= 0 ) }; fe.getAscii = function () { return ie }; fe.getCode = function () { return he }; fe.isDown = function (a) { return ge[a] ? h : k }; fe.isToggled = function () { return k }; fe.removeListener = function (a) { uc(je, a) }; Object[defineProperties](fe, { BACKSPACE: { value: 8, writable: k }, CAPSLOCK: { value: 20, writable: k }, CONTROL: { value: 17, writable: k }, DELETEKEY: { value: 46, writable: k }, DOWN: { value: 40, writable: k }, END: { value: 35, writable: k }, ENTER: { value: 13,


writable: k }, ESCAPE: { value: 27, writable: k }, HOME: { value: 36, writable: k }, INSERT: { value: 45, writable: k }, LEFT: { value: 37, writable: k }, PGDN: { value: 34, writable: k }, PGUP: { value: 33, writable: k }, RIGHT: { value: 39, writable: k }, SHIFT: { value: 16, writable: k }, SPACE: { value: 32, writable: k }, TAB: { value: 9, writable: k }, UP: { value: 38, writable: k } }); W(document, "keyup", function (a) { he = a[keyCode]; ge[a[keyCode]] = k; for (a = 0; a < je[length]; ++a) je[a].onKeyUp() }, k); W(new Md(document), "key", function (a) { he = a[keyCode]; ie = a[charCode]; ge[a[keyCode]] = h; for (a = 0; a < je[length]; ++a) je[a].onKeyDown() }, k); ae(fe, j, 3); var ke = function (a) {

this.apply = a; this.colortransform = ae(this, j, 3); W(this.apply.color(), W(this.apply.color(), W(this.apply.color(),

[]; "mousedown", this.update, h, this); "mouseup", this.splice, h, this); "mousemove", this.md, h, this)

}; N = ke[prototype]; N.setCapture = h; N.update = function () { this.apply.color()[style].cursor = this.setCapture ? this.apply.Pc() ? "poin ter" : this.apply.ag() ? "pointer" : !this.apply[isCaptured]() && this.apply.bg( ) ? "pointer" : "default" : "none" }; N.update = function () { tc(this.colortransform, function (a) { a.Mg() }) }; N.md = function () { tc(this.colortransform, function (a) { a.Ng() }) }; N.splice = function () { tc(this.colortransform, function (a) { a.Og() }) }; ke[prototype].addListener = function (a) { if (O(a)) { var b = this.apply.Object().j(a, "onMouseDown"), c = this.apply.Object().j(a, "onMouseMove"), d = this.apply.Object().j(a, "onMouseUp"); b in a && c in a && d in a && (sc(this.colortransform, a) >= 0 this.c olortransform[push](a)) } }; ke[prototype].hide = function () { var a = this.setCapture; this.setCapture = k; this[update](); return a }; ke[prototype].show = function () { var a = this.setCapture; this.setCapture = h; this[update](); return a }; ke[prototype].removeListener = function (a) { uc(this.colortransform, a) }; ae(ke[prototype], j, 3); var pe = function (a, b, c, d) { var e = j; switch (a[type]) { case 2: d = le("linearGradient", a, c); d[setAttribute]("x1", -16384);

d[setAttribute]("x2", 16384); e = d; break; case 3: case 4: d = le("radialGradient", a, c); d[setAttribute]("String", 16384); d[setAttribute]("cx", 0); d[setAttribute]("cy", 0); a[gradient].f && c.inner(d, "fx", a[gradient].f, function (a) { return a * 16384 }); e = d; break; case 5: case 7: if (c = d.expand[a[bitmap]]) b = me(ne(a[transform]), b[0]), e = oe( a, b, c.h[width], c.h[height], d) } if (a[gradient] && a[gradient].spread) switch (a[gradient].spread) { case 1: e[setAttribute]("spreadMethod", "reflect"); break; case 2: e[setAttribute]("spreadMethod", "repeat") } if (a[gradient] && a[gradient].interpolation) switch (a[gradient].interp olation) { case 1: e[setAttribute]("color-interpolation", "linearRGB") } if (e != j) e.id = Sd.oa().slice(); return e }, le = function (a, b, c) { a = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", a); a[setAttribute]("gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse"); b[transform] && c.inner(a, "gradientTransform", b[transform], ne); for (var d = 0; d < b[gradient].stops[length]; d++) a[appendChild](qe(b[ gradient].stops[d], c)); return a }, qe = function (a, b) { var c = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "stop"); b.inner(c, "offset", a.offset, function (a) { return a / 255 }); b.rc(c, "stop-color", a[color]); b.qc(c, "stop-opacity", a[color]); return c }, re = function (a, b, c, d) { switch (b[type]) { case 1: c.rc(a, "fill", b[color]); c.qc(a, "fill-opacity", b[color]); break; case 2: case 3: case 4:

a[setAttribute]("fill", "url(#" + d.id + ")") } }; function se(a, b) { this.Ge = a; this.He = b } var me = function (a, b) { function c(a, b) { e.keyCode = a; e.setAttribute = b; e.parseInt(d); f[push](e.keyCode); i[push](e.setAttribute) } var d = a.xd(), e = new X(0, 0), f = [], i = []; c(b[xmin], b[ymin]); c(b[xmax], b[ymin]); c(b[xmin], b[ymax]); c(b[xmax], b[ymax]); return new se(f, i) }, oe = function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g"); f.id = Sd.oa().slice(); var i = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g"), o = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g"); o[appendChild](f); o[appendChild](i); for (var a = e.expand[a[bitmap]].ha(), p = Math.floor((n.min[apply](n, b .Ge) / c)), e = n.ceil(n.max[apply](n, b.Ge) / c); p < e; p++) { var A = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "use "); A[setAttributeNS]("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", "#" + a.id ); A[setAttribute]("keyCode", p * c); f[appendChild](A) } c = Math.floor((n.min[apply](n, b.He) / d)); for (b = n.ceil(n.max[apply](n, b.He) / d); c < b; c++) a = document[cre ateElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "use"), a[setAttributeNS]("http://ww w.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", "#" + f.id), a[setAttribute]("setAttribute", c * d ), i[appendChild](a); return o }; var te = function (a, b, c, d) { if (b != j) { if (b[fill] != j) a[setAttribute]("stroke", "url(#" + d.id + ")"); else d = b[color] != j ? b[color] : [0], c.rc(a, "stroke", d), c.qc( a, "stroke-opacity", d); c.inner(a, "stroke-width", b[width], function (a) { return n.max(14, a) }); c = "round"; if (b.cap != j) switch (b.cap) { case 1:

c = "butt"; break; case 2: c = "square" } a[setAttribute]("stroke-linecap", c); c = "round"; if (b.joint != j) switch (b.joint) { case 1: c = "bevel"; break; case 2: c = "miter" } a[setAttribute]("stroke-linejoin", c); b.miter != j && a[setAttribute]("stroke-miterlimit", b.miter) } }; var ue = function () { this.split = {} }; ue[prototype].eb = function (a, b) { this.split[a] = b }; ue[prototype].og = function (a) { return this.split[a] ? this.split[a] : j }; ue[prototype].vf = function (a, b) { this.split[a] && this.split[a].rg(b) }; var we = function (a) { this.Number = []; this.cf = a; this.Qc = []; this.p = new ve(this) }; N = we[prototype]; N.frameSize = function (a, b) { a.depth = b; Cc(this.Number, a, function (a, b) { return a[depth] - b[depth] }); xe(this.String, a) }; N.Od = function (a) { return Ac(this.Number, function (a, c) { return a - c[depth] } Bc, k, a) }; N.Ac = function (a) { a = this.Od(a); return a >= 0 ? this.dd(a) : j }; N.dd = function (a, b) { var c = this.Number[a]; b != h && (c.se() ? (c.createElement(), this.Qc[push](c)) : (ye(this.String, c), c.height(), this.p.re(c))); this.Number[splice](a, 1); c.depth = g; return c

}; N.Xe = function (a) { a = this.Od(a); return a < 0 ? j : this.dd(a, h) }; N.cg = function (a) { for (var b = 0; b < this.Number[length]; ++b) if (this.Number[b] == a) retur n this.dd(b) }; N.od = function (a) { a = this.Od(a); return a >= 0 ? this.Number[a] : j }; N.ig = function (a) { for (var b = 0; b < this.Number[length]; ++b) if (this.Number[b][getName]() == a) return this.Number[b]; return j }; N.height = function () { for (var a = 0; a < this.Number[length]; a++) this.dd(a) }; N.createElement = function () { for (var a = 0; a < this.Number[length]; a++) this.Number[a].createElement() }; N.dg = function () { for (var a = 0; a < this.Qc[length]; a++) { var b = this.Qc[a]; b.height(); this.p.re(b); ye(this.String, b) } this.Qc = [] }; N.we = function (a) { this.String = a; for (var b = 0; b < this.Number[length]; ++b) xe(a, this.Number[b]) }; N.ic = function (a, b) { this.String && (ye(this.String, a), b && xe(this.String, a, b)) }; N.Nd = function (a, b) { var c = this.Xe(a), d = this.Xe(b); c && this.frameSize(c, b); d && this.frameSize(d, a) }; var xe = function (a, b, c) { a && (O(c) (c = b[getName]()), c && !a[hasOwnProperty](c) && (a[c] = b.depth())) }, ye = function (a, b) { if (a) { var c = b[getName](); c && b.depth() === a[c] && delete a[c] } }; we[prototype].Xf = function (a) { for (var b = 0, c = 0; b < this.Number[length] c < a.Number[length];) { var d = this.Number[b], e = a.Number[c],

f = d ? d[depth] : Number[POSITIVE_INFINITY], i = e ? e[depth] : Number[POSITIVE_INFINITY]; i < f ? (e[start](), this.frameSize(e, i), c++, b++) : i > f ? d.transfo rm() ? b++ : this.Ac(f) : (U(f == i), U(d && e), d.transform() (!d.defineProp erties() !e.defineProperties() d.getOwnPropertyDescriptor != e.getOwnPrope rtyDescriptor ? (this.Ac(i), e[start](), this.frameSize(e, i)) : (d[setTransform ](e.O()), d.getName(e.bitmap), e.height())), b++, c++) } }; var ve = function (a) { this.appendChild = a; this.Uc = []; this.cc = {} }; ve[prototype].re = function (a) { this.Uc[push](a) }; ve[prototype].replace = function () { if (!this.prototype) this.prototype = document[createElementNS]("http://www. w3.org/2000/svg", "g"); this.ge(); for (var a = j, b = -1, c = this.appendChild.Number, d = 0; d < c[length]; + +d) { var e = c[d], f = e.p; e[depth] > b && (a = j); f.replace(); f.Lf(a); var i = f.ha(); if (e.target > 0) { var o = bc(e), p = this.cc[o]; if (!O(p)) p = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg ", "clipPath"), p.id = f.qe(), this.cc[o] = p; ld(p); f = []; ze(i, "", f); for (i = 0; i < f[length]; i++) p[appendChild](f[i]); i = p } if (this.prototype[childNodes][d] != i) p = this.prototype, p.insertBefo re(i, p[childNodes][d] j); if (e.target > 0) a = e, b = e.target } }; ve[prototype].ha = function () { return this.prototype }; var ze = function (a, b, c) { var d = a.nodeName[toLowerCase](), b = a.hasAttribute("transform") ? b ? b + " " + a[getAttribute]("tra nsform") : a[getAttribute]("transform") : b; if (d == "path" d == "text" d == "use") a[getAttribute]("fill") != "none" && (a = a.cloneNode(h), a[setAttribute]("transform", b), c[push](a)); else if (d == "g") for (d = 0; d < a[childNodes][length]; d++) ze(a[chil dNodes][d], b, c) }; ve[prototype].ge = function () { for (var a = 0; a < this.Uc[length]; ++a) {

var b = this.Uc[a], c = b.p; md(c.ha()); b = bc(b); O(this.cc[b]) && (md(this.cc[b]), delete this.cc[b]); c.height() } this.Uc = [] }; ve[prototype].matrix = function () { for (var a = this.appendChild.Number, b = 0; b < a[length]; ++b) a[b].U(8) }; var Ae = function (a) { this.g = a; this.target = 0; this.ac = ""; this.constructor = j; this.N = 1; this.fill = k; this.pa = []; this.setCapture = h; this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor = 0; this.je = this.ie = k; this.Lc = new Xd(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); this.bitmap = new Yd(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) }; N = Ae[prototype]; N.ratio = function (a) { Object[defineProperty](a, "__swiffy_d", { value: this }); Object[defineProperties](a, Be) }; N.depth = function () { if (!this.String) this.String = new Ce, this.ratio(this.String); return this.String }; N.ja = function () { this.Eg = h }; N.transform = function () { return !!this.Eg }; N.setTransform = function (a) { if (this.Lc != a) this.U(2), this.Lc = a }; N.O = function () { return this.Lc }; N.kf = function (a) { U(this.target == 0); this.target = a }; N.U = function (a) { a && this.constructor != j && this.constructor.Nc(); this.N = a }; N.Nc = function () { !this.fill && this[getParent]() != j && this[getParent]().Nc(); this.fill = h

}; N.Bc = function (a) { this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor = a }; N.height = function () { this.je = h }; N.createElement = function () { this.ie = h }; N.getName = function (a) { if (this.bitmap != a) this.U(8), this.bitmap = a }; N.floor = function () { return this.p.floor() }; N.be = function (a) { if (this.pa != a) this.U(4), this.pa = a }; N.gradient = function (a) { a = String(a); a != this.ac && this.constructor && this.constructor.ic(this, a); this.ac = a }; N.getName = function () { return this.ac }; N.Jc = function (a) { this.constructor = a }; N.getParent = function () { return this.constructor }; N.sg = function (a) { if (this.setCapture != a) this.U(16), this.setCapture = a }; N.defineProperties = function () { return k }; N.se = function () { return k }; N.ctrlKey = function () { return this.p.ctrlKey() }; N.text = function () {}; pa(N, function () {}); var De = function (a) { this.i = a; this.ne = this.knockout = this.charCode = this.Boolean = j; this.create = new Yd(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0); this.pa = []; this.join = j; this.createElementNS = []; this.ef = eval("typeof SVGFilterElement") != "undefined" }; N = De[prototype]; N.ha = function () { return this.prototype };

N.Wc = function (a) { return Ee(a, this.create) }; N.Re = function (a) { return Fe(a, this.create) }; N.replace = function () { var a = this.i.N; if (a this.i.fill) { if (a & 1) a ^= 1, a = 8, this.prototype = this.Wb = this.variable(); a & 16 && (a ^= 16, this.prototype[setAttribute]("display", this.i.setCa pture ? "inline" : "none")); a & 2 && (a ^= 2, this.Wb[setAttribute]("transform", this.sf())); if (a & 4 && (a ^= 4, a = 8, this.ef)) { var b = "SourceGraphic"; if (this.Boolean) this.pa = [], ld(this.Boolean); for (var c = 0; c < this.i.pa[length]; ++c) { var d = new Ge[this.i.pa[c][type]](this, this.i.pa[c]); if (d) this.pa[push](d), d[apply](b), b = d[result](), d = d.reg ion, this.join == j ? this.join = d : d != j && this.join.add(d) } var e = this; this.i.g.he(function () { e.tf() }); this.charCode && (U( !! this.Boolean), this.Boolean[childNodes][leng th] > 0 ? this.charCode[setAttribute]("filter", "url(#" + this.Boolean.id + ")") : this.charCode.removeAttribute("filter")) } a & 8 && (a ^= 8, this.rf(), this.matrix()); if (this.Boolean) { var f = this.prototype; this.i.g.he(function () { f[setAttribute]("transform", f[getAttribute]("transform")) }) } this.i.N = a } }; N.sf = function () { var a = this.i.Lc[toString](); O(this.rd) && (a += " " + this.rd); return a }; N.Lf = function (a) { if (this.ne != a) { if (a) { if (!this.knockout) this.knockout = document[createElementNS]("http: //www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g"), nd(this.knockout, this.prototype), this.knockout[a ppendChild](this.prototype), this.prototype = this.knockout; this.knockout[setAttribute]("clip-path", "url(#" + a.p.qe() + ")") } else if (this.knockout == this.prototype) { var b = this.knockout.firstChild; nd(b, this.prototype); this.prototype = b; this.knockout = j } this.ne = a } };

N.qe = function () { if (!O(this.Md)) this.Md = Sd.oa().slice(), this.prototype.id = this.Md; return this.Md }; N.height = function () { this.Boolean != j && md(this.Boolean) }; N.ctrlKey = function () { this.i.g.replace(); var a = this.prototype.getBBox(), b = []; b[0] = new X(a.keyCode, a.setAttribute); b[1] = new X(a.keyCode, a.setAttribute + a[height]); b[2] = new X(a.keyCode + a[width], a.setAttribute); b[3] = new X(a.keyCode + a[width], a.setAttribute + a[height]); for (var a = new $d, c = 0; c < b[length]; ++c) a[expand](b[c]); return a }; N.floor = function () { this.i.g.replace(); var a; a = j; for (var b = this.prototype; b instanceof SVGElement;) { if (b[transform]) { var c = b[transform].baseVal.consolidate(); c != j && (a = a != j ? c[matrix].multiply(a) : c[matrix]) } b = b[parentNode] } return a != j ? new Xd(a.a, a.b, a.c, a.d, a.e, a.f) : new Xd(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) }; N.shift = function () { if (this.Boolean == j && (this.Boolean = document[createElementNS]("http://w ww.w3.org/2000/svg", "filter"), this.Boolean.id = Sd.oa().slice(), this.i.g.remo veChild[appendChild](this.Boolean), this.charCode == j && (this.charCode = docum ent[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g"), nd(this.charCode, this. Wb), this.charCode[appendChild](this.Wb), this.prototype == this.Wb))) this.prot otype = this.charCode; return this.Boolean }; N.tf = function () { if (this.join != j) { var a = this.join, b = this.prototype.getBBox(), c = this.shift(), d = a.style - a.type, e = a.call - a.toString; if (b[width] <= 0) b.width = 1; if (b[height] <= 0) b.height = 1; d /= b[width]; var f = a.toString / b[height]; e /= b[height]; c[setAttribute]("keyCode", a.type / b[width] - 0.1); c[setAttribute]("width", 1.2 + d); c[setAttribute]("setAttribute", f - 0.1); c[setAttribute]("height", 1.2 + e) } }; N.rf = function () {

var a = this.i[getParent](); this.create = a ? a.p.create.Rf(this.i.bitmap) : this.i.bitmap }; N.uf = function (a, b) { this.createElementNS[push](function () { a[setAttribute]("opacity", this.Re(b)) }) }; N.td = function (a, b, c) { this.createElementNS[push](function () { var d = this.Wc(c); a[setAttribute](b, d); a[setAttribute](b + "-opacity", d.a) }) }; N.matrix = function () { for (var a = this.createElementNS, b = 0; b < a[length]; ++b) a[b][call](thi s); if (this.pa) for (b = 0; b < this.pa[length]; ++b) this.pa[b].matrix() }; var He = function (a) { Ae[call](this, a); this.la = 1; this.Me = k }; T(He, Ae); var Ie = { Xg: 1, Vg: 2, ah: 4, Zg: 8, $g: 16, hh: 32, Tg: 64, Yg: 128, Sg: 256, fh: 512, gh: 1024, eh: 2048, dh: 4096, bh: 8192, Ug: 16384, Qg: 32768, Pg: 65536, Wg: 131072, Rg: 262144 }, Je = { 256: "onDragOver", 512: "onRollOut", 1024: "onRollOver", 2048: "onReleaseOutside", 4096: "onRelease", 8192: "onPress", 262144: "onDragOut" }, Ke = function (a, b) { Object[defineProperty](this, a, { value: b });

var c = this.__swiffy_d; c && c.wd() }, Le = function () {}; N = He[prototype]; N.wd = function () { if (!this.Me) this.U(128), this.Me = h }; N.ma = function (a) { this.yd(a.la); this.Fd(a.POSITIVE_INFINITY) }; N.Fd = function (a) { var b = Je[a]; b && this.depth()[b] && this.g.Object().zd(R(function () { this.depth()[b]() }, this)); this.g.Object().Ic() }; N.yd = function (a) { if (this.la != a) this.la = a }; N.trackAsMenu = function () { return k }; N.Hf = function () { this.g.Pf(this); this.g[isCaptured]() == k && this.la == 1 ? this.ma(Me) : this[trackAsMenu]( ) && this.g.Pc() == k && this.la == 1 ? this.ma(Ne) : this.g.Ad(this) && this.la == 2 && this.ma(Oe) }; N.hd = function () { this.g.Qf(this); this.g[isCaptured]() == k && this.la == 2 ? this.ma(Pe) : this[trackAsMenu]( ) && this.g.Pc() == k && this.la == 4 ? this.ma(Qe) : this.g.Ad(this) && this.la == 4 && this.ma(Re) }; N.update = function (a) { this[trackAsMenu]() ? this.g[setCapture](this) : this.g[setCapture](this, h, R(this.Sf, this)); a[stopPropagation](); this.ma(Se) }; N.splice = function (a) { var b = this[trackAsMenu]() && this.g.Pc() == k this.g.Ad(this); this.g[releaseCapture](this); a[stopPropagation](); b ? this.ma(Te) : this.ma(Me) }; N.Sf = function () { this.ma(Ue) }; var Ve = function (a) { De[call](this, a); this.ka = [] }; T(Ve, De); Ve[prototype].replace = function () { Ve.o.replace[call](this); if (this.i.N & 128) {

this.i.N ^= 128; var a = this.Mc(); a[style].pointerEvents = "all"; var b = this.i, c; "createTouch" in document (c = W(a, "mouseover", b.Hf, k, this.i), th is.ka[push](c)); c = W(a, "mouseout", b.hd, k, this.i); this.ka[push](c); c = W(a, "createTouch" in document ? "touchend" : "mouseup", b.splice, k , this.i); this.ka[push](c); c = W(a, "createTouch" in document ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", b.updat e, k, this.i); this.ka[push](c) } }; Ve[prototype].ue = function (a, b, c) { var d, e; if (a) d = "keydown", e = function (b) { return b[keyCode] == a }; else if (b) d = "keypress", e = function (a) { return a[charCode] == b }; else return; this.ka[push](W(document, d, function (a) { e(a) && (c(), a[stopPropagation]()) }, h, this.i)) }; Ve[prototype].height = function () { Ve.o.height[call](this); for (var a = 0; a < this.ka[length]; a++) Ed(this.ka[a]) }; var We = function (a, b, c) { this.ac = a; this.la = b; this.POSITIVE_INFINITY = c }; We[prototype].getName = function () { return this.ac }; var Ne = new We("IdleToOverDown", 4, 256), Me = new We("IdleToOverUp", 2, 1024), Ue = new We("OutDownToIdle", 1, 2048), Oe = new We("OutDownToOverDown", 4, 256), Qe = new We("OverDownToIdle", 1, 262144), Re = new We("OverDownToOutDown", 2, 262144), Te = new We("OverDownToOverUp", 2, 4096), Pe = new We("OverUpToIdle", 1, 512), Se = new We("OverUpToOverDown", 4, 8192); var Ye = function (a, b) { He[call](this, b.g); this.h = a; this.propertyIsEnumerable = b; this.Number = new we(k); this.ld = new we(k); this.p = new Xe(this); this.h[actions] && this.Cf(this.h[actions]); this.pd(this.Number, 1);

this.pd(this.ld, 8); this.wd() }; T(Ye, He); N = Ye[prototype]; N.ratio = function (a) { Ye.o.ratio[call](this, a); this.Number.we(a) }; N.Cf = function (a) { for (var b = 0; b < a[length]; b++) { var c = a[b]; c.convertedActions = this.propertyIsEnumerable.Object().result(c[actions ]); if (c[keyCode] c.keyAscii) { var d = R(this.ye, this, c); this.p.ue(c[keyCode], c.keyAscii, d) } } }; N.yd = function (a) { a != this.la && this.pd(this.Number, a, this.la); Ye.o.yd[call](this, a); var b = this.p; setTimeout(function () { b.replace() }, 0) }; N.ye = function (a) { this.oe(a); this.g.Object().Ic() }; N.Ff = function (a) { var b = this.h[actions]; if (b) { for (var c = 0; c < b[length]; c++) { var d = b[c]; d[hasOwnProperty](a[getName]()) && this.oe(d) } this.g.Object().Ic() } }; N.Je = function () { return this.propertyIsEnumerable }; N.ma = function (a) { var b = this.h.sounds; b && b[hasOwnProperty](a[getName]()) && this.g.start().ke(b[a[getName]()]); this.Ff(a); Ye.o.ma[call](this, a) }; N.trackAsMenu = function () { return this.h[trackAsMenu] }; N.oe = function (a) { this.propertyIsEnumerable.Object().Id(new Ze(a.convertedActions, this.Je())) }; N.pd = function (a, b, c) { this.U(32); var d = this.h.records;

if (d) { if (O(c)) for (var e = 0; e < d[length]; e++) { var f = d[e], i = f[states] & c, o = f[states] & b; i && !o && a.Ac(f[depth]) } for (e = 0; e < d[length]; e++) if (f = d[e], i = f[states] & c, (o = f[ states] & b) && !i) i = this.propertyIsEnumerable.gd(f.id), i.defineProperties() && b != 8 && i.gradient(this.g.Vd()), i.Jc(this), i.text(), i[start](), a.frame Size(i, f[depth]), f[transform] && i[setTransform](ne(f[transform])), f[colortra nsform] && i.getName($e(f[colortransform])) } }; N.defineProperties = function () { return h }; N.ic = function (a, b) { this.Number.ic(a, b) }; var Xe = function (a) { Ve[call](this, a) }; T(Xe, Ve); Xe[prototype].variable = function () { var a = this.i.Number.p; a.replace(); this.i.ld.p.replace(); this.Mc()[setAttribute]("style", "visibility:hidden;"); var b = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g"); b[appendChild](a.ha()); b[appendChild](this.Mc()); return b }; Xe[prototype].replace = function () { Xe.o.replace[call](this); var a = this.i.N; if (this.i.fill a & 32) a &= -33, this.i.fill = k, this.i.Number.p.replac e(); this.i.N = a }; Xe[prototype].matrix = function () { Xe.o.matrix[call](this); this.i.Number.p.matrix(); this.i.Nc() }; Xe[prototype].Mc = function () { return this.i.ld.p.ha() }; var bf = function (a, b) { Ae[call](this, b.g); this.h = a; this.propertyIsEnumerable = b; this.p = new af(this); this.h[variable] && b.g.Object().Bf(this.h[variable], this, b, this.h[te xt]); this.h[text] && !O(this.wc) && this.ud(this.h[text]) }; T(bf, Ae); bf[prototype].ud = function (a) {

if (this.wc != a) this.U(64), this.wc = a }; bf[prototype].height = function () { bf.o.height[call](this); this.h[variable] && this.propertyIsEnumerable.Object().Kf(this.h[variable], this, this.propertyIsEnumerable) }; bf[prototype].defineProperties = function () { return this.h[variable] != g }; var af = function (a) { De[call](this, a) }; T(af, De); af[prototype].replace = function () { af.o.replace[call](this); if (this.i.N & 64 && (this.i.N ^= 64, ld(this.kd), O(this.i.wc))) { var a = String(this.i.wc); if (this.i.h.html) this.Af(this.kd, a, this.i.h.multiline); else { for (var b = this.kd, a = a[split](/\String\n \String \n/g), c = 0; c < a[length]; c++) if (a[c] == "") { var d = document[createElement]("br"); b[appendChild](d) } else { var d = document[createTextNode](a[c]), e = document[createElement]("p"); e[style].margin = 0; e[appendChild](d); b[appendChild](e) } for (b = this.Xd; b < this.createElementNS[length]; ++b) this.create ElementNS[b][call](this) } } }; af[prototype].variable = function () { var a = this.i.h, b = a.bounds, c = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g"); this.createElementNS = []; var d = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "foreignObje ct"), e = document[createElement]("body"); d[appendChild](e); var f = document[createElement]("div"); this.kd = f; var i = this.i.g.expand[a.font]; if (i) f[style].fontFamily = "'" + i.nd + "'"; f[style].fontSize = a[height] + "px"; if (a.bold) f[style].fontWeight = "bold"; if (a.italic) f[style].fontStyle = "italic"; this.fe(f[style], a[color]); this.uf(d, a[color]); f[style].textAlign = cf(a.align); if (a.wrap) { if (!a.html) f[style].whiteSpace = "pre-wrap" } else f[style].whiteSpace = "nowrap"; f[style].wordWrap = "break-word"; if (a.selectable) f[style].pointerEvents = "all";

var o; f[style].textIndent = a[indent] + "px"; if (a[indent] + a.leftMargin < 0) { var p = -(a[indent] + a.leftMargin), A = -a[indent]; o = b[xmin] + 30 - p; d[setAttribute]("width", b[xmax] - b[xmin] - 60 + p); f[style].marginLeft = A + "px" } else o = b[xmin] + 30, d[setAttribute]("width", b[xmax] - b[xmin] - 60), f [style].marginLeft = a.leftMargin + "px"; f[style].marginRight = a.rightMargin + "px"; this.rd = "translate(" + o + " 0)"; d[setAttribute]("keyCode", 0); p = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "rect"); p[setAttribute]("keyCode", b[xmin] - o); p[setAttribute]("setAttribute", b[ymin]); p[setAttribute]("width", b[xmax] - b[xmin]); p[setAttribute]("height", b[ymax] - b[ymin]); if (a.border) p[setAttribute]("stroke-width", "10"), this.td(p, "fill", 1677 7215), this.td(p, "stroke", 0); else p[setAttribute]("fill-opacity", 0); c[appendChild](p); o = 1.15; a.font != g && i && (o = i.ce); this.lineHeight = o; o *= a[height]; i = o; o += a.leading 0; f[style].lineHeight = o + "px"; f[style].paddingTop = a[height] + (i - o) * 0.5 + "px"; d[setAttribute]("setAttribute", b[ymin] + 40 - a[height]); d[setAttribute]("height", b[ymax] - b[ymin] - 80 + a[height]); e[appendChild](f); c[appendChild](d); this.Xd = this.createElementNS[length]; return c }; af[prototype].fe = function (a, b) { this.createElementNS[push](function () { a.color = this.Wc(b)[toString]() }) }; af[prototype].Af = function (a, b, c) { var d = this.i, e = this.lineHeight, f = d.h[height], i = d.h.leading 0, o = a, p = []; this.createElementNS[splice](this.Xd); var A = function (a, b) { var c = document[createElement](a); o[appendChild](c); o = c; p[push](f); p[push](e); p[push](b) }, ca = this, a = b[replace](/&nbsp;/g, " ");

df(a, { yf: function (a, b) { switch (a) { case "p": A("p", a); o[style].margin = 0; var p = b[getNamedItem]("align"); if (p) o[style].textAlign = p[nodeValue]; if (!c) o[style].display = "inline"; break; case "b": case "i": case "replace": A(a, a); break; case "a": A(a, a); (p = b[getNamedItem]("href")) && o[setAttribute]("href", p[nodeV alue]); (p = b[getNamedItem]("target")) && o[setAttribute]("target", p[n odeValue]); o[style].pointerEvents = "all"; o[style].color = "inherit"; o[style].textDecoration = "inherit"; break; case "br": case "sbr": p = document[createElement]("br"); o[appendChild](p); break; case "font": A("span", a); (p = b[getNamedItem]("color")) && ca.fe(o[style], ef(p[nodeValue ])); if (p = b[getNamedItem]("face")) { o[style].fontFamily = p[nodeValue]; a: { var Tb = d.g.expand, Sa; for (Sa in Tb) if (Tb[Sa] instanceof ff && Tb[Sa].h[name ] == p[nodeValue]) { e = Tb[Sa].ce; break a } e = 1.15 } } if (Sa = b[getNamedItem]("size")) f = Sa[nodeValue] * 20, o[styl e].fontSize = f + "px"; if (p Sa) o[style].lineHeight = e * f + i + "px" } }, xf: function (a) { p[p[length] - 1] == a && (p.pop(), e = p.pop(), f = p.pop(), o = o[p arentNode]) }, wf: function (a) { o[appendChild](document[createTextNode](a)) } })

}; var cf = function (a) { switch (a) { case 0: return "left"; case 2: return "center"; case 1: return "right"; case 3: return "justify"; default: return "left" } }, df = function (a, b) { var c = document[createElement]("div"); c.innerHTML = a; for (var d = 0; d < c[childNodes][length]; d++) gf(c[childNodes][d], b) }, gf = function (a, b) { switch (a.nodeType) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: var c = a.nodeName[toLowerCase](); b.yf(c, a.attributes); for (var d = 0; d < a[childNodes][length]; d++) gf(a[childNodes][d], b); b.xf(c); break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: b.wf(a.textContent) } }; var kf = function (a, b, c) { c /= 256; for (var d = [], e = 0; e < 256; e++) d[e] = hf(jf(e / 255) * b + c); a[setAttribute]("tableValues", d[join](" ")) }, lf = function (a, b, c) { a[setAttribute]("slope", b); a[setAttribute]("intercept", c / 255) }, mf = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, i) { c == e && d == f (c == 1 && d == 0 ? b[parentNode] && a[removeChild]( b) : (i(b, c, d), b[parentNode] a[appendChild](b))) }, nf = function (a) { var b = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "filter" ); b.id = Sd.oa().slice(); b[setAttribute]("keyCode", "0%"); b[setAttribute]("setAttribute", "0%"); b[setAttribute]("width", "100%"); b[setAttribute]("height", "100%"); var c = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feCompo nentTransfer"); b[appendChild](c); var d = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feFuncR "); d[setAttribute]("type", "discrete");

var e = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feFuncG "); e[setAttribute]("type", "discrete"); var f = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feFuncB "); f[setAttribute]("type", "discrete"); var i = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feFuncA "); i[setAttribute]("type", "linear"); var o = new Yd(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0); return function () { var p = this.create; p.Of() ? (b[parentNode] && (md(b), a.removeAttribute("filter")), a[s etAttribute]("opacity", p.ymax)) : (a.removeAttribute("opacity"), b[parentNode] (a[appendChild](b), a[setAttribute]("filter", "url(#" + b.id + ")")), mf(c, d , p.getOwnPropertyNames, p.preventDefault, o.getOwnPropertyNames, o.preventDefau lt, kf), mf(c, e, p.getParent, p.getNamedItem, o.getParent, o.getNamedItem, kf), mf(c, f, p.indent, p.createTextNode, o.indent, o.createTextNode, kf), mf(c, i, p.ymax, p.setAttributeNS, o.ymax, o.setAttributeNS, lf)); o = p } }; var pf = function (a, b) { Ae[call](this, b.g); this.h = a; this.p = new of(this) }; T(pf, Ae); var of = function (a) { De[call](this, a); this.lastChild = []; this.zc = [] }; T(of, De); N = of[prototype]; N.variable = function () { this.createElementNS = []; var a = this.i, b = a.h, c = b.fillstyles; if (c) for (var d = 0; d < c[length]; d++) if (c[d] != g) { var e = pe(c[d], b.bounds, this, a.g); e != j && (this.lastChild[d] = e, a.g.removeChild[appendChild](e)) } if (c = b.linestyles) for (d = 0; d < c[length]; d++) c[d] != g && c[d][fill ] != g && (e = pe(c[d][fill], b.bounds, this, a.g), e != j && (this.zc[d] = e, a .g.removeChild[appendChild](e))); return this.zf() }; N.zf = function () { for (var a = this.i, b = a.h, c = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.o rg/2000/svg", "g"), d = 0; d < b.paths[length]; d++) { var e = b.paths[d], f = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"); this.inner(f, "d", e[data], qf); f.onclick = function () {}; c[appendChild](f); if (e.line != j && b.linestyles != j) { var i = b.linestyles[e.line]; te(f, i, this, i[fill] ? this.zc[e.line] : j)

} if (e[fill] != j) if (i = b.fillstyles[e[fill]], i[bitmap] == j) re(f, i , this, this.lastChild[e[fill]]); else { var o = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "cli pPath"); o.id = Sd.oa().slice(); o[appendChild](f); a.g.removeChild[appendChild](o); f = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g"); f[setAttribute]("clip-path", "url(#" + o.id + ")"); c[appendChild](f); o = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "use"); if (i[type] == 5 i[type] == 7) U(this.lastChild[e[fill]].id != j) , o[setAttributeNS]("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", "#" + this.lastChild [e[fill]].id); else o[setAttributeNS]("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", "#" + a.g.expand[i[bitmap]].ha().id); i[transform] && o[setAttribute]("transform", ne(i[transform])[toStri ng]()); f[appendChild](o); this.createElementNS[push](nf(f)) } else f[setAttribute]("fill", "none") } return c }; N.inner = function (a, b, c, d) { U(c[length] == 1); c = c[0]; if (c instanceof Zd c instanceof Xd) c = c[toString](); a[setAttribute](b, d ? d[call](this, c) : c) }; N.rc = function (a, b, c) { U(c[length] == 1); this.createElementNS[push](function () { a[setAttribute](b, this.Wc(c[0])) }) }; N.qc = function (a, b, c) { U(c[length] == 1); this.createElementNS[push](function () { a[setAttribute](b, this.Re(c[0])) }) }; N.height = function () { of.o.height[call](this); for (var a = 0; a < this.lastChild[length]; a++) md(this.lastChild[a]); for (a = 0; a < this.zc[length]; a++) md(this.zc[a]) }; var rf = function (a, b) { this.Jf = a; this.If = b }; rf[prototype].stopPropagation = function () { return 0 }; var sf = function (a, b, c, d) { rf[call](this, a, b); this.path = c; this.Z = d

}; T(sf, rf); sf[prototype].stopPropagation = function (a) { return this.path + (this.Z - this.path) * a }; var tf = function (a, b, c, d) { rf[call](this, a, b); this.path = c; this.Z = d }; T(tf, rf); tf[prototype].stopPropagation = function (a) { return (new Xd(this.path.a + (this.Z.a - this.path.a) * a, this.path.b + (th is.Z.b - this.path.b) * a, this.path.c + (this.Z.c - this.path.c) * a, this.path .d + (this.Z.d - this.path.d) * a, this.path.e + (this.Z.e - this.path.e) * a, t his.path.f + (this.Z.f - this.path.f) * a))[toString]() }; var uf = function (a, b, c, d) { rf[call](this, a, b); this.path = c; this.Z = d }; T(uf, rf); uf[prototype].stopPropagation = function (a, b) { return b.$f(this.path.charCodeAt + (this.Z.charCodeAt - this.path.charCodeAt ) * a, this.path.returnValue + (this.Z.returnValue - this.path.returnValue) * a, this.path.b + (this.Z.b - this.path.b) * a)[toString]() }; var vf = function (a, b, c, d) { rf[call](this, a, b); this.path = c; this.Z = d }; T(vf, rf); vf[prototype].stopPropagation = function (a, b) { return b.te(this.path + (this.Z - this.path) * a) }; var wf = function (a, b, c, d) { rf[call](this, a, b); this.$e = c[split](" "); this.af = d[split](" "); U(this.$e[length] == this.af[length]) }; T(wf, rf); wf[prototype].stopPropagation = function (a) { for (var b = "", c = this.$e, d = this.af, e = 0; e < c[length]; e++) { var f = parseInt(c[e], 10); isNaN(f) ? (U(c[e] == d[e]), b += c[e] + " ") : b += f + (parseInt(d[e], 10) - f) * a + " " } return b }; var yf = function (a, b) { pf[call](this, a, b); this.p = new xf(this) }; T(yf, pf); yf[prototype].Bc = function (a) { a != this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && this.U(256); yf.o.Bc[call](this, a)

}; var xf = function (a) { of[call](this, a); this.ec = [] }; T(xf, of); N = xf[prototype]; N.variable = function () { return xf.o.variable[call](this) }; N.inner = function (a, b, c, d) { if (c[length] == 1) xf.o.inner[call](this, a, b, c, d); else U(c[length] == 2), this.Kd(a, b, d ? d[call](this, c[0]) : c[0], d ? d[ call](this, c[1]) : c[1]) }; N.rc = function (a, b, c) { c[length] == 1 ? xf.o.rc[call](this, a, b, c) : this.Kd(a, b, Ee(c[0]), Ee(c [1]), uf) }; N.qc = function (a, b, c) { c[length] == 1 ? xf.o.qc[call](this, a, b, c) : this.Kd(a, b, Fe(c[0]), Fe(c [1]), vf) }; N.Kd = function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = e; e (c instanceof Xd ? f = tf : typeof c == "number" ? f = sf : (U(b == "d" ), f = wf)); c = new f(a, b, c, d); a[setAttribute](b, c.stopPropagation(this.i.getOwnPropertyDescriptor / 65535 , this.create)); this.ec[push](c) }; N.replace = function () { this.i.N & 8 && (this.i.N = 256); xf.o.replace[call](this); if (this.i.N & 256) { this.i.N ^= 256; for (var a = this.i.getOwnPropertyDescriptor / 65535, b = 0; b < this.ec [length]; b++) { var c = this.ec[b].Jf, d = this.ec[b].If, e = this.ec[b].stopPropagation(a, this.create); c[setAttribute](d, e) } } }; var Af = function (a, b) { Ae[call](this, b.g); this.h = a; this.p = new zf(this) }; T(Af, Ae); var zf = function (a) { De[call](this, a) }; T(zf, De); zf[prototype].variable = function () { this.createElementNS = []; var a = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g"), b = this.i.h;

this.rd = ne(b[matrix])[toString](); this.i.U(2); for (var c = 0; c < b.records[length]; c++) { var d = b.records[c], e = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "text"); e[appendChild](document[createTextNode](d[text])); var f = this.i.g.expand[d.font]; f && e[setAttribute]("font-family", "'" + f.nd + "'"); e[setAttribute]("font-size", d[height]); d.bold && e[setAttribute]("font-weight", "bold"); d.italic && e[setAttribute]("font-style", "italic"); e[setAttribute]("keyCode", Bf(d.keyCode)); e[setAttribute]("setAttribute", d.setAttribute); e[setAttribute]("fill-rule", "nonzero"); e[setAttribute]("style", "white-space:pre"); e[setAttribute]("unicode-bidi", "bidi-override"); this.td(e, "fill", d[color]); a[appendChild](e) } return a }; var Cf = function () {}; Cf[prototype].rg = function (a) { this.jh = a }; Cf[prototype].ng = function (a) { return this.parentNode(a) }; var Df = function (a) { He[call](this, a); this.appendChild = new we(k) }; T(Df, He); N = Df[prototype]; N.vc = function (a, b) { this.U(32); a[getParent]() != j && a[getParent]()[removeChild](a); a.Jc(this); this.appendChild.frameSize(a, b) }; N.removeChild = function (a) { this.U(32); this.appendChild.cg(a); a.Jc(j) }; N.nodeValue = function (a) { this.U(32); (a = this.appendChild.Ac(a)) && a.Jc(j) }; N.ratio = function (a) { Df.o.ratio[call](this, a); this.appendChild.we(a) }; N.ic = function (a, b) { this.appendChild.ic(a, b) }; N.depth = function () { if (!this.String) this.String = new Ef, this.ratio(this.String); return this.String };

N.Nd = function (a, b) { this.U(32); this.appendChild.Nd(a, b) }; var Ff = function (a) { Ve[call](this, a) }; T(Ff, Ve); Ff[prototype].replace = function () { if ((this.i.N & 1 this.i.N & 2) && this.i.target > 0) for (var a = this.i .appendChild.Number, b = 0; b < a[length]; ++b) a[b].U(2); Ff.o.replace[call](this); a = this.i; b = a.N; if (a.fill b & 32) b &= -33, a.fill = k, a.appendChild.p.replace(); a.N = b }; Ff[prototype].matrix = function () { Ff.o.matrix[call](this); this.i.appendChild.p.matrix(); this.i.Nc() }; Ff[prototype].height = function () { Ff.o.height[call](this); this.i.appendChild.p.ge() }; var Hf = function (a) { var b = function (b) { b instanceof Ce (b = a.Object().Yf(String(b))); this.String = b; this.xe = 0 }; Object[defineProperties](b[prototype], Gf); return b }, Gf = { getRGB: { value: function () { return this.xe } }, setRGB: { value: function (a) { if (this.String) this.xe = a, this.String.__swiffy_d.getName(new Yd(0, (a & 16711680) >> 16, 0, (a & 65280) >> 8, 0, a & 255, 1, 0)), this.Strin g.__swiffy_d.ja() } }, setTransform: { value: function (a) { if (this.String && a) { var b = this.String.__swiffy_d, c = b.g.Object().j(a, "ra"), d = b.g.Object().j(a, "glyphs"), e = b.g.Object().j(a, "decodeURIComponent"), f = b.g.Object().j(a, "stop"), i = b.g.Object().j(a, "Array"), o = b.g.Object().j(a, "childNodes"), p = b.g.Object().j(a, "window"), b = b.g.Object().j(a, "method");

this.String.__swiffy_d.getName(new Yd(a[c] / 100, a[d], a[e] / 100, a[f], a[i] / 100, a[o], a[p] / 100, a[b])); this.String.__swiffy_d.ja() } } }, getTransform: { value: function () { if (!this.String) return j; var a = this.String.__swiffy_d.bitmap; return { ra: a.getOwnPropertyNames * 100, glyphs: a.preventDefault, decodeURIComponent: a.getParent * 100, stop: a.getNamedItem, Array: a.indent * 100, childNodes: a.createTextNode, window: a.ymax * 100, method: a.setAttributeNS } } } }; var Jf = function (a, b, c) { Df[call](this, b); this.h = a; this.Tb = {}; this.xc = {}; this.P = -1; this.getAttribute = a.frameCount; this.Cc = k; this.qa = 0; this.split = c; this.jd = {}; this.Sa = b.Sa; this.Wd = this.ae = k; this.df = []; this.isCaptured = {}; this.actions = {}; this.p = new If(this); this.g.qf(this) }; T(Jf, Df); N = Jf[prototype]; N.pg = function () { if (!this.Wd) { for (var a = 0; a < this.h.tags[length]; a++) { var b = this.h.tags[a]; switch (b[type]) { case 10: var c = new Kf(b); this.split.eb(b.id, c); break; case 13: c = new Lf(b); this.split.eb(b.id, c); break; case 5: c = new ff(b); this.g.expand[b.id] = c;

break; case 8: c = new Mf(b); this.g.expand[b.id] = c; break; case 1: c = new Nf(b); this.split.eb(b.id, c); break; case 17: c = new Of(b); this.split.eb(b.id, c); break; case 11: c = new Pf(b); c.vd(this.start()); break; case 7: c = new Qf(b, this.g, this.split); this.split.eb(b.id, c); break; case 6: c = new Rf(b); this.split.eb(b.id, c); break; case 9: c = new Sf(b, this.Object()); this.Yb(this.qa, c); break; case 20: this.xc[this.qa] (this.xc[this.qa] = []); this.xc[this.qa][push](b); break; case 18: this.g.Gg.Hg(j); break; case 19: var b = b.references, d; for (d in b) c = Number(d), this.split.vf(c, b[c]); break; case 15: this.jd[b.label] = this.qa; break; case 3: c = new Tf(b); this.Yb(this.qa, c); break; case 4: c = new Uf(b); this.Yb(this.qa, c); break; case 2: this.qa++; break; case 12: c = new Vf(b); this.Yb(this.qa, c); break; case 16:

c = new Wf(b), this.Yb(this.qa, c) } } this.Wd = h } }; N.text = function () { this.pg(); this.Ie(); this.bc(128); this.toLowerCase this.Pe() }; pa(N, function () { if (!this.ae) this.ae = h, this[play](), this.Fe(k), this.toLowerCase && thi s.Pe() }); N.Zb = function (a) { if (a = this.actions[a]) for (var b = 0; b < a[length]; ++b) this.Object().X c(a[b]) }; N.bc = function (a) { if (a = this.actions[a]) for (var b = 0; b < a[length]; ++b) this.Object().I d(a[b]) }; N.se = function () { return this.actions != g && this.actions[32] != g }; N.ff = function (a, b, c, d) { for (var e in Ie) { var f = Ie[e]; a & f && (this.actions[f] (this.actions[f] = []), this.actions[f][pus h](new Ze(d, this)), f >= 256 && f <= 8192 && this.wd(), f & 131072 && (f = R(th is.bc, this, 131072), this.p.ue(b, c, f))) } }; N.gd = function (a) { return (a = this.split.og(a)) ? a.ng(this) : j }; N.Je = function () { return this }; N.ratio = function (a) { Jf.o.ratio[call](this, a); Object[defineProperties](a, Xf) }; N.height = function () { this.g.Mf(this); this.appendChild.height(); Jf.o.height[call](this) }; N.createElement = function () { this.ie (this.appendChild.createElement(), this.bc(32)); Jf.o.createElement[call](this) }; N.Yb = function (a, b) { this.Tb[a] (this.Tb[a] = []); this.Tb[a][push](b) }; N.play = function () { this.Cc = h

}; N.Tf = function () { this.appendChild.dg(); this.Cc ? this.Fe(h) : this.Dd() }; N.Fe = function (a) { var b = this.P + 1; b >= this.getAttribute && (b = 0); (this.getAttribute != 0 this.g.ca != this) && this.Rc(b, a) }; N.Fd = function (a) { this.bc(a); Jf.o.Fd[call](this, a) }; N.Dd = function () { this.bc(64); this.Object().zd(R(function () { this.depth().onEnterFrame() }, this)) }; N.Pe = function () { this.Object().zd(R(function () { this.depth().onLoad() }, this)) }; N.stop = function () { this.Cc = k }; N.oc = function (a, b) { a >= 0 && a < this.getAttribute ? this.Rc(a) : this.P = this.getAttribute + 1; this.Cc = b }; N.$b = function (a) { var b = g; typeof a == "string" && this.jd[a] != g ? b = this.jd[a] : (a = Number(a) 1, a >= 0 && a == Math.floor((a)) && (b = a)); return b }; N.Gf = function (a) { return this.Tb[a] }; N.Rc = function (a, b) { var c = k, d = this.appendChild; if (a < this.P) c = h, this.appendChild = new we(h), this.P = -1; for (a == this.P && b && this.Dd(); this.P < a;) { this.P++; this.P == a && b && this.Dd(); this.Wf(this.P); var e = this.Tb[this.P]; if (e) for (var f = 0; f < e[length]; f++) e[f].kc(this), this.P == a && e[f].jc(this) } e = this.df[this.P]; Q(e) && e(); if (c) d.Xf(this.appendChild), this.appendChild = d }; N.Wf = function (a) { for (a = this.xc[a]; a && a[length] > 0;) {

var b = this.Object(), c = a[shift](), c = b.result(c[actions]); b.Xc(new Ze(c, this)) } }; N.Ue = function () { this.P > 0 && this.Rc(this.P - 1); this[stop]() }; N.Te = function () { this.P + 1 < this.getAttribute && this.Rc(this.P + 1); this[stop]() }; N.Object = function () { return this.g.Object() }; N.start = function () { return this.g.start() }; N.color = function () { return this.g.color() }; N.qg = function (a, b) { this.depth()[a] = b }; N.setCapture = function (a, b, c) { this.g[setCapture](a, b, c) }; N.releaseCapture = function (a) { this.g[releaseCapture](a) }; N.duplicate = function (a, b, c) { var d = new Jf(this.h, this.g, this.split); d.toLowerCase = h; d.gradient(b); d[setTransform](this.O()); d.text(); d[start](); a.vc(d, c); d.getName(this.bitmap); return d }; N.depth = function () { this.String this.Ie(); return this.String }; N.Ie = function () { var a = Y; if (this.h.id) { var b = ce[this.g.Td[this.h.id]]; b != j && (a = b) } this.String = Object[create](a[prototype]); this.ratio(this.String); a[apply](this.String); this.g.ca == this && (this.String.$version = this.g.Df()) }; N.defineProperties = function () { return h

}; var If = function (a) { Ve[call](this, a) }; T(If, Ff); If[prototype].variable = function () { var a = this.i, b = a.appendChild.p; b.replace(); var b = b.ha(), c = ec(a.Zb, 1), c = W(document, "keyup", c, k, a); this.ka[push](c); c = ec(a.Zb, 2); c = W(document, "keydown", c, k, a); this.ka[push](c); c = ec(a.Zb, 4); c = W(a.g.color(), "createTouch" in document ? "touchend" : "mouseup", c, k, a); this.ka[push](c); c = ec(a.Zb, 8); c = W(a.g.color(), "createTouch" in document ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", c , k, a); this.ka[push](c); c = ec(a.Zb, 16); c = W(a.g.color(), "createTouch" in document ? "touchmove" : "mousemove", c, k, a); this.ka[push](c); return b }; If[prototype].Mc = function () { return this.ha() }; var Yf = function () { this.Ye = []; this.fd = [] }; Yf[prototype].vd = function (a, b) { this.Ye[a] = b }; Yf[prototype].ke = function (a) { this.fd[a] = new Audio(this.Ye[a]); this.fd[a][play]() }; Yf[prototype].mg = function () { for (var a in this.fd) this.fd[a].pause() }; var bg = function (a, b) { this.sd = k; this.yc = new X(0, 0); this.expand = {}; this.Gc = []; this.ymin = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "d iv"); this.ymin[setAttribute]("style", "position:relative;"); a[appendChild](this.ymin); this.lf = new Yf; this.init = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg "); this.$d = b[frameSize][xmax];

this.Zd = b[frameSize][ymax]; this.jf = b.data; var c = "fill-rule:evenodd;"; c += "pointer-events:none;"; c += "width:" + this.$d / 20 + "px;"; c += "height:" + this.Zd / 20 + "px;"; b.backgroundColor != g && (c += "background:" + Ee(b.backgroundColor)[to String]()); this.init[setAttribute]("style", c); this.init[setAttribute]("viewBox", b[frameSize][xmin] + " " + b[frameSiz e][ymin] + " " + b[frameSize][xmax] + " " + b[frameSize][ymax]); this.ymin[appendChild](this.init); this.Fg = b[frameSize][xmax] / b[frameSize][ymax]; c = new ue; this.Ec = new Zf(b.frameRate, this); c.eb(0, new Qf(b, this, c)); this.Sa = b.version; this.ca = new Jf(b, this, c); this.Dc = new $f(this.ca); this.capture = j; this.qd = k; this.Fc = j; this.Ud = {}; this.Td = {}; this.Xb = new ke(this); this.mf = new ag(this); this.pf = 1; this.setTransform = {}; this.setTransform.indexOf = 0; W(this.ymin, "mousedown", this.update, k, this); W(this.ymin, "mouseup", this.splice, k, this); W(this.ymin, "mouseout", this.hd, k, this); "createTouch" in document W(this.ymin, "mousemove", this.md, k, this) ; W(document, "mousedown", this.gf, k, this); W(document, "mouseup", this.hf, k, this); W(this.ymin, "touchstart", this.of, k, this); W(this.ymin, "touchmove", this.nf, k, this); this.ca.text(); this.removeChild = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg ", "defs"); for (var d in this.expand) this.removeChild[appendChild](this.expand[d]. text()); d = window.location.search + window.location.hash; c = d[indexOf]("?"); c >= 0 && this.ee(d[slice](c + 1)); this.ca.p.replace(); this.init[appendChild](this.removeChild); this.init[appendChild](this.ca.p.ha()) }, cg = "swiffy.Stage" [split]("."), dg = Vb; !(cg[0] in dg) && dg.execScript && dg.execScript("var " + cg[0]); for (var eg; cg[length] && (eg = cg[shift]());)!cg[length] && O(bg) ? dg[eg] = b g : dg = dg[eg] ? dg[eg] : dg[eg] = {}; N = bg[prototype]; N.update = function (a) { a[stopPropagation](); this[setCapture](this) };

N.splice = function (a) { a[stopPropagation](); this[releaseCapture](this) }; N.gf = function () { this[setCapture](this, h) }; N.hf = function () { this[releaseCapture](this) }; N.hd = function (a) { this[isCaptured]() && a[target] == this.ymin && this[setCapture](this) }; N.md = function (a) { this.Qd(a) }; N.of = function (a) { var b = a.POSITIVE_INFINITY.touches; b[length] == 1 && (this.Qd(b[0]), a[preventDefault]()) }; N.nf = function (a) { var b = a.POSITIVE_INFINITY.touches; b[length] == 1 && (this.Qd(b[0]), a[preventDefault]()) }; N.Qd = function (a) { var b; b = this.init; var c = 0, d = 0; if (b.offsetParent) { do c += b.offsetLeft, d += b.offsetTop; while (b = b.offsetParent) } b = [c, d]; this.yc.keyCode = a.clientX - b[0]; this.yc.setAttribute = a.clientY - b[1] }; N.bg = function () { return this.setTransform.indexOf > 0 }; N.Pf = function (a) { a = bc(a); a in this.setTransform (this.setTransform[a] = h, this.setTransform.index Of++); this.Xb[update]() }; N.Qf = function (a) { a = bc(a); a in this.setTransform && (delete this.setTransform[a], this.setTransform.in dexOf--); this.Xb[update]() }; N.isCaptured = function () { return this.capture != j }; N.Pc = function () { return this.capture != j && this.qd }; N.Ad = function (a) { return this.capture == a

}; N.ag = function () { return this.capture ? bc(this.capture) in this.setTransform : k }; N.setCapture = function (a, b, c) { this[releaseCapture](a); this.capture = a; document.fg = function () { return k }; if (b) this.qd = h; if (c) this.Fc = c, this.Xb[update]() }; N.releaseCapture = function (a) { if (this.capture) this.Xb[update](), document.fg = j, this.capture != a && t his.Fc && this.Fc(), this.capture = this.Fc = j, this.qd = k }; pa(N, function () { this.ca[play](); this.Ec[start]() }); pa(bg[prototype], bg[prototype][start]); N = bg[prototype]; N.qf = function (a) { this.Ec.Rd(a) }; N.Mf = function (a) { this.Ec.yg(a) }; N.Object = function () { return this.Dc }; N.start = function () { return this.lf }; N.Rd = function (a) { this.Ec.Rd(a) }; N.color = function () { return this.ymin }; N.ee = function (a) { for (var a = new Wd(a), b = a.pc(), c = 0; c < b[length]; c++) { var d = b[c]; this.ca.qg(d, a.get(d)) } }; bg[prototype].setFlashVars = bg[prototype].ee; bg[prototype].Vd = function () { return "instance" + this.pf++ }; bg[prototype].he = function (a) { this.Gc[push](a) }; bg[prototype].Df = function () { return "Swiffy " + this.jf }; bg[prototype].replace = function () { if (!this.sd) { this.sd = h;

this.ca.p.replace(); for (var a = 0; a < this.Gc[length]; a++) this.Gc[a](); this.Gc = []; this.sd = k } }; var Zd = function (a, b, c, d) { this.charCodeAt = a; this.returnValue = b; this.b = c; this.a = d }; la(Zd[prototype], function () { return "rgb(" + this.charCodeAt.toFixed() + "," + this.returnValue.toFixed() + "," + this.b.toFixed() + ")" }); var ne = function (a) { var b = 0, c = fg(function () { return a[charCodeAt](b++) }); return new Xd(c() / 1E3 + 1, c() / 1E3, c() / 1E3, c() / 1E3 + 1, c(), c ()) }, Bf = function (a) { for (var b = 0, c = gg(function () { return a[charCodeAt](b++) }), d = [], e = 0; b < a[length];) e += parseInt(c(), 10), d[push](e); return d[join](" ") }, gg = function (a) { return function () { var b = a(); if (b == 58) return 0; for (var c = ""; b >= 48 && b <= 57;) c += String.fromCharCode(b), b = a(); return (b >= 97 ? b - 96 : -(b - 64)) + c } }, fg = function (a) { var b = gg(a); return function () { return parseInt(b(), 10) } }, qf = function (a) { for (var b = 0, c = a[indexOf](":"), d = c + 1, e = gg(function () { return a[charCodeAt](d++) }), f = "", i; b < c;) switch (i = a.charAt(b++), f[length] > 0 && (f += " "), f += i + " ", i) { case "Number": f += e() + " " + e() + " "; case "Object": case "document": f += e() + " "; case "h": case "data": f += e(); break; default:

return "" } return f }, $e = function (a) { var b = 0, c = fg(function () { return a[charCodeAt](b++) }); return new Yd((c() + 256) / 256, c(), (c() + 256) / 256, c(), (c() + 256 ) / 256, c(), (c() + 256) / 256, c()) }, Ee = function (a, b) { var c = a, d = c & 255; c >>= 8; var e = c & 255; c >>= 8; var f = c & 255; c >>= 8; c = (255 - (c & 255)) / 255; b && (d = d * b.getOwnPropertyNames + b.preventDefault, e = e * b.getPar ent + b.getNamedItem, f = f * b.indent + b.createTextNode, c = c * b.ymax + b.se tAttributeNS / 255); return new Zd(d, e, f, c) }, Fe = function (a, b) { var c = a; c >>= 24; c = (255 - (c & 255)) / 255; b && (c = c * b.ymax + b.setAttributeNS / 255); return c }, ef = function (a) { a = a[replace](/^ *rgb *\( *([^,]+) *, *([^,]+) *, *([^,]+) *\) *$/, fun ction (a, c, d, e) { return c + (d << 8) + (e << 16) }); a = a[replace](/^ *#([0-9a-fA-prototype]+) *$/, function (a, c) { var d = parseInt(c, 16); return (d & 255) << 16 d & 65280 (d & 16711680) >> 16 }); return a 0 }, hf = function (a) { return a <= 0.04045 ? a / 12.92 : n.pow((a + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) }, jf = function (a) { return a <= 0.0031308 ? a * 12.92 : n.pow(a, 1 / 2.4) * 1.055 - 0.055 }, hg = function (a, b) { var c = new X(b.keyCode * 20, b.setAttribute * 20); c.parseInt(a.xd()); c.keyCode /= 20; c.setAttribute /= 20; return c }, ig = function (a, b) { var c = a.g.Object().sqrt(b); if (!isNaN(c)) return c

}, jg = function (a, b, c, d) { if (c[indexOf]("_level") != 0 && b[toLowerCase]()[indexOf]("fscommand:") != 0) switch (c == "" && (c = "_self"), d) { case 0: window.open(b, c); break; case 1: case 2: var e = jd("form"); e.acceptCharset = "utf-8"; e.method = d == 1 ? "get" : "post"; for (var f in a) f.charAt(0) != "$" && (d = jd("input", { type: "hidden", name: f, value: a[f] }), e[appendChild](d)); e.action = b; na(e, c); e.submit(); break; default: window.open(b, c) } }; var kg = function (a) { this.p = a; this.Vf = Sd.oa().slice(); this.region = new $d(0, 0, 0, 0); this.createElementNS = [] }, Ge = []; N = kg[prototype]; ra(N, function () {}); N.result = function () { return this.Vf }; N.Se = function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = 1; switch (a) { case 1: f = 5; break; case 2: f = 3; break; case 3: f = 2 } a = b * 20 / f; c = c * 20 / f; f = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feGaussianBlur" ); O(d) && f[setAttribute]("in", d); O(e) && f[setAttribute]("result", e); f[setAttribute]("stdDeviation", a + " " + c); this.shift()[appendChild](f); d = new $d; d[expand](new X(-a * 3, -c * 3)); d[expand](new X(+a * 3, +c * 3));

return d }; N.Sc = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, i) { var o = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feComponent Transfer"); O(f) && o[setAttribute]("in", f); O(i) && o[setAttribute]("result", i); O(e) (e = "linear"); f = ["feFuncR", "feFuncG", "feFuncB", "feFuncA"]; a = [a, b, c, d]; for (b = 0; b < 4; ++b) { var c = j, p; for (p in a[b]) c == j && (c = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3. org/2000/svg", f[b]), c[setAttribute]("type", e)), c[setAttribute](p, a[b][p]); c && o[appendChild](c) } this.shift()[appendChild](o); return o }; N.Gd = function (a, b) { var c = this.Sc({ ze: 0 }, { ze: 0 }, { ze: 0 }, { Ig: 0 }); this.createElementNS[push](function () { for (var d = this.p.Wc(a), e = 0; e < c[childNodes][length]; ++e) { var f = c[childNodes][e]; switch (f.localName) { case "feFuncR": f[setAttribute]("intercept", hf(d.charCodeAt / 255)); break; case "feFuncG": f[setAttribute]("intercept", hf(d.returnValue / 255)); break; case "feFuncB": f[setAttribute]("intercept", hf(d.b / 255)); break; case "feFuncA": f[setAttribute]("slope", d.a * b) } } }) }; N.width = function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feComposite "); O(e) && f[setAttribute]("result", e); O(b) && f[setAttribute]("in", b); O(c) && f[setAttribute]("in2", c); f[setAttribute]("operator", a); if (O(d)) for (var i in d) f[setAttribute](i, d[i]); this.shift()[appendChild](f) }; N.Zf = function (a) {

var b = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feFlood"); O(a) && b[setAttribute]("result", a); this.shift()[appendChild](b) }; N.tg = function (a, b, c, d) { var e = n.cos(a) * b * 20, a = n.sin(a) * b * 20, b = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feOffset"); O(c) && b[setAttribute]("in", c); O(d) && b[setAttribute]("result", d); b[setAttribute]("dx", e); b[setAttribute]("dy", a); this.shift()[appendChild](b); return new $d(e, a, e, a) }; N.Hd = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { this.Sc({ slope: 0 }, { slope: 0 }, { slope: 0 }, {}, "linear", a); a = this.Se(b, c, d); f != 0 && this.region.ug(this.tg(e, f)); this.region.add(a) }; N.Yc = function () { return Sd.oa().slice() }; N.shift = function () { return this.p.shift() }; N.matrix = function () { for (var a = this.createElementNS, b = 0; b < a[length]; ++b) a[b][call](thi s) }; var lg = function (a, b) { kg[call](this, a); this.tc = b[matrix]; this.tc[4] /= 255; this.tc[9] /= 255; this.tc[14] /= 255; this.tc[19] /= 255 }; T(lg, kg); Ge[3] = lg; ra(lg[prototype], function (a) { for (var b = [], c = [], d = 0; d < 256; d++) b[d] = jf(d / 255), c[d] = hf( d / 255); var e = { tableValues: b[join](" ") }, c = { tableValues: c[join](" ") }, b = this.Yc(), d = this.Yc(); this.Sc(e, e, e, e, "discrete", a, b); a = this.shift();

e = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feColorMatrix") ; e[setAttribute]("in", b); e[setAttribute]("result", d); e[setAttribute]("type", "matrix"); e[setAttribute]("values", this.tc[join](" ")); a[appendChild](e); this.Sc(c, c, c, c, "discrete", d, this[result]()) }); var mg = function (a, b) { kg[call](this, a); this.lc = b }; T(mg, kg); Ge[2] = mg; ra(mg[prototype], function (a) { var b = this.lc; this.region = this.Se(b[quality], b.keyCode, b.setAttribute, a, this[result] ()) }); var ng = function (a, b) { kg[call](this, a); this.lc = b }; T(ng, kg); Ge[1] = ng; ra(ng[prototype], function (a) { this.createElementNS = []; var b = this.lc, c = this.shift(); b[inner] && this.Zf("black"); this.Hd(a, b[quality], b.keyCode, b.setAttribute, b.angle, b.distance); b[inner] && this.width("arithmetic", g, "black", { k2: -1, k3: 1 }); this.Gd(b[color], b.strength); c[lastChild][setAttribute]("result", "shadow"); !b[inner] && !b[knockout] && !b.hideObject ? this.width("over", a, "shadow") : b[inner] && !b[knockout] && !b.hideObject ? this.width("atop", "shadow", a) : !b[inner] && b[knockout] ? this.width("out", "shadow", a) : b[inner] && this.wi dth("in", "shadow", a); c[lastChild][setAttribute]("result", this[result]()) }); var og = function (a, b) { kg[call](this, a); this.lc = b }; T(og, kg); Ge[4] = og; ra(og[prototype], function (a) { this.createElementNS = []; var b = this.lc, c = this.shift(), d = this.Yc(), e = this.Yc(); this.Hd(a, b[quality], b.keyCode, b.setAttribute, b.angle, -b.distance); this.Gd(b.highlight, b.strength); c[lastChild][setAttribute]("result", e); this.Hd(a, b[quality], b.keyCode, b.setAttribute, b.angle, b.distance);

this.Gd(b.shadow, b.strength); c[lastChild][setAttribute]("result", d); this.width("xor", d, e, {}, "shadow"); b[knockout] ? b[inner] ? this.width("in", "shadow", a) : b.onTop this.wid th("out", "shadow", a) : b[inner] ? this.width("atop", "shadow", a) : b.onTop ? this.width("over", "shadow", a) : this.width("over", a, "shadow"); c[lastChild][setAttribute]("result", this[result]()) }); var Kf = function (a) { this.h = a }; T(Kf, Cf); Kf[prototype].parentNode = function (a) { return new Ye(this.h, a) }; var Lf = function (a) { this.h = a }; T(Lf, Cf); Lf[prototype].parentNode = function (a) { return new bf(this.h, a) }; var ff = function (a) { this.h = a; this.nd = Sd.oa().slice() }; ff[prototype].ha = function () { return this.xmin }; ff[prototype].text = function () { var a; a = this.h.emSquareSize ? this.h.emSquareSize : 1024; var b, c, d; this.h.ascent && this.h.descent ? (b = this.h.ascent, c = this.h.descent, d = (b + c) / a) : (this.h[name] && !this.h[glyphs] ? (b = document[createElementN S]("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "div"), b[style].fontFamily = this.h[name], b [style].fontSize = "1024px", b.innerHTML = "A", document[body][appendChild](b), d = b.clientHeight / 1024, md(b)) : d = 1.15, b = a * 0.9, c = a * (d - 0.9)); this.ce = d; d = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "font-face"); d[setAttribute]("units-per-em", a); d[setAttribute]("ascent", b); d[setAttribute]("descent", c); b = "'" + this.nd + "'"; this.h[name] && (b += ",'" + this.h[name] + "'"); d[setAttribute]("font-family", b); d[setAttribute]("font-weight", this.h.bold ? "bold" : "normal"); d[setAttribute]("font-style", this.h.italic ? "italic" : "normal"); if (this.h[name] && !this.h[glyphs]) a = document[createElementNS]("http://w ww.w3.org/2000/svg", "font-face-src"), b = document[createElementNS]("http://www .w3.org/2000/svg", "font-face-name"), b[setAttribute]("name", this.h[name]), a[a ppendChild](b), d[appendChild](a), this.xmin = d; else { b = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "font"); b[setAttribute]("horiz-adv-keyCode", a); b[appendChild](d); if (this.h[glyphs]) for (a = 0; a < this.h[glyphs][length]; a++) d = thi s.h[glyphs][a], c = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "gly ph"), c[setAttribute]("d", qf(d[data])), c[setAttribute]("unicode", d.unicode), d.advance && c[setAttribute]("horiz-adv-keyCode", d.advance), b[appendChild](c);

this.xmin = b } return this.xmin }; var Mf = function (a) { this.h = a }; Mf[prototype].ha = function () { return this.xmin }; Mf[prototype].text = function () { var a = document[createElementNS]("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "image"); a.id = Sd.oa().slice(); a[setAttribute]("width", this.h[width]); a[setAttribute]("height", this.h[height]); if (this.h.mask) { var b = this.h[width], c = this.h[height], d = document[createElement]("canvas"); d.width = this.h[width]; d.height = this.h[height]; var e = new Image, f = new Image, i = k, o = k, p = function () { if (i && o) { var p = d.getContext("2d"); p.clearRect(0, 0, b, c); p.drawImage(e, 0, 0, b, c); p.globalCompositeOperation = "xor"; p.drawImage(f, 0, 0, b, c); a[setAttributeNS]("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", d. toDataURL("image/png")) } }; e.onload = function () { i = h; p() }; f.onload = function () { o = h; p() }; e.src = this.h[data]; f.src = this.h.mask } else a[setAttributeNS]("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", this.h[data ]); return this.xmin = a }; var Of = function (a) { this.h = a }; T(Of, Cf); Of[prototype].parentNode = function (a) { return new yf(this.h, a) }; var Nf = function (a) { this.h = a };

T(Nf, Cf); Nf[prototype].parentNode = function (a) { return new pf(this.h, a) }; var Pf = function (a) { this.h = a }; Pf[prototype].vd = function (a) { a.vd(this.h.id, this.h[data]) }; var Qf = function (a, b, c) { this.h = a; this.apply = b; this.split = c }; T(Qf, Cf); Qf[prototype].parentNode = function () { return new Jf(this.h, this.apply, this.split) }; var Rf = function (a) { this.h = a }; T(Rf, Cf); Rf[prototype].parentNode = function (a) { return new Af(this.h, a) }; var Sf = function (a, b) { this.Jg = a; this.Ne = b.result(a[actions]); this.Dc = b }; Sf[prototype].kc = function () {}; Sf[prototype].jc = function (a) { this.Dc.Id(new Ze(this.Ne, a)) }; Sf[prototype].dc = function (a) { this.Dc.Xc(new Ze(this.Ne, a)) }; var Vf = function (a) { this.xg = a }; Vf[prototype].kc = function (a) { a.start().ke(this.xg.id) }; Vf[prototype].jc = function () {}; Vf[prototype].dc = function () {}; var Tf = function (a) { this.document = a }; Tf[prototype].kc = function (a) { var b = a.appendChild.od(this.document[depth]); if (!b !b.transform()) if (b !this.document[replace]) if (!b this.d ocument[replace] !this.document.id) if (b && (b.defineProperties() !this.d ocument.id)) this.de(b); else { var c = b, b = a.gd(this.document.id); if (b != j) if (b.defineProperties() && c) this.de(c); else { this.document[name] ? b.gradient(this.document[name]) : b.defineProp

erties() && b.gradient(a.g.Vd()); var d = j; this.document[matrix] && (d = ne(this.document[matrix])); var e = j; this.document[colortransform] && (e = $e(this.document[colortransfor m])); if (this.document[replace]) d (d = c.O()), e (e = c.bitmap); this.document.clip && b.kf(this.document.clip); if (this.document[actions]) for (var f = 0; f < this.document[action s][length]; ++f) { var i = a.Object().result(this.document[actions][f].action); b.ff(this.document[actions][f].events, this.document[actions][f] [keyCode], this.document[actions][f].keyAscii, i) } c && a.nodeValue(this.document[depth]); b.text(); a.vc(b, this.document[depth]); this.document[ratio] != g && b.Bc(this.document[ratio]); d && b[setTransform](d); this.document[filters] && b.be(this.document[filters]); e && b.getName(e); !c && !a.appendChild.cf && b[start]() } } }; Tf[prototype].de = function (a) { this.document[matrix] && a[setTransform](ne(this.document[matrix])); this.document[colortransform] && a.getName($e(this.document[colortransform]) ); this.document[ratio] != g && a.Bc(this.document[ratio]); var b = []; this.document[filters] && (b = this.document[filters]); a.be(b) }; Tf[prototype].jc = function () {}; Tf[prototype].dc = function () {}; var Uf = function (a) { this.Zc = a }; Uf[prototype].kc = function (a) { var b = a.appendChild.od(this.Zc[depth]); if (!b !b.transform()) b && b.createElement(), a.nodeValue(this.Zc[depth] ) }; Uf[prototype].jc = function (a) { var b = a.appendChild.od(this.Zc[depth]); b && b.transform() && (b.createElement(), a.nodeValue(this.Zc[depth])) }; Uf[prototype].dc = function () {}; var Wf = function (a) { this.Uf = a }; Wf[prototype].kc = function (a) { var b = this.Uf, c; for (c in b[data]) a.g.Ud[c] = b[data][c], a.g.Td[b[data][c]] = c }; Wf[prototype].jc = function () {}; Wf[prototype].dc = function () {}; var Zf = function (a, b) {

this.eg = a; this.apply = b; this.Tc = []; this.Le = k }; Zf[prototype].Rd = function (a) { this.Tc[push](a) }; Zf[prototype].yg = function (a) { uc(this.Tc, a) }; Zf[prototype].Ze = function () { for (var a = this.Tc[length] - 1; a >= 0; --a) this.Tc[a].Tf(); this.apply.Object().Ic(); this.apply.replace() }; pa(Zf[prototype], function () { if (!this.Le) this.Le = h, this.Ze(), window.setInterval(R(this.Ze, this), 1 E3 / this.eg) }); var Ze = function (a, b) { this.Ce = a; this.i = b }; var pg = function (a, b) { this.object = a; this.method = b }, qg = function (a, b) { this.A = a; ha(this, {}); this.Q = b }; N = qg[prototype]; N.get = function (a) { var b = this.A.j(this[data], a); return b in this[data] ? this[data][b] : this.Q.get(a) }; oa(N, function (a, b) { var c = this.A.j(this[data], a); if (c in this[data]) if (c = this[data][c], c instanceof pg) { var d = c[method].o[constructor]; if (Q(d)) return d[apply](c.object, b) } else { if (Q(c)) return c[apply](this.Error(), b) } else return this.Q[call](a, b) }); N.set = function (a, b) { var c = this.A.j(this[data], a); return c in this[data] ? (this[data][c] = b, h) : this.Q.set(a, b) }; N.concat = function (a, b) { this[data][this.A.defineProperty(this[data], a)] = b }; N.gc = function (a) { a = this.A.defineProperty(this[data], a); a in this[data] (this[data][a] = g) }; N.hasOwnProperty = function (a) { this.A.j(this[data], a) in this[data] this.Q.hasOwnProperty(a)

}; la(N, function () { return "function->" + this.Q[toString]() }); N.W = function (a) { return this.Q.W(a) }; N.Error = function () { return this.Q.Error() }; var rg = function (a, b, c) { this.A = a; ha(this, c); this.Q = b }; N = rg[prototype]; N.get = function (a) { var b = this.A.j(this[data], a); return b in this[data] ? this[data][b] : this.Q.get(a) }; oa(N, function (a, b) { var c = this.A.j(this[data], a); if (c in this[data]) { if (c = this[data][c], Q(c)) return c[apply](this[data], b) } else return this.Q[call](a, b) }); N.set = function (a, b) { var c = this.A.j(this[data], a); return c in this[data] ? (this[data][c] = b, h) : this.Q.set(a, b) }; N.concat = function (a, b) { var c = this.A.j(this[data], a); c in this[data] ? this[data][c] = b : this.Q.concat(a, b) }; N.gc = function (a) { this.A.j(this[data], a) in this[data] this.Q.gc(a) }; N.hasOwnProperty = function (a) { var b = this.A.j(this[data], a); b in this[data] ? sg(this[data], b) : this.Q.hasOwnProperty(a) }; la(N, function () { return this[data] + "->" + this.Q[toString]() }); N.W = function (a) { return this.Q.W(a) }; N.Error = function () { return this.Q.Error() }; var tg = function (a, b, c) { this.A = a; ha(this, c); this.Cd = b; this.Ae = c }; N = tg[prototype]; N.get = function (a) { var b = this.A.j(this[data], a); return b in this[data] ? this[data][b] : a[toLowerCase]() == "this" ? this.A

e : this.Cd.get(a) }; oa(N, function (a, b) { var c = this.A.j(this[data], a), d = this[data][c]; if (c in this[data]) { if (Q(d)) return d[apply](this[data], b) } else return this.Cd[call](a, b) }); N.set = function (a, b) { this[data][this.A.defineProperty(this[data], a)] = b; return h }; N.concat = function (a, b) { this[data][this.A.defineProperty(this[data], a)] = b }; N.gc = function (a) { a = this.A.defineProperty(this[data], a); a in this[data] (this[data][a] = g) }; N.hasOwnProperty = function (a) { var b = this.A.j(this[data], a); b in this[data] ? sg(this[data], b) : this.Cd.hasOwnProperty(a) }; la(N, function () { return this[data] + "" }); N.W = function (a) { return ha(this, a ? a : this.Ae) }; N.Error = function () { return this[data] }; var ug = function (a, b) { this.A = a; ha(this, new Z(b)); this[data]._global = this[data]; ae(this[data], "_global", 3) }; N = ug[prototype]; N.get = function (a) { return this[data][this.A.j(this[data], a)] }; oa(N, function (a, b) { var c = this[data][this.A.j(this[data], a)]; if (Q(c)) return c[apply](this[data], b) }); N.set = function () { return k }; N.concat = function () {}; N.gc = function () {}; N.hasOwnProperty = function (a) { a = this.A.j(this[data], a); sg(this[data], a) }; la(N, function () { return "_global" }); N.W = function () {};

N.Error = function () { return j }; var Ce = function () {}; T(Ce, be); Ce[prototype].valueOf = function () { for (var a = "", b = this.__swiffy_d; b && b[getName]();) a = "." + b[getNam e]() + a, b = b[getParent](); b && b instanceof Jf && b.g.ca == b && (a = "_level0" + a); return a }; var Be = { _x: { get: function () { return this.__swiffy_d.O().e / 20 }, set: function (a) { var b = this.__swiffy_d, a = ig(b, a, "_x"); if (O(a)) { var c = b.O(); b[setTransform](c.translate(a * 20 - c.e, 0)); b.ja() } } }, _y: { get: function () { return this.__swiffy_d.O().f / 20 }, set: function (a) { var b = this.__swiffy_d, a = ig(b, a, "_y"); if (O(a)) { var c = b.O(); b[setTransform](c.translate(0, a * 20 - c.f)); b.ja() } } }, _xscale: { get: function () { var a = this.__swiffy_d.O(); return 100 * n[sqrt](a.a * a.a + a.b * a.b) }, set: function (a) { var b = this.__swiffy_d, a = ig(b, a, "_xscale"); if (O(a)) { var c = b.O(); b[setTransform](c.fc(a / (100 * n[sqrt](c.a * c.a + c.b * c.b)), 1)); b.ja() } } }, _yscale: { get: function () { var a = this.__swiffy_d.O(); return 100 * n[sqrt](a.c * a.c + a.d * a.d)

}, set: function (a) { var b = this.__swiffy_d, a = ig(b, a, "_yscale"); if (O(a)) { var c = b.O(); b[setTransform](c.fc(1, a / (100 * n[sqrt](c.c * c.c + c.d * c.d )))); b.ja() } } }, _alpha: { get: function () { return this.__swiffy_d.bitmap.ymax * 100 }, set: function (a) { var b = this.__swiffy_d, a = ig(b, a, "_alpha"); if (O(a)) { var c = b.bitmap; b.getName(new Yd(c.getOwnPropertyNames, c.preventDefault, c.getP arent, c.getNamedItem, c.indent, c.createTextNode, a / 100, c.setAttributeNS)); b.ja() } } }, _visible: { get: function () { return this.__swiffy_d.setCapture }, set: function (a) { var b = this.__swiffy_d, a = ig(b, a, "_visible"); O(a) && (b.sg(Boolean(a)), b.ja()) } }, _rotation: { get: function () { var a = this.__swiffy_d.O(); return -180 * n.atan2(a.c, a.a) / n.PI }, set: function (a) { var b = this.__swiffy_d, a = ig(b, a, "_rotation"); if (O(a)) { var c = b.O(); b[setTransform](c.gg(a * n.PI / -180 - n.atan2(c.c, c.a))); b.ja() } } }, _name: { get: function () { return this.__swiffy_d[getName]() }, set: function (a) { this.__swiffy_d.gradient(a); this.__swiffy_d.ja() }

}, _quality: { get: function () { return 0 }, set: function () {} }, _highquality: { get: function () { return 0 }, set: function () {} }, _soundbuftime: { get: function () { return 0 }, set: function () {} }, _parent: { get: function () { var a = this.__swiffy_d.constructor; return a ? a.depth() : a }, set: function () {} }, _xmouse: { get: function () { var a = this.__swiffy_d; return hg(a.floor(), a.g.yc).keyCode }, set: function () {} }, _ymouse: { get: function () { var a = this.__swiffy_d; return hg(a.floor(), a.g.yc).setAttribute }, set: function () {} }, _url: { get: function () { return document.location.href }, set: function () {} }, _width: { get: function () { var a = this.__swiffy_d, b = a.ctrlKey(); b.parseInt(a.O()); return (b.style - b.type) / 20 }, set: function (a) { var b = this.__swiffy_d, a = b.g.Object().sqrt(a); if (a >= 0) { a /= this._width; var c = b.O(); b[setTransform](c.fc(a, 1));

b.ja() } } }, _height: { get: function () { var a = this.__swiffy_d, b = a.ctrlKey(); b.parseInt(a.O()); return (b.call - b.toString) / 20 }, set: function (a) { var b = this.__swiffy_d, a = b.g.Object().sqrt(a); if (a >= 0) { a /= this._height; var c = b.O(); b[setTransform](c.fc(a, 1)); b[setTransform](c.fc(1, a)); b.ja() } } } }; ae(Ce[prototype], j, 3); var Ef = function () {}; T(Ef, Ce); ae(Ef[prototype], j, 3); var Y = function () {}; T(Y, Ef); Y[prototype].gotoAndStop = function (a) { var b = this.__swiffy_d; b.oc(b.$b(a), k) }; Y[prototype].gotoAndPlay = function (a) { var b = this.__swiffy_d; b.oc(b.$b(a), h) }; Y[prototype].play = function () { this.__swiffy_d[play]() }; Y[prototype].stop = function () { this.__swiffy_d[stop]() }; Y[prototype].nextFrame = function () { this.__swiffy_d.Te() }; Y[prototype].prevFrame = function () { this.__swiffy_d.Ue() }; Y[prototype].onEnterFrame = function () {}; Y[prototype].onLoad = function () {}; Y[prototype].globalToLocal = function (a) { var b = this.__swiffy_d, c = b.g.Object(), d = c.pe(a); if (d != j) { var e = c.j(a, "keyCode"), c = c.j(a, "setAttribute"), b = b.floor(),

d = hg(b, d); a[e] = d.keyCode; a[c] = d.setAttribute } }; Y[prototype].localToGlobal = function (a) { var b = this.__swiffy_d, c = b.g.Object(), d = c.pe(a); if (d != j) { var e = c.j(a, "keyCode"), c = c.j(a, "setAttribute"), b = b.floor(), d = new X(d.keyCode * 20, d.setAttribute * 20); d.parseInt(b); d.keyCode /= 20; d.setAttribute /= 20; a[e] = d.keyCode; a[c] = d.setAttribute } }; Y[prototype].createEmptyMovieClip = function (a, b) { var c = this.__swiffy_d, d = new Jf({ frameCount: 0, tags: [] }, c.g, c.split); d.toLowerCase = h; d.gradient(a); d.text(); d[start](); c.nodeValue(b); c.vc(d, b); return c.depth() }; Y[prototype].attachMovie = function (a, b, c, d) { var e = this.__swiffy_d, a = e.g.Ud[a]; if (O(a) && (a = e.gd(a), a.toLowerCase = h, a.gradient(b), a.text(), a[star t](), e.nodeValue(c), e.vc(a, c), O(d))) { var b = a.depth(), f; for (f in d) b[f] = d[f] } }; Y[prototype].duplicateMovieClip = function (a, b, c) { var d = this.__swiffy_d, e = d[getParent](); if (e && (a = d.duplicate(e, a, b), O(c))) { var a = a.depth(), f; for (f in c) a[f] = c[f] } }; Y[prototype].removeMovieClip = function () { var a = this.__swiffy_d, b = a[getParent](); a.toLowerCase && b && (a.height(), b[removeChild](a)) }; Y[prototype].swapDepths = function (a) {

var b = this.__swiffy_d, c = b[getParent](); if (c) { if (a instanceof Ce) { a = a.__swiffy_d; if (a[getParent]() != c) return; a = a[depth] } else a = Number(a); c.Nd(b[depth], a) } }; Object[defineProperties](Y[prototype], function () { var a = {}, b; for (b in Je) { var c = Je[b]; a[c] = { get: Le, set: ec(Ke, c) } } return a }()); Y[prototype].getBytesLoaded = function () { return this.getBytesTotal() }; Y[prototype].getBytesTotal = function () { return 1E3 }; Y[prototype].getBounds = function (a) { var b = this.__swiffy_d, c = b.ctrlKey(); if (O(a)) { var d = j; a instanceof Y ? d = a.__swiffy_d : P(a) && (d = b.g.Object().quality(b, a)); if (d != j) a = d.floor().xd(), c.parseInt(a.multiply(b.floor())); else return } b = {}; b.type = c.type / 20; b.style = c.style / 20; b.toString = c.toString / 20; b.call = c.call / 20; return b }; Y[prototype].getURL = function (a, b, c) { var d = 0; P(c) && (c = c[toLowerCase](), c == "get" ? d = 1 : c == "post" && (d = 2)); jg(this, a, b, d) }; Y[prototype].hitTest = function (a, b, c) { if (O(a)) { var d = this.__swiffy_d, e = d.ctrlKey(); e.parseInt(d.floor()); if (!O(b) && !O(c)) { if (b = j, a instanceof Y ? b = a.__swiffy_d : P(a) && (b = d.g.Obje ct().quality(d, a)), b != j) return a = b.ctrlKey(), a.parseInt(b.floor()), e.Nf (a)

} else if (O(b)) return e.contains(a * 20, b * 20) } return k }; var Xf = { _currentframe: { get: function () { return n.max(1, this.__swiffy_d.P + 1) }, set: function () {} }, _totalframes: { get: function () { return this.__swiffy_d.getAttribute }, set: function () {} }, _framesloaded: { get: function () { return this.__swiffy_d.qa }, set: function () {} }, _root: { get: function () { return this.__swiffy_d.g.ca.depth() }, set: function () {} }, _target: { get: function () { var a = this._root; if (this == a) return "/"; else { for (var b = "", c = this; c && c != a;) b = "/" + c._name + b, c = c._parent; return b } }, set: function () {} }, _level0: { get: function () { return this.__swiffy_d.g.ca.depth() }, set: function () {} } }; ae(Y[prototype], j, 3); var ag = function (a) { this.apply = a }; ag[prototype].addListener = function () {}; ag[prototype].removeListener = function () {}; Object[defineProperty](ag[prototype], "height", { get: function () { return this.apply.Zd / 20 }, set: function () {} });

Object[defineProperty](ag[prototype], "width", { get: function () { return this.apply.$d / 20 }, set: function () {} }); ae(ag[prototype], j, 3); var Z = function (a) { Object[defineProperty](this, "__swiffy_s", { value: a }); this.Color = Hf(a); ae(this, "Color", 3) }; Z[prototype].ASSetPropFlags = ae; Z[prototype].clearInterval = function (a) { window.clearInterval(a) }; Z[prototype].clearTimeout = function (a) { window.clearTimeout(a) }; Z[prototype].escape = function (a) { return escape(a)[replace](/[-@*+.\/_]/g, function (a) { return "%" + a[charCodeAt](0)[toString](16).toUpperCase() }) }; Z[prototype].parseFloat = function (a) { return parseFloat(a) }; Z[prototype].parseInt = function (a, b) { return parseInt(a, b) }; Z[prototype].isFinite = function (a) { return isFinite(a) }; Z[prototype].isNaN = function (a) { return isNaN(a) }; Z[prototype].unescape = function (a) { return unescape(a) }; Z[prototype].setInterval = function (a) { if (Q(a) && arguments[length] >= 2) return window.setInterval[apply](j, argu ments); else if (Zb(a) && arguments[length] >= 3 && Q(a[arguments[1]])) { var b = R(a[arguments[1]], a), c = arguments[2], d = Array[prototype][slice][call](arguments, 3); return window.setInterval[apply](j, [b, c][concat](d)) } }; Z[prototype].setTimeout = function (a, b) { if (Q(a) && arguments[length] >= 2) return window.setTimeout[apply](j, argum ents) }; Z[prototype].updateAfterEvent = function () { var a = this.__swiffy_s; setTimeout(function () { a.replace() }, 0)

}; Z[prototype].Math = n; Z[prototype].MovieClip = Y; Z[prototype].String = String; Z[prototype].Number = Number; Z[prototype].Date = de; Z[prototype].Array = ee; Z[prototype].Object = be; Z[prototype].Key = fe; Object[defineProperty](Z[prototype], "Mouse", { get: function () { return this.__swiffy_s.Xb }, set: function () {} }); Object[defineProperty](Z[prototype], "Stage", { get: function () { return this.__swiffy_s.mf }, set: function () {} }); ae(Z[prototype], j, 3); var $f = function (a) { this.I = []; this.Y = this.R = j; this.me = []; this.ia = []; this.ca = a; this.Ef = this.le(); this.Oc = []; this.Kc = k; this.S = 0; this.V = 4; this.Yd = new ug(this, a.g) }; N = $f[prototype]; N.Id = function (a) { this.Oc[push](R(function () { this.Xc(a) }, this)) }; N.zd = function (a) { this.Oc[push](a) }; N.Ic = function () { if (!this.Kc) { for (this.Kc = h; this.Oc[length] > 0;) this.Oc[shift]()(); this.Kc = k } }; N.le = function () { return (new Date).getTime() }; N.reset = function (a) { this.R = this.Y = a; this.I = []; this.S = 0; this.V = 4; this.I.length += this.V; this.n = new tg(this, this.Yd, a.depth())

}; N.Xc = function (a) { if (!a.i.je) { this.reset(a.i); for (var b = 0; b < a.Ce[length];) b = a.Ce[b][call](this, b + 1) } }; N.ye = function (a, b) { return this.bf(a)[call](this, b) }; var vg = function (a) { a = a[replace](/\.\. \/:? :/g, function (a) { return a == ".." ? "_parent" : "." }); a[0] == "." && (a = "_root" + a); a[a[length] - 1] == "." && (a = a.substring(0, a[length] - 1)); return a }; $f[prototype].Hc = function (a, b) { if (!O(b)) b = this.R; var c = a[split](":"); return c[length] > 1 ? { path: this.quality(b, c[0]), Vb: c[1] } : { path: b, Vb: a } }; $f[prototype].zg = function (a) { for (var b = 0; b < this.me[length]; b++) this.me[b](a); window.console && window.console.log("[trace] " + a) }; var wg = { "boolean": {}, number: {}, string: {}, undefined: {} }, xg = function (a) { for (var b = Object[getOwnPropertyNames](a[__proto__]), a = wg[typeof a] , c = 0; c < b[length]; ++c) { var d = b[c], e = d[toLowerCase](); d != e && (a[e] = d) } }; xg(k); xg(0); xg(""); var yg = function (a) { if (!a) return { constructor: "constructor" }; var b = a.__swiffy_nm; if (!b b.__swiffy_nm != a) { for (var b = Object[create](yg(a[__proto__])), c = Object[getOwnProp ertyNames](a), d = 0; d < c[length]; ++d) { var e = c[d], f = e[toLowerCase]();

e != f && (b[f] = e) } Object[defineProperty](b, "__swiffy_nm", { value: a, writable: h }); Object[defineProperty](a, "__swiffy_nm", { value: b, writable: h }) } return b }; N = $f[prototype]; N.j = function (a, b) { if (this.Y.Sa >= 7) { if (a instanceof Ce) { if (b in a) return b; var c = b[toLowerCase](); if (c in a && zg[indexOf](c) > -1) return c } return b } else { var d = wg[typeof a]; if (!d) { if (b in a) return b; d = yg(a) } c = b[toLowerCase](); return (d = d[c]) ? d : c } }; N.defineProperty = function (a, b) { if (this.Y.Sa >= 7) { if (a instanceof Ce) { if (b in a) return b; var c = b[toLowerCase](); if (c in a && zg[indexOf](c) > -1) return c } return b } else { var d = wg[typeof a]; if (d) return c = b[toLowerCase](), (d = d[c]) ? d : c; else { if (b in a) return b; var e = yg(a), c = b[toLowerCase](); return (d = e[c]) ? d : b == c c in a ? c : e[c] = b } } }; N.pe = function (a) { if (Zb(a)) { var b = a[this.j(a, "keyCode")], a = a[this.j(a, "setAttribute")]; if (typeof b == "number" && typeof a == "number") return new X(b, a) } return j }; N.W = function (a) {

(this.R = a) ? this.n.W(a.depth()) : this.n.W(j) }; N.Error = function () { return this.R }; N.push = function (a) { this.I[push](a) }; N.pop = function () { if (this.I[length] > this.S + this.V) return this.I.pop() }; N.ed = function (a) { var b = this.Y.Sa; typeof a == "boolean" && b < 5 && (a = a ? "1" : "0"); return !O(a) && b < 7 ? "" : a + "" }; N.sqrt = function (a) { var b = this.Y.Sa; return !O(a) a === j ? b < 7 ? 0 : Number.NaN : P(a) ? (a = Number(a), b < 5 && isNaN(a) ? 0 : a) : Number(a) }; N.k = function () { return this.sqrt(this.pop()) }; N.push = function () { return this.ed(this.pop()) }; N.uc = function () { var a = this.pop(); typeof a == "string" && (a = Number(a)); return Boolean(a) }; N.Vc = function () { var a = this.pop(); if (a instanceof Ce) return a; if (a = this.quality(this.R, String(a))) return a.depth() }; N.quality = function (a, b) { if (!a !b) return a; for (var b = vg(b), c = a.depth(), d = b[split]("."), e = 0; e < d[length] & & c; e++) c = c[this.j(c, d[e])]; return c ? c.__swiffy_d : j }; N.Yf = function (a) { var b = this.n.Error(); if (a) for (var a = vg(a), a = a[split]("."), c = 0; c < a[length] && b; c++ ) b = b[this.j(b, a[c])]; return b }; N.Bf = function (a, b, c, d) { this.Kc this.reset(c); a = this.Hc(a, c); if (a[path]) { var c = a[path].depth(), e = this.defineProperty(c, a.Vb); O(a[path].isCaptured[e]) (a[path].isCaptured[e] = []); a[path].isCaptured[e][push](b); if (e in c && (b.ud(String(c[e])), d = c[e], Object[getOwnPropertyDescri ptor](c, e).get)) return; Object[defineProperty](c, e, Ag(d, a[path].isCaptured[e]))

} }; var Ag = function (a, b) { var c = a; return { get: function () { return c }, set: function (a) { c = a; for (var e = 0; e < b[length]; e++) b[e].ud(a) }, configurable: h } }; $f[prototype].Kf = function (a, b, c) { a = this.Hc(a, c); a[path] && (c = this.j(a[path].depth(), a.Vb), uc(a[path].isCaptured[c], b)) }; var sg = function (a, b) { delete a[b]; if (a instanceof Y) { var c = a.__swiffy_d.appendChild.ig(b); c && xe(a, c, b) } }; $f[prototype].result = function (a) { for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a[length]; ++c) b[c] = this.bf(a[c]); return b }; $f[prototype].bf = function (a) { var b = $[a[type]]; return !b ? R(Bg, this, a[type]) : b.$ ? b(a, this) : b }; var zg = "_x,_y,_xscale,_yscale,_currentframe,_totalframes,_alpha,_visible,_widt h,_height,_rotation,_target,_framesloaded,_name,_droptarget,_url,_highquality,_f ocusrect,_soundbuftime,_quality,_xmouse,_ymouse".split(","), $ = { 4: function (a) { var b = this.R; b != j && b.Te(); return a }, 5: function (a) { var b = this.R; b != j && b.Ue(); return a }, 6: function (a) { var b = this.R; b != j && b[play](); return a }, 7: function (a) { var b = this.R; b != j && b[stop](); return a }, 9: function (a) { var b = this.R;

b != j && b.start().mg(); return a }, 10: function (a) { var b = this.k(); this[push](this.k() + b); return a }, 11: function (a) { var b = this.k(); this[push](this.k() - b); return a }, 12: function (a) { var b = this.k(); this[push](this.k() * b); return a }, 13: function (a) { var b = this.k(); this[push](this.k() / b); return a }, 14: function (a) { var b = this.k(), b = this.k() == b; this.Y.Sa < 5 && (b = b ? 1 : 0); this[push](b); return a }, 15: function (a) { var b = this.k(); this[push](this.k() < b); return a }, 16: function (a) { var b = this.uc(); this[push](this.uc() && b); return a }, 17: function (a) { var b = this.uc(); this[push](this.uc() b); return a }, 18: function (a) { this[push](!this.uc()); return a }, 19: function (a) { var b = this.push(); this[push](this.push() == b); return a }, 20: function (a) { this[push](this.push()[length]); return a }, 21: function (a) { var b = Number(this.pop()),

c = n.max(0, Number(this.pop()) - 1); this[push](this.push().substr(c, b)); return a }, 23: function (a) { this.pop(); return a }, 24: function (a) { var b = this.k(), b = b < 0 ? n.ceil(b) : Math.floor(b); this[push](b); return a }, 28: function (a) { var b = this.push(), b = vg(b), b = b[split]("."), c = this.n.get(b[0]); if (b[length] > 1) { var d; for (d = 1; O(c) && d < b[length] - 1; ++d) c = c[this.j(c, b[d] )]; O(c) && (c = c[this.j(c, b[d])]) } this[push](c); return a }, 29: function (a) { var b = this.pop(), c = this.push(), c = vg(c), d = c[split]("."); if (d[length] == 1) this.n.set(c, b); else { var c = this.n.get(d[0]), e; for (e = 1; O(c) && e < d[length] - 1; ++e) c = c[this.j(c, d[e] )]; O(c) && (c[this.defineProperty(c, d[e])] = b) } return a }, 33: function (a) { var b = this.push(); this[push](this.push() + b); return a }, 34: function (a) { var b = zg[this.k()], c = this.Vc(); c ? this[push](c[b]) : this[push](g); return a }, 35: function (a) { var b = this.pop(), c = zg[this.k()], d = this.Vc(); d && c && (d[c] = b); return a

}, 36: function (a) { var b = this.k(), c = this.push(), d = this.Vc(); d && d.__swiffy_d.duplicate(this.R, c, b); return a }, 37: function (a) { var b = this.Vc(); b instanceof Y && b.removeMovieClip(); return a }, 38: function (a) { var b = this.pop(); this.zg(O(b) ? this.ed(b) : "undefined"); return a } }, Bg = function (a, b) { return b }; $[51] = function (a) { var b = this.k(); this[push](String.fromCharCode(b)); return a }; $[50] = function (a) { this[push](this.push()[charCodeAt](0)); return a }; $[52] = function (a) { this[push](this.le() - this.Ef); return a }; $[48] = function (a) { var b = this.k(), c; do c = Math.floor(n.random() * b); while (c == b && b > 0); this[push](c); return a }; $[60] = function (a) { var b = this.pop(); this.n.concat(this.pop(), b); return a }; $[65] = function (a) { this.n.gc(this.pop()); return a }; $[59] = function (a) { var b = this.push(), b = vg(b), c = b[split]("."); if (c[length] == 1) this.n.hasOwnProperty(b); else { var b = this.n.get(c[0]), d;

for (d = 1; O(b) && d < c[length] - 1; ++d) b = b[this.j(b, c[d])]; O(b) && sg(b, this.j(b, c[d])) } return a }; $[62] = function () { qa(this, this.pop()); return Number.MAX_VALUE }; $[63] = function (a) { var b = this.k(); this[push](this.k() % b); return a }; $[71] = function (a) { var b = this.pop(), c = this.pop(); P(b) P(c) ? this[push](this.ed(c) + this.ed(b)) : this[push](this.sqrt(c) + this.sqrt(b)); return a }; $[72] = function (a) { var b = this.pop(), c = this.pop(); if (!P(b) !P(c)) b = this.sqrt(b), c = this.sqrt(c); b !== b c !== c ? this[push](g) : this[push](c < b); return a }; $[103] = function (a) { var b = this.pop(); this[push](this.pop() > b); return a }; $[73] = function (a) { var b = this.pop(); this[push](this.pop() == b); return a }; $[102] = function (a) { var b = this.pop(); this[push](this.pop() === b); return a }; $[41] = function (a) { var b = this.push(); this[push](this.push() < b); return a }; $[104] = function (a) { var b = this.push(); this[push](this.push() > b); return a }; $[105] = function (a) { var b = this.pop(), c = this.pop(); T(c, b); return a }; $[74] = function (a) {

this[push](this.k()); return a }; $[75] = function (a) { this[push](this.push()); return a }; $[76] = function (a) { var b = this.pop(); this[push](b); this[push](b); return a }; $[77] = function (a) { var b = this.pop(), c = this.pop(); this[push](b); this[push](c); return a }; $[78] = function (a) { var b = this.push(), c = this.pop(), d = g; c && (d = c[this.j(c, b)]); this[push](d); return a }; $[79] = function (a) { var b = this.pop(), c = this.push(), d = this.pop(); d && (d[this.defineProperty(d, c)] = b); return a }; $[80] = function (a) { var b = this.k(); this[push](++b); return a }; $[81] = function (a) { var b = this.k(); this[push](--b); return a }; $[96] = function (a) { var b = this.k(), c = this.k(); this[push](b & c); return a }; $[97] = function (a) { var b = this.k(), c = this.k(); this[push](b c); return a }; $[98] = function (a) { var b = this.k(); this[push](this.k() ^ b);

return a }; $[99] = function (a) { var b = this.k(); this[push](this.k() << b); return a }; $[100] = function (a) { var b = this.k(); this[push](this.k() >> b); return a }; $[101] = function (a) { var b = this.k(); this[push](this.k() >>> b); return a }; $[58] = function (a) { var b = this.push(), c = this.pop(); c && sg(c, this.j(c, b)); return a }; $[129] = function (a, b) { return R(Cg, b, a.frame) }; $[129].$ = h; var Cg = function (a, b) { var c = this.R; c != j && c.oc(a, k); return b }; $[140] = function (a, b) { return R(Dg, b, a.label) }; $[140].$ = h; var Dg = function (a, b) { var c = this.R; if (c != j) { var d = c.$b(a); d != g && c.oc(d, k) } return b }; $[136] = function (a, b) { return R(Eg, b, a.constants) }; $[136].$ = h; var Eg = function (a, b) { this.ia = a; return b }; $[32] = function (a) { var b = this.pop(); b = b instanceof Ce ? b.__swiffy_d : (b = String(b)) ? this.quality(this.Y, b) : this.n.W(j).__swiffy_d; this.W(b); return a }; $[69] = function (a) {

var b = this.pop(), c = g; b instanceof Ce && (c = b.valueOf()); this[push](c); return a }; $[305] = function (a, b) { return R(Fg, b, a.value) }; $[305].$ = h; var Fg = function (a, b) { this[push](a); return b }; $[306] = function (a) { this[push](g); return a }; $[307] = function (a) { this[push](Number[POSITIVE_INFINITY]); return a }; $[308] = function (a) { this[push](Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); return a }; $[309] = function (a) { this[push](Number.NaN); return a }; $[304] = function (a, b) { return R(Gg, b, a.index) }; $[304].$ = h; var Gg = function (a, b) { this[push](this.ia[a]); return b }; $[303] = function (a, b) { return R(Hg, b, a.index) }; $[303].$ = h; var Hg = function (a, b) { a >= 0 && a < this.V ? this[push](this.I[this.S + a]) : this[push](g); return b }; $[135] = function (a, b) { return R(Ig, b, a.index) }; $[135].$ = h; var Ig = function (a, b) { a >= 0 && a < this.V && (this.I[this.S + a] = this.I[this.I[length] - 1] ); return b }; $[154] = function (a, b) { return R(Jg, b, a[method]) }; $[154].$ = h; var Jg = function (a, b) {

var c = this.push(), d = this.push(); jg(this.R.depth(), d, c, a); return b }; $[148] = function (a, b) { return R(Kg, b, b.result(a[body])) }; $[148].$ = h; var Kg = function (a, b) { var c = this.pop(); if (!(c instanceof be)) return b; var d = this.n; this.n = new rg(this, d, c); for (c = 0; c < a[length];) c = a[c][call](this, c + 1); this.n = d; return b }; $[155] = function (a, b) { return R(Lg, b, a.args, b.result(a[body])) }; $[155].$ = h; var Lg = function (a, b, c) { var d = this, e = this.ia, f = this.n, i = function () { var c = d.n, i = d.S, A = d.V, ca = d.ia, V = d.R, eb = d.Y, I; d.Y.Sa > 5 ? (I = f, d.n = new qg(d, I), d.W(f.Error().__swiffy_ d)) : (I = new tg(d, d.Yd, this), d.n = new qg(d, I), this instanceof Ce && d.W( this.__swiffy_d)); d.ia = e; d.S = d.I[length]; d.V = 4; d.I.length += d.V; for (I = 0; I < a[length]; ++I) d.n.concat(a[I], arguments[I]); d.n.concat("this", this); qa(d, g); for (I = 0; I < b[length];) I = b[I][call](d, I + 1); ma(d.I, d.S); d.n = c; d.S = i; d.V = A; d.ia = ca; d.Y = eb; d.R = V; return d[returnValue] }; T(i, be); this[push](i); return c }; $[142] = function (a, b) { return R(Mg, b, a.args, b.result(a[body]), a.preloads, a.suppress, a.registe

rCount) }; $[142].$ = h; var Mg = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var i = this, o = this.ia, p = this.n, A = function () { var f = i.n, A = i.S, eb = i.V, I = i.ia, Tb = i.Error(), Sa = i.Y; i.n = new qg(i, p); i.ia = o; i.W(p.Error().__swiffy_d); i.S = i.I[length]; i.V = e; i.I.length += i.V; d & 4 i.n.concat("this", this); d & 1 i.n.concat("super", new pg(this, arguments.callee)); for (var S = 0; S < c[length] && S + 1 < e; ++S) i.I[i.S + S + 1 ] = i.n.get(c[S]); for (S = 0; S < a[length]; ++S) P(a[S]) ? i.n.concat(a[S], argum ents[S]) : i.I[i.S + a[S]] = arguments[S]; qa(i, g); for (S = 0; S < b[length];) S = b[S][call](i, S + 1); ma(i.I, i.S); i.n = f; i.S = A; i.V = eb; i.ia = I; i.Y = Sa; i.W(Tb); return i[returnValue] }; T(A, be); this[push](A); return f }; $[61] = function (a) { for (var b = this.push(), c = this.k(), d = [], e = 0; e < c; ++e) d[e] = th is.pop(); this[push](this.n[call](b, d)); return a }; $[82] = function (a) { for (var b = this.pop(), c = this.pop(), d = this.k(), e = [], f = 0; f < d; f++) e[f] = this.pop(); if (c != j) if (b) { var d = g, i; if (c instanceof pg) { i = c.object; for (var o = k, p = i[constructor]; p; p = p.o && p.o[constructor]) { if (o) { d = p[prototype][String(b)]; break

} for (var A = Object[getOwnPropertyNames](p[prototype]), f = 0; f < A[length] && !o; f++) p[prototype][A[f]] === c[method] && (o = h) } } else d = c[this.j(c, String(b))], i = c; d ? this[push](d[apply](i, e)) : this[push](g) } else if (c instanceof pg) b = c[method].o[constructor], Q(b) ? this[push]( b[apply](c.object, e)) : this[push](g); else this[push](c[apply](this.n.Error(), e)); else this[push](g); return a }; $[64] = function (a) { for (var b = this.n.get(this.push()), c = this.k(), d = [], e = 0; e < c; ++ e) d[e] = this.pop(); Q(b) (b = be); c = Object[create](b[prototype]); b[apply](c, d); this[push](c); return a }; $[83] = function (a) { for (var b = this.pop(), c = this.pop(), d = this.k(), e = [], f = 0; f < d; f++) e[f] = this.pop(); d = g; c != j && (d = b ? c[this.j(c, String(b))] : c); Q(d) (d = be); b = Object[create](d[prototype]); d[apply](b, e); this[push](b); return a }; $[84] = function (a) { var b = this.pop(), c = this.pop(), d = k; Q(b) && (d = c instanceof b); this[push](d); return a }; $[67] = function (a) { for (var b = new be, c = this.k(), d = 0; d < c; d++) { var e = this.pop(), f = this.push(); b[f] = e } this[push](b); return a }; $[66] = function (a) { for (var b = [], c = this.k(), d = 0; d < c; d++) { var e = this.pop(); b[d] = e } this[push](b); return a }; $[68] = function (a) { var b = this.pop(); this[push](b instanceof Y ? "movieclip" : b == j b == g ? String(b) : typ

eof b); return a }; $[85] = function (a) { var b = this.pop(); this[push](g); for (var c in b) this[push](c); return a }; $[153] = function (a, b) { return R(Ng, b, a[target]) }; $[153].$ = h; var Ng = function (a) { return a }; $[157] = function (a, b) { return R(Og, b, a[target]) }; $[157].$ = h; var Og = function (a, b) { return Boolean(this.pop()) ? a : b }; $[158] = function (a) { var b = this.Hc(this.push()); if (b[path]) { var c = b[path].$b(b.Vb); if (c != g && (c = b[path].Gf(c))) { for (var d = this.n, e = this.S, f = this.V, i = this.ia, o = this.E rror(), p = this.Y, A = this.I, ca = 0; ca < c[length]; ca++) c[ca].dc(b[path]); this.I = A; this.n = d; this.S = e; this.V = f; this.ia = i; this.Y = p; this.W(o) } } return a }; $[159] = function (a, b) { return R(Pg, b, a.frameBias, a[play]) }; $[159].$ = h; var Pg = function (a, b, c) { var d = this.Hc(this.push()); if (d[path]) { var e = d[path].$b(d.Vb); e != g && d[path].oc(e + a, b) } return c };

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