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Key concepts Task 1 The key concepts that apply to citizenship and diversity are as follows; Integregation: is the

whole community working together, living together, using the same leisure facilities. For example, cinema and swmming pool facilities. As more and more ethnic minority intergrate to the UK more of these people will want equal access to leisure and a community that acceptes them for who they are. Tolerance: Is to what extent a person will tolerate something. For example, unacceptable behaviour. In the modern society Tolerance is part of everyday life as todays society is diverse. For example, an Indian family move to England to start a new life, many people will not tolerate this due to the current economic climate that we are suffering. However, this family has certain beliefs that the local residents must accept their difference and respect their way of life. Multiculturalism: Is a range of cultures living together in one society. For example, a common place where there are a range of cultures living together is in Birmingham and Bradford. Multiculturalism takes place all over the world and this concept that links nicely back to Tolerance, as local residents will have to accept how the world is changing however Britain has always been multicultural. Rights and Responsibilities of individuals: This concept describes what is considered traditional in society, e.g. celebration event or an annual competition amongst the community. For example, at Christmas many communities have a light decoration competition which is beneficial for the owner of that property but also for the rest of the community.

Equal opportunities and positive action on greater inclusion: Everybody in the modern society should have access to opportunities that can benefit themselves and others which results in a positive action within the society. For example, a minority group of people have planned and built a community / sports centre to benefit the people of their town of all Ethnic, Disability, Gender and Age groups; these are minority groups that can all work to together to make a difference. Corporate social responsibility: This concept describes how each individual person has the responsibility to act in a social group to progress in a positive manner to benefit themselves and others in that society. Also corporate means business, so this refers to team work in the workplace. The employer must adopt this concept to ensure their employees are taking on responsibilities and looking after their well being. For example, a Squad of army personnel have just finished a tour in Afghanistan, these personnel will need a few weeks to wind down, so they will take part in adventure training to help them relax from the pressures of being on the front line.

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