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Rocking on Java

Vo Minh Tam

Understand OOP Review all features of Java language Get you out of confusion Update latest changes in Java (since 1.5) How to make your code more beautiful

Understand OOP Have a little knowledge with Java

pg. 2

Java Basics Java Advanced Code Convention Performance Tips Design Pattern

pg. 3

Java Basics

Java Basics
A little history Features OOP Exception Handling Collection Thread GUI & IO & Networking & Database

Java Advanced Code Convention Performance Tips Design Pattern

pg. 5

A little history
1991 James Gosling Oak Java Star 7: a personal hand-held remote control Includes

pg. 6


Garbage Collection Code Security

Class Loader Bytecode verifier

pg. 7

Java Basics

Class and Object Abstract class and interface Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism Overload
characterized by their properties and behaviors

pg. 8

Java Basics

Abstract class and interface

Derived class must implement all abstract methods Cannot create instances by using new operators The purpose in POLYMORPHISM

Difference from abstract class

[I] Have multiple interface in one class [I] CANNOT include nonabstract method [I] Interface is NOT designed to be superclass. Interface is designed to add some behaviors to a class.

A relationship between class/abstract class and class is a strong relationship. It is known as IS-A relationship. A relationship between class and interface is a weak relationship. It is known as Is-kind-of relationship.
pg. 9

Java Basics

Super and sub class Object members Constructor Calling Chain Override
instance methods static methods hiding methods

Casting Final class and method

pg. 10

Java Basics


Ph.D Nguyen Hua Phung, Dept of CSE pg. 11

Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram


association (using)


inheritance (is a)


Java Basics

Exception Handling

Error vs. Exception

Immediate subclasses of Throwable
Error Exception

(1) Generally beyond the control of user programs

Out of memory errors Hard disk crash

(2) Usually the result of some flaws in the user program code

Checked Exception vs. Unchecked Exception

pg. 13

Java Basics

Exception Handling

Error vs. Exception Checked Exception vs. Unchecked Exception

Common unchecked exception
NullPointerException ArithmetrictException IllegalArgumentException IllegalStateException UnsupportedOperationException AssertionError

pg. 14

Java Basics

Exception Handling

pg. 15

Java Basics

pg. 16

Java Basics

Normal Array vs. List Vector vs. ArrayList Traversing

pg. 17

Java Advanced

Java Basics Java Advanced
Scanner printf Autoboxing Enumerated Types Foreach loop Generic Types

Code Convention Performance Tips Design Pattern

pg. 19

Java 1.0
8 packages 212 classes

Java 1.1
23 packages 504 classes

Java 1.2
59 packages 1520 classes

Java 1.3
77 packages 1595 classes

Java 1.4
103 packages 2175 classes Regular Exp Logging Assertions NIO

Java 1.5
131 packages 2656 classes javax.activity, javax. management

New Events Inner class Object Serialization Jar Files International Reflection JDBC RMI

JFC/Swing Drag and Drop Java2D CORBA

JNDI Java Sound Timer

java.nio, javax.imageio, javax.net, javax.print, javax.security, org.w3c javax.naming, javax.sound, javax.transaction

javax.accessibility, javax.swing, org.omg

java.math, java.rmi, java.security, java.sql, java.text, java.beans java.applet, java.awt, java.io, java.lang, java.net, java.util

Other New Features

Static import:
import static java.Math.*;

Variable length argument lists. Semaphores Metadata

pg. 21

Scanner stdin = Scanner.create(System.in); Scanner stdin = new Scanner();

Read from keyboard

nextXXX() hasNextXXX()

InputTest.java pg. 22

printf method
Similar to C style printf Handles
strings native types numeric types java.util.Date

See java.util.Formatter for details

OutputTest.java pg. 23

Wrap ints into Integers Extract ints from Integers

NullPointerException with wrapper class Inmutability
This is now legal: Integer x = 6; Integer y = 2*x + 3;

//6 is boxed //x is unboxed, 15 is boxed

AutoBoxTest.java pg. 24

Object Only Performance

int x = 6; int y = 2*x;
Code: 0: bipush 2: istore_1 3: iconst_2 4: iload_1 5: imul 6: istore_2 6

pg. 25

Object Only Performance

Integer x = 6; Integer y = 2*x;
Code: 0: bipush 6 2: invokestatic 5: astore_1 6: iconst_2 7: aload_1 8: invokevirtual 11: 12: 15:

#2; //Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;

#3; //Method java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I

imul invokestatic astore_2

#2; //Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;

pg. 26

Object Only Performance

Integer x = Integer.valueOf(6); Integer y = Integer.valueOf(2 * x.IntValue); Generates the same byte code.

EnumTest.java & EnumAdvanceTest.java pg. 27

Type-safe enum
enum Day { SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY } //used Day today = Day.WEDNESDAY; switch(today){ case SUNDAY: break; // }
EnumTest.java & EnumAdvanceTest.java pg. 28

More Complex Enum

enum Suit { CLUBS(Color.BLACK), DIAMONDS(Color.RED), HEARTS(Color.RED), SPADES(Color.BLACK); private Color color; Suit(Color color) { this.color = color; } public Color getColor() { return color; } }
EnumTest.java & EnumAdvanceTest.java pg. 29

ArrayList<Number> list = new ArrayList<Number>(); list.add(new Integer(5)); list.add(6); list.add(new Double(3.14159/2)); list.add(new BigInteger("123456789012301234567890") ); list.add(new Long(127L)); Number n = list.get(i);
GenericUseTest.java pg. 30

Defining Generics
public class GenericStack<T> implements Iterable<T> { private T[] data; public GenericStack() { data = (T[])new Object[MIN_SIZE]; } public T pop(){ } public void push(T item) { } public Iterator<T> iterator(){ } //since it is iterable }
pg. 31

Defining Generic Iterator

//inner class of GenericStack private class GenericStackIterator implements Iterator<T> { int index; GenericStackTestIterator() { index = top; } public boolean hasNext() { return index >= 0; } public T next() { if(index < 0) { throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException(); } T item = data[index]; index--; return item; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( ) } }

pg. 32

For each loop (arrays)

double[] array = {2.5, 5.2, 7.9, 4.3, 2.0}; for(double d: array) { System.out.println(d); } Iterate (forward) through the array without paying attention to indices.
ForLoopTest.java pg. 33

For each loop (Collections)

ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); list.add(7); list.add(15); list.add(-67); for(Integer number: list){ System.out.println(number); }

pg. 34

For each loop enums

for( Suit s: Suit.values()){ System.out.println(s.getColor()); } values() returns an Iterator for enum types

pg. 35

Code Convention

Java Basics Java Advanced Code Convention
Class, Variable, Method Exception Handling Comment Naming

Performance Tips Design Pattern

pg. 37

Programming Style Guidelines

80% of the lifetime cost of a piece of software goes to maintenance. Hardly any software is maintained for its whole life by the original author. Code conventions improve the readability of the software, allowing programmers to understand new code more quickly and thoroughly. If you ship your source code as a product, you need to make sure it is as well packaged and clean as any other product you create.
pg. 38

Programming Style Guidelines

http://www.3cardbragrules.com/solutions/index-quality.html pg. 39

Code Convention
Class Well-organized in package name MicroarrayData
layout: Layout R: double[][] G: double[][] Rb: double[][] Gb: double[][] nbrOfSlides(): int nbrOfSpots(): int swapDyes(...) append() as.data.frame(): data.frame getLayout(): Layout setLayout(layout) subtractBackground(...) normalizeWithinSlide(...) normalizeAcrossSlides(...) plot(...) plotSpatial(...) boxplot(...) hist(...) static read(...): MicroarrayData write(...)

Classes should be declared in individual files with the file name Fields matching the class name Avoid God classes -> remember Single Responsibility Principle Fields
Class (static) variables Instance variables
public class variables Methods protected package level (no access modier) private

These methods should be grouped by functionality rather than by scope or accessibility

pg. 40

Code Convention
Variable Minimize
the scope the visibility the mutability

One variable per declaration Initialize local variables where they are declared Use generics-version of a type instead of its raw type when possible

pg. 41

Code Convention
only one job Avoid methods which have more than 30 lines of code Public methods must validate their input arguments Avoid writing methods accepting any more than 5 parameters -> wrap them DRY (Dont Repeat Yourself) Return empty collection instead of null

pg. 42

Code Convention
Exception Handling
Do not use status code to communicate error conditions Never declare an empty catch block Only use the finally block to release resources from a try statement Catch with specific exception first Catch as lately as possible

pg. 43

Code Convention
Comments Single line comment
// TODO, // HACK

Block comment Special Javadoc comment

/***/ Generate an HTML documentation Popular tags
@author @version @param @return @throws @see @since @deprecated

Remove unused code


pg. 44

Code Convention
Naming Naming rules:
Must consist of only letters, digits, _ and $ Cannot start with a number Cannot use Java reserved words

Naming Conventions:
Package names are all lower cases Class names are capitalized with each new word capitalized Variable names have lower case letter, new words are separated by _ or start with a capital letter (except for the first) Methods starts with verbs in camel case
E.g.: getLayout(), normalize(method, slides)

Constants are all in upper case

pg. 45

Code Convention
Naming Naming advices Names should be short but meaningful
e.g. nbrOfGrids (or ngrids) is much better than ngr

Use nouns for names of interfaces, enums, delegates, classes and variables. Not use identifiers such as String, System, out, etc are not reserved words and could be used Use as English rules Consider prefix Boolean variables and properties with can, is or has

pg. 46

Code Convention
Style good programming style means that your program is readable

pg. 47

Code Convention
Style good programming style means that your program is readable Blank lines between
Instructions Functional block

Writing multiple instructions on one line Separating an instruction onto multiple lines Adding spaces between words Declare array type Use one and only one statement per line.

pg. 48

Code Convention

Block section
Indent with tab character (4 characters) if else, while, do, try catch Do not nest code any more than 3 levels of depth

Not excess 80 characters each line
70 characters for documentation

Wrapping Lines
Break after a comma. Break before an operator.
pg. 49

Code Convention

Declarations One declaration per line is recommended since it encourages commenting initialize local variables where theyre declared Placement

pg. 50

Code Convention
StringBuilder > StringBuffer > String concatenation

enum Use enum types instead of constants when possible

for: Use foreach-style loop instead of for loop when possible switch:
include default case Do not use magic number

Do not miss access modifier Avoid boxing and unboxing value types Use prefix in UI components
pg. 51

Performance Tips

Performance Tips

pg. 53

Performance Tips
Prefer static final Perfer static method Avoid getter and setter Use exact type when creating new object ArrayList<String> a = new ArrayList<String>() > List<String a = new ArrayList<String>() Avoid Creating Objects -> Try to reuse
Use Object Pool

pg. 54

Performance Tips
Avoid use Collection, use native array Avoid Enums Where You Only Need Ints
public enum Shrubbery { GROUND, CRAWLING, HANGING } Use public static final int instead

Use Floating-Point Carefully

Use double instead of float Reduce divide and modulo

Know And Use The Libraries

Use System.arraycopy, String.indexOf

pg. 55


pg. 56

J2SE Sang Shin course Code Convention Document from SUN Microsystems KMS Code Convention Buu Nguyen, Duy Lam http://www.jpct.net/wiki/index.php/Performance _tips_for_Android http://d.android.com/guide/practices/design/p erformance.html Calvin Austin. J2SE 1.5 in a Nutshell. http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles /releases/j2se15

pg. 57

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