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our coastal \essels harrl t', grt. surfat,c cra{t are capablc "l crrrrtrrrurricating \\ith air(rail: llrr\ \ r"sr'l

llrlr l,",lirert",l lr,,Ir lulr,,l l l,rrr-rrrr l,r rrr,li,, fi,,"r rlr, .lr"i, ' "r'tr''l ll" r tlt,n't hare to lrc rliltltc<l 1,, attar L: il r'r" rl' .,n rirl,lrr,,. 1,il l -i'lrt- .' - ,1, I r.r'lir -il"r" ' .rr',1 rr-, - I'l 'ir l'r'.tt.,-' l(' g{rt the lllral-esI ashcrll_crrl \ i : \(]s' scl ,,rer lhc.|ol irr a httllr. - \:rr r ,le.lr',,rer'- -rrr [.r" ,,,rr.i-t I i ,,rr-t r,'r'rr',1 rr',1 \'rrr plus'(bast (iualtl sur-{ace cr"r{t t'.p,' S(l lSulr Chasrtst. thc l'(l liii-footer'. ciallr litterl to tlctcct and rlcstlor rttr and rr()rc Ic(crrtl\ th(' l)Ii iI)estr''rrcr is almost:rs tler-latcl craft. c,rnrlrilred lith \rtr Ilslorli. Ihi. latLi'r'rlssll(lcslrl)\cr l)ut .rrr,l I'lir'r1'.. { ir il lul:re l)tlL rr()t a. Iasl as a cirl'lrrre-. - "1,lar'.an\ \esscl r,,lrlt,red. lt is \iiPalr,'l li-lrr 1'larr,-. \r'rlr airl'l.rrr' -. rs {ast ils Coast Guard seaplarres alrd rnrlrhil,- ,',,,.,1 r,, li,rhi it out lith rn\ sul) that 'c,I depth ials. \'attr arrtl air tactir's are corlr_ sur'laces: ii t'arlics plerrlr \ir cor"r'rrr i' ,lrrrr-"-. nnti-air', r:rlL ;:r:r'-. rrrd -pe, i:l rrleLch t',-,,rrlir',rle,l. parti, rrl.rrl' Frr,. r.itlr ,rr' lr lli:.:lrL re1,' -rl -,1, 1, ' lirr; d"r i, e-. lt i- :, irr- l" rr-errlirrg r 1'.rti, n ,'f llre, \'.r:rll I',iO'fhc
sea hrtes prescril,ecl for-<:oastal


Thc Civil Air Potrol

shipping atc rrrrrt patrollt'rl

br \arr'


(,'\lt rrt,rr ,)l)rlilLrs Lllrtl( t llri' :lllxl_ .isi,,rr ol thc ,\r'rrrr Air l ,,r', r':. 'l'he (liril \iL lhtr,,l i(l \l'' i. r'.rr' rircl (rul l)\ , ir iliirrrs irr prir atclr .r' rr.rl li:ht r,l.rrr"-. ll- Irrrr, ti, rr i- 1,, -l"t arrtrl,i,"' rlrut 1,,"t. lit" ,r .rrl' . r -'rl u'' tiriLi arrd to leptJrt it br ratli" "'dc to r ,,r,ir,,l. \o \car'.r'. irr,. '.r' ''i l'\ ri'o t \l'- H,,r,eier. tlr' -" " 1,1.'r' '


All ,,Pcrati,,ns ar-e colrtlolled lrorn l .irryle ,, r,lr,,l r,',,r'r irr \," \ "rL t'it'.

Th" :rlca 1'atr'',lled i- lhe lla-terrr ir.r

Fronticr. lt crtencls out to sea for ahr)ul li00 rriles lr.l r-ances frorrt lear [[ali-

'l he Caribbean -Sca I'rontier takes orerIrorn therc aril e\lends cast arrd s('uth



r l''irl jrr-l ahore.lrrcL."r'rill".

and \rest. enrl)racirE{ all rital islantls ard frlrallt- touching on the shores oI (lc ntral ald South America. Conroring o{ ships fronr the British lsles las extcnded dorrn the r:oast lronr Halifax to Boslon less than a lear ago.
Sincc that time. as patrol ora{t hale becone available. the coastal convor sl's' tem has been stearilill enlargecl and coordinated.
Novy blimps shepherd merchontnen in coostol woters

MAY I94]

Novy "Cotolinoi' bomb effectjvely

Coo5t Guord crummon o.nph,6ron, do por.ot ond .cs(uc wori,

rrllr' ,rir I'a., - lrrrl slati,,rrs. l'jilor. ,,1 rr- t 1,, 1, ,i -,r1, IJIr,,r' l,,r l,.rr_ 1" ri,,,liratlol rc1r,r't rlircct lr, (lontrol: thlr rlr,-l r ir hr. 1,".J, .ir.l,i,.,i. r', rl,ilit\ t., ,lr:i\.. .1r,., , ,1,,\,,, rr'- r, -1',rr-il,l, r,, tlr"ir ,,,rrr , ,. .r',,', ,i ing oliitels lor the r,pclati,,rr ol lLcir. Irrttol \ork ol tht rn0.l \.tlQxltc ,iiL,.tal,lishcrl ilr ( r\ ialrli leclir.d 1or ( ruJt. l'Iii\'",rrrtl sirrril.u r lrLlt ar-r'rnrrr lr rrrairrt.rirrirrg schcrluL irr all sorts oI irr crirllrrrc in th,' xrels: thcsr' \\cxlhcr :Lll(l ill.I u1l.l()uhtedl\ rcr(,llr ( r'all itrc \\ell illrn(.{llratlol(alr'\ (il(,u!llr irri(l r'li-lrirr- irn.rlrral,l,. r,.,tr,,l r,,,fl. |.,r1,- l ',rrrl,- l, -:rrl r ,,,r, tlr;rrr ,,rr, -rrl,. llri;r,',,1 .,ri, , ',."- l','t,i .r,1, ,itr,.,l tlrrr ll;L- i-;'l-,, Irrr" "l \rrr Irlrt,rrlr,r -.rir - tl't ,,1 ,,r, ,,t rh.-,. .rirullrre. rlrire. ( l t-lt ..IIIT1-]IIBI,I,:' llr, - rl, rr ,l, r ' tlr, \.rzi'-ki1,p, r r,,li Lloast Grrar<l piL,ts llr (irlalr'rra.r arrrl kr,',rr- rr,, r l,.r-t , \l,eri,. ,,. tlrrt ., s(rna illnlrlil)illIrs. 'l ltcr aIt' ;rlso RO^\I13BII r.,ll,r lr,,\\ I,i , ,,' lirrlr' llr, ,rirL.mir sirrL -.ulrs: thlt harr (l()lre sonrc orrt t,' c\(.cl,,r.rlr,,,,l- it \\,,r,'r 1,. l,rr; l,eI,,r,. .rJr- lerrt rcslur: rrirrk r,rr rhe siclc. CoasL n. c. PICINiCH lR. ,.rr . irn,l l,,,rrrl,: stllt hi: rrrr. Otrurd pl:rrrr's ol)erate urdcr thr srrrl setup as tlLr Narr plarts. patrollirrr: 'l r, tir, ,.r'"u o{ thc ,l/ilclre11 }ronrbr:r.. Eostern Seo Fronricr rrrra- r,li r" rl 1,, ',,rr-t .:rr:rrrl -t rti.,rr-. llr" I :l li,.r tr.,l ,,tir', r \.1,,, ,lirlaL- t;rki ; ,,lI irr.t 1,, i,,r, ,1;rsrr. tlre 1r,,1, if nlil reccntlr the ,.\rnrr lst Bonrlrcr llr, .r,tiriti,. ,'l .rll 1,.rtr'.1 i r.rI i. jr iu-t ,rrr,,tlrer irr .r l,,rr; -' rie- ,,I r,,rriir,, C,'rrr''rrrrr,l 1,:rtr,,ll',1 tlr, err.t e,,.r:l f.,r \ar al ar irtor: he has as assi-stalt5 I'rtr,,l lli:lrt-. I'rrt ,,rr* *lri, lr .rt rrrr -ll,-. \u\\ rrr \rrti-:ul,rrrrrrirr" C,,lr. l" tlr rrrr''r 1,il,,t- .rrr,l rrar r -lri1, ,,,ir,, r- rr,,' ', r t ,'rrr 1,",,,rr,. th. rrr,,.t r.r, itirr,,,lr, rrlrrr. ir' rlr.ir lir, -. \lrh,,u:lr rrrrlr rnand of thr: lst .\ir T,orce has hcerr rr.,l ,,,,1,.r- r.r'r.rrr;tirr- ft,,rrr t..,,.tr.,1 r, lri1,-,,rrt rrill ,,r; rrrriz,.,1 t,, ,1', 1,.rt,,,1 r,,,rL t,,r rh. ll," t th,. ,,,rll,irr,,l jrr,l.:rrr, rrr ,,i rll llit uudt'rsr:a l' truitl,.--. rrlr,.rr ,,rre,,t \rrrr urr,l, r' tlr. ,lir'r ti,,r ,,f tlr,. (..rrr- rlr, -,. ,,lli,, r. .rs 1,, tlr,, 1,..1 l,r,,,lli,,. lroats is sightr:d. a split'r.rrr,l't ,'I llr' LSl' ,F..r-l, rrr S, e Irurr. , i Ilr' I'rrtr,,l , r.r[t ct th,.:r ,l;-t,,-.,1 i,, .r'r',,nd lJarr of ,,,-ordirratetl battle action is calleel I,,r'. 'Ihe crr:rr is tt,ll ticr l. \,rrll \ir, rrrlt i,,,. .rl-,, t,iut ,,f tl,, l',,r1-,,[ l,.rlr,,l , r rtr tlr,rr ,,,rrr,. I,,,]k I r\\are that destructi()tr ]lla! al\nit shil)r l ql a,, ,r,,.,',,1. llri- air, ".ifr ,1".rrrr"- (. rlr,,l r'r.,rrr ti rr' - , rr.,l,l, llri. L,rirr,. right outsidr the irarhrrr'. ihat thc slijr,,, .IIIIjIIIi|;rI l- fr,...r r,-.:- to re-rlirect p.rtr.ol r'ra{t nrr)!(,ntellts lxr\ illd eluli!e sulls itre l\ing c()n'l, r dt-ll,i t s1, ccale(l ur(lrlr lhe roastal laicrs frorrr \er [r,urrr]lanrl to the CurilrLean. lrr thc Lrlack" (i,rld rror.xins air rhl a| r'l'er etl ( re\ care{Llll\ llolc tlle llashirr3 lluor lights rhir'lr ruark the lhanlrel hr I)clor\ thcll is lhc\ hcar:l out to sea a (l lo thI renclcz!irus r\itir lhr: t Il,lilla to hc (or\o\cd. lllrr.r.oar oI the ttrir ergincs orrt Jirnt cortinrrc: stcacliir as ruilr :rfter' rnile is r.eclcrl ,rff. l',r the lilst as far as thr: t'rl rrill rcar:lr -tr, r, h, - tl.e r,i,l..-r,. \tl.rrrti,. ,rr"r. llr' l'.rrrl,rr',linr ti, :.:rr"r.i,rrtlr.. rn,li,, rrLrrr. llrr to-1rilr,t ilrd c\el tlte I)il()l harc Lhcil c\es lraincd olt the :r,crl i .:l' , rlll, -- ' r1,.rrr-, ,,1 \Jt, L Ljur-tir.; lr,,llr. .'- ,' , r' -r I,r, rrk-. ,.r1,tLrres lnd holcls 'irr, tlrt'risiou. ls thc fr,,ilr o( r'asionc(l Jr-r I IeIis|r,pr7 \ll cr cs .l r.r ir. , .r -, , lr . r.rrl r,,tl,irr irr tlr, r,, r rr ,,1 ,, - rl, . ,.r" r-. I', rlr.rl- trr,. r,.,r ,li'

takc r,fl Ironr rrrarrr lroirrls al()n! tlri, a-l ,,'.1-l .r|l,1 rar ;, t. ,.,rt t,. , , .r,r,i I'rr, l. , ,,r cr irr: tr.,, ',lJ\,,r t.,,l.,rL tlr,.il 1'r'r'sr,r'iIcrl lnllrrl xrc.{s. 'l hcr har c

lll()lt3D .l

"wJ \ry\>

Blimp ond seoploncs consionrly circtc cor"!y5



l ill be due to an undersca boat broach- to rierr an amphibian

the lavc tops, ald so the unceasing vigil contirrues, Sneeping onward. tltc B-25 sees the slou-nroting convol headed dolln the coast. Several airplanes and a blimp are seen flying over the corrvoy, the airplancs circling irr lide arcs about craJt flies slosly abt,ve the vessels to keep pa,:e rvith the surface craft. Navr antl Coast Guard armored ve-.sel-. al'e llanked on either side of the nrerchantnlen ald tankers. readr to hurl depth
signals the commander

turbance on the surlacc

oI the *ater

arld nearer the shoreline, there comes


Coast Cuard. ils Irrin engines r"aring as the pilot guns them to gain altitude. The pilot of the,l4ircAell bomber



as per doctrine; he opens both thro! tles. bomb bals are opened and the bombsight set. As he starts his rurr,
there is another flash, a yalning chasm opens in the sea and a geyser of uater

lhe .hip.. rrhile th"

oI the air pa- shoots high into the air and slowly lrol of his arriral and re,'eites hi= in- mushrooms downrrard. The bombs structions. He learns that an attack have dropped near the undersea boat, uas made during the night on the con- but none has yet scored a direct hit.
r,oy by a sub pack, but rtas beaten olI rvithout loss to escorted or patrol ctaft. Semaphore code is used in the sending






The B-25 goes ou in until directly and receiving of all messages. lor the radio has been silenced since the ct,rr- over and less tharr I00 {t above the conning tr,\er ,,1 the ,-rash-dir in;r suhlov is norr in the submarine zone. charges .rr bornbs at a submerged or The steady progress of the convoy mersible. Then it lets go rvith "plenty

"Kingfishers" spot ond report subs thot opprooch coostol convoys

partiallt suLrnerged srrl," ,,r to lrlast it is suddenll irrterrupted hy a scarlet lith their der:k guns i1 it slrould sur- flash sorrre milcs to leerr ard. Ihe symrretrical forrnation of the ships and lar:e. escort craft is broken up and thc,v takc Alert Ai. Potrols a nerr formation \rhen there is another flash folloued b1' a dull hoom. As the Coming in Jrott Lhc scarrarrl side o{ airrren turn in the direction o{ the the conlol- is orre of the Narr'"s pon- sound they see a Navy blinrp over the
toon-equipped scout obselr ati,,n planes^ spot. dropping depth bombs. This secand most expertly the pilot l aggles his ond blimp has but recentll j,-,ined the upturned uings as he flics ovcrhead convor and discor,ered the tl-boat.

of eilprs {or Jerry." Zooming uprvard arrd arral fr.rnr the multiple explo.ions. it circles to come in again. No need to, Ior lhe Catalina also reaches the scene



in his arc about


escortcd vessels. Ofi to port. orrc of thc

Navy's graceful Carolino flr'ing boats

cruises b1, lith free"swingirrg .50-caliber guns in each blister readl to attack {rom anv angle- and lith its crerv orr thr. alert lnr lln\ ereulualit\. R"1,,\ it-

From'its high elevation it lets loose and is rol tilting downrlard to get closer as a conning toher breaks the
surface. The curving, shark-like back t,f thc sub is plainlv r.isiblc as, anothel lrornL drops ncarbr. 'l'he pilot of thc B-25 lollor';s through

to be in on the kill and it also "shorrers do$'n," The three"point attack is over and the tirne consumed from the dropping of the first depth bomb until the desperately harried U-boat disappears bcneath the rraves is but a few minutes. All hands aboard our bomber a'e grinning; they shake hands and slap backs, The sur{ace craft signal "nell done." lhe b"nrl,er raggles it. rring"

and heads back to its base, its bomb racks empt1, its dar lell spent on a sub huntiug tletnil.

MAY I943

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