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CSl1lCn AL8


LkSCNALI1 un SLC8L1A8? CLnL8AL 8An kl MCCn
Accordlng Lo analysLs Lhe ongolng Arab Sprlngs have been named Lhe mosL
lmporLanL evenL of Lhe 21
cenLury more lmporLanL Lhan Lhe renowned 9/11
aLLacks Lhus maklng lL Lhe focus of noL only Lhe Mlddle LasL buL Lhe enLlre world
Any change ln Lhese sLaLes wlll lead Lo a change ln Lhe world pollLlcs Lhe maln
reason for Lhls change belng Lhe replacemenL of leaders who have
governed(dlcLaLed) Lhe sLaLes for a very long perlod of Llme for some 10 for
oLhers more Lhan four decades Caddafl belng an example
1he unlLed naLlons ls playlng an acLlve role ln prevenLlon of Lhe desLrucLlon
caused by Lhe Arab Sprlngs lL does however favor Lhe rebels who are flghLlng a
revolL for Lhelr own rlghLsLhe rlghLs LhaL have been Laken away from Lhem by
Lhelr leaders 1he mosL challenglng revolL ls Lhe rebelllon agalnsL Caddafl Lhe
resldenL of Llbya for 41 years 303 days 1he people of Llbya have sLood up for
Lhelr rlghLs however Lhey have faced a mulLlLude of problems 1he proCaddafl
people have vlolenLly opposed Lhls rebelllon Clvlllans have been LargeLed and
Caddafl supporLers have openly sworn Lo hunL down Lhe rebels and drag Lhem
from Lhelr houses uesplLe Lhe slLuaLlon of 'hls' counLry Caddafl has noL
proLecLed hls people lnsLead he has Lurned Lhe gun Lowards Lhelr foreheads Lo
proLecL Lhemselves 1herefore Lhe un has found lL necessary Lo lnLervene Cn
leb 22
2011 Lhe un lssued orders asklng Caddafl Lo sLop Lhe vlolence agalnsL
hls own people Powever as no such acLlon was lmplemenLed Lhe order Lo
creaLe a nofly zone over Llbya and allow alr sLrlkes LargeLlng Caddafl's forces
whlch were vlolaLlng human rlghLs was allowed An embargo was placed on arms
and Caddafl's asseLs were frozen 1he acLlon was passed wlLhouL any opposlLlon
from Lhe veLo SLaLes of Lhe unSC 1hls acL was done Lo remove Caddafl's forces

Lo push Lhem away from Lhe clvlllanslnorder Lo proLecL Lhelr llves AparL from
Lhls Lhe lC! lssued a warranL for Caddafl's arresL wheneverwherever he was
ln many ways Lhe SecurlLy Councll has become more acLlve on all Lhose fronLs ln
Lerms of coerclve lnsLrumenLs Ldward Luck Speclal Advlsor Lo un SecreLaryCeneral
8an klmoon

Also on 30
!une 2011 a hlsLorlcal resoluLlon wlLh unanlmous voLes was passed
ln Lhe SecurlLy Councll ln relaLlon Lo Lhe MluuLL LAS1 Sl1uA1lCn
1he unlLed naLlon SecreLary Ceneral has played an lmporLanL role ln Lhe
opposlLlon Lo Lhe vlolaLlon of human rlghLs ln Arab SLaLes faclng such revolLs Pe
has conLacLed Lhe Syrlan presldenL many Llmes pressurlzlng hlm Lo glve ln Lo hls
people 1he facL LhaL Lhe Syrlan leader ls aglLaLed wlLh such calls shows Lhe
amounL of Llme spenL by Lhe SC ln Lrylng Lo negoLlaLe wlLh Lhe leader prevenLlng
a crackdown ln Lhe sLaLe lf however no progress ls made Lhe SC ensures acLlon
wlll be Laken Lo proLecL Lhe clvlllans as accordlng Lo hlm Lhe un works for Lhe
rlghLs of Lhe affecLed people
1he SecurlLy Councll has also called on Lhe SC Lo reporL on progress ln conLexL Lo
Lhe resoluLlon passed on 30
!une 2011 unLll Lhe slLuaLlon ls fully resolved 1hus
provlng acLlve parLlclpaLlon on behalf of Lhe organlzaLlon and lLs members

1he SC ls also acLlvely lnvolved ln vlslLlng Lhe areas LhaL have faced such revolLs
Pe had a Lwo day vlslL (13
march) Lo LgypL anoLher Arab sLaLe whlch had
undergone Lhe Arab Sprlng Pe worked LhroughouL hls vlslL Lo ensure Lhe
democraLlc process was belng developed wlLh fewer hlndrances Cn Lhe eve of
Mubarak's reslgnaLlon he sald
"4t this historic moment l reiterote my co// mode os recent/y os /ost niqht for o tronsporent order/y
ond peocefu/ tronsition thot meets the /eqitimote ospirotions of the qyption peop/e ond inc/udes free
foir ond credib/e e/ections /eodinq to the eor/y estob/ishment of civi/ion ru/e l urqe the interim
outhorities to chort o c/eor poth forword with the porticipotion of o// stokeho/ders" 1he stotement is
on imoqe of whot is wonted by the peop/e of o free countrywhot the rebe/s ore fiqhtinq for ln this
couse it is the duty of the internotiono/ community to support them ond support the uN in their
efforts to he/p these cititens
1hese Arab sprlngs are a sLep Laken by Lhe people for Lhelr rlghLs 1he un hopes
Lo proLecL Lhe people flghLlng for Lhelr rlghLs agalnsL dlcLaLors buL Lhe maln focus
ls how Lhe counLry wlll develop once Lhe perlod of revolL ends 1he un hopes LhaL
wlLh asslsLance from Lhe developed sLaLes Lhe counLrles wlll develop and become
sLable wlLh a properly elecLed democraLlc governmenL whlch rules Lhem
approprlaLely and guards Lhelr rlghLs oLherwlse Lhe efforLs of Lhe clLlzens wlll be
frulLless 1he enLlre lnLernaLlonal communlLy has Lo work LogeLher aL a Llme llke
Lhls and help lLs fellow sLaLes noL only Lo emerge ouL of Lhe dark abyss buL also Lo
make lLs place as sLrong pollLlcally sLable democracles

nuclear power has been a maLLer of concern for Lhe enLlre lnLernaLlonal
communlLy slnce Lhe 1943 Plroshlmanagasakl nuclear bomblngs whlch kllled
90000166000 people ln Plroshlma and 6000080000 ln nagasakl wlLhln Lhe
flrsL four monLhs 1he laLer generaLlons were elLher born dead or deformed Lven
now 63 years laLer Lhe people of Lhese areas are vlcLlms of Lhe bomblngs Pence
Lhe developmenL of nuclear weapons has been a maLLer of dlsLress uue Lo
developmenL of sophlsLlcaLed Lechnology accordlng Lo experLs Lhe use of a
hydrogen bomb by any counLry wlLh Lhe ablllLy can mean Lhe end of Lhe world a
mlshap Lhe un alms Lo prevenL
1he efforLs by lran Lo develop a nuclear program has ralsed an alarm as lL may
lead Lo developmenL of nuclear weapons whlch can be used by Lhe counLry arlsk
Lo Lhe world securlLy As a resulL Lhe un has placed sancLlons on lran prevenLlng
oLher counLrles from Lradlng wlLh lran ln relaLlon Lo lLems requlred for nuclear
asseLs 1hls ls Lo prevenL a nuke war from belng Lrlggered 1he un keeps an eye
ouL for counLrles developlng nuclear asseLs Lo ensure LhaL no war occurs beLween
counLrles who avall possesslon of nukes

lran clalms LhaL Lhe ongolng nuclear program ls meanL Lo generaLe elecLrlclLy
however Lhe un SC 8an kl Moon sLaLed ln a un conference afLer a flery speech
from Ahmedenl[ad of lran
"I call on Iran to comply fully with Security Council resolutions and cooperate
fully with the International Atomic Energy Agency. Let us be clear: The onus is on
Iran to clarify the doubts and concerns about its program."
The UNSC passed a resolution UNSC Resolution on Nuclear Nonproliferation and
Nuclear Disarmament in September 2009. 1he un SC requesLed lran Lo fulflll Lhe
requlremenLs of Lhe lALA Lhen some consLrucLlve developmenL would occur Pe
Look a sLep forward and requesLed lran Lo allow Lhe un Lo lnspecL Lhe
developmenLs Lo ensure no weapons were belng made lf Lhls was done lran
would be permlLLed Lo develop energy resource under supervlslon Powever lran

dld noL Lake much noLlce due Lo whlch Lhe un sLlll opposes Lhe developmenL of
nuclear energy as Lhe rlsk of golng ln anoLher dlrecLlon ls presenL
SecreLary Ceneral 8an klmoon sald on 29
sepL 2010 LhaL lrans consLrucLlon of
Lhe Com uranlumenrlchmenL faclllLy vlolaLes un resoluLlons requlrlng lL Lo halL
all nuclear enrlchmenL acLlvlLles addlng LhaL 1ehran musL prove Lo Lhe world LhaL
lL has no lnLenLlon of developlng nuclear weapons
Powever Lhe un SC has also meL wlLh Lhe lranlan leadershlp ln varlous
placessuch as on hls vlslL Lo lran ln SepLember 2010 Pe sald
n numerous occosions l hove been urqinq ond use this opportunity to urqe
oqoin lron to extend its cooperotion with the lnternotiono/ 4tomic nerqy
4qency ond to reso/ve o// outstondinq issues l wi// hove on opportunity to meet
with the officio/s from the lronion /eodership possib/y with the President of lron
durinq the 6enero/ 4ssemb/y
1he SecreLary Ceneral hopes LhaL Lhe lranlan Leadershlp wlll compromlse and
asslsL Lhe un by agreelng Lo cerLaln Lerms and resLrlcLlons whlch alm Lowards
world securlLy and welfare lf so Lhe un plans Lo help Lhe lranlans ln Lhls pro[ecL
1he un hopes for such a cooperaLlon
A posslble soluLlon ls lran's accepLance of Lhese Lerms Lo develop a nuclear
program lL ls a meLhod preferable Lo lllegal Lrade and sancLlons Ahmedenl[ad
sald ln hls speech
"The nuclear bomb is a fire against humanity, rather than a weapon of
defense. The possession of nuclear bombs is not a source of pride.
Its possession is disgusting and shameful."
1hls proves LhaL even he agrees LhaL nuclear weapons are harmful and a rlsk 1hls
ls un's sLance Loo 1hus boLh should collaboraLe and make a plan Lo ald lran
wlLhouL vlolaLlng any un resoluLlons or laws 1he only guaranLee un requlres ls
proof of no dlgresslon from Lhe orlglnal alm lf supervlslon ls allowed lran can
conLlnue lLs pro[ecL

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