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Role of Leptin in Reproduction

CHRISTOS S. MANTZOROSa Division of Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA

ABSTRACT: Leptin is a 16-kDa adipocyte-secreted protein the serum levels of which reflect mainly the amount of energy stores but are also influenced by short-term energy imbalance as well as several cytokines and hormones. Leptin, by binding to specific receptors, alters the expression of several hypothalamic neuropeptides that regulate neuroendocrine function as well as energy intake and expenditure. More specifically, accumulating evidence suggests that this hormone may serve to signal to the brain information on the critical amount of fat stores that are necessary for LHRH secretion and activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Rising leptin levels have been associated with initiation of puberty in animals and humans and normal leptin levels are needed for maintenance of menstrual cycles and normal reproductive function. Moreover, circadian and ultradian variations of leptin levels are associated with minute to minute variations of LH and estradiol in normal women. Falling leptin levels in response to starvation result in decreased estradiol levels and amenorrhea in subjects with anorexia nervosa or strenuously exercising athletes. In addition, leptin has a potentially important role during pregnancy and in the physiology of the neonate. Finally, recent evidence suggests that leptin may influence ovarian steroidogenesis directly, but the exact role of intraovarian leptin action in the physiology and pathophysiology of the human reproductive system needs to be further elucidated.

INTRODUCTION The discovery of leptin 6 years ago has broadened significantly our understanding of body weight and energy balance regulation.1 Over the last 6 years more than 1,400 papers have been published on leptin, leading to an ever advancing body of knowledge. Thus, although leptin was originally considered to be an antiobesity hormone, the role of leptin is currently viewed as much broader and includes regulation of multiple hypothalamic-pituitary axes.2 This paper focuses primarily on our current understanding of the role leptin plays in reproductive physiology and pathophysiology and is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the reproductive alterations associated with food deprivation and obesity, the second part with leptin biology and physiology, and the third part with the effect of leptin in reproductive function.
aAddress for correspondence: C.S. Mantzoros, MD, DSc, Division of Endocrinology, RN 325, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 330 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA. Phone: 617-667-2151; fax: 617-667-2927. cmantzor@caregroup.harvard.edu




REPRODUCTIVE ALTERATIONS IN STATES OF FOOD DEPRIVATION AND OBESITY Fertility and pregnancy require adequate nutrition and energy reserves. States of severe food deprivationwasting (anorexia nervosa, insulin-dependent diabetes, ballet dancers lifestyle, etc.) and obesity are associated with reproductive system abnormalities. In men, serum testosterone decreases as body mass increases, but free testosterone levels are decreased only in massively overweight individuals. By contrast, both estradiol and esterone concentrations rise in relation to weight gain, whereas severe food deprivation is associated with decreased estrogen levels and amenorrhea in women. Thus, it is evident that energy balance plays a significant role in reproductive function and fertility. This effect of nutrition and/or energy reserves on reproductive function has long been suspected to be mediated by metabolic signal(s) that link adipose stores with neuroendocrine function. The discovery of leptin 6 years ago and recent data suggesting that this hormone may influence reproduction provided the biochemical basis of the communication that exists between fat stores and the brain.

LEPTIN PHYSIOLOGY Leptin mRNA, expressed in white adipose tissue,35 stomach, placenta,6 and mammary gland, encodes a 167 amino acid protein1 that is a member of the longchain helical cytokine family.79 Leptin circulates in plasma in the free and bound form, and its levels display a significant circadian and ultradian variation. Serum leptin levels are closely associated with the amount of adipose stores1015 as well as short-term energy balance. The composition of the diet and hormonal factors regulate leptin levels too. Insulin levels increase,1630 whereas activation of the adrenergic system reduces leptin mRNA expression and circulating levels,3133 and the effect of glucocorticoids remains controversial.3439 Several cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukins 1 and 6, also alter serum leptin levels.4045 Finally, women have higher leptin levels than men10,4649 because of either their different body fat distribution or the inducing effects of estrogen/progesterone combined with the suppressive effect of androgens (Ref. 16 and references therein).

LEPTIN ACTION Leptin acts by binding to specific leptin receptors in the brain and activating the JAK-STAT system (JAK-signal transducer and activator of transcription), which results in altered expression of many hypothalamic neuropeptides (Ref. 16 and references therein). Altered expression of neuropeptide Y (NPY), and possibly other neuropeptides, by leptin results in changes of energy homeostasis and activation of several neuroendocrine axes, including the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. The fact that leptin receptors are also expressed in peripheral tissues, including ovaries, has been interpreted as a suggestion of a direct effect of leptin in the gonads, but the physiologic significance of gonadal leptin receptors has not yet been fully elucidated.



LEPTIN'S ROLE IN HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Leptin, like several other cytokines, displays extreme functional pleiotropy. In addition to regulating body weight and energy homeostasis, leptin stimulates a wide variety of biologic responses, including reproductive development and function. The actions of leptin related to the reproductive system will be reviewed herein. Leptin in the Neonate Leptin derived from both the placenta6 and fetal adipose tissue50,51 has been detected in neonatal cord blood.33 Cord blood leptin levels are positively associated with body weight of the neonate and are lower in preterm and small-for-gestationalage but higher in large-for-gestational-age neonates.33 Thus, it has been suggested that leptin may be signaling the amount of fat stores to the brain and influencing energy homeostasis. It has also been suggested that leptin may regulate growth52 and promote hematopoiesis and lymphopoiesis in newborns.53,54 but this view has recently been challenged on the basis of two arguments. It is known that ob/ob mice grow normally and that absence of leptin does not result in impairment of fetal growth in the two leptin-deficient children described to date.55 However, the fact that subjects with leptin deficiency or impaired leptin action due to leptin receptor mutations have impaired linear growth in postnatal life suggests a role for leptin in growth. Thus, this issue remains to be solved conclusively when leptin or leptin antagonists become available for physiologic studies in humans. It was also recently shown that leptin is secreted in the milk and can pass from the gastrointestinal tract to the blood.56 Whether, in addition to neonatal leptin, maternal leptin in milk may play a role in regulating neonatal food intake in humans, as in rodents, energy balance and/or growth56 remains to be shown. Leptin in ChildhoodPuberty Twenty-six years ago Frisch et al.57 made the important observation that menarche occurs when a certain critical mass of body weight is reached. As a child approaches puberty, the percentage of body fat increases and appears to signal to the brain the onset of puberty and reproductive maturation. Similarly, the ceasing of menstruation that occurs in patients with anorexia nervosa, in ballet dancers, or in long distance runners who have extremely low body fat stores is also consistent with Frisch et al.s critical body weight theory. Although the mechanism underlying this hypothesis had remained obscure for the last 26 years, the discovery of leptin 6 years ago provided a potential physiologic link between energy reserves and reproductive function. Thus, because leptin concentrations in rodents and children are directly proportional to their adiposity,58 it has been proposed that leptin may serve to signal to the brain the critical amount of fat stores necessary for initiation of puberty and maintenance of menstrual cycles and reproductive ability. The foregoing hypothesis is in agreement with the hypogonadotropic hypogonadism of leptindeficient ob/ob mice and the fact that leptin treatment corrects the reproductive system defects of these mice59 independently of its effect on decreasing body weight. In addition, animal experiments have consistently shown that leptin administration to prepubertal mice and nonhuman primates accelerates puberty (Ref. 60 and refer-



ences therein). In normal children, leptin levels rise before puberty as body fat mass increases, and they reach their peak at the onset of puberty, suggesting that leptin may trigger the initiation of puberty in humans too.61 By contrast, subjects with inactivating mutations of the leptin receptor remain prepubertal and have hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism similar to that of the ob/ob mouse model of obesity.62 Leptin, therefore, appears to provide a necessary signal to the brain regarding the amount of energy stores that would be necessary to successfully carry a pregnancy to term. However, whether leptin acts directly on the hypothalamicpituitarygonadal axis or whether leptin acts only as a permissive factor to allow reproductive pubertal maturation to proceed if and only when metabolic resources are adequate for pregnancy remains to be shown. Recent evidence demonstrates that leptin acts on hypothalamic cells to release LHRH, thereby regulating the release of gonadotropins.63 The subsequent stimulation of gonadal steroid secretion leads to development of the reproductive tract and induction of puberty.59,63 The exact mechanism by which leptin regulates LHRH secretion and the function of the hypothalamic pituitrygonadal axis as well as the potential indirect effects of leptin on the reproductive system are currently the subject of intensive research efforts. Leptin in Normal Reproductive Function As just mentioned, it appears that leptin plays a role in regulating reproductive function in cases of extreme energy deficiency or excess. Recent data also indicate that leptin is necessary for normal reproductive function in states of adequate energy reserves too. Leptin is secreted in a pulsatile manner, and its circulating levels display a distinct circadian rhythm in humans. Moreover, minute to minute variations in serum leptin levels are significantly related to minute to minute changes in ACTH and cortisol levels in normal men.64 More importantly, minute to minute variations of serum leptin levels are also significantly associated with serum luteinizing hormore (LH) and estradiol levels in normal women,65 indicating that leptin may contribute to physiologic levels and rhythmicity of reproductive hormones. Interestingly, leptin pulse amplitude is higher in women than in men, indicating that the strongest distinction between the sexes is not at the level of organization or oscillation frequency but rather in the amount of leptin released per unit time.66 Animal experiments have shown that rats treated intracerebroventricularly with leptin antiserum have impaired LH pulsatility consistent with a direct role of leptin in regulating LHRH and LH pulsatile secretion. However, the pathophysiologic significance of these observations and the extent of the role leptin plays in normal reproductive function in humans remain to be fully clarified by future studies. Leptin in Pregnancy Serum leptin concentrations have been shown to increase in pregnant women and to correlate with serum levels of several hormones.67 Leptin levels peak during the second and third trimester and return to normal within 24 hours of delivery.67 These changes of circulating leptin levels coincide with the period during pregnancy in which energy metabolism shifts from an anabolic to a catabolic state and glucose demands decrease whereas lipolysis and use of fatty acids increase. Thus, it was previously suggested that leptin may be one of the factors that regulate maternal and



fetal energy balance during gestation. These preliminary observations and the foregoing hypotheses need to be confirmed by future studies in order to advance our knowledge of the role leptin plays in pregnancy. Leptin in Relation to the Reproductive Abnormalities in Response to Starvation Because limited food availability is a state much more frequent than obesity worldwide, it has been suggested that leptin may have primarily evolved as an adaptive mechanism to starvation. Thus, one of leptins main roles would be to conserve energy by decreasing thyroid hormone levels and to mobilize energy stores by increasing the secretion of glucocorticoids, while at the same time suppressing gonadal function during periods of starvation, that is, when the energy demands of pregnancy and lactation cannot be met.68 This hypothesis was proved on the basis of animal physiology experiments 3 years ago68 and recent experiments of nature. More specifically, leptin administration to starving mice restores the neuroendocrine changes induced by falling leptin levels due to food deprivation, including the suppressed gonadal axis.68 This effect is, at least in part, NPY mediated.67 In addition, experiments of nature recently demonstrated that the foregoing observations are also part of human physiology. Functional leptin deficiency due to mutations of the leptin receptor gene results in abnormalities of the hypothalamicpituitarygonadal axis.62 Furthermore, leptin deficiency associated with anorexia nervosa, a disease model of starvation, is also characterized by reproductive abnormalities (see below). Based on the foregoing observations, it can reasonably be claimed that leptin is the hormone that signals to the brain the state of starvation and thus results in teleologically appropriate changes of the reproductive system that would limit procreation under conditions of limited energy availability. Leptin in Eating Disorders Serum leptin levels in anorexia nervosa and nonspecific eating disorders69 are low but similar to those of healthy subjects with comparable BMI.7072 However, patients with anorexia nervosa appear to have more efficient transport of leptin to the CSF at lower serum leptin concentrations72 and have normalization of the CSF and serum leptin levels before the BMI returns to normal. These findings may explain the difficulty patients with anorexia nervosa have in gaining weight73,74 and may provide the underlying mechanism for the neuroendocrine abnormalities seen in patients with anorexia nervosa74,75 or strenuously exercising women. Amenorrhea in these women may indicate that fat content is sensed via leptin, and in low leptin states, that is, in women who do not have a certain amount of nutritional reserves, ovulation is inhibited.57 In addition, it was recently shown that increasing serum luteinizing hormone levels in response to refeeding in women with anorexia nervosa track very closely their increase in serum leptin levels.75 Thus, low leptin levels appear to cause amenorrhea in women with anorexia nervosa, and normalization of leptin levels should be a necessary factor for the resumption of menses in these patients.74,75 Leptin and Polycystic Ovarian Disease Another syndrome in which the role of circulating leptin was recently investigated is the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a heterogeneous syndrome associated



with insulin resistance.76 In most studies, serum leptin levels in PCOS did not differ from those in normal women with similar adiposity.7781 In addition, leptin does not appear to be associated significantly with either hyperinsulinemia, hypernadrogenism, or higher LH levels in these women. However, because leptin receptors have been identified in the ovaries,82 where leptin may have an inhibitory role in LH, insulin, and IGF-1induced steroidogenesis,83,84 recent data suggest that leptin action in the ovaries may be much more important than circulating leptin levels in predicting fertility (Mantzoros et al., unpublished observations). Thus, the exact role of leptin in the pathogenesis of PCOS remains to be demonstrated by future studies.

LEPTIN VERSUS LEPTIN RESISTANCE AND REPRODUCTIVE ABNORMALITIES IN OBESITY Numerous studies have revealed an association between nutritional status, adiposity, and reproductive function.57 Not only extremely lean but also obese women have an increased incidence of oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea and infertility.85 Similar to the role of leptin in regulating reproductive function in low energy availability states is its possible role in regulating reproductive function in obesity too. Interestingly, obese ob/ob mice are hypogonadal and infertile. Moreover, leptin administration to this mouse model of obesity results in maturation of the reproductive tract, as evidenced by increased gonadal hormones, as well as increased testicular weight and normalization of testicular histology in males and the timing of vaginal opening, and increased weights of uteri, ovaries, and oviduct in females.57 However, it is now known that obesity in most humans is due probably to acquired leptin resistance and not to leptin deficiency as in the ob/ob mouse model of obesity. Although individuals with early onset obesity due to mutations of either the leptin or the leptin receptor gene have been identified,55 the frequency of such mutations in the general population is probably very low.8688 It is of interest, however, that patients with impaired leptin action due to leptin receptor mutations present with dysfunction of their gonadal axis.89,90 It is reasonable to expect that similar abnormalities of the reproductive system would be caused by the relative leptin deficiency that is common in most subjects with obesity. However, the exact role of leptin in reproductive abnormalities associated with obesity remains to be shown in future studies. In summary, leptin appears to be the link between nutrition/energy reserves and reproductive function. Future studies are expected to further advance our knowledge in this area of human physiology and will hopefully broaden our therapeutic armamentarium, resulting in tangible benefits for our patients.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT This study was supported by the Clinical Associate Physician Award (National Institutes of Health and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center), the Hershey Family and the Junior Investigator Award (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School), and the Boston Obesity Nutrition Research Center Award.



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