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International LightWorkerS

Yule Reiki LightWorker Series

Channelled by Carol Ann Tessier Manual mainly by Robin "Tala" Paladino Layout by Jens Seborg

Yule Reiki (LightWorker Series)

This attunement is a special edition of Yule Reiki channelled by Carol Ann Tessier and a part of the . LightWorker Miscellaneous Attunements (originals & re-attuned) Abundantia Demeter Empowerment (Jens Seborg) (LightWorker Series) Angelic Pink Rose Empowerment (Andrew Brocklebank) (LightWorker Series) Breathe of Bliss (Andrea "Aridanne" Fetsko) (LightWorker Series) Brighid Empowerment (Nan Fahey & Jens Seborg) (LightWorker Series) Ceeridwen's Empowerment (Kristen Dietz) (LightWorker Series) Ganesha Triple Empowerment (Jens Seborg) (LightWorker Series) Golden Heart of Usui (Jens Seborg) (LightWorker Series) Flower of Scotland (Alasdair Bothwell Gordon) (LightWorker Series) Hands of Jesus Empowerment (Alasdair Bothwell Gordon) (LightWorker Series) Lakshmi Empowerment (Jens Seborg) (LightWorker Series) Protective Healing Symbol (Melanie Shivanie Pfetzinger) (LightWorker Series) Usui Precepts Empowerment (Keiko Watanabe & Jens Seborg) (LightWorker Series) Yule Reiki (Carol Ann Tessier) (LightWorker Series) Not very different from LightWorker Miscellaneous Systems (originals and SE) Ahara Reiki (Elizabeth Hibel) (LightWorker Series) Cloud Reiki (Ali Afnan) (LightWorker Series) Cross Worlds Reiki (Ali Afnan) (LightWorker Series) Gate Pass Reiki (Ali Afnan) (LightWorker Series) Lama Fera (Jos Marinho & Jens Seborg) (LightWorker Series) Meet Your Loved Ones Reiki (Ali Afnan) (LightWorker Series) Musical Notes of the Chakras (Nan Fahey) (LightWorker Series) Negative Entities Clearing Reiki (Ali Afnan) (LightWorker Series) Sexual Empowerment 1-2 (Roger T. Hill) (LightWorker Series) Telepathic Reiki (Ali Afnan) (LightWorker Series) Treasures Reiki (Ali Afnan) (LightWorker Series) You can also "meet" Carol in .. LightWorker Knighthood Series (mostly by Carol Ann Tessier) LightWorker Jedi Knights (Andrew Brocklebank) LightWorker Knights Hospitaller (Knights of Malta - Jens Seborg) LightWorker Knights of Archangel Metatron - Order of Metatron SE (Carol Ann Tessier) LightWorker Knights of Archangel Michael - Order of Archangel Michael SE (Carol A. Tessier) LightWorker Knights of Divine Mercy - Order of the Divine Mercy SE (Carol Ann Tessier) LightWorker Knights of Jeanne dArc - Order of Joan of Arc SE (Carol Ann Tessier) LightWorker Knights of Mother Mary - Order of Mary SE (Carol Ann Tessier) LightWorker Knights of Mary Magdalene - Order of Mary Magdalene SE (Carol Ann Tessier) LightWorker Knights of Melchiezedek - Order of Melchizedek SE (Carol Ann Tessier) LightWorker Knights of Saint Andrew (Alasdair Bothwell Gordon & Jens Seborg) LightWorker Knights of Saint Cecilia - Order of Saint Cecilia SE (Carol Ann Tessier) LightWorker Knights of Saint Columba (Alasdair Bothwell Gordon & Jens Seborg) LightWorker Knights of Saint Francis - Order of Saint Francis SE (Carol Ann Tessier) LightWorker Knights of Saint George (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Seborg) LightWorker Knights of Saint Germain - Order of Saint Germain SE (Carol Ann Tessier) LightWorker Knights of Saint John - Order of Saint John the Baptist SE (Carol Ann Tessier) LightWorker Knights of Saint Margaret of Scotland (Alasdair B. Gordon & Jens Seborg) LightWorker Knights of Saint Patrick (Nan Fahey & Jens Seborg)

LightWorker Knights of Saint Stephen - Order of Saint Stephen SE (Carol Ann Tessier) LightWorker Knights of the Holy Grail - Order of the Holy Grail SE (Carol Ann Tessier) LightWorker Knights of the Rosary - Order of the Rosary SE (Carol Ann Tessier) LightWorker Knights of the Round Table (Andrea Baginski & Jens Seborg) LightWorker Knights Templar (Jens Seborg) LightWorker Teutonic Knights (Andrea Baginski & Jens Seborg)

In the Spirit of Christmas I have channelled and created Yule Reiki. Here is everything you ever wanted to know about Yule, and where our Christmas customs came from! Yule links: http://community.webtv.net/stormlght/YULE http://community-2.webtv.net/stormlght/YulelogSymbols/ Happy Holidays! Much love, Carol I have found this attunement - and especially the information very interesting and am re-doing it into a LightWorker manual. I do not need permission to do that anymore, as I have worked so much together with Carol, my angelic connection. I hope that you will enjoy the attunement and the information in this manual. In Scandinavia we are still celebrating Jul (pronounced like Yule not like "dj") and the time around Christmas is called "juletid". I find it interesting that the old Norse traditions still lives on around the world. God Jul (Merry Christmas) Love & light, Jens

Yule Ritual
Since the beginning of time we have gathered in this season to celebrate the rebirth of the Sun. On the Winter Solstice - the darkest of nights the Goddess becomes the Great Mother and once again gives birth to the Sun beginning the yearly cycle anew; bringing new light and hope to all the World. On the longest night of winter flares the spark of hope the Sacred Fire, the Light of the World, we gather here to welcome the new light. As we join the Goddess in greeting the new Sun, we also welcome the new light within ourselves.

Calling the Quarters and Casting the Circle

Hail guardians of the East, spirits of Air, powers of Thought, I call you to lend your essence to this rite and protect us from all negativity from the East. Hail guardians of the South, spirits of Fire, powers of Will, I call you to lend your essence to this rite and protect us from all negativity from the South. Hail guardians of the West, spirits of Water, powers of Emotion, I call you to lend your essence to this rite and protect us from all negativity from the West. Hail guardians of the North, spirits of Earth, powers of Stability, I call you to lend your essence to this rite and protect us from all negativity from the North.

I conjure ye, O Circle of Light, to be a temple between the worlds. In the name of the Silver Lady and the Golden Lord. Wherefore do I bless and consecrate thee, So Mote It Be!

Lady, you who are the beauty of the snowy Earth and the white moon among the stars; the mystery of the waters; the desire in the heart of humanity. We invite to you to come among us and attend this rite, for you are the soul of nature that gives life to the universe. Lord, You who are the freedom of the wild things the bright Sun that lights the day; the mystery of the forest; the resolve in the heart of humanity. We invite you to come among us and attend this rite, for you are the body of nature who gives life to the Universe.

The old solar year has run itits course and completed itits cycle. So to have some of our habits or traits completed their cycles and outlived their usefulness, this is a time for shedding that which is no longer needed. Take a few moments now to consider which things you would leave behind as you go into the coming year. (pause) As the old year dies away so to will these old ways will fade into memory. In the beginning we came from the darkness of the womb. There we were created, nourished and prepared for our birth into the light. Within us, we still carry that fertile darkness. There we hold the seeds of hopes and dreams to come. There we nourish are hopes for love, joy and peace for all. We shield these tender roots until they are strong enough to come forth and flourish in the light. Spend a little time now tending these creations to come. Name them, nurture them for they will grow with you and bloom in the coming year. (pause) As the sun strengthens above, so will our new ways grow.

We light this candle for the infant Solstice Sun; one small flame to pierce the darkness - a ray of hope - a symbol of the Light within us all. Light that can never be extinguished. Light that will grow in glory - waxing strong, despite the cold to come. Light that dispels despair and resignation; giving us a glimpse of golden days ahead. Behold the light that can never die reborn anew in the Solstice Sky!

Think of those who you would send positive energy to: Loved ones perhaps, those in need of healing or added strength. Perhaps people whose names you do not know, who are living with war or hunger. You may wish to focus on that which important to you, your values, Perhaps the earth itself, or the animals who shares it with us What ever it is you wish to send your healing energy to. As we chant we will build our energy with the turning of the wheel. As you chant feel the energy of change resonate within you. When I/you stop the chant, visualize the positive energy bursting forth, like the sun coming out from behind a thick cloud, and imagine strong rays of streaking out, empowering your wishes, and carrying your healing thoughts to their targets. Hoof and horn, hoof and horn All that dies will be reborn Corn and grain, corn and grain All that falls will rise again

Blessing of Cakes and Wine

This food and wine is the blessing of the Goddess and God to our bodies. Let us partake in it freely. As we share, let us remember to share what we have with those who have nothing.

Yule - the Winter Solstice, December 21st and 22nd

Yule is the celebration of the light and the return of the sun on the longest night and shortest day of the year, when the days begin to lengthen. Yule is derived from the Norse word for "wheel" and means "wheel of the year" and many of our customs today for Christmas are derived from the Norse and Celtic Pagan practices. Yule, or winter solstice, is believed to have been celebrated in cultures around the world for 12,000 years, as a religious holiday, and some claim it dates many millennia earlier. The observance of winter solstice was very important in ancient times and its significance was obvious to early human civilizations. As the nights grew darker and longer, the days colder and shorter, and the rural folk faced lean times, it was imperative the sun be "lured" back to the earth. Yule represented the moment when the days would again become longer, when light would return to the land, and people had reason to be thankful as spring was on its way, with the birth of new animals, and the softening of the soil for planting. Long before the world heard of Jesus, pagans had been celebrating Yule by bringing in a Yule log, wishing on it and lighting it with the remains of the previous year's Yule log. Magick and rituals were practiced, wild boars were sacrificed and consumed along with large amounts of ale, fertility rites were practiced as girls stood under mistletoe to be kissed, (and sometimes were subjected to a bit more), corn dollies were carried from house to house while caroling, and divinations were cast for the coming spring. People would celebrate into the night until the first light of dawn when Yule would finally arrive. Emperor Aorelian established December 25th as the brithday of the "Invincible Sun" or Yule, in the third century as part of the Roman winter solstice celebrations. Shortly thereafter in somewhere between 273-274, the Christian church selected this day to represent the birthday of Jesus, and by 320 CE, this Roman Solar Feast day was Christianized to coincide with the pagan Solstice Celebration as a way of converting the "heathens" or country dwellers to the Christian way of life. The Oxford dictionary of the Christian church actually cites May 20th as the date of Christ's birth, according to one historical source. David Malone, a pastor of Eliot Presbyterian church in Lowell, Masachutes, volunteers that Christ most likely was born in May, and that logic suggests that the shepherds described in the Nativity legends as tending their flocks at night, did so to protect newborn lambs, as most domesticated beasts give birth in the spring. Bethlehem lays 725 meters, about 2,100 feet, above sea level and it is much too cold to sleep on the field as well. There was never much pretense that the date the Christian church chose was historically accurate as "shepards dont tend their flocks by night." Knowing this, the eastern half of the church continued to reject December 25th, preferring a movable date, fixed by their astrologers according to the moon. Thus, despite its shakey start (for over 3 centuries no one knew when Jesus was supposed to have been born) December 25th finally began to catch on as the Christmas holiday. By 529 it was a civic holiday, and all work or public business was prohibited by Emperor Justinian, and in 563 the Council of Braga forbade fasting, and 4 years later the Council of Fours, proclaimed 12 days from December 25th to Epiphany as the sacred festive season

Most of the customs, lore, symbols and rituals associated with Christmas are actually linked to Winter Solstice celebrations of ancient Pagan cultures. Because of this, the Puritans refused to acknowledge Christmas, let alone celebrate it, because they felt it was more Pagan than Christian, and it was too closely associated with the birth of the older Pagan God Theros. It was even made illegal in Boston, and wasn't celebrated until the 1800's in New England!

Christmas traditions - originally from Yule

Christmas carolling
- was called "wassailing" by the Saxons, in which they went door to door, singing in expectation of gifts and money.

Christmas Trees
- were originally Yule trees. The Celts believed they stood for the everlasting life because the trees did not "die" in the winter. They stood for protection, prosperity and were the symbol of renewal and the hope for the sun to make the earth green again. Because of their massive height, they were a symbol of eternity. It was from these beliefs that the decorating of Yule trees, now called Christmas trees by many, evolved. Yule trees were decorated with images they wished the coming year to bring for them: nuts for fertility, love charms for happiness, fruit for a successful harvest, and coins for wealth. Lights on houses and Christmas trees is a modern version of the Pagan custom of lighting candles and fires to "lure back the sun." The Saxons may have been the first to put candles on Yule trees - at least the tradition comes from Germany.

- had several purposes: to acknowledge the return of the season of growth, to give physical expression to the hope for abundance in the year to come, and finally to alleviate boredom and depression. As Christianity gradually usurped Pagan ways of worship, the custom of Advent (a month long fast before Christmas) reflected the times when people had to survive on eating very little. It became custom to feast on the 25th and to mark this day with acts of hospitality and generosity. The rich were expected to open their doors for all, and this could well have been the precursor to the tradition of helping those less fortunate.

Gift Giving
- seems to originate from the Winter Solstice holiday, Saturnalia (which honoured the God Saturn) which was long established by the Romans before they invaded Britain and was celebrated from December 12-17th. It was a time when Masters waited on servants at mealtime, gifts of light were given, particularly candles. Other traditional gifts included coins, honey, figs, and pastry. Gifts were also given in honor of loved ones who died the previous year. Early Roman explorers carried this tradition throughout Europe.

Giving to the Needy

- This tradition may have come from the Saxons who had 2 tables at the door of the banquet hall during their feasts. One was for all to take food, and the other was to leave alms for the poor. This meant to symbolize the unity of all human lives and to remind the Saxons that what one gave was returned 3-fold. Even today it is a Christmas custom to give food to the needy and for this act of kindness we can thank the Saxons.

- symbolizes the old solar year, the waning sun, and good luck.

Jingle bells
- were used by the Norse to herald in the dawn after the long dark night. They also used them to ritually frighten away the powers of darkness that they felt reached their peak at Yule.

- symbolized peace, prosperity, healing, wellness, fertility, protection and rest. It was placed around the fire and helped women to conceive. It was believed to be an aphrodisiac (magically, not medically, its poison!), and if left hung up all year, it would bring good luck. It was also dubbed the "golden bough" by the Druids. Kissing under the mistletoe was originally a part of hand fasting, and all legal matters were sealed beneath its boughs. Hence a couple, who kissed beneath them, was announcing their intent to get married. Then they would kiss under it again after the official ceremony, to further seal their vows.

Red candles
- symbolize the fire and heat of the returning sun.

Santa Claus
- is a fold figure with multi-cultural roots that embodies characteristics of Saturn (Roman Agricultural God), Cronos (Greek God known as Father Time), The Holly King (Celtic God of the dying year), Father Ice/Grandfather Frost (Russian Winter God), Thor (Norse Sky God, who rides the sky with a chariot drawn by goats), Odin/Wotan (Scandinavian/Teutonic all-father who rides the sky on an 8-legged horse), Frey (Norse Fertility God), Tomte (a Norse land spirit known for giving gifts to children at this time of year).

Santa's reindeer
can be viewed as forms of Herne (the Celtic Horned God), and Frau Holde (a Goddess from Germany that was believed to ride on the wind in a sleigh on Yule eve and give gifts to her followers.

Yule Log
- is a small log of usually oak, with a flattened bottom that is decorated with evergreen and holly, after it is inscribed with symbols that represent wishes and what you want to bring into your life in the coming year. It is than burned on Yule after it is charged, or "wished upon." It is kept in the house all year to protect its inhabitants from illness or any adverse condition, and than it is used on the following year to light the new Yule log. Some Yule logs today are usually the same except for 3 holes drilled down the center, to place candles, as many people today do not have fireplaces.

- signify the "wheel of the year," a circle with no beginning and no end. Pine cones are the male aspect of fertility, and the fruit signifies the female aspect. They were initially used by Scandinavians 4,000 years ago. ~Tala~ (Robin Paladino)

Happy Holidays
to all the moderators and members of EnergieWerk Group LightWorker Groups World Reiki University Etheral Energies Group Unity Shamballa Group Phoenix Universal Energies Healing Information Groups

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