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Maggie Nielsen Period 3 Autism is a lifelong condition that can affect others too.

It mainly affects the way a person relates to and communicates with the people around them. All people with autism share some of the same difficulties, but their condition will affect them in different ways. Some autistic people are able to live independent lives, but others may have learning disabilities and mental health issues and will need a specialists support for their whole life. Children with autism may have many symptoms. A few examples would be: failing to respond to his/her name, they may have poor eye contact, the child might appear to not hear you when you talk to them or ask them questions at certain times, resisting and not wanting to cuddle or being held, they might be unaware of others feelings, and they might seem to prefer to play alone- playing alone in his/her own world. Children with autism might have language, speaking, and learning problems as well. They might use robot-like speech or speak with an abnormal tone or rhythm. Some children wont be able to start or keep conversations going. Their behavior may be abnormal too. Kids with autism sometimes tend to develop specific routines, and if the routines change in the slightest way they might become very upset (Mayo Foundation). There are very many risk factors and causes for autism, such as: gender, family genes, if a child has certain other disorders, and how old your mother was when you were born (Mayo Foundation). Boys are three to four times more likely to develop autism than girls are. Families with one child with autism also have a greater chance of having another child with the disorder as well. Some disorders

Maggie Nielsen Period 3 that autism comes with are fragile X-Syndrome (an inherited disorder that causes intellectual problems), Tuberous Sclerosis (a condition in which benign tumors develop in the brain), the neurological disorder, Tourette Syndrome, and epilepsy (causes seizures). The diagnosis of autism is: autism is an autism spectrum disorder. Its a group of conditions that vary in how severe they and the age at which a child may first show symptoms. A broader category that autism spectrum disorders fall under is know as Persuasive Developmental Disorders(PDDs). PDDs is something that causes delays in many different areas of childhood development. An example would be the development of skills to communicate and interact socially. Treatment for autism is usually therapy and an educational program that is based on the patients developmental level of performance. For adults its based on their developmental level of functioning (MedicineNet). Autism was considered to be another form of schizophrenia because schizophrenics lacked social skills with others and were also more absorbed in themselves. Eugene Bleuler is the one who studied the facts on that and came to that conclusion (History of Autism). The statistics of Autism are: 1 in 110 children in the US have an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Studies show that 5% of people with an ASD are affected by the fragile X syndrome, and 10% to 15% of those with fragile X syndrome show autistic traits (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Maggie Nielsen Period 3 People with autism can have social problems, but want to be accepted just like everyone else does in the world. The best thing we can do is to not judge them and to try and not disturb their routine.

Maggie Nielsen Period 3 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education & Research. 2011, August 2. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved August 31, 2011, from http:www.mayoclinic.com.com Rethink, 2011. A (very) short introduction to autism. Retrieved September 5, 2011, from http:www.generallythinking.com MedicineNet, Inc. 2011. Autism and Communication (cont.) Retrieved September 5, 2011, from http://www.medicinenet.com Genesis Framework, 2011. History of Autisms Pioneers. Retrieved September 5, 2011, from http://www.historyofautism.com Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2010, May 13. Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). Retrieved September 5, 2011, from http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

Maggie Nielsen Period 3

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