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"Cucumber Gold"

In a village there lived an old widow named mbok Sarni. Every day he spends his time alone, because mbok Sarni did not have a child. Actually he wanted to have children, so that could help him work. One afternoon mbok Sarni go into the forest to gather wood, and half way through mbok Sarni met with a very big giant. "Hey, where do you want?", Said the Giant. "I just want to collect firewood, so please allow me through", replied mbok Sarni. "Hahahaha .... You may pass after you gave me a human child to eat ", said the Giant. Then mbok Sarni said, "But I do not have children". After mbok Sarni said that she had no children and wanted to have children, then give him the Giant cucumber seeds. The giant said, "O old woman, I give you seed the cucumber. Plant these seeds in your backyard, and after two weeks you will get a child. But remember, the child handed it to me after the age of six years ". After two weeks, it seems fruitful cucumber is very dense and there is one large cucumber. Mbok Sarni then pick it up, and after the split it turns out it was a very beautiful baby. The infant was then given the name of golden cucumbers. Increasingly golden cucumbers growing big, and mbok Sarni very excited once because his house is not quiet anymore. All work can be completed quickly because the assistance golden cucumbers. Finally, one day the Giant came to collect on the promise. Mbok Sarni very frightened, and did not want to lose the golden cucumbers. Then mbok Sarni said, "O giant, came here two years. The more mature the child is, the more delicious for the meal ". The demon agreed and left the house mbok Sarni. Period of two years is not a long time, so every day looking for reasonable mbok Sarni how so children are not brought the Giant. Heart mbok Sarni very worried, and finally one night dreaming mbok Sarni. In his dream, he was told to meet golden cucumbers hermit on Mt. In the morning mbok Sarni golden cucumbers ordered to immediately see hermit. After meeting with the sage, golden cucumber then talked about the purpose of his arrival. The sage then gave him four small packets whose contents cucumber seeds, needles, salt, and shrimp paste. "Throw one at this package, if you're being chased by a giant", ascetic orders. Then cucumber Meas went home, and instantly save a bundle from the hermit. The next morning the giant came back to collect on the promise. "O old woman, where was he? I can not stand to eat it ", cried the Giant. Then mbok Sarni said, "Do not you take a giant O my son, because I really love him. I'd better just what you eat ". Giants do not want to accept an offer from mbok Sarni, and finally outraged. "Where's that? Where golden cucumbers? ", Shouted the giant. Because not bear to see mbok Sarni crying, then cucumbers gold out of hiding places. "Here I am a giant, catch me if you can !!!", shouted golden cucumbers. Raksasapun after him, and cucumbers started throwing bags of gold that contains cucumber. Miraculously, the forest becomes dense fields of cucumber fruit. Raksasapun be hampered, because the stems of cucumber wrapped around her body continues. But at last the giant got off too, and began mngejar golden cucumbers again. Then the golden cucumbers sprinkled second bag containing needles, in a flash tumbuhlan bamboo trees are very high and sharp. With bloody feet sticking bamboo because it's a giant continues to pursue. Then the golden cucumbers open third parcel that contains salt. Immediately hutanpun into the ocean. But the sea would be easily passed the giant. The latter eventually sow the Golden Cucumber paste, immediately formed a boiling sea of mud, and the giant splash in it. Raksasapun eventually die.

Gold cucumber thank God Almighty, because it was saved from a cruel giant. Finally Cucumber Gold and Mbok Sarni live happily and peacefully.

Golden snail
In the kingdom of Daha, lived two very beautiful daughters. Nan beautiful daughter named Candra Kirana and Goddess Galuh. The second daughter of the King was very happy life and self-sufficiency. Until one day there came a very handsome prince from the kingdom Kahuripan into the kingdom of Daha. The prince, Raden Inu Kertapati. The purpose of his arrival to the kingdom of Daha is to apply for Candra Kirana. The arrival of Raden Inu Kertapati very welcomed by the King Kertamarta, and finally Candra Kirana betrothed to Raden Inu Kertapati. The engagement turned out to make the Goddess Galuh feel jealous. Because she has felt that Raden Inu Kertapati more suitable for him. Therefore Galuh Goddess Grandma's house and went to Magic. He requested that the witch's spell Candra Kirana into something disgusting and kept away from Raden Inu. Grandma Magic Goddess Galuh also approved the request, and Candra Kirana conjured a Golden Conch, then throw it into the river. One day a grandmother is looking for fish with nets, and golden snails are transported in nets. Golden snails were then brought home and placed in jars. The next day the old woman fishing in the river again, but do not get fish seekorpun. The grandmother then decided to go home, when he got home he was very shocked, because the table already available cuisine is very delicious. The old woman wondered to himself, who memgirim this cuisine. Similarly, the days that followed the old woman underwent a similar incident, the next morning my grandmother would like a peek at what happened when he went fishing. Grandma then pretended to go to the river to catch fish as usual, then went to the back of the house for a glimpse. After a while, the grandmother was very surprised. Because of the existing gold snail ditempayan transformed into a beautiful girl. So the girl to cook and prepare the food on the table. Feeling curious, then the grandmother ventured to rebuke the pretty princess. "Who are you beautiful princess, and where you come from?", Asked the grandmother. "I am the princess of Daha who became bewitched by the witch golden snail messengers because they feel jealous of my brother to me", said the golden snail. After answering questions from grandmothers, Candra Kirana changed again into the Golden Conch, and grandmother very surprised. While Inu Kertapati prince would not say anything when he knew kirana moon disappeared. And he find a way disguised as ordinary people. Grandma sihirpun finally know and transformed himself into a raven to harm Raden Inu Kertapati. Raden Inu Kertapati Surprised to see a talking crow and identify its purpose. He considered it magic raven and obeyed when Raden Inu given the wrong direction. Diperjalanan Raden Inu met a grandfather who was starving, my grandfather gave it to eat. Apparently my grandfather was the magic of good He has helped Raden Inu from the crow's. Grandfather was a crow hit with his stick, and the bird up in smoke. Raden Inu finally told where Candra Kirana is located, he sent it away kedesa dadapan raden. After walking for days and came kedesa Dadapan he approached he saw a hut to ask for a sip of water because his supply was exhausted. In the hut he was very surprised, because from his window he saw Candra Kirana was cooking. Finally the magic of the witch is gone because of that encounter. Finally, Raden Inu grandmother brought her fiance along with a good heart to the palace, and Candra Kirana told the king acts Dewi Galuh Kertamarta.

Sire apologize to Candra Kirana and vice versa. Goddess Galuh then got a punishment. Because the Goddess Galuh feel afraid, so he fled to the woods. Finally, marriage Candra kirana and Raden Inu Kertapati was underway, and the party very festive. Eventually they lived happily.

Red Onion and Garlic

A long time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful teenage girl named garlic. They are a happy family. Although garlic dad just ordinary traders, but they live in harmony and peace. But one day the mother garlic ill and eventually died. Garlic is very grieved so did his father. In the village lived a widow who also has a son named Onion. Since the mother died Garlic, Shallots mother often visited the house Garlic. He often brought food, garlic helps tidy the house or simply accompany his father Garlic and chatting. Finally my father thought that garlic may be better if he had married only with the mother Shallots, Garlic is not so lonely anymore. With consideration of garlic, then the father is married to the mother Garlic onion. Initially maternal red onion and red onion to the garlic is very good. But over time they begin to look true nature. They often scold garlic and give him a tough job if the father was going to trade Garlic. Garlic should be doing all the housework, while the red onion and the mother just sitting around. Garlic of course dad did not know it, because Garlic is never told. Garlic One day my father fell ill and later died. Since then the red onion and mother more powerful against the arbitrary and Garlic. Garlic is almost never at rest. He had to get up before dawn, to prepare the water bath and breakfast for the red onion and mother. Then he had to feed livestock, watering gardens and washing clothes in the river. Then he still had to ironing, cleaning the house, and many other jobs. But Garlic is always doing his work, rejoicing that he hopes one day her stepmother would have loved him like his own child. This morning as usual Garlic carry baskets of clothes to be washed in the river. With a little singing him down a path on the edge of an ordinary small forest path. The day was very sunny weather. Garlic immediately wash all dirty clothes he was carrying. Because too much fun, Garlic does not realize that one of the shirts have been washed away. Unfortunately the clothes are washed away her stepmother's favorite shirt. When aware of it, dress her stepmother has drifted too far. Garlic down the river trying to find her, but failed to find it. In desperation, he returned home and told his mother. "Basic careless!" Snapped the stepmother. "I do not want to know, you just have to find clothes that! And do not dare go home if you have not found it. Understand? " Garlic is forced to obey the wishes ibun stepmother. He immediately washed down the river where he was. The sun was rising, but the Garlic is yet to find his mother's clothes. He put up his eyes, carefully examining each root panhandle that juts into the river, who knows his mother's clothes caught on there. After stepping away and the sun was leaning to the west, Garlic saw a shepherd who was bathing water buffalo. Garlic then asked: "O my good uncle, is uncle to see the red shirt who drifted through here? Since I had to find and bring him home. "" Yes I had seen my boy. If you chase quickly, maybe you can catch him, "said the uncle. "Well uncle, thank you!" Said Garlic and immediately ran back down. It was getting dark,

Garlic was getting desperate. Soon the night will come, and Garlic. From the distance the light coming from a hut on the banks of the river. Garlic immediately went to the house and knocked "Excuse me ...!" Said Garlic. An old woman opened the door. "Who are you boy?" Asked the old woman. "My Garlic Nan. Just now I'm looking for my mother's clothes are washed away. And now too late. Can I stay here tonight? "Asked Garlic. "Sure kid. Are you looking for clothes that are red? "Said grandmother. "Yes, grandma. What ... grandmother found him? "Asked Garlic. "Yes. Earlier clothes were stuck in front of my house. Unfortunately, though I liked that shirt, "said the grandmother. "Okay I'll return it, but first you must accompany me here for a week. I have not talked with anyone, how? "Pleaded white nenek.Bawang thought for a moment. Grandma looked lonely. Garlic also feel pity. "Well grandma, I would accompany my grandmother for a week, from grandmothers are not bored with me," Garlic said with a smile.

Garlic weeklong stay with the grandmother. Every day Garlic helps with housework grandmother. Of course the old woman happy. Until finally even been a week, grandma she called garlic. "Son, have you lived here a week. And I'm glad that you are a diligent and dutiful. For according to my promise that you can bring your mother's clothes to go home. And another thing, you may choose one of two pumpkins this as a gift! "Said the grandmother. Garlic initially refused to be rewarded but still forced her grandmother. Garlic finally chose the smallest pumpkin. "I am not afraid to take a big strong," he said. Grandma smiled and Garlic deliver up to the front of the house. At home, Garlic handed his stepmother's red shirt as he went into the kitchen to split the pumpkin yellow. Garlic was surprised when the flask was split, inside jewels found to contain gold very much. She screamed and was so excited to tell this wonderful stepmother and red onion langsun greedily grab the gold and jewels. They forced the garlic to tell how he could get the prize. Garlic also tell the truth. Hearing stories of garlic, onion and her mother plan to do the same thing but this time the red onion will do. In short onion until finally the old grandmother's house on the edge of the river. Like garlic, onion was asked to accompany him for a week. Unlike an avid garlic, red onions for a week it's just lazy. If anything is done then the result is never good because it has always done poorly. Finally after a week's grandmother allow onions to go. "Should not grandma gave me a pumpkin as a reward for a week with you," asked the red onion. My grandmother was forced to send onions choose one of two pumpkins on offer. Quickly onion take a big pumpkin and without saying thanks he walked away. When I got home to his mother immediately onion and pumpkin happily showed he was carrying. For fear of garlic will ask for parts, they sent garlic to go into the river. Then they eagerly split the pumpkin. But it was not gold jewels out of the pumpkin, but venomous animals such as snakes, scorpions, and others. The animals were immediately attacked the shallots and his mother to death. That is the reward of the greedy.

Malin Kundang
Once upon a time, there lived a family in the coastal area of Sumatra. The family has a child named Malin Kundang. Due to very poor condition of their families, the father malin decided to go into the country side. Malin and his mother's big hope, one day his father came home with a lot of money that can later be to buy daily necessities. After months and months turned out malin father did not come, and eventually hopes pupuslah Malin Kundang and his mother. After Malin Kundang growing up, he thought to make a living in the country side in the hope of later when I returned to my hometown, she was already a wealthy man. Malin Kundang finally come sailing along with a merchant ship captain in his hometown that has been successful. During their stay on the ship, Malin Kundang much to learn about seamanship on the crew that have been experienced. Malin studied hard about shipping to his friends who are more experienced, and finally he was very adept in terms of shipping. Many have visited the island, until one day in the middle of the trip, suddenly climbed Malin Kundang ship attacked by pirates. All merchandise traders who were on the ship seized by pirates. Even most of the crew and people on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin Kundang very lucky he was not killed by the pirates, because when it happened, Malin immediately hid in a small space enclosed by the timber. Malin Kundang adrift amid the sea, until finally the ship was stranded on a beach. With the remaining power available, Malin Kundang walked to the nearest village from the beach. Arriving in the village, Malin Kundang helped by people in the village after previously telling what happened to him. Malin is marooned villages where the village is very fertile. With tenacity and perseverance in work, Malin gradually managed to become a wealthy man. It has a lot of merchant ships with men of more than 100 people. Having become rich, Malin Kundang marry a girl to be his wife. After a long marriage, Malin and his wife set sail with a large and beautiful ship with the crew as well as a lot of bodyguards. Malin Kundang mother who stayed with his son every day, seeing a very beautiful ship, entered the harbor. He saw two people standing on the deck. He believes that it is her son was standing along with his wife Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang came down from the ship. He was greeted by his mother. Once close

enough, she saw twelve people injured dilengan right, the more convinced his mother that he was approached Malin Kundang. "Malin Kundang, my son, why did you go so long without sending any news?", She said, hugging Malin Kundang. But Kundang immediate release of her mother's arms and pushed it down. "Women do not know myself, as my mother's only air admitted," says Malin Kundang to her mother. Malin Kundang pretended not to recognize her mother, because of shame with her mother who is old and dressed in rags. "She's your mother?", Tanya wife Malin Kundang. "No, he was just a beggar who pretended to be claimed as my mother to get my property," Malin said to his wife. Hearing statements and arbitrarily treated by his son, the mother of Malin Kundang very angry. He had not expected her to be rebellious child. Because of mounting anger, Malin's mother tipped his hand saying "Oh God, if he my son, I sumpahi he became a rock". Not long after the wind roared loud and violent storm destroyed the ship came Malin Kundang. After that Malin Kundang body slowly becomes stiff and gradually eventually shaped into a rock.

Jenggala kingdom led by a king named Raden Putra. He was accompanied by a consort of good heart and a concubine who has the nature of envy and jealousy. King's son and his wife were both living in a very magnificent palaces and peaceful. Until one day the king's concubines plotting something bad on the king's consort. This is done because the concubine of Raden Putra want to become empress. Concubine of a king and then conspiring with the royal physician to implement the plan. Concubine king pretended to severe pain. The royal physician and immediately called the King. After examining the concubine, the physician said that someone had put poison in the drink princess. "That man is none other than King himself empress," said the physician. Majesty was angry to hear an explanation of the royal physician. He immediately ordered the duke to throw into the woods and kill her consort. The duke immediately bring the empress who was carrying it into the middle of the jungle. But the duke was not wise to kill the empress. Apparently the governor had known concubine king malicious intent. "Mr. daughter not to worry, I will report to the king that the princess was killed servant," said the duke. To deceive the king, the duke of rabbit blood stain his sword with the arrest. The king was satisfied when the duke to report that he had killed the empress. After several months in the jungle, the empress gave birth to a son. The child was given the name Cindelaras. Cindelaras grow into a child who is smart and handsome. Since childhood he had been friends with the forest-dwelling animals. One day, while being engrossed in play, an eagle dropped a chicken egg. Cindelaras then take the eggs and intends menetaskannya. After 3 weeks, the eggs hatch into a chick who is very funny. Cindelaras chicken with diligent care of the child. The more days that chicks grow up to be a rooster is stout and strong. But there is a strange one from the chicken. Cock crowing sound is different from the other chickens. "... My lord Cindelaras Kukuruyuk, his house in the middle of the jungle, the roof of palm leaves, his father Raden Putra rooster crow ...", it Cindelaras was amazed to hear chickens crowing and immediately showed it to his mother. Then, the mother tells the origin Cindelaras why they are in the woods. Hearing the story of his mother, Cindelaras determined to go to court and expose the evil concubine of the king. After her mother were allowed, Cindelaras went to

the palace accompanied by a rooster. While on the way there are some people who are risking chicken. Cindelaras then summoned by the penyabung chicken. "Come on, if you dare, chicken adulah jantanmu with my chicken," she challenged. "Well," replied Cindelaras. When pitted, it turns out Cindelaras roosters fight with mighty and in a short time, he can beat his opponent. After a few times pitted, chicken Cindelaras not invincible. News about greatness Cindelaras chicken spread quickly until he came to the Palace. Raden Putra finally heard the news. Then, Raden Putra to invite Cindelaras hulubalangnya sent to the palace. "Servant of facing your majesty," said Cindelaras politely. "The boy is handsome and intelligent, it seems he was not a descendant of the common people," thought the king. Cindelaras pitted with chicken chicken Raden Putra with one condition, if the chicken Cindelaras lose then he was willing to head chopped off, but if the chicken is half-won wealth belongs Cindelaras Raden Putra. Two chickens were fighting bravely. But in a short time, chicken chicken Cindelaras conquered the King. The audience cheered and cheered Cindelaras chicken. "Okay I admit defeat. I'll keep my promise. But who are you, young man?" Asked the king Raden Putra. Cindelaras immediately bowed like a whispered something in his chicken. Not how long the chicken immediately rang. "... My lord Cindelaras Kukuruyuk, his house in the middle of the jungle, the roof of palm leaves, his father Raden Putra ...," the rooster's crowing repeatedly. Raden Putra Cindelaras shocked to hear chickens crowing. "Is it true?" Asked the astonished king. "Yes sire, name Cindelaras servant, servant of the empress mother Majesty." Simultaneously, the duke immediately facing and tell all the events that actually happened to the empress. "I've made a mistake," said the king Raden Putra. "I will give appropriate punishment to the mistress," continued the king in a rage. Then, the concubine of Raden Putra else in the exhaust into the woods. Raden Putra immediately embraced her and apologized for his mistakes After that, Raden Putra and district chief consort to the forest to pick up soon .. Finally Raden Putra, empress and Cindelaras be reunited. After Raden Putra died, Cindelaras the place of his father. He ruled his country justly and wisely.

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