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1) If a cell shows #######, it means that :a) your formula has a syntax error.

b) the row is too short to show the number at the current font size. c) The column is too narrow to show all the digit of the number d) d) either b or c. 2) When you are typing an equation(or any calculation) into a cell the first thing that must be entered is a) the first cell referenced b) parenthesis c) quotation marks d) an equal sign 3) You can open the Sort dialog box by choosing Sort from the a) View b) Format c) Tools d) Data 4) Function inside another function is called a __________ a) Function b) Nested c) ROUND d) Text 5- A ___________is a tiny chart in a worksheet cell that provides a visual representation of data Sparkline Slicer Subtotal Group ____________.

6) Except for the __________ function, a formula with a logical function shows the word TRUE or FALSE as result. a) IF b) AND c) OR d) NOT 7- A _________is a visual representation of data and conveys the information in an easy to understand and attractive manner. A)Chart B)Filter C)Goal Seek D)None 8) The advantage of using a spreadsheet is : a) Calculations can be done automatically. b) Changing data automatically updates calculations (as long as Excel is not set to calculate manually). c) More flexibility d) all of the above 9) The LEN function does what? a) Compares the content in two cells b) Counts the numbers of characters in a cell c) Deletes extra space in text d) Counts the numbers of characters in a cell including spaces.

10) What-if-analysis can be used for a) Scenario Manager b) Goal Seek c) Data table d) All of them 11) A PivotTable report is an interactive way to quickly summarize large amounts of data. a) True b)False 12) Freeze pane is used to lock or unlock rows or columns to scroll through the entire worksheet a) True b) False 13) How can you select a range of non-adjacent cells on an Excel worksheet a) Keeping the control key pressed, Click all the non adjacent cells you want to select, with the mouse. b) It is not possible in Excel c) Drag the mouse through all the cell you want to select d) None of the above 14-The _______feature can be used to complete common series such as days of the week and months of the year. a) Auto fill b) Auto calculate c) Auto Complete d) None

15- A ___________ uses arithmetic operators like +, -, *, /, a)Formula b)Function c)Filter d)None

%, and ^.

16-When a formula is copied, the cell references are automatically changed as per the address of the cell to which it is copied. This is called __________. a)Relative Cell Referencing b)Absolute Cell Referencing c)Mixed Cell Referencing d)None 17-An Absolute Cell Referencing is a cell reference used in a formula which does not change when the formula is copied. a)True B)False 18-The Name Box is located to the left of the formula bar and displays the cell address of the active cell. a)True b)False

19-A Function is a prewritten formula that performs calculations automatically. a)True B)False 20-The Excel 2010 spreadsheet has 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns. a)True b)False

21) Which key combination will hide the ribbon? Ctrl+F1 22) Which view show margins and the rulers? Page Layout 23) As you key a number in a cell what mode appears in the status bar? Enter mode 24 ) What opens after clicking the dialog box launcher in the font group on the home tab? Format cells dialog box 25) Where is the address of the active cell displayed? Name box 26) Which command reverses the last action performed in the worksheet? Undo 27) When navigating in a workbook, which command is used to move to the beginning of the current row? Home 28) Which key when pressed displays the access keys? Alt 29) Which command allows you to reverse an undo command? Redo 30) Which cell alignment is assigned to most of values by default Right 31) Which function automatically totals a column or row of value Sum


Which mathematical operator is represented by an asterisk (*) Multiplication

33) Which step complete an entry and move the pointer to the cell to the right Pressing Tab 34) Which group in the formula tab organizes Excels built in formulas Function Library 35) How many blank worksheet are shown when a new workbook is created Three 36) What term describes the average width of a numeric character in the standard font Character space 37) which wildcard character represents any nuber of character * 38) What dialog box includes an option to print a selection Print 39) Which option in the find/replace dialog box makes a search task case sensitive Match case 40) What appear just below the range after an autofill command Autofill Option Button 41) What is not included when a find does a search Object 42) After a table is created , what arrows appear with the header row lables Filter 43) Which of these buttons appear on the Mini toolbar Increase Font Size

44) Which command moves data away from the cells edge for better readability of values & lables Indent 45) Which alignment choice spread the data across the width of the cell Justify 46) On conditional formatting button , which command would you choose to change the data bar color Manage Rules 47) What command combines a range of cells into one cell that occupies the same amount of space Merge and center 48) Which of the following feature determines how the content of a cell positioned in the cell Cell alignment 49) What is the result of this formula : =1+2*3-1 6 50) Which of these references is an example of a mixed reference $B1 51) Which group on the page layout tab includes commant to print a worksheet smaller than actual size Scale to fit 52) In this formula = B4/B3*B2 , how is the arithmatic carried out From left to right 53) Which of these reference s is an example of relative reference B1 54) Which of these cell reference is absolute $A$1 55) What category in the format cells dialog box is used to define a unique format for date Custom

56) What does the AVERAGE function calculate for a range of cells Mean 57) From what command tab is the font size for an axis in a chart changed Home 58) Which tabs are chart Tools command tabs Design , Layout , format 59) What is the background for a chart called Chart Area 60) Which of the following are categories of shapes Callouts , stars & banners , and basic shapes 61) Which os these are not a likely used for textbox Placing Wordart 62) Which command tab on the ribbon includes the illustration group Insert 63) Where is the Comment group of command Review Tab 64) What term describes a picture that has been resized by percentage Scaled 65) Which error value is displayed if =B30/0 is keyed into a cell #DIV/0

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