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20 sts and 24 rnds/rows to 4"/10cm over rib pattern using size 7 (4.5mm) needles. TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGE.

SSK Sl 1, sl 1, knit these 2 slipped sts tog. SK2P Sl 1, k2tog, pass sl st over k2tog. 4-st LC Slip 2 sts to cn and hold to front of work, k2, k2 from cn.

(multiple of 10 sts) Rnd 1 *K2, p2, k4, p2; rep from * to end. Rep rnd 1 for rib pat.

(multiple of 10 sts) Row 1 *K2, p2, k4, p2; rep from * to end. Row 2 *K2, p4, k2, p2; rep from * to end. Rep rows 1 and 2 for rib pat.

(worked over 6 sts) Rnd 1 P1, k4, p1. Rnd 2 P1, work 4-st LC over next 4 sts, p1. Rnds 3 and 4 Repeat rnd 1. Repeat rnds 14 for cable pat.

Work in rnds as foll: 3 B, 10 C, 3 B, 20 C, 3 A, 10 B, 3 A.


Work in rows as foll: 3 C, 10 A, 3 C, 20 A, 3 B, 10 C, 3 B, 20 C, 3 A, 10 B, 2 A.


Work in rnds as foll: 20 B, 3 C, 10 A, 3 C, work in A to end.


(wrap and turnw & t)

Knit side


As seen in Vogue Knitting Winter 2007/08, page 59. Sized for X-Small (Small, Medium, Large, X-Large). Shown in size X-Small.


Bust 32 (36, 40, 44, 48)"/81 (86, 101.5, 111.5, 122) cm Length 21 (22, 2212, 23, 24)"/53.5 (56, 57, 58.5, 61)cm Upper arm 15 (16, 16, 17, 18)"/38.5 (40.5, 42.5. 44.5, 46.5)cm

4 (4, 5, 5, 6) 134oz/50g balls (each approx 91yd/82m) of The Alpaca Yarn Company Paca de Seda (alpaca and silk) in #4873 Purple Passion (A) 3 (3, 4, 4, 5) balls each in #4265 Limeaide (B), and in #4285 Forest (C) One pair size 7 (4.5mm) needles OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE Size 7 (4.5mm) circular needle, 32"/80cm long Cable needle (cn) and stitch markers Stitch holders

1) Wyib, sl next st purlwise. 2) Move yarn between the needles to the front. 3) Sl the same st back to LH needle. Turn work, bring yarn to the k side between needles. One st is wrapped. 4) When short rows are completed, work to just before wrapped st, insert RH needle under the wrap and knitwise into the wrapped st, k them together.
Purl side

1) Wyif, sl next st purlwise. 2) Move yarn between needles to the back. 3) Sl same st back to LH needle. Turn work, bring yarn back to the p side between needles. One st is wrapped. 4) When short rows are completed, work to just before wrapped st, insert RH needle from behind into the back loop of the wrap and place on LH needle; p wrap tog with st on needle.

www.thealpacayarnco.com SoHo Publishing Company 2008. All rights reserved. Individual, non-commercial use only. Sale, any other commercial use and any reproduction, publication or distribution prohibited.





With circular needle and A, cast on 80 (90, 100, 110, 120) sts, place marker (pm), cast on 80 (90, 100, 110, 120) sts160 (180, 200, 220, 240) sts. Pm for beg of rnd and join, taking care not to twist twist sts on needle. Sl markers (sl m) every rnd. Work even in rib pat for 4 (4, 4, 4, 5)"/10 (10, 11.5, 11.5, 12.5)cm.
Beg stripe pat

circular needle work in yoke stripe pat, cont in rib pat and join work as foll: work across one (left) sleeve to last 3 sts, pm, work to end of sleeve and across front to last 3 sts, pm, work to end of front and across other (right) sleeve to last 3 sts, pm, work to end of sleeve and across back to last 3 sts, place marker for beg of rnd 272 (300, 328, 356, 384) sts and 4 markers.
Decrease yoke

Cont in rib pat, AT SAME TIME begin body stripe pat. Work even in pats until the end of body stripepiece measures approx 12 (12, 13, 13, 13)"/32 (32, 33, 33, 34) cm from beg.
Divide for front and back

Next rnd Work in B for first row of yoke Stripe Pat, AT SAME TIME work to 5 sts before first marker, bind off 10 sts, work across front to 5 sts before second marker, bind off 10 sts, work across back to end70 (80, 90, 100, 110) sts each section. Do not cut yarn, slip all sts to holders.

21 (22, 23, 23, 24)"

Cap shaping

32 (36, 40, 44, 48)"


With RS of all pieces facing, B and



(6 ,7 ,7 (16 ,7 ) ,1 " 6 ,1 7 ,1 8 )"

Next row (WS) With A bind off 5 sts, work to end. Next row (RS) With B for first row of yoke stripe pat, bind off 5 sts, work to end66 (70, 74, 78, 82) sts. Cut yarn.


12 (12, 13, 13, 13)"


7 (8, 8, 8, 9)"

With B and straight needles, cast on 32 (32, 36, 36, 38) sts. Begin rib as follows: Sizes XS and S *K2, p2, k4, p2; rep from *, end k2. Size M P1, *k4, p2, k2, p2; rep from *, end k4, p1. Size L *P2, k2, p2, k4; rep from *, end p2, k2, p2. Size XL K1, *p2, k2, p2, k4; rep from *, end p2, k2, p2, k1. Work in B and rows of rib pat, increasing 1 st both sides every 4th row 22 (24, 24, 26, 27) times76 (80, 84, 88, 92) sts AT SAME TIME when piece measures 3 (3, 3, 3, 4)"/7.5 (7.5, 9, 9, 10)cm from beg, begin sleeve stripe pat on RS row. Work all incs into rib pat. Work until end of sleeve stripe patsleeve measures approx 17 (17, 18, 18, 18)"/44.5 (44.5, 46, 46, 47)cm from beg.

Next rnd *Slip marker (sl m), work rnd 1 of cable pat over next 6 sts, work in pat to next marker; repeat from * 3 times more. Next (dec) rnd *Sl m, work rnd 2 of cable pat over next 6 sts, ssk, work in pat until 2 sts before next marker, k2tog; repeat from * 3 times more264 (292, 320, 348, 376) sts. Cont to work in pats as established AT SAME TIME, dec as follows: Size X-Small only Dec 1 st on both sides of each 6-st cable pat every other rnd 20 times more 24 sts each sleeve, 28 sts each front and back, 104 sts total. Size Small only Dec 1 st on both sides of each 6st cable pat every other rnd 21 times more, then dec only at each end of front and back: 1 st twice, then dec 2 sts (SK2P instead of ssk, k3 tog instead of k2tog) once26 sts each sleeve, 28 sts each front and back, 108 sts total. Size Medium only Dec 1 st on both sides of each 6-st cable pat every other rnd 21 times more, then dec 1 st at each end of sleeves twice, and

dec 2 sts (SK2P instead of ssk, k3 tog instead of k2tog) at each end of front and back 4 times 26 sts each sleeve, 30 sts each front and back, 112 sts total. Size Large only Dec 1 st on both sides of each 6-st cable pat every other rnd 14 times more, then dec 1 st at each end of sleeves 10 times, and dec 2 sts (SK2P instead of ssk, k3 tog instead of k2tog) at each end of front and back 10 times 28 sts each sleeve, 30 sts each front and back, 116 sts total. Size X-Large only Dec 1 st on both sides of each 6-st cable pat every other rnd 14 times more, then dec 1 st at each end of sleeves 12 times, and dec 2 sts (SK2P instead of ssk, k3 tog instead of k2tog) at each end of front and back 12 times 28 sts each sleeve, 32 sts each front and back, 120 sts total.
Short row shaping

Continue in rib pats, and shape back neck in short rows as foll: Short row 1 Work across right sleeve and front right cable to marker, w&t. Short row 2 Work across right sleeve, back, left sleeve and left front cable to marker, w&t. Work 8 more short rows across back neck, working 4 fewer sts at end of each row. Work once around complete neck edge, knitting wraps tog with sts. Bind off.

Sew sleeve and underarm seams. O

10 (10, 11, 11, 12)" 1"

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