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Declaration of Sovereignty

When in the Course of events, it becomes necessary for a man to dissolve the political bonds that have connected one with another. To assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle the man, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that one should declare the causes, which impels the separation. I hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, which among these are Life, Liberty, Property and experience of Happiness. That it is the man who is completely accountable and responsible for securing these rights. That the actions of Governments have always become destructive of these rights in an attempt to gain power and control from the man. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the man to abolish it, and to take on the responsibilities of governing oneself. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and fleeting causes. But when a long train of abuses and unethical behavior pursuing consistently the same Object reveals a design to reduce me and others under absolute Tyranny, it is my right and it is my duty to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for my future security. Such has been the patience tolerance of this man; and such is now the necessity, which compels me to alter my former Systems of Government and all agreements with that Government. The history of the present Crown (Queen of Great Britain, the de facto Governor General of Canada and Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, also including employees, justice system participants and agents for the crown) have a history of repeated injuries, inappropriate use of authority and legal theft. The intent of all this is the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over man on this land. To prove this, let me submit Facts to a candid world. The Crown has entered into agreements with Money Changers (Bankers) to implement fractional reserve banking, fiat and debt based currency and usury which is unethical and results in economic and financial enslavement of individuals and corporations to the Banks and allows for the legal theft of their property. The Crown has allowed companies to have the status of a person in law resulting in those companies behaving like psychopathic persons in the execution of their plans to make profits for their owners without any regard for nature or other people. The Crown has entered into agreements for the betterment of the industrial complex rather than for the betterment of the people. The Crown uses fear and intimidation through threats of fines and jail to ensure Citizens do not speak up or stand up for their rights in order to ensure compliance. The Crown has setup a legal system where only the privileged understand it and thus use it in order to intimidate others for insuring compliance. The common man is no longer able to understand the legal system and as such it is now only accessible to the privileged. The Crown and legal system participants no longer follow the rule of law and is now in the business of making money rather than ensuring no injustice takes place. The Crown has encouraged and facilitated the genocide of millions of First Nations people and assimilating survivors into a European culture, and forced them to rethink themselves as aboriginal (away from - original) people. The Crown continues to pass legislation, while using word magic to cause confusion, tricking individuals to think that specific pieces of legislation is actually the Law and that it applies to them.

In recent attempts to humbly cancel contracts with the Crown or to stand up for my rights as recognized in the Canadian Bill of Rights, my repeated letters have gone un-answered, and followed up by repeated injury. A man whose character is thus marked by every act, which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free man.

Declaration of Sovereignty Page 1 of 2 Original uSA Declaration of Independence modified by rob of the pag family (sovereign) Version 2.0 All Rights Reserved Twenty Fifth Day of February in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand Ten

My fellow brethren have also warned them from time to time of attempts by the legislature and the judiciary to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. My fellow brethren and I have appealed to their native justice and generosity of spirit, and we have asked them to join us in unity, to reject their position of power, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and are being disrespectful of our common ancestry. I therefore, hold those that denounce my Separation, as I hold the rest of man kind in Peace, Love and Friendship. I therefore, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the decency of my intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good Individuals of this world, solemnly publish and declare; That I am, and of Right ought to be Free and an Independent Sovereign Man; That I am Absolved from all Allegiance to the Crown, and that all political, economic, or contractual connection between the Crown and I, is and ought to be totally dissolved; And that as a Free and Independent Sovereign Man, I have full Power to conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Trade, govern myself, bear arms, claim further Rights, travel and to do all other Acts and Things which a Sovereign Man may of right do. Moreover, for the support of this Declaration, with a firm trust in divine protection, I pledge to other Sovereigns my Life, my Love, my Fortunes and my sacred Honor.

______________________________________ Sovereign Mark / Autograph

___________________________ Date

Witness Marks Given Name Family Name Domicile Mark / Autograph

Declaration of Sovereignty Page 2 of 2 Original uSA Declaration of Independence modified by rob of the pag family (sovereign) Version 2.0 All Rights Reserved Twenty Fifth Day of February in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand Ten

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