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Report No.

519 (61/10/7)

Informal Sector and Conditions of

Employment in India

(Part – I)


(July 2004 – June 2005)

National Sample Survey Organisation

Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation
Government of India

April 2007
The National Sample survey Organisation (NSSO) conducts socio-economic surveys
covering various subjects on regular basis. Subjects are selected keeping in view the
importance of the subject. As part of the NSS 61st round during the period July 2004 – June
2005, the Employment and Unemployment survey was conducted on large sample basis and
this was the seventh quinquennial survey. Keeping in view the significant proportion of
workers in India engaged in the informal sector of the economy, a set of probing questions
were asked to usual status workers to collect the information on the characteristics of the
workers and the enterprises in which they worked.

This report, last in the series of seven reports on employment and unemployment
based on NSS 61st round data, provides information on various aspects of the workers
engaged in non-agricultural sectors as well as agricultural sector except those engaged in only
growing of crops, market gardening, horticulture and growing of crops combined with
farming of animals which includes their detailed activity status, location of work place, type
of enterprises where they worked, use of electricity for production, number of workers and
existence of trade union/association in the enterprise where they worked, etc. This report
contains three Chapters, including the introductory Chapter and three appendices. Chapter
Two states in detail the concepts and definitions of only those terms used in the survey in
connection with the various items covered in this report. Chapter Three discusses the main
findings of the survey. While Appendix A gives the detailed tables on which this report is
based, Appendix B presents a detailed description of the sample design and estimation
procedure used for the survey and Appendix C gives a facsimile of the Schedule canvassed in
the survey.

The Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD) of the NSSO undertook the
development of the survey methodology as well as drafting of the report. The field-work was
carried out by the Field Operation Division (FOD) of NSSO while the data processing and
tabulation work was handled by Data Processing Division (DPD) of NSSO. The Co-
ordination and Publication division (CPD) of NSSO coordinated various activities pertaining
to the survey.

I am thankful to the Chairman and the Members of the then Governing Council of
NSSO and Working Group for the NSS 61st round for their valuable guidance at various
stages of survey activities from designing of the questionnaire to the preparation of this
report. I also place on record my thanks to various officers of different divisions involved in
the preparation of this report

I hope, this report will be quite useful to the planners, policy makers, academicians,
researchers and even workers themselves. Suggestions from the readers for bringing about
improvement in the report will be highly appreciated.

( P.K. Ray)
Director General & Chief Executive Officer
New Delhi NSSO
April 2007

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This report is based on the seventh quinquennial survey on employment and unemployment
conducted in the 61st round of NSS during July, 2004 to June, 2005. The survey was spread
over 7,999 villages and 4,602 urban blocks covering 1,24,680 households (79,306 in the rural
areas and 45,374 in the urban) and enumerating 6,02,833 persons (3,98,025 in the rural areas
and 2,04,808 in the urban). In the NSS 61st round, particulars of the workers in the informal
sector and conditions of employment of the different categories of employees (viz., regular
wage/ salaried workers and casual labours) were collected for the industry groups/ divisions
012, 014, 015, 02,05, 10-99 (Descriptions of these industry groups/ divisions are given in
Annexure I of Chapter Two). Among these, the industry groups 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 were in
the [ag]ricultural sector [e]xcluding only [g]rowing of [c]rops, market gardening,
horticulture (industry group 011) and growing of crops combined with farming of animals
(industry group 013) (henceforth referred to as AGEGC sector). The industry divisions 011
and 013 were kept out of the coverage. In India, nearly 52 per cent of the workers were
employed in the industry groups 011 and 013; a whopping 65 per cent in the rural areas and a
meager 7 per cent in the urban areas. The entire non-agriculture sector (industry divisions 10-
99) was covered in the survey. Thus, the coverage of this report has been mostly confined to
AGEGC and the non-agricultural sectors for purpose of discussion on informal sector and
conditions of employment of the employees. However, the discussion on the existence of
union/ association pertains to not only employees but also associations of the self-employed
workers in all the industry divisions of NIC-98, i.e., NIC –98 codes 01 to 99. Some of the key
findings relating to proportion of workers in informal sector (defined to cover proprietary and
partnership enterprises), location of workplace of the workers, wage and salary earnings, and
some of conditions of employment, viz., eligibility of paid leave, social security benefits, type
of job contract, etc, are summarized below:
Workers in Informal sector
Among the workers under the coverage of this report, the AGEGC sector accounted for
nearly 13 per cent of the workers and the non-agriculture sector for the remaining 87 per
cent of the workers. The distribution of the total workers was further tilted in favour of the
non-agriculture sector in the urban area, where nearly 98 per cent of the workers were
engaged in non-agriculture compared to 79 per cent in rural areas.
Of the total workers, nearly 82 per cent in the rural areas and 72 per cent in the urban
areas were engaged in the informal sector (proprietary and partnership) enterprises.
Among self-employed non-agricultural workers, about 95 per cent in the rural areas and
97 per cent in the urban areas worked in the informal sector.
Among the non-agricultural workers who were casual labourers engaged in works other
than public works, a very high proportion was employed in the informal sector – 79 per
cent in the rural areas and 82 per cent in the urban areas.
Among regular wage/salaried non-agricultural workers, fewer were employed in the
informal sector - only 41 per cent in the rural areas and 43 per cent in the urban areas.
More than 90 per cent of workers engaged in AGEGC or in wholesale or retail trade etc
or in hotels and restaurants belonged to the informal sector.
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05

The proportion of workers employed in the informal sector was quite significant among
manufacturing sector workers also – 88 per cent in the rural areas and 81 per cent in the
urban areas.
A higher proportion of female workers in industry tabulation category manufacturing
were employed in informal sector than males. It is found that as high as 92 per cent and 90
per cent of female manufacturing workers were in the informal sector in the rural and
urban areas, respectively. The corresponding estimates for males were 86 per cent and 78
per cent in rural and urban areas, respectively.
Among workers belonging to the real estate, renting and business, nearly 87 per cent of
the rural male workers and 78 per cent of the urban male workers were in the informal
sector while the corresponding proportions for female workers were 79 per cent and 64
per cent in the rural and urban areas, respectively.
In the rural areas among the non-agricultural workers, about 30 per cent workers were
engaged in manufacturing and 33 per cent of the informal sector (P&P) workers were
employed in manufacturing activities.
In the rural areas, nearly 50 per cent of the non-agricultural female workers were engaged
in manufacturing activities and if informal sector is considered, the share of
manufacturing activities shoots up to 60 per cent. For male workers, these proportions
were lower – 24 per cent for those engaged in ‘all’ non-agricultural work and 26 per cent
for those in informal sector.
In the urban areas also manufacturing and wholesale and retail trade, etc, were the main
providers of non-agricultural sector employment. Among the workers of the non-
agricultural sector, nearly 27 per cent workers were engaged in manufacturing and 23 per
cent were engaged in wholesale and retail trade etc.
The proportion of rural female workers having workplace in the rural areas was 91 per
cent whereas the corresponding proportion for their male counterparts was nearly 75 per
cent. The proportion of male workers residing in urban areas who had their workplace
situated in urban areas was nearly 90 per cent and in the case of females it was nearly 93
per cent.
In the rural areas, among the female workers employed in the informal sector, nearly 93
per cent had their workplace in rural areas and the corresponding proportion for males was
78 per cent. In the urban areas, nearly 90 per cent males and 94 per cent female workers
had their workplace in urban areas.
Female workers engaged in informal sector were found to be working more in their own
dwelling compared to male workers. In the rural areas, nearly 66 per cent of the female
informal sector workers were found to be working in own dwelling and in case of males
this was only 20 per cent. In the urban areas the corresponding proportions were 52 for
females and 12 per cent for males.
In the rural areas, a little more than a quarter (26 per cent) of all workers engaged in
manufacturing were employed in enterprises using electricity for production purposes and
in the case of informal sector the share was only 22 per cent.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05

In the urban areas, a little more than half (51 per cent) of all the workers engaged in
manufacturing were employed in enterprises using electricity and in case of the informal
sector this share was nearly 44 per cent.
Average wage and salary earnings per day of regular wage/salaried employees engaged in
the informal (proprietary and partnership) enterprises earned a little higher than half of the
salary earnings of the regular wage/salaried employees considering ‘all’ types of
enterprises – it was Rs. 173 for ‘all’ types of enterprises and Rs. 93 for the informal sector
In the case of casual labourers, no perceptible difference was observed in the wage
earnings of the workers employed in the informal sector enterprises compared to those of
workers employed in ‘all’ types of enterprises –Rs. 67 in both cases.

Conditions of Employment

In both the rural and urban areas, nearly 59 per cent of the regular wage/salaried
employees had no written job contract.
About 33 per cent of the regular wage /salaried employees were temporary employees.
Nearly 46 per cent of regular wage/ salaried employees were not eligible for paid leave
and in the case of casual labourers, nearly 96 per cent were not eligible for paid leave.
Nearly 55 per cent of regular wage/salaried employees and 96 per cent of casual labourers
were not eligible for social security benefit.
About 63 per cent of the employees had neither a written job contract nor were eligible for
the paid leave. The proportions were 71 per cent and 55 per cent for the rural and urban
areas, respectively.
For 88 per cent of regular wage /salaried employees, regular monthly salary formed the
basis of payment. In the case of casual labourers, only 8 per cent got regular monthly
salary and for them daily payment was the most prevalent method of payment - nearly 51
per cent.

Existence of Union/ Association

Nearly 79 per cent of the casual labourers of age 15 years and above, in both rural and
urban areas, had no union/ association in their activity.
Among the self-employed persons of age 15 years and above, nearly 73 per cent had no
union/ association in their activity. The percentages for the rural and urban sector being 80
per cent and 63 per cent respectively.
Among the regular wage/salaried employees of age 15 years and above, nearly 53 per cent
had no union/ association in their activity – in the rural areas 51 per cent and in the urban
areas 54 per cent.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05


Chapter One Introduction 1–6
Chapter Two Concepts and Definitions 7 – 31
Chapter Three Summary of Findings 32 - 138
Appendix A Detailed Tables (Table 1 to Table 4) A-1 – A-279

Appendix A Detailed Tables (Table 5 to Table 12) A-280 – A-681
Appendix B Sample Design and Estimation Procedure B-1 – B-9
Appendix C Schedule on Employment and Unemployment (Sch. 10) C-1 – C-16

Appendix A

Table No. Title Page

Table (1) Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the A-1 – A-54
industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of
enterprise for each activity status
Table (2) Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the A-55 – A-135
industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by
enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category
Table (3) Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the A-136 – A-243
industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location
of workplace for each enterprise type
Table (4) Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the A-244 – A-279
industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by
enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise
Table (5) Per 1000 distribution of regular salaried/ wage employees and A-280 – A-333
casual labours by type of job contract for each industry group/
tabulation category

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05

Table No. Title Page

Table (6) Per 1000 distribution of regular salaried/ wage employees and casual A-334 – A-387
labours by eligibility of paid leave for each industry group/
tabulation category
Table (7) Per 1000 distribution of regular salaried/ wage employees and casual A-388 – A-441
labours by availability of social security benefit for each industry
group/ tabulation category
Table (8) Per 1000 distribution of regular salaried/ wage employees and casual A-442 – A-495
labours by method of payment for each industry group/ tabulation

Table (9) Per 1000 distribution of regular salaried/ wage employees and casual A-496 – A-603
labours and working in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015,
02, 05 or 10-99 by availability of social security benefit separately
for type of job contract, eligibility for paid leave and method of

Table (10) Per 1000 distribution of usually working (ps+ss) persons (age 15 A-604 – A-609
years & above) by existence of trade union/associations in their
activity and its membership for each broad usual activity status
Table (11) Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the A-610 – A-627
industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015,02, 05 or 10-99 by type of
job contract and nature of employment for different broad industry

Table (12) Average wage/salary earnings (Rs. 0.00) per day received by wage A-628 – A-681
/salaried employees according to the usual status for different
industry group/ tabulation category and enterprise type in which
they were usually engaged

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter One

Chapter One

1.1 The Report in Perspective

1.1.1 An all-India survey of the situation of employment and unemployment in India was
carried out as a part of the 61st round of the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO)
during the period July 2004 - June 2005. This nation-wide enquiry was conducted to
provide estimates on various characteristics pertaining to employment and unemployment
in India at the national and state levels. Information on various facets of employment and
unemployment was collected through a schedule of enquiry (Schedule 10). Based on the
data collected during the entire period, estimates pertaining to employment-unemployment
in India along with various characteristics associated with them have been presented in
NSS Report No. 5151.

1.1.2 In the NSS 61st round, a set of probing questions were asked to usual status workers
regarding some features of the enterprises in which they worked, in order to study the
characteristics of the workers particularly in the unincorporated enterprises2 that were
largely considered as constituting informal sector. This report, the last in the series of seven
reports, based on Schedule 10 (Employment and Unemployment) pertains to the estimates
of workforce according to characteristics of enterprise where individuals work, with special
reference to those engaged in the informal sector enterprises. The estimates have, as usual,
been presented in respect of various characteristics associated with them.

1.1.3 The NSSO during the 55th round survey (July 1999- June 2000), for the first time,
collected more or less similar types of information, through employment – unemployment
survey, in respect of workers engaged in the non-agricultural enterprises in the informal
sector and the estimates on them are available in NSS Report No. 4603. Moreover, in the
55th round, the information on non-agricultural enterprises in the informal sector was also
collected directly from the enterprises by canvassing a separate schedule of enquiry
(Schedule 2.0). This schedule was canvassed for the informal sector enterprises, which
covered all unincorporated enterprises in the non-agricultural sector which operated on
either proprietary or partnership basis. However, there were significant differences –
regarding the methods of data collection, the approach followed and the concepts used in
these two above mentioned surveys. All the data in Schedule 10 were collected through
household surveys and the informants were generally members of households to which
workers belonged. On the other hand, in Schedule 2.0, the respondents were generally
owners/ managers of enterprises from whom all information on workers was obtained.
Further, in Schedule 10, information on workers and on various features of enterprises
having a bearing on their work like location of work place, maintenance of written
accounts, etc. were collected whereas in Schedule 2.0, the emphasis was more on such
details of the enterprises as their receipts, operating expenses, assets owned etc., and very
few items of information were exclusively on workers. Even in terms of coverage of the
non-agricultural sector, it was much more extensive in Schedule 10. It may be noted that in

NSS Report No. 515: Employment and Unemployment Situation in India, 2004-05.
Enterprises with type of ownership as proprietary or partnership.
NSS Report No. 460: Non-agricultural workers in informal sector based on Employment – Unemployment
Survey, 1999-2000.
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter One

the NSS 61st round no attempt has been made to collect data from the informal sector
enterprises through Schedule 2.0.
1.2 Background

1.2.1 One of the important quinquennial surveys conducted by the NSSO is on

employment-unemployment. The first such survey was conducted during September
1972-October 1973 corresponding to the 27th round of NSSO. The present survey is the
seventh in the series.

1.2.2 Past Surveys: To assess the volume and structure of employment and unemployment,
starting with the 9th round (May-September, 1955), NSSO conducted a number of surveys
on employment and unemployment. To give a firm conceptual framework for conducting
such surveys, the Planning Commission, in the year 1970, set up an “Expert Committee on
Unemployment Estimates”, (popularly known as the Dantwala Committee), which
reviewed these surveys and the indicators generated from such surveys. Based on the
concepts and definitions recommended by this committee, the first quinquennial survey on
employment and unemployment was conducted in the 27th round of NSS. After the 27th
round, five comprehensive quinquennial surveys on employment and unemployment
situation in India have been carried out by the NSSO prior to the present one. These were
carried out during the 32nd round (July 1977 – June 1978), 38th round (January 1983 –
December 1983), 43rd round (July 1987 – June 1988), 50th round (July 1993 – June 1994),
and 55th round (July 1999 – June 2000), in which concepts, definitions and procedures
were based primarily on the recommendations of the Dantwala Committee. The results of
these surveys have been brought out in the form of NSS reports.

1.2.3 Other surveys on employment-unemployment: Apart from the quinquennial surveys

on employment and unemployment, NSSO has been regularly collecting information on
certain key items on employment and unemployment from a limited set of households in
each round since its 45th round (July 1989 – June 1990), known as annual series, through
the schedule on Household Consumer Expenditure (Schedule 1.0). In the annual series,
only some key particulars on the usual and current weekly status of the individuals were
collected, and the current weekly status of a person was determined through a direct query.
In the 60th round (January – June 2004), there was a change in the procedure of collecting
information on employment and unemployment. During the formulation of NSS 60th
round survey, the Planning Commission emphasized their need for annually collecting
data on the current daily status of employment and unemployment as well. The collection
of data in the current daily status necessitated the separation of two enquiries on
Household Consumer Expenditure and Employment-Unemployment, and as a result, a
separate schedule on employment and unemployment (Schedule 10) was canvassed in the
60th round, in which concepts, definitions and procedures were similar to the quinquennial
rounds. The results of such surveys have been published in the form of NSS reports.

1.2.4 The present survey: The seventh quinquennial survey on employment and
unemployment was conducted by the NSSO in its 61st round (July 2004 – June 2005). In
this survey, apart from the information usually collected in the quinquennial rounds,
information on some new items has been collected. This has been done following the
suggestions made by the Working Group set up to finalise the survey methodology and
schedules of enquiry of the 61st round. Some of the more important among them, which
have enlarged the scope of the survey, are stated below:

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter One

a) Certain information to identify informal employment4 has been collected from all usual
status workers with respect to their principal work activity and/or their subsidiary activity,
engaged in non-agricultural sector as well as in the agricultural sector excluding only
growing of crops, market gardening, horticulture and growing of crops combined with
farming of animals. Indeed, according to NIC-98, information on informal employment
has been collected from usual status workers engaged in industry groups 012, 014, 015
and divisions 02 to 99. The descriptions of these industry groups/ divisions of NIC-98 is
presented in Annexure – I, at the end of Chapter Two (Concepts and Definitions).. In this
round, in the employment-unemployment schedule, certain probing questions were asked
to the usual status workers engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05
and 10-99 and working in the unincorporated enterprises (i.e., the proprietary and
partnership enterprises) to identify the size of employment and along with some other
characteristics of those enterprises, where such workers were employed. The estimates
relating to these information and related discussion are within the purview of this report.

b) In the employment and unemployment surveys, data on wages have so far been
collected for the employees according to the current daily status. In the 61st round survey,
attempt has been made to assess the quality of self-employment in terms of the earnings
through certain probing questions. From the self-employed persons according to the usual
status, information on two items viz. ‘whether earning from self-employment was
remunerative’ and ‘what amount per month was considered remunerative’ was collected in
terms of pre-specified codes.

c) Information on vocational training receiving/received by the persons of age 15 to 29

years has been collected. Further, among those who have received or are receiving ‘formal
vocational training’, information on the ‘source from where degree/diploma/certificate
received/ to be received’, ‘duration of training’ and ‘field of training’ has been collected.

d) Information on ‘voluntary participation without remuneration in production of goods

and services’ has been collected for those members of the household who were not
workers, considering both principal and subsidiary status, as per existing production
boundary followed by NSSO.

e) Instead of collecting information on skill for the persons of age below 75 years, who are
not employed in the usual principal status, information has been collected on suitable type
of occupation in which person was ‘seeking or available for work’.

f) Information on ‘period of seeking/availability for work during the last 365 days’ has
been collected for all the persons of age 5 years and above. In the earlier quinquennial
rounds, this information was collected only for those who were unemployed in the usual
principal status.

It may be noted that in case more than one subsidiary economic activity was pursued
during the reference period, the details of maximum two usual subsidiary economic
activities were recorded in the 55th round survey depending upon the relatively longer time
criteria. In this round, only one usual subsidiary economic activity pursued for relatively

Since the 55th round, data on type of enterprise, number of workers in enterprise, etc. are being collected, in the
quinquennial rounds, for measuring employment in the informal sector. These are worker-reported or self-reported
details collected from households that may differ from the employer-reported details of the same variables that are
mandatory under several acts governing the enterprises especially in the formal sectors.
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter One

longer time was recorded and a person was considered to have performed subsidiary
economic activity if the activity was performed at least for 30 days in the reference year.
Further, departing from the past practice of canvassing schedule 10 and schedule 1.0
(household consumer expenditure) on the same set of households till the 50th round, these
two schedules of enquiry are being canvassed in two separate sets of households since the
55th round.
1.3 Scope

1.3.1 Items of enquiry: As in the past, in the present survey too, NSSO collected data on
some characteristics based on which estimates of employment and unemployment,
measured in terms of 3 basic approaches, viz., usual status, current weekly status and
current daily status can be obtained. The reference periods for these approaches differ -
these being 365 days preceding the date of survey for “usual status”, 7 days preceding the
date of survey for “current weekly status” and each day of the 7 days preceding the date of
survey for “current daily status”.
1.3.2 Data were collected on the activity status of all persons, i.e., for workers, for those
seeking or available for work and also, for those reporting out of labour force. A worker
could be self-employed or enjoy regular wages/salaries or be employed on casual wage
basis. Data on this aspect, along with the industry of work of the worker and his/her
occupation, were collected in this survey. In order to examine the multi-dimensional
features of the employment-unemployment situation in India, information on several of
it’s correlates were also gathered. In addition, probing questions were put to the workers in
order to understand the extent of underutilization of the labour time and acquire more
specific information in this regard. An effort was also made to collect information on the
qualitative aspects of employment like changes in activity status, occupation /industry,
existence of trade unions/associations, nature of employment, etc. Data were also collected
for workers engaged in non-agricultural sector as well as in the agricultural sector
excluding only growing of crops, market gardening, horticulture and growing of crops
combined with farming of animals about their detailed activity status, location of work
place, type of enterprises where they worked, use of electricity for production, number of
workers in the enterprise where they worked, and some more details for the wage
employees relating to type of job contract, eligibility for paid leave, social security
benefits, method payment, etc.
1.3.3 The present report – seventh in the series – deals with the workers - engaged in non-
agricultural sector as well as in the agricultural sector excluding only growing of crops,
market gardening, horticulture and growing of crops combined with farming of animals -
by various attributes such as their activity status, broad industry of work, enterprise type,
location of workplace, etc. with special emphasis on workers in the informal sector, i.e.,
those generally considered working in proprietary or partnership type of enterprises. For
the purpose of understanding the informal sector and informal employment
comprehensively, the conceptual framework of informal sector and informal employment
was obtained from the resolutions of the 15th and 17th International Conference of Labour
Statisticians (ICLS) [See Annexure II at the end of Chapter Two].
1.3.4 In this context, it may be mentioned here that in the 55th round survey, similar types
of information was collected for workers engaged in the non-agricultural enterprises only.
This time, the coverage has been extended to cover the workers engaged in some

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter One

agricultural sector (excluding growing of crops, market gardening, horticulture and

growing of crops combined with farming of animals).
1.4 The Survey Outline

1.4.1 Geographical coverage: The survey covered the whole of the Indian Union except (i)
Leh and Kargil districts of Jammu & Kashmir, (ii) interior villages of Nagaland situated
beyond 5 kilometres of the bus route and (iii) villages in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
which remained inaccessible throughout the year. All the sample first stage units of the
districts of Poonch and Rajouri of Jammu & Kashmir, all rural samples of the district of
Doda of Jammu & Kashmir, and all rural samples of the district of Nicobar of Andaman
and Nicobar Islands became a causality and therefore, these areas are outside the survey

1.4.2 Sub-round: The fieldwork of the 61st round of NSSO started on 1st July, 2004 and
continued till 30th June, 2005. As usual, the survey period of this round was divided into
four sub-rounds, each of a duration of three months, the 1st sub-round period ranging from
July to September 2004, the 2nd sub-round period from October to December 2004 and so
on. An equal number of sample villages/blocks (FSUs) were allotted for survey in each of
these four sub-rounds. The survey used the interview method of data collection.

1.5 Sample Design

1.5.1 In the 61st round survey, a stratified multi-stage sampling design was adopted for
selection of the sample units for rural and urban areas. The first stage units (FSUs) were
the census villages (panchayat wards for Kerala) for rural areas and the NSSO Urban
Frame Survey (UFS) blocks for urban areas. The ultimate stage units (USUs) were the
households for both rural and urban areas. Hamlet-groups/sub-blocks constituted the
intermediate stage whenever these were formed in the sample FSUs. For rural areas, the
list of 2001 census villages constituted the sampling frame for selection of sample FSUs
for most of the states. For the rural areas of Kerala, however, the list of panchayat wards
was used as the sampling frame for selection of panchayat wards. For the urban areas, the
latest lists of UFS blocks constituted the sampling frame for selection of sample FSUs.
Within each district of a State/UT, two separate basic strata were formed for rural areas
and urban areas. All rural areas of the district comprised rural stratum and all the urban
areas of the district comprised urban stratum.

1.5.2 At the all-India level, a total number of 12788 FSU’s (8128 villages and 4660 urban
blocks) was allocated for the survey and this was allocated to the different States and UTs
in proportion to population as per census 2001 which was then allocated between rural and
urban sectors in proportion to population as per population census 2001 with 1.5
weightage to urban sector. Within each of the rural and urban sector of a State/UT, the
respective sample size was allocated to the different strata in proportion to the stratum
population as per census 2001.

1.5.3 Within a district, if ‘r’ number of FSUs were allocated for a rural stratum, a total
number of ‘r/2’ sub-strata were formed within that rural stratum. From each sub-stratum of
the rural stratum of a district, two FSUs were selected with probability proportional to size
with replacement (PPSWR), size being the population as per Population Census 2001.
Within a district, if ‘u’ number of FSUs were allocated for a urban stratum, a total number

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter One

of ‘u/2’ sub-strata were formed within that urban stratum. From each sub-stratum of the
urban stratum of a district, two FSUs were selected with simple random sampling without
replacement (SRSWOR). Within each sub-stratum, samples were drawn in the form of
two independent sub-samples in both the rural and urban sectors. All households listed in
the selected village/block/ hamlet-groups/sub-blocks were stratified into three second
stage strata (SSS). A total of 10 households were selected from each sample village/block
for canvassing the employment and un-employment schedule. The sample households
from each of the second stage strata were selected by SRSWOR.

1.5.4 Out of the total number of 12788 FSU’s (8128 villages and 4660 urban blocks)
selected for survey for the central sample, 12601 FSU’s (7999 villages and 4602 urban
blocks) could be surveyed at the all-India level for canvassing Schedule 10. The number
of households surveyed was 1,24,680 (79,306 in rural areas and 45,374 in urban areas) and
number of persons surveyed was 6,02,833 (3,98,025 in rural areas and 2,04,808 in urban
areas). The sample design and estimation procedure used for the survey is given in
Appendix B of the report.
1.6 Contents of the Report

1.6.1 As stated earlier, this report deals with various estimates with regard to workers
engaged in non-agricultural sector as well as in the agricultural sector (excluding growing
of crops, market gardening, horticulture and growing of crops combined with farming of
animals) along with their correlates as obtained on the basis of data collected on relevant
items of information for the entire round. Consequently, all discussions in this report are
limited to only such items/concepts, based on which estimates have been generated.
Detailed explanations of these are given in the next chapter entitled ‘Concepts and
1.6.2 This report contains three chapters, including the present introductory chapter, and
three appendices. Chapter Two indicates in detail the concepts and definitions of only
those terms used in the survey in connection with the various items covered in this report.
Chapters Three discusses the main findings of the survey relating to these items. While
Appendix A gives the detailed tables on which this report is based, Appendix B presents a
fairly detailed description of the sample design and estimation procedure used for the
survey and Appendix C gives a facsimile of the Schedule canvassed in the survey.
1.6.3 The detailed tables turned out to be very voluminous. Hence, this report is being
brought out in two volumes.

1.6.4 Tables in Appendix: Appendix of the report contains twelve tables. Of these, five
provide estimates of workers including both the self-employed and wage employees by
various attributes such as their activity status, enterprise type, location of workplace, using
electricity for production, existence of union/ association in the activity, etc. The other
seven tables present estimates of wage employees by some combination of attributes like
type of job contract, eligibility for paid leave, social security benefits, method payment,
1.6.5 All the estimates presented in this report are based on the Central sample data only.
Further, the cell-level figures in any of the detailed tables, when added up, may not exactly
equal the figure shown against the ‘total’ column (or line) due to (i) rounding off and/or
(ii) presence of non-response cases.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Two
Concepts and Definitions

Chapter Two
Concepts and Definitions

2.0 The concepts and definitions of some important terms used in the survey and relevant to
this report are explained in the following paragraphs.
2.1 Household: A group of persons who normally lived together and took food from a
common kitchen constituted a household. The adverb “normally” means that temporary
visitors and guests (whose total period of stay in the household was expected to be less than 6
months) were excluded but temporary stay-aways (whose total period of absence from the
household was expected to be less than 6 months) were included. Thus a child residing in a
hostel for studies was excluded from the household of his/her parents, but a resident domestic
servant or paying guest (but not just a tenant in the house) was included in the
employer’s/host’s household. “Living together” was given more importance than “sharing
food from a common kitchen” in drawing the boundaries of a household in case the two
criteria were in conflict. However, in the special case of a person taking food with his family
but sleeping elsewhere (say, in a shop or a different house) due to shortage of space, the
household formed by such a person’s family members was taken to include the person also.
Each inmate of a hotel, mess, boarding-lodging house, hostel, etc., was considered to be a
single-member household except that a family living in a hotel (say) was considered one
household only. The same principle was applicable for the residential staff of such
establishments. The size of a household is the total number of persons in the household.
2.2 Economic activity: The entire spectrum of human activity falls into two categories –
economic activities and non-economic activities. Any activity resulting in production of
goods and services that add value to national product was considered as an economic activity
for the employment and unemployment survey of NSS 61st round. Such activities included
production of all goods and services for market (i.e. for pay or profit) including those of
government services, and, the production of primary commodities for own consumption and
own account production of fixed assets.

2.2.1 The full spectrum of economic activities as defined in the UN system of National
Accounts (1993) was not covered in the definition adopted for the NSS 61st round survey of
Employment and Unemployment. Production of any good for own consumption is considered
as economic activity by UN System of National Accounts but production of only primary
goods for own consumption was considered as economic activity by NSSO. While the former
considers activities like own account processing of primary products as economic activities, in
the NSS surveys, processing of primary products for own consumption was not considered as
economic activity.

2.2.2 The term 'economic activity' as defined in the employment and unemployment survey of
NSS 61st round, therefore, included:

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Two
Concepts and Definitions

(i) all the market activities performed for pay or profit which result in production of goods
and services for exchange.

(ii) of the non-market activities,

(a) all the activities relating to the primary sector (i.e. industry Divisions 01 to 14 of
NIC-98) which result in production (including free collection of uncultivated crops,
forestry, firewood, hunting, fishing, mining, quarrying, etc.) of primary goods for own
(b) the activities relating to the own-account production of fixed assets, which include
production of fixed assets includes construction of own houses, roads, wells, etc., and
of machinery, tools, etc., for household enterprise and also construction of any private
or community facilities free of charge. A person may be engaged in own account
construction in the capacity of either a labourer or a supervisor.

As per the practice followed in earlier rounds, certain activities like prostitution, begging, etc.,
which though fetched earnings, were not considered as economic activities. Activity status of
a person was judged irrespective of the situation whether such activity was carried out
illegally in the form of smuggling or not.

2.3 Activity status: It is the activity situation in which a person was found during the reference
period with regard to the person's participation in economic and non-economic activities.
According to this, a person could be in one or a combination of the following three broad
activity statuses during a reference period:

(i) working or being engaged in economic activity (work) as defined above,

(ii) being not engaged in economic activity (work) but either making tangible efforts to
seek 'work' or being available for 'work' if the 'work' is available and

(iii) being not engaged in any economic activity (work) and also not available for 'work'.

Broad activity statuses mentioned in (i) and (ii) above are associated with 'being in labour
force' and the last with 'not being in the labour force'. Within the labour force, broad activity
status (i) and (ii) were associated with 'employment' and ‘unemployment’, respectively.

2.3.1 Identification of each individual in terms of a unique activity status could pose a
problem when more than one of the three broad activity statuses listed above were
concurrently obtained for a person. In such an eventuality, the identification uniquely under
any one of the three broad activity statuses was done by adopting either the major time or
priority criterion. The former was used for classification of persons according to the 'usual
activity status' approach and the latter for classification of persons according to the ‘current
activity status’ approach. Each of the three broad activity statuses was further sub-divided
into several detailed activity categories. If a person categorised as engaged in economic
activity by adopting one of the two criteria mentioned above was found to be pursuing more

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Two
Concepts and Definitions

than one economic activity during the reference period, the appropriate detailed activity status
code related to that activity in which relatively more time had been spent. A similar procedure
was adopted for assigning detailed activity code for persons categorised as engaged in non-
economic activity and pursuing more than one non-economic activity.

2.3.2 The detailed activity statuses under each of the three broad activity statuses (viz.
employed, unemployed and not in labour force) and the corresponding codes used in the
survey are given below:

code description

working (or employed)

11 worked (self-employed) in household enterprises as own-account worker
12 worked (self-employed) in household enterprises as an employer
21 worked (self-employed) in household enterprises as helper
regular wage/ salaried employee
31 worked as regular salaried/wage employee
casual labour
41 worked as casual wage labour in public works
51 worked as casual wage labour in other types of works
61 did not work owing to sickness though there was work in household enterprise
62 did not work owing to other reasons though there was work in household enterprise
71 did not work owing to sickness but had regular salaried/wage employment
72 did not work owing to other reasons but had regular salaried/wage employment

not working but seeking/available for work (or unemployed)

81 sought work or did not seek but was available for work (for usual status approach)
81 sought work (for current weekly status approach)
82 did not seek but was available for work (for current weekly status approach)

neither working nor available for work (or not in labour force)

91 attended educational institutions

92 attended to domestic duties only
93 attended to domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods
(vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed, etc.), sewing, tailoring, weaving, etc. for
household use
94 rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipients, etc.
95 not able to work owing to disability
97 others (including beggars, prostitutes, etc.)
98 did not work owing to sickness (for casual workers only)
99 children of age 0-4 years

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Two
Concepts and Definitions

It may be noted that codes 61, 62, 71, 72, 82 and 98 were applicable for current weekly status
and current daily status approaches only.

2.4 Workers (or employed): Persons who were engaged in any economic activity or who,
despite their attachment to economic activity, abstained from work for reason of illness, injury
or other physical disability, bad weather, festivals, social or religious functions or other
contingencies necessitating temporary absence from work, constituted workers. Unpaid
helpers who assisted in the operation of an economic activity in the household farm or non-
farm activities were also considered as workers. Relevant activity status codes within 11 to 72
were assigned for workers. Workers were further categorized as self-employed (relevant
activity status codes: 11, 12, 21, 61, 62), regular salaried/wage employee (relevant activity
status codes: 31, 71, 72), and casual wage labour (relevant activity status codes: 41 and 51).

2.5 Seeking or available for work (or unemployed): Persons who, owing to lack of work,
had not worked but either sought work through employment exchanges, intermediaries,
friends or relatives or by making applications to prospective employers or expressed their
willingness or availability for work under the prevailing conditions of work and remuneration,
were considered as those ‘seeking or available for work’ (or unemployed). Activity status
codes 81 or 82 were assigned for unemployed.
2.6 Labour force: Persons who were either 'working' (or employed) or 'seeking or available
for work' (or unemployed) constituted the labour force. Persons with activity status codes 11 –
82 constituted the labour force.
2.7 Not in labour force: Persons who were neither 'working' nor 'seeking or available for
work' for various reasons during the reference period were considered as 'not in labour force'.
Persons under this category are students, those engaged in domestic duties, rentiers,
pensioners, recipients of remittances, those living on alms, infirm or disabled persons, too
young persons, prostitutes, etc. and casual labourers not working due to sickness. Activity
status codes 91-95, 97 and 98 were assigned for persons belonging to category 'not in labour
2.8 Self-employed: Persons who operated their own farm or non-farm enterprises or were
engaged independently in a profession or trade on own-account or with one or a few partners
were deemed to be self-employed in household enterprises. The essential feature of the self-
employed is that they have autonomy (decide how, where and when to produce) and economic
independence (in respect of choice of market, scale of operation and finance) for carrying out
their operation. The remuneration of the self-employed consists of a non-separable
combination of two parts: a reward for their labour and profit of their enterprise. The
combined remuneration is wholly determined by the revenue from sales after netting out value
of purchased inputs used in production.
2.8.1 Categories of self-employed persons: Self-employed persons were categorised as

(i) own-account workers: those self-employed persons who operated their enterprises on
their own account or with one or a few partners and who, during the reference period, by

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Two
Concepts and Definitions

and large, ran their enterprise without hiring any labour. They could, however, have had
unpaid helpers to assist them in the activity of the enterprise;

(ii) employers: those self-employed persons who worked on their own account or with
one or a few partners and, who, by and large, ran their enterprise by hiring labour; and

(iii) helpers in household enterprise: those self-employed persons (mostly family

members) who were engaged in their household enterprises, working full or part time
and did not receive any regular salary or wages in return for the work performed. They
did not run the household enterprise on their own but assisted the related person living
in the same household in running the household enterprise.

2.9 Regular wage/salaried employee: These were persons who worked in others’ farm or
non-farm enterprises (both household and non-household) and, in return, received salary or
wages on a regular basis (i.e. not on the basis of daily or periodic renewal of work contract).
This category included not only persons getting time wage but also persons receiving piece
wage or salary and paid apprentices, both full time and part-time.

2.10 Casual wage labourer: A person who was casually engaged in others’ farm or non-farm
enterprises (both household and non-household) and, in return, received wages according to
the terms of the daily or periodic work contract, was a casual wage labour.

2.11 Different approaches followed to determine activity status: The persons surveyed were
classified into various activity categories on the basis of the activities pursued by them during
certain specified reference periods. There were three reference periods for this survey. These
are: (i) one year (ii) one week and (iii) each day of the reference week. Based on these three
periods, three different measures of activity status are arrived at. These are termed
respectively as usual status, current weekly status and current daily status. However, in this
report, the first measure has been used to determine the number of workers and current daily
status approach has been used to determine the wage and salary earnings per day received by
wage /salaried employees according to usual status for different industry group/ tabulation
category and enterprise type in which they were usually engaged. As such the procedures
adopted to arrive at the usual status and current daily status are elucidated below.

2.11.1 Usual principal activity status: The usual activity status relates to the activity status
of a person during the reference period of 365 days preceding the date of survey. The activity
status on which a person spent relatively longer time (i.e. major time criterion) during the 365
days preceding the date of survey is considered as the usual principal activity status of the
person. To decide the usual principal activity of a person, first a two stage dichotomous
classification was followed for determining the broad usual principal activity status
(employed or unemployed or not in labour force) of the person. At the first stage, persons
were first categorised as those in the labour force (either employed or unemployed) and those
not in the labour force depending on the major time spent during the 365 days preceding the
date of survey. Persons thus adjudged as not belonging to the labour force were assigned the
broad activity status 'neither working nor available for work' (not in the labour force). At the
second stage, for persons belonging to the labour force, the broad activity status of either

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Two
Concepts and Definitions

'working' (employed) or ‘not working but seeking and/or available for work’ (unemployed)
was ascertained based on the same criterion viz. relatively longer time spent in accordance
with either of the two broad statuses within the labour force during the 365 days preceding
the date of survey. Within the broad activity status so determined, the detailed activity status
of a person pursuing more than one such activity was determined once again on the basis of
the relatively longer time spent on such activities. In terms of activity status codes, codes 11-
51 were assigned to persons classified as workers and codes 91-97 to those not in the labour
force. In the usual status approach, a single code 81 was assigned to persons seeking or
available for work (unemployed persons) while two separate codes 81 (sought work) and 82
(did not seek but was available for work) were assigned to unemployed persons according to
current weekly status and current daily status approach.

2.11.2 Usual subsidiary economic activity status: A person whose usual principal status was
determined on the basis of the major time criterion could have pursued some economic
activity for a shorter time throughout the reference year of 365 days preceding the date of
survey or for a minor period, which is not less than 30 days, during the reference year. The
status in which such economic activity was pursued was the subsidiary economic activity
status of that person. Activity status codes 11-51 only were used for the subsidiary economic
activity performed by a person. It may be noted that engagement in work in subsidiary
capacity may arise out of the two following situations:

(i) a person may be engaged in a relatively longer period during the 365 days in economic
(non-economic activity) and for a relatively minor period, which is not less than 30
days (not necessarily for a continuous period), in another economic activity (any
economic activity). The economic activity, which was pursued for a relatively minor
period but not simultaneously with principal activity, was considered as his/her
subsidiary economic activity.

(ii) a person may be pursuing an economic activity (non-economic activity) almost

throughout the year in the principal status and also simultaneously pursuing another
economic activity (any economic activity) for a relatively shorter time in a subsidiary
capacity. The economic activity, which was pursued for a relatively shorter time, was
considered as his/her subsidiary economic activity.

2.11.3 Usual activity status considering principal and subsidiary status taken together: The
usual status, determined on the basis of the usual principal activity and usual subsidiary
economic activity of a person taken together, is considered as the usual activity status of the
person and is written as usual status (ps+ss). According to the usual status (ps+ss), workers
are those who perform some work activity either in the principal status or in the subsidiary
status. Thus, a person who is not a worker in the usual principal status is considered as worker
according to the usual status (ps+ss), if the person pursues some subsidiary economic activity
for 30 days or more during 365 days preceding the date of survey.

2.11.4 Current daily activity status The activity pattern of the population, particularly in the
informal sector, may be such that during a week and sometimes even during a day, a person
could pursue more than one activity. Moreover, many people may even undertake both
economic and non-economic activities on the same day of a reference week. The current daily

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Chapter Two
Concepts and Definitions

activity status for a person was determined on the basis of his/her activity status on each day
of the reference week using a priority-cum-major time criterion (using day to day labour time
disposition information). Time disposition was recorded for every member of the sample
households. This involved recording of different activities pursued by the members along
with the time intensity in quantitative terms for each day of the reference week. The different
activities were identified and recorded in terms of 'activity status' and 'industry' codes for
persons in urban areas and 'activity status', 'industry' and 'operation' codes for persons in rural
areas. The description (and codes used) of current daily activity statuses is the same as those
of current weekly activity status. The terms ‘industry’ and ‘operation’ are explained later.
The following points were considered for assigning the time intensity and determining the
current daily status of a person:

i) Each day of the reference week was looked upon as comprising either two ‘half days’ or
a ‘full day’ for assigning the activity status. For recording time disposition for activities
pursued by a person in a day, an intensity of 1.0 was given against an activity that was
done for ‘full day’ and an intensity of 0.5 against the activity which was done for ‘half

ii) A person was considered ‘working’ (employed) for the full day if he/she had worked for
4 hours or more during the day.

iii) If a person was engaged in more than one of the economic activities for 4 hours or more
on a day, he/she was assigned two out of the various economic activities on which
he/she devoted relatively longer time on the reference day. In such cases, an intensity of
0.5 was given for each of these two economic activities.

iv) If the person had worked for 1 hour or more but less than 4 hours, he/she was
considered ‘working’ (employed) for half-day and ‘seeking or available for work’
(unemployed) or ‘neither seeking nor available for work’ (not in labour force) for the
other half of the day depending on whether he was seeking/available for work or not.

v) If a person was not engaged in any ‘work’ even for 1 hour on a day but was
seeking/available for work for 4 hours or more, he was considered ‘unemployed’ for the
entire day. But if he was ‘seeking/available for work’ for more than 1 hour and less
than 4 hours only, he was considered ‘unemployed’ for half day and ‘not in labour
force’ for the other half of the day.

vi) A person who neither reported any ‘work’ nor was available for ‘work’ even for half a
day was considered ‘not in labour force’ for the entire day and was assigned one or two
of the detailed non-economic activity statuses depending upon the activities pursued
during the reference day.

2.12 Industry and occupation of the work activity: For the employed persons, to record the
industry of work, 5-digit classification of NIC-1998 was used and to record the type of
occupation, 3-digit classification of NCO-1968 was used. In case two or more industry-
occupation combinations corresponding to the status code were reported by a person, the

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Two
Concepts and Definitions

industry-occupation was taken as the one in which relatively longer time was spent during the
reference period by the person. To identify certain category of workers under Division 95
(Private households with employed persons) of NIC 1998, six additional codes were used in
the survey viz., housemaid /servant (95001), cook (95002), gardener (95003),
gatekeeper/chowkidar/watchman (95004), governess/baby-sitter (95005) and ‘others’
(95009). This apart, separate industry codes were used for recording the activities of letting of
building for residential purposes (70104) and letting of building for non-residential purposes

2.13 Wage and salary earnings: Information on wage and salary earnings was collected
separately for each of the wage/salaried work recorded for a person in a day. Here, earnings
refer to the wage/salary income (and not total earnings taking into consideration of all other
activities done) received/receivable for the wage/salaried work done during the reference
week by a wage/salaried employee and casual labourer. The wage/ salary received or
receivable may be in cash or kind or partly in cash and partly in kind. While recording the
earnings following conventions were followed.

i) The wages in kind were evaluated at the current retail price.

ii) Bonus and perquisites such as free accommodation, reimbursement of expenditure

for medical treatment, free telephones, etc. evaluated at the cost of the employer or
at retail prices and duly apportioned for the reference week were also included in

iii) Amount receivable as 'over-time' for the additional work done beyond normal
working time was excluded.

It may be noted that in the survey, at most two activities could be recorded for a person in a
day. Therefore, it is possible that a person might have carried out two or more wage/salaried
activities in a day, but only one activity or two activities at the most, depending upon the time
spent on those activities, was recorded. In that case, the wage/salary income only from that
activity(s) was collected and recorded separately, and not the total income of the person from
all the activities done for the entire day.

2.14 Industry of work: Certain probing questions to collect information on informal

employment was asked to all the workers, whether engaged in the usual principal status or in
the subsidiary status, engaged in non-agricultural sector as well as in the agricultural sector as
covered in the Economic Census 1998, i.e., excluding growing of crops, market gardening,
horticulture (industry group 011 of NIC -98) and growing of crops combined with farming of
animals (industry group 013 of NIC -98) of the agricultural sector. Thus, coverage of this
report, for purpose of discussion on informal sector and conditions of employment of the
employees is restricted to those workers engaged in industry groups 012, 014, 015 and
industry divisions 02-99. Of this industry groups/ divisions, 012, 014, 015, 02 and 05 are in
the [ag]ricultural sector [e]xcluding [g]rowing of [c]rops, market gardening, horticulture and
growing of crops combined with farming of animals (AGEGC activities for short henceforth).
The industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02 and 05 will henceforth be called as AGEGC

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Two
Concepts and Definitions

for the purpose of discussion of this report. The industry divisions 10-99 are for the non-
agricultural sector. However, the discussion on the existence of union/ association pertains to
not only employees but also self-employed workers in all the industry divisions of NIC-98,
i.e., NIC –98 codes 01 to 99.

2.15 Enterprise: An enterprise is an undertaking which is engaged in the production and /or
distribution of some goods and /or services meant mainly for the purpose of sale, whether
fully or partly. An enterprise may be owned and operated by a single household or by several
households jointly, or by an institutional body. The definitions of various types of enterprises
are given below:

2.15.1 Proprietary: When an individual is the sole owner of an enterprise it is a proprietary

enterprise. Own account production of fixed assets for own use, when produced by a single
member, was classified as proprietary enterprise.

2.15.2 Partnership: Partnership is defined as the "relation between persons who have agreed
to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any one of them acting for all". There
may be two or more owners, belonging to the same or different households, on a partnership
basis, with or without formal registration (where there is a tacit understanding about the
distribution of profit among the so-called partners). Own account production of fixed assets,
when produced by two or more members belonging to the same or different households was
classified as partnership enterprises. Thus, own account production of fixed assets by a group
of households for community use was classified as partnership enterprise.

2.15.3 Government/public sector enterprise: An enterprise, which is wholly owned/

run/managed by Central or State governments, quasi-government, institutions, local bodies
like universities, education boards, municipalities, etc. An enterprise was not treated as a
public sector enterprise if it was run on a loan granted by government, local body etc.

2.15.4 Private limited company: Private company means a company which by its articles:
(a) restricts the right to transfer its shares, if any,
(b) limits the number of its members to fifty not including-
(i) persons who are in the employment of the company, and
(ii) persons who, having been formerly in the employment of the company, were
members of the company while in that employment and have continued to be members
after the employment ceased; and
(c) prohibits any initiation to the public to subscribe for any share in, or debentures of, the

[Where two or more persons hold one or more shares in a company jointly, they shall, for
the purpose of this definition, be treated as a single member.]

2.15.5 Public limited company: A public limited company is defined as a company that is not
a private company. As such public companies can have an unlimited number of members and
can invite the public to subscribe to its shares and debentures. The minimum number of
members required to form a public company is seven.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Two
Concepts and Definitions

2.15.6 Co-operative societies: Co-operative society is one that is formed through the co-
operation of a number of persons, recognised as members of the society, to benefit
themselves. In the process, the funds are raised by member’s contributions/investments and
the profits generated out of the society’s activities are shared by the members. The
government itself in a government agency can also be a member or shareholder of a registered
co-operative society but this fact cannot render the society into a public sector enterprise for
the purpose of this survey.

2.15.7 Trust: An arrangement through which one set of people, the trustees, are the legal
owners of property which is administered in the interest of another set, the beneficiaries.
Trusts may be set up to provide support for individuals or families, to provide pensions, to run
charities, to liquidate the property of the bankrupts for the benefit of their creditors, or for the
safe keeping of securities bought by trusts with their investor’s money. The assets, which
trusts hold are regulated by law, these must be administered in the interests of the
beneficiaries, and not for the profit of the trustees.

2.15.8 Employer Households (i.e. private households employing maid servant, watchman,
cook etc.): The households which are employing maid servant watchmen, cook, private tutor,
etc. was considered notionally as enterprise for the purpose of this survey and was classified
as ‘Employer households’.

2.16 Location of workplace: The location of workplace for each of the working members of
a household was categorised as follows: (i) no fixed workplace or (ii) workplace located in (a)
own dwelling, (b) own enterprise/unit/office/shop but outside own dwelling, (c) employer’s
dwelling, (d) employer’s enterprise/unit/office/shop but outside employer’s dwelling, (e)
street with fixed location, (f) street without fixed location, (g) construction sites or (i) others.
This was done for rural as well as urban areas.

2.17 Uses electricity for production: The information as to whether the enterprise in which
the person worked, used electricity for its production purposes was collected. It may be
mentioned here that use of electricity exclusively for purposes other than production like, for
comfort, security, illumination, etc., was not considered as the use of electricity by the
enterprise for its production.

2.18 Type of job contract: It was ascertained for each employee whether for the job in which
he/she was engaged, there was any written contract or agreement in respect of duration of
employment with his/her employer. For those who reported to have written job contract with
their employer, further probing was done in respect of the length of duration contracted, viz.,
for 1 year or less, for more than 1 year to 3 years and more than 3 years. If the contract of
employment specified a particular date of termination which was more than 3 years or if the
type of job contracted was such that no time was fixed but the contract could only be
terminated for certain administrative reasons such as incompetence, misconduct or for
economic reasons then the contract was considered to have a duration of 3 years or more.
However, if no written contract existed, then irrespective of the duration of employment, it
was considered as no written job contract.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Two
Concepts and Definitions

2.19 Eligibility of paid leave: Paid leave included leave during sickness, maternity, or such
leave, as an employee was eligible to take without loss of pay, as per the conditions of
employment. The situation was assessed excluding the paid off-days/holidays, which an
enterprise normally allows to its employees. Employees were classified as those with eligible
for paid leave and those without eligibility for paid leave.

2.20 Availability of social security benefits: It was ascertained from the employees whether
they were covered under any of the specified social security benefits or a combination of them
which are arranged or for which contribution was made by the employer. For the purpose of
the survey the following schemes were considered as social security benefits:

only PF/ pension (i.e., GPF, CPF, PPF, pension, etc.).

only gratuity
only health care & maternity benefits
only PF/ pension and gratuity
only PF/ pension and health care & maternity benefits.
only gratuity and health care & maternity benefits
PF/ pension, gratuity and health care & maternity benefits

Those who were not eligible for any of the above social security schemes were considered as
not eligible for any social security benefits

2.20.1 The term Provident Fund (PF) included General Provident Fund, Contributory
Provident Fund, Public Provident Fund, Employees Provident Fund, etc. It may be mentioned
that coverage under any of these social security schemes meant that the employer contributed/
arranged/ paid in implementing the social security benefits for the worker. If an employee
operated, in his/ her individual capacity, a PPF account and the employer is not contributing
in that account then it was not considered as a social security benefit. On the contrary, a
scheme, in which both the employee and the employer contributed, was considered a social
security benefit. When benefits were given by the employer for treatment of illness/ injury or
an employee was eligible for paid leave for a specified period of pre-natal/ childbirth/ post-
natal stages or the expenditure for maternity care or childbirth was borne by the employer as
per the conditions of employment, then such benefits was considered as health care &
maternity benefits. There may be cases where the employer was not directly contributing in a
social security scheme for the employees, but being the member of the welfare association or
organization or scheme in relation to the specific activity carried out by the employer, the
employees got the benefit from that welfare association/ organization/ scheme. Such cases
were also considered as social security benefits availed through the employer.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Two
Concepts and Definitions

2.21 Method of payment: The method by which payments were received by the workers for
work done was recorded. The different methods of payment were, regular monthly salary,
regular weekly payment, daily payment, piece rate payment and which could not be classified
in any of the above categories was considered as ‘other’ method of payment.

2.22 Existence of union/association in the activity: Union/association meant any

registered/recognised body whose membership is open to a section of those engaged in a
specific activity or trade and whose main objective is to look into the interests of its members.
Thus, besides the usual trade unions, this category also covered the association of owners,
self-employed persons, etc.

2.23. Informal sector and informal employment: A broad guideline regarding the coverage
of informal sector and informal employment as enunciated in the 15th International
Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) and 17th ICLS, are given below. Extracts of the
resolutions and guidelines concerning informal sector and informal employment are given in
Annexure II, at the end of Chapter Two.

2.23.1 AS per 15th ICLS, the informal sector is broadly characterized as consisting of:

(a) units engaged in the production of goods or services with the primary objective of
generating employment and incomes to the persons concerned. These units typically
operate at a low level of organization, with little or no division between labour and
capital as factors of production and on a small scale. Labour relations - where they
exist - are based mostly on casual employment, kinship or personal and social relations
rather than contractual arrangements with formal guarantees.
(b) production units of the informal sector have the characteristic features of household
enterprises. The fixed and other assets used do not belong to the production units as
such but to their owners. The units as such cannot engage in transactions or enter into
contracts with other units, nor incur liabilities, on their own behalf. The owners have
to raise the necessary finance at their own risk and are personally liable, without limit,
for any debts or obligations incurred in the production process. Expenditure for
production is often indistinguishable from household expenditure. Similarly, capital
goods such as buildings or vehicles may be used indistinguishably for business and
household purposes.

Thus, for statistical purposes, the informal sector, as per guidelines of 15th ICLS is regarded
as a group of production units which, according to the definitions and classifications provided
in the United Nations System of National Accounts, form part of the household sector as
household enterprises or, equivalently, unincorporated enterprises owned by households.

2.23.2 According to the 17th ICLS framework, informal employment is identified by jobs
classified by status of employment of various categories of workers engaged in different types
of production units consisting of (a) formal sector enterprises, (b) informal sector enterprises,
and (c) households which produce goods for their own final use and/or those employing
domestic workers. The status of employment of the workers performing the jobs may be (a)
own account workers, (b) employers, (c) contributing family workers, (d) employees, or (e)

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Two
Concepts and Definitions

member of informal producers’ co-operatives. The employment in the above categories may
be formal or informal depending upon the type of enterprises in which the workers are
engaged or the nature of work they perform.

Accordingly, the informal employment comprises jobs held by:

• own-account workers and employers who have their own informal sector enterprises;
• contributing family workers, irrespective of whether they work in formal or informal
sector enterprises;
• employees who have informal jobs ( for definition, see item (5) in paragraph 3 in
Annexure II) whether employed by formal sector enterprises, informal sector
enterprises, or as paid domestic workers by households;
• members of informal producers’ cooperatives; and
• persons engaged in the own-account production of goods exclusively for own final use
by their household, such as subsistence farming or do-it-yourself construction of own

2.23.3 In the 61st round survey, certain information for usual status workers engaged in
industry groups 012, 014, 015 and divisions 02 to 99, was collected to identify informal
employment. The relevant pieces of information which are useful in this respect are
employment status, type of enterprise, type of job contract, availability of social security
benefits, nature of job, existence of union/ association, etc.

2.24 Procedure followed for collecting employment and unemployment particulars in

different NSS rounds: In the annual rounds from 45th (July 1989-June 1990) to 59th (January
to December 2003) rounds, only activity status and industry of work according to usual
principal status, subsidiary status and current weekly status approach were collected through a
few columns of the demographic block of the Consumer Expenditure Schedule (Schedule
1.0). Particulars of employment and unemployment according to the usual principal status and
usual subsidiary status were collected in the annual rounds by following a similar approach as
in the quinquennial rounds. In the quinquennial rounds, particulars of current daily status of
the household members are collected and current weekly status is derived from them, whereas
in the annual rounds, current weekly status has been obtained through a direct query. In the
60th round, a separate schedule on employment and unemployment was canvassed for the first
time in an annual round and particulars on employment and unemployment was colleted in
the same manner as that of the quinquennial rounds.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05



(Description of industry groups 012, 014, 015 and all the industry divisions)
Tabulation Industry Groups/ Description
Category Division


01 Agriculture, hunting and related service activities

012 Farming of animals

014 Agricultural and animal husbandry service activities, except veterinary

activities.[This class includes specialized activities, on a fee or contract
basis, mostly performed on the farm.]
015 Hunting, trapping and game propagation including related service

02 Forestry, logging and related service activities


05 Fishing, operation of fish hatcheries and fish farms; service activities

incidental to fishing


10 Mining of coal and lignite; extraction of peat

11 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas; service activities

incidental to oil and gas extraction, excluding surveying

12 Mining of uranium and thorium ores

13 Mining of metal ores

14 Other mining and quarrying

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05

Tabulation Industry Groups/ Description

Category Division


15 Manufacture of food products and beverages

16 Manufacture of tobacco products

17 Manufacture of textiles

18 Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur

19 Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags,

saddlery, harness and footwear

20 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except

furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plating materials

21 Manufacture of paper and paper products

22 Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media

23 Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

24 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products

25 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products

26 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

27 Manufacture of basic metals

28 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and


29 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.*

30 Manufacture of office, accounting and computing machinery

31 Manufacture of electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c.

32 Manufacture of radio, television and communication equipment and


33 Manufacture of medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and


34 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers

35 Manufacture of other transport equipmenmt

36 Manufacture of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c.

37 Recycling
* n.e.c. = not elsewhere classified

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05

Tabulation Industry Groups/ Description

Category Division


40 Electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply

41 Collection, purification and distribution of water


45 Construction



50 Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; retail

sale of automotive fuel

51 Wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and


52 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of

personal and household goods


55 Hotels and restaurants


60 Land transport; transport via pipelines

61 Water transport

62 Air transport

63 Supporting and auxiliary transport activities; activities of travel agencies

64 Post and telecommunications


65 Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding

66 Insurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security

67 Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05

Tabulation Industry Groups/ Description

Category Division


70 Real estate activities

71 Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal

and household goods

72 Computer and related activities

73 Research and development

74 Other business activities



75 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security


80 Education


85 Health and social work



90 Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities

91 Activities of membership organizations n.e.c.

92 Recreational, cultural and sporting activities

93 Other service activities


95 Private households with employed persons


99 Extra-territorial organisations and bodies

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05


Resolution concerning statistics of employment in the informal sector,

adopted by the Fifteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (January



5 (1) The informal sector may be broadly characterized as consisting of units engaged in
the production of goods or services with the primary objective of generating employment
and incomes to the persons concerned. These units typically operate at a low level of
organization, with little or no division between labour and capital as factors of production
and on a small scale. Labour relations - where they exist - are based mostly on casual
employment, kinship or personal and social relations rather than contractual
arrangements with formal guarantees.

(2) Production units of the informal sector have the characteristic features of household
enterprises. The fixed and other assets used do not belong to the production units as such
but to their owners. The units as such cannot engage in transactions or enter into contracts
with other units, nor incur liabilities, on their own behalf. The owners have to raise the
necessary finance at their own risk and are personally liable, without limit, for any debts
or obligations incurred in the production process. Expenditure for production is often
indistinguishable from household expenditure. Similarly, capital goods such as buildings
or vehicles may be used indistinguishably for business and household purposes.

Operational definitions

Informal sector

6 (1) For statistical purposes, the informal sector is regarded as a group of production
units which, according to the definitions and classifications provided in the United
Nations System of National Accounts (Rev. 4), form part of the household sector as
household enterprises or, equivalently, unincorporated enterprises owned by households
as defined in paragraph 7.

(2) Within the household sector, the informal sector comprises (i) "informal own-account
enterprises" as defined in paragraph 8; and (ii) the additional component consisting of
"enterprises of informal employers" as defined in paragraph 9.

(3) The informal sector is defined irrespective of the kind of workplace where the
productive activities are carried out, the extent of fixed capital assets used, the duration of
the operation of the enterprise (perennial, seasonal or casual), and its operation as a main
or secondary activity of the owner.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05

Household enterprises

7. According to the United Nations System of National Accounts (Rev. 4), household
enterprises (or, equivalently, unincorporated enterprises owned by households) are
distinguished from corporations and quasi-corporations on the basis of the legal
organization of the units and the type of accounts kept for them. Household enterprises
are units engaged in the production of goods or services which are not constituted as
separate legal entities independently of the households or household members that own
them, and for which no complete sets of accounts (including balance sheets of assets and
liabilities) are available which would permit a clear distinction of the production
activities of the enterprises from the other activities of their owners and the identification
of any flows of income and capital between the enterprises and the owners. Household
enterprises include unincorporated enterprises owned and operated by individual
household members or by two or more members of the same household as well as
unincorporated partnerships formed by members of different households.

Informal own-account enterprises

8 (1) Informal own-account enterprises are household enterprises (in the sense of
paragraph 7) owned and operated by own-account workers, either alone or in partnership
with members of the same or other households, which may employ contributing family
workers and employees on an occasional basis, but do not employ employees on a
continuous basis and which have the characteristics described in subparagraphs 5 (1) and

(2) For operational purposes, informal own-account enterprises may comprise, depending
on national circumstances, either all own-account enterprises or only those which are not
registered under specific forms of national legislation.

(3) Registration may refer to registration under factories or commercial acts, tax or social
security laws, professional groups' regulatory acts, or similar acts, laws, or regulations
established by national legislative bodies.

Enterprises of informal employers

9 (1) Enterprises of informal employers are household enterprises (in the sense of
paragraph 7) owned and operated by employers, either alone or in partnership with
members of the same or other households, which employ one or more employees on a
continuous basis and which have the characteristics described in subparagraphs 5 (1) and

(2) For operational purposes, enterprises of informal employers may be defined,

depending on national circumstances, in terms of one or more of the following criteria:

(i) size of the unit below a specified level of employment;

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05

(ii) non-registration of the enterprise or its employees.

(3) While the size criterion should preferably refer to the number of employees employed
on a continuous basis, in practice, it may also be specified in terms of the total number of
employees or the number of persons engaged during the reference period.

(4) The upper size limit in the definition of enterprises of informal employers may vary
between countries and branches of economic activity. It may be determined on the basis
of minimum size requirements as embodied in relevant national legislations, where they
exist, or in terms of empirically determined norms. The choice of the upper size limit
should take account of the coverage of statistical inquiries of larger units in the
corresponding branches of economic activity, where they exist, in order to avoid an

(5) In the case of enterprises, which carry out their activities in more than one
establishment, the size criterion should, in principle, refer to each of the establishments
separately rather than to the enterprise as a whole. Accordingly, an enterprise should be
considered to satisfy the size criterion if none of its establishments exceeds the specified
upper size limit.

(6) Registration of the enterprise may refer to registration under specific forms of
national legislation as specified in subparagraph 8 (3). Employees may be considered
registered if they are employed on the basis of an employment or apprenticeship contract
which commits the employer to pay relevant taxes and social security contributions on
behalf of the employee or which makes the employment relationship subject to standard
labour legislation.

10. For particular analytical purposes, more specific definitions of the informal sector
may be developed at the national level by introducing further criteria on the basis of the
data collected. Such definitions may vary according to the needs of different users of the

Population employed in the informal sector

11 (1) The population employed in the informal sector comprises all persons who, during
a given reference period, were employed (in the sense of paragraph 9 of resolution I
adopted by the Thirteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians) in at least one
informal sector unit as defined in paragraphs 8 and 9, irrespective of their status in
employment and whether it is their main or a secondary job.

Treatment of particular cases

14. Household enterprises, which are exclusively engaged in non-market production, i.e.
the production of goods or services for own final consumption or own fixed capital
formation as defined by the United Nations System of National Accounts (Rev. 4),

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05

should be excluded from the scope of the informal sector for the purpose of statistics of
employment in the informal sector. Depending on national circumstances, an exception
may be made in respect of households employing domestic workers as referred to in
paragraph 19.

16. For practical reasons, the scope of the informal sector may be limited to household
enterprises engaged in non-agricultural activities. With account being taken of paragraph
14, all non-agricultural activities should be included in the scope of the informal sector,
irrespective of whether the household enterprises carry them out as main or secondary
activities. In particular, the informal sector should include secondary non-agricultural
activities of household enterprises in the agricultural sector if they fulfil the requirements
of paragraphs 8 or 9.

17. Units engaged in professional or technical activities carried out by self-employed

persons, such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, architects or engineers, should be
included in the informal sector if they fulfil the requirements of paragraphs 8 or 9.

18 (1) Outworkers are persons who agree to work for a particular enterprise, or to supply
a certain quantity of goods or services to a particular enterprise, by prior arrangement or
contract with that enterprise, but whose place of work is not within any of the
establishments, which make up that enterprise.

(2) In order to facilitate data collection, all outworkers should be potentially included in
the scope of informal sector surveys, irrespective of whether they constitute production
units on their own (self-employed outworkers) or form part of the enterprise, which
employs them (employee outworkers). On the basis of the information collected, self-
employed and employee outworkers should be distinguished from each other by using the
criteria recommended in the United Nations System of National Accounts (Rev. 4).
Outworkers should be included in the informal sector, or in the population employed in
the informal sector, if the production units, which they constitute as self-employed
persons or for which they work as employees fulfil the requirements of paragraphs 8 or 9.

19. Domestic workers are persons exclusively engaged by households to render domestic
services for payment in cash or in kind. Domestic workers should be included in or
excluded from the informal sector depending upon national circumstances and the
intended uses of the statistics. In either case, domestic workers should be identified as a
separate sub-category in order to enhance international comparability of the statistics.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05

Guidelines concerning a statistical definition of informal employment,

endorsed by the Seventeenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians
(November-December 2003)

The Seventeenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS),

Acknowledging that the relevance of informal employment varies among countries, and
that a decision to develop statistics on it is therefore determined by national
circumstances and priorities,

Noting that the term ‘informal economy’ is used by the ILO as including the informal
sector as well as informal employment, and that as a supplement to the System of
National Accounts 1993 an international conceptual framework for measurement of the
non-observed economy already exists, which distinguishes the informal sector from
underground production, illegal production, and household production for own final use,

Recalling the existing international standards on statistics of employment in the informal

sector contained in the Resolution concerning statistics of employment in the informal
sector adopted by the Fifteenth ICLS (January 1993),

Noting the recommendation made by the Expert Group on Informal Sector Statistics
(Delhi Group), during its Fifth Meeting, that the definition and measurement of
employment in the informal sector need to be complemented with a definition and
measurement of informal employment,

Emphasizing the importance of consistency and coherence in relating the enterprise-

based concept of employment in the informal sector to a broader, job-based concept of
informal employment,

Considering the methodological work, which the International Labour Office and a
number of countries have already undertaken in this area,

Supporting the request, which was made by the International Labour Conference in
paragraph 37(n) of the Resolution concerning decent work and the informal economy
adopted during its 90th Session (2002), that the International Labour Office should assist
countries in the collection, analysis and dissemination of statistics on the informal

Recognizing that the considerable diversity of informal employment situations poses

limits to the extent to which statistics on informal employment can be harmonized across

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05

Realizing the usefulness of international guidelines in assisting countries in the

development of national definitions of informal employment, and in enhancing the
international comparability of the resulting statistics to the extent possible,

Endorses the following guidelines, which complement the Resolution concerning

statistics of employment in the informal sector of the Fifteenth ICLS, and encourages
countries to test the conceptual framework on which they are based.

1. The concept of informal sector refers to production units as observation units,

while the concept of informal employment refers to jobs as observation units.
Employment is defined in the sense of paragraph 9 of the Resolution concerning statistics
of the economically active population, employment, unemployment and
underemployment adopted by the Thirteenth ICLS.

2. Informal sector enterprises and employment in the informal sector are defined
according to the Resolution concerning statistics of employment in the informal sector
adopted by the Fifteenth ICLS. For the purpose of statistics on informal employment,
paragraph 19 of the Resolution concerning statistics of employment in the informal sector
adopted by the Fifteenth ICLS should be applied to exclude households employing paid
domestic workers from informal sector enterprises, and to treat them separately as part of
a category named ‘households’.

3. (1) Informal employment comprises the total number of informal jobs as defined
in subparagraphs (2) to (5) below, whether carried out in formal sector enterprises,
informal sector enterprises, or households, during a given reference period.

(2) As shown in the attached matrix, informal employment includes the following
types of jobs:

(i) own-account workers employed in their own informal sector enterprises (cell 3);
(ii) employers employed in their own informal sector enterprises (cell 4);
(iii) contributing family workers, irrespective of whether they work in formal or
informal sector enterprises (cells 1 and 5);
(iv) members of informal producers’ cooperatives (cell 8);
(v) employees holding informal jobs (as defined in subparagraph (5) below) in
formal sector enterprises, informal sector enterprises, or as paid domestic
workers employed by households (cells 2, 6 and 10);
(vi) own-account workers engaged in the production of goods exclusively for own
final use by their household (cell 9), if considered employed according to
paragraph 9 (6) of the Resolution concerning statistics of the economically
active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment adopted
by the Thirteenth ICLS.

(3) Own-account workers, employers, members of producers’ cooperatives,

contributing family workers, and employees are defined in accordance with the latest
version of the International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE).

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05

(4) Producers’ cooperatives are considered informal, if they are not formally
established as legal entities and also meet the other criteria of informal sector enterprises
specified in the Resolution concerning statistics of employment in the informal sector
adopted by the Fifteenth ICLS.

(5) Employees are considered to have informal jobs if their employment relationship
is, in law or in practice, not subject to national labour legislation, income taxation, social
protection or entitlement to certain employment benefits (advance notice of dismissal,
severance pay, paid annual or sick leave, etc.). The reasons may be the following: non-
declaration of the jobs or the employees; casual jobs or jobs of a limited short duration;
jobs with hours of work or wages below a specified threshold (e.g. for social security
contributions); employment by unincorporated enterprises or by persons in households;
jobs where the employee’s place of work is outside the premises of the employer’s
enterprise (e.g. outworkers without employment contract); or jobs, for which labour
regulations are not applied, not enforced, or not complied with for any other reason. The
operational criteria for defining informal jobs of employees are to be determined in
accordance with national circumstances and data availability.

(6) For purposes of analysis and policy-making, it may be useful to disaggregate the
different types of informal jobs listed in paragraph 3 (2) above, especially those held by
employees. Such a typology and definitions should be developed as part of further work
on classifications by status in employment at the international and national levels.

4. Where they exist, employees holding formal jobs in informal sector enterprises
(cell 7 of the attached matrix) should be excluded from informal employment.

5. Informal employment outside the informal sector comprises the following types of

(i) employees holding informal jobs (as defined in paragraph 3 (5) above) in
formal sector enterprises (cell 2) or as paid domestic workers employed by
households (cell 10);
(ii) contributing family workers working in formal sector enterprises (cell 1);
(iii) own-account workers engaged in the production of goods exclusively for own
final use by their household (cell 9), if considered employed according to
paragraph 9 (6) of the Resolution concerning statistics of the economically
active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment
adopted by the Thirteenth ICLS.

6. Countries, which do not have statistics on employment in the informal sector, or

for which a classification of employment by type of production unit is not relevant, may
develop statistics on informal employment, if desired, in specifying appropriate
definitions of informal jobs of own-account workers, employers and members of
producers’ cooperatives. Alternatively, they may limit the measurement of informal
employment to employee jobs.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05

7. Countries, which exclude agricultural activities from the scope of their informal
sector statistics, should develop suitable definitions of informal jobs in agriculture,
especially with respect to jobs held by own-account workers, employers and members of
producers’ cooperatives.

Conceptual Framework: Informal Employment

Jobs by status in employment

n units by
Own-account Employers Contrib- Employees Members of
workers uting producers’
family cooperatives
Informal Formal Informal Formal Informal Informal Formal Informal Formal
sector 1 2

sector 3 4 5 6 7 8

Household 9 10

(a) As defined by the Fifteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians

(excluding households employing paid domestic workers).
(b) Households producing goods exclusively for their own final use and households
employing paid domestic workers.

Note: Cells shaded in dark grey refer to jobs, which, by definition, do not exist in the type
of production unit in question. Cells shaded in light grey refer to formal jobs. Un-shaded
cells represent the various types of informal jobs.

Informal employment: Cells 1 to 6 and 8 to 10.

Employment in the informal sector: Cells 3 to 8.

Informal employment outside the informal sector: Cells 1,2, 9 and 10.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
3.0. Introduction

3.0.1 General: As stated earlier, NSS 61st round survey was conducted during July 2004-
June 2005. The present report, the seventh and the final one based on Schedule 10,
provides estimates of workforce in respect of certain characteristics of the enterprise
where workers work, with special reference to those engaged in the informal sector
enterprises. It is important to note at the beginning that for the purpose of discussion on
informal sector and conditions of employment, in this chapter, the workforce, unless
otherwise mentioned, will refer to the workers, in the usual status, engaged in the non-
agriculture sector as well as in the [ag]ricultural sector [e]xcluding [g]rowing of [c]rops,
market gardening, horticulture and growing of crops combined with farming of animals
(henceforth referred to as AGEGC for discussion in this chapter). However, the discussion
on the existence of union/ association pertains to not only employees but also self-
employed workers in all the industry divisions of NIC-98, i.e., NIC – 98 codes 01 to 99. In
this chapter, the main findings relating to workforce in respect of certain characteristics of
their enterprise of work have been presented. The estimates are given for India and in
some cases depending on the adequacy of the sample size, given also for the constituent
states and union territories. Discussions, however, focus on the all-India estimates only. A
comparison with the corresponding results obtained from the 55th round survey has been
also attempted, wherever possible, at the all-India level only. All the estimates are based
on the central sample data only.

3.0.2 To study workforce engaged in the informal sector enterprises in the country, it is
necessary to have a perspective of the Worker Population Ratio (WPR) in the economy
and the relative shares of workforce engaged in the non-agricultural sector as well as in
the agricultural sector excluding only growing of crops, market gardening, horticulture
and growing of crops combined with farming of animals (AGEGC). This is presented in
Section 1 of this chapter. Following that, Section 2 deals with several associated features
of workers in the informal sector, such as their industrial distribution, employment status,
location of work place, wage/ salary earnings, etc. In Section 3, a detailed study of the
conditions of employment of the employees, viz, regular wage/ salaried employees and
casual labour, such as eligibility of paid leave, method of payment, availability of social
security benefits, etc, has been attempted. In Section 4, details of the existence of union/
association in the activities in which the workers were engaged have been given.

3.0.3 In all the sections of this chapter, the workers will mean those engaged in economic
activity in the usual status taking into consideration both the principal status (ps) and
subsidiary status (ss). In the summary statements of this report, this has been referred to as
usual activity category (ps + ss). It may be mentioned that while all-India summary results
are presented along with a write-up, the corresponding results at the state/ union territory
level results are given at the end of this chapter. The convention for statement numbering
followed in this chapter is that all statements start with the chapter number (3 here) with
decimal extension giving serially continuous numbering of statements presenting all-India
estimates and the corresponding state level estimates in a statement with the same number
together with an additional decimal extension. For example, Statement 3.2 (second

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

statement in Chapter 3) gives all-India level estimates while the corresponding state level
estimates are given in Statement 3.2.1.

3.0.4 Use of estimated aggregates: Compared to the census population or the projections
thereof, population estimates from the NSSO surveys are, in general, on the lower side.
This difference may be mainly due to the differences in coverage and methods adopted in
NSS in comparison with the census operation. However, the ratios obtained from the
survey are expected to be robust. This is why the estimates of employment-
unemployment are presented here as ratios. To estimate an absolute number in any
category, it is advisable to apply the survey estimates of ratios to the census population or
projections thereof, for that category. The estimates of aggregates given in the detailed
tables in the Appendix A may help to combine the ratios but should not be used for
deriving estimates of absolute magnitudes for any given characteristic. It may also be
noted that as the tables are generally presented as per thousand distributions, the figures are
rounded off. Thus, while using the ratios from the survey results, it is to be noted that the ac-
curacy of these derived aggregates will be limited to the number of significant digits available
in the ratio or percentage estimates presented in the report. The estimated aggregates,
wherever possible, can be used to get ratios with more significant digits. It may also be noted
that all estimates presented in the report, in general, refer to the mid-point of the survey
period (July 2004 – June 2005) of NSS 61st round i.e., 01.01.05.

3.0.5 Number of Sample workers: To have a meaningful discussion about the parameters
presented in this chapter, it is necessary to have an idea about the sample sizes which in
turn can throw some light on the reliability of the underlying estimates. Statement 3.0.1, of
this chapter, gives the number of sample workers engaged in the industry groups/divisions
012, 014, 015, 02, 05 and industry divisions 10-99, for each state/ u.t., separately for
males and females in the rural and urban areas. It can be seen that sample sizes for the
industry groups/divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 are very small for the rural sector and even
smaller for the urban sector for most of the states/ u.ts. For the industry divisions 10-99,
though the sample sizes seem sufficient for a number of states/ u.ts., yet when these
sample sizes are to be distributed over different classificatory variables (such as tabulation
categories, place of work, etc.) in order to examine the multidimensional aspects of the
workers engaged in the informal sector, the adequacy of the sample size for different
states/ u.ts cannot be assured. For example, in the AGEGC sector in the urban areas, of the
6 sample female regular wage / salaried workers, all reported as eligible for paid leave,
and of the 38 sample female casual labours none were eligible for paid leave. Considering
the limitations that the sample sizes for different categories impose for drawing valid
inference at the state/u.t. level , the discussions in this chapter are restricted to the findings
at the all-India level. However, in some cases, the state/u.t. level results are given
corresponding to the all-India results.

3.1 Magnitude of Workforce

3.1.1 Worker Population Ratio (WPR): As a perspective, it is useful to get an idea of the
workforce at the all-India level and within the total workforce, the share of non-
agricultural sector (Divisions: 10 to 99) and AGEGC (Groups/ divisions: 012, 014, 015,
02, 05). For this, usual status ‘all’ workers, i.e., workers in principal and subsidiary
economic status taken together, were considered to constitute the workforce. Statement 3.1
presents the number of workers per 1000 persons separately for rural and urban India,
cross-classified by sex. As this statement would suggest, the WPR was much higher in
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

rural areas (44 per cent) than that in urban areas (37 per cent). Further, it was higher
among males than those among
Statement 3.1: Worker population ratio (wpr) per females. It was the lowest for urban
1000 of persons according to usual status during females at 17 per cent and only 33 per
2004-05 cent among their rural counterparts. It
all-India is moreover seen that, nearly 38 per
category wpr cent of the population were workers
of persons principal subsidiary ps+ss
in the principal status and irrespective
status (ps) status (ss)
of the activity status in the principal
(1) (2) (3) (4)
status nearly 14 per cent worked in
male 535 179 546 subsidiary capacity.
female 242 157 327
person 391 168 439
urban 3.1.2 Status in Employment: While
male 541 39 549 Statement 3.1 gives the Worker
female 135 39 166 Population Ratio (WPR) at the all-
person 346 39 365 India level, Statement 3.2 presents the
rural+urban distribution of workers by status in
male 536 143 547 employment, viz, self-employed
female 215 128 287
(codes: 11-21), regular wage/ salaried
person 380 135 420
Ref: NSS Report No. 515 (Employment and Unemployment
employee (code: 31), casual labour
Situation in India, 2004-05) engaged in public works (code: 41)
and casual labours engaged in other
Statement 3.2: Per 1000 distribution of usual status types of works (code: 51), separately
(ps+ss) workers in different status in employment by sex and rural and urban areas of
during 2004-05 India. Predominance of self-
all-India employment activity is a notable
category status in employment (code*) feature here and a large proportion of
of persons 11-21 31 41 51 11-51 the workforce, particularly in the rural
(1) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) areas, was engaged in their own farm
rural and non-farm activity in self-
male 581 90 2 327 1000 employed capacity. Moreover, at the
female 637 37 2 324 1000 all-India (rural + urban) level, the
person 602 71 2 326 1000 proportion of self-employed was
urban higher among the females (61 per
male 448 406 1 145 1000
cent) than among the males (55 per
female 477 356 1 166 1000
person 454 395 1 150 1000 cent). The regular wage/salaried
rural+urban employees constituted a greater
male 547 172 1 280 1000 proportion of the urban workforce
female 614 83 2 302 1000 compared to the rural areas. It may be
person 569 143 1 287 1000 noted that the share of regular wage/
Note: Ref: NSS Report No. 515 (Employment and salaried employees was merely 7 per
Unemployment Situation in India, 2004-05). cent of the rural workforce. In other
*:self-employed - 11-21, regular wage/ salaried
employees - 31, casual labours in public works – 41,
words, the self-employed together
casual labours in other types of works - 51. with casual labourer had a share of
nearly 93 per cent of the total
workforce in the rural areas and about nearly 60 per cent in the urban areas.

3.1.3 Distribution of Workers by Industry of Work: Statement 3.3 gives the distribution of
all workers (ps+ss) by broad group of industry of attachment, namely, ‘non-agricultural’
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

sector (Divisions: 10 to 99), ‘AGEGC’ (Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05) and remaining
industry groups (011, 013) in agriculture. This gives an idea of the coverage of workers
engaged in the non-agricultural sector and the AGEGC sector, which are covered in this
report compared to the total workers in
Statement 3.3: Per 1000 distribution of usual status the country. It is seen that about 48 per
(ps+ss) workers in different industry divisions/ cent of the (rural + urban) workers
groups during 2004-05 were engaged in the non-agricultural
all-India and AGEGC activities together. The
category industry groups/ divisions
proportion was 35 per cent and 93 per
of 011, 012, 014, 10-99 01-99
cent for rural and urban areas,
013 015, 02, 05
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
respectively. The gender-wise
rural differences were quite significant for
male 631 34 335 1000 both rural and urban areas. While about
female 690 143 167 1000 52 per cent of the (rural + urban) males
person 653 74 273 1000 workers were engaged in the non-
urban agricultural and AGEGC sectors
male 49 13 939 1000 together, the corresponding percentage
female 129 52 819 1000 for female workers was about 39 per
person 66 21 912 1000 cent. It may be noted that the coverage
rural+urban of activities for collection of
male 480 28 492 1000
information on informal employment
female 609 130 261 1000
being the whole of the non-agricultural
person 523 62 415 1000
Ref: NSS Report No. 515 (Employment and sector (industry divisions: 10-99) and
Unemployment Situation in India, 2004-05) activities relating to the industry
groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05
in the agricultural sector, workers employed in the industry divisions 011 and 013 in the
agricultural sector that accounted for nearly 52 per cent of the total workers remain
outside the purview of informal employment. In Figures 1 and 2, the distribution of
workers in these three industry groups/divisions is presented for the rural and urban areas,

Figure 1: Percentage share of workers (ps+ss) Figure 2: Percentage share of workers (ps+ss) in
in differnt industry groups/ diviions differnt industry groups / divisions in urban
in rural areas areas
011, 013
011, 013
012, 014, 015, 02, 05
012, 014, 015, 02, 05
10-99 6.6



NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

3.1.4 Distribution of Workers between Non-agricultural sector and AGEGC: Statement

3.4 gives the distribution of all workers (ps+ss) between non-agricultural sector
(Divisions: 10 to 99) and AGEGC (Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05). Between these two
sectors of activities, the non-agricultural sector alone accounted for almost 87 per cent of
workers (ps+ss) and AGEGC engaged remaining 13 per cent. In the urban areas, the
distribution was rather more skewed in favour of the non-agricultural sector with nearly
98 per cent of workers being engaged
Statement 3.4: Per 1000 distribution of usual status in the non-agricultural activities and
(ps+ss) workers engaged in industry groups/ merely 2 per cent in the AGEGC. The
divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05, 10-99 by non- corresponding shares for the rural areas
agricultural and AGEGC during 2004-05 were, however, 79 per cent and 21 per
cent, respectively. Besides the rural-
category industry group/division
urban difference in the distribution of
persons workers between these two sectors, the
AGEGC agricultural all
male-female difference too was
(1) (2) (3) (4)
significant – in rural areas, nearly 46
male 92 908 1000 per cent among females were engaged
female 462 538 1000 in the AGEGC compared to 9 per cent
person 213 787 1000 among males and in the urban areas,
urban nearly 6 per cent among females were
male 13 987 1000 engaged in AGEGC compared to only
female 60 940 1000 1 per cent among males. As AGEGC is
person 23 977 1000 a part of the agricultural sector, a
rural+urban higher proportion of female workforce
male 54 946 1000 in this sub-sector compared to their
female 332 668 1000 male counterparts, in both the rural and
person 130 870 1000
urban areas, shows the dominance of
male workers in the non-agricultural sector. The corresponding distribution for the states
and union territories are presented in Statement 3.4.1.

3.1.5 Changes in the Distribution of Non-agricultural Workers by Sex: The proportion of

non-agricultural workers to all workers obtained from NSS 61st round has been compared
Statement 3.5: Proportion (per 1000) of non- with the corresponding figures for NSS 55
agricultural workers among workers according Round survey in Statement 3.5 at the all-
to usual status (ps+ss) during 1999-2000 and India level. It may be noted that the
2004-05 comparison has been given for the workers
all-India engaged in the non-agricultural sector since
category 55th round 61st round in the 55th round, information regarding the
of persons rural urban rural urban particulars of enterprises were collected
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) only from those engaged in that sector.
male 286 934 335 939 Over a period of 5 years since 1999-2000,
female 146 823 167 819 as expected, there has been a significant
person 237 912 273 912
change in the proportion of non-agricultural
workers in the rural workforce; it increased from 24 per cent in 1999-2000 to 27 per cent
in 2004-05. This rise in the proportion of workers in the non-agricultural sector was
observed for both males and females. However, during this period, the share of the urban
workforce in the non-agricultural sector remained unchanged at 91 per cent. The
proportion of males and females also remained more or less same in the urban areas during
this period.
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

3.2 Employment in Informal Sector

3.2.1 According to the 15th ICLS conceptual framework (See Chapter 2, Annexure II),
unincorporated enterprises, (i.e., proprietary and partnership enterprises including the
Statement 3.6: Proportion (per 1000) of workers informal producers’ cooperatives) are
in enterprise type ‘co-operative society trusts / largely considered as informal sector
other NPIs* among workers according to usual enterprises. In the survey, ‘co-operative
status (ps+ss) during 2004-05 societies/ trust/ other non-profit
institutions’ was specified as one of the
all-India categories for collecting information in
category of industry groups/ divisions respect of ‘type of enterprise’ and no
persons 012, 014, 015 01-99 distinction was made about whether these
, 02 - 99
were formal or informal. As seen from
(1) (2) (3)
Statement 3.6, the proportion of workers
male 11 4
engaged in the enterprise type ‘co-
female 6 2 operative societies/trust/ other non-profit
person 9 3 institutions’, out of the entire workforce
urban in the country was 0.6 per cent in all the
male 12 11 industry groups , whereas the proportion
female 30 27 in the non-agriculture and AGEGC
urban person 16 15 sectors taken together was about 1 per
rural+urban cent. There is another category of
male 11 6 workers engaged by ‘employer
female 14 5 households’ which comprise private
person 12 6
households employing persons for
* Non-profit Institutions
producing goods and services for
Statement 3.7: Proportion (per 1000) of worker household consumption (See 2.15.8 in
employed in employer households among chapter 2). The proportion of workers
workers according to usual status (ps+ss) employed in the ‘employer households’
employed in industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, per 1000 of workers engaged in industry
015, 02 - 99 for different status in employment groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02 to 99
during 2004-05 is presented in Statement 3.7 for each
all-India employment status at the all-India level.
status in male female person
It can be seen from Statement 3.7 that the
workers engaged in the ‘employer
(1) (2) (3) (4)
households’ accounted for only 1 per cent
RWS 10 113 29
in the rural areas and about 3 per cent in
CL 15 76 25 the urban areas. In the 15th ICLS
RWS & CL 6 21 11 conceptual framework, the category
urban ‘employer households’ was not covered
RWS 18 241 61 in the informal sector, although jobs in
CL 10 176 40 them could be informal or formal. Thus,
RWS & CL 9 119 31 for the purpose of discussion in this
Note: RWS- regular wage/ salaried employees, CL- report, proprietary and partnership
casual labours enterprises have been considered as
informal sector enterprises. In the rest of
the discussion in this chapter, unless otherwise mentioned, informal sector enterprises will
mean proprietary and partnership type enterprises within the non-agricultural and AGEGC

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

3.2.2 Share of Employment in Informal Sector: The proportion of workers engaged in the
non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises by type of enterprises is presented in Statement
3.8 for different categories of persons (sex and sector) at the all-India level. The two types
of enterprises – proprietary and partnership – have been clubbed together and denoted as
P&P. The statement
Statement 3.8: Proportion (per 1000) of workers engaged in shows that a high
proprietary/ partnership (P & P) enterprises and ‘employer proportion of non-
households’ among workers according to usual status (ps+ss) agricultural and AGEGC
engaged in non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises during 2004- workers, in the rural and
urban areas, worked in
the informal sector. The
category of P&P employer P & P and
persons households employer’s survey estimated that
households during 2004-05, among
(1) (2) (3) (4) workers in the non-
rural agricultural and AGEGC
male 792 6 799 sectors, about 82 per
female 864 21 886 cent in the rural areas
person 816 11 827 and 72 per cent in the
urban urban areas were
male 739 9 748 employed in the informal
female 654 119 773 sector. This proportion
person 722 31 753 was higher for the
females (86 per cent)
male 767 8 774
female 797 53 849 than that for the males
person 775 20 795 (79 per cent) in the rural
areas, while in the urban
areas, the proportion was higher for the males (74 per cent) than that for the females (65
per cent). It is noteworthy that in the urban areas, as high as 12 per cent of the female
workers in non- agriculture and AGEGC sectors were engaged in private households (i.e.,
employer households). The proportion was about 2 per cent for females in the rural areas.
It is important to note here that in the 55th round survey, no separate category as ‘employer
households’ was specified in collecting data for ‘type of enterprise’. Although there were
no clear instructions in the NSS 55th round survey about how to categorise the workers
employed in the private households, they were probably considered as ‘proprietary’
enterprises. If the workers employed by the private households are covered under informal
sector, then the proportion of workers in the informal sector in the urban areas also would
be higher for females. In Figure 3, the proportion (per 1000) of usual status (ps+ss)
workers in non-agriculture and AGEGC sector engaged in proprietary and partnership
enterprises is presented. The corresponding proportions for each state/u.t. are presented in
Statement 3.8.1.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Figure 3: Proportoion (per 1000) of usual status (ps+ss) workers in non-

agriculture and AGEGC engaged in P&P enterprises

proportin (per 1000) of workers

rural urban rural+urban
sector x sex

Statement 3.9: Proportion (per 1000) of workers engaged in proprietary and partnership enterprises
among workers according to usual status (ps+ss) in non-agricultural sector during 1999-2000 and
enterprise type
55th round 61st round
category proprietary partnership P proprietary partnership P
of male female within from & male female within from &
workers same difft P* same difft P*
hhd. hhs. hhd. hhs.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
male 657 10 14 13 695 744 5 17 15 781
female 404 321 18 7 750 416 326 20 10 771
persons 602 78 15 12 707 671 77 18 14 779
male 623 7 25 19 674 679 5 31 23 737
female 374 281 20 11 685 331 271 19 14 635
persons 578 56 24 18 676 611 57 28 21 717
male 639 9 20 16 684 712 5 24 19 759
female 390 302 19 9 720 377 301 20 12 710
persons 590 66 20 15 691 642 67 23 17 749
Note: P & P – proprietary and partnership

3.2.3 Changes in Employment in Informal Sector: The proportion of employment in the

informal sector (P &P) enterprises in non-agricultural sector obtained from the 55th and
61st round surveys have been presented in Statement 3.9 at the all-India level. Between
1999-2000 and 2004-05, the proportion of employment in the informal sector increased
perceptibly. While the overall increase in the proportion of employment in the informal
sector was 6 percentage points for India, the increase was 7 percentage points for the rural
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

sector and 4 percentage points for the urban sector. The increase for the males was 8
percentage points but for females a decline of 1 percentage point was observed. Further,
the share of employment declined by 5 percentage points for the urban females, and the
fall was largely due to the fall in the share of employment in the proprietary female
enterprises. It may be mentioned again that possibly, the workers employed in the private
households (employer household) in the 55th round, were included largely in the
‘proprietary’ type of enterprises. This may be one of the reasons why the proportion of
urban female workers employed in the informal sector enterprises declined between 1999-
2000 and 2004-05.

3.2.4 Status in Employment and Share of Workers in Informal Sector: It is of interest to

obtain the proportion of non-agricultural and AGEGC workers engaged in the informal
sector (proprietary and partnership enterprises) for detailed employment or activity
statuses distinguished in the survey according to usual status (ps+ss). Statement 3.10
presents the proportions of workers engaged in the informal sector (per 1000 of workers in
the non-agricultural and AGEGC workers) for different usual activity work statuses. The
three broad statuses in employment are self-employed (activity status codes: 11, 12, 21),
regular wage/ salaried employees (activity status code: 31) and casual labours engaged in
work other than public works (activity status code: 51). It may be noted that the casual
workers engaged in public works (status code 41), by definition, are out side the coverage
of informal sector. The statement reveals that among self-employed non-agricultural
workers, about 95 per cent in the rural areas and 97 per cent in the urban areas reported to
have worked in the informal sector. Among the non-agricultural workers who were casual
labourers engaged in works other than public works, a substantial chunk was employed in
the informal sector – 79 per cent in the rural areas and 82 per cent in the urban areas.
However, among the regular salaried non-agricultural workers, a much lower proportion
was employed in the informal sector: 41 per cent in the rural areas and 43 per cent in the
urban areas. Among the AGEGC workers, the over all proportion of workers engaged in
the proprietary and partnership enterprises was higher than that among the non-agricultural
sector in both the rural and urban areas. The gender differentials in the proportion of
workers in the informal sector over the activity statuses are found to be narrow, except for
the regular wage/salaried earners in the non-agricultural sector, where the differences are
found to be very sharp, both in the rural and urban areas. The proportion of male regular
wage/ salaried non-agricultural workers employed in the informal sector far exceeded the
proportion of the female regular wage/ salaried workers. However, in the case of female
regular wage/ salaried employees employed in the AGEGC sector, the proportion of the
informal sector was higher than that for males in the rural areas but lower in the urban
areas. The results for the States and Union Territories are presented in Statement 3.10.1 at
the end of this chapter.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.10: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (P & P) workers among total
workers according to usual status (ps+ss) in non-agricultural sector and AGEGC sector for
each detailed usual employment status during 2004-05
status in rural urban
employment industry group/division
(code*) 012, 014, 10-99 012, 014, 012, 014, 10-99 012, 014,
015, 02, 05 015, 02-99 015, 02, 05 015, 02-99
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
11 937 946 945 914 971 970
12 1000 985 986 1000 984 984
21 936 967 960 942 978 977
11-21 937 950 948 921 973 972
31 654 440 445 609 465 466
51 863 805 808 882 852 853
11-51 (excl. 41) 904 781 792 868 737 739
11 973 964 969 960 961 961
12 1000 963 975 1000 985 985
21 977 967 974 946 977 973
11-21 976 966 972 952 968 966
31 727 258 263 417 278 278
51 901 738 760 909 689 693
11-51 (excl. 41) 972 771 864 949 635 654
11 961 949 952 936 969 968
12 1000 984 985 1000 984 984
21 971 967 969 946 978 975
11-21 966 954 958 941 972 971
31 660 405 411 605 429 429
51 875 794 800 887 823 824
11-51 (excl. 41) 952 779 816 912 717 722
*: status in employment: self-employed - 11, 12, 21, regular wage/ salaried employees – 31, casual
labour in other than public work – 51, casual labour in public work - 41 Changes between 1999-2000 and 2004-05: It has been mentioned earlier that in the
55th round survey the characteristics of the enterprises were collected for the non-
agricultural sector only. Therefore, the proportion of workers in the informal sector
obtained from the 61st round survey has been compared with the results of 55th round only
for the non-agricultural sector in Statement 3.11 at all-India level. It is seen that the
proportion of non-agricultural workers in the informal sector has increased substantially
for all types of work status, except for the regular wage/salaried females. Again, this is
possibly due to separating out the workers engaged in the employer households in the 61st
round. The rise in the proportion of workers in the informal sector during 2004-05, as
compared to 1999-2000 is found to have gone up among the casual labourers in both the
rural and urban areas. Again, in the rural areas the rise in the proportion of the casual
labours was observed for both the males and females but for females the rise was slightly
higher compared to males. In the urban areas, though the proportion of the male casual
labours in the informal sector increased during 2004-05 by nearly 11 percentage points, in
the case of urban females it declined by nearly 3 percentage points – from 72 per cent in
1999-2000 to 69 per cent in 2004-05.
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.11: Proportion (per 1000) of workers engaged in informal sector (P & P)
enterprises among non-agricultural workers according to usual status (ps+ss) for each status
in employment during 1999-2000 and 2004-05
usual activity 55th 61st
status male female persons male female persons
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
11 908 926 911 946 964 949
12 934 902 932 985 963 984
21 897 917 908 967 967 967
11-21 907 921 911 950 966 954
31 336 284 328 440 258 405
51 698 637 687 805 738 794
11-51 (excl. 41) 697 754 710 781 771 779
11 955 925 950 971 961 969
12 914 518 878 984 985 984
21 943 946 944 978 977 978
11-21 951 928 947 973 968 972
31 402 408 403 465 278 429
51 740 721 737 852 689 823
11-51 (excl. 41) 675 687 677 737 635 717
Note: status in employment: self-employment - 11, 12, 21, regular wage/ salaried employees
– 31, casual labour in other than public work – 51, casual labour in public work - 41

3.2.5 Broad Industry of Work: It would be interesting to know how many of the non-
agricultural and AGEGC workers were accounted for by the informal sector alone
corresponding to each broad industry of work (referred to as tabulation category, in
consonance with the term used in the National Industrial Classification 1998). Statement
3.12 presents the proportion of informal sector workers among all non-agricultural and
AGEGC workers separately for each tabulation category and the corresponding results for
the states/u.ts. are presented in Statement 3.12.1. The description of each tabulation
category is given at the bottom of the statement. Statement 3.12 shows that more than 90
per cent of workers engaged in AGEGC (NIC codes: 012,014,015,02,05) or in wholesale
or retail trade etc (tabulation category G) or in hotels and restaurants (tabulation
category H) belonged to the informal sector alone. This was true for both male and female
workers in rural as well as in urban areas. Among manufacturing workers (tabulation
category D) also, the proportion of workers employed in the informal sector was quite
significant – more so in the rural areas (88 per cent) than in urban areas (81 per cent). It is
also seen that a higher proportion of female workers in industry tabulation category
manufacturing was employed in informal sector than male workers. The survey has
estimated that in the manufacturing sector, as high as 92 per cent and 90 per cent of
female workers were engaged in the informal sector in the rural and urban areas,
respectively. The corresponding estimates for males were 86 per cent and 78 per cent in
rural and urban areas, respectively. On the other hand, in the real estate, renting and
business (tabulation category K) activities, the situation was just the opposite. Nearly 87
per cent of the rural and 78 per cent of the urban male workers in this tabulation category
were in the informal sector while the corresponding proportion for female workers were
lower at 79 per cent and 64 per cent in the rural and urban areas, respectively. In Figure 4,

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

the proportion (per 1000) of usual status (ps+ss) workers in proprietary and partnership
enterprises is presented for AGEGC sector and also for different tabulation categories.

Statement 3.12: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (proprietary and partnership) workers
according to usual status (ps+ss) within each industry group/ tabulation category during 2004-05

industry groups/ rural urban
tabulation male female person male female person
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
012 921 975 963 871 955 925
014 873 948 902 708 850 755
015 1000 - 1000 1000 1000 1000
02 789 926 861 573 739 589
05 914 960 921 958 901 951
sub-total (012,
904 972 952 868 949 912
014, 015,02,05)
C 719 798 736 247 430 257
D 859 916 881 779 904 810
E 87 112 88 94 11 88
F 800 718 791 870 887 872
G 937 957 939 952 922 949
H 940 933 939 941 964 945
I 830 671 826 736 483 728
J 284 486 302 288 178 270
K 869 785 864 776 643 761
L - - - - - -
M 267 285 274 323 412 366
N 601 364 520 544 423 495
O 853 932 870 814 896 834
P - - - - - -
Q - - - - - -
sub-total (C-Q) 781 771 779 737 635 717
all (012, 014, 015,
792 864 816 739 654 722
02, 05, C- Q)
Note 1:Description of Tabulation category C to Q: - C: Mining and Quarrying; D:
Manufacturing; E: Electricity, Gas and water supply; F: Construction; G: Wholesale and retail
trades; repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods; H. Hotels and
restaurants; I: Transport, storage and communications; J: Financial intermediation; K: Real
estate, renting and business activities; L: Public administration and defence; compulsory social
security; M: Education; N: Health and social work; O: Other community, social and personal
service activities; P: Private households with employed persons; Q: Extra – territorial
organisations and bodies
Note 2: By definition industry divisions L, P and Q can not be in the informal sector

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Figure 4: Proportion (per 1000) of P&P workers in differnt industry groups/ rural
tabulation categories uban

proportion (per 1000) of workers






sector x tabulation category Changes between 1999-2000 and 2004-05: The proportion of informal sector
workers among all non-agricultural workers obtained from the 55th and 61st round surveys
are presented in Statement 3.13 for each tabulation category separately by sex and sector
at the all-India level. A comparison of the proportions of workers in informal sector
between the period 1999-2000 and 2004-2005 displays a faster pace of informalization of
workforce in some of the industries. Between the period 1999-2000 and 2004-05, although
the overall increase in the proportion of informal workers in the non-agricultural sector
was around 7 percentage points in the rural and 4 percentage points in the urban areas,
there were many industry divisions where employment in the informal sector had risen
higher than 10 percentage points at the all-India level. The sectors of activity where the
increase in the proportion of informal sector workers had been more than 10 percentage
points, in the rural areas, were other community, social and personal service activities
(tabulation category O), real estate, renting and business activities (tabulation category
K), transport, storage and communications (tabulation category I) and construction
(tabulation category F). In the urban areas, on the other hand, there was only one sector of
activity that showed an increase of more than 10 percentage points, namely construction
(tabulation category F). Incidentally, in the urban areas, the proportion of informal sector
workers decreased in the real estate, renting and business activities (tabulation category
K) and in the Mining and Quarrying (Tabulation Category C). Interestingly, it may be
noted that at the tabulation category level, sharp increase in the proportion of informal
sector workers has been mainly due to the increase among the females – a concern for
gender differential. For instance, in the rural areas, for the tabulation categories, I, J, F and
O, the increase in the proportion of informal workers was 16 percentage points, 20
percentage points, 20 percentage points and 15 percentage points, respectively for the
females, compared to 11 percentage points, 5 percentage points, 10 percentage points and
11 percentage points, respectively for the males. In the urban areas, for the tabulation
categories F, while the increase among the females was as high as 25 percentage points, it
was 12 percentage points among the males.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.13: Proportion (per 1000) of workers engaged in informal sector (proprietary or
partnership enterprises) among non-agricultural workers according to usual status (ps+ss) within
each tabulation category during 1999-2000 and 2004-05
tabulation 55th (1999-2000) 61st (2004-05)
category male female persons male female persons
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
C 656 732 672 719 798 736
D 787 876 819 859 916 881
E 93 25 92 87 112 88
F 697 519 677 800 718 791
G 890 896 891 937 957 939
H 867 878 870 940 933 939
I 717 514 715 830 671 826
J 238 291 243 284 486 302
K 753 675 750 869 785 864
L 57 37 55 - - -
M 187 248 204 267 285 274
N 531 183 420 601 364 520
O 741 781 753 853 932 870
P* 522 686 625 - - -
Q 0 0 0 - - -
all (C- Q) 695 750 707 781 771 779
C 266 400 278 247 430 257
D 698 859 732 779 904 810
E 60 41 59 94 11 88
F 753 636 739 870 887 872
G 892 844 886 952 922 949
H 899 896 899 941 964 945
I 657 419 647 736 483 728
J 218 181 212 288 178 270
K 797 735 791 776 643 761
L 52 69 54 - - -
M 324 389 355 323 412 366
N 452 348 412 544 423 495
O 745 798 764 814 896 834
P* 616 826 751 - - -
Q 588 794 636 - - -
all (C- Q) 674 685 676 737 635 717
*: In the 61st round, the workers with industry division 95 was assigned enterprise type ‘private
households employing maid servant, watchman, cook, etc’
See note to Statement 3.12 for description of tabulation categories.

3.2.6 Distribution of Informal Sector Workers by Industry of Work: Having observed the
relative preponderance of informal sector workers among all workers within each broad
non-agricultural and AGEGC industries of work, it would be of interest to examine how
informal sector workers, in particular, and workers in ‘all’ enterprises are distributed
across broad industries (i.e., tabulation categories) covered in the present survey.
Statement 3.14 presents these distributions at the all-India level, separately by sex in the
rural and urban areas.
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings In rural areas: The survey results suggest that manufacturing (tabulation category
D) sector was the single most important provider of employment. The survey estimates
that among the non-agricultural workers (i.e., excluding AGEGC) in the enterprise type
‘all’ about 30 per cent were engaged in manufacturing and nearly 33 per cent of the
informal sector (P&P) workers were employed in manufacturing activities. Most of the
non-agricultural female workers (nearly 50 per cent) were engaged in manufacturing
activities and when informal sector is considered the share of manufacturing activities
shoots up to 60 per cent. However, in contrast to the preponderance of manufacturing
activities observed in the case of females, for male workers, these proportions were lower
– 24 per cent for those engaged in ‘all’ non-agricultural work and 26 per cent for those in
informal sector. Wholesale and retail trade etc. (tabulation category G) was also found to
be an important sector of employment. While about 20 per cent of all non-agricultural
workers were employed in them and 24 per cent of workers in the informal sector, the
proportion were significantly higher for the males. On the other hand, among the non-
agricultural workers as well as among those in the informal sector, the proportion of male
workers engaged in wholesale and retail trade etc, was higher than the corresponding
proportions for female workers. The share of workers in informal sector when compared
with the two broad sectors (viz, AGEGC and non-agriculture) brings out the higher share
of female workers in the AGEGC and that of male workers the non-agricultural sector. It
may be seen that among the workers in informal sector, the share of workers engaged in
AGEGC was 52 per cent for females and 11 per cent for males, compared to 48 per cent
for females and 90 per cent for males in the non-agricultural sector. In urban areas: In the urban areas also, among the workers in the non-agricultural
sector (excluding AGEGC), manufacturing (tabulation category D) and wholesale and
retail trade etc,(tabulation category G) were the main providers of employment. Among
the workers in the non-agricultural sector nearly 27 per cent workers were engaged in
manufacturing (tabulation category D) and 23 per cent by wholesale and retail trade etc,
(tabulation category G). According to the survey estimates, among the non-agricultural
workers about 30 per cent of the informal sector (P&P) workers were employed in
manufacturing activities – this feature is broadly in consonance with that observed in the
rural areas. Moreover, a higher proportion of informal sector female workers in non-
agriculture sector were engaged in manufacturing activities (49 per cent) compared to the
males (27 per cent). This feature is also revealed when the proportion of workers in the
manufacturing activities among the non-agricultural worker is compared with all non-
agricultural workers – proportion being 34 per cent for females and 25 per cent for males.
In the case of non-agricultural male workers in informal sector who were engaged in
wholesale and retail trade etc, the proportion was higher at 34 per cent for males
compared to nearly 17 per cent for female workers engaged in wholesale and retail trade

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.14: Per 1000 distribution of non-agriculture and AGEGC workers according to usual
status (ps+ss) engaged in informal sector (proprietary or partnership) enterprises and ‘all’ types of
enterprises by tabulation categories of NIC-1998 for 2004-05

industry groups/ tabulation male female persons
category P&P all P&P all P&P all
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
012, 014, 015, 02, 05 105 92 520 462 248 213
C 16 17 9 9 13 15
D 233 215 286 270 251 233
E 1 6 0 0 0 4
F 187 185 39 47 136 140
G 238 201 73 66 180 157
H 28 23 16 15 24 21
I 108 103 4 5 72 71
J 3 8 1 2 2 6
K 12 11 1 1 8 8
L - 32 - 8 - 24
M 15 43 18 53 16 46
N 9 12 6 13 8 13
O 47 44 28 26 41 38
P - 7 - 22 - 12
Q - 0 - 0 - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 896 908 480 538 752 787
all (012, 014, 015, 02, 05, C-
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
012, 014, 015, 02, 05 15 13 87 60 29 23
C 3 10 1 2 3 8
D 261 248 448 324 295 263
E 1 8 0 2 1 7
F 114 97 58 43 104 86
G 334 259 158 112 301 229
H 45 35 42 28 44 34
I 112 112 11 16 93 92
J 9 23 5 18 8 22
K 41 39 19 20 37 35
L - 61 - 35 - 56
M 16 36 84 133 28 56
N 11 15 27 41 14 21
O 38 34 59 43 42 36
P - 9 - 122 - 32
Q - 0 - 0 - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 984 987 913 940 971 977
all (012, 014, 015, 02, 05, C-
Q) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Note: 1. To find out the proportion of workers among the total non-agricultural workers in any
tabulation category, the proportion of the particular tabulation category is to be divided by the
proportion of non-agricultural workers (i.e. workers in tabulation categories C to Q). For example,
the proportion of workers in manufacturing sector in the rural areas among the ‘all’ enterprise types
will be 30 per cent i.e., (233/787)*100.
2. See notes to Statement 3.12 for description of tabulation categories.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

3.2.7 Location of Work Place: In the survey, apart from the type of enterprise in which a
worker was working, information in respect of location of work place (enterprise) was also
collected for each of the working members of sample households. Types of locations of
workplace distinguished in the survey have been described earlier in Chapter Two (para
2.16). Statement 3.15 presents the distribution of 'all' usual status (ps + ss) workers by
their location of work place separately for the informal sector enterprises and for ‘all’
enterprises’. In Rural Areas: The statement shows that considering ‘all’ (i.e., informal plus
formal) employment, a very high proportion of workers residing in rural areas reported
their work place location to be in the rural area itself – nearly 80 per cent. The proportion
for female workers residing in rural areas, who had their work place situated in the rural
areas was even higher (91 per cent) than that for male workers (75 per cent). These
proportions were even higher when employment in the informal sector (P&P) alone is
considered. For female workers employed in the informal sector alone, the proportion was
as high as 93 per cent and the corresponding proportion for males was 78 per cent. It may
be mentioned that during 1999-2000 (vide NSS Report no. 460: Non-agricultural Workers
in Informal Sector Based on Employment-Unemployment Survey, 1999-2000), in the
informal sector, nearly 92 per cent of female workers residing in rural areas and employed
in non-agriculture enterprises had their work place in rural areas whereas the
corresponding proportion for male workers was nearly 82 per cent. One distinct feature of
the female workers employed in informal sector during 2004-05 was that a higher
proportion of them was working in their own dwelling – nearly 66 per cent, In case of
males this was only 20 per cent. In the case of male workers nearly 52 per cent were
working either in their own enterprise or employers enterprise/ unit/ office/ shop, etc, or
construction site. The proportion of workers with no fixed work place was higher among
the males. For the non-agricultural and AGEGC workers as a whole, considering ‘all’
enterprise types, these proportions were estimated as 11 per cent and 4 per cent for males
and females, respectively while for those working in the informal sector enterprises, the
estimates were 13 per cent and 4 per cent, respectively. In Urban Areas: Among all non-agricultural and AGEGC workers residing in
urban areas, about 91 per cent are estimated to have their work place in urban areas itself.
This proportion also marked at 91 per cent among the workers employed in the informal
sector. Almost all female workers residing in urban areas and engaged in the informal
sector 94 per cent was working in the urban areas itself. The proportion for male workers
was, however, a little lower at 90 per cent. Among other categories of work place where
the share of female workers was higher were employer’s enterprise etc. but outside
employer’s dwelling (31 per cent of all non-agricultural and AGEGC workers and 20 per
cent of informal sector workers). Female workers were found to be working in their own
dwelling in 35 per cent cases and for male workers it was 9 per cent. The difference was
even wider when the workers in the informal sector were considered - the proportions
being 52 per cent for females and 12 per cent for males. On the other hand, male workers
were found to be mostly working in employer’s enterprises etc. but outside employer’s
dwelling (42 per cent among all non-agricultural and AGEGC workers and 30 per cent
among informal sector workers). They were also found to be working in relatively larger
numbers in their own enterprises etc. but outside own dwelling – 21 per cent among all
non-agricultural and AGEGC workers and 28 per cent among the informal sector workers.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.15: Per 1000 distribution of usual status workers located in rural households according to
usual status (ps+ss) engaged in informal sector (proprietary or partnership) and ‘all’ types of enterprises
by location of work place during 2004-05

rural all-India
type of enterprise
location of workplace P&P all
male female persons male female persons
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1. no fixed place 129 43 99 114 41 90
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 197 658 357 159 581 297
3. own enterprise/ unit/ office/shop but
179 132 163 146 116 136
outside own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 20 11 17 25 33 28
5. employer’s enterprise/ unit/office /shop
153 63 122 204 107 172
but outside employer’s dwelling
6. street with fixed location 31 10 23 26 9 21
7. street without fixed location 45 14 34 37 12 29
8.construction site 115 26 85 110 32 84
9. others 38 20 32 40 22 34
rural areas (2 to 9) 778 934 832 747 911 800
workplace in urban areas
and located in:
10. own dwelling 1 3 2 1 3 1
11. own enterprise/ unit/ office/shop but
13 2 9 11 1 8
outside own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 2 1 2
13. employer’s enterprise/ unit/office/shop
35 6 25 52 10 38
but outside employer’s dwelling
14. street with fixed location 4 1 3 3 1 2
15. street without fixed location 5 1 4 4 1 3
16.construction site 27 8 20 26 8 20
17. others 4 2 3 9 5 7
urban areas
91 21 67 109 29 83
(10 to 17)
total (including n.r. cases) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.15: Per 1000 distribution of usual status workers located in urban households according to
usual status (ps+ss) engaged in informal sector (proprietary or partnership) and ‘all’ types of enterprises by
location of work place during 2004-05

urban all-India
location of workplace type of enterprise
P&P all
male female persons male female persons
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1. no fixed place 56 17 49 45 13 38
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 3 19 6 3 13 5
3. own enterprise/ unit/ office/shop but outside
14 9 13 11 6 10
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 2 2 2
5. employer’s enterprise/ unit/office /shop but
12 8 11 20 19 20
outside employer’s dwelling
6. street with fixed location 2 1 2 2 1 1
7. street without fixed location 4 1 3 3 0 2
8.construction site 6 3 5 5 2 4
9. others 1 0 1 1 0 1
rural areas (2 to 9) 43 41 43 45 44 45
workplace in urban areas
and located in:
10. own dwelling 118 502 189 89 335 139
11. own enterprise/ unit/ office/shop but outside
261 104 233 198 71 172
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 22 25 22 29 137 51
13. employer’s enterprise/ unit/office/shop but
291 190 273 404 291 381
outside employer’s dwelling
14. street with fixed location 38 24 36 32 20 30
15. street without fixed location 59 31 54 45 21 40
16.construction site 82 46 75 67 33 60
17. others 29 16 27 34 20 31
urban areas
900 940 907 899 929 905
(10 to 17)
total (including n.r. cases) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

3.2.8 Workers in Manufacturing Enterprises: As seen in the previous section, the category
manufacturing sector (Tabulation category D) was the most important provider of
employment in rural areas and was also the second most important one in urban areas. An
important input for raising productivity of workers in manufacturing enterprises is the use
of electricity for purposes of manufacturing. Statement 3.16 presents the proportions of
workers employed in manufacturing enterprises using electricity to all non-agricultural
workers employed in such enterprises, separately for all manufacturing enterprises in the
informal sector as well as in ‘all’ types of manufacturing enterprises. In the statements the
survey results of NSS 55th round (1999-2000) are also given for comparison. The
corresponding proportions for each state/u.t. are given in Statement 3.16.1.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.16: Proportion (per 1000) of workers engaged in manufacturing enterprises using
electricity among non-agricultural workers according to usual status (ps+ss) by broad enterprise
types during 1999-2000 and 2004-05
type of usual status workers (ps+ss) in enterprises using electricity
enterprise 55th round 61st round
(manufacturing) male female persons male female persons
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
proprietary 253 78 184 283 93 206
partnership 586 274 506 533 121 432
proprietary or partnership 274 85 201 299 94 218
all 320 86 236 353 105 259
proprietary 474 178 397 492 183 401
partnership 755 577 738 816 634 790
proprietary or partnership 504 191 427 529 206 439
all 570 222 498 605 241 514

Figure 5: Proportion (per 1000) of workers engaged in manufactuting 55th round

enterprises and using electricity for production 61st round

proportion (per 1000) of workers

P&P all P&P all
rural urban
enterprise type x sector In Rural Areas: The survey estimates that a little over a quarter (26 per cent) of all
workers located in rural households and engaged in ‘all’ manufacturing enterprises were
employed in those units that used electricity for production purposes. However, a higher
proportion of male workers (nearly 35 per cent) were engaged in the manufacturing
enterprises that used electricity for production purposes than female workers (11 per cent).
However, the scenario was a bit different when the informal sector enterprises are
concerned. Only 22 per cent of the workers in informal sector and engaged in
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

manufacturing were found to be working in those enterprises using electricity for

production purposes. A significant difference is observed, when workers employed in
manufacturing enterprises owned on a partnership basis are considered separately; where
the proportion was much higher (43 per cent). In Urban Areas: Here, the proportion of workers located in urban households and
working in manufacturing enterprises using electricity to all those working in all types of
manufacturing enterprises as a whole was almost double (51 per cent) of that in rural
areas. The feature observed in rural areas (viz. the proportion being lower for workers in
informal sector as a whole, but being much higher for workers in partnership enterprises
engaged in manufacturing), holds true in urban areas also. In the case of informal
partnership enterprises, the proportion was estimated to be as high as 79 per cent. As
observed in the case of rural areas, a higher proportion of male workers were employed in
the manufacturing units using electricity for production purposes- 82 per cent in
partnership enterprises compared to 63 per cent in the case of females and 49 per cent for
male workers in the proprietary enterprises compared to 18 per cent for females. Changes between 1999-2000 and 2004-05: The proportion of workers in

manufacturing units using electricity for production purposes had increased in the
informal sector enterprises (proprietary and partnership) and ‘all’ types enterprises during
2004-05 compared to 1999-2000. Considering ‘all’ types of enterprises, while nearly 24
per cent of the workers in the manufacturing were engaged in enterprises using electricity
for production purposes in the rural areas and 50 per cent in the urban areas during 1999-
2000, the proportions increased to 26 per cent and 51 pre cent, respectively during 2004-
05. However, a fall in the proportion of workers in partnership enterprises involved in
manufacturing and using electricity for production purposes was observed during 2004-05
for both males and females in the rural areas – for males the reduction was of the order of
6 percentage points during 2004-05 from 59 per cent in 1999-2000 and in the case of
females, it declined to 12 per cent in 2004-05 from 27 pre cent during 1999-2000. In
Figure 5, the proportion (per 1000) of usual status (ps+ss) workers engaged in
manufacturing and using electricity for production is presented for the 55th and 61st round.

3.2.9 Wage and Salary Earning: The information regarding the wage and salary earnings
was collected for regular wage/salaried employees and casual labourers in the current
daily status only, while the particulars of the enterprises in respect of various types of
workers were collected for them in usual status. Moreover, the status in employment may
differ in the usual status and in the current daily status. Thus, it is not possible to calculate
the wage and salary earning of the workers employed in different types of enterprises
according to usual status. However, an attempt was made to calculate the wage and salary
earnings of only those regular wage/salaried employees and casual labourers according to
usual status who had the same status in employment in the current daily status as well. It
was assumed that these employees were engaged in the same enterprise type in the current
daily status which were reported by them in their usual status. This approach will exclude
those, who were either regular wage/salaried workers or casual laboures in usual status but
had not the same status in employment in the current daily status. Statement 3.17 presents
the average wage/salary earnings per day in respect of regular wage/salaried employees
and casual labourers who had same status in employment in the usual status and current
daily status for different types of enterprises (viz, proprietary and partnership and
employer’s households) in which they were engaged in their usual status. The
corresponding results at the state/u.t. level are given in Statement 3.17.1.
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings It is seen that, at the all-India level, the regular wage/salaried employees engaged
in the informal (proprietary and partnership) enterprises earned a little higher than half the
salary earnings of the employees considering all types of enterprises – it being Rs. 173 for
Statement 3.17: Average wage and salary earnings (Rs.) ‘all’ types of enterprises and Rs.
per day received by wage/ salaried employees according 93 for the rural informal sector
to usual status (ps+ss) who had same status in enterprises. In the case of the
employment in current daily status during 2004-05 regular wage/salaried employees
employed in the employer
all-India households, the difference in their
enterprise type earnings is high compared to that
category of P & P employer all for ‘all’ types of enterprises – less
persons household than one-third of the earnings
(1) (2) (3) (4) considering ‘all’ types of
regular wage/salaried employees
enterprises. It is, moreover, seen
rural male 81.82 65.15 151.96 that regular wage/salaried
rural female 53.26 29.72 87.79 employees in the urban areas,
rural person 78.48 39.01 140.01 whether they were employed in
urban male 104.08 81.64 201.80 informal enterprises or employer
urban female 81.05 40.17 149.90 households earned uniformly
urban person 101.26 49.90 191.81 higher wages compared to those
rural+urban male 96.17 77.80 183.54 employed in the rural areas, and
rural+urban female 71.50 38.00 127.72 this observation holds good for
rural+urban person 93.19 47.57 172.92 both males and females. It is,
casual labourers
moreover, observed that the male
rural male 69.10 60.51 68.54
rural female 44.75 41.12 44.01
regular wage/salaried persons
rural person 65.47 50.67 64.56 earned higher wages than females
urban male 75.97 70.66 76.16 irrespective of the their enterprise
urban female 48.09 44.14 47.74 of work. In the informal sector
urban person 72.31 49.75 71.39 enterprises in the rural areas, the
rural+urban male 71.41 63.37 71.01 female-male wage ratio was 0.65,
rural+urban female 45.77 42.89 45.25 a figure slightly higher than the
rural+urban person 67.74 50.23 66.78 corresponding ratio (0.58) for ‘all’
all workers types of enterprises; showing less
rural male 73.87 62.39 112.01
disparity in the wages of regular
rural female 47.41 33.70 68.61
rural person 70.24 44.12 104.41
wage/ salaried employees in the
urban male 95.15 80.01 176.33 informal sector. In the urban
urban female 70.00 40.84 131.79 areas, female-male wage ratio
urban person 92.00 49.87 167.97 further approached towards
rural+urban male 84.49 73.14 146.13 convergence – the ratio being 0.78
rural+urban female 58.09 39.04 103.45 for informal sector enterprises and
rural+urban person 81.03 48.21 138.37 0.74 for ‘all’ enterprises. In the
case of casual labourers , no perceptible difference was observed in the wage earnings by
the workers employed in the informal enterprises compared to ‘all’ types of enterprises – it
hovered around Rs. 67- though the casual workers employed in the employer households
earned considerably lower wages, nearly Rs. 50. In the case of casual labourers engaged in
the informal sector, the female-male wage ratio was 0.63 in the urban areas and 0.65 in
the rural areas and for ‘all’ enterprises it the corresponding figures were 0.63 and 0.64.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

3.3 Conditions in Employment

3.3.1 In this section conditions of employment of regular wage/ salaried workers and
casual labourers, hereafter referred to as employees only have been studied. Certain
information like whether there was any written job contract in the employment, whether
employees were eligible for the paid leave, whether employees were covered under social
security benefits, etc., were collected in the survey for the employees, that is, for regular
wage/salaried and casual labourers engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC
enterprises. The sample number of employees of these two categories in the AGEGC and
non-agriculture sector is presented in Statement 3.18. It is evident from the statement, that
the sample size for the AGEGC sector even at the all-India level is too small and this
poses severe limitation in drawing valid inferences on the basis of the estimates for such
category of employees even at the all India level.

Statement 3.18: Number of sample employees (i.e., regular wage/ salaried workers, casual
labourers) according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC sectors
surveyed in the employment and unemployment survey during 2004-05
category status in employment
of regular wage/ salary casual labour all workers
persons industry groups/ divisions
012, 10-99 012, 012, 10-99 012, 012, 10-99 012,
014, 014, 014, 014, 014, 014,
015, 02, 015, 015, 015, 015, 015,
05 02-99 02, 05 02-99 02, 05 02-99
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
male 296 13723 14019 537 10207 10744 833 23930 24763
female 27 2987 3014 203 1905 2108 230 4892 5122
person 323 16710 17033 740 12112 12852 1063 28822 29885
male 122 20605 20727 180 7680 7860 302 28285 28587
female 6 5652 5658 38 1861 1899 44 7513 7557
person 128 26257 26385 218 9541 9759 346 35798 36144
rural + urban
male 418 34328 34746 717 17887 18604 1135 52215 53350
female 33 8639 8672 241 3766 4007 274 12405 12679
person 451 42967 43418 958 21653 22611 1409 64620 66029

3.3.2 Employees with no Written Job Contract: In the survey, information was collected
for the employees about whether for the job they were engaged, there was any written
contract or agreement regarding duration of employment with the employer. The
proportion of different categories of workers, viz. regular wage/ salaried employees, and
casual labourers who had no written job contract with the employer is presented in
Statement 3.19. The results for each state/u.t. are presented in Statement 3.19.1. In Figure
6, the proportion (per 1000) of regular wage/ salaried employees in non-agriculture sector
who had no written job contract is presented.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.19: Proportion (per 1000) of employees who had no written job contract among
employees according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC
enterprises for different status in employment during 2004-05
category status in employment
of regular wage/ salary casual labour all workers
persons industry groups/ divisions
012, 10-99 012, 012, 10-99 012, 012, 10-99 012,
014, 014, 014, 014, 014, 014,
015, 02, 015, 015, 015, 015, 015,
05 02-99 02, 05 02-99 02, 05 02-99
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
male 722 594 598 890 957 953 845 792 794
female 653 568 568 939 963 960 921 769 780
person 717 589 592 906 958 954 865 788 792
male 765 586 587 874 968 966 823 680 681
female 417 612 612 950 967 967 908 693 694
person 756 591 592 889 968 966 834 682 683
male 731 589 591 889 960 957 842 734 737
female 636 596 597 940 964 962 920 728 736
person 725 591 592 904 961 958 861 733 737

Figure 6: Proportion (per 1000) of regular wage/ salaried employees in non-

agriculture sector who had no written job contract

proportion (per 1000) of employees who had no



written job contract





rural urban
sector x sex

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings Non-agricultural Sector: In the non-agricultural sector, about 79 per cent of

employees in rural areas and 68 per cent in urban areas had no written job contract with
their employer. As expected, among the casual labourers nearly 96 per cent in the rural
areas and 97 per cent in the urban areas had no written job contract. In contrast, a lower
proportion of the regular wage/salaried employees had no written job contract: 59 per cent
each in both rural and urban areas. Gender differentials regarding this condition of
employment was found to marginal for wage/salaried employees, - while in the rural areas
nearly 59 per cent of the male workers had written job contract, for females the
corresponding proportion was 57 per cent and in the urban areas the proportion of males
with no written job contract was 59 per cent as compared to 61 per cent for females. AGEGC Sector: The incidence of jobs without written job contract was more
prevalent in this sector - 87 per cent in the rural areas and 83 per cent in the urban areas. In
this sector too, the proportion of the regular wage/salaried employees with no written job
contract was lower (72 per cent in the rural areas and 76 per cent in the urban areas) than
the corresponding proportion for casual labourers (91 per cent in the rural areas and 89 per
cent in the urban areas). The female regular wage/ salaried workers displayed distinct
pattern with respect to this condition of employment compared to their male counterparts
in the non-agricultural sector. In the rural areas, among the regular wage/ salaried workers,
nearly 65 per cent of female workers had no written job contract compared to 72 of male
workers, while in the urban areas nearly 42 per cent female workers had no written job
contract compared to 77 per cent of male workers. Distribution of Employees without Written Job Contract: In Statement 3.20, the
distribution of usual status workers (ps+ss) having no written job contract across industry
group/ division has been given at the all-India level. It shows that among all the regular
wage/salaried employees and casual labourers who had no written job contract with their
employees, about 58 per cent and 47 per cent in the rural and urban areas, respectively
belonged to either the manufacturing sector (tabulation category D) or to the construction
sector (tabulation category F). Among other sectors having a large proportion of such
workers were wholesale and retail trades; repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and
personal and household goods (tabulation category G) in the urban areas, and in the
transport, storage and communications sector (tabulation category I) in both the rural and
urban areas. The distributions for the males and females reveal similar patterns in both the
rural and urban areas.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.20: Per 1000 distribution of employees according to usual status (ps+ss), who had
no job contract by industry group/ division during 2004-05.
industry groups/ rural urban
tabulation male female person male female person
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
012 15 13 14 3 1 3
014 17 60 25 2 4 2
015 0 0 0 0 0 0
02 8 12 9 1 0 1
05 10 1 8 4 1 3
sub-total (012,
49 86 56 9 6 8
014, 015,02,05)
C 34 46 36 7 3 6
D 220 302 235 322 227 303
E 5 0 4 5 2 5
F 366 249 345 178 111 165
G 87 16 74 162 48 140
H 19 7 16 40 15 35
I 117 13 98 109 13 90
J 5 2 4 14 12 13
K 7 4 7 31 24 29
L 21 15 20 39 24 36
M 29 106 43 24 122 43
N 7 25 10 14 48 20
O 19 14 18 24 22 24
P 16 116 34 23 322 81
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0
sub-total (C-Q) 951 914 944 991 994 992
all (012, 014, 015,
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
02, 05, C- Q)
Note 1:Description of Tabulation category C to Q: - C: Mining and Quarrying; D: Manufacturing; E:
Electricity, Gas and water supply; F: Construction; G: Wholesale and retail trades; repair of motor
vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods; H. Hotels and restaurants; I: Transport,
storage and communications; J: Financial intermediation; K: Real estate, renting and business activities;
L: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; M: Education; N: Health and social
work; O: Other community, social and personal service activities; P: Private households with employed
persons; Q: Extra – territorial organisations and bodies
Note 2: By definition industry divisions L, P and Q can not be in the informal sector

3.3.3 Nature of Employment: Information on whether the employment was permanent or

temporary was collected for all wage /salary employees and casual labourers in the survey.
Nature of employment was defined to be permanent if the person was, in normal course,
likely to continue in the same employment. The results obtained from the survey are
presented, for those engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC sectors, in Statement
3.21 for all-India separately by sex and sector. The results for each state/u.t. are given in
Statement 3.21.1. About 46 per cent of the employees in the non-agricultural and AGEGC
sectors as a whole were temporary employees. For all types of employees together, the
proportion was 50 per cent for the rural areas and 42 per cent for the urban areas. The
proportion of temporary employees was higher in the AGEGC sector (55 per cent) than
that in the non-agricultural sector (45 per cent). The gender differences are also found to
be quite significant and the proportion of temporary workers among the females far
exceeded the corresponding proportion among the males for both the rural and urban

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

areas. A comparison of the regular wage/ salaried workers with respect to this condition of
employment reveal that while nearly 32 per cent of the non-agricultural regular wage/
salaried employees had temporary nature of employment the corresponding proportion for
the casual labourers was 66 per cent. Among the regular wage / salaried workers, a larger
proportion of females was employed in jobs which were of temporary in nature compared
to the corresponding proportion of male workers. In Figure 7, the proportion (per 1000) of
temporary employees in non-agricultural sector among regular wage/ salaried employees
is presented.

Statement 3.21: Proportion (per 1000) of temporary employees among employees according to
usual status (ps+ss) engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises during 2004-05
category status in employment
of regular wage/ salaried casual labour all workers
persons industry groups/ divisions
012, 10-99 012, 012, 10-99 012, 012, 10-99 012,
014, 014, 014, 014, 014, 014,
015, 02, 015, 015, 015, 015, 015,
05 02-99 02, 05 02-99 02, 05 02-99
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
male 454 321 324 555 630 626 528 489 491
female 534 355 357 612 668 661 607 515 522
person 460 327 331 573 637 632 548 494 497
male 453 308 308 644 711 710 555 406 408
female 52 373 373 513 688 685 477 445 445
person 443 321 321 618 707 705 545 414 415
male 454 313 314 564 656 652 532 447 449
female 498 367 367 606 675 669 599 477 482
person 457 323 325 577 659 655 548 453 455

Figure 7: Proportion (per 1000) of temporary employees in AGEGC and

non-agriculture sectors among regular wage/ salaried employees according
to usual status
Proportion (per 1000) of temporary



rural urban
sector x sex

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

3.3.4 Eligibility for Paid Leave: For the purpose of survey, paid leave included the cases
of leave during sickness, maternity or such leaves as the employee was eligible to take
without loss of pay as per the conditions of employment. Statement 3.22 gives, at all-India
level, the proportion of wage /salaried employees and casual labourers in the non-
agricultural and AGEGC sectors among all usual status workers (ps+ss) not eligible for
paid leave for different status in employment. The results for states/u.ts. are presented in
Statement 3.22.1. It shows that the proportion of workers not eligible for paid leave is
much higher among the casual wage labourers (96 per cent) compared to the regular wage
/salaried employees (46 per cent). The rural-urban difference in respect of this condition
of employment was also very large – 74 per cent of the rural workers were not eligible for
paid leave, where as nearly 58 per of urban workers were not eligible for paid leave.
Moreover, the proportion of workers not eligible for paid leave is found to be higher in the
AGEGC sector (81 per cent) than that in the non-agricultural sector (66 per cent). Since
the regular wage / salaried employees are expected to enjoy paid leave, this aspect has
been studied only for them. Among the regular wage / salaried employees engaged in the
non-agricultural sector, nearly 48 per cent in the rural areas and 46 per cent in the urban
areas were not eligible for paid leave. It may be noted that for urban female regular wage/
salaried employees, the sample size was only 6 under industry groups/ divisions 012, 014,
015, 02, 05 and all reported as eligible for paid leave. The gender differential did not
appear to be significant in non-agricultural sector. In Figure 8, the proportion (per 1000)
of regular wage/ salaried employees in non-agriculture sector not eligible for paid leave is
Statement 3.22: Proportion (per 1000) of employees not eligible for paid leave among employees
according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for
different status in employment during 2004-05
Category of status in employment
persons regular wage/ salary casual labour all workers
industry groups/ divisions
012, 10-99 012, 012, 10-99 012, 012, 10-99 012,
014, 014, 014, 014, 014, 014,
015, 015, 015, 015, 015, 015,
02, 05 02-99 02, 05 02-99 02, 05 02-99
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
male 646 473 478 860 960 953 803 738 741
female 503 487 487 877 965 954 853 731 740
person 635 476 480 865 961 954 816 737 741
male 596 448 449 875 973 972 746 577 578
female - 480 480 1000 955 956 923 588 589
person 582 455 455 900 970 969 768 579 580
male 635 458 460 861 964 959 795 655 659
female 466 483 483 885 962 955 858 654 662
person 624 462 464 868 964 958 810 655 660
Note: In the AGEGC sector in the urban areas, of the 6 sample female regular wage / salaried workers all
reported as eligible for paid leave, and of the 38 sample female casual labourers none were eligible for paid

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Figure 8: Proportion (per 1000) of regular wage/ salaried employees in

AGEGC and non-agriculture sectors not eligible for paid leave

proportion (per 1000) of employees not eligible for

paid leave

500 female
rural urban
sector x sex

3.3.5 Distribution of Employees not Eligible for Paid Leave: The distribution of
wage/salaried employees and casual labourers (ps+ss) in the non-agricultural and AGEGC
sectors who were not eligible for paid leave by NIC-tabulation category is presented in
Statement 3.23 at the all-India level. It may be seen from the statement that manufacturing
(tabulation category D) sector had the highest share of the workers not eligible for paid
leave in the urban areas (32 per cent), followed by Construction (tabulation category F)
(nearly 19 per cent), while in the rural areas Construction (tabulation category F) had the
highest share (nearly 38 per cent), followed by manufacturing (nearly 23 per cent). These
two tabulation categories together accounted for a large proportion of wage employees
who were not eligible for paid leave. They accounted for about 60 and 51 per cent of such
workers in rural and urban areas, respectively. Among other tabulation categories that had
significant share of employees not eligible for paid leave were Wholesale and retail
trades; repair of motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods (15 per
cent in urban areas and 7 per cent in the rural areas), and Transport, storage and
communications (9 per cent in the urban areas and 10 per cent in the rural areas).

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.23: Per 1000 distribution of employees according to usual status workers
(ps+ss) not eligible for paid leave by industry group/ division during 2004-05
industry rural urban
groups/ male female person male female person
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
012 16 14 16 3 1 2
014 19 60 27 2 5 2
015 0 0 0 0 0 0
02 8 12 9 1 0 1
05 10 2 9 5 1 4
sub-total (012,
54 88 60 10 7 10
014, 015,02,05)
C 34 47 37 6 3 5
D 216 318 234 334 257 319
E 3 0 2 3 2 3
F 391 258 367 207 132 192
G 84 14 71 171 52 148
H 19 8 17 41 17 37
I 117 11 98 103 13 85
J 3 2 3 10 7 9
K 8 2 6 29 20 27
L 13 15 13 11 14 12
M 19 87 31 15 78 28
N 6 21 9 11 45 17
O 18 15 18 26 24 26
P 16 112 34 22 329 82
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0
sub-total (C-Q) 946 912 940 990 993 990
all (012, 014,
015, 02, 05, C- 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Note 1:Description of Tabulation category C to Q: - C: Mining and Quarrying; D: Manufacturing;
E: Electricity, Gas and water supply; F: Construction; G: Wholesale and retail trades; repair of
motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods; H. Hotels and restaurants; I:
Transport, storage and communications; J: Financial intermediation; K: Real estate, renting and
business activities; L: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; M:
Education; N: Health and social work; O: Other community, social and personal service activities;
P: Private households with employed persons; Q: Extra – territorial organisations and bodies

3.3.6 Eligibility for Social Security Benefits: Information on eligibility of the regular
wage/salaried employees and casual labourers for different social security benefits was
collected in the survey. It was ascertained from the employees whether they were covered
under any of the specified social security benefits or a combination of them. The different
social security benefits covered in the survey were Provident Fund (PF) scheme, gratuity
and, health care & maternity benefits. The term Provident Fund (PF) included General
Provident Fund, Contributory Provident Fund, Public Provident Fund, Employees
Provident Fund, etc. It may be mentioned that coverage under any of these social security
schemes would mean that the employer contributed/arranged/paid in implementing the
social security benefits for the worker. If an employee operated, in his/her individual
capacity, a PPF account and the employer was not contributing to that account, it was not
considered a social security benefit. On the contrary, a scheme, in which both the
employee and the employer contributed was considered a social security benefit.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Similarly, in case an employee was eligible for paid leave for a specified period of pre-
natal/childbirth/post-natal stages or if the expenditure for maternity care or childbirth was
born by the employer as per the conditions of employment, then such benefits were
considered to be social security benefits. Statement 3.24 presents the proportion of usual status(ps+ss) employees not
eligible for any social security benefit, mentioned above, for different categories of
employees at all-India level and the state/u.t level results are presented in Statement
3.24.1. Non-existence of social security benefit is a measure of insecurity in the job one
performs. It is seen that as high as 71 per cent of the employees in the non-agricultural and
AGEGC sectors were not covered by any social security benefit. The proportion was even
higher in the rural areas (78 per cent) than in the urban areas (64 per cent). Though, among
the casual labourers, it is expected that a very higher proportion of them would be outside
the social security net, even for the regular wage/salaried employees, the proportion of
workers left out of the coverage of the social security benefits was considerable. While,
almost none among the casual wage labourers (96 per cent) were covered under any of the
specified social benefits, the proportion for the regular wage/salaried employees not
covered by any of the social security benefits was also nearly 55 per cent. In the rural
areas in the non-agriculture sector, among the regular wage/salaried employees, while 56
per cent of male employees were not covered by any of the social security benefits, in case
of females it was nearly 61 per cent. In the urban areas, the proportions of regular
wage/salaried employees, who were not covered under any social security benefit were 60
per cent for females and 52 per cent for males. In Figure 9, the proportion (per 1000) of
regular wage/ salaried employees in non-agriculture sector not eligible for social security
benefits is presented.

Statement 3.24: Proportion (per 1000) of employees not eligible for any social security benefit*
among employees according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC
enterprises for different status in employment during 2004-05
category status in employment
of regular wage/salaried casual labour all employees
persons industry groups/ divisions
012, 10-99 012, 012, 10-99 012, 012, 10-99 012,
014, 014, 014, 014, 014, 014,
015, 015, 015, 015, 015, 015,
02, 05 02-99 02, 05 02-99 02, 05 02-99
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
male 729 555 560 886 958 954 844 775 778
female 653 608 609 928 963 959 910 789 798
person 723 565 569 899 959 955 861 777 782
male 717 519 520 820 964 961 772 628 629
female 417 596 595 1000 966 967 955 680 681
person 710 534 535 856 964 962 796 638 639
male 726 532 535 879 960 956 834 699 703
female 636 600 600 932 964 961 913 731 737
person 720 545 547 895 961 957 853 705 709
*: For the purpose of the survey, the social security benefits considered were PF/ pension, gratuity, health
care and maternity benefit.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Figure 9: Proportion (per 1000) of regular wage/ salaried employees in AGEGC and non-
agriculture sectors not eligible for social security benefits

proportion (per 1000) of employess 1000

not eligible for social security 900

rural urban
sector x sex

Statement 3.25: Per 1000 distribution of usual status workers (ps+ss) not eligible for any social
security benefit* by industry group/ division during 2004-05
industry groups/ rural urban
tabulation male female person male female person
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
012 15 13 15 3 1 3
014 17 58 25 2 4 2
015 0 0 0 0 0 0
02 8 11 9 1 0 1
05 10 1 8 4 1 3
sub-total (012,
50 83 56 9 6 8
014, 015,02,05)
C 34 45 36 6 3 5
D 212 272 223 323 221 302
E 3 0 3 3 2 3
F 375 244 351 192 115 176
G 90 16 76 180 50 153
H 18 8 16 43 16 38
I 119 12 99 105 11 86
J 4 2 4 12 10 12
K 8 3 7 32 25 30
L 15 23 17 11 14 12
M 28 133 48 21 123 42
N 6 29 11 12 43 18
O 19 14 18 27 25 26
P 16 115 35 24 335 88
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0
sub-total (C-Q) 950 917 944 991 994 992
all (012, 014, 015,
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
02, 05, C- Q) Distribution of Employees not Eligible for any Social Security Benefits: The
distribution of wage /salaried employees and casual labourers (ps+ss) in the non-
agricultural and AGEGC sectors who were not eligible for any social security benefit by

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

NIC-tabulation category is presented in Statement 3.25 at the all-India level. The

distribution shows a similar pattern as in the case of employees who were not eligible for
paid leave. Here too, the dominance of the manufacturing (tabulation category D) and
Construction (tabulation category F) is also noted with the large proportion of wage
employees not eligible for paid leave. These two tabulation categories accounted for about
57 per cent employees in the rural areas and 48 per cent employees in the urban areas.

3.3.7 Neither Written Job Contract nor Eligible for Paid Leave: Employees engaged in the
nonagricultural and AGEGC activities who had no written job contract have been
examined in respect of whether they were eligible for paid leave in Statement 3.26 at the
all-India level. The statement reveals that about 63 percent of the employees had neither
written job contract nor were
Statement 3.26: Proportion (per 1000) of employees who
had no written job contract and not eligible for paid leave eligible for the paid leave. The
among employees according to usual status (ps+ss) (proportions in the rural and
engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises urban areas were 71 per cent
during 2004 - 05 and 55 per cent, respectively.
all-India Gender differentials are found to
male female persons be minor in this respect, with
(1) (2) (3) (4) almost same proportions of
rural 715 696 712 males and females neither
urban 548 553 549 having a written job contract nor
rural + urban 631 622 630 eligible for paid leave. The
results for each state/u.t. are presented in Statement 3.26.1.

3.3.8 Method of Payment: Mode of payment in terms of regular weekly, daily, and piece
rate basis was also collected for the employees. The distribution of such employees in the
non-agricultural and AGEGC activities is presented in Statement 3.27 for all-India only.
The statement shows that among the regular wage /salaried employees, regular monthly
salary formed the basis of payment for 88 per cent of such workers in rural and urban
areas. In the urban areas, a higher proportion of regular wage/salaried employees received
regular monthly salary compared to their rural counterparts – 90 per cent (urban) and 86
per cent (rural). Though in the urban areas not significant gender differential was observed
in this respect, in the rural areas a higher proportion of males (87 per cent) received
regular monthly salary compared to the females (81 per cent). In the case of casual
labourers, only 8 per cent got regular monthly salary and for them, daily payment was the
most prevalent mode of payment - nearly 51 per cent received daily payment. The rural-
urban difference was of the order of 7 percentage points with 53 per cent of the casual
wage labourers getting daily payment in the rural areas and 46 per cent in the urban areas.
It is seen that though a lower proportion of female casual labourers received daily payment
compared to their male counterparts, a higher proportion of them had regular weekly
payment or piece rate payment. It was observed that while 38 per cent of the female casual
labourers received daily payment as against nearly 54 per cent of males, nearly 22 per cent
of the females received regular weekly payment compared to 18 per cent of males. Again
nearly 22 per cent of the females received piece rate payment against 12 per cent of the
males. The results for each state/u.t. are presented in Statement 3.27.1.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labourers
engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises by method of payment during 2004-05

category method of payment
of regular regular weekly daily piece rate others all
persons monthly payment payment payment (incl.
salary n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
regular wage/salaried employees


male 869 43 23 19 25 1000

female 805 81 9 65 20 1000
person 857 50 20 28 24 1000

male 896 40 14 28 13 1000

female 916 43 4 11 17 1000
person 900 41 12 25 14 1000

male 886 41 17 25 18 1000

female 877 56 6 30 18 1000
person 884 44 15 26 18 1000
casual labourers


male 65 158 561 129 52 1000

female 67 199 405 241 63 1000
person 65 165 533 149 54 1000

male 97 241 492 110 42 1000

female 190 260 310 167 52 1000
person 114 244 459 120 44 1000

male 75 184 539 123 49 1000

female 106 218 376 218 59 1000
person 80 190 510 140 51 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

3.4 Existence of Union/ Association

3.4.1 For the purpose of the survey, union/ association meant any registered/ recognized
body whose membership was open to a section of those engaged in a specific activity or
trade and whose main objective was to look after the interests of its members. Existence of
union/ association in enterprises in
Statement 3.28: Proportion (per 1000) of workers which the persons work is often
with non-existence of union/ association in their recognized as to give them collective
activity among usual status (ps+ss) workers of age bargaining power in respect of their
15 years and above during 2004-05 common interests. In the case of
workers these interest are conditions of
category status in employment (code*)
employment, wage rates, social
of security, job security, safety in work
11-21 31 41 & 51 11-51 place, etc. The findings included in this
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) section about he existence of union/
rural association, pertain to not only
male 763 509 790 713 employees but also self-employed
female 837 529 790 797 workers in all the industry divisions of
person 795 513 790 740 NIC-98, i.e., NIC –98 codes 01 to 99.
urban Statement 3.28 presents the proportion
male 596 524 784 591 of usual status workers (including self-
female 767 609 807 707 employed) of age 15 years and above
person 632 541 788 615
who reported non-existence of union/
male 689 519 788 655
association in the enterprises in which
female 821 581 795 768 they were engaged. It is observed that a
person 734 531 789 685 very high proportion of casual labourers
*:self-employed - 11-21, regular wage/ salaried (nearly 79 per cent) in India had no
employees - 31, casual labours - 41-51. union/ association in their enterprises. It
was followed closely by the self-
employed workers – nearly 73 per cent. The regular wage/salaried employees displayed a
distinct feature with a smaller proportion (53 per cent) of them reporting non-existence of
union/ association in their enterprises compared to other category of workers. It is
observed that a lower proportion of regular wage/salaried workers in the rural area had no
union/association in their enterprises (51 per cent) compared to those in the urban areas
(54 per cent). A notable feature is that a higher proportion of female regular wage/salaried
workers had no union/association in their enterprises compared to their male counterparts;
in the rural areas nearly 53 per cent of female workers had no union/association in their
enterprises compared to 51 per cent of males and in the urban areas nearly 61 per cent of
females had no union/association in their enterprises compared to 52 per cent of males.
The results for each state/u.t. are presented in Statement 3.28.1.

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.0.1: Number of sample workers according to usual status (ps+ss) in different industry groups/ divisions surveyed in the employment and
unemployment schedule during 2004-05 for each state/ u.t.

male female person
state/u.t. 012, 014, 015, 10-99 012, 014, 012, 014, 10-99 012, 014, 012, 014, 10-99 012, 014,
02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 369 3117 3486 371 1502 1873 740 4619 5359
Arunachal Pradesh 9 557 566 1 115 116 10 672 682
Assam 41 2083 2124 24 227 251 65 2310 2375
Bihar 128 2161 2289 97 281 378 225 2442 2667
Chhattisgarh 47 1084 1131 31 342 373 78 1426 1504
Delhi 2 75 77 2 3 5 4 78 82
Goa 19 96 115 1 41 42 20 137 157
Gujarat 157 1578 1735 613 306 919 770 1884 2654
Haryana 122 1130 1252 971 127 1098 1093 1257 2350
Himachal Pradesh 57 1370 1427 364 195 559 421 1565 1986
Jammu & Kashmir 60 1542 1602 286 185 471 346 1727 2073
Jharkhand 75 1496 1571 45 317 362 120 1813 1933
Karnataka 138 1671 1809 166 699 865 304 2370 2674
Kerala 219 2265 2484 360 858 1218 579 3123 3702
Madhya Pradesh 113 2030 2143 44 562 606 157 2592 2749
Maharashtra 224 2976 3200 183 730 913 407 3706 4113
Manipur 75 1102 1177 47 529 576 122 1631 1753
Meghalaya 43 558 601 9 304 313 52 862 914
Mizoram 11 387 398 4 127 131 15 514 529
Nagaland 50 576 626 16 129 145 66 705 771
Orissa 169 2341 2510 159 764 923 328 3105 3433
Punjab 232 1592 1824 1780 214 1994 2012 1806 3818
Rajasthan 251 2126 2377 908 389 1297 1159 2515 3674
Sikkim 38 560 598 23 188 211 61 748 809
Tamil Nadu 197 2429 2626 425 1071 1496 622 3500 4122
Tripura 33 1177 1210 10 141 151 43 1318 1361
Uttaranchal 45 836 881 399 70 469 444 906 1350
Uttar Pradesh 314 4555 4869 1409 777 2186 1723 5332 7055
West Bengal 176 3234 3410 224 897 1121 400 4131 4531
A & N Islands 34 223 257 11 59 70 45 282 327
Chandigarh 30 86 116 11 6 17 41 92 133
Dadra & Nagar 0 120 120 1 42 43 1 162 163
Daman & Diu 16 79 95 1 10 11 17 89 106
Lakshadweep 18 59 77 0 4 4 18 63 81
Pondicherry 8 101 109 16 37 53 24 138 162
all -India 3520 47372 50892 9012 12248 21260 12532 59620 72152

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.0.1: Number of sample workers according to usual status (ps+ss) in different industry groups/ divisions for each state/ u.t.

male female person
state/u.t. 012, 014, 015, 10-99 012, 014, 012, 014, 10-99 012, 014, 012, 014, 10-99 012, 014,
02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 46 3058 3104 55 1083 1138 101 4141 4242
Arunachal Pradesh 2 524 526 1 92 93 3 616 619
Assam 5 973 978 4 165 169 9 1138 1147
Bihar 33 1448 1481 15 164 179 48 1612 1660
Chhattisgarh 16 914 930 8 245 253 24 1159 1183
Delhi 2 1331 1333 0 171 171 2 1502 1504
Goa 5 265 270 0 92 92 5 357 362
Gujarat 48 2537 2585 39 536 575 87 3073 3160
Haryana 36 1268 1304 65 240 305 101 1508 1609
Himachal Pradesh 3 417 420 20 89 109 23 506 529
Jammu & Kashmir 16 1058 1074 21 127 148 37 1185 1222
Jharkhand 9 1211 1220 4 230 234 13 1441 1454
Karnataka 25 2552 2577 23 799 822 48 3351 3399
Kerala 101 1899 2000 74 693 767 175 2592 2767
Madhya Pradesh 41 2494 2535 13 628 641 54 3122 3176
Maharashtra 76 6008 6084 28 1755 1783 104 7763 7867
Manipur 53 771 824 16 446 462 69 1217 1286
Meghalaya 0 420 420 0 209 209 0 629 629
Mizoram 10 915 925 5 417 422 15 1332 1347
Nagaland 7 343 350 8 126 134 15 469 484
Orissa 32 1265 1297 20 273 293 52 1538 1590
Punjab 39 2373 2412 89 443 532 128 2816 2944
Rajasthan 33 1999 2032 75 421 496 108 2420 2528
Sikkim 0 217 217 0 56 56 0 273 273
Tamil Nadu 67 4130 4197 60 1650 1710 127 5780 5907
Tripura 8 529 537 1 110 111 9 639 648
Uttaranchal 14 842 856 29 121 150 43 963 1006
Uttar Pradesh 56 4329 4385 99 822 921 155 5151 5306
West Bengal 32 3569 3601 13 902 915 45 4471 4516
A & N Islands 17 424 441 0 110 110 17 534 551
Chandigarh 0 331 331 0 76 76 0 407 407
Dadra & Nagar 1 105 106 1 29 30 2 134 136
Daman & Diu 12 78 90 0 30 30 12 108 120
Lakshadweep 18 99 117 1 33 34 19 132 151
Pondicherry 37 501 538 7 187 194 44 688 732
all -India 900 51197 52097 794 13570 14364 1694 64767 66461

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.4.1: Per 1000 distribution of usual status (ps+ss) workers engaged in industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05, 10-99 by non-
agricultural and AGEGCfor each state/u.t
male female person
state/u.t. 012, 014, 015, 10-99 012, 014, 012, 014, 10-99 012, 014, 012, 014, 10-99 012, 014,
02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 160 840 1000 249 751 1000 192 808 1000
Arunachal Pradesh 16 984 1000 20 980 1000 16 984 1000
Assam 27 973 1000 99 901 1000 36 964 1000
Bihar 104 896 1000 368 632 1000 150 850 1000
Chhattisgarh 67 933 1000 172 828 1000 92 908 1000
Delhi 32 968 1000 446 554 1000 60 940 1000
Goa 94 906 1000 12 988 1000 72 928 1000
Gujarat 125 875 1000 716 284 1000 376 624 1000
Haryana 76 924 1000 876 124 1000 425 575 1000
Himachal Pradesh 37 963 1000 592 408 1000 193 807 1000
Jammu & Kashmir 32 968 1000 645 355 1000 190 810 1000
Jharkhand 45 955 1000 152 848 1000 65 935 1000
Karnataka 142 858 1000 305 695 1000 202 798 1000
Kerala 81 919 1000 277 723 1000 146 854 1000
Madhya Pradesh 88 912 1000 105 895 1000 92 908 1000
Maharashtra 115 885 1000 278 722 1000 154 846 1000
Manipur 100 900 1000 60 940 1000 85 915 1000
Meghalaya 87 913 1000 64 936 1000 78 922 1000
Mizoram 49 951 1000 80 920 1000 58 942 1000
Nagaland 104 896 1000 153 847 1000 115 885 1000
Orissa 89 911 1000 181 819 1000 118 882 1000
Punjab 102 898 1000 891 109 1000 498 502 1000
Rajasthan 107 893 1000 675 325 1000 311 689 1000
Sikkim 35 965 1000 76 924 1000 45 955 1000
Tamil Nadu 94 906 1000 300 700 1000 175 825 1000
Tripura 28 972 1000 46 954 1000 30 970 1000
Uttaranchal 55 945 1000 851 149 1000 351 649 1000
Uttar Pradesh 69 931 1000 649 351 1000 259 741 1000
West Bengal 66 934 1000 218 782 1000 110 890 1000
A & N Islands 124 876 1000 101 899 1000 119 881 1000
Chandigarh 51 949 1000 279 721 1000 64 936 1000
Dadra & Nagar - 1000 1000 7 993 1000 2 998 1000
Daman & Diu 187 813 1000 43 957 1000 176 824 1000
Lakshadweep 222 778 1000 - 1000 1000 213 787 1000
Pondicherry 132 868 1000 318 682 1000 198 802 1000
all -India 92 908 1000 462 538 1000 213 787 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.4.1: Per 1000 distribution of usual status (ps+ss) workers engaged in industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05, 10-99 by non-
agricultural and AGEGCfor each state/u.t
male female person
state/u.t. 012, 014, 015, 10-99 012, 014, 012, 014, 10-99 012, 014, 012, 014, 10-99 012, 014,
02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 16 984 1000 57 943 1000 27 973 1000
Arunachal Pradesh 4 996 1000 35 965 1000 9 991 1000
Assam 2 998 1000 7 993 1000 3 997 1000
Bihar 17 983 1000 99 901 1000 24 976 1000
Chhattisgarh 13 987 1000 32 968 1000 16 984 1000
Delhi 2 998 1000 - 1000 1000 1 999 1000
Goa 20 980 1000 - 1000 1000 15 985 1000
Gujarat 12 988 1000 67 933 1000 22 978 1000
Haryana 34 966 1000 263 737 1000 74 926 1000
Himachal Pradesh 3 997 1000 102 898 1000 22 978 1000
Jammu & Kashmir 14 986 1000 83 917 1000 22 978 1000
Jharkhand 10 990 1000 48 952 1000 16 984 1000
Karnataka 7 993 1000 18 982 1000 10 990 1000
Kerala 56 944 1000 86 914 1000 64 936 1000
Madhya Pradesh 14 986 1000 26 974 1000 16 984 1000
Maharashtra 10 990 1000 15 985 1000 11 989 1000
Manipur 62 938 1000 13 987 1000 45 955 1000
Meghalaya - 1000 1000 - 1000 1000 - 1000 1000
Mizoram 7 993 1000 7 993 1000 7 993 1000
Nagaland 15 985 1000 54 946 1000 26 974 1000
Orissa 34 966 1000 82 918 1000 43 957 1000
Punjab 15 985 1000 137 863 1000 37 963 1000
Rajasthan 12 988 1000 154 846 1000 44 956 1000
Sikkim - 1000 1000 - 1000 1000 - 1000 1000
Tamil Nadu 12 988 1000 40 960 1000 20 980 1000
Tripura 13 987 1000 6 994 1000 12 988 1000
Uttaranchal 14 986 1000 124 876 1000 31 969 1000
Uttar Pradesh 12 988 1000 154 846 1000 35 965 1000
West Bengal 6 994 1000 15 985 1000 7 993 1000
A & N Islands 32 968 1000 - 1000 1000 26 974 1000
Chandigarh - 1000 1000 - 1000 1000 - 1000 1000
Dadra & Nagar 2 998 1000 8 992 1000 3 997 1000
Daman & Diu 252 748 1000 - 1000 1000 176 824 1000
Lakshadweep 154 846 1000 6 994 1000 121 879 1000
Pondicherry 49 951 1000 60 940 1000 51 949 1000
all -India 13 987 1000 60 940 1000 23 977 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.4.1: Per 1000 distribution of usual status (ps+ss) workers engaged in industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05, 10-99 by non-
agricultural and AGEGC for each state/u.t
male female person
state/u.t. 012, 014, 015, 10-99 012, 014, 012, 014, 10-99 012, 014, 012, 014, 10-99 012, 014,
02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05 015, 02, 05
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 98 902 1000 186 814 1000 126 874 1000
Arunachal Pradesh 12 988 1000 25 975 1000 14 986 1000
Assam 21 979 1000 72 928 1000 28 972 1000
Bihar 84 916 1000 337 663 1000 123 877 1000
Chhattisgarh 43 957 1000 119 881 1000 59 941 1000
Delhi 4 996 1000 20 980 1000 6 994 1000
Goa 58 942 1000 6 994 1000 45 955 1000
Gujarat 60 940 1000 530 470 1000 202 798 1000
Haryana 59 941 1000 781 219 1000 316 684 1000
Himachal Pradesh 30 970 1000 528 472 1000 162 838 1000
Jammu & Kashmir 25 975 1000 532 468 1000 132 868 1000
Jharkhand 34 966 1000 125 875 1000 51 949 1000
Karnataka 60 940 1000 186 814 1000 95 905 1000
Kerala 74 926 1000 232 768 1000 123 877 1000
Madhya Pradesh 48 952 1000 71 929 1000 53 947 1000
Maharashtra 45 955 1000 109 891 1000 59 941 1000
Manipur 86 914 1000 44 956 1000 70 930 1000
Meghalaya 58 942 1000 38 962 1000 50 950 1000
Mizoram 20 980 1000 27 973 1000 22 978 1000
Nagaland 57 943 1000 94 906 1000 66 934 1000
Orissa 74 926 1000 167 833 1000 101 899 1000
Punjab 60 940 1000 766 234 1000 330 670 1000
Rajasthan 69 931 1000 545 455 1000 217 783 1000
Sikkim 28 972 1000 62 938 1000 36 964 1000
Tamil Nadu 47 953 1000 186 814 1000 93 907 1000
Tripura 25 975 1000 35 965 1000 27 973 1000
Uttaranchal 36 964 1000 703 297 1000 228 772 1000
Uttar Pradesh 46 954 1000 544 456 1000 179 821 1000
West Bengal 37 963 1000 148 852 1000 65 935 1000
A & N Islands 83 917 1000 60 940 1000 79 921 1000
Chandigarh 7 993 1000 11 989 1000 8 992 1000
Dadra & Nagar - 1000 1000 7 993 1000 2 998 1000
Daman & Diu 211 789 1000 10 990 1000 176 824 1000
Lakshadweep 196 804 1000 5 995 1000 173 827 1000
Pondicherry 70 930 1000 162 838 1000 94 906 1000
all -India 54 946 1000 332 668 1000 130 870 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.8.1: Proportion (per 1000) of workers engaged in proprietary/ partnership (P & P) enterprises and ‘employer households’ among workers
according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for each state/u.t
male female person
state/u.t. P&P employers P & P and P&P employers P & P and P&P employers P & P and
households employers households employers households employers
households households households
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 847 1 849 859 17 876 852 7 859
Arunachal Pradesh 121 6 128 43 0 43 108 5 113
Assam 632 119 751 512 214 726 617 130 748
Bihar 827 7 834 841 20 861 830 9 839
Chhattisgarh 740 2 742 796 17 813 753 6 759
Delhi 753 35 788 894 0 894 763 32 795
Goa 712 5 717 646 67 713 695 21 716
Gujarat 798 1 799 916 23 939 848 10 859
Haryana 726 1 727 948 12 960 823 5 828
Himachal Pradesh 528 5 533 730 10 740 585 7 591
Jammu & Kashmir 626 1 626 877 7 884 691 2 693
Jharkhand 711 2 713 766 34 800 722 8 730
Karnataka 830 1 831 852 6 858 838 3 841
Kerala 824 2 825 739 67 806 796 23 819
Madhya Pradesh 686 4 690 661 13 674 679 6 686
Maharashtra 713 3 715 742 35 777 720 11 730
Manipur 491 6 497 738 1 739 585 4 589
Meghalaya 597 0 597 699 45 744 634 17 651
Mizoram 376 0 376 635 0 635 450 0 450
Nagaland 385 7 392 629 5 634 440 6 446
Orissa 769 2 771 852 8 861 795 4 800
Punjab 789 3 792 951 18 969 870 10 881
Rajasthan 859 0 859 912 5 917 878 2 880
Sikkim 506 20 527 530 48 578 512 27 539
Tamil Nadu 865 2 867 878 22 899 870 10 879
Tripura 477 46 523 381 142 523 466 58 523
Uttaranchal 714 3 718 938 8 946 797 5 803
Uttar Pradesh 834 1 835 929 4 933 865 2 867
West Bengal 840 8 848 863 46 910 847 19 866
A & N Islands 607 4 610 474 155 629 578 37 615
Chandigarh 859 1 859 922 0 922 862 1 863
Dadra & Nagar 403 0 403 589 19 608 446 4 451
Daman & Diu 663 2 665 136 0 136 623 2 625
Lakshadweep 615 0 615 914 0 914 626 0 626
Pondicherry 782 0 782 952 6 959 842 2 845
all -India 792 6 799 864 21 886 816 11 827

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.8.1: Proportion (per 1000) of workers engaged in proprietary/ partnership (P & P) enterprises and ‘employer households’ among workers
according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for each state/u.t
male female person
state/u.t. P&P employers P & P and P&P employers P & P and P&P employers P & P and
households employers households employers households employers
households households households
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 780 6 785 722 132 853 764 40 804
Arunachal Pradesh 185 2 187 181 1 181 184 2 186
Assam 591 39 629 409 152 561 563 56 619
Bihar 777 12 789 711 168 880 772 25 797
Chhattisgarh 666 3 670 548 219 767 643 45 688
Delhi 688 13 701 297 233 530 641 39 681
Goa 625 17 642 441 181 622 579 58 637
Gujarat 741 4 745 664 126 790 728 25 753
Haryana 694 9 703 778 26 804 709 12 721
Himachal Pradesh 421 0 421 523 48 571 441 9 451
Jammu & Kashmir 661 4 665 665 42 707 661 8 670
Jharkhand 597 2 599 446 104 551 573 18 591
Karnataka 757 6 762 642 142 784 733 34 767
Kerala 828 3 831 600 120 720 767 34 801
Madhya Pradesh 673 7 680 548 99 647 650 24 674
Maharashtra 723 13 736 586 148 734 693 42 736
Manipur 461 0 461 632 0 632 520 0 520
Meghalaya 384 14 397 133 187 320 274 89 363
Mizoram 320 3 323 569 9 578 402 5 407
Nagaland 519 0 519 560 17 577 530 5 535
Orissa 671 4 675 491 167 658 638 34 672
Punjab 791 6 797 642 78 719 765 18 783
Rajasthan 800 4 805 825 40 864 806 12 818
Sikkim 597 6 603 442 105 548 564 27 591
Tamil Nadu 767 9 776 728 80 808 757 28 785
Tripura 517 36 553 293 196 489 478 64 542
Uttaranchal 612 11 623 579 86 665 607 22 629
Uttar Pradesh 788 5 794 815 25 839 792 8 801
West Bengal 731 20 751 615 224 839 709 59 768
A & N Islands 447 4 451 372 133 505 433 29 461
Chandigarh 511 22 534 312 153 465 474 47 521
Dadra & Nagar 487 27 513 610 248 857 508 65 573
Daman & Diu 469 21 490 671 29 699 530 23 553
Lakshadweep 351 0 351 416 0 416 365 0 365
Pondicherry 741 2 742 654 190 844 722 43 765
all -India 739 9 748 654 119 773 722 31 753

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.8.1: Proportion (per 1000) of workers engaged in proprietary/ partnership (P & P) enterprises and ‘employer households’ among workers
according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for each state/u.t
rural + urban
male female person
state/u.t. P&P employers P & P and P&P employers P & P and P&P employers P & P and
households employers households employers households employers
households households households
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 818 3 821 814 55 868 817 20 837
Arunachal Pradesh 142 5 147 85 0 85 132 4 136
Assam 622 100 722 482 196 678 604 112 716
Bihar 816 8 824 826 37 863 817 12 830
Chhattisgarh 707 3 709 702 94 795 706 23 728
Delhi 693 15 708 324 223 546 650 39 689
Goa 670 11 681 550 120 671 639 39 678
Gujarat 765 2 768 844 53 897 789 18 807
Haryana 714 4 717 921 14 935 788 7 795
Himachal Pradesh 507 4 511 703 15 718 559 7 566
Jammu & Kashmir 639 2 641 835 14 849 681 4 685
Jharkhand 677 2 679 682 53 735 678 11 689
Karnataka 786 4 789 764 63 827 780 20 800
Kerala 825 2 827 706 80 786 788 26 814
Madhya Pradesh 679 6 684 613 49 662 664 15 679
Maharashtra 719 10 729 642 107 749 702 32 734
Manipur 480 4 484 702 1 702 562 3 565
Meghalaya 525 5 529 470 102 572 503 43 546
Mizoram 337 2 339 587 7 593 416 3 420
Nagaland 455 3 459 588 12 600 489 5 494
Orissa 743 3 746 799 31 831 759 11 770
Punjab 790 4 794 900 28 927 832 13 845
Rajasthan 836 2 837 890 14 904 853 6 858
Sikkim 526 17 543 514 58 573 523 27 550
Tamil Nadu 809 6 815 812 47 859 810 20 830
Tripura 484 45 529 358 156 514 468 59 527
Uttaranchal 668 7 674 865 24 889 725 12 736
Uttar Pradesh 815 3 818 905 8 913 839 4 843
West Bengal 788 14 802 777 108 885 785 37 822
A & N Islands 536 4 540 433 146 580 515 33 548
Chandigarh 560 19 580 336 147 482 521 41 563
Dadra & Nagar 417 5 422 592 47 639 456 14 470
Daman & Diu 592 9 601 540 22 561 582 11 594
Lakshadweep 514 0 514 509 0 509 513 0 513
Pondicherry 751 1 752 772 117 889 757 31 788
all -India 767 8 774 797 53 849 775 20 795

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.10.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (P & P) workers among total
workers according to usual status (ps+ss) in non-agricultural sector and AGEGC sector for
each detailed usual employment status for each state/u.t.

rural male
status in employment (code*)
state/u.t. 11 12 21 11-21 31 51 11-51
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Andhra Pradesh 963 1000 983 967 543 857 847
Arunachal Pradesh 294 43 448 275 54 396 121
Assam 918 1000 963 924 183 319 632
Bihar 899 1000 917 902 384 784 827
Chhattisgarh 917 1000 930 920 424 810 740

Delhi 1000 1000 1000 1000 578 1000 753

Goa 1000 0 1000 1000 436 966 712
Gujarat 994 1000 1000 996 445 870 798
Haryana 947 0 972 952 455 708 726
Himachal Pradesh 906 1000 1000 919 218 511 528

Jammu & Kashmir 972 413 927 961 258 659 626
Jharkhand 907 0 998 920 316 651 711
Karnataka 976 1000 973 976 454 896 830
Kerala 974 985 979 975 490 858 824
Madhya Pradesh 917 868 904 914 231 726 686

Maharashtra 945 989 967 950 381 831 713

Manipur 781 862 741 780 101 620 491
Meghalaya 881 1000 704 837 137 719 597
Mizoram 878 1000 1000 905 32 735 376
Nagaland 766 1000 769 766 32 462 385

Orissa 939 1000 933 938 358 719 769

Punjab 944 1000 952 947 537 856 789
Rajasthan 984 1000 998 986 560 856 859
Sikkim 975 0 1000 979 289 734 506
Tamil Nadu 1000 1000 1000 1000 612 925 865

Tripura 771 1000 746 769 176 367 477

Uttaranchal 929 0 951 929 259 857 714
Uttar Pradesh 935 917 963 941 506 847 834
West Bengal 943 1000 944 943 440 851 840
A & N Islands 1000 1000 1000 1000 8 837 607

Chandigarh 1000 0 1000 1000 619 987 859

Dadra & Nagar 1000 - 1000 1000 153 796 403
Daman & Diu 1000 0 945 994 320 614 663
Lakshadweep 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 807 615
Pondicherry 1000 1000 1000 1000 561 892 782

all -India 945 986 960 948 445 808 792

*: self-employed in household enterprises as own-account worker-11, self-employed in household
enterprises as an employer-12, self-employed in household enterprises as helper-21,regular
wage/salaried employee –31, casual wage labour in public works-41, casual wage labour in other
types of works-51

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.10.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (P & P) workers among total
workers according to usual status (ps+ss) in non-agricultural sector and AGEGC sector for
each detailed usual employment status for each state/u.t.

rural female
status in employment
state/u.t. 11 12 21 11-21 31 51 11-51
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Andhra Pradesh 921 1000 965 944 398 866 859

Arunachal Pradesh 69 0 678 224 0 0 43
Assam 979 0 928 950 125 165 512
Bihar 965 1000 861 895 161 850 841
Chhattisgarh 941 0 978 963 236 858 796

Delhi 0 0 1000 1000 142 0 894

Goa 1000 0 1000 1000 499 696 646
Gujarat 1000 1000 1000 1000 111 867 916
Haryana 970 0 992 981 230 631 948
Himachal Pradesh 954 1000 964 959 115 384 730

Jammu & Kashmir 953 0 979 971 232 414 877

Jharkhand 932 0 961 949 206 651 766
Karnataka 999 1000 981 993 273 629 852
Kerala 953 1000 984 960 335 718 739
Madhya Pradesh 952 0 877 902 82 697 661

Maharashtra 980 1000 959 968 246 644 742

Manipur 831 1000 794 824 169 758 738
Meghalaya 877 1000 822 852 41 660 699
Mizoram 828 0 929 895 0 830 635
Nagaland 957 0 880 909 25 412 629

Orissa 924 0 978 960 95 700 852

Punjab 994 1000 995 995 276 652 951
Rajasthan 1000 1000 987 993 171 834 912
Sikkim 986 0 972 979 139 873 530
Tamil Nadu 1000 1000 998 999 401 890 878

Tripura 862 0 709 842 120 127 381

Uttaranchal 987 0 1000 993 343 655 938
Uttar Pradesh 943 0 974 965 237 826 929
West Bengal 978 0 975 977 96 765 863
A & N Islands 1000 0 1000 1000 0 156 474

Chandigarh 1000 0 1000 1000 91 0 922

Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 1000 1000 0 773 589
Daman & Diu 1000 0 0 1000 0 48 136
Lakshadweep 1000 - 0 1000 0 0 914
Pondicherry 1000 1000 1000 1000 838 1000 952

all -India 969 975 974 972 263 760 864

*: self-employed in household enterprises as own-account worker-11, self-employed in household
enterprises as an employer-12, self-employed in household enterprises as helper-21,regular
wage/salaried employee –31, casual wage labour in public works-41, casual wage labour in other
types of works-51

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.10.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (P & P) workers among total
workers according to usual status (ps+ss) in non-agricultural sector and AGEGC sector for
each detailed usual employment status for each state/u.t.

rural person
status in employment
state/u.t. 11 12 21 11-21 31 51 11-51
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Andhra Pradesh 950 1000 970 957 505 859 852

Arunachal Pradesh 273 32 549 268 47 315 108
Assam 922 1000 951 927 175 295 617
Bihar 904 1000 891 901 358 794 830
Chhattisgarh 921 1000 955 932 393 821 753

Delhi 1000 1000 1000 1000 572 1000 763

Goa 1000 0 1000 1000 455 903 695
Gujarat 996 1000 1000 998 394 870 848
Haryana 959 0 988 970 442 700 823
Himachal Pradesh 923 1000 971 938 196 505 585

Jammu & Kashmir 970 197 966 965 256 631 691
Jharkhand 910 0 976 927 300 651 722
Karnataka 986 1000 978 984 408 848 838
Kerala 965 986 982 969 429 831 796
Madhya Pradesh 922 868 889 911 196 718 679

Maharashtra 952 989 962 955 361 801 720

Manipur 805 889 783 803 113 639 585
Meghalaya 879 1000 779 845 113 709 634
Mizoram 866 1000 951 901 27 768 450
Nagaland 796 1000 839 808 31 456 440

Orissa 936 1000 964 947 320 714 795

Punjab 975 1000 989 981 503 839 870
Rajasthan 989 1000 990 990 515 852 878
Sikkim 978 0 983 979 257 763 512
Tamil Nadu 1000 1000 998 999 552 917 870

Tripura 782 1000 741 778 169 339 466

Uttaranchal 954 0 988 962 269 840 797
Uttar Pradesh 937 917 971 952 480 845 865
West Bengal 954 1000 960 955 369 837 847
A & N Islands 1000 1000 1000 1000 6 730 578

Chandigarh 1000 0 1000 1000 612 987 862

Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 1000 1000 133 788 446
Daman & Diu 1000 0 945 995 318 478 623
Lakshadweep 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 807 626
Pondicherry 1000 1000 1000 1000 638 900 842

all -India 952 985 969 958 411 800 816

*: self-employed in household enterprises as own-account worker-11, self-employed in household
enterprises as an employer-12, self-employed in household enterprises as helper-21,regular
wage/salaried employee –31, casual wage labour in public works-41, casual wage labour in other
types of works-51

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.10.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (P & P) workers among total
workers according to usual status (ps+ss) in non-agricultural sector and AGEGC sector for
each detailed usual employment status for each state/u.t.

urban male
status in employment
state/u.t. 11 12 21 11-21 31 51 11-51
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Andhra Pradesh 983 983 969 981 516 913 780

Arunachal Pradesh 461 1000 259 450 13 209 185
Assam 947 426 984 949 221 700 591
Bihar 927 1000 919 926 407 875 777
Chhattisgarh 955 1000 948 954 415 803 666

Delhi 979 978 996 981 511 729 688

Goa 1000 1000 1000 1000 311 831 625
Gujarat 997 980 995 996 490 959 741
Haryana 977 1000 997 981 420 657 694
Himachal Pradesh 955 1000 975 960 158 230 421

Jammu & Kashmir 942 1000 1000 958 257 723 661
Jharkhand 869 1000 983 880 277 683 597
Karnataka 980 1000 991 984 487 867 757
Kerala 989 988 914 983 508 919 828
Madhya Pradesh 957 1000 979 963 283 751 673

Maharashtra 985 978 985 984 483 872 723

Manipur 794 970 831 797 103 782 461
Meghalaya 892 1000 984 915 135 640 384
Mizoram 872 1000 722 848 60 591 320
Nagaland 843 0 762 827 103 704 519

Orissa 924 1000 1000 937 301 806 671

Punjab 982 973 994 984 577 850 791
Rajasthan 978 1000 1000 982 561 870 800
Sikkim 978 0 1000 984 301 866 597
Tamil Nadu 997 989 984 995 541 895 767

Tripura 885 1000 965 891 167 394 517

Uttaranchal 917 791 819 894 234 932 612
Uttar Pradesh 961 1000 969 964 486 816 788
West Bengal 957 1000 957 958 411 856 731
A & N Islands 987 1000 1000 992 123 676 447

Chandigarh 966 0 992 968 279 525 511

Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 1000 1000 228 604 487
Daman & Diu 1000 1000 1000 1000 185 145 469
Lakshadweep 959 1000 1000 966 0 946 351
Pondicherry 1000 1000 1000 1000 384 918 741

all -India 970 984 977 972 466 853 739

*: self-employed in household enterprises as own-account worker-11, self-employed in household
enterprises as an employer-12, self-employed in household enterprises as helper-21,regular
wage/salaried employee –31, casual wage labour in public works-41, casual wage labour in other
types of works-51

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.10.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (P & P) workers among total
workers according to usual status (ps+ss) in non-agricultural sector and AGEGC sector for
each detailed usual employment status for each state/u.t.

urban female
status in employment
state/u.t. 11 12 21 11-21 31 51 11-51
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Andhra Pradesh 947 1000 990 973 315 774 722

Arunachal Pradesh 480 0 1000 534 101 0 181
Assam 936 0 959 944 204 431 409
Bihar 981 0 902 945 388 339 711
Chhattisgarh 1000 0 989 994 161 688 548

Delhi 1000 1000 1000 1000 97 606 297

Goa 1000 0 1000 1000 291 277 441
Gujarat 1000 0 1000 1000 244 652 664
Haryana 984 0 998 989 397 787 778
Himachal Pradesh 1000 1000 1000 1000 121 693 523

Jammu & Kashmir 1000 0 1000 1000 162 646 665

Jharkhand 949 0 997 979 151 404 446
Karnataka 979 1000 1000 990 327 543 642
Kerala 978 1000 992 983 248 659 600
Madhya Pradesh 820 1000 949 883 141 726 548

Maharashtra 952 965 956 953 271 766 586

Manipur 841 1000 947 862 88 880 632
Meghalaya 975 1000 980 976 11 89 133
Mizoram 902 1000 853 879 101 499 569
Nagaland 813 0 766 784 82 330 560

Orissa 991 1000 858 908 157 537 491

Punjab 963 1000 1000 974 402 109 642
Rajasthan 1000 0 995 998 361 705 825
Sikkim 1000 0 1000 1000 104 0 442
Tamil Nadu 1000 1000 1000 1000 399 918 728

Tripura 737 0 1000 813 122 361 293

Uttaranchal 982 0 871 958 373 438 579
Uttar Pradesh 893 0 940 923 406 841 815
West Bengal 974 1000 960 971 128 558 615
A & N Islands 1000 1000 1000 1000 73 351 372

Chandigarh 766 0 1000 839 256 0 312

Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 1000 1000 346 69 610
Daman & Diu 1000 0 1000 1000 18 51 671
Lakshadweep 875 0 1000 907 0 448 416
Pondicherry 989 0 1000 992 375 523 654

all -India 961 985 973 966 278 693 654

*: self-employed in household enterprises as own-account worker-11, self-employed in household
enterprises as an employer-12, self-employed in household enterprises as helper-21,regular
wage/salaried employee –31, casual wage labour in public works-41, casual wage labour in other
types of works-51

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.10.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (P & P) workers among total
workers according to usual status (ps+ss) in non-agricultural sector and AGEGC sector for
each detailed usual employment status for each state/u.t.

urban person
status in employment
state/u.t. 11 12 21 11-21 31 51 11-51
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Andhra Pradesh 976 983 983 978 468 884 764

Arunachal Pradesh 463 1000 371 458 28 199 184
Assam 946 426 977 948 217 637 563
Bihar 930 1000 916 927 406 824 772
Chhattisgarh 960 1000 961 961 369 765 643

Delhi 980 978 997 982 451 712 641

Goa 1000 1000 1000 1000 305 733 579
Gujarat 998 980 997 997 458 852 728
Haryana 978 1000 997 983 417 678 709
Himachal Pradesh 962 1000 982 967 150 312 441

Jammu & Kashmir 945 1000 1000 963 245 718 661
Jharkhand 873 1000 989 891 256 607 573
Karnataka 979 1000 995 985 452 815 733
Kerala 986 989 958 983 413 877 767
Madhya Pradesh 940 1000 970 949 254 747 650

Maharashtra 978 978 975 977 436 850 693

Manipur 812 981 921 824 99 818 520
Meghalaya 918 1000 984 932 73 516 274
Mizoram 884 1000 821 864 70 577 402
Nagaland 837 0 764 813 99 538 530

Orissa 929 1000 941 933 271 746 638

Punjab 979 974 995 982 542 782 765
Rajasthan 983 1000 998 987 532 847 806
Sikkim 981 0 1000 987 256 773 564
Tamil Nadu 998 990 993 996 503 900 757

Tripura 875 1000 976 884 156 389 478

Uttaranchal 924 791 825 901 262 854 607
Uttar Pradesh 954 1000 957 956 478 818 792
West Bengal 960 1000 958 961 357 821 709
A & N Islands 988 1000 1000 994 114 613 433

Chandigarh 956 0 994 960 274 525 474

Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 1000 1000 236 365 508
Daman & Diu 1000 1000 1000 1000 164 117 530
Lakshadweep 927 1000 1000 942 0 913 365
Pondicherry 997 1000 1000 998 382 871 722

all -India 968 984 975 971 429 824 722

*: self-employed in household enterprises as own-account worker-11, self-employed in household
enterprises as an employer-12, self-employed in household enterprises as helper-21,regular
wage/salaried employee –31, casual wage labour in public works-41, casual wage labour in other
types of works-51

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.10.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (P & P) workers among total
workers according to usual status (ps+ss) in non-agricultural sector and AGEGC sector for
each detailed usual employment status for each state/u.t.

rural+urban male
status in employment
state/u.t. 11 12 21 11-21 31 51 11-51
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Andhra Pradesh 970 990 979 972 527 877 818

Arunachal Pradesh 373 62 362 352 41 375 142
Assam 924 723 966 929 199 368 622
Bihar 905 1000 917 907 394 802 816
Chhattisgarh 934 1000 938 935 418 808 707

Delhi 981 979 996 982 516 749 693

Goa 1000 1000 1000 1000 377 884 670
Gujarat 996 984 997 996 477 896 765
Haryana 959 1000 983 964 438 699 714
Himachal Pradesh 915 1000 992 927 204 461 507

Jammu & Kashmir 960 595 963 960 258 675 639
Jharkhand 895 1000 994 907 293 656 677
Karnataka 978 1000 984 980 478 881 786
Kerala 978 986 957 978 497 873 825
Madhya Pradesh 938 984 946 940 264 736 679

Maharashtra 969 980 978 971 457 855 719

Manipur 786 905 768 786 102 642 480
Meghalaya 884 1000 762 855 136 705 525
Mizoram 874 1000 832 868 52 634 337
Nagaland 808 1000 765 800 66 630 455

Orissa 936 1000 945 938 334 736 743

Punjab 964 980 977 967 560 855 790
Rajasthan 981 1000 999 985 560 859 836
Sikkim 976 0 1000 980 292 742 526
Tamil Nadu 999 992 991 997 563 914 809

Tripura 797 1000 777 796 173 368 484

Uttaranchal 923 648 878 913 245 872 668
Uttar Pradesh 946 984 966 950 495 839 815
West Bengal 948 1000 950 949 420 853 788
A & N Islands 996 1000 1000 997 72 782 536
Chandigarh 973 0 993 974 308 758 560

Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 1000 1000 165 785 417

Daman & Diu 1000 1000 980 996 263 463 592
Lakshadweep 983 1000 1000 985 0 831 514
Pondicherry 1000 1000 1000 1000 432 912 751

all -India 955 984 968 958 458 822 767

*: self-employed in household enterprises as own-account worker-11, self-employed in household
enterprises as an employer-12, self-employed in household enterprises as helper-21,regular
wage/salaried employee –31, casual wage labour in public works-41, casual wage labour in other
types of works-51

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.10.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (P & P) workers among total
workers according to usual status (ps+ss) in non-agricultural sector and AGEGC sector for
each detailed usual employment status for each state/u.t.

rural+urban female
status in employment
state/u.t. 11 12 21 11-21 31 51 11-51
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Andhra Pradesh 927 1000 972 952 353 835 814

Arunachal Pradesh 261 0 729 327 42 0 85
Assam 969 0 931 949 168 216 482
Bihar 968 1000 863 899 237 787 826
Chhattisgarh 960 0 981 972 190 807 702

Delhi 1000 1000 1000 1000 97 606 324

Goa 1000 0 1000 1000 402 479 550
Gujarat 1000 1000 1000 1000 199 793 844
Haryana 972 0 992 982 346 670 921
Himachal Pradesh 957 1000 966 961 116 528 703

Jammu & Kashmir 963 0 982 975 195 452 835

Jharkhand 934 0 966 953 173 588 682
Karnataka 994 1000 988 992 310 588 764
Kerala 957 1000 986 964 306 705 706
Madhya Pradesh 886 1000 900 894 117 705 613

Maharashtra 963 966 958 961 267 724 642

Manipur 834 1000 836 835 125 805 702
Meghalaya 891 1000 827 865 18 519 470
Mizoram 887 1000 879 883 79 676 587
Nagaland 872 0 813 836 58 335 588

Orissa 929 1000 970 956 128 671 799

Punjab 991 1000 996 993 362 536 900
Rajasthan 1000 1000 988 994 293 814 890
Sikkim 988 0 978 983 132 848 514
Tamil Nadu 1000 1000 999 999 400 898 812

Tripura 844 0 799 837 121 146 358

Uttaranchal 986 0 994 990 364 583 865
Uttar Pradesh 932 0 969 958 332 831 905
West Bengal 977 1000 972 975 117 703 777
A & N Islands 1000 1000 1000 1000 37 234 433

Chandigarh 779 0 1000 883 255 0 336

Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 1000 1000 31 714 592
Daman & Diu 1000 0 1000 1000 17 49 540
Lakshadweep 924 0 1000 938 0 448 509
Pondicherry 994 1000 1000 996 516 602 772

all -India 967 981 973 970 273 738 797

*: self-employed in household enterprises as own-account worker-11, self-employed in household
enterprises as an employer-12, self-employed in household enterprises as helper-21,regular
wage/salaried employee –31, casual wage labour in public works-41, casual wage labour in other
types of works-51

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.10.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (P & P) workers among total
workers according to usual status (ps+ss) in non-agricultural sector and AGEGC sector for
each detailed usual employment status for each state/u.t.

rural+urban person
status in employment
state/u.t. 11 12 21 11-21 31 51 11-51
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (8) (9)

Andhra Pradesh 958 991 974 964 484 868 817

Arunachal Pradesh 362 47 486 349 41 304 132
Assam 927 723 954 931 194 342 604
Bihar 909 1000 894 906 379 800 817
Chhattisgarh 937 1000 958 944 379 808 706

Delhi 982 979 997 984 459 731 650

Goa 1000 1000 1000 1000 384 803 639
Gujarat 997 984 999 998 439 864 789
Haryana 964 1000 990 973 430 695 788
Himachal Pradesh 929 1000 972 942 186 466 559

Jammu & Kashmir 960 339 975 964 251 652 681
Jharkhand 899 1000 979 917 275 644 678
Karnataka 983 1000 986 984 439 831 780
Kerala 970 987 976 973 423 842 788
Madhya Pradesh 932 986 926 930 233 728 664

Maharashtra 967 979 968 969 418 830 702

Manipur 807 930 822 810 107 672 562
Meghalaya 887 1000 800 860 88 673 503
Mizoram 879 1000 866 876 57 643 416
Nagaland 819 1000 794 811 65 520 489

Orissa 935 1000 962 944 299 720 759

Punjab 976 981 991 981 526 827 832
Rajasthan 987 1000 992 989 525 851 853
Sikkim 978 0 988 981 257 763 523
Tamil Nadu 999 992 996 998 519 911 810

Tripura 802 1000 781 801 164 342 468

Uttaranchal 944 648 947 943 265 843 725
Uttar Pradesh 943 984 968 953 479 839 839
West Bengal 956 1000 959 957 361 831 785
A & N Islands 997 1000 1000 998 65 689 515

Chandigarh 965 0 995 968 296 758 521

Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 1000 1000 149 759 456
Daman & Diu 1000 1000 982 997 248 354 582
Lakshadweep 965 1000 1000 970 0 826 513
Pondicherry 998 1000 1000 998 453 878 757

all -India 958 984 971 963 423 807 775

*: self-employed in household enterprises as own-account worker-11, self-employed in household
enterprises as an employer-12, self-employed in household enterprises as helper-21,regular
wage/salaried employee –31, casual wage labour in public works-41, casual wage labour in other
types of works-51

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.12.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (proprietary and partnership) workers according to usual status (ps+ss) within each industry group/
tabulation category for each state/u.t
rural male
industry groups/ tabulation categories
state/u.t. 012, 014, sub- (012, 014,
015,02,05 C D E F G H I J K M N O total 015, 02, 05,
(C-Q) C- Q)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Andhra Pradesh 929 685 875 272 886 951 978 863 419 815 372 746 942 832 847
Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 318 149 30 434 0 603 0 277 80 0 127 123 121
Assam 791 629 879 210 679 936 100 821 216 928 109 536 796 628 632
Bihar 900 1000 929 428 753 893 890 790 90 908 521 749 902 819 827
Chhattisgarh 659 534 922 208 771 936 100 901 477 1000 46 509 783 745 740
Delhi 1000 0 100 0 988 878 615 100 0 933 0 0 0 745 753
Goa 1000 0 605 0 953 984 628 845 0 1000 0 0 475 682 712
Gujarat 989 894 808 0 847 947 100 853 258 755 80 501 810 771 798
Haryana 924 1000 695 109 594 979 832 869 190 800 408 626 880 710 726
Himachal Pradesh 725 585 665 4 464 938 825 685 83 835 94 155 967 520 528
Jammu & 760 40 900 0 597 940 977 853 98 925 162 87 909 621 626
Jharkhand 909 250 796 617 668 939 856 738 264 1000 227 458 921 702 711
Karnataka 996 649 903 290 858 976 877 871 254 987 155 500 746 803 830
Kerala 825 911 854 0 871 961 956 862 354 923 420 467 611 824 824
Madhya Pradesh 688 879 670 33 748 939 100 631 46 1000 120 561 850 685 686
Maharashtra 865 529 707 144 722 939 978 753 54 875 83 611 935 693 713
Manipur 723 472 667 0 693 802 541 813 557 371 181 95 615 465 491
Meghalaya 752 499 939 0 821 762 949 726 0 0 67 0 576 582 597
Mizoram 837 0 986 0 760 887 100 754 0 1000 4 0 237 352 376
Nagaland 800 0 891 0 430 783 100 360 0 0 241 0 216 337 385
Orissa 924 435 941 44 665 926 952 799 106 923 139 582 810 754 769
Punjab 897 1000 866 21 878 934 877 797 279 960 296 631 678 777 789
Rajasthan 993 867 933 48 863 982 100 889 277 684 292 289 952 842 859
Sikkim 553 1000 976 0 606 985 100 807 0 0 30 0 52 505 506
Tamil Nadu 980 902 933 0 926 951 100 813 472 912 298 308 895 853 865
Tripura 910 0 817 0 684 708 742 680 603 1000 186 460 174 464 477
Uttaranchal 667 0 756 62 877 905 959 868 153 1000 180 637 637 717 714
Uttar Pradesh 875 986 868 78 833 934 924 875 291 814 364 744 931 831 834
West Bengal 879 490 937 73 864 930 916 826 411 855 527 780 867 837 840
A & N Islands 873 1000 726 0 627 994 100 770 0 0 0 0 124 569 607
Chandigarh 1000 0 996 0 991 1000 100 100 0 1000 366 130 1000 851 859
Dadra & Nagar 0 0 200 0 870 1000 0 100 0 1000 0 0 0 403 403
Daman & Diu 992 0 201 0 201 979 100 997 0 1000 0 1000 973 587 663
Lakshadweep 1000 0 667 0 725 532 0 745 0 0 0 0 1000 505 615
Pondicherry 893 0 718 0 981 947 100 100 251 1000 0 130 962 765 782
all -India 904 719 859 87 800 937 940 830 284 869 267 601 853 781 792
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.12.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (proprietary and partnership) workers according to usual status (ps+ss) within each industry group/
tabulation category for each state/u.t
rural female
industry groups/ tabulation categories
state/u.t. 012, 014, sub- (012, 014,
015,02,05 C D E F G H I J K M N O total 015, 02, 05,
(C-Q) C- Q)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Andhra Pradesh 951 777 851 0 939 970 964 410 176 1000 390 411 978 829 859
Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 735 0 0 0 191 0 0 0 44 43
Assam 1000 0 820 0 602 976 0 987 0 1000 221 26 0 459 512
Bihar 843 0 972 0 0 792 834 100 0 0 366 188 945 839 841
Chhattisgarh 744 1000 927 0 914 985 100 0 1000 1000 70 0 1000 807 796
Delhi 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 809 894
Goa 1000 0 593 0 1000 1000 740 0 0 1000 207 878 1000 642 646
Gujarat 999 1000 975 0 805 1000 100 0 505 0 40 91 1000 707 916
Haryana 981 0 985 0 439 1000 100 100 706 0 380 418 1000 716 948
Himachal Pradesh 960 0 831 0 389 1000 100 56 0 0 96 0 826 397 730
Jammu & 990 0 838 0 1000 1000 100 0 0 0 207 134 0 674 877
Jharkhand 873 466 838 0 863 995 206 53 0 0 264 0 0 747 766
Karnataka 999 130 945 0 823 970 100 732 1000 1000 101 465 970 787 852
Kerala 921 881 909 0 859 954 945 630 469 972 392 452 597 669 739
Madhya Pradesh 792 1000 619 0 652 916 100 0 0 0 140 271 981 646 661
Maharashtra 956 838 948 0 348 951 727 764 0 198 112 621 960 659 742
Manipur 838 513 812 0 939 868 771 100 0 0 135 202 940 731 738
Meghalaya 993 423 891 0 1000 781 819 208 0 1000 187 172 1000 679 699
Mizoram 1000 0 810 0 952 869 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 603 635
Nagaland 872 0 964 0 325 849 100 0 0 0 73 0 741 585 629
Orissa 915 418 958 0 716 931 100 614 0 0 273 179 959 839 852
Punjab 991 0 960 0 539 965 0 948 825 0 388 604 977 623 951
Rajasthan 992 1000 988 0 651 1000 0 100 0 0 213 5 987 746 912
Sikkim 792 1000 476 0 607 965 100 100 0 0 144 0 0 509 530
Tamil Nadu 995 1000 945 0 883 1000 954 544 743 946 297 327 961 827 878
Tripura 985 0 938 0 188 476 100 100 0 0 574 0 137 352 381
Uttaranchal 992 0 897 0 885 1000 0 940 0 1000 463 303 1000 629 938
Uttar Pradesh 965 1000 958 0 865 952 810 945 0 0 348 513 942 862 929
West Bengal 992 1000 957 1000 366 983 100 905 590 1000 516 333 833 828 863
A & N Islands 696 0 100 0 259 977 100 0 0 0 372 0 0 449 474
Chandigarh 1000 0 100 0 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 891 922
Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 450 0 711 1000 0 100 0 0 715 0 0 586 589
Daman & Diu 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 136
Lakshadweep 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 914 914
Pondicherry 1000 0 867 0 1000 1000 100 0 0 1000 1000 1000 0 930 952
all -India 972 798 916 112 718 957 933 671 486 785 285 364 932 771 864

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.12.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (proprietary and partnership) workers according to usual status (ps+ss) within each industry group/
tabulation category for each state/u.t
rural person
industry groups/ tabulation categories
state/u.t. 012, 014, sub- (012, 014,
015,02,05 C D E F G H I J K M N O total 015, 02, 05,
(C-Q) C- Q)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Andhra Pradesh 939 714 863 272 894 957 971 857 406 845 380 624 957 831 852
Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 202 149 21 457 0 603 0 268 73 0 90 110 108
Assam 862 629 861 210 673 937 100 825 201 939 131 319 715 608 617
Bihar 876 1000 942 428 753 886 884 790 90 908 489 686 908 822 830
Chhattisgarh 697 632 924 208 798 944 100 901 520 1000 52 380 810 759 753
Delhi 1000 0 100 0 988 889 615 100 0 933 138 0 0 748 763
Goa 1000 0 598 0 958 988 659 845 0 1000 145 580 487 671 695
Gujarat 997 924 845 0 836 954 100 852 284 755 64 412 811 759 848
Haryana 975 1000 737 103 591 980 837 871 253 800 399 582 903 711 823
Himachal Pradesh 928 585 704 4 461 941 853 639 83 835 95 104 939 503 585
Jammu & Kashmir 961 40 881 0 599 941 979 853 93 925 173 97 909 627 691
Jharkhand 893 267 811 617 687 944 821 722 264 1000 238 377 921 710 722
Karnataka 998 519 925 290 854 975 909 865 325 989 124 489 809 798 838
Kerala 885 910 882 0 871 960 954 847 392 928 401 458 609 780 796
Madhya Pradesh 719 926 648 33 727 935 100 629 46 1000 125 527 863 675 679
Maharashtra 904 585 765 144 648 941 913 753 54 760 94 613 937 686 720
Manipur 754 490 780 0 696 835 703 813 557 371 165 128 674 570 585
Meghalaya 824 487 912 0 825 771 860 693 0 1000 113 60 731 618 634
Mizoram 902 0 934 0 796 877 100 754 0 1000 4 0 114 423 450
Nagaland 822 0 931 0 407 801 100 350 0 0 207 0 374 390 440
Orissa 920 430 950 44 676 927 966 794 106 923 180 548 844 779 795
Punjab 981 1000 882 21 877 936 877 802 298 960 345 619 696 760 870
Rajasthan 992 878 947 48 826 984 997 890 277 684 277 153 958 826 878
Sikkim 653 1000 930 0 606 976 100 808 0 0 79 0 52 506 512
Tamil Nadu 990 907 938 0 920 965 981 798 489 914 297 321 909 844 870
Tripura 924 0 848 0 655 701 756 681 603 1000 275 197 169 451 466
Uttaranchal 960 0 781 59 877 905 959 869 153 1000 247 600 678 709 797
Uttar Pradesh 949 990 891 78 835 935 910 876 273 814 360 701 934 836 865
West Bengal 944 522 947 149 849 935 924 827 417 858 523 564 863 835 847
A & N Islands 840 973 828 0 609 988 100 770 0 0 196 0 110 542 578
Chandigarh 1000 0 997 0 991 1000 100 100 0 1000 209 130 1000 853 862
Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 264 0 819 1000 0 100 0 1000 554 0 0 445 446
Daman & Diu 992 0 163 0 201 980 100 997 0 1000 0 1000 973 544 623
Lakshadweep 1000 0 832 0 725 532 0 745 0 0 0 0 1000 525 626
Pondicherry 954 0 773 0 986 963 100 100 251 1000 547 172 962 815 842
all -India 952 736 881 88 791 939 939 826 302 864 274 520 870 779 816
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.12.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (proprietary and partnership) workers according to usual status (ps+ss) within each industry group/
tabulation category for each state/u.t
urban male
industry groups/ tabulation categories
state/u.t. 012, 014, sub- (012, 014,
015,02,05 C D E F G H I J K M N O total 015, 02, 05,
(C-Q) C- Q)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Andhra Pradesh 835 47 880 7 975 953 961 762 483 726 345 599 880 779 780
Arunachal 1000 0 558 0 100 397 850 694 0 0 0 0 559 181 185
Assam 919 0 796 0 924 904 927 664 277 517 179 480 926 590 591
Bihar 928 1000 899 585 830 934 911 766 76 862 474 725 756 774 777
Chhattisgarh 535 295 577 211 786 966 993 603 176 972 326 318 695 668 666
Delhi 1000 0 836 80 652 951 900 706 199 636 270 368 781 687 688
Goa 1000 339 535 0 942 967 579 619 74 1000 0 176 780 617 625
Gujarat 1000 646 648 46 965 992 966 841 287 947 97 579 844 738 741
Haryana 887 0 548 82 677 978 100 815 428 802 403 694 742 688 694
Himachal 923 0 132 452 361 963 720 150 0 798 128 0 555 420 421
Jammu & 323 0 885 0 575 956 100 873 191 939 111 0 883 666 661
Jharkhand 936 26 473 94 792 818 949 647 410 658 518 831 710 594 597
Karnataka 781 929 809 62 854 948 981 825 142 636 162 340 908 757 757
Kerala 929 972 809 241 942 948 989 782 440 843 546 387 870 822 828
Madhya Pradesh 947 48 717 65 789 922 967 773 202 816 289 419 834 669 673
Maharashtra 881 171 737 16 895 961 924 703 207 786 239 500 749 721 723
Manipur 579 0 892 0 622 822 840 649 662 124 102 975 449 453 461
Meghalaya 0 1000 488 0 843 843 100 616 69 1000 33 466 327 384 384
Mizoram 825 0 873 0 504 780 100 777 0 433 160 173 515 317 320
Nagaland 767 0 757 0 394 787 794 596 0 696 315 485 765 515 519
Orissa 926 78 597 8 874 972 909 674 243 685 107 156 784 662 671
Punjab 915 0 869 19 845 969 888 774 161 972 239 544 708 789 791
Rajasthan 895 993 916 189 901 992 100 852 80 926 267 669 803 799 800
Sikkim 0 0 780 0 746 974 100 837 0 0 7 0 797 597 597
Tamil Nadu 946 465 843 119 891 966 936 689 454 677 300 510 821 765 767
Tripura 856 0 788 1000 667 878 800 791 231 800 189 689 720 512 517
Uttaranchal 234 1000 638 112 840 881 957 760 174 689 192 444 470 617 612
Uttar Pradesh 730 917 860 59 850 949 975 674 400 895 446 689 915 789 788
West Bengal 829 15 774 222 942 931 891 743 331 816 500 635 797 731 731
A & N Islands 895 1000 560 0 664 857 441 616 786 755 166 257 30 432 447
Chandigarh 0 0 764 0 742 911 626 582 24 1000 197 219 993 511 511
Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 107 0 1000 1000 478 100 0 1000 195 0 1000 486 487
Daman & Diu 808 0 84 0 106 532 100 788 0 811 0 0 1000 355 469
Lakshadweep 866 0 537 0 807 653 100 89 0 0 68 0 0 257 351
Pondicherry 904 0 540 17 967 985 949 959 876 747 265 144 574 732 741
all -India 868 247 779 94 870 952 941 736 288 776 323 544 814 737 739
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.12.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (proprietary and partnership) workers according to usual status (ps+ss) within each industry group/
tabulation category for each state/u.t
urban female
industry groups/ tabulation categories
state/u.t. 012, 014, sub- (012, 014,
015,02,05 C D E F G H I J K M N O total 015, 02, 05,
(C-Q) C- Q)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Andhra Pradesh 992 437 937 0 928 933 100 619 398 725 472 432 952 705 722
Arunachal 0 0 0 0 127 772 0 0 0 0 0 368 0 187 181
Assam 881 0 907 0 1000 991 100 107 0 0 319 180 824 406 409
Bihar 982 0 988 0 0 895 722 100 787 0 853 205 901 682 711
Chhattisgarh 858 789 874 0 731 980 100 100 0 0 289 413 824 537 548
Delhi 0 0 856 0 1000 941 0 302 0 321 225 7 577 297 297
Goa 0 1000 225 0 248 1000 100 100 0 1000 32 302 302 441 441
Gujarat 1000 0 859 0 976 996 959 217 831 926 196 558 997 640 664
Haryana 997 0 816 0 987 994 100 117 0 705 675 198 799 699 778
Himachal 1000 0 876 0 721 1000 100 0 0 465 170 193 935 469 523
Jammu & 1000 0 966 0 972 850 100 0 0 1000 261 0 833 634 665
Jharkhand 1000 0 374 0 676 869 100 25 781 1000 223 746 879 418 446
Karnataka 1000 1000 891 0 976 993 100 691 44 558 296 653 900 635 642
Kerala 924 0 903 0 823 959 856 366 51 965 455 329 370 569 600
Madhya Pradesh 884 204 678 0 848 742 100 757 0 770 334 410 841 539 548
Maharashtra 887 389 895 0 866 885 902 362 84 659 311 472 942 582 586
Manipur 1000 0 904 0 0 796 100 0 325 0 127 915 207 627 632
Meghalaya 0 0 386 0 931 925 983 0 0 0 47 0 219 133 133
Mizoram 1000 0 834 0 486 890 510 100 0 901 321 0 924 566 569
Nagaland 1000 0 571 0 0 735 965 100 0 0 282 159 0 535 560
Orissa 798 1000 818 0 779 919 100 400 107 1000 386 191 806 464 491
Punjab 1000 0 973 0 332 857 100 26 148 1000 476 535 927 585 642
Rajasthan 992 1000 100 0 872 1000 100 891 1000 1000 353 262 894 794 825
Sikkim 0 0 0 0 0 986 100 0 0 0 321 0 0 442 442
Tamil Nadu 987 812 910 71 951 995 100 611 331 366 303 431 839 718 728
Tripura 1000 0 940 0 601 623 100 0 0 1000 198 67 628 289 293
Uttaranchal 931 0 959 0 917 1000 0 0 0 1000 505 257 660 529 579
Uttar Pradesh 879 0 952 0 952 803 100 713 247 1000 494 813 953 803 815
West Bengal 924 0 980 0 775 905 100 458 155 430 684 201 965 610 615
A & N Islands 0 0 100 0 506 934 744 0 0 1000 190 572 0 372 372
Chandigarh 0 0 577 0 0 0 100 100 0 1000 670 131 1000 312 312
Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 0 0 1000 1000 0 100 0 0 117 730 0 607 610
Daman & Diu 0 0 455 0 0 1000 0 267 0 0 492 0 1000 671 671
Lakshadweep 0 0 886 0 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 419 416
Pondicherry 1000 0 941 0 919 1000 100 100 0 1000 488 126 406 632 654
all -India 949 430 904 11 887 922 964 483 178 643 412 423 896 635 654

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.12.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (proprietary and partnership) workers according to usual status (ps+ss) within each industry group/
tabulation category for each state/u.t
urban person
industry groups/ tabulation categories
state/u.t. 012, 014, sub- (012, 014,
015,02,05 C D E F G H I J K M N O total 015, 02, 05,
(C-Q) C- Q)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Andhra Pradesh 923 54 899 6 970 948 975 754 472 726 403 534 904 759 764
Arunachal 367 0 558 0 103 448 850 694 0 0 0 80 559 182 184
Assam 903 0 811 0 925 909 931 624 270 509 240 320 881 562 563
Bihar 947 1000 911 585 829 932 896 766 96 862 544 702 779 767 772
Chhattisgarh 656 346 650 199 776 967 994 614 176 972 311 358 699 643 643
Delhi 1000 0 838 80 679 951 862 695 156 625 252 209 742 641 641
Goa 1000 419 432 0 914 978 629 622 66 1000 19 241 665 573 579
Gujarat 1000 640 684 42 967 992 965 832 359 946 145 571 881 722 728
Haryana 956 0 578 82 695 979 100 800 401 797 592 485 759 689 709
Himachal 992 0 201 449 431 964 757 150 0 679 159 83 681 429 441
Jammu & 630 0 903 0 583 954 100 873 183 946 183 0 875 662 661
Jharkhand 967 24 448 94 773 822 952 630 432 659 423 824 743 566 573
Karnataka 868 956 833 57 863 953 984 814 122 629 220 483 907 731 733
Kerala 927 972 845 214 934 949 955 763 297 858 482 351 805 756 767
Madhya Pradesh 928 52 705 63 793 907 972 773 202 812 308 415 836 645 650
Maharashtra 883 176 774 15 890 953 921 680 182 763 278 485 801 691 693
Manipur 621 0 900 0 622 811 929 649 462 124 109 945 424 516 520
Meghalaya 0 1000 472 0 847 869 995 614 59 1000 43 256 308 274 274
Mizoram 882 0 857 0 502 843 641 786 0 553 239 119 566 399 402
Nagaland 903 0 657 0 377 773 863 610 0 696 302 272 765 520 530
Orissa 881 212 627 7 857 968 923 673 197 700 258 173 785 627 638
Punjab 970 0 885 16 834 965 888 760 159 973 400 542 771 757 765
Rajasthan 971 993 949 171 899 992 100 852 87 939 303 592 837 798 806
Sikkim 0 0 716 0 702 977 100 837 0 0 179 0 699 564 564
Tamil Nadu 969 488 866 113 901 972 955 686 428 623 302 470 826 752 757
Tripura 869 0 816 1000 653 859 833 791 231 826 191 408 709 473 478
Uttaranchal 666 1000 685 108 845 888 957 748 174 753 355 391 488 605 607
Uttar Pradesh 835 917 882 55 855 940 977 674 383 903 464 722 924 791 792
West Bengal 866 13 825 222 938 929 901 740 323 774 585 479 823 707 709
A & N Islands 895 1000 656 0 648 874 515 610 670 771 179 346 24 420 433
Chandigarh 0 0 745 0 738 911 628 608 11 1000 478 195 995 474 474
Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 106 0 1000 1000 478 100 0 1000 163 320 1000 507 508
Daman & Diu 808 0 231 0 106 830 100 763 0 811 209 0 1000 471 530
Lakshadweep 857 0 836 0 784 718 100 89 0 552 38 0 0 297 365
Pondicherry 929 0 627 17 962 988 961 959 876 844 374 138 525 710 722
all -India 912 257 810 88 872 949 945 728 270 761 366 495 834 717 722
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.12.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (proprietary and partnership) workers according to usual status (ps+ss) within each industry group/
tabulation category for each state/u.t
rural+urban male
industry groups/ tabulation categories
state/u.t. 012, 014, sub- (012, 014,
015,02,05 C D E F G H I J K M N O total 015, 02, 05,
(C-Q) C- Q)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Andhra Pradesh 922 491 877 193 922 952 969 811 460 743 358 679 922 807 818
Arunachal 107 0 462 145 43 416 487 627 0 234 67 0 238 142 142
Assam 794 428 857 75 723 929 976 773 245 667 123 507 860 619 622
Bihar 901 1000 924 465 768 905 896 785 82 877 505 746 884 808 816
Chhattisgarh 642 464 785 210 775 952 995 712 344 978 142 421 761 710 707
Delhi 1000 0 846 80 693 944 883 731 199 643 264 333 775 692 693
Goa 1000 339 555 0 946 975 613 752 37 1000 0 60 578 650 670
Gujarat 991 760 704 26 902 976 976 847 280 918 88 538 827 751 765
Haryana 915 689 624 100 609 978 938 851 317 801 406 640 818 701 714
Himachal 729 566 542 73 450 945 778 602 41 829 97 120 891 500 507
Jammu & 664 40 894 0 590 949 987 859 163 932 147 57 901 639 639
Jharkhand 912 146 710 222 681 886 893 707 350 796 355 723 820 668 677
Karnataka 981 698 845 92 856 956 944 845 157 663 159 421 836 773 786
Kerala 848 917 841 82 888 956 967 838 388 893 457 441 686 823 825
Madhya Pradesh 728 467 695 51 762 929 973 727 159 846 204 473 843 676 679
Maharashtra 868 322 727 53 827 955 934 720 179 795 160 538 808 713 719
Manipur 684 472 759 0 674 812 664 758 619 264 152 437 573 461 480
Meghalaya 752 511 818 0 825 789 961 686 67 1000 55 343 426 511 525
Mizoram 834 0 906 0 575 811 100 770 0 629 63 150 439 327 337
Nagaland 796 0 824 0 414 786 854 485 0 539 261 308 596 435 455
Orissa 924 377 871 28 704 940 938 757 179 789 133 499 801 729 743
Punjab 899 991 868 20 871 956 885 786 203 968 263 578 696 783 790
Rajasthan 986 884 926 145 871 988 100 874 132 884 283 566 910 824 836
Sikkim 553 1000 920 0 624 981 100 811 0 0 27 0 634 525 526
Tamil Nadu 975 736 881 80 913 961 959 739 459 715 299 466 852 801 809
Tripura 905 0 812 1000 683 751 759 696 330 860 187 550 200 473 484
Uttaranchal 592 1000 702 91 867 891 958 819 167 893 184 513 556 671 668
Uttar Pradesh 859 977 865 68 837 941 952 777 366 865 394 719 927 813 815
West Bengal 875 226 855 180 891 931 904 784 351 832 513 691 835 785 788
A & N Islands 877 1000 635 0 638 929 824 695 428 550 74 166 68 505 536
Chandigarh 1000 0 797 0 867 923 674 650 24 1000 200 206 993 557 560
Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 187 0 890 1000 88 100 0 1000 76 0 1000 417 417
Daman & Diu 911 0 170 0 170 814 100 941 0 896 0 441 976 506 592
Lakshadweep 960 0 639 0 742 605 100 319 0 0 38 0 229 405 514
Pondicherry 899 0 589 11 971 976 956 964 752 820 241 139 663 740 751
all -India 900 562 818 91 823 945 941 783 286 798 291 571 837 759 767
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.12.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (proprietary and partnership) workers according to usual status (ps+ss) within each industry group/
tabulation category for each state/u.t
rural+urban female
industry groups/ tabulation categories
state/u.t. 012, 014, sub- (012, 014,
015,02,05 C D E F G H I J K M N O total 015, 02, 05,
(C-Q) C- Q)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Andhra Pradesh 955 771 875 0 935 954 977 582 360 815 432 421 972 782 814
Arunachal 0 0 0 0 10 758 0 0 0 191 0 229 0 87 85
Assam 997 0 829 0 614 981 100 444 0 877 263 122 716 442 482
Bihar 848 0 973 0 0 809 807 100 787 0 518 189 939 815 826
Chhattisgarh 756 967 911 0 859 983 100 100 1000 1000 180 269 985 694 702
Delhi 1000 0 856 0 1000 956 0 302 0 321 229 7 577 310 324
Goa 1000 1000 418 0 761 1000 775 100 0 1000 144 749 388 547 550
Gujarat 999 975 909 0 865 998 960 198 765 926 127 393 997 669 844
Haryana 981 0 916 0 642 997 100 677 455 705 589 330 880 707 921
Himachal 961 0 835 0 543 1000 100 55 0 465 114 59 859 415 703
Jammu & 990 0 878 0 982 921 100 0 0 1000 235 105 833 659 835
Jharkhand 886 243 754 0 833 945 479 43 781 1000 245 381 879 653 682
Karnataka 999 372 924 0 893 982 100 704 99 621 185 587 939 711 764
Kerala 921 881 908 0 849 955 912 569 289 969 411 411 542 641 706
Madhya Pradesh 807 970 642 0 681 847 100 705 0 770 277 397 886 598 613
Maharashtra 950 781 912 0 623 916 837 418 84 615 244 495 943 604 642
Manipur 854 513 836 0 939 839 834 100 325 0 133 620 826 695 702
Meghalaya 993 423 866 0 980 808 828 203 0 1000 96 33 725 449 470
Mizoram 1000 0 829 0 692 884 766 100 0 901 247 0 237 575 587
Nagaland 916 0 772 0 289 768 973 579 0 0 169 123 741 554 588
Orissa 907 459 953 0 726 928 100 599 107 1000 317 187 943 778 799
Punjab 991 0 967 0 412 914 100 641 198 1000 451 575 932 600 900
Rajasthan 992 1000 995 0 671 1000 975 964 1000 1000 303 109 940 768 890
Sikkim 792 1000 352 0 570 969 100 100 0 0 179 0 0 496 514
Tamil Nadu 994 917 929 61 910 997 978 577 365 401 300 389 882 771 812
Tripura 986 0 939 0 283 548 100 100 0 1000 453 19 159 335 358
Uttaranchal 990 0 922 0 897 1000 0 558 0 1000 489 263 853 569 865
Uttar Pradesh 960 1000 955 0 890 891 873 940 201 1000 422 683 945 839 905
West Bengal 989 281 963 1000 500 954 100 650 258 493 620 269 898 741 777
A & N Islands 696 0 100 0 383 963 825 0 0 1000 288 165 0 416 433
Chandigarh 1000 0 651 0 0 1000 100 100 0 1000 663 131 1000 329 336
Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 448 0 718 1000 0 100 0 0 649 730 0 589 592
Daman & Diu 1000 0 228 0 0 1000 100 267 0 0 476 0 1000 535 540
Lakshadweep 0 0 928 0 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 512 509
Pondicherry 1000 0 908 0 962 1000 100 100 0 1000 545 177 406 728 772
all -India 971 760 912 37 770 941 948 559 231 662 354 399 916 710 797

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.12.1: Proportion (per 1000) of informal sector (proprietary and partnership) workers according to usual status (ps+ss) within each industry group/
tabulation category for each state/u.t
rural+urban person
industry groups/ tabulation categories
state/u.t. 012, 014, sub- (012, 014,
015,02,05 C D E F G H I J K M N O total 015, 02, 05,
(C-Q) C- Q)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Andhra Pradesh 938 559 876 187 924 952 973 803 449 750 392 582 941 799 817
Arunachal 75 0 376 145 34 453 487 627 0 230 58 26 182 133 132
Assam 863 428 850 75 715 931 977 761 233 683 159 320 816 597 604
Bihar 879 1000 937 465 768 899 888 785 93 877 507 688 892 809 817
Chhattisgarh 692 554 824 203 791 956 996 717 375 979 154 369 784 707 706
Delhi 1000 0 847 80 713 944 847 720 156 632 251 197 738 648 650
Goa 1000 419 497 0 933 983 651 752 35 1000 95 489 558 622 639
Gujarat 997 794 743 25 894 978 974 842 341 918 105 495 852 736 789
Haryana 973 689 662 97 610 979 944 848 330 798 502 557 833 702 788
Himachal 929 566 602 69 456 948 811 568 40 803 105 98 884 487 559
Jammu & 942 40 890 0 594 948 987 859 156 936 177 66 897 641 681
Jharkhand 900 153 725 222 697 891 873 690 366 796 320 685 826 666 678
Karnataka 991 607 876 85 859 960 956 836 146 659 172 486 860 757 780
Kerala 891 915 873 64 886 956 954 822 353 902 425 423 664 773 788
Madhya Pradesh 751 593 675 50 748 919 977 727 158 840 228 447 850 659 664
Maharashtra 902 366 771 53 792 949 919 704 163 763 200 518 837 690 702
Manipur 723 490 816 0 676 824 776 758 483 264 146 510 614 550 562
Meghalaya 824 498 842 0 829 798 877 665 57 1000 78 210 504 486 503
Mizoram 897 0 877 0 590 853 852 777 0 679 121 100 381 406 416
Nagaland 839 0 795 0 395 781 900 488 0 461 237 196 613 464 489
Orissa 916 400 909 27 709 939 953 754 164 795 201 433 827 742 759
Punjab 981 991 884 19 867 954 885 782 202 969 381 577 745 759 832
Rajasthan 991 892 948 135 841 989 998 874 137 900 289 431 917 814 853
Sikkim 653 1000 870 0 618 976 100 812 0 0 95 0 572 518 523
Tamil Nadu 988 747 900 78 912 969 966 732 442 666 299 421 860 792 810
Tripura 919 0 842 1000 655 743 780 697 330 873 248 268 195 456 468
Uttaranchal 945 1000 739 87 868 895 958 814 167 904 294 455 587 659 725
Uttar Pradesh 941 983 887 66 839 937 944 778 350 871 403 711 931 817 839
West Bengal 940 232 897 200 880 932 912 783 348 805 557 516 844 775 785
A & N Islands 848 977 744 0 622 939 824 692 391 572 188 165 56 486 515
Chandigarh 1000 0 782 0 864 923 676 668 11 1000 474 188 995 518 521
Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 247 0 841 1000 83 100 0 1000 479 235 1000 455 456
Daman & Diu 912 0 185 0 170 889 100 932 0 896 194 441 976 512 582
Lakshadweep 957 0 834 0 737 654 100 319 0 552 26 0 229 420 513
Pondicherry 944 0 674 11 969 981 975 964 752 880 392 148 601 737 757
all -India 949 594 848 88 817 945 942 777 279 784 318 506 855 749 775
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.16.1: Proportion (per 1000) of workers engaged in manufacturing enterprises using electricity among non-agricultural workers in the
manufacturing enterprises according to usual activity category (ps+ss) by broad enterprise types for each state/u.t.
male female person
state/u.t. propri- partn- all propri partn- all propri- partn- all
etary ership P&P -etary ership P&P etary ership P&P
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Andhra Pradesh 247 613 261 326 103 86 102 105 177 276 182 216
Arunachal Pradesh 740 0 740 235 0 0 0 0 740 0 740 149
Assam 62 82 62 91 21 0 21 17 50 82 51 69
Bihar 175 348 188 178 5 0 5 5 119 348 131 126
Chhattisgarh 298 993 370 407 113 0 113 153 229 986 281 319
Delhi 258 501 303 303 0 0 0 0 258 501 303 303
Goa 913 0 913 947 826 0 826 897 863 0 863 918
Gujarat 517 558 526 598 318 26 275 281 462 455 461 526
Haryana 527 847 552 669 112 0 112 126 442 847 467 590
Himachal Pradesh 448 520 455 503 353 0 353 382 419 520 426 474
Jammu & Kashmir 139 269 145 147 6 406 29 24 101 316 111 110
Jharkhand 126 57 124 134 92 0 89 75 114 35 112 113
Karnataka 310 832 334 383 118 503 122 122 208 763 224 250
Kerala 393 520 403 438 197 615 211 225 288 551 302 329
Madhya Pradesh 179 261 184 240 16 95 18 30 108 219 113 147
Maharashtra 384 592 399 547 120 0 111 140 305 413 313 449
Manipur 244 0 217 145 42 0 35 28 82 0 69 54
Meghalaya 277 117 209 206 0 65 32 28 131 87 111 105
Mizoram 316 50 234 230 128 87 108 86 280 64 204 188
Nagaland 713 0 682 615 0 0 0 0 301 0 295 276
Orissa 126 0 124 127 47 0 47 45 86 0 85 85
Punjab 537 509 535 553 144 0 143 166 457 496 460 485
Rajasthan 280 135 272 315 51 0 50 61 213 118 209 246
Sikkim 295 0 295 306 722 0 722 868 315 0 315 358
Tamil Nadu 475 682 487 516 193 235 194 234 341 569 350 386
Tripura 44 0 42 54 3 0 3 3 33 0 32 41
Uttaranchal 191 431 232 341 14 0 10 112 158 308 186 300
Uttar Pradesh 222 689 246 295 31 135 34 40 167 593 186 228
West Bengal 158 355 168 197 22 0 22 30 89 274 95 114
A & N Islands 207 0 207 288 138 0 138 138 176 0 176 232
Chandigarh 726 0 726 727 985 0 985 985 758 0 758 759
Dadra & Nagar 907 1000 915 983 943 0 943 974 924 1000 928 981
Daman & Diu 917 1000 923 985 0 0 - 1000 917 1000 923 988
Lakshadweep 0 0 0 333 1000 464 821 789 471 464 470 559
Pondicherry 815 1000 825 863 368 0 368 452 623 1000 634 711
all -India
283 533 299 353 93 121 94 105 206 432 218 259

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.16.1: Proportion (per 1000) of workers engaged in manufacturing enterprises using electricity among non-agricultural workers in the
manufacturing enterprises according to usual activity category (ps+ss) by broad enterprise types for each state/u.t.
male female person
state/u.t. propri- partn- all propri partn- all propri- partn- all
etary ership P&P -etary ership P&P etary ership P&P
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Andhra Pradesh 342 916 374 423 124 273 125 129 262 885 286 323
Arunachal Pradesh 295 0 295 487 0 0 0 0 295 0 295 487
Assam 360 1000 377 439 369 1000 410 373 361 1000 381 430
Bihar 162 165 162 213 17 0 17 17 139 165 140 185
Chhattisgarh 476 182 475 668 224 0 223 243 392 137 391 563
Delhi 516 838 555 568 228 1000 247 303 492 840 532 548
Goa 797 938 873 878 1000 516 758 946 834 869 853 900
Gujarat 743 945 793 859 285 701 337 416 634 916 697 784
Haryana 754 895 779 836 106 864 141 280 638 894 678 774
Himachal Pradesh 635 1000 677 912 159 0 159 264 427 1000 466 852
Jammu & Kashmir 290 971 306 377 20 653 25 57 226 947 240 308
Jharkhand 288 1000 301 546 114 0 104 457 253 424 259 523
Karnataka 492 982 535 608 237 1000 249 318 409 983 446 525
Kerala 484 885 526 576 189 485 196 222 356 829 390 440
Madhya Pradesh 561 267 530 576 218 309 225 218 458 277 441 468
Maharashtra 577 871 614 693 255 906 294 324 484 876 526 606
Manipur 322 0 270 241 96 0 88 80 171 0 152 137
Meghalaya 464 0 214 294 0 1000 250 86 372 59 216 261
Mizoram 573 838 582 537 194 251 200 167 433 470 435 389
Nagaland 538 0 538 407 0 0 0 0 287 0 287 188
Orissa 387 680 391 565 257 0 257 335 364 680 367 534
Punjab 760 875 765 789 336 802 354 366 690 865 698 726
Rajasthan 482 858 495 529 111 695 121 121 328 815 341 371
Sikkim 268 0 230 177 0 0 0 247 268 0 230 183
Tamil Nadu 504 782 547 612 230 668 277 329 404 751 452 517
Tripura 190 0 170 134 0 0 0 0 146 0 134 109
Uttaranchal 405 1000 437 509 503 0 438 453 424 607 437 501
Uttar Pradesh 335 550 350 402 122 0 119 128 280 483 292 339
West Bengal 401 839 470 560 76 578 88 94 295 823 357 444
A & N Islands 231 0 231 563 134 0 134 134 199 0 199 469
Chandigarh 529 0 529 629 24 0 24 52 490 0 490 571
Dadra & Nagar 356 522 356 932 0 0 0 1000 356 522 356 933
Daman & Diu 683 1000 842 971 77 0 77 580 158 1000 242 816
Lakshadweep 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
Pondicherry 372 1000 375 589 394 1000 407 438 379 1000 386 556
all -India
492 816 529 605 183 634 206 241 401 790 439 514
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.16.1: Proportion (per 1000) of workers engaged in manufacturing enterprises using electricity among non-agricultural workers in the
manufacturing enterprises according to usual activity category (ps+ss) by broad enterprise types for each state/u.t.
male female person
state/u.t. propri- partn- all propri partn- all propri- partn- all
etary ership P&P -etary ership P&P etary ership P&P
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Andhra Pradesh 287 772 309 368 109 91 108 111 209 457 221 254
Arunachal Pradesh 417 0 417 387 0 0 0 0 417 0 417 315
Assam 134 327 139 182 61 1000 68 57 115 399 121 149
Bihar 172 327 183 184 6 0 6 6 122 327 133 135
Chhattisgarh 354 975 401 511 144 0 144 180 279 962 313 408
Delhi 499 802 537 552 228 1000 247 303 478 805 517 534
Goa 854 938 885 898 851 516 808 920 853 869 858 907
Gujarat 651 803 687 769 300 361 308 358 561 738 599 691
Haryana 616 877 647 749 110 864 123 189 517 877 554 676
Himachal Pradesh 458 553 467 598 334 0 334 371 420 553 429 551
Jammu & Kashmir 201 460 210 242 11 420 27 34 151 449 162 186
Jharkhand 155 173 155 243 94 0 91 144 134 100 133 210
Karnataka 416 941 453 522 162 722 169 198 307 917 335 395
Kerala 419 652 439 480 196 594 209 225 305 636 325 358
Madhya Pradesh 385 265 375 420 96 233 102 102 278 258 277 300
Maharashtra 515 814 547 647 210 564 233 264 426 767 459 556
Manipur 280 0 244 185 58 0 50 42 113 0 97 79
Meghalaya 303 95 211 230 0 74 36 31 151 84 120 130
Mizoram 509 236 476 449 187 164 183 151 401 203 371 338
Nagaland 630 0 615 510 0 0 0 0 295 0 292 233
Orissa 163 73 162 216 54 0 54 56 110 53 109 143
Punjab 671 669 671 692 247 663 257 275 594 668 598 625
Rajasthan 369 358 368 409 85 367 90 95 269 359 272 306
Sikkim 289 0 279 270 722 0 722 707 305 0 295 309
Tamil Nadu 490 759 520 571 208 578 230 277 371 711 402 455
Tripura 71 0 67 70 3 0 3 3 52 0 50 54
Uttaranchal 286 534 316 417 234 0 185 247 276 369 289 389
Uttar Pradesh 269 620 290 341 66 83 66 74 213 540 229 274
West Bengal 263 705 307 381 36 205 39 46 162 649 194 249
A & N Islands 219 0 219 438 137 0 137 137 186 0 186 349
Chandigarh 565 0 565 643 282 0 282 215 540 0 540 599
Dadra & Nagar 865 966 875 976 943 0 943 975 899 966 903 976
Daman & Diu 898 1000 911 981 77 0 77 790 614 1000 648 932
Lakshadweep 0 0 0 286 288 464 313 293 206 464 232 291
Pondicherry 515 1000 527 664 383 1000 391 444 467 1000 476 606
all -India 382 710 411 482 125 359 134 155 290 645 316 377

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.17.1: Average wage and salary earnings per day received by wage/ salaried employees according to usual status (ps+ss) who had same status
in employment in current daily status during for each state/u.t.
rural status in emloyment: regular wage/ salaried employees
state/u.t. male female person
industry groups/division
P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all
household household household
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 59.86 53.87 110.74 41.28 19.09 55.42 55.81 23.91 95.66
Arunachal 195.63 70.00 260.49 - - 210.47 195.63 70.00 255.26
Assam 120.29 50.74 199.35 182.23 54.38 123.61 126.34 51.56 189.73
Bihar 97.38 57.70 168.15 214.64 32.31 110.08 98.12 45.01 161.93
Chhattisgarh 62.28 15.00 127.09 69.43 17.56 82.09 62.89 16.86 119.53
Delhi 133.05 78.57 156.07 53.29 - 191.46 132.76 78.57 156.59
Goa 125.05 - 188.68 66.24 57.14 101.03 102.42 57.14 159.31
Gujarat 84.04 55.00 139.24 75.01 29.66 107.88 83.65 30.29 134.56
Haryana 91.44 83.29 250.90 79.48 58.70 104.28 91.14 65.89 242.50
Himachal Pradesh 97.17 63.56 209.64 63.31 23.86 152.91 92.64 55.86 197.55
Jammu & Kashmir 105.23 114.29 180.05 53.23 28.57 111.84 101.47 65.23 174.72
Jharkhand 78.73 33.60 178.16 39.43 25.79 110.01 74.80 28.59 168.20
Karnataka 75.34 205.09 130.22 42.02 108.60 70.42 69.56 139.09 114.92
Kerala 108.11 247.20 170.12 71.07 45.16 122.07 97.20 51.28 151.31
Madhya Pradesh 68.46 41.20 113.87 19.15 42.86 32.54 63.98 41.55 96.03
Maharashtra 76.00 66.73 164.73 49.21 22.53 107.16 73.23 35.39 156.08
Manipur 87.64 211.15 215.25 68.25 228.57 113.30 82.06 215.21 196.29
Meghalaya 108.53 - 193.79 247.57 43.47 158.25 121.06 43.47 184.77
Mizoram 129.28 - 281.94 - - 276.73 129.28 - 281.16
Nagaland 192.64 - 280.72 95.71 21.43 210.78 181.38 21.43 270.63
Orissa 78.10 26.14 143.37 47.46 28.41 93.99 76.90 27.52 136.38
Punjab 109.94 70.23 172.66 91.63 28.42 123.31 108.65 36.69 166.31
Rajasthan 85.65 35.71 147.35 53.49 25.77 83.12 84.43 28.26 139.86
Sikkim 109.58 55.73 203.46 76.49 57.48 207.12 107.27 56.49 204.21
Tamil Nadu 75.20 53.03 123.36 36.08 35.03 71.93 67.29 37.57 108.86
Tripura 80.52 214.29 141.15 71.03 37.27 96.83 79.60 47.55 135.37
Uttaranchal 97.94 69.83 195.79 60.64 - 151.36 92.47 69.83 190.57
Uttar Pradesh 75.17 35.69 125.90 86.28 32.24 91.89 75.67 34.27 122.59
West Bengal 76.22 79.46 165.74 36.86 18.19 57.65 73.98 35.64 143.45
A & N Islands 28.57 57.14 256.04 - 76.14 253.53 28.57 72.44 255.50
Chandigarh 82.72 35.71 129.61 53.29 - 264.64 82.67 35.71 131.41
Dadra & Nagar 86.14 - 125.18 - - 77.43 86.14 - 120.02
Daman & Diu 116.20 - 156.06 - - 250.00 116.20 - 156.54
Lakshadweep - - 252.52 - - 412.86 - - 254.55
Pondicherry 90.01 - 108.25 51.10 51.71 49.03 74.85 51.71 92.14
all -India
81.82 65.15 151.96 53.26 29.72 87.79 78.48 39.01 140.01

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.17.1: Average wage and salary earnings per day received by wage/ salaried employees according to usual status (ps+ss) who had same status
in employment in current daily status during for each state/u.t.
urban status in emloyment: regular wage/ salaried employees
state/u.t. male female person
industry groups/division
P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all
household household household
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 85.42 66.82 182.06 83.02 26.95 123.44 85.05 31.60 168.34
Arunachal 86.55 100.00 259.66 72.70 35.71 191.98 77.91 67.86 247.48
Assam 93.48 44.88 248.88 76.55 40.85 143.95 90.77 42.43 229.95
Bihar 70.52 55.00 250.67 249.20 22.28 204.66 83.61 46.73 247.59
Chhattisgarh 78.20 37.03 180.86 50.20 25.31 67.13 76.06 26.08 162.02
Delhi 134.83 87.84 250.50 119.62 69.76 250.53 134.40 75.16 250.50
Goa 133.08 88.57 236.54 69.20 60.76 165.78 114.19 69.84 215.18
Gujarat 100.18 65.33 171.89 80.42 44.38 109.18 98.87 47.39 164.09
Haryana 92.97 92.04 155.94 102.13 49.95 165.46 94.13 79.67 157.22
Himachal Pradesh 143.61 - 294.36 106.25 26.05 220.19 137.11 26.05 279.21
Jammu & Kashmir 166.22 102.17 255.29 98.47 81.49 195.17 159.07 91.72 247.06
Jharkhand 118.10 25.38 283.44 90.76 48.46 127.17 115.41 42.11 258.31
Karnataka 126.35 87.77 226.27 102.40 38.92 153.16 122.65 48.18 210.54
Kerala 116.09 70.45 203.95 87.55 62.40 170.21 109.91 62.66 191.44
Madhya Pradesh 94.71 31.66 182.80 87.58 24.47 101.67 93.90 25.97 166.87
Maharashtra 114.90 95.41 218.50 111.51 46.78 177.58 114.48 57.99 209.69
Manipur 97.76 - 265.24 80.40 - 217.44 94.29 - 253.02
Meghalaya 152.91 63.47 288.11 80.46 40.70 200.34 147.03 43.29 245.03
Mizoram 222.07 32.61 292.52 183.29 33.57 318.53 211.68 33.20 298.48
Nagaland 144.53 - 274.96 92.11 42.86 223.12 134.57 42.86 264.17
Orissa 77.26 75.27 211.56 74.01 27.37 138.48 76.82 31.44 196.73
Punjab 105.88 91.03 194.74 93.33 47.95 222.96 104.01 61.63 200.35
Rajasthan 90.04 52.42 178.60 57.24 27.81 150.72 86.86 36.38 174.56
Sikkim 92.66 56.14 233.29 101.73 61.01 204.21 93.50 60.13 226.71
Tamil Nadu 105.87 107.48 191.44 51.35 34.78 112.20 94.70 50.12 170.68
Tripura 100.81 - 176.74 69.64 24.33 109.73 94.27 24.33 160.01
Uttaranchal 93.72 40.07 209.65 51.52 19.53 138.24 82.09 30.43 195.59
Uttar Pradesh 89.48 95.05 174.96 50.56 30.31 144.72 86.04 61.39 171.82
West Bengal 89.01 73.42 195.76 65.11 36.39 123.75 87.45 46.77 182.06
A & N Islands 145.40 - 275.32 127.46 39.01 279.20 144.21 39.01 275.98
Chandigarh 103.15 63.76 288.80 71.76 66.90 256.91 95.92 65.69 280.99
Dadra & Nagar 119.39 63.29 201.78 201.08 - 214.37 127.49 63.29 202.66
Daman & Diu 235.62 100.00 209.54 42.86 - 143.25 232.92 100.00 201.12
Lakshadweep - - 238.84 - - 283.94 - - 248.07
Pondicherry 106.55 55.47 189.80 56.76 52.21 98.63 95.96 52.35 168.33
all -India
104.08 81.64 201.80 81.05 40.17 149.90 101.26 49.90 191.81

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.17.1: Average wage and salary earnings per day received by wage/ salaried employees according to usual status (ps+ss) who had same status
in employment in current daily status during for each state/u.t.
rural+urban status in emloyment: regular wage/ salaried employees
state/u.t. male female person
industry groups/division
P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all
household household household
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 74.73 64.03 153.00 61.08 25.51 92.30 72.26 30.16 137.82
Arunachal Pradesh 184.93 70.33 260.22 72.70 35.71 201.58 169.22 69.95 252.53
Assam 107.42 47.40 220.69 116.78 42.52 134.47 108.62 44.95 207.69
Bihar 85.31 56.47 206.87 246.11 30.10 142.77 91.35 45.62 201.19
Chhattisgarh 72.06 26.87 159.71 58.19 24.25 73.07 70.95 24.51 145.28
Delhi 134.68 86.10 243.12 118.81 69.76 250.08 134.26 75.38 244.05
Goa 128.52 88.57 212.65 67.24 59.91 130.98 107.12 67.66 186.61
Gujarat 95.75 64.72 162.35 79.38 40.11 108.74 94.77 42.87 155.28
Haryana 92.14 91.16 205.65 98.15 53.40 147.02 92.58 76.73 200.05
Himachal Pradesh 105.61 63.56 228.63 73.30 25.29 167.39 101.05 47.86 215.71
Jammu & Kashmir 126.48 105.25 208.76 73.48 65.14 156.49 122.02 84.22 203.46
Jharkhand 99.82 30.94 238.29 66.72 35.16 120.28 96.54 33.78 220.05
Karnataka 113.34 95.35 200.56 85.38 41.28 127.15 108.88 51.79 183.93
Kerala 111.03 169.36 182.15 75.63 52.46 138.23 101.55 56.10 165.27
Madhya Pradesh 86.21 34.40 157.98 68.95 24.98 74.50 84.38 27.48 140.88
Maharashtra 106.68 92.04 204.77 100.39 44.63 164.84 105.93 55.84 196.80
Manipur 92.29 211.15 236.92 72.44 228.57 169.01 87.32 215.21 222.14
Meghalaya 131.25 63.47 243.69 166.82 41.19 190.27 134.30 43.32 222.26
Mizoram 215.64 32.61 289.40 183.29 33.57 310.25 207.42 33.20 293.72
Nagaland 158.28 - 278.00 92.77 34.87 217.98 147.13 34.87 267.45
Orissa 77.80 35.22 171.63 65.74 27.77 117.22 76.87 29.53 162.48
Punjab 107.56 83.57 185.22 92.93 37.92 191.99 105.83 49.83 186.37
Rajasthan 88.21 50.46 165.56 56.46 27.46 126.50 85.88 35.12 160.36
Sikkim 106.03 55.76 209.40 83.16 58.68 206.48 104.32 57.27 208.79
Tamil Nadu 95.47 98.78 170.10 46.24 34.84 98.68 85.42 47.34 150.93
Tripura 87.75 214.29 154.75 70.23 30.87 104.29 85.29 36.41 145.65
Uttaranchal 95.68 48.35 203.47 54.09 19.53 142.24 86.50 37.12 193.47
Uttar Pradesh 82.92 78.74 153.12 60.97 30.69 122.13 81.40 54.97 150.00
West Bengal 84.88 74.94 186.30 56.87 31.89 101.46 83.13 44.01 169.72
A & N Islands 140.04 57.14 266.85 127.46 67.60 265.91 139.25 65.96 266.67
Chandigarh 99.69 63.59 275.01 71.73 66.90 256.94 94.12 65.62 270.87
Dadra & Nagar 93.86 63.29 138.35 201.08 - 93.07 96.53 63.29 133.74
Daman & Diu 151.86 100.00 178.74 42.86 - 148.09 151.40 100.00 176.88
Lakshadweep - - 244.78 - - 288.68 - - 250.55
Pondicherry 101.08 55.47 168.41 53.71 52.20 83.68 87.75 52.33 147.61
all -India
96.17 77.80 183.54 71.50 38.00 127.72 93.19 47.57 172.92

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.17.1: Average wage and salary earnings per day received by wage/ salaried employees according to usual status (ps+ss) who had same status
in employment in current daily status during for each state/u.t.
rural status in emloyment: casual labours
state/u.t. male female person
industry groups/division
P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all
household household household
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 59.36 54.29 60.06 39.86 51.34 40.45 55.69 51.64 56.29
Arunachal 155.49 - 95.83 - - 62.58 155.49 - 85.70
Assam 74.50 60.70 66.84 60.13 42.75 49.18 72.97 57.03 63.94
Bihar 55.06 50.00 55.26 54.94 - 49.28 55.05 50.00 54.60
Chhattisgarh 45.60 - 49.68 30.74 - 30.97 42.10 - 45.52
Delhi 68.75 - 68.75 - - - 68.75 - 68.75
Goa 108.00 100.00 107.84 74.41 51.43 66.62 101.20 58.15 96.57
Gujarat 70.36 87.50 69.20 51.10 52.42 51.65 66.04 54.53 65.29
Haryana 75.48 - 76.42 74.08 25.48 60.2 75.38 25.48 75.08
Himachal Pradesh 85.43 - 88.25 60.69 64.06 60.57 84.63 64.06 86.78
Jammu & Kashmir 97.81 - 95.27 51.08 42.86 53.38 94.23 42.86 90.60
Jharkhand 54.08 60.00 53.37 45.81 33.56 42.06 52.86 36.17 51.67
Karnataka 72.33 60.00 70.87 37.99 25.12 35.28 67.56 28.25 64.09
Kerala 141.32 142.86 140.65 62.24 55.72 59.37 129.59 56.95 126.42
Madhya Pradesh 47.57 43.26 49.48 37.73 39.34 39.83 45.22 40.71 47.13
Maharashtra 58.17 - 56.46 37.13 24.82 33.18 55.54 24.82 52.07
Manipur 77.81 95.49 78.84 69.20 - 69.44 76.66 95.49 77.90
Meghalaya 76.93 - 82.75 35.68 29.88 38.97 70.44 29.88 75.91
Mizoram 159.36 - 131.59 100.00 - 86.46 148.74 - 124.24
Nagaland 148.73 156.60 134.10 150.00 - 90.56 148.87 156.60 126.86
Orissa 47.34 - 47.38 34.43 25.58 33.86 44.70 25.58 44.33
Punjab 79.13 48.57 78.58 50.70 29.74 46.54 77.15 30.15 75.72
Rajasthan 62.12 - 64.18 51.02 40.22 49.85 60.41 40.22 61.69
Sikkim 101.36 54.29 95.81 72.41 54.29 72.62 95.21 54.29 91.56
Tamil Nadu 80.10 - 80.55 42.12 31.14 43.93 71.27 31.14 71.75
Tripura 70.05 71.63 65.04 47.86 46.00 43.09 69.08 67.07 62.69
Uttaranchal 72.25 - 79.03 77.78 - 75.8 72.52 - 78.88
Uttar Pradesh 56.70 - 56.61 44.94 47.31 43.95 55.98 47.31 55.82
West Bengal 58.01 47.12 58.44 34.04 25.16 35.89 54.69 34.26 55.13
A & N Islands 89.69 - 90.76 54.84 36.70 54.83 88.15 36.70 84.85
Chandigarh 105.72 - 105.64 - - - 105.72 - 105.64
Dadra & Nagar 68.66 - 67.15 59.99 25.00 56.57 66.18 25.00 64.16
Daman & Diu 82.45 55.71 86.89 150.00 - 63.73 84.09 55.71 81.30
Lakshadweep 137.46 - 137.54 - - - 137.46 - 137.54
Pondicherry 73.18 - 69.37 61.32 - 61.32 72.15 - 68.73
all -India
69.10 60.51 68.54 44.75 41.12 44.01 65.47 50.67 64.56

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.17.1: Average wage and salary earnings per day received by wage/ salaried employees according to usual status (ps+ss) who had same status
in employment in current daily status during for each state/u.t.
urban status in emloyment: casual labours
state/u.t. male female person
industry groups/division
P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all
household household household
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 64.15 18.46 64.52 39.96 31.00 38.69 60.00 30.68 59.23
Arunachal Pradesh 170.79 50.00 74.74 - - 49.55 170.79 50.00 67.35
Assam 82.57 51.78 73.62 34.13 88.17 55.92 78.92 61.19 70.39
Bihar 58.00 68.38 59.00 21.59 225.19 159.81 56.63 206.13 69.83
Chhattisgarh 49.19 95.14 52.26 36.94 42.87 39.25 45.51 46.99 48.16
Delhi 79.17 - 82.16 61.14 14.29 47.94 77.16 14.29 76.91
Goa 125.12 - 124.79 67.34 66.84 65.70 121.95 66.84 114.78
Gujarat 89.33 59.68 89.48 50.78 30.21 45.57 80.81 32.61 75.43
Haryana 78.01 103.69 78.93 48.79 26.50 40.82 74.43 33.74 73.89
Himachal Pradesh 77.38 - 69.57 69.72 60.00 65.92 74.58 60.00 68.95
Jammu & Kashmir 114.05 - 107.20 80.12 59.21 73.89 112.19 59.21 105.75
Jharkhand 61.91 25.00 60.22 47.28 31.83 55.50 59.28 31.77 58.90
Karnataka 80.71 56.97 82.28 52.62 48.79 51.52 78.10 48.88 77.33
Kerala 137.38 71.81 138.16 71.35 62.66 68.66 131.20 63.83 127.89
Madhya Pradesh 49.39 50.13 52.11 47.33 42.95 47.26 49.01 46.49 51.27
Maharashtra 80.28 60.26 81.21 45.28 27.63 44.66 74.22 37.43 74.06
Manipur 106.28 - 117.45 188.47 - 174.25 144.36 - 135.52
Meghalaya 76.27 - 79.90 80.00 42.80 44.87 76.33 42.80 73.25
Mizoram 120.72 - 121.86 118.97 - 116.14 120.39 - 120.83
Nagaland 88.38 - 92.22 106.64 71.43 73.23 91.51 71.43 84.53
Orissa 56.22 21.85 54.87 39.54 23.80 34.10 54.33 23.47 50.76
Punjab 86.53 - 85.62 72.47 42.91 46.62 86.45 42.91 81.83
Rajasthan 69.22 73.59 69.49 42.24 40.88 44.53 66.79 44.53 66.39
Sikkim 130.63 - 123.50 - 30.71 54.88 130.63 30.71 116.18
Tamil Nadu 83.26 56.42 84.46 54.45 37.60 52.84 78.44 42.49 79.14
Tripura 70.34 78.85 72.91 43.64 51.34 54.28 65.27 76.26 69.89
Uttaranchal 68.51 - 68.53 74.27 46.85 62.40 69.03 46.85 67.63
Uttar Pradesh 63.18 98.13 63.38 46.58 24.08 43.74 61.93 76.55 61.94
West Bengal 61.76 98.27 63.24 38.19 27.35 32.01 60.46 43.03 59.88
A & N Islands 106.76 71.43 104.30 84.35 64.45 79.21 104.29 65.05 99.43
Chandigarh 85.24 - 79.20 - - - 85.24 0.00 79.20
Dadra & Nagar 77.14 68.57 72.34 50.00 53.74 53.39 71.81 59.42 63.09
Daman & Diu 77.05 100.00 85.40 15.00 21.36 54.55 68.70 49.53 80.12
Lakshadweep 114.71 - 113.23 - - 75.88 114.71 - 111.77
Pondicherry 95.64 - 92.01 59.12 28.68 45.61 93.48 28.68 87.77
all -India
75.97 70.66 76.16 48.09 44.14 47.74 72.31 49.75 71.39

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.17.1: Average wage and salary earnings per day received by wage/ salaried employees according to usual status (ps+ss) who had same status
in employment in current daily status during for each state/u.t.
rural+urban status in emloyment: casual labours
state/u.t. male female person
industry groups/division
P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all
household household household
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 61.13 40.08 61.65 39.90 36.36 39.79 57.27 36.54 57.35
Arunachal Pradesh 156.26 50.00 92.57 - - 60.65 156.26 50.00 82.90
Assam 76.52 59.89 67.75 55.33 48.16 50.20 74.41 57.43 64.83
Bihar 55.71 56.13 55.98 52.12 225.19 70.06 55.38 175.64 57.52
Chhattisgarh 46.51 95.14 50.33 32.73 42.87 33.90 43.02 46.99 46.25
Delhi 77.92 - 80.86 61.14 14.29 47.94 76.26 14.29 76.24
Goa 117.58 100.00 118.22 72.82 60.21 66.19 111.94 62.78 107.14
Gujarat 76.32 67.67 75.07 51.00 38.15 49.21 70.67 40.33 68.51
Haryana 75.98 103.69 76.90 66.19 25.73 54.68 75.18 27.63 74.85
Himachal Pradesh 84.52 - 84.26 66.88 63.24 63.23 83.00 63.24 82.57
Jammu & Kashmir 103.07 - 99.32 58.35 50.52 56.61 99.96 50.52 95.50
Jharkhand 55.42 56.56 54.50 46.11 32.62 46.11 53.99 33.88 53.04
Karnataka 76.81 57.99 77.09 44.16 47.46 43.30 73.05 47.63 71.19
Kerala 140.26 83.53 140.00 63.88 58.02 61.45 130.00 59.43 126.80
Madhya Pradesh 48.31 46.27 50.52 40.94 40.43 42.03 46.71 42.77 48.67
Maharashtra 71.70 60.26 71.04 42.83 26.67 40.07 67.22 34.08 65.07
Manipur 82.39 95.49 85.38 130.95 0.00 117.83 92.66 95.49 90.12
Meghalaya 76.80 - 82.17 36.57 37.27 40.42 71.44 37.27 75.35
Mizoram 130.16 - 123.75 114.53 - 110.98 127.26 - 121.48
Nagaland 104.73 156.60 106.99 114.70 71.43 75.62 106.29 110.07 96.38
Orissa 49.26 21.85 48.93 35.05 23.94 33.91 46.62 23.61 45.62
Punjab 80.69 48.57 80.10 51.15 36.74 46.56 79.01 36.86 77.05
Rajasthan 63.47 73.59 65.18 50.02 40.61 49.13 61.56 42.89 62.53
Sikkim 103.54 54.29 97.45 72.41 48.96 72.05 97.32 51.28 92.90
Tamil Nadu 81.29 56.42 82.05 45.65 34.56 46.47 73.84 37.99 74.43
Tripura 70.07 72.77 65.42 46.96 46.44 43.93 68.86 68.40 63.06
Uttaranchal 71.33 - 76.65 76.43 46.85 69.00 71.63 46.85 76.10
Uttar Pradesh 58.28 98.13 58.31 45.40 34.94 43.89 57.44 70.59 57.36
West Bengal 59.55 71.13 60.38 34.87 26.67 34.64 56.92 39.73 57.00
A & N Islands 94.97 71.43 95.53 70.95 47.28 64.57 93.39 48.11 90.11
Chandigarh 98.70 - 92.81 - - - 98.70 - 92.81
Dadra & Nagar 68.84 68.57 67.39 59.85 46.86 56.24 66.29 53.81 64.09
Daman & Diu 81.91 85.52 86.41 94.36 21.36 61.56 82.36 50.45 80.94
Lakshadweep 133.08 - 133.22 - - 75.88 133.08 - 132.81
Pondicherry 91.65 - 88.02 59.67 28.68 48.04 89.60 28.68 84.46
all -India
71.41 63.37 71.01 45.77 42.89 45.25 67.74 50.23 66.78

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.17.1: Average wage and salary earnings per day received by wage/ salaried employees according to usual status (ps+ss) who had same status
in employment in current daily status during for each state/u.t.
rural status in emloyment: regular wage/ salaried employees & casual labours
state/u.t. male female person
industry groups/division
P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all
household household household
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 59.57 53.93 86.95 40.51 24.76 50.04 55.74 28.62 78.20
Arunachal Pradesh 177.25 70.00 218.49 - - 127.34 177.25 70.00 203.37
Assam 89.82 60.47 130.15 98.27 43.05 79.23 90.70 56.90 122.67
Bihar 67.13 56.60 102.15 58.25 32.31 74.11 66.42 45.39 99.11
Chhattisgarh 51.73 15.00 90.14 36.56 17.56 53.26 48.90 16.86 82.96
Delhi 125.70 78.57 150.00 53.29 - 191.46 125.46 78.57 150.58
Goa 118.75 100.00 172.99 67.81 53.88 95.79 102.04 57.75 147.98
Gujarat 75.29 72.65 105.60 53.01 36.97 74.07 71.55 38.27 99.72
Haryana 84.73 83.29 194.44 75.79 34.38 86.01 84.33 39.25 187.33
Himachal Pradesh 89.68 63.56 158.12 62.58 48.58 140.73 87.74 57.80 155.48
Jammu & Kashmir 101.76 114.29 154.54 52.19 36.58 89.10 98.08 55.78 148.76
Jharkhand 58.14 41.62 89.59 45.09 31.15 61.34 56.31 33.23 85.37
Karnataka 73.45 178.71 102.76 39.75 66.03 57.39 68.33 90.44 92.46
Kerala 131.80 222.64 153.27 66.57 49.39 102.88 119.00 53.53 138.96
Madhya Pradesh 53.88 42.13 85.55 35.48 39.87 35.99 50.22 41.01 74.13
Maharashtra 67.56 66.73 132.50 42.85 23.26 80.70 64.75 32.73 124.11
Manipur 81.19 165.10 179.53 68.65 228.57 106.86 78.76 174.92 167.53
Meghalaya 83.58 - 144.47 61.93 37.43 122.14 80.46 37.43 139.70
Mizoram 153.34 - 271.51 100.00 - 262.19 145.42 - 270.12
Nagaland 179.56 156.60 275.87 111.48 21.43 206.11 171.72 121.71 265.75
Orissa 57.86 26.14 97.47 35.42 28.08 56.82 54.40 27.37 90.00
Punjab 93.61 69.56 133.51 70.04 28.77 98.63 91.96 35.21 129.58
Rajasthan 69.40 35.71 97.95 51.24 34.96 59.82 67.20 35.04 92.17
Sikkim 107.04 55.63 186.59 73.97 57.18 188.36 103.11 56.31 186.95
Tamil Nadu 77.92 53.03 104.05 39.70 34.69 60.78 69.54 37.08 92.64
Tripura 71.61 73.65 84.88 54.57 41.49 59.57 70.72 63.78 82.02
Uttaranchal 80.99 69.83 152.96 66.96 - 138.10 79.80 69.83 151.58
Uttar Pradesh 63.39 35.69 90.75 56.87 39.48 73.19 63.02 37.87 89.34
West Bengal 63.49 70.61 107.48 34.43 19.41 48.08 60.13 35.36 97.09
A & N Islands 88.96 57.14 184.75 54.84 51.21 184.14 87.47 51.69 184.63
Chandigarh 91.79 35.71 122.66 53.29 - 264.64 91.74 35.71 124.01
Dadra & Nagar 75.74 - 111.49 59.99 25.00 66.98 72.72 25.00 104.53
Daman & Diu 97.74 55.71 129.37 150.00 - 68.35 98.44 55.71 122.54
Lakshadweep 137.46 - 182.34 0.00 - 412.86 137.46 - 183.49
Pondicherry 83.96 - 98.52 51.89 51.71 49.90 74.11 51.71 87.25
all -India
73.87 62.39 112.01 47.41 33.70 68.61 70.24 44.12 104.41

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.17.1: Average wage and salary earnings per day received by wage/ salaried employees according to usual status (ps+ss) who had same status
in employment in current daily status during for each state/u.t.
urban status in emloyment: regular wage/ salaried employees & casual labours
state/u.t. male female person
industry groups/division
P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all
household household household
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 77.47 65.56 152.48 65.52 27.43 104.72 75.56 31.50 141.65
Arunachal Pradesh 111.15 55.87 238.83 72.70 35.71 164.41 90.38 53.75 224.35
Assam 88.93 50.16 216.54 66.61 60.87 127.52 86.11 54.30 200.45
Bihar 64.69 56.21 198.12 180.91 160.19 187.24 71.31 107.19 197.27
Chhattisgarh 70.44 43.78 159.37 41.52 27.02 58.28 66.12 28.14 139.65
Delhi 130.19 87.84 241.08 103.09 67.86 238.35 129.23 73.68 240.69
Goa 129.14 88.57 205.81 68.97 62.90 150.60 117.46 69.04 190.91
Gujarat 97.62 64.45 160.80 64.08 40.73 87.56 94.00 43.78 149.29
Haryana 90.30 92.32 147.49 92.96 41.45 151.96 90.64 72.52 148.09
Himachal Pradesh 110.41 - 202.38 79.47 32.04 165.48 101.68 32.04 195.36
Jammu & Kashmir 143.26 102.17 216.21 93.38 74.04 183.84 139.07 85.14 212.52
Jharkhand 91.40 25.34 223.93 62.75 35.34 96.90 87.42 34.53 199.07
Karnataka 108.15 86.86 186.82 88.93 42.66 131.96 105.63 48.41 175.79
Kerala 129.16 71.35 173.58 81.51 62.48 149.76 122.23 63.05 166.81
Madhya Pradesh 75.06 35.45 153.70 64.39 25.69 90.93 73.50 28.01 141.69
Maharashtra 105.37 91.42 194.83 87.73 45.21 156.86 102.93 56.16 186.78
Manipur 100.32 - 252.47 144.95 - 212.52 113.85 - 242.02
Meghalaya 117.67 63.47 255.96 80.40 41.09 193.72 115.73 43.21 227.34
Mizoram 173.49 32.61 272.88 159.65 33.57 300.64 170.29 33.20 279.10
Nagaland 126.92 - 263.02 96.28 62.08 200.13 121.27 62.08 248.87
Orissa 67.09 38.37 171.93 59.12 25.58 112.71 66.09 27.25 159.99
Punjab 102.50 91.03 180.59 93.18 46.44 212.25 101.32 57.41 186.51
Rajasthan 84.36 54.79 157.28 53.38 32.37 132.74 81.42 38.68 153.83
Sikkim 97.18 56.14 228.37 101.73 59.35 201.41 97.56 58.79 222.39
Tamil Nadu 99.53 105.36 171.15 52.07 34.87 105.21 90.29 49.86 154.94
Tripura 90.07 78.85 157.24 61.20 26.45 103.16 84.21 49.05 144.55
Uttaranchal 84.78 40.07 192.64 54.36 27.67 131.59 78.12 33.15 180.98
Uttar Pradesh 80.94 96.30 150.86 49.42 29.03 128.73 78.29 66.18 148.71
West Bengal 77.19 75.92 159.90 54.59 35.19 109.09 75.82 46.31 151.29
A & N Islands 120.59 71.43 233.49 94.76 58.85 223.79 118.14 59.71 231.80
Chandigarh 101.99 63.76 281.43 71.76 66.90 256.91 95.38 65.69 275.58
Dadra & Nagar 115.21 67.87 193.24 171.48 53.74 138.29 121.39 59.63 186.79
Daman & Diu 197.30 100.00 173.70 21.21 21.36 110.81 189.18 70.63 164.88
Lakshadweep 114.71 - 212.92 - - 275.75 114.71 - 223.94
Pondicherry 100.41 55.47 154.89 57.30 48.72 90.50 94.67 48.96 142.68
all -India
95.15 80.01 176.33 70.00 40.84 131.79 92.00 49.87 167.97

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.17.1: Average wage and salary earnings per day received by wage/ salaried employees according to usual status (ps+ss) who had same status
in employment in current daily status during for each state/u.t.
rural+urban status in emloyment: regular wage/ salaried employees & casual labours
state/u.t. male female person
industry groups/division
P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all P&P employer’s all
household household household
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 68.14 62.83 120.22 50.79 26.91 77.02 64.99 30.93 110.21
Arunachal Pradesh 172.17 68.77 224.45 72.70 35.71 139.75 163.93 68.43 209.67
Assam 89.51 59.31 156.70 85.64 47.28 96.74 89.08 56.53 147.25
Bihar 66.39 56.43 134.40 86.65 92.27 103.61 67.88 73.44 131.36
Chhattisgarh 60.05 31.38 124.20 38.45 25.83 55.73 56.37 26.38 110.86
Delhi 129.78 86.10 233.87 102.66 67.86 238.02 128.89 73.99 234.43
Goa 123.81 89.94 190.29 68.18 60.03 121.13 108.86 65.89 169.79
Gujarat 87.67 65.30 138.30 57.75 39.57 81.38 83.61 42.19 128.67
Haryana 86.79 91.43 175.24 86.83 37.15 125.81 86.79 59.16 170.56
Himachal Pradesh 92.56 63.56 167.85 70.20 40.82 147.40 90.15 51.27 164.56
Jammu & Kashmir 115.75 105.25 177.33 67.32 58.91 130.55 112.00 74.79 172.74
Jharkhand 66.98 37.24 135.95 49.75 33.28 76.37 64.57 33.85 126.08
Karnataka 95.79 93.82 159.03 69.42 43.65 104.69 92.14 50.38 147.63
Kerala 131.01 125.51 159.46 70.01 54.49 117.19 119.93 57.34 147.45
Madhya Pradesh 65.05 37.92 123.82 48.01 27.85 63.63 62.12 30.82 111.24
Maharashtra 95.19 88.81 176.89 77.53 42.66 139.72 92.86 53.49 169.52
Manipur 86.83 165.10 207.40 101.51 228.57 162.38 90.20 174.92 198.18
Meghalaya 93.47 63.47 191.83 64.11 40.22 172.14 89.97 41.93 185.11
Mizoram 170.22 32.61 272.49 153.64 33.57 293.11 166.59 33.20 276.70
Nagaland 141.72 156.60 269.68 99.07 55.46 202.44 134.64 87.69 257.21
Orissa 60.39 31.31 122.10 40.85 26.24 76.74 57.52 27.29 113.49
Punjab 97.59 83.17 155.62 84.16 37.59 168.59 96.29 46.90 157.55
Rajasthan 75.01 52.78 122.49 51.91 33.08 88.44 72.43 37.83 117.47
Sikkim 105.34 55.66 194.11 77.34 57.90 190.95 102.18 56.83 193.46
Tamil Nadu 89.72 97.29 144.13 45.99 34.83 86.30 80.71 46.93 129.49
Tripura 73.69 74.46 96.86 57.03 36.16 73.65 72.49 60.41 93.71
Uttaranchal 82.42 48.35 171.68 58.80 27.67 133.72 79.10 38.50 166.29
Uttar Pradesh 70.19 85.15 117.16 53.17 31.89 100.54 69.05 59.77 115.70
West Bengal 70.71 74.36 137.71 41.61 31.14 82.68 68.16 43.38 128.26
A & N Islands 101.87 61.29 208.62 79.32 53.75 202.22 100.40 54.34 207.43
Chandigarh 99.55 63.59 263.30 71.73 66.90 256.94 94.66 65.62 261.92
Dadra & Nagar 80.47 67.87 123.37 67.33 46.86 74.73 78.06 54.25 116.02
Daman & Diu 117.93 93.84 146.60 88.91 21.36 87.51 117.34 69.26 139.32
Lakshadweep 133.08 - 194.26 - - 280.60 133.08 - 201.10
Pondicherry 96.26 55.47 141.72 54.63 48.79 79.04 88.57 49.02 129.19
all -India
84.49 73.14 146.13 58.09 39.04 103.45 81.03 48.21 138.37

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.19.1: Proportion (per 1000) of employees who had no written job contract among employees according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in
the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for different status in employment in each state/u.t
state/u.t. male female person
regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all workers regular wage/ casual all
salaried labour workers salaried labour salaried labour workers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 643 951 805 627 976 789 639 956 801
Arunachal 328 631 406 278 690 504 322 650 423
Assam 501 897 728 515 966 799 502 908 738
Bihar 535 766 676 336 773 630 511 767 669
Chhattisgarh 543 978 786 431 992 807 525 982 791
Delhi 902 1000 909 142 - 142 891 1000 898
Goa 722 1000 785 760 1000 800 734 1000 790
Gujarat 608 993 815 620 986 885 610 991 831
Haryana 727 988 832 628 1000 843 721 990 833
Himachal 515 972 750 424 1000 529 495 974 720
Jammu & 651 997 780 707 926 797 655 991 781
Jharkhand 492 937 835 305 952 812 465 939 832
Karnataka 550 985 787 536 925 704 546 975 769
Kerala 551 975 839 534 927 704 545 966 803
Madhya Pradesh 501 974 745 761 958 870 563 969 777
Maharashtra 468 961 657 396 982 676 457 965 660
Manipur 538 692 581 295 786 393 495 704 551
Meghalaya 650 955 801 690 911 771 660 948 795
Mizoram 323 909 409 433 551 468 341 791 421
Nagaland 526 747 536 670 426 657 547 689 554
Orissa 527 962 772 454 964 820 517 963 782
Punjab 689 957 819 773 1000 857 700 961 823
Rajasthan 609 989 857 423 981 857 587 987 857
Sikkim 375 936 464 361 1000 460 372 950 463
Tamil Nadu 669 986 840 688 1000 837 674 989 840
Tripura 297 934 777 413 918 777 312 932 777
Uttaranchal 478 942 680 391 1000 601 467 947 672
Uttar Pradesh 664 919 811 405 931 668 639 920 799
West Bengal 646 953 833 671 937 816 651 950 830
A & N Islands 27 862 445 164 748 399 57 844 436
Chandigarh 880 467 757 777 - 777 879 467 757
Dadra & Nagar 998 959 988 1000 1000 1000 998 974 990
Daman & Diu 699 874 766 0 1000 975 695 904 790
Lakshadweep 42 967 679 0 - 0 42 967 676
Pondicherry 781 1000 874 819 1000 842 791 1000 867
all -India 598 953 794 568 960 780 592 954 792

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.19.1: Proportion (per 1000) of employees who had no written job contract among employees according to usual status (ps+ss)
engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for different status in employment in each state/u.t
state/u.t. male female person
regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all workers regular wage/ casual all
salaried labour workers salaried labour salaried labour workers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 643 978 743 740 959 799 666 974 756
Arunachal 493 708 521 492 766 553 493 725 527
Assam 446 932 547 409 621 463 439 859 531
Bihar 521 947 654 502 947 664 520 947 655
Chhattisgarh 484 940 574 636 933 739 511 938 609
Delhi 750 1000 769 599 1000 626 728 1000 748
Goa 572 1000 715 668 1000 734 601 1000 720
Gujarat 688 983 734 577 998 750 674 988 737
Haryana 664 974 708 596 1000 664 655 979 702
Himachal 525 1000 735 623 1000 767 546 1000 742
Jammu & 714 999 789 746 1000 773 719 999 787
Jharkhand 398 899 545 652 977 796 440 920 595
Karnataka 536 995 681 466 989 591 521 994 663
Kerala 614 982 819 511 965 648 577 980 773
Madhya Pradesh 469 982 608 685 977 759 513 981 638
Maharashtra 492 979 596 526 980 617 500 979 601
Manipur 571 390 550 558 625 566 568 453 554
Meghalaya 590 893 639 646 842 657 619 881 648
Mizoram 344 795 423 257 864 325 324 806 402
Nagaland 411 621 427 519 424 500 432 536 443
Orissa 379 847 521 436 998 616 391 880 542
Punjab 714 980 756 613 974 638 694 980 735
Rajasthan 589 966 679 503 1000 619 576 971 670
Sikkim 393 1000 420 354 1000 367 384 1000 408
Tamil Nadu 630 982 717 748 1000 792 661 985 736
Tripura 183 955 354 371 971 460 229 958 378
Uttaranchal 543 1000 603 518 1000 568 538 1000 596
Uttar Pradesh 636 943 714 614 806 666 633 928 709
West Bengal 539 936 664 693 974 752 568 941 679
A & N Islands 146 805 334 185 764 359 153 797 339
Chandigarh 992 1000 993 1000 - 1000 994 1000 994
Dadra & Nagar 998 1000 998 1000 1000 1000 998 1000 998
Daman & Diu 620 953 716 691 1000 861 629 967 744
Lakshadweep 125 846 300 70 1000 151 115 856 276
Pondicherry 569 991 754 848 1000 885 638 992 779
all -India 587 966 681 612 967 694 592 966 683

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.19.1: Proportion (per 1000) of employees who had no written job contract among employees according to usual status (ps+ss)
engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for different status in employment in each state/u.t
state/u.t. male female person
regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all
salaried labour workers salaried labour workers salaried labour workers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 643 961 775 689 970 794 654 963 779
Arunachal 380 643 438 368 701 518 378 662 453
Assam 477 901 676 458 900 675 474 901 676
Bihar 529 800 669 392 794 637 515 800 665
Chhattisgarh 508 970 693 558 975 777 517 971 710
Delhi 762 1000 780 595 1000 623 739 1000 759
Goa 651 1000 750 717 1000 769 671 1000 755
Gujarat 665 990 769 591 990 820 655 990 779
Haryana 697 986 784 606 1000 748 689 987 780
Himachal 517 977 747 468 1000 595 507 979 724
Jammu & 676 998 783 728 938 787 681 993 783
Jharkhand 439 932 749 514 958 806 451 936 758
Karnataka 540 990 719 488 956 634 528 984 701
Kerala 574 977 834 526 936 689 556 969 795
Madhya Pradesh 481 977 671 716 963 819 531 974 704
Maharashtra 486 971 615 504 981 631 489 973 618
Manipur 552 633 570 438 721 483 528 647 552
Meghalaya 619 944 736 656 894 692 634 935 721
Mizoram 338 825 419 296 710 363 329 801 407
Nagaland 471 667 483 584 424 560 490 580 497
Orissa 466 940 695 444 970 755 462 947 707
Punjab 703 962 791 664 994 727 696 965 782
Rajasthan 597 985 788 475 984 775 581 985 786
Sikkim 378 940 456 359 1000 443 374 952 453
Tamil Nadu 642 984 770 728 1000 812 665 988 781
Tripura 253 935 707 389 923 680 278 934 703
Uttaranchal 514 953 646 480 1000 580 508 958 636
Uttar Pradesh 648 925 771 522 891 667 636 922 762
West Bengal 573 946 739 685 948 782 595 947 747
A & N Islands 94 843 393 175 754 380 110 828 390
Chandigarh 983 731 966 999 - 999 987 731 973
Dadra & Nagar 998 961 989 1000 1000 1000 998 976 991
Daman & Diu 666 899 747 659 1000 914 665 926 771
Lakshadweep 91 946 537 68 1000 146 88 947 510
Pondicherry 626 993 786 839 1000 873 681 994 803
all -India 591 957 737 597 962 736 592 958 737

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.21.1: Proportion (per 1000) of temporary employees among employees according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in the non-
agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for each state /u.t.
state/u.t. male female person
regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all
salaried labour workers salaried labour workers salaried labour workers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 311 552 438 228 567 386 289 555 425
Arunachal 352 543 401 358 437 402 353 509 401
Assam 131 587 392 219 540 421 142 579 397
Bihar 375 575 497 429 283 331 382 532 474
Chhattisgarh 164 360 273 233 284 267 175 342 272
Delhi 496 1000 531 142 - 142 491 1000 526
Goa 419 1000 552 580 1000 650 469 1000 581
Gujarat 281 663 486 304 815 674 284 707 529
Haryana 401 781 553 406 732 594 401 775 556
Himachal 207 463 339 283 854 387 223 484 345
Jammu & 222 617 369 350 227 299 232 581 363
Jharkhand 395 564 526 455 552 531 404 562 526
Karnataka 351 593 482 471 687 564 382 610 500
Kerala 295 602 504 345 648 476 315 611 497
Madhya Pradesh 337 634 491 587 504 541 397 599 503
Maharashtra 304 616 424 222 711 455 292 636 429
Manipur 92 459 195 321 435 343 132 456 219
Meghalaya 159 372 264 121 489 255 150 391 262
Mizoram 98 638 178 135 425 223 104 568 186
Nagaland 21 1000 64 120 1000 168 36 1000 79
Orissa 390 694 561 345 798 670 384 719 583
Punjab 342 693 512 491 816 611 362 704 523
Rajasthan 399 674 579 521 738 690 413 687 597
Sikkim 424 748 476 372 752 431 413 749 466
Tamil Nadu 263 596 443 331 605 463 282 598 448
Tripura 140 385 324 289 408 375 159 387 330
Uttaranchal 196 523 339 263 535 356 204 524 341
Uttar Pradesh 409 647 546 397 775 586 408 656 550
West Bengal 273 736 554 433 824 646 306 750 571
A & N Islands 23 955 490 0 915 368 18 949 467
Chandigarh 627 865 698 91 - 91 620 865 692
Dadra & Nagar 308 591 381 863 905 887 379 704 484
Daman & Diu 559 474 526 0 952 928 556 590 571
Lakshadweep 11 744 515 0 - 0 10 744 513
Pondicherry 776 1000 871 962 1000 966 827 1000 890
all -India 324 626 491 357 661 522 331 632 497

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.21.1: Proportion (per 1000) of temporary employees among employees according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in the non-
agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for each state /u.t.
state/u.t. male female person
regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all
salaried labour workers salaried labour workers salaried labour workers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 225 644 351 284 633 377 239 642 357
Arunachal 242 664 296 295 836 416 251 714 319
Assam 186 767 307 366 616 430 220 732 332
Bihar 318 827 477 189 1000 484 308 843 478
Chhattisgarh 220 588 292 323 502 385 238 561 312
Delhi 545 937 575 473 1000 509 535 946 565
Goa 323 1000 550 500 962 592 377 993 561
Gujarat 327 606 371 438 822 596 341 681 410
Haryana 456 793 504 434 580 459 453 759 497
Himachal 86 951 469 284 952 540 129 951 483
Jammu & 245 837 400 324 954 391 255 842 399
Jharkhand 194 796 370 558 749 643 253 783 424
Karnataka 300 715 431 354 772 454 312 724 436
Kerala 326 647 505 363 624 442 339 643 488
Madhya Pradesh 268 752 399 417 600 464 298 723 412
Maharashtra 330 670 402 384 636 434 342 663 409
Manipur 119 347 145 317 94 290 170 279 182
Meghalaya 136 423 183 310 394 315 224 416 245
Mizoram 48 605 145 98 469 139 59 585 144
Nagaland 136 812 188 166 939 324 142 867 219
Orissa 220 624 343 309 662 423 239 633 360
Punjab 372 792 439 387 979 428 375 808 437
Rajasthan 318 749 421 347 820 458 322 759 426
Sikkim 353 981 381 399 1000 410 363 983 387
Tamil Nadu 226 715 347 325 715 393 252 715 358
Tripura 119 196 136 269 226 263 156 201 166
Uttaranchal 135 589 194 250 636 290 158 596 213
Uttar Pradesh 354 671 435 439 455 443 363 647 436
West Bengal 224 795 404 407 674 463 259 781 414
A & N Islands 96 977 348 190 1000 433 113 982 364
Chandigarh 350 1000 374 424 - 424 368 1000 386
Dadra & Nagar 235 594 270 390 962 704 245 759 325
Daman & Diu 339 722 449 343 949 677 339 791 492
Lakshadweep 176 650 291 192 1000 262 179 672 286
Pondicherry 406 999 666 765 1000 822 494 999 696
all -India 308 710 408 373 685 445 321 705 415

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.21.1: Proportion (per 1000) of temporary employees among employees according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in the non-
agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for each state /u.t.
state/u.t. male female person
regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all
salaried labour workers salaried labour workers salaried labour workers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 261 584 395 259 590 382 260 585 392
Arunachal 318 562 372 332 496 406 320 541 378
Assam 154 610 368 299 554 424 177 600 377
Bihar 350 623 491 348 371 362 350 588 475
Chhattisgarh 197 409 282 289 348 320 213 394 290
Delhi 541 942 571 471 1000 506 532 949 562
Goa 374 1000 551 542 980 622 425 996 571
Gujarat 314 647 420 393 817 636 324 699 463
Haryana 427 783 534 426 694 522 427 772 533
Himachal 180 548 364 283 897 429 202 575 374
Jammu & 231 677 379 336 346 339 241 651 376
Jharkhand 281 596 479 517 601 572 318 597 495
Karnataka 314 655 450 390 728 496 331 668 459
Kerala 306 613 504 351 642 467 323 619 494
Madhya Pradesh 293 679 441 487 531 506 335 644 456
Maharashtra 323 647 409 356 669 439 330 651 415
Manipur 103 437 176 319 299 316 149 416 204
Meghalaya 147 381 232 267 466 296 196 396 254
Mizoram 63 614 155 106 448 161 72 579 156
Nagaland 76 882 124 147 948 264 88 905 151
Orissa 320 680 494 326 775 591 321 703 514
Punjab 359 714 480 420 850 502 370 726 483
Rajasthan 352 688 517 409 749 610 359 700 532
Sikkim 410 761 459 378 759 427 403 761 452
Tamil Nadu 237 641 388 327 639 424 262 641 397
Tripura 132 374 293 278 393 341 158 376 300
Uttaranchal 162 536 274 254 569 315 177 539 280
Uttar Pradesh 379 653 501 421 671 519 383 654 502
West Bengal 240 759 471 416 779 549 274 762 485
A & N Islands 64 962 423 97 949 398 70 960 418
Chandigarh 373 932 410 423 - 423 385 932 413
Dadra & Nagar 295 591 365 821 909 871 358 708 463
Daman & Diu 466 554 496 328 951 793 457 659 539
Lakshadweep 108 728 432 185 1000 253 118 731 419
Pondicherry 506 999 720 824 1000 862 588 999 748
all -India 314 652 449 367 669 482 325 655 455

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.22: Proportion (per 1000) of employees not eligible for paid leave among employees according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in the non-
agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for different status in employment for each state/u.t.
state/u.t. male female person
regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all workers regular wage/ casual all
salaried labour workers salaried labour salaried labour workers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 580 954 777 619 975 784 590 958 778
Arunachal 106 635 241 45 529 310 98 601 253
Assam 184 907 599 169 966 671 182 916 610
Bihar 439 776 644 376 800 661 431 780 646
Chhattisgarh 394 909 682 369 928 744 390 914 695
Delhi 729 1000 748 142 142 720 1000 740
Goa 398 1000 536 462 1000 552 417 1000 540
Gujarat 448 959 722 510 922 808 457 949 742
Haryana 509 997 704 511 1000 793 509 997 712
Himachal 333 979 666 284 1000 414 323 981 631
Jammu & 356 994 593 394 930 615 359 988 594
Jharkhand 399 941 817 380 966 840 397 945 820
Karnataka 461 993 750 476 1000 702 465 994 740
Kerala 472 981 818 441 932 654 460 971 774
Madhya Pradesh 487 949 726 774 935 863 555 945 761
Maharashtra 416 969 628 456 965 699 422 968 640
Manipur 203 727 350 579 866 635 269 744 396
Meghalaya 233 935 580 205 911 462 226 931 556
Mizoram 92 921 214 122 1000 386 97 947 247
Nagaland 36 541 58 149 426 164 53 520 74
Orissa 413 961 721 432 956 809 415 960 739
Punjab 584 974 773 588 944 719 584 971 767
Rajasthan 570 990 844 405 1000 867 551 992 848
Sikkim 461 976 543 405 1000 498 449 981 533
Tamil Nadu 578 998 805 588 1000 786 581 998 800
Tripura 283 911 756 368 918 765 294 912 757
Uttaranchal 357 977 627 267 1000 519 346 979 616
Uttar Pradesh 534 934 765 237 934 585 505 934 750
West Bengal 381 932 716 405 929 691 386 932 711
A & N Islands 27 987 508 200 966 508 64 984 508
Chandigarh 617 1000 731 91 - 91 610 1000 725
Dadra & Nagar 651 1000 741 924 985 959 686 995 786
Daman & Diu 233 913 495 0 1000 975 231 934 549
Lakshadweep 11 977 676 0 - 0 10 977 673
Pondicherry 681 1000 816 826 1000 848 721 1000 822
all -India 478 953 741 487 954 740 480 954 741

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.22: Proportion (per 1000) of employees not eligible for paid leave among employees according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in
the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for different status in employment for each state/u.t.
state/u.t. male female person
regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all workers regular wage/ casual all
salaried labour workers salaried labour salaried labour workers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 432 979 596 542 968 655 458 977 610
Arunachal 25 661 106 43 309 102 28 558 106
Assam 223 967 378 299 968 470 237 967 396
Bihar 394 942 565 446 947 628 398 942 571
Chhattisgarh 357 877 460 420 809 554 369 855 480
Delhi 632 1000 660 420 1000 459 601 1000 631
Goa 281 1000 522 488 1000 590 344 1000 540
Gujarat 486 996 566 482 966 681 485 986 586
Haryana 498 981 567 406 1000 506 486 984 558
Himachal 189 1000 548 250 1000 537 202 1000 546
Jammu & 318 1000 497 378 1000 444 326 1000 491
Jharkhand 259 899 446 600 977 767 315 920 510
Karnataka 389 1000 582 430 997 565 398 999 579
Kerala 429 982 737 339 969 530 397 980 682
Madhya Pradesh 370 973 534 511 977 629 398 974 552
Maharashtra 473 981 582 497 990 595 478 983 585
Manipur 93 571 148 176 719 243 114 611 173
Meghalaya 133 904 258 208 862 242 171 895 250
Mizoram 72 814 202 112 864 196 81 822 201
Nagaland 114 409 137 137 262 163 119 346 143
Orissa 308 860 476 356 998 562 318 891 495
Punjab 531 987 604 372 908 409 499 980 568
Rajasthan 546 989 652 511 1000 625 541 991 648
Sikkim 392 1000 419 407 1000 418 396 1000 419
Tamil Nadu 463 995 595 623 1000 688 505 996 618
Tripura 170 835 317 303 869 387 203 840 333
Uttaranchal 283 1000 377 390 1000 453 304 1000 392
Uttar Pradesh 494 959 613 456 806 551 490 942 607
West Bengal 335 940 526 405 825 493 348 926 520
A & N Islands 141 969 378 214 1000 450 155 975 391
Chandigarh 328 1000 353 376 - 376 340 1000 358
Dadra & Nagar 414 1000 471 390 1000 725 412 1000 504
Daman & Diu 566 987 688 426 735 596 548 910 670
Lakshadweep 114 1000 330 60 1000 142 104 1000 299
Pondicherry 373 1000 648 700 1000 773 454 1000 673
all -India 449 972 578 480 956 589 455 969 580

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.22: Proportion (per 1000) of employees not eligible for paid leave among employees according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in
the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for different status in employment for each state/u.t.
state/u.t. male female person
regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all workers regular wage/ casual all
salaried labour workers salaried labour salaried labour workers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 493 963 688 576 972 724 514 965 697
Arunachal 80 639 203 44 497 249 75 594 211
Assam 201 915 535 240 966 597 207 924 545
Bihar 419 808 620 400 818 655 417 809 624
Chhattisgarh 372 902 584 400 893 659 377 900 600
Delhi 640 1000 666 418 1000 457 609 1000 638
Goa 342 1000 529 474 1000 570 383 1000 540
Gujarat 475 970 633 492 937 747 477 960 656
Haryana 504 994 651 438 1000 640 498 995 650
Himachal 301 983 643 276 1000 448 296 984 613
Jammu & 341 996 559 385 942 541 346 991 557
Jharkhand 320 935 706 513 969 813 350 941 724
Karnataka 408 996 642 444 999 617 416 997 637
Kerala 457 981 795 408 940 619 438 973 748
Madhya Pradesh 412 958 622 619 947 755 457 956 652
Maharashtra 458 976 596 490 979 621 465 976 601
Manipur 157 697 275 361 807 432 200 714 306
Meghalaya 180 930 451 207 899 309 191 924 403
Mizoram 78 842 206 114 930 246 86 860 214
Nagaland 73 458 97 142 286 163 85 396 109
Orissa 370 941 646 391 964 730 373 947 663
Punjab 554 976 698 440 936 535 534 973 674
Rajasthan 556 990 769 473 1000 784 545 991 772
Sikkim 448 977 521 405 1000 483 439 982 513
Tamil Nadu 499 997 685 611 1000 732 529 997 696
Tripura 240 907 684 331 914 649 256 908 679
Uttaranchal 316 981 515 353 1000 478 322 983 510
Uttar Pradesh 512 940 702 360 892 569 497 936 690
West Bengal 350 935 610 405 897 586 360 929 606
A & N Islands 91 981 447 207 980 481 114 981 453
Chandigarh 352 1000 395 374 - 374 357 1000 391
Dadra & Nagar 611 1000 703 876 987 939 643 995 748
Daman & Diu 374 937 570 406 895 771 376 926 599
Lakshadweep 72 981 546 58 1000 137 70 981 518
Pondicherry 457 1000 693 738 1000 794 529 1000 713
all -India 460 959 659 483 955 662 464 958 660
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.24.1: Proportion (per 1000) of employees not eligible for any social security benefit among employees according to usual status (ps+ss)
engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for different status in employment for each state/u.t.
state/u.t. male female person
regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all workers regular wage/ casual all
salaried labour workers salaried labour salaried labour workers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 683 956 827 479 970 707 628 959 798
Arunachal 156 656 284 205 664 456 162 659 315
Assam 214 879 596 309 868 662 226 877 605
Bihar 529 771 676 696 800 766 548 775 688
Chhattisgarh 518 945 756 448 968 797 506 950 765
Delhi 728 1000 747 142 - 142 719 1000 739
Goa 387 1000 528 445 1000 537 405 1000 531
Gujarat 553 996 791 657 1000 905 569 997 817
Haryana 564 996 737 675 1000 863 570 997 747
Himachal 372 958 674 439 1000 541 386 960 655
Jammu & 407 958 612 521 1000 718 416 962 620
Jharkhand 471 932 827 525 965 870 479 937 833
Karnataka 568 999 803 696 998 827 601 999 808
Kerala 564 967 838 538 886 689 554 952 798
Madhya Pradesh 606 966 792 871 965 923 669 966 825
Maharashtra 484 965 669 626 994 801 505 971 691
Manipur 153 817 339 652 879 697 241 824 396
Meghalaya 249 957 600 385 911 577 283 950 595
Mizoram 75 909 198 214 381 264 98 735 211
Nagaland 36 898 73 190 1000 234 58 917 97
Orissa 460 963 743 427 964 812 455 963 757
Punjab 625 978 797 690 984 798 634 979 797
Rajasthan 630 993 867 702 991 926 639 992 877
Sikkim 487 976 565 438 979 522 477 977 556
Tamil Nadu 646 984 829 700 985 836 661 984 831
Tripura 324 933 783 536 916 810 352 931 786
Uttaranchal 397 972 648 526 1000 689 412 975 652
Uttar Pradesh 642 927 807 634 940 787 641 928 805
West Bengal 506 947 775 651 927 801 536 944 779
A & N Islands 34 987 512 200 966 508 70 984 511
Chandigarh 742 1000 819 91 - 91 733 1000 812
Dadra & Nagar 703 959 769 924 1000 967 732 974 810
Daman & Diu 464 913 638 0 1000 975 462 934 675
Lakshadweep 0 902 621 0 - 0 0 902 619
Pondicherry 553 934 714 677 1000 718 587 939 715
all -India 560 954 778 609 959 798 569 955 782

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.24.1: Proportion (per 1000) of employees not eligible for any social security benefit among employees according to usual status
(ps+ss) engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for different status in employment for each state/u.t.
male female person
state/u.t. regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all workers regular wage/ casual all
salaried labour workers salaried labour salaried labour workers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 557 973 682 658 971 741 581 972 695
Arunachal 74 632 145 44 812 215 68 685 159
Assam 297 967 437 394 968 540 315 967 457
Bihar 440 951 600 536 947 686 448 951 607
Chhattisgarh 468 925 558 612 857 697 494 903 587
Delhi 635 1000 662 518 1000 551 618 1000 646
Goa 293 968 519 498 851 568 355 948 532
Gujarat 550 993 620 667 1000 804 565 996 652
Haryana 554 1000 617 537 1000 615 552 1000 617
Himachal 217 1000 563 321 1000 581 239 1000 567
Jammu & 316 751 430 373 1000 440 324 763 431
Jharkhand 262 858 437 561 975 745 311 890 498
Karnataka 466 994 633 445 994 576 461 994 621
Kerala 540 954 770 490 973 637 522 957 735
Madhya Pradesh 474 964 607 688 977 762 517 966 637
Maharashtra 546 976 638 593 965 667 556 974 644
Manipur 150 930 240 319 891 389 194 919 279
Meghalaya 228 865 331 301 862 331 265 865 331
Mizoram 78 754 197 150 864 230 95 771 204
Nagaland 103 673 148 187 690 290 120 680 180
Orissa 351 849 503 555 984 692 394 879 543
Punjab 635 991 692 541 867 563 616 980 669
Rajasthan 598 985 690 586 1000 682 596 987 689
Sikkim 404 1000 430 430 1000 441 410 1000 433
Tamil Nadu 530 980 642 662 992 719 565 982 661
Tripura 185 889 341 389 896 464 236 890 369
Uttaranchal 387 1000 467 510 1000 560 411 1000 485
Uttar Pradesh 542 911 637 614 806 666 550 900 640
West Bengal 440 953 602 703 985 762 490 957 629
A & N Islands 158 1000 399 250 1000 475 175 1000 413
Chandigarh 400 1000 422 449 - 449 412 1000 429
Dadra & Nagar 325 1000 392 0 1000 550 303 1000 412
Daman & Diu 574 1000 697 426 735 596 555 919 678
Lakshadweep 106 1000 323 60 1000 142 97 1000 294
Pondicherry 376 996 648 685 963 754 453 992 668
all -India 520 961 629 595 967 681 535 962 639

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.24.1: Proportion (per 1000) of employees not eligible for any social security benefit among employees according to usual status (ps+ss)
engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for different status in employment for each state/u.t.
state/u.t. male female person
regular wage/ casual all regular wage/ casual all workers regular wage/ casual all
salaried labour workers salaried labour salaried labour workers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 609 962 756 577 970 723 601 964 748
Arunachal 130 652 245 138 686 385 131 663 271
Assam 250 890 550 355 888 617 266 889 561
Bihar 490 805 652 642 818 749 505 807 664
Chhattisgarh 489 940 669 549 935 752 499 939 686
Delhi 642 1000 669 515 1000 548 625 1000 652
Goa 342 981 523 469 922 552 381 969 531
Gujarat 551 995 693 663 1000 856 566 997 725
Haryana 559 997 691 579 1000 731 561 997 695
Himachal 338 965 652 412 1000 552 354 968 637
Jammu & 372 901 548 442 1000 598 379 909 553
Jharkhand 353 922 710 547 968 824 383 930 729
Karnataka 493 996 693 523 996 671 500 996 689
Kerala 555 964 819 522 905 674 543 953 780
Madhya Pradesh 522 965 692 764 968 849 574 966 727
Maharashtra 530 971 647 598 977 700 544 973 658
Manipur 152 839 302 472 884 537 220 846 349
Meghalaya 238 941 492 320 899 406 272 933 463
Mizoram 77 794 197 164 627 239 96 760 206
Nagaland 68 757 109 188 734 268 89 749 139
Orissa 415 941 669 495 967 774 429 947 691
Punjab 631 981 750 588 959 658 624 979 737
Rajasthan 611 991 798 627 992 843 614 991 805
Sikkim 471 977 541 437 980 507 463 978 534
Tamil Nadu 566 982 722 675 987 771 596 983 734
Tripura 271 931 710 452 914 704 303 929 709
Uttaranchal 391 978 567 515 1000 609 412 980 573
Uttar Pradesh 587 923 737 623 897 730 591 921 736
West Bengal 461 950 679 685 945 780 505 949 697
A & N Islands 104 992 458 225 980 492 128 990 465
Chandigarh 429 1000 467 448 - 448 433 1000 463
Dadra & Nagar 640 961 716 841 1000 931 664 976 757
Daman & Diu 511 941 661 406 895 771 505 929 677
Lakshadweep 63 919 510 58 1000 137 62 920 484
Pondicherry 424 980 665 683 969 744 490 978 681
all -India 535 956 703 600 961 737 547 957 709

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.26.1: Proportion (per 1000) of employees who had no written job contract and not eligible for paid leave among employees
according to usual status (ps+ss) engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for each state/u.t

rural urban rural+urban

state/u.t. male female person male female person male female person
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Andhra Pradesh 738 686 726 577 626 588 659 658 659
Arunachal Pradesh 189 227 196 98 97 98 164 189 168
Assam 571 653 583 352 343 350 508 539 513
Bihar 625 619 624 551 618 556 601 619 604
Chhattisgarh 665 729 679 435 536 456 564 643 580
Delhi 720 142 712 641 443 612 647 441 619
Goa 525 501 518 519 580 535 522 539 526
Gujarat 697 794 719 529 631 547 601 716 623
Haryana 693 787 701 554 497 546 639 632 639
Himachal Pradesh 640 347 600 542 534 541 621 399 587
Jammu & Kashmir 575 610 578 478 415 471 541 526 539
Jharkhand 798 798 798 430 747 493 688 779 703
Karnataka 714 601 689 567 493 552 619 534 601
Kerala 795 607 744 721 491 660 774 574 720
Madhya Pradesh 686 840 725 498 597 518 584 728 617
Maharashtra 594 627 600 534 555 538 552 573 556
Manipur 312 276 306 111 209 136 237 241 238
Meghalaya 579 458 554 249 204 227 447 281 391
Mizoram 178 202 183 181 132 170 180 151 174
Nagaland 41 112 51 87 97 89 63 103 71
Orissa 697 770 712 448 515 462 620 688 634
Punjab 734 710 732 595 397 558 672 523 651
Rajasthan 825 837 827 628 585 621 748 750 749
Sikkim 444 429 441 369 344 363 431 413 427
Tamil Nadu 782 764 777 564 658 587 657 706 669
Tripura 742 743 742 298 383 318 669 632 664
Uttaranchal 588 509 580 358 431 372 485 460 482
Uttar Pradesh 743 548 727 572 526 567 673 538 660
West Bengal 700 669 694 494 461 488 585 558 581
A & N Islands 441 385 430 321 359 328 384 373 382
Chandigarh 494 91 490 345 376 353 362 374 365
Dadra & Nagar 731 959 777 469 725 502 693 939 741
Daman & Diu 424 975 486 578 569 576 484 757 523
Lakshadweep 669 0 666 270 142 250 520 137 494
Pondicherry 805 842 813 627 752 651 674 777 695
all -India
715 696 712 548 553 549 631 622 630

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.

rural male status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees

state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Andhra Pradesh 868 54 15 10 38 1000

Arunachal 795 15 0 2 7 1000
Assam 890 11 21 3 27 1000
Bihar 835 22 14 19 36 1000
Chhattisgarh 807 53 23 42 50 1000

Delhi 894 106 0 0 0 1000

Goa 948 42 0 0 0 1000
Gujarat 948 3 5 43 1 1000
Haryana 960 3 7 14 15 1000
Himachal 960 1 6 3 31 1000

Jammu & 946 3 17 16 16 1000

Jharkhand 848 44 13 38 16 1000
Karnataka 896 68 18 17 1 1000
Kerala 815 42 100 20 9 1000
Madhya Pradesh 755 125 29 53 12 1000

Maharashtra 942 25 2 6 6 1000

Manipur 878 2 0 10 19 1000
Meghalaya 892 11 0 2 0 1000
Mizoram 916 0 0 0 0 1000
Nagaland 974 0 0 6 2 1000

Orissa 843 28 33 8 32 1000

Punjab 859 0 49 4 88 1000
Rajasthan 923 10 5 36 26 1000
Sikkim 896 76 0 9 13 1000
Tamil Nadu 785 151 42 15 8 1000

Tripura 866 29 5 39 0 1000

Uttaranchal 928 0 18 0 19 1000
Uttar Pradesh 837 17 27 26 41 1000
West Bengal 837 87 13 12 43 1000
A & N Islands 980 0 0 0 11 1000

Chandigarh 897 13 0 0 90 1000

Dadra & Nagar 947 14 0 0 39 1000
Daman & Diu 964 0 0 0 36 1000
Lakshadweep 1000 0 0 0 0 1000
Pondicherry 725 169 48 42 15 1000

all -India 869 43 23 19 25 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.

rural female status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees

state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 693 35 7 248 13 1000
Arunachal 744 0 0 12 6 1000
Assam 860 0 9 0 76 1000
Bihar 781 0 0 0 134 1000
Chhattisgarh 787 62 63 0 9 1000

Delhi 1000 0 0 0 0 1000

Goa 920 0 0 80 0 1000
Gujarat 906 0 0 94 0 1000
Haryana 942 0 0 0 58 1000
Himachal 962 19 16 0 3 1000

Jammu & 930 0 3 10 58 1000

Jharkhand 758 7 0 58 73 1000
Karnataka 938 21 10 1 31 1000
Kerala 840 94 7 34 13 1000
Madhya Pradesh 305 439 0 232 4 1000

Maharashtra 784 92 0 54 35 1000

Manipur 924 0 0 3 4 1000
Meghalaya 909 0 0 15 0 1000
Mizoram 976 0 0 0 0 1000
Nagaland 984 16 0 0 0 1000

Orissa 851 40 5 8 13 1000

Punjab 892 0 49 0 59 1000
Rajasthan 963 0 0 0 37 1000
Sikkim 884 25 0 0 22 1000
Tamil Nadu 789 180 12 11 7 1000

Tripura 822 0 0 110 0 1000

Uttaranchal 975 0 0 0 25 1000
Uttar Pradesh 909 0 27 0 29 1000
West Bengal 938 0 0 11 0 1000
A & N Islands 1000 0 0 0 0 1000

Chandigarh 1000 0 0 0 0 1000

Dadra & Nagar 1000 0 0 0 0 1000
Daman & Diu 1000 0 0 0 0 1000
Lakshadweep 1000 0 0 0 0 1000
Pondicherry 493 397 0 110 0 1000

all -India 805 81 9 65 20 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.
rural person status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees
state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 822 49 13 73 31 1000
Arunachal 789 13 0 3 7 1000
Assam 886 10 20 3 34 1000
Bihar 828 20 12 17 47 1000
Chhattisgarh 803 55 30 35 43 1000

Delhi 895 105 0 0 0 1000

Goa 939 29 0 25 0 1000
Gujarat 941 3 5 50 1 1000
Haryana 959 3 7 13 17 1000
Himachal 960 5 8 2 25 1000

Jammu & 945 3 16 15 20 1000

Jharkhand 835 39 11 41 24 1000
Karnataka 907 56 16 13 9 1000
Kerala 825 62 63 26 11 1000
Madhya Pradesh 647 200 22 96 10 1000

Maharashtra 919 35 2 13 10 1000

Manipur 886 2 0 9 17 1000
Meghalaya 897 8 0 5 0 1000
Mizoram 926 0 0 0 0 1000
Nagaland 976 2 0 5 1 1000

Orissa 844 29 29 8 29 1000

Punjab 863 0 49 3 84 1000
Rajasthan 928 9 4 32 27 1000
Sikkim 893 65 0 7 15 1000
Tamil Nadu 786 160 33 14 8 1000

Tripura 860 25 4 48 0 1000

Uttaranchal 934 0 16 0 20 1000
Uttar Pradesh 844 15 27 23 39 1000
West Bengal 858 69 10 12 34 1000
A & N Islands 984 0 0 0 9 1000

Chandigarh 898 13 0 0 89 1000

Dadra & Nagar 954 12 0 0 34 1000
Daman & Diu 964 0 0 0 36 1000
Lakshadweep 1000 0 0 0 0 1000
Pondicherry 661 232 35 61 11 1000

all -India 857 50 20 28 24 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.
urban male status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees
state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 907 37 17 17 14 1000
Arunachal 798 6 0 35 2 1000
Assam 934 25 3 4 1 1000
Bihar 919 5 25 29 6 1000
Chhattisgarh 882 30 3 62 7 1000

Delhi 888 32 2 48 30 1000

Goa 938 62 0 0 0 1000
Gujarat 918 20 1 61 0 1000
Haryana 976 0 3 9 12 1000
Himachal 990 0 1 0 9 1000

Jammu & 974 3 7 2 12 1000

Jharkhand 895 12 12 6 11 1000
Karnataka 926 63 5 3 4 1000
Kerala 792 60 69 38 34 1000
Madhya Pradesh 884 54 35 21 2 1000

Maharashtra 887 39 14 48 8 1000

Manipur 908 14 0 16 25 1000
Meghalaya 942 0 0 0 0 1000
Mizoram 934 1 2 0 3 1000
Nagaland 916 0 0 12 0 1000

Orissa 881 20 6 38 14 1000

Punjab 960 0 6 14 19 1000
Rajasthan 911 14 5 38 32 1000
Sikkim 978 0 0 18 4 1000
Tamil Nadu 864 106 17 9 4 1000

Tripura 942 11 14 7 1 1000

Uttaranchal 979 0 1 0 3 1000
Uttar Pradesh 879 23 30 25 18 1000
West Bengal 865 54 6 10 33 1000
A & N Islands 1000 0 0 0 0 1000

Chandigarh 971 0 2 0 28 1000

Dadra & Nagar 964 2 0 34 0 1000
Daman & Diu 960 0 5 4 31 1000
Lakshadweep 952 6 0 0 23 1000
Pondicherry 886 50 57 7 0 1000

all -India 896 40 14 28 13 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.
urban female status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees
state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 904 12 13 26 32 1000
Arunachal 704 0 0 27 15 1000
Assam 882 0 3 4 31 1000
Bihar 955 0 0 0 36 1000
Chhattisgarh 879 48 0 9 42 1000

Delhi 978 11 0 0 11 1000

Goa 1000 0 0 0 0 1000
Gujarat 977 7 0 3 13 1000
Haryana 940 0 7 29 24 1000
Himachal 946 0 0 0 54 1000

Jammu & 991 0 0 0 9 1000

Jharkhand 914 11 0 0 2 1000
Karnataka 924 40 2 0 34 1000
Kerala 901 28 30 21 9 1000
Madhya Pradesh 837 142 0 6 12 1000

Maharashtra 949 18 1 16 11 1000

Manipur 792 20 9 40 74 1000
Meghalaya 952 0 2 0 0 1000
Mizoram 917 0 0 0 0 1000
Nagaland 906 0 0 15 0 1000

Orissa 964 0 0 0 26 1000

Punjab 950 9 0 10 31 1000
Rajasthan 962 5 9 23 2 1000
Sikkim 936 0 0 0 7 1000
Tamil Nadu 813 156 6 13 12 1000

Tripura 900 0 51 10 0 1000

Uttaranchal 984 0 0 0 16 1000
Uttar Pradesh 897 13 2 3 17 1000
West Bengal 969 12 1 0 7 1000
A & N Islands 1000 0 0 0 0 1000

Chandigarh 931 0 0 0 69 1000

Dadra & Nagar 610 0 0 390 0 1000
Daman & Diu 940 0 0 0 60 1000
Lakshadweep 1000 0 0 0 0 1000
Pondicherry 890 101 0 5 3 1000

all -India 916 43 4 11 17 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.
urban person status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees
state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 906 31 16 19 19 1000
Arunachal 781 5 0 33 5 1000
Assam 924 20 3 4 7 1000
Bihar 922 5 23 27 9 1000
Chhattisgarh 881 34 3 53 14 1000

Delhi 901 29 2 41 28 1000

Goa 957 43 0 0 0 1000
Gujarat 925 19 1 54 2 1000
Haryana 971 0 4 12 13 1000
Himachal 981 0 1 0 19 1000

Jammu & 977 3 6 2 12 1000

Jharkhand 898 12 10 5 9 1000
Karnataka 925 58 4 2 10 1000
Kerala 831 48 55 32 25 1000
Madhya Pradesh 875 72 28 18 4 1000

Maharashtra 901 34 11 41 8 1000

Manipur 878 16 2 22 37 1000
Meghalaya 947 0 1 0 0 1000
Mizoram 930 1 2 0 3 1000
Nagaland 914 0 0 13 0 1000

Orissa 899 16 5 30 17 1000

Punjab 958 2 5 13 21 1000
Rajasthan 918 13 6 36 27 1000
Sikkim 968 0 0 14 5 1000
Tamil Nadu 850 120 14 10 6 1000

Tripura 932 8 24 8 0 1000

Uttaranchal 980 0 1 0 6 1000
Uttar Pradesh 881 22 27 23 18 1000
West Bengal 885 46 5 8 28 1000
A & N Islands 1000 0 0 0 0 1000

Chandigarh 961 0 1 0 38 1000

Dadra & Nagar 940 2 0 58 0 1000
Daman & Diu 958 0 5 3 34 1000
Lakshadweep 961 5 0 0 19 1000
Pondicherry 887 63 43 7 1 1000

all -India 900 41 12 25 14 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.
rural+urban male status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees
state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 891 44 16 14 24 1000
Arunachal 796 12 0 12 6 1000
Assam 909 17 13 3 16 1000
Bihar 872 15 19 23 23 1000
Chhattisgarh 851 40 11 54 25 1000

Delhi 888 38 2 44 28 1000

Goa 943 51 0 0 0 1000
Gujarat 926 15 2 56 0 1000
Haryana 968 2 6 12 13 1000
Himachal 966 1 5 2 26 1000

Jammu & 957 3 13 10 15 1000

Jharkhand 874 26 13 20 13 1000
Karnataka 918 64 9 6 3 1000
Kerala 807 48 89 26 18 1000
Madhya Pradesh 837 80 33 32 6 1000

Maharashtra 901 35 11 38 7 1000

Manipur 891 7 0 13 22 1000
Meghalaya 918 5 0 1 0 1000
Mizoram 929 1 1 0 2 1000
Nagaland 946 0 0 9 1 1000

Orissa 859 25 22 21 25 1000

Punjab 916 0 25 9 49 1000
Rajasthan 916 12 5 37 29 1000
Sikkim 912 61 0 10 11 1000
Tamil Nadu 839 121 25 11 5 1000

Tripura 895 22 8 27 0 1000

Uttaranchal 957 0 9 0 10 1000
Uttar Pradesh 860 20 29 26 28 1000
West Bengal 857 65 8 10 36 1000
A & N Islands 991 0 0 0 5 1000

Chandigarh 965 1 2 0 33 1000

Dadra & Nagar 950 12 0 6 32 1000
Daman & Diu 962 0 2 2 34 1000
Lakshadweep 972 4 0 0 14 1000
Pondicherry 842 82 54 17 4 1000

all -India 886 41 17 25 18 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.
rural+urban female status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees
state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 809 23 11 126 23 1000
Arunachal 727 0 0 18 9 1000
Assam 872 0 6 2 52 1000
Bihar 840 0 0 0 101 1000
Chhattisgarh 844 54 24 6 29 1000

Delhi 979 11 0 0 11 1000

Goa 957 0 0 43 0 1000
Gujarat 953 5 0 34 9 1000
Haryana 940 0 5 20 34 1000
Himachal 958 15 13 0 14 1000

Jammu & 963 0 1 4 32 1000

Jharkhand 852 9 0 23 30 1000
Karnataka 929 34 4 0 33 1000
Kerala 860 72 15 30 12 1000
Madhya Pradesh 618 264 0 99 9 1000

Maharashtra 921 31 1 22 15 1000

Manipur 853 11 5 23 42 1000
Meghalaya 942 0 1 3 0 1000
Mizoram 930 0 0 0 0 1000
Nagaland 939 7 0 9 0 1000

Orissa 911 19 3 4 20 1000

Punjab 931 6 16 7 40 1000
Rajasthan 963 3 6 14 14 1000
Sikkim 895 20 0 0 19 1000
Tamil Nadu 805 164 8 12 11 1000

Tripura 867 0 30 53 0 1000

Uttaranchal 981 0 0 0 19 1000
Uttar Pradesh 902 7 13 2 22 1000
West Bengal 959 8 0 4 5 1000
A & N Islands 1000 0 0 0 0 1000

Chandigarh 932 0 0 0 68 1000

Dadra & Nagar 965 0 0 35 0 1000
Daman & Diu 942 0 0 0 58 1000
Lakshadweep 1000 0 0 0 0 1000
Pondicherry 769 191 0 37 2 1000

all -India 877 56 6 30 18 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.
rural+urban person status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees
state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 870 39 15 42 24 1000
Arunachal 786 10 0 13 6 1000
Assam 903 14 12 3 22 1000
Bihar 869 13 17 21 31 1000
Chhattisgarh 850 42 14 45 26 1000

Delhi 900 34 2 38 26 1000

Goa 948 36 0 13 0 1000
Gujarat 930 14 2 53 2 1000
Haryana 965 2 5 12 15 1000
Himachal 965 4 7 2 23 1000

Jammu & 957 3 12 10 17 1000

Jharkhand 871 23 11 20 16 1000
Karnataka 920 57 8 5 10 1000
Kerala 827 57 60 28 16 1000
Madhya Pradesh 790 119 26 47 6 1000

Maharashtra 905 34 9 34 9 1000

Manipur 883 8 1 15 26 1000
Meghalaya 928 3 1 2 0 1000
Mizoram 929 0 1 0 2 1000
Nagaland 945 1 0 9 1 1000

Orissa 868 24 19 18 24 1000

Punjab 919 1 23 9 47 1000
Rajasthan 922 11 5 34 27 1000
Sikkim 908 52 0 8 13 1000
Tamil Nadu 830 132 20 11 6 1000

Tripura 890 18 12 31 0 1000

Uttaranchal 961 0 7 0 11 1000
Uttar Pradesh 865 19 27 23 28 1000
West Bengal 876 54 6 9 30 1000
A & N Islands 993 0 0 0 4 1000

Chandigarh 957 1 1 0 41 1000

Dadra & Nagar 952 11 0 9 29 1000
Daman & Diu 961 0 2 1 35 1000
Lakshadweep 975 3 0 0 12 1000
Pondicherry 824 110 41 22 4 1000

all -India 884 44 15 26 18 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.
rural male status in employment: casual labours
state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 84 147 595 104 38 1000
Arunachal 490 0 70 4 209 1000
Assam 56 75 703 73 10 1000
Bihar 17 15 564 173 8 1000
Chhattisgarh 53 347 237 279 62 1000

Delhi 0 1000 0 0 0 1000

Goa 0 679 159 162 0 1000
Gujarat 150 41 354 448 7 1000
Haryana 34 156 671 91 48 1000
Himachal 104 40 273 106 476 1000

Jammu & 40 96 523 82 258 1000

Jharkhand 49 109 635 101 47 1000
Karnataka 82 285 554 53 25 1000
Kerala 27 70 722 149 17 1000
Madhya Pradesh 62 219 561 106 30 1000

Maharashtra 104 526 182 121 37 1000

Manipur 53 148 335 35 257 1000
Meghalaya 26 678 5 245 2 1000
Mizoram 0 159 613 71 78 1000
Nagaland 551 246 101 0 0 1000

Orissa 20 173 540 181 51 1000

Punjab 115 63 625 45 152 1000
Rajasthan 75 151 599 85 91 1000
Sikkim 157 692 14 47 67 1000
Tamil Nadu 32 330 569 46 23 1000

Tripura 24 112 789 11 2 1000

Uttaranchal 41 69 543 149 182 1000
Uttar Pradesh 31 69 650 131 51 1000
West Bengal 122 154 508 118 55 1000
A & N Islands 725 19 171 3 69 1000

Chandigarh 155 13 696 0 135 1000

Dadra & Nagar 161 390 269 180 0 1000
Daman & Diu 399 31 296 0 274 1000
Lakshadweep 21 11 945 0 0 1000
Pondicherry 80 113 731 76 0 1000

all -India 65 158 561 129 52 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.
rural female status in employment: casual labours
state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 55 177 433 227 86 1000
Arunachal 646 27 0 0 82 1000
Assam 57 146 583 165 7 1000
Bihar 0 28 591 182 0 1000
Chhattisgarh 93 291 187 378 51 1000

Delhi - - - - - -
Goa 304 696 0 0 0 1000
Gujarat 102 38 297 564 0 1000
Haryana 66 208 372 122 232 1000
Himachal 302 0 201 121 376 1000

Jammu & 139 0 57 606 198 1000

Jharkhand 2 130 592 163 79 1000
Karnataka 74 266 442 138 81 1000
Kerala 60 220 395 265 35 1000
Madhya Pradesh 31 183 569 145 36 1000

Maharashtra 146 434 94 272 47 1000

Manipur 10 30 656 80 103 1000
Meghalaya 44 517 0 350 0 1000
Mizoram 0 64 0 531 0 1000
Nagaland 1000 0 0 0 0 1000

Orissa 9 131 533 245 46 1000

Punjab 330 28 381 14 247 1000
Rajasthan 61 165 492 105 177 1000
Sikkim 114 656 0 30 201 1000
Tamil Nadu 29 454 399 113 3 1000

Tripura 36 287 551 3 42 1000

Uttaranchal 69 78 502 180 171 1000
Uttar Pradesh 13 74 469 301 83 1000
West Bengal 130 131 274 352 63 1000
A & N Islands 902 0 42 0 55 1000

Chandigarh - - - - - -
Dadra & Nagar 103 740 141 0 16 1000
Daman & Diu 511 48 388 53 0 1000
Lakshadweep - - - - - -
Pondicherry 0 750 250 0 0 1000

all -India 67 199 405 241 63 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.

rural person status in employment: casual labours

state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 77 153 559 131 49 1000
Arunachal 540 9 47 2 168 1000
Assam 56 87 683 88 10 1000
Bihar 14 17 568 174 7 1000
Chhattisgarh 62 334 225 302 60 1000

Delhi 0 1000 0 0 0 1000

Goa 70 683 122 124 0 1000
Gujarat 136 40 338 481 5 1000
Haryana 38 161 637 95 69 1000
Himachal 114 38 269 107 471 1000

Jammu & 49 88 481 130 253 1000

Jharkhand 42 112 629 111 52 1000
Karnataka 80 282 534 69 35 1000
Kerala 34 98 660 171 20 1000
Madhya Pradesh 54 209 563 116 32 1000

Maharashtra 112 507 164 152 39 1000

Manipur 48 134 373 40 239 1000
Meghalaya 29 652 4 262 2 1000
Mizoram 0 128 411 222 52 1000
Nagaland 631 202 83 0 0 1000

Orissa 17 162 538 197 50 1000

Punjab 134 60 604 42 160 1000
Rajasthan 72 153 578 89 108 1000
Sikkim 148 685 11 43 94 1000
Tamil Nadu 32 359 529 62 18 1000

Tripura 25 132 762 10 7 1000

Uttaranchal 43 70 539 151 181 1000
Uttar Pradesh 30 69 637 143 54 1000
West Bengal 123 150 469 157 57 1000
A & N Islands 752 16 151 3 67 1000

Chandigarh 155 13 696 0 135 1000

Dadra & Nagar 140 516 223 115 6 1000
Daman & Diu 426 35 319 13 208 1000
Lakshadweep 21 11 945 0 0 1000
Pondicherry 74 158 696 71 0 1000

all -India 65 165 533 149 54 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.

urban male status in employment: casual labours

state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 84 246 589 37 25 1000
Arunachal 495 0 203 35 66 1000
Assam 10 49 777 83 47 1000
Bihar 46 58 667 144 40 1000
Chhattisgarh 53 263 319 236 82 1000

Delhi 103 32 637 224 4 1000

Goa 38 701 98 160 3 1000
Gujarat 198 122 488 175 17 1000
Haryana 113 6 687 94 100 1000
Himachal 477 0 43 100 380 1000

Jammu & 9 6 830 38 118 1000

Jharkhand 242 32 503 104 29 1000
Karnataka 77 468 355 97 3 1000
Kerala 54 121 597 148 74 1000
Madhya Pradesh 63 91 578 239 11 1000

Maharashtra 84 502 302 53 46 1000

Manipur 25 81 412 45 377 1000
Meghalaya 62 606 30 206 0 1000
Mizoram 160 165 456 21 19 1000
Nagaland 526 0 92 87 41 1000

Orissa 95 134 488 104 43 1000

Punjab 145 37 620 30 168 1000
Rajasthan 87 48 611 130 125 1000
Sikkim 0 899 0 41 60 1000
Tamil Nadu 52 273 613 43 19 1000

Tripura 87 44 816 0 8 1000

Uttaranchal 205 78 510 60 147 1000
Uttar Pradesh 83 162 544 149 30 1000
West Bengal 156 235 379 159 36 1000
A & N Islands 760 71 83 62 25 1000

Chandigarh 383 0 617 0 0 1000

Dadra & Nagar 0 694 306 0 0 1000
Daman & Diu 651 14 52 9 275 1000
Lakshadweep 114 110 594 173 9 1000
Pondicherry 12 155 799 25 9 1000

all -India 97 241 492 110 42 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.

urban female status in employment: casual labours

state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 113 179 549 116 15 1000
Arunachal 844 0 0 0 31 1000
Assam 757 59 114 25 32 1000
Bihar 117 27 155 569 78 1000
Chhattisgarh 129 320 288 173 83 1000

Delhi 146 0 854 0 0 1000

Goa 597 223 64 116 0 1000
Gujarat 359 58 251 283 48 1000
Haryana 139 117 441 106 198 1000
Himachal 713 0 28 5 254 1000

Jammu & 309 0 610 42 40 1000

Jharkhand 441 46 220 210 60 1000
Karnataka 347 328 186 134 4 1000
Kerala 76 219 373 241 90 1000
Madhya Pradesh 142 112 360 328 41 1000

Maharashtra 91 594 186 85 32 1000

Manipur 94 324 172 89 212 1000
Meghalaya 122 81 40 619 0 1000
Mizoram 281 213 237 46 87 1000
Nagaland 629 0 0 61 0 1000

Orissa 173 77 498 115 136 1000

Punjab 671 0 247 0 82 1000
Rajasthan 117 47 413 81 341 1000
Sikkim 495 0 0 0 505 1000
Tamil Nadu 46 472 410 71 0 1000

Tripura 0 0 896 75 0 1000

Uttaranchal 334 0 372 294 0 1000
Uttar Pradesh 80 37 312 339 38 1000
West Bengal 295 287 124 209 71 1000
A & N Islands 837 44 104 15 0 1000

Chandigarh - - - - - -
Dadra & Nagar 0 186 446 368 0 1000
Daman & Diu 904 0 0 0 96 1000
Lakshadweep 416 0 137 448 0 1000
Pondicherry 179 135 486 30 169 1000

all -India 190 260 310 167 52 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.

urban person status in employment: casual labours

state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 90 232 581 53 23 1000
Arunachal 597 0 144 25 55 1000
Assam 185 51 621 70 43 1000
Bihar 53 55 618 184 43 1000
Chhattisgarh 77 281 309 216 82 1000

Delhi 108 28 666 194 4 1000

Goa 137 617 92 152 3 1000
Gujarat 255 100 405 213 28 1000
Haryana 117 23 648 96 116 1000
Himachal 519 0 40 83 358 1000

Jammu & 23 5 819 38 114 1000

Jharkhand 296 36 426 133 37 1000
Karnataka 120 445 328 103 3 1000
Kerala 58 137 560 164 76 1000
Madhya Pradesh 78 95 537 256 17 1000

Maharashtra 86 521 278 60 43 1000

Manipur 44 147 347 57 332 1000
Meghalaya 76 488 32 299 0 1000
Mizoram 178 172 423 25 29 1000
Nagaland 570 0 52 76 23 1000

Orissa 112 121 490 106 64 1000

Punjab 192 33 587 27 160 1000
Rajasthan 91 48 583 123 155 1000
Sikkim 53 803 0 37 108 1000
Tamil Nadu 51 310 576 48 15 1000

Tripura 72 37 830 13 6 1000

Uttaranchal 225 66 488 97 124 1000
Uttar Pradesh 83 149 519 169 30 1000
West Bengal 172 241 349 165 40 1000
A & N Islands 775 65 87 53 20 1000

Chandigarh 383 0 617 0 0 1000

Dadra & Nagar 0 467 368 165 0 1000
Daman & Diu 728 10 36 6 220 1000
Lakshadweep 133 103 565 191 8 1000
Pondicherry 32 153 762 25 28 1000

all -India 114 244 459 120 44 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.

rural+urban male status in employment: casual labours

state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 84 182 593 80 33 1000
Arunachal 491 0 92 9 186 1000
Assam 50 72 712 75 15 1000
Bihar 22 23 583 167 14 1000
Chhattisgarh 53 329 255 270 66 1000

Delhi 95 102 591 208 4 1000

Goa 23 692 122 161 2 1000
Gujarat 163 64 392 370 10 1000
Haryana 49 128 674 92 58 1000
Himachal 169 33 233 105 460 1000

Jammu & 32 72 607 70 220 1000

Jharkhand 76 98 617 102 45 1000
Karnataka 80 379 452 76 14 1000
Kerala 34 82 691 149 31 1000
Madhya Pradesh 62 170 567 157 23 1000

Maharashtra 93 512 249 83 42 1000

Manipur 47 135 350 37 281 1000
Meghalaya 33 665 10 238 2 1000
Mizoram 118 164 497 34 34 1000
Nagaland 535 91 96 55 26 1000

Orissa 34 165 530 166 50 1000

Punjab 122 58 624 42 155 1000
Rajasthan 77 131 601 94 97 1000
Sikkim 148 704 13 46 66 1000
Tamil Nadu 40 308 586 45 21 1000

Tripura 27 109 791 11 3 1000

Uttaranchal 73 71 536 132 175 1000
Uttar Pradesh 44 91 625 135 46 1000
West Bengal 135 186 457 134 48 1000
A & N Islands 736 37 141 23 54 1000

Chandigarh 268 7 657 0 68 1000

Dadra & Nagar 151 409 271 169 0 1000
Daman & Diu 480 25 218 3 274 1000
Lakshadweep 37 29 884 30 2 1000
Pondicherry 30 144 781 38 7 1000

all -India 75 184 539 123 49 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.

rural+urban female status in employment: casual labours

state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 74 178 472 190 62 1000
Arunachal 675 23 0 0 74 1000
Assam 191 129 493 138 12 1000
Bihar 14 28 537 229 10 1000
Chhattisgarh 104 300 217 317 60 1000

Delhi 146 0 854 0 0 1000

Goa 456 450 33 61 0 1000
Gujarat 191 45 281 467 17 1000
Haryana 84 185 389 118 224 1000
Himachal 485 0 124 70 322 1000

Jammu & 167 0 148 514 172 1000

Jharkhand 111 109 499 175 74 1000
Karnataka 204 296 320 136 44 1000
Kerala 63 220 391 260 47 1000
Madhya Pradesh 62 163 510 196 38 1000

Maharashtra 115 524 146 167 39 1000

Manipur 44 148 462 83 146 1000
Meghalaya 63 409 10 417 0 1000
Mizoram 143 140 121 284 44 1000
Nagaland 682 0 0 52 0 1000

Orissa 38 121 527 222 61 1000

Punjab 403 22 352 11 211 1000
Rajasthan 69 149 481 102 200 1000
Sikkim 124 638 0 29 209 1000
Tamil Nadu 35 460 403 100 2 1000

Tripura 33 263 580 9 39 1000

Uttaranchal 157 52 459 218 114 1000
Uttar Pradesh 35 62 418 314 68 1000
West Bengal 180 178 229 309 65 1000
A & N Islands 876 17 67 6 33 1000

Dadra & Nagar 94 693 167 31 15 1000
Daman & Diu 666 29 234 32 38 1000
Lakshadweep 416 0 137 448 0 1000
Pondicherry 150 237 447 25 141 1000

all -India 106 218 376 218 59 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings

Statement 3.27.1: Per 1000 distribution of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours engaged
in industry groups / divisions 012, 014, 015, 02-99 by method of payment for each state/u.t.

rural+urban person status in employment: casual labours

state/u.t. method of payment
regular regular daily piece rate others all (incl.
monthly salary weekly payment payment n.r.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Andhra Pradesh 82 181 567 104 40 1000
Arunachal 549 7 63 6 151 1000
Assam 74 82 675 86 14 1000
Bihar 21 24 577 176 13 1000
Chhattisgarh 66 321 245 282 65 1000

Delhi 102 89 624 182 4 1000

Goa 109 644 104 141 2 1000
Gujarat 172 58 358 400 12 1000
Haryana 53 135 639 95 78 1000
Himachal 194 31 224 103 449 1000

Jammu & 42 66 571 105 216 1000

Jharkhand 82 100 597 114 50 1000
Karnataka 101 365 430 86 19 1000
Kerala 39 108 636 169 34 1000
Madhya Pradesh 62 169 554 166 26 1000

Maharashtra 98 515 228 100 41 1000

Manipur 47 137 367 44 260 1000
Meghalaya 38 620 10 269 1 1000
Mizoram 123 159 419 86 36 1000
Nagaland 588 58 61 54 16 1000

Orissa 35 155 529 180 52 1000

Punjab 146 55 600 39 160 1000
Rajasthan 75 135 579 95 116 1000
Sikkim 143 691 10 43 95 1000
Tamil Nadu 39 341 546 57 17 1000

Tripura 28 127 766 10 7 1000

Uttaranchal 81 69 529 140 169 1000
Uttar Pradesh 43 89 609 150 48 1000
West Bengal 142 185 423 160 50 1000
A & N Islands 760 33 129 20 51 1000

Chandigarh 268 7 657 0 68 1000

Dadra & Nagar 130 513 233 118 5 1000
Daman & Diu 529 26 222 11 212 1000
Lakshadweep 41 28 875 35 1 1000
Pondicherry 43 154 745 37 21 1000

all -India 80 190 510 140 51 1000

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.28.1: Proportion (per 1000) of workers with non-existence of union/ association in their activity among workers according to usual status (ps+ss) workers of age 15 years
and above engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for each state/u.t.
male female person
state/u.t. status in employment
regular all all regular all
self- wage/ casual self- regular wage/ casual self- wage/ casual
employed salaried labour employed salaried labour employed salaried labour
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Andhra Pradesh 763 547 799 724 804 530 798 765 781 542 799 739
Arunachal Pradesh 539 212 254 297 560 115 232 250 542 201 247 289
Assam 548 168 603 490 513 193 646 494 544 171 610 490
Bihar 792 436 841 762 834 453 970 826 799 438 860 773
Chhattisgarh 742 519 819 706 917 415 875 810 789 502 832 730
Delhi 884 747 1000 809 1000 142 0 894 901 738 1000 815
Goa 856 629 925 747 854 702 1000 778 856 651 946 756
Gujarat 852 567 973 811 961 636 954 937 915 577 968 864
Haryana 883 653 902 808 970 684 814 957 937 655 893 873
Himachal Pradesh 843 366 970 726 989 366 947 840 914 366 968 759
Jammu & Kashmir 792 432 943 698 947 427 926 901 853 432 942 749
Jharkhand 890 452 964 864 901 433 924 862 893 449 957 864
Karnataka 695 549 843 701 729 484 892 711 711 532 852 704
Kerala 296 356 350 332 506 340 439 447 384 350 367 370
Madhya Pradesh 814 510 800 733 839 788 796 815 821 576 799 754
Maharashtra 782 505 881 708 869 505 865 801 809 505 878 730
Manipur 713 260 764 552 745 616 895 733 729 323 780 621
Meghalaya 829 217 984 688 851 427 1000 792 840 269 987 726
Mizoram 626 91 606 313 667 79 20 422 644 89 413 345
Nagaland 473 65 348 260 535 152 764 420 491 78 423 295
Orissa 876 405 877 785 921 334 803 859 893 395 859 808
Punjab 709 579 720 671 819 628 718 807 787 586 719 739
Rajasthan 901 543 953 852 879 582 920 871 891 548 947 859
Sikkim 680 331 931 487 767 364 1000 580 710 338 945 510
Tamil Nadu 591 525 586 571 684 615 693 674 641 551 611 611
Tripura 473 86 624 484 568 276 692 573 484 111 632 494
Uttaranchal 883 370 957 749 962 544 1000 936 925 390 961 818
Uttar Pradesh 849 613 877 811 894 598 805 877 869 611 871 832
West Bengal 706 414 762 673 782 657 736 764 732 464 758 699
A & N Islands 626 274 742 546 816 471 612 654 679 317 722 570
Chandigarh 953 781 1000 898 908 91 0 838 949 772 1000 894
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 943 883 1000 917 1000 924 1000 976 965 888 1000 931
Daman & Diu 816 979 969 910 242 0 952 864 805 974 965 906
Lakshadweep 770 469 1000 826 789 0 0 721 774 463 1000 822
Pondicherry 584 752 678 684 952 705 1000 881 796 739 701 754
all -India 763 509 790 713 837 529 790 797 795 513 790 740
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.28.1: Proportion (per 1000) of workers with non-existence of union/ association in their activity among workers according to usual status (ps+ss) workers of age 15 years
and above engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for each state/u.t.
male female person
state/u.t. status in employment
regular all all regular all
self- wage/ casual self- regular wage/ casual self- wage/ casual
employed salaried labour employed salaried labour employed salaried labour
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Andhra Pradesh 579 563 699 593 690 645 866 697 614 582 735 621
Arunachal Pradesh 453 467 392 456 554 404 52 366 461 456 293 442
Assam 337 173 541 287 502 142 493 293 351 167 530 288
Bihar 694 362 852 621 749 643 1000 759 699 384 867 632
Chhattisgarh 573 449 771 535 929 777 789 827 630 507 777 591
Delhi 683 616 864 651 832 556 1000 633 693 607 883 649
Goa 802 550 944 714 946 600 849 714 832 565 927 714
Gujarat 606 569 920 617 854 636 944 802 652 578 928 649
Haryana 675 585 963 655 915 687 1000 844 727 598 969 688
Himachal Pradesh 537 273 924 554 863 432 643 609 596 307 874 564
Jammu & Kashmir 623 504 955 623 885 402 750 632 643 490 945 623
Jharkhand 735 291 878 578 889 519 752 690 750 328 844 596
Karnataka 565 587 842 626 628 621 773 645 579 594 831 630
Kerala 248 318 347 302 478 369 367 410 309 336 351 330
Madhya Pradesh 698 495 881 646 782 615 817 716 712 519 869 659
Maharashtra 536 568 909 601 809 644 940 742 594 585 916 632
Manipur 594 220 603 424 704 315 817 594 640 244 661 483
Meghalaya 709 290 943 468 740 389 798 454 718 338 910 462
Mizoram 393 118 524 244 520 99 583 367 459 114 533 284
Nagaland 326 127 381 245 527 159 633 433 389 133 490 296
Orissa 631 324 905 557 835 521 1000 728 660 365 926 588
Punjab 594 645 772 631 765 601 936 686 622 636 787 641
Rajasthan 703 550 890 667 918 485 957 816 764 541 899 700
Sikkim 744 337 1000 522 480 471 1000 478 691 365 1000 513
Tamil Nadu 457 541 620 521 651 651 523 639 518 570 602 553
Tripura 316 171 462 272 706 251 522 382 351 190 472 290
Uttaranchal 601 422 1000 549 966 524 1000 708 641 442 1000 573
Uttar Pradesh 702 538 874 667 856 622 865 806 730 547 873 688
West Bengal 527 366 749 504 781 682 794 745 581 424 755 549
A & N Islands 599 430 755 541 707 445 638 554 621 433 734 543
Chandigarh 796 619 1000 687 986 544 0 587 808 601 1000 668
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 830 821 1000 836 1000 586 1000 897 875 805 1000 845
Daman & Diu 350 669 724 564 996 751 1000 959 637 679 810 684
Lakshadweep 957 124 870 417 1000 229 584 581 975 143 851 453
Pondicherry 534 546 476 521 799 729 711 756 606 591 504 573
all -India 596 524 784 591 767 609 807 707 632 541 788 615
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Chapter Three
Summary of Findings
Statement 3.28.1: Proportion (per 1000) of workers with non-existence of union/ association in their activity among workers according to usual status (ps+ss) workers of age 15 years
and above engaged in the non-agricultural and AGEGC enterprises for each state/u.t.
male female person
state/u.t. status in employment
regular all all regular all
self- wage/ casual self- regular wage/ casual self- wage/ casual
employed salaried labour employed salaried labour employed salaried labour
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Andhra Pradesh 693 556 764 666 774 593 821 743 725 565 776 691
Arunachal Pradesh 502 292 277 348 559 236 206 284 508 284 254 338
Assam 506 170 595 441 511 166 617 436 507 170 599 440
Bihar 772 403 843 729 827 517 974 819 781 415 861 743
Chhattisgarh 665 478 809 630 921 637 848 817 722 505 819 670
Delhi 700 626 874 664 861 553 1000 645 712 616 890 662
Goa 833 592 938 731 894 654 922 748 846 611 934 735
Gujarat 708 568 958 698 941 636 950 898 804 577 956 758
Haryana 797 621 913 747 964 686 866 939 884 627 908 815
Himachal Pradesh 781 345 961 692 982 380 812 810 870 353 950 723
Jammu & Kashmir 719 460 946 668 942 414 899 857 783 455 943 706
Jharkhand 841 361 951 776 899 484 881 817 853 380 939 784
Karnataka 621 577 843 655 699 578 834 683 648 577 841 663
Kerala 281 342 350 323 501 349 424 438 365 345 363 359
Madhya Pradesh 751 500 831 686 816 687 802 772 765 540 824 705
Maharashtra 625 552 897 636 838 621 907 763 679 566 899 665
Manipur 668 243 732 505 733 453 864 686 700 288 752 571
Meghalaya 801 255 977 612 840 398 945 658 820 312 972 630
Mizoram 475 110 546 265 560 95 307 382 517 107 496 302
Nagaland 389 95 369 252 530 156 652 428 432 105 471 296
Orissa 821 371 882 725 915 433 838 839 853 382 872 757
Punjab 646 616 731 651 814 610 765 787 738 615 734 703
Rajasthan 820 547 941 779 888 520 925 857 848 544 938 802
Sikkim 700 332 935 495 716 385 1000 562 705 343 947 511
Tamil Nadu 514 536 599 542 672 639 641 659 582 564 608 581
Tripura 438 119 615 444 592 262 678 524 455 144 622 454
Uttaranchal 750 399 965 657 963 530 1000 889 833 420 969 724
Uttar Pradesh 788 572 876 752 888 612 824 862 823 576 872 780
West Bengal 634 381 757 592 782 673 754 757 678 437 756 632
A & N Islands 616 362 746 544 786 458 622 614 659 381 726 558
Chandigarh 826 633 1000 717 965 542 0 596 836 612 1000 696
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 905 873 1000 903 1000 893 1000 967 939 875 1000 917
Daman & Diu 659 847 891 783 962 717 971 936 725 839 912 809
Lakshadweep 851 265 977 669 931 221 584 607 876 259 973 662
Pondicherry 545 602 529 562 877 722 758 806 668 632 554 626
all -India 689 519 788 655 821 581 795 768 734 531 789 685
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Detailed Tables

(Table 1 – Table 4)
Appendix A
Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 897 11 908 19 8 27 935 0 0 0 - 935 19 46 1000 543 34487 1798

12 920 46 966 34 0 34 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 4 262 29
21 818 84 902 17 1 19 921 0 0 0 - 921 5 74 1000 182 11597 599
11 - 21 877 29 907 19 7 25 932 0 0 0 - 932 15 53 1000 729 46346 2426
31 582 16 598 5 46 52 650 185 16 29 - 650 47 74 1000 72 4601 295
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 494 0 0 - 0 0 506 1000 0 9 13
51 837 3 840 9 19 28 868 27 6 3 - 868 68 27 1000 198 12597 515
11 - 51 848 23 871 16 12 28 899 19 2 3 - 899 28 49 1000 1000 63552 3249
estd. workers
53894 1468 55362 1001 757 1758 57120 1199 152 165 57120 1783 3133 63552 x x x
(00) -
2604 75 2679 93 51 144 2823 126 13 13 0 2823 97 177 3249 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 918 5 923 16 7 23 946 4 2 1 0 946 12 36 1000 392 261471 19215

12 894 0 894 36 55 91 985 3 0 0 0 985 1 10 1000 8 5638 487
21 883 26 908 55 2 57 965 1 1 0 0 965 8 25 1000 68 45305 3394
11 - 21 913 8 920 22 7 29 949 3 2 1 0 949 11 34 1000 469 312414 23096
31 400 2 401 14 22 36 437 367 103 41 10 447 22 21 1000 243 161816 13648
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 845 0 4 0 0 90 62 1000 4 2776 284
51 768 2 770 12 23 34 804 16 37 3 16 820 99 25 1000 284 189569 9767
11 - 51 743 4 747 17 15 32 780 99 36 11 7 786 39 28 1000 1000 666575 46795
estd. workers
495276 2984 498260 11317 10086 21402 519662 65839 24203 7551 4525 524187 26126 18668 666575 x x x
31170 228 31398 838 557 1395 32793 7939 1234 541 373 33166 1815 2100 46795 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 916 5 921 16 7 23 944 3 2 1 0 944 13 37 1000 405 295957 21013

12 895 2 897 36 52 89 986 3 0 0 0 986 1 10 1000 8 5901 516
21 870 38 907 47 2 49 956 1 1 0 0 956 8 35 1000 78 56903 3993
11 - 21 908 10 918 21 7 29 947 3 2 1 0 947 12 36 1000 491 358761 25522
31 405 2 407 14 23 36 443 362 101 41 9 452 22 22 1000 228 166417 13943
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 843 0 4 0 0 90 63 1000 4 2785 297
51 772 2 774 12 22 34 808 17 35 3 15 823 97 25 1000 277 202166 10282
11 - 51 752 6 758 17 15 32 790 92 33 11 6 796 38 30 1000 1000 730127 50044
estd. workers
549170 4452 553622 12318 10842 23160 576782 67037 24356 7717 4525 581307 27909 21801 730127 x x x
33774 303 34077 931 608 1539 35616 8065 1247 554 373 35989 1912 2277 50044 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 154 788 942 9 0 9 951 0 0 0 - 951 13 36 1000 508 30880 1576

12 193 807 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 2 94 7
21 701 222 923 27 0 27 950 0 0 0 - 950 11 38 1000 411 25002 1235
11 - 21 398 535 933 17 0 17 951 0 0 0 - 951 12 37 1000 921 55976 2818
31 493 211 704 0 0 0 704 33 0 44 - 704 0 220 1000 6 363 25
41 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
51 853 43 896 19 10 29 925 25 12 0 - 925 32 6 1000 73 4451 163
11 - 51 432 497 929 17 1 18 947 2 1 0 - 947 14 36 1000 1000 60790 3006
estd. workers
26275 30222 56497 1041 44 1085 57582 128 52 16 57582 825 2187 60790 x x x
(00) -
1258 1504 2762 82 5 87 2849 8 3 4 0 2849 51 91 3006 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 97 844 941 15 2 17 958 2 13 1 0 958 6 21 1000 278 44263 2720

12 118 733 851 20 90 110 961 6 0 0 0 961 27 6 1000 2 346 31
21 761 154 916 45 0 46 961 0 1 0 0 961 9 28 1000 274 43666 3129
11 - 21 426 502 928 30 2 31 959 1 7 0 0 959 8 25 1000 554 88276 5880
31 191 30 221 17 14 31 252 455 96 43 115 366 26 13 1000 228 36408 2889
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 982 0 0 0 0 0 18 1000 7 1060 80
51 662 39 702 9 31 40 741 29 38 9 85 826 79 18 1000 212 33740 1586
11 - 51 419 293 712 22 11 33 745 117 34 12 44 789 27 21 1000 1000 159484 10435
estd. workers
66871 46754 113625 3542 1707 5249 118874 18649 5420 1912 7024 125898 4329 3275 159484 x x x
4003 2688 6691 317 94 411 7102 1801 294 126 371 7473 265 476 10435 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 120 821 941 12 1 14 955 1 7 0 0 955 9 28 1000 341 75143 4296

12 134 748 883 16 71 86 969 5 0 0 0 969 21 5 1000 2 440 38
21 739 179 918 39 0 39 957 0 1 0 0 957 10 32 1000 312 68668 4364
11 - 21 415 515 930 25 1 26 956 1 4 0 0 956 9 30 1000 655 144252 8698
31 194 32 226 17 14 31 256 451 96 43 113 370 26 15 1000 167 36771 2914
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 982 0 0 0 0 0 18 1000 5 1060 80
51 685 40 724 10 29 39 763 29 35 8 75 838 74 17 1000 173 38191 1749
11 - 51 423 349 772 21 8 29 801 85 25 9 32 833 23 25 1000 1000 220274 13441
estd. workers
93146 76976 170122 4583 1751 6335 176456 18777 5472 1928 7024 183480 5154 5462 220274 x x x
5261 4192 9453 399 99 498 9951 1809 297 130 371 10322 316 567 13441 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 546 378 924 14 4 19 943 0 0 0 - 943 16 41 1000 526 65367 3374

12 729 246 975 25 0 25 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 3 356 36
21 738 179 916 24 0 25 941 0 0 0 - 941 9 50 1000 294 36599 1834
11 - 21 615 306 921 18 3 21 942 0 0 0 - 942 14 44 1000 823 102322 5244
31 576 30 606 5 43 48 654 173 15 30 - 654 44 85 1000 40 4964 320
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 494 0 0 - 0 0 506 1000 0 9 13
51 841 13 855 11 17 28 883 27 8 2 - 883 59 22 1000 137 17048 678
11 - 51 645 255 900 16 6 23 922 11 2 1 - 922 21 43 1000 1000 124342 6255
estd. workers
80168 31691 111859 2043 800 2843 114702 1327 204 181 114702 2609 5319 124342 x x x
(00) -
3862 1579 5441 175 56 231 5672 134 16 17 0 5672 148 268 6255 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 799 126 925 16 6 22 947 3 4 1 0 947 11 34 1000 370 305733 21935

12 849 42 892 35 57 92 984 3 0 0 0 984 3 10 1000 7 5985 518
21 823 89 912 50 1 51 963 0 1 0 0 963 9 26 1000 108 88972 6523
11 - 21 805 117 922 24 6 30 951 3 3 1 0 951 10 32 1000 485 400690 28976
31 361 7 368 14 21 35 403 383 102 42 29 432 23 19 1000 240 198225 16537
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 883 0 3 0 0 65 49 1000 5 3836 364
51 752 8 759 11 24 35 795 18 37 4 26 821 96 24 1000 270 223309 11353
11 - 51 681 60 741 18 14 32 773 102 36 11 14 787 37 27 1000 1000 826059 57230
estd. workers
562147 49738 611885 14859 11793 26652 638536 84487 29623 9464 11549 650086 30455 21944 826059 x x x
35173 2916 38089 1155 651 1806 39895 9740 1528 667 744 40639 2080 2576 57230 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 755 170 925 15 6 21 946 3 3 1 0 946 12 35 1000 390 371100 25309

12 842 54 896 35 54 88 985 3 0 0 0 985 3 10 1000 7 6341 554
21 798 115 913 42 1 44 957 0 1 0 0 957 9 33 1000 132 125571 8357
11 - 21 767 155 922 22 5 28 950 2 2 1 0 950 11 34 1000 529 503012 34220
31 366 7 374 14 21 35 409 378 100 41 28 437 23 21 1000 214 203188 16857
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 882 0 3 0 0 65 50 1000 4 3844 377
51 758 8 766 11 23 35 801 19 35 4 24 825 94 24 1000 253 240357 12031
11 - 51 676 86 762 18 13 31 793 90 31 10 12 805 35 29 1000 1000 950401 63485
estd. workers
642315 81428 723744 16901 12593 29495 753239 85814 29828 9645 11549 764788 33064 27263 950401 x x x
39035 4495 43530 1330 707 2037 45567 9874 1544 684 744 46311 2228 2844 63485 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 835 0 835 50 28 78 913 2 0 0 - 913 11 74 1000 542 4646 438

12 980 0 980 3 17 20 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 13 113 14
21 752 95 847 79 2 81 928 0 0 0 - 928 10 62 1000 119 1020 119
11 - 21 823 17 840 54 23 77 917 1 0 0 - 917 11 70 1000 675 5779 571
31 511 0 511 75 23 98 609 187 57 26 - 609 91 30 1000 151 1294 122
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - 0 0 0 1000 1 8 5
51 671 3 675 43 163 207 881 0 32 0 - 881 79 7 1000 173 1486 173
11 - 51 749 12 761 56 47 103 864 30 14 4 - 864 35 53 1000 1000 8567 871
estd. workers
6415 102 6517 477 405 882 7399 258 122 33 7399 299 456 8567 x x x
(00) -
615 12 627 60 62 122 749 53 9 4 0 749 34 22 871 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 932 3 935 23 13 36 971 4 2 1 0 971 9 13 1000 326 213720 17300

12 798 2 800 73 110 183 984 1 13 1 0 984 1 1 1000 28 18382 1173
21 845 23 868 103 7 110 978 1 3 0 0 978 6 13 1000 76 49979 4103
11 - 21 908 7 915 40 18 59 973 3 3 1 0 973 8 12 1000 430 282081 22576
31 409 2 411 25 28 53 464 315 153 27 17 481 15 8 1000 431 282563 20453
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 909 0 0 0 0 82 9 1000 1 683 172
51 808 3 811 21 21 43 854 15 42 1 10 864 67 11 1000 138 90274 7376
11 - 51 678 4 682 31 23 54 736 140 73 12 9 745 19 10 1000 1000 655601 50577
estd. workers
444694 2747 447441 20238 15020 35258 482699 91918 47924 7941 5858 488557 12560 6701 655601 x x x
33525 254 33779 1508 889 2397 36176 8245 2727 609 487 36663 1188 1145 50577 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 930 3 933 23 13 37 970 4 2 1 0 970 9 14 1000 329 218366 17738

12 799 2 802 73 109 182 984 1 13 1 0 984 1 1 1000 28 18495 1187
21 843 25 868 103 7 109 977 1 3 0 0 977 6 14 1000 77 50998 4222
11 - 21 906 7 913 41 18 59 972 3 3 1 0 972 8 13 1000 433 287859 23147
31 410 2 412 25 28 53 465 314 153 27 17 482 16 9 1000 427 283857 20575
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 910 0 0 0 0 81 9 1000 1 691 177
51 806 3 809 22 23 45 854 15 42 1 10 864 68 11 1000 138 91760 7549
11 - 51 679 4 683 31 23 54 738 139 72 12 9 747 19 11 1000 1000 664168 51448
estd. workers
451109 2849 453958 20715 15425 36140 490098 92175 48046 7974 5858 495956 12859 7158 664168 x x x
34140 266 34406 1568 951 2519 36925 8298 2736 613 487 37412 1222 1167 51448 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 93 858 951 0 3 3 954 0 - 0 - 954 9 36 1000 505 2303 168

12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 650 137 787 67 0 67 854 4 - 1 - 854 8 133 1000 426 1945 136
11 - 21 348 528 876 31 2 32 908 2 - 1 - 908 9 81 1000 931 4249 304
31 417 0 417 0 0 0 417 583 - 0 - 417 0 0 1000 7 31 6
41 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
51 777 67 844 35 0 35 879 72 - 0 - 879 49 0 1000 62 282 33
11 - 51 375 496 871 31 2 32 903 10 - 1 - 903 11 75 1000 1000 4563 343
estd. workers
1711 2262 3973 140 7 147 4120 47 2 4120 51 343 4563 x x x
(00) - -
155 149 304 9 1 10 314 8 0 1 0 314 8 12 343 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 91 842 934 12 4 16 950 4 3 1 0 950 11 31 1000 203 27652 2601

12 129 726 855 93 36 129 984 0 16 0 0 984 0 0 1000 6 811 65
21 784 152 937 35 3 38 975 0 2 1 0 975 8 14 1000 172 23494 1920
11 - 21 405 528 934 24 4 28 962 2 3 1 0 962 10 23 1000 381 51957 4586
31 209 18 227 19 26 46 273 295 101 72 238 511 16 5 1000 490 66845 5474
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 742 0 0 0 0 102 156 1000 1 138 28
51 586 51 638 23 13 36 674 13 44 3 195 869 60 10 1000 128 17386 1615
11 - 51 332 217 549 21 16 38 586 148 56 36 142 728 19 13 1000 1000 136326 11703
estd. workers
45245 29557 74802 2912 2218 5130 79932 20165 7678 4899 19291 99223 2640 1722 136326 x x x
3403 2687 6090 283 139 422 6512 1949 492 337 1808 8320 252 353 11703 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 92 843 935 11 4 15 950 4 2 1 0 950 11 32 1000 213 29955 2769

12 129 726 855 93 36 129 984 0 16 0 0 984 0 0 1000 6 811 65
21 774 151 925 38 3 40 966 0 2 1 0 966 8 23 1000 181 25440 2056
11 - 21 401 528 929 24 4 28 958 2 3 1 0 958 10 27 1000 399 56206 4890
31 209 18 227 19 26 46 273 295 101 72 238 511 16 5 1000 475 66877 5480
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 742 0 0 0 0 102 156 1000 1 138 28
51 589 52 641 23 13 36 677 14 43 3 192 869 60 10 1000 125 17668 1648
11 - 51 333 226 559 22 16 37 597 143 54 35 137 734 19 15 1000 1000 140889 12046
estd. workers
46956 31818 78774 3052 2225 5278 84052 20212 7678 4901 19291 103343 2691 2064 140889 x x x
3558 2836 6394 292 140 432 6826 1957 492 338 1808 8634 260 365 12046 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 589 284 873 34 20 53 927 1 0 0 - 927 11 61 1000 529 6949 606

12 980 0 980 3 17 20 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 9 113 14
21 685 122 807 71 1 72 879 3 0 1 - 879 9 109 1000 226 2965 255
11 - 21 622 233 855 44 14 58 913 2 0 0 - 913 10 75 1000 764 10027 875
31 509 0 509 74 22 96 605 196 55 25 - 605 89 29 1000 101 1325 128
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - 0 0 0 1000 1 8 5
51 688 13 702 42 137 179 881 11 27 0 - 881 74 6 1000 135 1769 206
11 - 51 619 180 799 47 31 78 877 23 9 3 - 877 27 61 1000 1000 13129 1214
estd. workers
8126 2363 10490 617 413 1029 11519 304 122 35 11519 350 799 13129 x x x
(00) -
770 161 931 69 63 132 1063 61 9 5 0 1063 42 34 1214 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 836 99 935 21 12 34 969 4 2 1 0 969 9 15 1000 305 241373 19901

12 770 33 803 74 107 181 984 1 13 1 0 984 1 1 1000 24 19192 1238
21 826 65 890 81 6 87 977 1 3 0 0 977 6 13 1000 93 73473 6023
11 - 21 830 88 918 38 16 54 971 3 3 1 0 971 8 14 1000 422 334038 27162
31 371 5 376 24 28 51 427 311 143 36 60 487 15 8 1000 441 349408 25927
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 881 0 0 0 0 85 34 1000 1 822 200
51 772 11 783 22 20 41 824 15 42 1 40 865 66 11 1000 136 107660 8991
11 - 51 619 41 659 29 22 51 710 142 70 16 32 742 19 11 1000 1000 791928 62280
estd. workers
489939 32304 522243 23151 17237 40388 562631 112083 55602 12839 25149 587780 15200 8423 791928 x x x
36928 2941 39869 1791 1028 2819 42688 10194 3219 946 2295 44983 1440 1498 62280 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 829 105 933 22 12 34 968 4 2 1 0 968 9 16 1000 308 248321 20507

12 771 33 804 74 106 180 984 1 13 1 0 984 1 1 1000 24 19306 1252
21 820 67 887 81 5 86 973 1 3 0 0 973 7 17 1000 95 76438 6278
11 - 21 824 92 916 38 16 54 970 3 3 1 0 970 8 15 1000 427 344065 28037
31 372 5 377 24 28 52 428 311 143 36 59 487 16 8 1000 436 350734 26055
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 882 0 0 0 0 85 33 1000 1 829 205
51 771 11 782 22 22 44 825 15 42 1 40 865 66 11 1000 136 109428 9197
11 - 51 619 43 662 30 22 51 713 140 69 16 31 744 19 11 1000 1000 805057 63494
estd. workers
498066 34667 532733 23768 17650 41418 574150 112387 55724 12875 25149 599299 15550 9222 805057 x x x
37698 3102 40800 1860 1091 2951 43751 10255 3228 951 2295 46046 1482 1532 63494 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status rural+urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 890 9 899 23 11 33 933 0 0 0 - 933 18 49 1000 543 39132 2236

12 938 32 970 25 5 30 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 5 375 43
21 812 85 898 22 2 24 921 0 0 0 - 921 6 73 1000 175 12617 718
11 - 21 871 28 899 23 8 31 930 0 0 0 - 930 15 55 1000 723 52125 2997
31 567 12 579 21 41 62 641 185 25 28 - 641 57 65 1000 82 5894 417
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 734 0 0 - 0 0 266 1000 0 16 18
51 820 3 823 12 34 47 869 24 9 2 - 869 70 25 1000 195 14083 688
11 - 51 836 22 858 20 16 37 895 20 4 3 - 895 29 50 1000 1000 72119 4120
estd. workers
60309 1570 61879 1478 1162 2640 64519 1456 274 199 64519 2082 3589 72119 x x x
(00) -
3219 87 3306 153 113 266 3572 179 22 17 0 3572 131 199 4120 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 924 4 928 19 10 29 957 4 2 1 0 957 10 25 1000 359 475191 36515

12 821 2 822 65 97 162 984 1 10 1 0 984 1 3 1000 18 24020 1660
21 863 24 887 80 5 85 972 1 2 0 0 972 7 18 1000 72 95284 7497
11 - 21 910 7 918 31 12 43 961 3 2 1 0 961 9 23 1000 450 594495 45672
31 406 2 408 21 26 47 454 334 135 32 15 469 18 13 1000 336 444379 34101
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 857 0 3 0 0 88 51 1000 3 3459 456
51 781 2 783 15 22 37 820 16 38 2 14 834 89 20 1000 212 279843 17143
11 - 51 711 4 715 24 19 43 758 119 55 12 8 766 29 19 1000 1000 1322177 97372
estd. workers
939970 5731 945702 31555 25105 56660 1002362 157756 72128 15492 10383 1012745 38686 25370 1322177 x x x
64695 482 65177 2346 1446 3792 68969 16184 3961 1150 860 69829 3003 3245 97372 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status rural+ urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 922 4 926 19 10 29 955 4 2 1 0 955 11 27 1000 369 514323 38751

12 823 2 825 64 96 160 984 1 10 1 0 984 1 3 1000 17 24395 1703
21 857 32 889 73 4 78 966 1 2 0 0 966 7 25 1000 77 107901 8215
11 - 21 907 9 916 30 12 42 958 3 2 1 0 958 10 26 1000 464 646620 48669
31 408 2 410 21 26 47 457 332 133 32 14 471 18 14 1000 323 450274 34518
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 857 0 3 0 0 88 52 1000 2 3476 474
51 783 2 785 15 23 38 822 16 37 2 13 836 88 21 1000 211 293926 17831
11 - 51 717 5 723 24 19 43 765 114 52 11 7 773 29 21 1000 1000 1394295 101492
estd. workers
1000279 7301 1007580 33033 26267 59300 1066881 159213 72402 15691 10383 1077264 40768 28958 1394295 x x x
67914 569 68483 2499 1559 4058 72541 16363 3983 1167 860 73401 3134 3444 101492 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status rural+urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 150 792 942 8 0 9 951 0 0 0 - 951 13 36 1000 508 33183 1744

12 193 807 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 1 94 7
21 697 216 913 30 0 30 943 0 0 0 - 943 11 45 1000 412 26947 1371
11 - 21 395 535 929 18 0 18 948 0 0 0 - 948 12 40 1000 922 60225 3122
31 487 194 681 0 0 0 681 76 0 40 - 681 0 202 1000 6 395 31
41 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
51 849 44 893 20 9 29 922 28 11 0 - 922 33 5 1000 72 4734 196
11 - 51 428 497 925 18 1 19 944 3 1 0 - 944 13 39 1000 1000 65353 3349
estd. workers
27986 32484 60470 1181 51 1233 61702 175 52 18 61702 877 2529 65353 x x x
(00) -
1413 1653 3066 91 6 97 3163 16 3 5 0 3163 59 103 3349 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 95 843 938 14 3 17 955 3 9 1 0 955 8 25 1000 243 71915 5321

12 126 728 854 71 52 123 977 2 11 0 0 977 8 2 1000 4 1157 96
21 769 154 923 42 1 43 966 0 2 0 0 966 9 23 1000 227 67161 5049
11 - 21 418 512 930 28 3 30 960 1 5 0 0 960 8 24 1000 474 140233 10466
31 203 22 225 18 22 41 266 351 100 62 194 460 20 8 1000 349 103254 8363
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 955 0 0 0 0 12 34 1000 4 1198 108
51 636 43 680 13 25 38 718 24 40 7 122 841 73 15 1000 173 51125 3201
11 - 51 379 258 637 22 13 35 672 131 44 23 89 761 24 17 1000 1000 295810 22138
estd. workers
112116 76310 188427 6454 3925 10380 198806 38814 13098 6811 26315 225121 6969 4997 295810 x x x
7406 5375 12781 600 233 833 13614 3750 786 463 2179 15793 517 829 22138 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status rural+ urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 112 827 939 12 2 14 953 2 6 1 0 953 9 29 1000 291 105099 7065

12 131 734 865 66 48 114 979 2 11 0 0 979 7 2 1000 3 1251 103
21 749 172 920 38 1 39 959 0 1 0 0 959 10 29 1000 261 94108 6420
11 - 21 411 519 930 25 2 27 956 1 4 0 0 956 9 29 1000 555 200458 13588
31 204 23 227 18 22 40 267 350 99 62 194 461 20 9 1000 287 103648 8394
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 955 0 0 0 0 12 34 1000 3 1198 108
51 654 44 698 14 24 38 736 24 38 7 112 848 70 14 1000 155 55859 3397
11 - 51 388 301 689 21 11 32 721 108 36 19 73 794 22 21 1000 1000 361163 25487
estd. workers
140102 108794 248896 7636 3976 11612 260508 38988 13150 6829 26315 286823 7846 7526 361163 x x x
8819 7028 15847 691 239 930 16777 3766 789 468 2179 18956 576 932 25487 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status rural+urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 550 369 919 16 6 22 941 0 0 0 - 941 15 43 1000 526 72316 3980

12 789 187 976 20 4 24 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 3 469 50
21 734 174 908 28 1 28 936 0 0 0 - 936 9 54 1000 288 39565 2089
11 - 21 616 300 916 20 4 24 940 0 0 0 - 940 13 47 1000 817 112349 6119
31 562 24 585 19 39 58 643 178 23 29 - 643 53 73 1000 46 6289 448
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 734 0 0 - 0 0 266 1000 0 16 18
51 827 13 840 14 28 42 883 25 10 2 - 883 60 20 1000 137 18817 884
11 - 51 642 248 890 19 9 28 918 12 2 2 - 918 22 45 1000 1000 137472 7469
estd. workers
88295 34054 122349 2659 1213 3873 126221 1631 326 217 126221 2959 6118 137472 x x x
(00) -
4632 1740 6372 244 119 363 6735 195 25 22 0 6735 190 302 7469 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 815 114 930 18 9 27 957 4 3 1 0 957 10 25 1000 338 547106 41836

12 789 35 824 65 95 160 984 2 10 1 0 984 1 3 1000 16 25177 1756
21 824 78 902 64 3 67 970 0 2 0 0 970 8 20 1000 100 162445 12546
11 - 21 816 104 920 30 11 41 961 3 3 1 0 961 9 23 1000 454 734728 56138
31 367 6 373 20 25 45 419 337 128 38 48 467 18 12 1000 338 547633 42464
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 882 0 2 0 0 69 47 1000 3 4657 564
51 758 9 767 15 23 37 804 17 39 3 31 835 87 19 1000 205 330968 20344
11 - 51 650 51 701 23 18 41 742 121 53 14 23 765 28 19 1000 1000 1617987 119510
estd. workers
1052086 82042 1134128 38010 29030 67040 1201168 196570 85226 22303 36698 1237866 45655 30367 1617987 x x x
72101 5857 77958 2946 1679 4625 82583 19934 4747 1613 3039 85622 3520 4074 119510 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status rural+ urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 784 144 928 18 9 27 955 3 3 1 0 955 11 27 1000 353 619422 45816

12 789 38 827 64 93 157 984 1 10 1 0 984 1 3 1000 15 25646 1806
21 807 97 903 57 3 60 963 0 1 0 0 963 8 27 1000 115 202009 14635
11 - 21 790 130 919 29 10 38 958 3 3 1 0 958 10 27 1000 483 847078 62257
31 370 6 376 20 25 46 421 335 127 38 48 469 18 13 1000 316 553922 42912
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 882 0 2 0 0 68 47 1000 3 4674 582
51 762 9 771 15 23 38 809 18 37 3 29 838 85 20 1000 199 349785 21228
11 - 51 650 66 716 23 17 40 756 113 49 13 21 777 28 21 1000 1000 1755458 126979
estd. workers
1140381 116096 1256477 40669 30243 70912 1327389 198201 85552 22520 36698 1364087 48614 36485 1755458 x x x
76733 7597 84330 3190 1798 4988 89318 20129 4772 1635 3039 92357 3710 4376 126979 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 929 16 945 17 2 19 964 2 0 0 - 964 10 24 1000 615 51340 2464

12 954 0 954 0 0 0 954 0 0 0 - 954 0 46 1000 4 299 33
21 726 205 930 53 1 54 984 2 0 0 - 984 3 10 1000 317 26492 1620
11 - 21 860 80 940 29 1 31 971 2 0 0 - 971 8 19 1000 936 78131 4117
31 710 35 745 0 88 88 833 65 0 97 - 833 4 0 1000 3 289 10
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - 0 0 0 1000 2 152 5
51 806 2 808 3 29 32 840 59 4 21 - 840 37 40 1000 59 4925 175
11 - 51 855 75 930 28 3 31 961 8 0 2 - 961 10 20 1000 1000 83497 4307
estd. workers
71365 6272 77636 2305 275 2580 80216 647 18 130 80216 801 1685 83497 x x x
(00) -
3479 430 3909 212 21 233 4142 23 2 3 0 4142 47 90 4307 x x x
industry: 10-99
11 919 9 927 19 9 28 955 5 1 2 0 955 14 22 1000 372 49321 2673
12 922 1 923 11 48 59 982 0 0 0 0 982 0 18 1000 5 704 63
21 722 188 910 60 7 67 977 0 0 1 0 977 5 17 1000 107 14181 968
11 - 21 875 48 923 28 9 37 960 4 1 2 0 960 12 21 1000 485 64205 3704
31 453 0 453 20 43 64 517 216 135 36 29 546 22 46 1000 54 7152 356
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 921 0 0 0 0 66 13 1000 27 3581 181
51 748 2 750 10 18 28 778 29 29 3 12 789 121 27 1000 434 57513 2578
11 - 51 774 24 798 19 15 34 831 51 20 4 7 838 62 25 1000 1000 132450 6819
estd. workers
102457 3185 105642 2488 1953 4441 110083 6779 2704 568 879 110962 8150 3287 132450 x x x
5199 184 5383 134 106 240 5623 374 119 46 57 5680 429 171 6819 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 924 12 936 18 6 23 960 4 1 1 0 960 12 23 1000 466 100661 5137

12 932 1 932 8 34 41 974 0 0 0 0 974 0 26 1000 5 1003 96
21 724 199 923 56 3 59 982 2 0 0 0 982 4 12 1000 188 40672 2588
11 - 21 867 66 932 29 5 34 966 3 1 1 0 966 10 20 1000 659 142337 7821
31 463 1 464 20 45 65 529 210 129 38 28 557 21 44 1000 34 7440 366
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 924 0 0 0 0 63 13 1000 17 3733 186
51 753 2 754 9 19 28 783 32 27 5 11 793 115 28 1000 289 62437 2753
11 - 51 805 44 849 22 10 33 881 34 13 3 4 885 41 23 1000 1000 215947 11126
estd. workers
173822 9457 183279 4793 2227 7021 190299 7426 2721 698 879 191178 8951 4972 215947 x x x
8678 614 9292 346 127 473 9765 397 121 49 57 9822 476 261 11126 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 143 821 964 22 0 22 986 1 0 - - 986 5 8 1000 374 56531 3536

12 0 1000 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 1 78 9
21 788 171 959 24 0 24 983 1 0 - - 983 6 9 1000 603 91263 5075
11 - 21 541 420 961 23 0 23 984 1 0 - - 984 6 9 1000 977 147872 8620
31 573 427 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 0 73 4
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 753 0 - - 0 247 0 1000 1 138 5
51 762 68 830 0 15 15 845 33 6 - - 845 71 45 1000 21 3237 110
11 - 51 545 412 958 23 1 23 981 2 0 - - 981 7 10 1000 1000 151321 8739
estd. workers
82520 62376 144895 3408 76 3484 148379 373 22 148379 1091 1455 151321 x x x
(00) - -
4260 4003 8263 312 5 317 8580 14 2 0 0 8580 73 70 8739 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 84 880 964 8 5 13 977 4 3 0 0 977 9 7 1000 328 20028 1114

12 0 1000 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 29 2
21 720 226 946 37 0 37 983 0 0 0 0 983 5 12 1000 330 20173 1140
11 - 21 403 552 955 22 3 25 980 2 1 0 0 980 7 10 1000 658 40230 2256
31 283 43 325 0 10 10 335 253 218 49 126 461 13 6 1000 47 2876 141
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 984 0 0 0 0 15 1 1000 51 3145 130
51 624 48 672 9 20 29 701 55 37 19 56 758 115 16 1000 243 14862 642
11 - 51 430 377 807 17 7 24 831 77 20 7 20 851 34 11 1000 1000 61114 3169
estd. workers
26294 23048 49342 1038 429 1467 50809 4727 1234 428 1200 52009 2062 653 61114 x x x
1286 1234 2520 94 18 112 2632 209 62 25 55 2687 101 85 3169 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 128 836 964 18 1 19 984 2 1 0 0 984 6 8 1000 360 76559 4650

12 0 1000 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 1 107 11
21 776 181 957 26 0 27 983 1 0 0 0 983 6 10 1000 525 111437 6215
11 - 21 512 448 960 23 1 24 983 1 0 0 0 983 6 9 1000 885 188103 10876
31 290 52 342 0 9 9 352 247 213 48 122 474 13 6 1000 14 2950 145
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 975 0 0 0 0 25 1 1000 15 3284 135
51 649 52 701 7 19 26 727 51 31 16 46 773 107 21 1000 85 18099 752
11 - 51 512 402 914 21 2 23 938 24 6 2 6 943 15 10 1000 1000 212435 11908
estd. workers
108814 85424 194238 4446 505 4951 199189 5100 1256 428 1200 200389 3153 2109 212435 x x x
5546 5237 10783 406 23 429 11212 223 64 25 55 11267 174 155 11908 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 517 438 955 19 1 20 975 1 0 0 - 975 7 16 1000 459 107871 6000

12 756 208 964 0 0 0 964 0 0 0 - 964 0 36 1000 2 378 42
21 774 179 953 31 0 31 984 2 0 0 - 984 5 9 1000 501 117755 6695
11 - 21 651 303 954 25 1 26 980 2 0 0 - 980 6 12 1000 962 226004 12737
31 683 114 796 0 71 71 867 52 0 78 - 867 4 0 1000 2 362 14
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 882 0 0 - 0 118 0 1000 1 291 10
51 788 28 817 2 23 25 842 49 5 12 - 842 50 42 1000 35 8162 285
11 - 51 655 292 948 24 1 26 973 4 0 1 - 973 8 13 1000 1000 234818 13046
estd. workers
153884 68647 222532 5713 351 6064 228595 1020 40 130 228595 1893 3140 234818 x x x
(00) -
7739 4433 12172 524 26 550 12722 37 4 3 0 12722 120 160 13046 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 678 260 938 15 8 24 961 5 2 2 0 961 13 18 1000 358 69349 3787

12 886 41 926 10 46 57 983 0 0 0 0 983 0 17 1000 4 733 65
21 721 210 931 47 3 50 980 0 0 0 0 980 5 14 1000 177 34354 2108
11 - 21 693 242 935 26 7 32 968 3 1 1 0 968 10 17 1000 540 104435 5960
31 404 12 416 14 34 48 464 226 159 40 57 521 19 34 1000 52 10028 497
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 951 0 0 0 0 42 7 1000 35 6726 311
51 723 11 734 10 18 28 762 35 31 7 21 783 120 25 1000 374 72375 3220
11 - 51 665 136 801 18 12 31 831 59 20 5 11 842 53 20 1000 1000 193564 9988
estd. workers
128751 26233 154984 3526 2382 5908 160893 11506 3937 997 2079 162971 10212 3941 193564 x x x
6485 1418 7903 228 124 352 8255 583 181 71 112 8367 530 256 9988 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 580 368 948 18 4 22 970 3 1 1 0 970 9 16 1000 414 177220 9787

12 842 97 939 7 31 37 976 0 0 0 0 976 0 24 1000 3 1110 107
21 762 186 948 34 1 35 983 1 0 0 0 983 5 10 1000 355 152109 8803
11 - 21 665 283 948 25 3 28 976 2 0 0 0 976 8 14 1000 771 330439 18697
31 414 16 429 14 35 49 479 220 153 41 55 533 19 33 1000 24 10390 511
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 948 0 0 0 0 45 7 1000 16 7017 321
51 729 13 742 9 19 28 770 36 28 7 19 789 113 27 1000 188 80536 3505
11 - 51 660 221 881 22 6 28 909 29 9 3 5 914 28 17 1000 1000 428382 23034
estd. workers
282636 94881 377516 9239 2733 11972 389488 12527 3977 1127 2079 391567 12104 7081 428382 x x x
14224 5851 20075 752 150 902 20977 620 185 74 112 21089 650 416 23034 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 925 8 933 21 3 24 957 0 - - - 957 25 18 1000 575 2017 133

12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
21 677 262 939 57 0 57 995 0 - - - 995 0 5 1000 347 1217 84
11 - 21 831 104 935 34 2 36 971 0 - - - 971 16 13 1000 922 3235 217
31 701 0 701 0 0 0 701 0 - - - 701 299 0 1000 13 45 3
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 421 - - - 0 0 579 1000 1 4 3
51 843 10 853 0 43 43 896 102 - - - 896 2 0 1000 64 224 25
11 - 51 829 96 926 32 4 36 962 7 - - - 962 19 13 1000 1000 3509 248
estd. workers
2910 337 3247 111 16 127 3374 25 3374 65 44 3509 x x x
(00) - - -
192 24 216 15 4 19 235 2 0 0 0 235 3 8 248 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 913 8 922 8 30 37 959 13 6 0 0 959 10 12 1000 425 12816 974

12 763 1 763 17 154 171 935 0 0 0 0 935 0 65 1000 24 738 59
21 742 187 929 46 3 49 979 0 0 0 0 979 3 18 1000 151 4539 407
11 - 21 864 53 917 18 28 46 963 9 4 0 0 963 8 16 1000 600 18093 1440
31 595 18 613 6 50 56 669 74 168 20 56 726 11 2 1000 172 5176 335
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 629 0 0 0 0 371 0 1000 1 40 9
51 763 4 767 2 13 15 782 39 38 6 15 797 112 8 1000 226 6825 625
11 - 51 794 36 830 12 28 41 870 28 40 5 13 883 32 11 1000 1000 30134 2409
estd. workers
23919 1081 25000 368 857 1225 26226 846 1206 145 392 26617 977 342 30134 x x x
1885 91 1976 43 65 108 2084 59 71 22 30 2114 89 54 2409 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 915 8 923 10 26 36 959 11 5 0 0 959 12 13 1000 441 14833 1107

12 763 1 763 17 154 171 935 0 0 0 0 935 0 65 1000 22 738 59
21 729 203 931 49 2 51 982 0 0 0 0 982 3 15 1000 171 5757 491
11 - 21 859 61 920 20 24 44 964 8 4 0 0 964 9 15 1000 634 21328 1657
31 596 18 614 6 49 56 670 74 166 19 56 726 13 2 1000 155 5222 338
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 609 0 0 0 0 337 54 1000 1 44 12
51 765 4 770 2 14 16 786 41 36 6 14 800 109 7 1000 210 7049 650
11 - 51 797 42 840 14 26 40 880 26 36 4 12 891 31 11 1000 1000 33642 2657
estd. workers
26829 1418 28248 479 873 1352 29600 871 1206 145 392 29992 1042 387 33642 x x x
2077 115 2192 58 69 127 2319 61 71 22 30 2349 92 62 2657 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 87 864 951 16 0 16 966 1 - - - 966 0 32 1000 325 2369 257

12 0 1000 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 - - - 1000 0 0 1000 1 9 1
21 817 159 976 21 0 21 997 0 - - - 997 0 3 1000 650 4745 308
11 - 21 573 395 967 19 0 19 987 0 - - - 987 0 13 1000 976 7123 566
31 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
41 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
51 978 3 981 0 0 0 981 0 - - - 981 0 19 1000 24 174 9
11 - 51 582 385 968 19 0 19 987 0 - - - 987 0 13 1000 1000 7297 575
estd. workers
4250 2811 7062 138 0 138 7200 2 7200 1 94 7297 x x x
(00) - - -
251 279 530 34 0 34 564 1 0 0 0 564 1 9 575 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 82 898 979 7 1 8 987 1 0 0 0 987 2 9 1000 521 15379 1108

12 86 914 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 2 68 9
21 671 298 969 12 1 14 983 0 0 0 0 983 0 17 1000 258 7626 626
11 - 21 277 700 976 8 1 10 986 1 0 0 0 986 1 12 1000 782 23073 1743
31 346 30 376 16 17 33 409 61 58 115 323 732 27 7 1000 98 2904 214
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 1 20 3
51 581 164 745 14 9 23 769 26 17 0 87 855 74 28 1000 119 3526 299
11 - 51 320 569 889 10 4 14 903 11 8 11 42 945 12 13 1000 1000 29523 2259
estd. workers
9435 16806 26241 292 113 405 26646 311 236 335 1244 27890 361 390 29523 x x x
693 1198 1891 51 15 66 1957 37 18 16 150 2107 32 49 2259 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 82 893 976 8 1 9 985 1 0 0 0 985 1 12 1000 482 17748 1365

12 75 925 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 2 77 10
21 727 245 972 16 1 17 988 0 0 0 0 988 0 12 1000 336 12371 934
11 - 21 346 628 974 11 1 12 986 1 0 0 0 986 1 12 1000 820 30196 2309
31 346 30 376 16 17 33 409 61 58 115 323 732 27 7 1000 79 2904 214
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 1 20 3
51 600 156 756 14 9 22 779 24 16 0 82 861 70 27 1000 100 3700 308
11 - 51 372 533 904 12 3 15 919 9 6 9 34 953 10 13 1000 1000 36821 2834
estd. workers
13685 19618 33303 430 113 543 33846 313 236 335 1244 35090 362 484 36821 x x x
944 1477 2421 85 15 100 2521 38 18 16 150 2671 33 58 2834 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 472 470 942 18 1 19 962 1 - - - 962 12 26 1000 406 4386 390

12 0 1000 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 - - - 1000 0 0 1000 1 9 1
21 788 180 968 29 0 29 997 0 - - - 997 0 3 1000 552 5962 392
11 - 21 654 304 957 24 1 25 982 0 - - - 982 5 13 1000 959 10358 783
31 701 0 701 0 0 0 701 0 - - - 701 299 0 1000 4 45 3
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 421 - - - 0 0 579 1000 0 4 3
51 902 7 909 0 24 24 933 58 - - - 933 1 8 1000 37 398 34
11 - 51 663 291 954 23 1 25 979 2 - - - 979 6 13 1000 1000 10806 823
estd. workers
7160 3149 10309 250 16 265 10574 27 10574 66 139 10806 x x x
(00) - - -
443 303 746 49 4 53 799 3 0 0 0 799 4 17 823 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 460 493 953 7 14 21 974 7 3 0 0 974 5 10 1000 473 28195 2082

12 705 78 783 15 141 157 940 0 0 0 0 940 0 60 1000 14 806 68
21 698 257 954 25 2 27 981 0 0 0 0 981 1 17 1000 204 12165 1033
11 - 21 535 415 950 13 13 26 976 5 2 0 0 976 4 13 1000 690 41166 3183
31 505 23 528 10 38 48 576 70 128 54 152 728 17 4 1000 135 8081 549
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 754 0 0 0 0 246 0 1000 1 60 12
51 701 59 760 6 12 18 777 35 31 4 39 817 99 15 1000 173 10350 924
11 - 51 559 300 859 11 16 27 886 19 24 8 27 914 22 12 1000 1000 59657 4668
estd. workers
33354 17887 51242 660 971 1630 52872 1157 1442 481 1635 54507 1338 732 59657 x x x
2578 1289 3867 94 80 174 4041 96 89 38 180 4221 121 103 4668 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 461 490 952 9 13 21 973 6 3 0 0 973 6 12 1000 462 32581 2472

12 697 89 786 15 140 155 941 0 0 0 0 941 0 59 1000 12 815 69
21 727 231 959 26 1 27 986 0 0 0 0 986 1 13 1000 257 18128 1425
11 - 21 559 393 952 15 11 25 977 4 2 0 0 977 4 13 1000 731 51524 3966
31 507 22 529 10 38 48 577 69 128 54 151 728 18 4 1000 115 8126 552
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 733 0 0 0 0 230 37 1000 1 64 15
51 708 57 765 6 12 18 783 35 30 4 38 821 96 14 1000 153 10749 958
11 - 51 575 299 874 13 14 27 900 17 20 7 23 924 20 12 1000 1000 70463 5491
estd. workers
40515 21036 61550 909 986 1895 63446 1184 1442 481 1635 65081 1404 871 70463 x x x
3021 1592 4613 143 84 227 4840 99 89 38 180 5020 125 120 5491 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status rural+urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 929 16 944 17 2 19 963 2 0 0 - 963 11 23 1000 613 53358 2597

12 954 0 954 0 0 0 954 0 0 0 - 954 0 46 1000 3 299 33
21 724 207 931 53 1 54 985 2 0 0 - 985 3 10 1000 318 27709 1704
11 - 21 859 81 940 29 1 31 971 2 0 0 - 971 8 19 1000 935 81366 4334
31 709 30 739 0 76 76 815 56 0 84 - 815 44 0 1000 4 334 13
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 985 0 0 - 0 0 15 1000 2 156 8
51 808 2 810 3 29 33 842 61 3 20 - 842 35 39 1000 59 5149 200
11 - 51 854 76 930 28 3 31 961 8 0 1 - 961 10 20 1000 1000 87005 4555
estd. workers
74275 6609 80884 2416 291 2707 83590 672 18 130 83590 867 1729 87005 x x x
(00) -
3671 454 4125 227 25 252 4377 25 2 3 0 4377 50 98 4555 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 917 9 926 16 14 30 956 7 2 2 0 956 13 20 1000 382 62137 3647

12 841 1 841 14 102 116 958 0 0 0 0 958 0 42 1000 9 1441 122
21 727 188 914 57 6 63 977 0 0 0 0 977 5 17 1000 115 18720 1375
11 - 21 873 49 922 26 13 39 961 5 2 1 0 961 11 20 1000 506 82298 5144
31 512 8 520 15 46 61 581 156 149 29 41 621 17 27 1000 76 12328 691
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 918 0 0 0 0 69 13 1000 22 3621 190
51 750 2 752 9 18 27 778 30 30 4 12 790 120 25 1000 396 64337 3203
11 - 51 777 26 804 18 17 35 838 47 24 4 8 846 56 22 1000 1000 162584 9228
estd. workers
126376 4266 130642 2856 2810 5666 136309 7625 3909 714 1270 137579 9127 3630 162584 x x x
7084 275 7359 177 171 348 7707 433 190 68 87 7794 518 225 9228 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status rural+ urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 923 12 934 17 8 25 959 5 1 1 0 959 12 22 1000 463 115495 6244

12 860 1 861 12 85 96 957 0 0 0 0 957 0 43 1000 7 1740 155
21 725 199 924 55 3 58 982 2 0 0 0 982 4 13 1000 186 46429 3079
11 - 21 866 65 931 28 7 35 966 4 1 1 0 966 10 19 1000 656 163664 9478
31 518 8 526 14 47 61 587 154 145 31 40 626 18 27 1000 51 12662 704
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 921 0 0 0 0 66 13 1000 15 3777 198
51 754 2 756 9 19 27 783 33 28 5 11 794 114 26 1000 278 69486 3403
11 - 51 804 44 847 21 12 34 881 33 16 3 5 886 40 21 1000 1000 249589 13783
estd. workers
200651 10875 211526 5272 3101 8373 219899 8297 3927 844 1270 221169 9993 5359 249589 x x x
10755 729 11484 404 196 600 12084 458 192 71 87 12171 568 323 13783 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status rural+urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 141 823 964 21 0 21 985 1 0 - - 985 5 9 1000 371 58900 3793

12 0 1000 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 1 88 10
21 789 171 960 24 0 24 984 1 0 - - 984 6 9 1000 605 96008 5383
11 - 21 543 419 961 23 0 23 985 1 0 - - 985 5 9 1000 977 154996 9186
31 573 427 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 0 73 4
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 753 0 - - 0 247 0 1000 1 138 5
51 773 65 838 0 14 14 852 32 6 - - 852 67 43 1000 22 3411 119
11 - 51 547 411 958 22 0 23 981 2 0 - - 981 7 10 1000 1000 158618 9314
estd. workers
86770 65187 151957 3546 76 3623 155579 376 22 155579 1092 1550 158618 x x x
(00) - -
4511 4282 8793 346 5 351 9144 15 2 0 0 9144 74 79 9314 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 83 888 971 7 4 11 981 3 2 0 0 981 6 8 1000 391 35407 2222

12 60 940 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 1 97 11
21 706 246 952 30 0 31 983 0 0 0 0 983 3 14 1000 307 27799 1766
11 - 21 357 606 963 17 2 20 982 2 1 0 0 982 5 11 1000 698 63303 3999
31 315 36 351 8 13 21 372 157 138 82 225 597 20 7 1000 64 5781 355
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 984 0 0 0 0 15 1 1000 35 3166 133
51 616 70 686 10 18 28 714 49 33 16 62 776 107 18 1000 203 18388 941
11 - 51 394 440 834 15 6 21 855 56 16 8 27 882 27 12 1000 1000 90637 5428
estd. workers
35729 39855 75584 1330 542 1872 77456 5038 1470 764 2443 79899 2423 1043 90637 x x x
1979 2432 4411 145 33 178 4589 246 80 41 205 4794 133 134 5428 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status rural+ urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 119 847 966 16 1 17 984 2 1 0 0 984 5 9 1000 378 94306 6015

12 31 969 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 1 185 21
21 771 188 958 25 0 26 984 1 0 0 0 984 5 10 1000 497 123808 7149
11 - 21 489 473 962 21 1 22 984 1 0 0 0 984 5 9 1000 876 218299 13185
31 318 41 359 8 13 21 380 155 136 81 222 602 20 6 1000 23 5854 359
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 975 0 0 0 0 25 1 1000 13 3304 138
51 641 70 710 8 17 26 736 47 29 13 52 788 101 22 1000 87 21799 1060
11 - 51 491 421 913 20 2 22 935 22 6 3 10 945 14 10 1000 1000 249256 14742
estd. workers
122499 105042 227540 4876 619 5495 233035 5414 1492 764 2443 235478 3515 2593 249256 x x x
6490 6714 13204 491 38 529 13733 261 82 41 205 13938 207 213 14742 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status rural+urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 515 439 955 19 1 20 975 1 0 0 - 975 8 16 1000 457 112257 6390

12 738 227 965 0 0 0 965 0 0 0 - 965 0 35 1000 2 387 43
21 775 179 953 30 0 31 984 2 0 0 - 984 5 9 1000 504 123718 7087
11 - 21 651 303 954 25 1 26 980 1 0 0 - 980 6 12 1000 962 236362 13520
31 685 101 786 0 63 63 848 46 0 69 - 848 37 0 1000 2 407 17
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 876 0 0 - 0 116 8 1000 1 295 13
51 794 27 821 2 23 25 846 49 4 12 - 846 48 40 1000 35 8560 319
11 - 51 656 292 948 24 1 26 974 4 0 1 - 974 8 13 1000 1000 245624 13869
estd. workers
161045 71796 232841 5962 367 6329 239170 1047 40 130 239170 1958 3279 245624 x x x
(00) -
8182 4736 12918 573 30 603 13521 40 4 3 0 13521 124 177 13869 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 615 328 942 13 10 23 965 5 2 1 0 965 10 16 1000 385 97544 5869

12 791 60 851 13 96 109 960 0 0 0 0 960 0 40 1000 6 1539 133
21 715 222 937 41 3 44 981 0 0 0 0 981 4 15 1000 184 46519 3141
11 - 21 648 291 940 22 9 31 970 4 1 1 0 970 8 16 1000 575 145601 9143
31 449 17 466 12 36 48 514 156 145 46 99 614 18 21 1000 72 18109 1046
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 949 0 0 0 0 44 7 1000 27 6786 323
51 720 17 737 9 18 27 764 35 31 6 23 787 118 24 1000 327 82725 4144
11 - 51 640 174 814 17 13 30 844 50 21 6 15 859 46 18 1000 1000 253221 14656
estd. workers
162105 44121 206226 4186 3352 7538 213764 12663 5379 1477 3714 217478 11550 4673 253221 x x x
9063 2707 11770 322 204 526 12296 679 270 109 292 12588 651 359 14656 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India subsidiary status rural+ urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 561 387 949 16 5 22 970 3 1 1 0 970 9 16 1000 421 209801 12259

12 780 94 874 10 77 87 961 0 0 0 0 961 0 39 1000 4 1925 176
21 758 191 949 33 1 34 983 1 0 0 0 983 5 11 1000 341 170237 10228
11 - 21 650 298 949 24 4 28 976 2 1 0 0 976 7 14 1000 766 381963 22663
31 454 19 473 12 36 48 522 154 142 47 97 619 19 20 1000 37 18516 1063
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 946 0 0 0 0 47 7 1000 14 7081 336
51 727 18 745 8 18 27 772 36 28 7 21 793 111 25 1000 183 91285 4463
11 - 51 648 232 880 20 7 28 908 27 11 3 7 915 27 16 1000 1000 498845 28525
estd. workers
323150 115916 439067 10148 3719 13867 452934 13711 5419 1607 3714 456648 13509 7952 498845 x x x
17245 7443 24688 895 234 1129 25817 719 274 112 292 26109 775 536 28525 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 896 14 910 19 8 27 937 0 0 0 - 937 18 45 1000 519 35409 1851

12 924 44 967 33 0 33 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 4 273 30
21 790 117 907 27 2 29 936 0 0 0 - 936 5 59 1000 223 15199 806
11 - 21 864 45 909 21 6 28 937 0 0 0 - 937 14 49 1000 745 50882 2687
31 587 16 603 5 46 51 654 182 16 28 - 654 46 73 1000 68 4657 296
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 494 0 0 - 0 0 506 1000 0 9 13
51 833 3 836 8 19 27 863 32 6 3 - 863 68 27 1000 186 12725 524
11 - 51 839 35 874 18 11 29 904 19 2 2 - 904 26 47 1000 1000 68272 3520
estd. workers
57297 2401 59698 1225 774 1999 61697 1265 152 165 61697 1802 3191 68272 x x x
(00) -
2769 131 2900 125 55 180 3080 128 13 13 0 3080 101 185 3520 x x x
industry: 10-99
11 918 5 923 16 7 23 946 4 2 1 0 946 12 35 1000 390 263482 19354
12 894 0 894 36 55 91 985 3 0 0 0 985 1 10 1000 8 5638 487
21 878 34 912 53 2 56 967 1 1 0 0 967 8 23 1000 71 48083 3601
11 - 21 911 9 921 22 7 29 950 3 2 1 0 950 11 33 1000 470 317203 23442
31 402 2 404 14 22 36 440 364 103 42 10 449 22 20 1000 242 163178 13723
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 850 0 4 0 0 87 59 1000 4 2878 292
51 769 2 771 12 22 34 805 16 37 3 16 820 99 25 1000 285 192346 9915
11 - 51 744 5 749 17 15 32 781 98 36 11 7 788 39 28 1000 1000 675604 47372
estd. workers
502615 3566 506181 11434 10117 21551 527733 66065 24361 7658 4598 532331 26440 18750 675604 x x x
31624 255 31879 847 562 1409 33288 7961 1246 550 379 33667 1837 2111 47372 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 915 6 921 16 7 23 945 3 2 1 0 945 13 37 1000 402 298891 21205

12 895 2 897 36 52 88 986 3 0 0 0 986 1 10 1000 8 5912 517
21 857 54 910 47 2 49 960 1 0 0 0 960 7 32 1000 85 63282 4407
11 - 21 905 14 919 22 7 29 948 3 2 1 0 948 12 35 1000 495 368085 26129
31 407 2 409 14 22 36 445 359 100 41 10 455 22 22 1000 226 167834 14019
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 849 0 4 0 0 86 61 1000 4 2886 305
51 773 2 775 11 22 34 808 17 35 3 15 823 97 25 1000 276 205071 10439
11 - 51 753 8 761 17 15 32 792 91 33 11 6 799 38 29 1000 1000 743876 50892
estd. workers
559912 5968 565879 12659 10891 23550 589429 67329 24514 7823 4598 594028 28241 21941 743876 x x x
34393 386 34779 972 617 1589 36368 8089 1259 563 379 36747 1938 2296 50892 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 149 804 953 20 0 20 973 0 0 0 - 973 7 19 1000 418 69450 3915

12 110 890 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 1 165 15
21 770 182 952 25 0 25 977 0 0 0 - 977 7 16 1000 544 90502 4852
11 - 21 500 452 953 23 0 23 976 0 0 0 - 976 7 17 1000 963 160118 8782
31 454 273 727 0 0 0 727 30 0 40 - 727 0 202 1000 2 394 27
41 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
51 844 34 879 15 7 22 901 30 9 0 - 901 44 16 1000 35 5768 203
11 - 51 512 437 950 23 0 23 972 1 0 0 - 972 8 18 1000 1000 166280 9012
estd. workers
85157 72727 157884 3742 71 3813 161698 187 52 16 161698 1385 2943 166280 x x x
(00) -
4273 4165 8438 335 8 343 8781 10 3 4 0 8781 90 124 9012 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 94 856 950 12 2 15 964 2 10 1 0 964 6 17 1000 301 58242 3422

12 109 752 862 18 83 102 963 6 0 0 0 963 25 6 1000 2 374 32
21 752 176 927 40 0 40 967 0 1 0 0 967 8 24 1000 293 56641 3902
11 - 21 417 521 938 26 2 27 966 1 6 0 0 966 7 20 1000 596 115258 7356
31 198 29 228 16 14 30 258 445 103 42 114 372 25 12 1000 198 38361 2987
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 990 0 0 0 0 0 10 1000 10 1877 114
51 653 47 700 9 30 38 738 33 39 11 88 826 73 18 1000 197 38030 1791
11 - 51 416 326 742 20 10 30 771 105 31 11 40 811 23 18 1000 1000 193525 12248
estd. workers
80483 63021 143504 3926 1857 5783 149287 20327 6072 2057 7723 157010 4547 3511 193525 x x x
4737 3496 8233 362 104 466 8699 1876 327 137 403 9102 288 518 12248 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 124 828 952 16 1 17 969 1 5 0 0 969 7 18 1000 355 127692 7337

12 109 795 904 13 58 71 975 4 0 0 0 975 17 4 1000 1 539 47
21 763 179 942 31 0 31 974 0 0 0 0 974 7 19 1000 409 147144 8754
11 - 21 465 481 947 24 1 25 972 0 2 0 0 972 7 19 1000 765 275375 16138
31 201 32 233 16 14 30 263 441 101 42 113 376 25 14 1000 108 38755 3014
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 990 0 0 0 0 0 10 1000 5 1877 114
51 678 46 724 9 27 36 760 33 35 9 76 836 69 18 1000 122 43798 1994
11 - 51 460 377 838 21 5 27 864 57 17 6 21 886 16 18 1000 1000 359805 21260
estd. workers
165640 135749 301389 7668 1928 9596 310985 20514 6124 2073 7723 318708 5932 6454 359805 x x x
9010 7661 16671 697 112 809 17480 1886 330 141 403 17883 378 642 21260 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 401 537 939 20 3 22 961 0 0 0 - 961 11 28 1000 447 104860 5766

12 617 362 980 20 0 20 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 2 438 45
21 773 172 945 25 1 26 971 0 0 0 - 971 6 22 1000 451 105701 5658
11 - 21 588 354 942 23 2 24 966 0 0 0 - 966 9 25 1000 900 210999 11469
31 577 36 613 5 42 47 660 170 14 29 - 660 43 83 1000 22 5051 323
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 494 0 0 - 0 0 506 1000 0 9 13
51 836 13 849 11 15 26 875 31 7 2 - 875 61 24 1000 79 18493 727
11 - 51 607 320 928 21 4 25 952 6 1 1 - 952 14 26 1000 1000 234552 12532
estd. workers
142454 75129 217582 4967 845 5812 223394 1451 204 181 223394 3186 6134 234552 x x x
(00) -
7042 4296 11338 460 63 523 11861 138 16 17 0 11861 191 309 12532 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 769 159 928 15 6 21 949 3 3 1 0 949 11 32 1000 370 321724 22776

12 845 47 892 35 57 92 984 3 0 0 0 984 3 10 1000 7 6013 519
21 810 110 920 46 1 47 967 0 1 0 0 967 8 23 1000 120 104724 7503
11 - 21 780 146 925 23 6 29 954 3 3 1 0 954 10 30 1000 498 432461 30798
31 363 7 370 14 20 35 405 380 103 42 30 435 22 19 1000 232 201539 16710
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 905 0 2 0 0 52 40 1000 5 4754 406
51 750 10 759 11 24 35 794 19 37 4 27 821 95 23 1000 265 230376 11706
11 - 51 671 77 748 18 14 31 779 99 35 11 14 793 36 26 1000 1000 869129 59620
estd. workers
583098 66587 649685 15361 11974 27334 677020 86392 30434 9715 12322 689341 30987 22261 869129 x x x
36361 3751 40112 1209 666 1875 41987 9837 1573 687 782 42769 2125 2629 59620 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 678 252 930 16 5 22 952 3 3 1 0 952 11 31 1000 387 426583 28542

12 830 68 898 34 53 87 985 3 0 0 0 985 3 9 1000 6 6451 564
21 791 142 933 36 1 37 969 0 0 0 0 969 7 23 1000 191 210425 13161
11 - 21 717 214 931 23 4 27 958 2 2 1 0 958 10 28 1000 583 643460 42267
31 369 8 376 14 21 35 411 375 101 41 29 440 23 20 1000 187 206589 17033
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 905 0 2 0 0 52 41 1000 4 4763 419
51 756 10 766 11 23 34 800 20 35 4 25 825 92 24 1000 225 248869 12433
11 - 51 657 128 786 18 12 30 816 80 28 9 11 827 31 26 1000 1000 1103681 72152
estd. workers
725552 141716 867268 20328 12818 33146 900414 87843 30638 9896 12322 912735 34173 28395 1103681 x x x
43403 8047 51450 1669 729 2398 53848 9975 1589 704 782 54630 2316 2938 72152 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 836 0 836 50 27 77 914 2 0 0 - 914 11 73 1000 529 4684 442

12 980 0 980 3 17 20 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 13 113 14
21 684 166 850 90 2 92 942 0 0 0 - 942 8 50 1000 143 1264 142
11 - 21 807 35 842 57 22 79 921 1 0 0 - 921 10 67 1000 684 6061 598
31 511 0 511 75 23 98 609 187 57 26 - 609 91 30 1000 146 1294 122
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - 0 0 0 1000 1 8 5
51 667 3 670 43 169 212 882 0 32 0 - 882 79 7 1000 169 1496 175
11 - 51 740 24 764 58 47 104 868 29 14 4 - 868 34 51 1000 1000 8858 900
estd. workers
6551 215 6766 510 415 925 7691 258 122 33 7691 299 456 8858 x x x
(00) -
633 17 650 64 64 128 778 53 9 4 0 778 34 22 900 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 932 3 935 23 13 36 971 4 3 1 0 971 9 13 1000 325 215914 17465

12 799 2 801 73 110 183 984 1 13 1 0 984 1 1 1000 28 18528 1178
21 845 26 871 100 7 107 978 1 3 0 0 978 6 13 1000 78 51931 4269
11 - 21 907 7 915 40 18 58 973 3 3 1 0 973 8 12 1000 431 286374 22912
31 410 2 412 24 28 53 465 313 154 27 18 483 15 8 1000 429 285166 20605
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 909 0 0 0 0 82 9 1000 1 685 174
51 807 3 810 21 21 42 852 15 42 1 11 863 68 11 1000 138 91754 7506
11 - 51 679 5 684 31 23 54 737 139 73 12 9 746 19 10 1000 1000 663979 51197
estd. workers
450857 3032 453888 20320 15247 35568 489456 92216 48640 8002 6068 495524 12824 6773 663979 x x x
33998 275 34273 1525 905 2430 36703 8260 2761 616 498 37201 1200 1159 51197 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 930 3 933 23 14 37 970 4 3 1 0 970 9 14 1000 328 220598 17907

12 800 2 802 72 109 182 984 1 13 1 0 984 1 1 1000 28 18641 1192
21 841 29 871 100 7 106 977 1 3 0 0 977 6 14 1000 79 53195 4411
11 - 21 905 8 913 40 18 59 972 3 3 1 0 972 8 13 1000 435 292434 23510
31 411 2 413 25 28 53 466 312 153 27 18 484 15 8 1000 426 286460 20727
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 910 0 0 0 0 81 9 1000 1 693 179
51 805 3 808 22 23 45 853 15 42 1 10 863 69 11 1000 139 93250 7681
11 - 51 680 5 685 31 23 54 739 137 72 12 9 748 20 11 1000 1000 672837 52097
estd. workers
457407 3247 460654 20830 15662 36492 497147 92474 48762 8035 6068 503215 13123 7229 672837 x x x
34631 292 34923 1589 969 2558 37481 8313 2770 620 498 37979 1234 1181 52097 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 93 856 950 9 2 10 960 0 - 0 - 960 5 35 1000 418 4315 375

12 0 1000 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 - 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 1 9 1
21 740 166 906 40 0 40 946 1 - 0 - 946 3 49 1000 542 5588 374
11 - 21 458 467 925 26 1 27 952 1 - 0 - 952 4 43 1000 961 9913 750
31 417 0 417 0 0 0 417 583 - 0 - 417 0 0 1000 3 31 6
41 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
51 832 51 883 27 0 27 909 54 - 0 - 909 37 0 1000 36 375 38
11 - 51 471 451 922 26 1 27 949 5 - 0 - 949 5 41 1000 1000 10319 794
estd. workers
4864 4653 9517 271 7 279 9796 47 2 9796 51 424 10319 x x x
(00) - -
350 374 724 33 1 34 758 8 0 1 0 758 8 19 794 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 88 860 948 10 4 13 961 4 2 1 0 961 8 25 1000 251 40463 3524

12 128 735 864 87 34 121 985 0 15 0 0 985 0 0 1000 5 861 71
21 761 185 946 29 3 32 977 0 2 0 0 977 7 14 1000 187 30162 2462
11 - 21 372 574 946 19 3 22 968 2 2 0 0 968 7 20 1000 444 71487 6057
31 214 19 233 19 26 45 278 286 99 74 241 519 17 5 1000 430 69379 5652
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750 0 0 0 0 99 151 1000 1 142 30
51 585 71 655 21 13 34 689 15 41 3 179 868 61 12 1000 125 20171 1831
11 - 51 331 271 602 19 14 34 635 127 49 32 126 762 18 13 1000 1000 161178 13570
estd. workers
53273 43719 96993 3110 2322 5431 102424 20394 7837 5218 20337 122760 2927 2042 161178 x x x
3978 3689 7667 325 151 476 8143 1971 505 352 1937 10080 273 389 13570 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 89 860 948 10 3 13 961 3 2 0 0 961 8 26 1000 261 44778 3899

12 127 738 865 86 33 120 985 0 15 0 0 985 0 0 1000 5 870 72
21 757 182 940 31 2 33 973 0 2 0 0 973 6 19 1000 208 35750 2836
11 - 21 383 561 944 20 3 23 966 2 2 0 0 966 7 23 1000 475 81399 6807
31 214 19 233 19 26 45 278 286 99 74 241 519 17 5 1000 405 69410 5658
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750 0 0 0 0 99 151 1000 1 142 30
51 589 70 659 21 12 34 693 15 40 3 176 869 61 12 1000 120 20546 1869
11 - 51 339 282 621 20 14 33 654 119 46 30 119 773 17 14 1000 1000 171498 14364
estd. workers
58138 48372 106510 3381 2329 5710 112220 20441 7837 5220 20337 132556 2978 2466 171498 x x x
4328 4063 8391 358 152 510 8901 1979 505 353 1937 10838 281 408 14364 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 480 411 891 30 15 45 936 1 0 0 - 936 8 55 1000 469 8999 817

12 905 77 982 3 15 18 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 6 123 15
21 730 166 896 49 0 50 946 1 0 0 - 946 4 49 1000 357 6852 516
11 - 21 590 303 894 38 9 47 941 1 0 0 - 941 6 52 1000 833 15973 1348
31 509 0 509 74 22 96 605 196 55 25 - 605 89 29 1000 69 1325 128
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - 0 0 0 1000 0 8 5
51 700 13 713 40 135 175 887 11 26 0 - 887 70 6 1000 98 1871 213
11 - 51 595 254 849 41 22 63 912 16 6 2 - 912 18 46 1000 1000 19178 1694
estd. workers
11415 4868 16283 781 422 1203 17487 304 122 35 17487 350 880 19178 x x x
(00) -
983 391 1374 97 65 162 1536 61 9 5 0 1536 42 41 1694 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 799 139 937 21 12 32 969 4 2 1 0 969 9 14 1000 311 256378 20989

12 769 35 804 74 106 180 984 1 13 1 0 984 1 1 1000 23 19389 1249
21 814 84 899 74 5 79 978 1 2 0 0 978 6 13 1000 99 82093 6731
11 - 21 801 121 921 36 15 51 972 3 3 1 0 972 8 13 1000 434 357860 28969
31 372 5 377 23 28 51 429 308 143 36 62 490 15 8 1000 430 354544 26257
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 882 0 0 0 0 85 33 1000 1 828 204
51 767 15 782 21 19 41 823 15 42 1 41 864 67 11 1000 136 111925 9337
11 - 51 611 57 668 28 21 50 717 136 68 16 32 749 19 11 1000 1000 825157 64767
estd. workers
504130 46751 550881 23430 17569 40999 591880 112610 56477 13220 26405 618284 15751 8815 825157 x x x
37976 3964 41940 1850 1056 2906 44846 10231 3266 968 2435 47281 1473 1548 64767 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 788 148 936 21 12 33 968 4 2 1 0 968 9 16 1000 314 265377 21806

12 770 35 805 73 106 179 984 1 13 1 0 984 0 1 1000 23 19512 1264
21 808 91 898 72 5 77 975 1 2 0 0 975 6 16 1000 105 88945 7247
11 - 21 792 128 920 36 15 51 971 3 3 1 0 971 8 15 1000 443 373833 30317
31 372 5 378 24 28 52 429 307 143 36 61 490 16 8 1000 421 355870 26385
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 883 0 0 0 0 84 33 1000 1 836 209
51 766 15 781 22 21 43 824 15 42 1 40 864 67 11 1000 135 113796 9550
11 - 51 611 61 672 29 21 50 722 134 67 16 31 753 19 11 1000 1000 844335 66461
estd. workers
515545 51619 567164 24211 17991 42202 609366 112914 56599 13255 26405 635771 16101 9695 844335 x x x
38959 4355 43314 1947 1121 3068 46382 10292 3275 973 2435 48817 1515 1589 66461 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status rural+urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 889 13 901 23 10 33 934 0 0 0 - 934 17 48 1000 520 40093 2293

12 940 31 971 24 5 29 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 5 387 44
21 781 121 902 32 2 34 936 0 0 0 - 936 5 59 1000 213 16462 948
11 - 21 858 44 902 25 8 33 935 0 0 0 - 935 14 51 1000 738 56942 3285
31 571 12 583 21 41 61 644 183 25 28 - 644 56 64 1000 77 5950 418
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 734 0 0 - 0 0 266 1000 0 16 18
51 815 3 818 12 35 47 865 29 9 2 - 865 69 25 1000 184 14221 699
11 - 51 828 34 862 22 15 38 900 20 4 3 - 900 27 47 1000 1000 77130 4420
estd. workers
63847 2617 66464 1735 1189 2923 69387 1522 274 199 69387 2101 3648 77130 x x x
(00) -
3402 148 3550 189 119 308 3858 181 22 17 0 3858 135 207 4420 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 924 4 928 19 10 29 957 4 2 1 0 957 11 25 1000 358 479396 36819

12 821 2 823 64 97 161 984 1 10 1 0 984 1 3 1000 18 24166 1665
21 861 30 891 78 5 82 973 1 2 0 0 973 7 18 1000 75 100014 7870
11 - 21 910 8 918 30 12 43 961 3 3 1 0 961 10 23 1000 451 603577 46354
31 407 2 409 21 26 47 456 332 135 32 15 471 17 13 1000 335 448343 34328
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 861 0 3 0 0 86 50 1000 3 3563 466
51 781 2 784 15 22 37 820 16 38 2 14 834 89 20 1000 212 284100 17421
11 - 51 712 5 717 24 19 43 759 118 54 12 8 767 29 19 1000 1000 1339583 98569
estd. workers
953472 6598 960069 31755 25364 57119 1017188 158281 73002 15660 10666 1027855 39263 25523 1339583 x x x
65622 530 66152 2372 1467 3839 69991 16221 4007 1166 877 70868 3037 3270 98569 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status rural+ urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 921 5 926 19 10 29 955 4 2 1 0 955 11 27 1000 367 519490 39112

12 823 2 825 64 96 159 984 1 10 1 0 984 1 3 1000 17 24553 1709
21 850 43 892 71 4 75 968 1 1 0 0 968 7 24 1000 82 116477 8818
11 - 21 905 11 916 30 12 42 958 3 2 1 0 958 10 25 1000 466 660519 49639
31 409 2 411 21 26 47 458 330 134 32 15 473 18 13 1000 321 454294 34746
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 861 0 3 0 0 85 51 1000 3 3579 484
51 783 2 785 15 23 37 822 17 37 2 13 836 88 20 1000 211 298321 18120
11 - 51 718 7 725 24 19 42 767 113 52 11 8 774 29 21 1000 1000 1416713 102989
estd. workers
1017319 9214 1026534 33489 26553 60042 1086576 159803 73276 15859 10666 1097242 41364 29170 1416713 x x x
69024 678 69702 2561 1586 4147 73849 16402 4029 1183 877 74726 3172 3477 102989 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status rural+urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 146 807 953 19 0 19 972 0 0 0 - 972 7 20 1000 418 73765 4290

12 104 896 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 1 174 16
21 769 181 949 26 0 26 976 0 0 0 - 976 7 18 1000 544 96091 5226
11 - 21 498 453 951 23 0 23 974 0 0 0 - 974 7 19 1000 963 170030 9532
31 451 253 704 0 0 0 704 71 0 37 - 704 0 187 1000 2 426 33
41 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
51 843 35 879 16 7 23 902 31 8 0 - 902 44 15 1000 35 6143 241
11 - 51 510 438 948 23 0 23 971 1 0 0 - 971 8 19 1000 1000 176599 9806
estd. workers
90022 77380 167402 4013 79 4092 171493 233 52 18 171493 1436 3367 176599 x x x
(00) -
4623 4539 9162 368 9 377 9539 18 3 5 0 9539 98 143 9806 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 91 858 949 11 3 14 963 3 7 1 0 963 7 20 1000 278 98705 6946

12 123 740 863 66 49 115 978 2 11 0 0 978 8 2 1000 3 1235 103
21 755 179 934 36 1 37 971 0 1 0 0 971 8 20 1000 245 86803 6364
11 - 21 400 541 941 23 2 26 967 1 4 0 0 967 7 20 1000 526 186744 13413
31 209 22 231 18 22 40 271 343 100 63 196 467 20 8 1000 304 107739 8639
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 973 0 0 0 0 7 20 1000 6 2019 144
51 629 55 684 13 24 37 721 27 40 8 119 840 69 16 1000 164 58201 3622
11 - 51 377 301 678 20 12 32 710 115 39 21 79 789 21 16 1000 1000 354703 25818
estd. workers
133756 106741 240497 7036 4178 11214 251711 40721 13909 7275 28060 279771 7474 5553 354703 x x x
8715 7185 15900 687 255 942 16842 3847 832 489 2340 19182 561 907 25818 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status rural+ urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 115 836 951 15 2 16 967 2 4 0 0 967 7 20 1000 325 172471 11236

12 120 760 880 58 43 101 981 2 9 0 0 981 7 2 1000 3 1410 119
21 762 180 942 31 1 32 973 0 1 0 0 973 7 19 1000 344 182894 11590
11 - 21 447 499 946 23 1 24 970 1 2 0 0 970 7 19 1000 672 356774 22945
31 209 23 233 18 22 40 273 342 100 63 195 468 20 8 1000 204 108165 8672
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 973 0 0 0 0 7 20 1000 4 2019 144
51 650 54 703 13 22 35 738 27 37 7 108 846 67 16 1000 121 64344 3863
11 - 51 421 347 768 21 8 29 797 77 26 14 53 849 17 17 1000 1000 531303 35624
estd. workers
223778 184121 407898 11049 4257 15306 423204 40955 13961 7293 28060 451264 8910 8920 531303 x x x
13338 11724 25062 1055 264 1319 26381 3865 835 494 2340 28721 659 1050 35624 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status rural+urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05

11 408 527 935 20 4 24 959 0 0 0 - 959 11 30 1000 449 113859 6583

12 680 300 980 17 3 20 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 2 561 60
21 770 172 942 27 1 27 970 0 0 0 - 970 6 24 1000 444 112553 6174
11 - 21 588 351 939 24 2 26 964 0 0 0 - 964 9 27 1000 895 226973 12817
31 563 28 591 19 38 57 648 176 23 28 - 648 52 72 1000 25 6376 451
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 734 0 0 - 0 0 266 1000 0 16 18
51 824 13 837 13 26 40 876 30 9 2 - 876 62 22 1000 80 20364 940
11 - 51 606 315 922 23 5 28 949 7 1 1 - 949 14 28 1000 1000 253730 14226
estd. workers
153869 79997 233866 5748 1267 7015 240881 1756 326 217 240881 3537 7014 253730 x x x
(00) -
8025 4687 12712 557 128 685 13397 199 25 22 0 13397 233 350 14226 x x x
industry: 10-99

11 782 150 932 18 9 26 958 4 3 1 0 958 10 24 1000 341 578102 43765

12 787 38 825 64 95 159 984 1 10 1 0 984 1 3 1000 15 25402 1768
21 812 99 911 58 3 61 972 0 1 0 0 972 7 19 1000 110 186818 14234
11 - 21 789 134 923 29 10 39 962 3 3 1 0 962 9 22 1000 466 790321 59767
31 369 6 375 20 25 45 420 334 128 38 50 470 18 12 1000 328 556083 42967
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 902 0 2 0 0 57 39 1000 3 5582 610
51 755 11 767 14 22 37 803 18 39 3 32 835 86 19 1000 202 342301 21043
11 - 51 642 67 709 23 17 40 749 117 51 14 23 772 28 18 1000 1000 1694286 124387
estd. workers
1087228 113338 1200566 38790 29543 68333 1268899 199002 86911 22935 38726 1307625 46738 31076 1694286 x x x
74337 7715 82052 3059 1722 4781 86833 20068 4839 1655 3217 90050 3598 4177 124387 x x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (1): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by type of enterprise for each activity status

all-India principal status + subsidiary status rural+ urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
and public private society oyers total 1000
usual male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. estimated sample
activity total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of (00)
status col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. 12) wr-
col.(3) +col.(6) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
industry: 012, 014, 015, 02-99

11 720 212 932 18 8 26 958 3 3 1 0 958 10 25 1000 355 691960 50348

12 785 43 828 63 93 156 984 1 10 1 0 984 1 3 1000 13 25963 1828
21 796 126 923 46 2 49 971 0 1 0 0 971 7 21 1000 154 299371 20408
11 - 21 744 183 927 28 8 36 963 2 2 1 0 963 9 23 1000 522 1017294 72584
31 371 6 377 20 25 45 423 332 127 38 49 472 18 12 1000 289 562459 43418
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 901 0 2 0 0 57 40 1000 3 5598 628
51 759 12 771 14 22 37 807 18 37 3 30 837 85 20 1000 186 362665 21983
11 - 51 637 99 736 23 16 39 775 103 45 12 20 795 26 20 1000 1000 1948016 138613
estd. workers
1241097 193335 1434432 44538 30810 75348 1509780 200758 87237 23151 38726 1548506 50274 38090 1948016 x x x
82362 12402 94764 3616 1850 5466 100230 20267 4864 1677 3217 103447 3831 4527 138613 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 884 31 915 17 1 18 933 0 0 0 - 933 13 54 1000 102 36498 1805
014 793 0 793 0 0 0 793 0 0 0 - 793 78 129 1000 3 1073 68
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 15 1
02 881 19 900 69 0 69 970 0 0 0 - 970 8 22 1000 8 2985 186
05 853 29 881 6 45 52 933 0 0 0 - 933 22 45 1000 16 5774 366
sub-total (012,
29 907 19 7 25 932 0 0 0 932 15 53 1000 129 46346 2426
014, 015,02,05) 877 -
C 906 2 908 6 27 34 942 0 0 0 - 942 51 7 1000 3 1109 91
D 931 9 940 29 5 34 974 0 2 0 - 974 6 18 1000 231 82928 5850
E 776 0 776 0 0 0 776 56 168 0 - 776 0 0 1000 1 185 15
F 882 2 884 11 13 24 908 6 4 0 - 908 46 35 1000 65 23218 1583
G 911 8 919 24 6 30 948 1 0 1 - 948 4 45 1000 333 119545 9186
H 903 24 927 31 5 36 963 0 0 0 - 963 13 24 1000 31 11263 816
I 933 2 935 9 6 15 951 2 1 2 - 951 14 30 1000 93 33528 2489
J 595 6 601 0 19 19 620 139 119 38 - 620 36 49 1000 6 2088 173
K 910 2 912 0 21 21 933 30 0 0 - 933 4 33 1000 14 4989 402
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 711 43 7 - 0 18 220 1000 0 119 34
M 850 10 860 46 33 79 939 7 0 1 - 939 6 48 1000 9 3056 230
N 936 7 943 3 0 3 947 4 0 0 - 947 3 47 1000 12 4474 380
O 901 8 908 21 9 31 939 1 0 3 - 939 27 30 1000 72 25913 1847
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 913 8 920 22 7 29 949 3 2 1 - 949 11 34 1000 871 312414 23096
all (012, 014, 015,
908 10 918 21 7 29 947 3 2 1 947 12 36 1000 1000 358761 25522
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 325771 3724 329495 7700 2545 10246 339741 1014 562 308 - 339741 4224 12912 358761 x x x
sample workers 22669 257 22926 724 199 923 23849 110 44 25 0 23849 359 1135 25522 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 393 548 941 13 0 13 954 0 0 0 - 954 11 35 1000 357 51464 2613
014 508 325 833 20 0 20 852 0 0 0 - 852 28 120 1000 3 406 13
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 480 335 815 98 0 98 913 0 0 0 - 913 32 54 1000 20 2891 139
05 398 538 935 7 1 8 943 0 0 0 - 943 0 57 1000 8 1215 53
sub-total (012,
398 535 933 17 0 17 951 0 0 0 951 12 37 1000 388 55976 2818
014, 015,02,05) -
C 496 0 496 0 0 0 496 0 0 0 - 496 474 30 1000 2 310 30
D 390 548 939 22 2 24 963 0 11 0 - 963 8 18 1000 382 55155 3098
E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - 0 0 0 1000 0 1 1
F 793 41 834 7 0 7 841 0 7 0 - 841 0 152 1000 1 142 20
G 465 452 916 38 0 38 955 0 0 1 - 955 3 42 1000 131 18902 1730
H 625 292 918 66 5 71 988 1 0 0 - 988 1 10 1000 28 4084 349
I 386 560 946 0 20 20 966 0 0 0 - 966 5 29 1000 2 360 35
J 18 944 961 0 0 0 961 0 0 0 - 961 0 39 1000 1 162 11
K 363 628 991 0 0 0 991 0 0 0 - 991 0 9 1000 1 193 21
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 535 0 0 - 0 0 465 1000 0 6 6
M 148 636 784 105 11 116 899 32 0 0 - 899 8 61 1000 9 1329 98
N 226 691 917 48 0 48 965 0 18 4 - 965 0 13 1000 5 711 44
O 559 369 929 33 0 33 962 0 0 0 - 962 5 33 1000 48 6921 437
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 426 502 928 30 2 31 959 1 7 0 - 959 8 25 1000 612 88276 5880
all (012, 014, 015,
415 515 930 25 1 26 956 1 4 0 956 9 30 1000 1000 144252 8698
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 59873 74293 134165 3590 139 3729 137895 77 613 35 - 137895 1369 4262 144252 x x x
sample workers 3773 4053 7826 345 15 360 8186 12 32 6 0 8186 100 362 8698 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sam-
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00) ple
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 596 334 930 15 0 15 945 0 0 0 - 945 12 43 1000 175 87962 4418
014 715 89 804 5 0 5 810 0 0 0 - 810 64 126 1000 3 1479 81
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 15 1
02 684 175 859 83 0 83 942 0 0 0 - 942 20 38 1000 12 5876 325
05 773 117 891 6 38 44 935 0 0 0 - 935 19 47 1000 14 6989 419
sub-total (012,
615 306 921 18 3 21 942 0 0 0 942 14 44 1000 203 102322 5244
014, 015,02,05) -
C 816 2 818 5 21 26 844 0 0 0 - 844 144 12 1000 3 1420 121
D 715 224 940 26 4 30 970 0 5 0 - 970 7 18 1000 275 138083 8948
E 774 0 774 0 0 0 774 59 167 0 - 774 0 0 1000 0 185 16
F 881 2 883 11 13 24 907 6 4 0 - 907 46 36 1000 46 23360 1603
G 850 68 918 26 5 31 949 1 0 1 - 949 4 45 1000 275 138448 10916
H 829 96 924 40 5 45 970 0 0 0 - 970 10 20 1000 31 15347 1165
I 927 8 936 9 6 15 951 2 1 2 - 951 13 30 1000 67 33888 2524
J 553 74 627 0 18 18 645 129 110 35 - 645 33 48 1000 4 2249 184
K 889 25 915 0 20 20 935 29 0 0 - 935 4 32 1000 10 5182 423
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 702 41 7 - 0 17 233 1000 0 125 40
M 637 200 837 64 26 90 927 14 0 1 - 927 7 51 1000 9 4385 328
N 839 101 940 9 0 9 949 3 2 1 - 949 2 42 1000 10 5185 424
O 829 84 913 24 7 31 944 1 0 2 - 944 23 31 1000 65 32834 2284
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 805 117 922 24 6 30 951 3 3 1 - 951 10 32 1000 797 400690 28976
all (012, 014, 015,
767 155 922 22 5 28 950 2 2 1 950 11 34 1000 1000 503012 34220
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 385644 78017 463661 11290 2685 13975 477636 1091 1176 343 - 477636 5593 17174 503012 x x x
sample workers 26442 4310 30752 1069 214 1283 32035 122 76 31 0 32035 459 1497 34220 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 833 23 856 38 0 38 895 0 0 0 - 895 11 94 1000 15 4192 350
014 950 0 950 0 0 0 950 0 0 0 - 950 0 50 1000 0 125 15
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 40 4
02 861 0 861 0 61 61 922 78 0 0 - 922 0 0 1000 0 102 14
05 771 0 771 116 96 212 983 0 0 0 - 983 11 5 1000 5 1321 188
sub-total (012,
823 17 840 54 23 77 917 1 0 0 917 11 70 1000 20 5779 571
014, 015,02,05) -
C 313 0 313 518 100 618 931 60 6 0 - 931 0 3 1000 2 500 34
D 894 13 906 60 21 81 987 0 3 1 - 987 2 7 1000 195 56009 4271
E 818 0 818 0 0 0 818 0 182 0 - 818 0 0 1000 0 124 12
F 909 0 909 20 17 37 946 10 2 0 - 946 31 10 1000 58 16707 1239
G 910 7 916 43 16 60 976 0 1 0 - 976 6 16 1000 436 125638 10412
H 906 10 916 55 15 70 985 0 3 0 - 985 4 8 1000 41 11750 1134
I 950 1 951 8 12 20 971 3 3 0 - 971 13 10 1000 115 33042 2620
J 779 2 781 22 51 73 854 74 60 8 - 854 0 3 1000 12 3324 242
K 900 1 901 37 37 74 975 6 9 0 - 975 4 5 1000 46 13237 865
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 951 0 35 - 0 8 7 1000 1 236 19
M 867 2 868 57 29 86 954 3 0 4 - 954 14 25 1000 13 3638 242
N 913 0 913 27 41 69 982 0 0 4 - 982 6 8 1000 11 3159 270
O 934 14 947 13 9 22 970 3 0 8 - 970 11 8 1000 51 14717 1216
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 908 7 915 40 18 59 973 3 3 1 - 973 8 12 1000 980 282081 22576
all (012, 014, 015,
906 7 913 41 18 59 972 3 3 1 972 8 13 1000 1000 287859 23147
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 260859 2009 262868 11659 5308 16967 279834 963 894 232 - 279834 2191 3746 287859 x x x
sample workers 20611 180 20791 1019 372 1391 22182 85 80 32 0 22182 204 564 23147 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 347 562 909 2 0 2 911 0 0 1 - 911 8 81 1000 70 3943 271
014 220 780 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 1 28 5
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 1 1
02 705 42 747 0 0 0 747 253 0 0 - 747 0 0 1000 1 31 7
05 335 17 352 498 30 528 880 0 0 0 - 880 21 100 1000 4 245 20
sub-total (012,
348 528 876 31 2 32 908 2 0 1 908 9 81 1000 76 4249 304
014, 015,02,05) -
C 0 1000 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 11 1
D 368 581 949 19 4 22 971 1 5 0 - 971 9 14 1000 458 25750 2141
E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 400 0 400 596 0 596 996 0 0 0 - 996 0 4 1000 3 182 12
G 448 471 920 16 2 19 938 0 0 0 - 938 11 51 1000 243 13639 1421
H 715 248 963 35 1 36 999 0 0 0 - 999 0 1 1000 57 3189 291
I 609 314 923 0 0 0 923 52 0 0 - 923 12 13 1000 12 658 54
J 197 608 805 0 0 0 805 153 36 0 - 805 0 6 1000 6 355 21
K 304 334 638 270 50 320 958 0 16 0 - 958 25 0 1000 11 646 50
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - 0 0 0 1000 0 7 2
M 196 732 928 16 24 40 968 0 0 4 - 968 4 24 1000 43 2416 172
N 197 696 892 70 0 70 962 0 0 34 - 962 0 3 1000 14 776 71
O 420 538 959 10 0 10 969 0 0 0 - 969 19 12 1000 77 4328 350
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 405 528 934 24 4 28 962 2 3 1 - 962 10 23 1000 924 51957 4586
all (012, 014, 015,
401 528 929 24 4 28 958 2 3 1 958 10 27 1000 1000 56206 4890
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 22538 29701 52238 1366 224 1590 53829 128 143 38 - 53829 535 1535 56206 x x x
sample workers 1771 2644 4415 195 17 212 4627 8 10 4 0 4627 41 200 4890 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 597 284 882 21 0 21 902 0 0 0 - 902 10 87 1000 24 8134 621
014 814 145 959 0 0 0 959 0 0 0 - 959 0 41 1000 0 153 20
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 41 5
02 824 10 834 0 47 47 881 119 0 0 - 881 0 0 1000 0 133 21
05 703 3 706 176 86 262 967 0 0 0 - 967 13 20 1000 5 1566 208
sub-total (012,
622 233 855 44 14 58 913 2 0 0 913 10 75 1000 29 10027 875
014, 015,02,05) -
C 307 21 328 507 98 605 933 59 6 0 - 933 0 3 1000 1 511 35
D 728 192 920 47 16 63 982 0 4 0 - 982 4 9 1000 238 81759 6412
E 818 0 818 0 0 0 818 0 182 0 - 818 0 0 1000 0 124 12
F 903 0 904 26 17 43 947 10 2 0 - 947 31 10 1000 49 16889 1251
G 865 52 917 41 15 56 972 0 1 0 - 972 6 20 1000 405 139276 11833
H 865 61 926 51 12 63 988 0 2 0 - 988 3 7 1000 43 14940 1425
I 943 7 950 8 12 20 970 4 3 0 - 970 13 10 1000 98 33700 2674
J 723 61 784 20 46 66 849 82 58 7 - 849 0 3 1000 11 3679 263
K 872 17 889 47 38 85 974 6 9 0 - 974 5 5 1000 40 13883 915
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 952 0 34 - 0 8 7 1000 1 243 21
M 599 293 892 41 27 68 960 2 0 4 - 960 10 25 1000 18 6054 414
N 772 137 909 36 33 69 978 0 0 10 - 978 5 7 1000 11 3935 341
O 817 133 950 13 7 19 969 2 0 6 - 969 13 9 1000 55 19045 1566
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 830 88 918 38 16 54 971 3 3 1 - 971 8 14 1000 971 334038 27162
all (012, 014, 015,
824 92 916 38 16 54 970 3 3 1 970 8 15 1000 1000 344065 28037
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 283397 31709 315106 13025 5532 18557 333663 1090 1037 269 - 333663 2726 5281 344065 x x x
sample workers 22382 2824 25206 1214 389 1603 26809 93 90 36 0 26809 245 764 28037 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status rural+urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 878 30 909 19 1 20 929 0 0 0 - 929 13 58 1000 63 40690 2155
014 810 0 810 0 0 0 810 0 0 0 - 810 69 121 1000 2 1198 83
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 55 5
02 880 19 899 67 2 69 968 3 0 0 - 968 8 22 1000 5 3087 200
05 837 23 861 27 55 82 942 0 0 0 - 942 20 37 1000 11 7095 554
sub-total (012,
871 28 899 23 8 31 930 0 0 0 930 15 55 1000 81 52125 2997
014, 015,02,05) -
C 722 2 724 165 50 215 939 19 2 0 - 939 35 6 1000 2 1609 125
D 916 11 927 41 12 53 980 0 2 0 - 980 4 13 1000 215 138937 10121
E 793 0 793 0 0 0 793 33 174 0 - 793 0 0 1000 0 309 27
F 893 1 894 14 15 30 924 8 3 0 - 924 40 25 1000 62 39925 2822
G 910 7 917 34 11 45 962 1 1 0 - 962 5 30 1000 379 245183 19598
H 904 17 921 43 10 53 974 0 1 0 - 974 8 16 1000 36 23014 1950
I 942 1 943 9 9 18 961 2 2 1 - 961 13 20 1000 103 66570 5109
J 708 4 712 13 39 52 764 99 83 20 - 764 14 21 1000 8 5412 415
K 903 1 904 27 33 59 963 13 7 0 - 963 4 13 1000 28 18226 1267
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 870 14 26 - 0 11 78 1000 1 355 53
M 859 5 865 52 31 83 947 4 0 3 - 947 10 35 1000 10 6694 472
N 927 4 931 13 17 30 961 2 0 2 - 961 4 31 1000 12 7633 650
O 913 10 922 19 9 28 950 2 0 5 - 950 21 22 1000 63 40630 3063
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 910 7 918 31 12 43 961 3 2 1 - 961 9 23 1000 919 594495 45672
all (012, 014, 015,
907 9 916 30 12 42 958 3 2 1 958 10 26 1000 1000 646620 48669
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 586630 5733 592363 19359 7853 27212 619575 1976 1456 540 - 619575 6415 16658 646620 x x x
sample workers 43280 437 43717 1743 571 2314 46031 195 124 57 0 46031 563 1699 48669 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status rural+urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 390 549 939 12 0 12 951 0 0 0 - 951 11 38 1000 276 55407 2884
014 489 355 844 18 0 18 862 0 0 0 - 862 26 112 1000 2 434 18
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 1 1
02 483 332 815 97 0 97 911 3 0 0 - 911 32 54 1000 15 2922 146
05 387 450 837 89 6 95 933 0 0 0 - 933 3 64 1000 7 1460 73
sub-total (012,
395 535 929 18 0 18 948 0 0 0 948 12 40 1000 300 60225 3122
014, 015,02,05) -
C 479 34 513 0 0 0 513 0 0 0 - 513 458 29 1000 2 321 31
D 383 558 942 21 2 24 965 0 9 0 - 965 8 17 1000 404 80905 5239
E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - 0 0 0 1000 0 1 1
F 572 18 590 338 0 338 928 0 3 0 - 928 0 69 1000 2 324 32
G 458 460 918 29 1 30 948 0 0 1 - 948 6 45 1000 162 32541 3151
H 665 273 938 53 3 56 993 1 0 0 - 993 0 6 1000 36 7273 640
I 530 401 931 0 7 7 938 34 0 0 - 938 9 19 1000 5 1018 89
J 141 713 854 0 0 0 854 105 24 0 - 854 0 16 1000 3 517 32
K 318 402 719 208 38 247 966 0 12 0 - 966 19 2 1000 4 839 71
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 781 0 0 - 0 0 219 1000 0 13 8
M 179 698 877 48 19 67 944 11 0 2 - 944 6 37 1000 19 3745 270
N 211 694 904 59 0 59 964 0 9 20 - 964 0 8 1000 7 1487 115
O 506 434 940 24 0 24 965 0 0 0 - 965 10 25 1000 56 11249 787
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 418 512 930 28 3 30 960 1 5 0 - 960 8 24 1000 700 140233 10466
all (012, 014, 015,
411 519 930 25 2 27 956 1 4 0 956 9 29 1000 1000 200458 13588
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 82410 103993 186404 4956 364 5320 191723 205 756 72 - 191723 1904 5797 200458 x x x
sample workers 5544 6697 12241 540 32 572 12813 20 42 10 0 12813 141 562 13588 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status rural+urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 597 329 926 15 0 16 941 0 0 0 - 941 12 47 1000 113 96097 5039
014 725 94 819 5 0 5 824 0 0 0 - 824 58 118 1000 2 1633 101
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 56 6
02 687 171 858 81 1 82 940 3 0 0 - 940 20 37 1000 7 6009 346
05 760 96 857 37 47 84 941 0 0 0 - 941 18 42 1000 10 8555 627
sub-total (012,
616 300 916 20 4 24 940 0 0 0 940 13 47 1000 133 112349 6119
014, 015,02,05) -
C 682 7 688 138 41 179 868 16 2 0 - 868 106 10 1000 2 1930 156
D 720 212 932 34 8 42 974 0 5 0 - 974 6 15 1000 260 219842 15360
E 792 0 792 0 0 0 792 35 173 0 - 792 0 0 1000 0 309 28
F 890 1 892 17 15 32 924 8 3 0 - 924 40 25 1000 48 40249 2854
G 857 60 917 33 10 43 961 1 1 0 - 961 5 32 1000 328 277724 22749
H 847 78 925 45 8 54 979 0 1 0 - 979 6 14 1000 36 30287 2590
I 935 7 943 8 9 18 960 3 2 1 - 960 13 20 1000 80 67588 5198
J 659 66 724 12 35 47 772 100 78 18 - 772 13 20 1000 7 5929 447
K 877 19 896 35 33 68 963 12 7 0 - 963 5 12 1000 23 19065 1338
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 867 14 25 - 0 11 83 1000 0 368 61
M 615 254 869 50 27 77 946 7 0 2 - 946 9 36 1000 12 10438 742
N 810 117 927 21 14 35 962 2 1 5 - 962 3 27 1000 11 9120 765
O 824 102 926 20 7 27 953 1 0 4 - 953 19 23 1000 61 51879 3850
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 816 104 920 30 11 41 961 3 3 1 - 961 9 23 1000 867 734728 56138
all (012, 014, 015,
790 130 919 29 10 38 958 3 3 1 958 10 27 1000 1000 847078 62257
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 669040 109726 778766 24315 8217 32532 811298 2181 2212 612 - 811298 8319 22455 847078 x x x
sample workers 48824 7134 55958 2283 603 2886 58844 215 166 67 0 58844 704 2261 62257 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours principal status rural male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 714 18 732 9 44 53 786 25 7 12 0 786 93 78 1000 14 5087 243
014 855 2 858 3 23 26 884 36 7 0 0 884 38 35 1000 17 6376 225
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 588 0 588 0 13 13 601 310 23 9 0 601 48 9 1000 7 2722 205
05 840 0 840 21 16 37 878 0 4 26 0 878 78 15 1000 8 3021 150
sub-total (012,
769 6 775 8 26 34 809 70 9 10 0 809 63 40 1000 46 17206 823
014, 015,02,05)
C 640 4 644 18 33 52 696 137 120 0 0 696 42 4 1000 32 11704 599
D 644 1 645 30 52 82 727 21 195 15 0 727 26 16 1000 200 74371 3411
E 56 1 56 0 3 3 60 842 46 10 0 60 24 18 1000 12 4596 496
F 757 2 759 5 16 21 779 37 28 1 0 779 136 19 1000 305 113390 6151
G 843 1 844 21 16 37 881 16 32 20 0 881 28 23 1000 74 27353 1355
H 845 2 847 29 18 47 894 11 55 11 0 894 6 23 1000 15 5706 286
I 708 4 713 12 9 21 733 168 33 5 0 733 37 23 1000 115 42661 2709
J 104 0 104 0 11 11 115 468 108 301 0 115 2 7 1000 11 4128 311
K 752 0 752 18 1 19 771 73 103 3 0 771 33 17 1000 7 2733 158
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 934 15 8 0 0 11 33 1000 63 23337 3233
M 154 0 154 2 16 17 171 675 19 79 0 171 28 28 1000 75 28017 3648
N 229 0 229 26 17 44 272 563 24 95 0 272 20 25 1000 13 4748 405
O 442 0 442 10 38 49 491 59 6 176 0 491 130 137 1000 17 6286 510
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 882 882 39 78 1000 14 5128 425
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 521 0 0 479 0 1000 0 3 2
sub-total (C-Q) 593 2 595 13 22 35 630 183 67 20 13 643 64 23 1000 954 354161 23699
all (012, 014, 015,
602 2 604 12 22 35 638 178 64 20 12 650 64 24 1000 1000 371367 24522
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 223398 729 224127 4618 8297 12915 237041 66024 23793 7409 4525 241567 23685 8889 371367 x x x
sample workers 11105 46 11151 207 409 616 11767 7955 1203 529 373 12140 1553 1142 24522 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours principal status rural female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 367 247 614 27 44 71 685 0 0 19 0 685 174 121 1000 11 828 41
014 992 4 996 0 0 0 996 0 2 0 0 996 0 1 1000 41 3084 107
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 778 7 785 0 0 0 785 157 57 0 0 785 0 1 1000 10 789 35
05 7 379 386 564 50 614 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 1 114 5
sub-total (012,
826 55 882 18 9 27 908 26 11 3 0 908 30 22 1000 63 4814 188
014, 015,02,05)
C 806 4 811 7 21 28 839 7 88 0 0 839 63 3 1000 39 2971 127
D 601 63 664 30 38 68 731 15 175 17 0 731 52 11 1000 255 19400 877
E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 959 0 0 0 0 41 0 1000 1 112 13
F 691 26 717 9 29 38 754 93 19 0 0 754 119 14 1000 194 14744 720
G 768 20 788 42 39 81 869 32 27 51 0 869 21 0 1000 12 931 53
H 490 14 504 26 0 26 530 191 33 237 0 530 9 0 1000 7 513 28
I 497 20 517 4 0 4 522 427 44 0 0 522 3 5 1000 16 1214 65
J 183 0 183 0 25 25 207 283 107 403 0 207 0 0 1000 5 392 31
K 379 0 379 70 106 176 556 5 440 0 0 556 0 0 1000 3 230 14
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 966 2 1 0 0 5 26 1000 37 2782 372
M 127 35 162 5 11 16 178 687 30 60 0 178 29 16 1000 209 15922 1490
N 206 20 226 2 27 29 255 631 37 44 0 255 8 26 1000 50 3776 290
O 516 121 637 16 0 16 654 24 0 104 0 654 59 159 1000 13 1006 85
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 974 974 14 13 1000 95 7212 390
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 411 34 445 13 22 35 480 261 68 26 99 579 51 15 1000 937 71208 4555
all (012, 014, 015,
438 35 473 13 21 34 507 246 64 25 92 600 50 16 1000 1000 76022 4743
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 33273 2683 35956 993 1612 2605 38561 18699 4859 1893 7024 45585 3785 1200 76022 x x x
sample workers 1488 139 1627 54 84 138 1765 1797 265 124 371 2136 216 205 4743 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours principal status rural person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 665 50 716 12 44 56 772 21 6 13 0 772 104 84 1000 13 5914 284
014 900 3 903 2 15 18 921 24 5 0 0 921 25 24 1000 21 9460 332
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 631 2 632 0 10 10 643 276 30 7 0 643 38 7 1000 8 3511 240
05 810 14 824 41 17 58 882 0 4 25 0 882 75 14 1000 7 3135 155
sub-total (012,
781 17 798 10 23 33 831 60 9 8 0 831 56 36 1000 49 22020 1011
014, 015,02,05)
C 674 4 678 16 31 47 725 111 114 0 0 725 47 4 1000 33 14675 726
D 635 14 649 30 49 79 728 19 191 15 0 728 32 15 1000 210 93771 4288
E 54 1 55 0 3 3 58 845 45 10 0 58 25 17 1000 11 4709 509
F 749 5 754 5 17 23 777 44 27 1 0 777 134 18 1000 286 128134 6871
G 841 2 842 21 17 38 881 17 32 21 0 881 28 22 1000 63 28284 1408
H 816 3 819 29 17 45 864 26 53 30 0 864 6 21 1000 14 6219 314
I 702 5 707 11 9 20 728 176 34 5 0 728 36 22 1000 98 43875 2774
J 111 0 111 0 12 12 123 452 108 309 0 123 2 6 1000 10 4520 342
K 723 0 723 22 9 31 754 68 129 2 0 754 31 16 1000 7 2963 172
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 937 13 7 0 0 10 32 1000 58 26119 3605
M 144 13 157 3 14 17 174 679 23 72 0 174 29 23 1000 98 43939 5138
N 219 9 228 15 21 37 264 593 30 72 0 264 15 26 1000 19 8524 695
O 453 17 469 11 33 44 513 54 5 166 0 513 121 140 1000 16 7293 595
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 936 936 24 40 1000 28 12340 815
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 521 0 0 479 0 1000 0 3 2
sub-total (C-Q) 563 7 570 13 22 35 605 196 67 21 27 632 62 22 1000 951 425369 28254
all (012, 014, 015,
574 8 581 13 22 35 616 189 64 21 26 642 61 23 1000 1000 447389 29265
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 256672 3412 260083 5611 9909 15520 275603 84723 28652 9302 11549 287152 27470 10089 447389 x x x
sample workers 12593 185 12778 261 493 754 13532 9752 1468 653 744 14276 1769 1347 29265 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours principal status urban male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 640 2 642 59 3 62 704 58 57 42 0 704 133 5 1000 2 798 62
014 486 4 490 102 55 158 647 109 147 0 0 647 87 9 1000 1 496 58
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 476 3 479 0 0 0 479 330 0 0 0 479 87 103 1000 1 378 50
05 652 0 652 58 217 275 926 22 2 0 0 926 48 1 1000 3 1116 130
sub-total (012,
595 2 597 58 98 156 753 90 44 12 0 753 85 18 1000 7 2788 300
014, 015,02,05)
C 172 5 177 0 11 11 188 585 215 5 0 188 3 4 1000 16 5927 475
D 573 3 576 49 46 95 671 54 246 4 0 671 16 9 1000 288 108511 6269
E 69 0 69 8 1 10 78 774 137 5 0 78 5 1 1000 14 5456 463
F 818 1 819 7 19 26 845 22 37 0 0 845 88 9 1000 127 47905 4020
G 830 3 833 32 23 55 888 10 58 8 0 888 27 8 1000 124 46643 3549
H 807 5 813 43 47 90 903 20 46 8 0 903 9 14 1000 31 11768 1001
I 516 2 518 14 18 32 550 335 83 1 0 550 20 10 1000 111 41693 3053
J 99 0 99 0 33 33 132 520 256 69 0 132 16 7 1000 32 11981 766
K 487 7 494 19 52 71 565 57 337 6 0 565 32 2 1000 33 12464 651
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 969 8 5 0 0 7 11 1000 108 40790 4275
M 141 2 143 7 15 22 165 598 53 143 0 165 29 11 1000 52 19488 1777
N 325 2 327 10 14 24 351 424 93 115 0 351 14 4 1000 19 7045 554
O 486 0 486 19 10 29 515 79 72 250 0 515 70 14 1000 21 7840 629
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 977 977 15 7 1000 16 5993 517
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 0 0 0 0 923 0 1000 0 18 2
sub-total (C-Q) 505 2 507 24 26 50 557 244 126 21 16 573 28 9 1000 993 373521 28001
all (012, 014, 015,
506 2 508 24 27 51 559 242 125 21 16 574 28 9 1000 1000 376309 28301
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 190251 840 191091 9056 10117 19173 210264 91213 47152 7742 5858 216122 10668 3412 376309 x x x
sample workers 13529 86 13615 549 579 1128 14743 8213 2656 581 487 15230 1018 603 28301 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours principal status urban female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 796 168 964 0 0 0 964 36 0 0 0 964 0 0 1000 1 84 11
014 690 0 690 55 0 55 745 179 0 0 0 745 76 0 1000 2 182 22
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 3 2
05 892 108 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 1 45 4
sub-total (012,
741 60 801 32 0 32 833 123 0 0 0 833 44 0 1000 4 314 39
014, 015,02,05)
C 334 59 393 0 0 0 393 291 277 0 0 393 39 0 1000 4 353 39
D 547 50 596 57 62 119 716 27 233 6 0 716 17 2 1000 175 14786 973
E 12 0 12 0 0 0 12 738 214 17 0 12 14 5 1000 4 378 44
F 809 31 840 22 24 46 886 16 25 0 0 886 63 10 1000 82 6966 608
G 786 18 803 21 10 32 835 18 68 2 0 835 58 19 1000 38 3206 259
H 724 34 759 93 24 117 876 4 102 19 0 876 0 0 1000 12 1027 75
I 224 23 247 13 32 45 292 521 178 0 0 292 9 0 1000 22 1823 132
J 26 14 40 0 9 9 49 551 182 163 0 49 55 0 1000 29 2487 143
K 453 10 463 10 61 71 534 4 442 17 0 534 4 0 1000 29 2442 125
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 954 28 1 0 0 7 10 1000 71 6054 712
M 182 29 211 19 26 45 257 481 51 177 0 257 28 6 1000 206 17484 1537
N 258 49 306 22 26 49 355 403 80 149 0 355 12 1 1000 72 6085 456
O 518 92 610 0 0 0 610 89 5 195 0 610 100 1 1000 17 1451 141
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 973 973 16 10 1000 234 19821 1871
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 182 0 0 0 818 0 1000 0 6 2
sub-total (C-Q) 287 25 312 20 24 44 355 238 89 58 229 584 25 6 1000 996 84369 7117
all (012, 014, 015,
288 25 313 20 24 44 357 237 89 57 228 585 25 6 1000 1000 84683 7156
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 24418 2118 26536 1687 2001 3687 30223 20084 7535 4863 19291 49514 2156 529 84683 x x x
sample workers 1787 192 1979 97 123 220 2199 1949 482 334 1808 4007 219 165 7156 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours principal status urban person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 655 18 673 53 3 56 729 56 52 38 0 729 121 5 1000 2 882 73
014 540 3 543 90 41 130 673 128 108 0 0 673 84 7 1000 1 678 80
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 472 3 476 0 0 0 476 336 0 0 0 476 86 102 1000 1 381 52
05 661 4 665 55 209 264 929 21 2 0 0 929 46 1 1000 3 1161 134
sub-total (012,
610 8 617 55 88 143 761 93 39 11 0 761 80 16 1000 7 3102 339
014, 015,02,05)
C 181 8 189 0 10 10 199 568 218 5 0 199 5 4 1000 14 6280 514
D 570 8 579 50 48 98 677 50 244 4 0 677 16 8 1000 267 123296 7242
E 65 0 65 8 1 9 74 772 142 6 0 74 5 1 1000 13 5834 507
F 817 5 822 9 19 28 850 21 35 0 0 850 85 9 1000 119 54871 4628
G 827 4 831 31 22 53 884 10 59 8 0 884 29 9 1000 108 49849 3808
H 801 8 808 47 45 92 900 19 51 9 0 900 8 13 1000 28 12795 1076
I 503 3 507 14 18 33 539 343 87 1 0 539 20 10 1000 94 43517 3185
J 86 2 89 0 29 29 117 526 243 85 0 117 23 6 1000 31 14468 909
K 482 7 489 17 54 71 560 49 354 8 0 560 27 2 1000 32 14906 776
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 967 11 5 0 0 7 11 1000 102 46844 4987
M 161 15 175 13 20 33 209 543 52 159 0 209 29 9 1000 80 36971 3314
N 294 23 317 16 20 35 352 414 87 131 0 352 13 3 1000 28 13130 1010
O 491 14 505 16 8 25 530 81 61 242 0 530 75 12 1000 20 9291 770
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 974 974 16 10 1000 56 25814 2388
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 48 0 0 0 896 0 1000 0 24 4
sub-total (C-Q) 465 6 471 23 26 49 520 242 119 27 55 575 27 8 1000 993 457890 35118
all (012, 014, 015,
466 6 472 23 26 50 522 241 119 27 55 576 28 9 1000 1000 460991 35457
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 214669 2958 217627 10743 12118 22861 240488 111297 54687 12606 25149 265637 12824 3941 460991 x x x
sample workers 15316 278 15594 646 702 1348 16942 10162 3138 915 2295 19237 1237 768 35457 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours principal status rural+urban male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 704 16 720 16 39 54 775 29 14 16 0 775 98 69 1000 8 5885 305
014 829 2 831 11 25 36 867 41 17 0 0 867 41 34 1000 9 6873 283
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 575 0 575 0 11 11 586 313 20 8 0 586 53 20 1000 4 3100 255
05 789 0 789 31 70 101 891 6 4 19 0 891 70 11 1000 6 4137 280
sub-total (012,
744 6 750 15 36 51 801 72 14 10 0 801 66 37 1000 27 19994 1123
014, 015,02,05)
C 483 4 487 12 26 38 525 288 152 2 0 525 29 4 1000 24 17631 1074
D 602 2 604 41 49 90 694 40 225 8 0 694 20 12 1000 245 182882 9680
E 63 0 63 4 2 7 70 805 95 7 0 70 14 9 1000 13 10052 959
F 775 2 777 5 17 22 799 33 30 1 0 799 122 16 1000 216 161296 10171
G 835 3 837 28 21 48 885 12 49 13 0 885 27 14 1000 99 73996 4904
H 820 4 824 38 37 76 900 17 49 9 0 900 8 17 1000 23 17474 1287
I 613 3 616 13 13 26 643 251 58 3 0 643 29 17 1000 113 84354 5762
J 100 0 100 0 27 27 127 507 218 128 0 127 12 7 1000 22 16109 1077
K 535 6 540 19 43 62 602 60 295 5 0 602 32 5 1000 20 15196 809
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 956 11 6 0 0 8 19 1000 86 64126 7508
M 148 1 149 4 15 20 169 644 33 105 0 169 29 21 1000 64 47505 5425
N 286 1 287 17 15 32 319 480 65 107 0 319 17 12 1000 16 11793 959
O 466 0 466 15 23 38 504 70 43 217 0 504 97 69 1000 19 14126 1139
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 934 934 26 40 1000 15 11121 942
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 0 67 0 0 867 0 1000 0 20 4
sub-total (C-Q) 548 2 550 18 24 43 593 214 97 21 14 607 45 16 1000 973 727682 51700
all (012, 014, 015,
553 2 555 18 25 43 598 210 95 20 14 612 46 16 1000 1000 747676 52823
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 413649 1569 415218 13674 18414 32088 447306 157236 70945 15151 10383 457689 34353 12301 747676 x x x
sample workers 24634 132 24766 756 988 1744 26510 16168 3859 1110 860 27370 2571 1745 52823 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours principal status rural+urban female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 406 240 646 24 40 65 711 3 0 17 0 711 158 110 1000 6 912 52
014 975 4 979 3 0 3 982 10 2 0 0 982 4 1 1000 20 3265 129
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 775 7 782 0 0 0 782 160 57 0 0 782 0 1 1000 5 792 37
05 259 302 561 404 35 439 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 1 159 9
sub-total (012,
821 56 877 19 8 27 904 32 10 3 0 904 31 20 1000 32 5128 227
014, 015,02,05)
C 756 10 766 6 19 25 792 37 108 0 0 792 60 3 1000 21 3325 166
D 578 57 634 42 48 90 724 20 200 12 0 724 37 7 1000 213 34186 1850
E 9 0 9 0 0 0 9 789 165 13 0 9 20 4 1000 3 490 57
F 729 28 756 13 27 41 797 69 21 0 0 797 101 12 1000 135 21710 1328
G 782 18 800 26 17 43 843 21 58 13 0 843 50 15 1000 26 4136 312
H 646 27 674 71 16 87 761 66 79 91 0 761 3 0 1000 10 1541 103
I 333 22 355 10 19 29 384 483 124 0 0 384 6 2 1000 19 3037 197
J 47 12 60 0 11 11 71 515 172 195 0 71 48 0 1000 18 2879 174
K 447 9 456 15 65 80 536 4 442 15 0 536 4 0 1000 17 2673 139
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 957 20 1 0 0 7 15 1000 55 8836 1084
M 156 32 188 12 19 31 219 579 41 121 0 219 29 10 1000 208 33406 3027
N 238 38 276 14 27 41 316 490 63 109 0 316 10 11 1000 61 9861 746
O 517 104 621 7 0 7 628 62 3 158 0 628 83 66 1000 15 2457 226
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 973 973 16 11 1000 168 27033 2261
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 182 0 0 0 818 0 1000 0 6 2
sub-total (C-Q) 344 29 373 17 23 40 412 248 79 43 169 581 37 10 1000 968 155577 11672
all (012, 014, 015,
359 30 389 17 22 39 428 241 77 42 164 592 37 11 1000 1000 160705 11899
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 57692 4801 62492 2680 3613 6293 68785 38784 12394 6757 26315 95100 5941 1729 160705 x x x
sample workers 3275 331 3606 151 207 358 3964 3746 747 458 2179 6143 435 370 11899 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/salaried employees and casual labours principal status rural+urban person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 664 46 710 17 39 56 766 26 12 16 0 766 106 74 1000 7 6796 357
014 876 3 879 8 17 25 904 31 12 0 0 904 29 23 1000 11 10138 412
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 615 2 617 0 9 9 626 282 27 6 0 626 42 16 1000 4 3892 292
05 770 11 781 45 69 114 895 6 4 18 0 895 67 11 1000 5 4296 289
sub-total (012,
760 16 776 16 31 46 822 64 13 9 0 822 59 34 1000 28 25122 1350
014, 015,02,05)
C 526 5 531 11 25 36 567 248 145 1 0 567 34 4 1000 23 20955 1240
D 598 11 609 41 49 90 699 37 221 9 0 699 23 11 1000 239 217068 11530
E 60 0 61 4 2 6 67 805 98 8 0 67 14 8 1000 12 10542 1016
F 769 5 774 6 18 24 799 37 29 1 0 799 119 16 1000 201 183005 11499
G 832 3 835 28 20 48 883 13 49 13 0 883 28 14 1000 86 78133 5216
H 806 6 812 41 36 77 889 21 51 16 0 889 8 16 1000 21 19015 1390
I 603 4 607 13 14 26 634 259 60 3 0 634 28 16 1000 96 87392 5959
J 92 2 94 0 25 25 119 508 211 139 0 119 18 6 1000 21 18988 1251
K 522 6 528 18 46 64 592 52 317 7 0 592 28 4 1000 20 17869 948
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 956 12 6 0 0 8 18 1000 80 72962 8592
M 152 14 165 8 17 24 190 617 36 112 0 190 29 17 1000 89 80911 8452
N 264 18 282 16 20 36 318 484 64 108 0 318 14 12 1000 24 21654 1705
O 474 15 489 14 19 33 523 69 37 209 0 523 95 68 1000 18 16583 1365
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 962 962 19 19 1000 42 38154 3203
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 43 51 0 0 855 0 1000 0 27 6
sub-total (C-Q) 512 7 519 18 24 42 561 220 94 25 42 602 44 15 1000 972 883258 63372
all (012, 014, 015,
519 7 526 18 24 42 568 216 92 24 40 609 44 15 1000 1000 908381 64722
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 471341 6370 477710 16354 22026 38380 516090 196020 83339 21908 36698 552789 40295 14030 908381 x x x
sample workers 27909 463 28372 907 1195 2102 30474 19914 4606 1568 3039 33513 3006 2115 64722 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 863 30 892 16 6 23 915 3 1 1 0 915 23 57 1000 57 41585 2048
014 847 2 848 3 20 23 871 31 6 0 0 871 43 49 1000 10 7450 293
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 15 1
02 741 10 751 36 6 42 794 148 11 4 0 794 27 16 1000 8 5707 391
05 848 19 867 11 35 47 914 0 1 9 0 914 41 34 1000 12 8796 516
sub-total (012,
848 23 871 16 12 28 899 19 2 3 0 899 28 49 1000 87 63552 3249
014, 015,02,05)
C 663 3 667 17 33 50 717 126 110 0 0 717 43 5 1000 18 12813 690
D 795 6 801 29 27 57 857 10 93 7 0 857 15 17 1000 215 157299 9261
E 84 1 84 0 3 3 87 812 50 10 0 87 23 17 1000 7 4781 511
F 778 2 780 6 16 21 801 32 24 1 0 801 121 22 1000 187 136608 7734
G 898 6 905 23 8 31 936 4 6 4 0 936 9 41 1000 201 146899 10541
H 883 17 900 30 10 39 940 4 19 4 0 940 11 24 1000 23 16969 1102
I 807 3 811 10 8 18 829 95 19 3 0 829 27 26 1000 104 76189 5198
J 269 2 271 0 14 14 285 357 112 212 0 285 13 21 1000 9 6215 484
K 854 1 855 6 14 20 875 46 37 1 0 875 14 27 1000 11 7722 560
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 933 15 8 0 0 11 34 1000 32 23456 3267
M 222 1 223 6 17 24 247 610 17 71 0 247 26 30 1000 43 31073 3878
N 572 4 575 15 9 24 599 292 12 49 0 599 12 36 1000 13 9222 785
O 811 6 817 19 15 34 852 12 1 37 0 852 47 51 1000 44 32199 2357
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 882 882 39 78 1000 7 5128 425
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 521 0 0 479 0 1000 0 3 2
sub-total (C-Q) 743 4 747 17 15 32 780 99 36 11 7 786 39 28 1000 913 666575 46795
all (012, 014, 015,
752 6 758 17 15 32 790 92 33 11 6 796 38 30 1000 1000 730127 50044
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 549170 4452 553622 12318 10842 23160 576782 67037 24356 7717 4525 581307 27909 21801 730127 x x x
sample workers 33774 303 34077 931 608 1539 35616 8065 1247 554 373 35989 1912 2277 50044 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 392 543 936 13 1 14 949 0 0 0 0 949 14 36 1000 237 52292 2654
014 936 42 977 2 0 2 980 0 2 0 0 980 3 15 1000 16 3490 120
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 544 265 809 77 0 77 886 34 12 0 0 886 26 43 1000 17 3680 174
05 364 524 888 55 5 60 948 0 0 0 0 948 0 52 1000 6 1329 58
sub-total (012,
432 497 929 17 1 18 947 2 1 0 0 947 14 36 1000 276 60790 3006
014, 015,02,05)
C 777 4 781 7 19 26 807 6 80 0 0 807 102 6 1000 15 3282 157
D 445 422 867 24 11 35 902 4 54 5 0 902 19 16 1000 338 74555 3975
E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 960 0 0 0 0 40 0 1000 1 113 14
F 692 26 718 9 29 37 755 92 19 0 0 755 118 15 1000 68 14886 740
G 479 431 910 38 2 40 951 2 1 3 0 951 4 40 1000 90 19833 1783
H 610 261 871 62 4 66 937 22 4 26 0 937 1 9 1000 21 4597 377
I 472 144 615 3 5 8 623 329 34 0 0 623 3 11 1000 7 1574 100
J 134 276 410 0 18 18 428 200 76 285 0 428 0 11 1000 3 554 42
K 372 286 658 38 58 96 754 2 239 0 0 754 0 4 1000 2 423 35
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 965 2 1 0 0 5 27 1000 13 2788 378
M 129 81 210 13 11 24 234 636 28 55 0 234 28 19 1000 78 17251 1588
N 209 127 336 9 23 32 367 531 34 38 0 367 7 24 1000 20 4487 334
O 554 338 892 31 0 31 923 3 0 13 0 923 12 49 1000 36 7927 522
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 974 974 14 13 1000 33 7212 390
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 419 293 712 22 11 33 745 117 34 12 44 789 27 21 1000 724 159484 10435
all (012, 014, 015,
423 349 772 21 8 29 801 85 25 9 32 833 23 25 1000 1000 220274 13441
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 93146 76976 170122 4583 1751 6335 176456 18777 5472 1928 7024 183480 5154 5462 220274 x x x
sample workers 5261 4192 9453 399 99 498 9951 1809 297 130 371 10322 316 567 13441 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 601 316 917 14 3 18 934 1 0 1 0 934 18 46 1000 99 93877 4702
014 875 15 890 3 13 16 906 21 5 0 0 906 31 38 1000 12 10939 413
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 15 1
02 664 110 774 52 4 56 830 103 11 2 0 830 27 26 1000 10 9387 565
05 785 85 870 17 31 49 918 0 1 8 0 918 36 37 1000 11 10124 574
sub-total (012,
645 255 900 16 6 23 922 11 2 1 0 922 21 43 1000 131 124342 6255
014, 015,02,05)
C 687 3 690 15 30 45 735 101 104 0 0 735 55 5 1000 17 16095 847
D 683 139 822 28 22 50 872 8 81 6 0 872 17 17 1000 244 231855 13236
E 82 1 82 0 3 3 85 816 49 9 0 85 24 17 1000 5 4894 525
F 769 4 774 6 17 23 797 38 23 1 0 797 120 21 1000 159 151494 8474
G 848 57 905 25 7 32 938 4 5 4 0 938 8 41 1000 175 166731 12324
H 825 69 894 37 8 45 939 8 15 9 0 939 9 20 1000 23 21566 1479
I 801 6 807 10 8 18 825 100 19 3 0 825 26 26 1000 82 77764 5298
J 258 25 282 0 14 14 297 344 109 218 0 297 12 20 1000 7 6769 526
K 829 16 845 8 16 24 869 43 47 1 0 869 14 26 1000 9 8145 595
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 936 13 7 0 0 10 33 1000 28 26244 3645
M 189 30 219 8 15 24 242 619 21 65 0 242 27 26 1000 51 48324 5466
N 453 44 497 13 13 26 523 370 19 45 0 523 10 32 1000 14 13710 1119
O 760 72 832 22 12 34 866 10 1 32 0 866 40 51 1000 42 40126 2879
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 936 936 24 40 1000 13 12340 815
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 521 0 0 479 0 1000 0 3 2
sub-total (C-Q) 681 60 741 18 14 32 773 102 36 11 14 787 37 27 1000 869 826059 57230
all (012, 014, 015,
676 86 762 18 13 31 793 90 31 10 12 805 35 29 1000 1000 950401 63485
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 642315 81428 723744 16901 12593 29495 753239 85814 29828 9645 11549 764788 33064 27263 950401 x x x
sample workers 39035 4495 43530 1330 707 2037 45567 9874 1544 684 744 46311 2228 2844 63485 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 802 20 822 42 1 42 864 9 9 7 0 864 31 80 1000 8 4989 412
014 579 3 582 82 44 126 708 87 118 0 0 708 69 18 1000 1 621 73
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 40 4
02 558 3 560 0 13 13 573 277 0 0 0 573 69 81 1000 1 479 64
05 716 0 716 89 151 241 957 10 1 0 0 957 28 3 1000 4 2437 318
sub-total (012,
749 12 761 56 47 103 864 30 14 4 0 864 35 53 1000 13 8567 871
014, 015,02,05)
C 183 5 188 40 18 58 246 544 198 5 0 246 3 4 1000 10 6427 509
D 682 6 689 53 38 90 779 35 163 3 0 779 12 8 1000 248 164519 10540
E 85 0 85 8 1 9 95 757 138 5 0 95 5 1 1000 8 5580 475
F 842 1 842 10 18 29 871 19 28 0 0 871 73 9 1000 97 64613 5259
G 888 6 894 40 18 58 952 3 17 2 0 952 11 14 1000 259 172281 13961
H 857 8 864 49 31 80 944 10 24 4 0 944 6 11 1000 35 23518 2135
I 708 2 709 12 15 27 736 188 48 1 0 736 17 10 1000 113 74735 5673
J 246 0 247 5 37 42 288 423 213 56 0 288 12 6 1000 23 15305 1008
K 700 4 704 28 44 72 776 31 168 3 0 776 18 4 1000 39 25701 1516
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 969 8 5 0 0 7 11 1000 62 41025 4294
M 255 2 257 15 17 32 289 505 45 121 0 289 27 13 1000 35 23126 2019
N 507 1 508 16 22 38 546 292 64 81 0 546 11 5 1000 15 10204 824
O 778 9 787 15 9 25 811 30 25 92 0 811 31 10 1000 34 22557 1845
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 977 977 15 7 1000 9 5993 517
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 0 0 0 0 923 0 1000 0 18 2
sub-total (C-Q) 678 4 682 31 23 54 736 140 73 12 9 745 19 10 1000 987 655601 50577
all (012, 014, 015,
679 4 683 31 23 54 738 139 72 12 9 747 19 11 1000 1000 664168 51448
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 451109 2849 453958 20715 15425 36140 490098 92175 48046 7974 5858 495956 12859 7158 664168 x x x
sample workers 34140 266 34406 1568 951 2519 36925 8298 2736 613 487 37412 1222 1167 51448 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 356 554 910 2 0 2 912 1 0 1 0 912 8 79 1000 29 4027 282
014 626 106 732 48 0 48 779 155 0 0 0 779 66 0 1000 1 210 27
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 1 1
02 643 39 682 0 0 0 682 318 0 0 0 682 0 0 1000 0 34 9
05 421 31 452 420 26 446 898 0 0 0 0 898 17 84 1000 2 290 24
sub-total (012,
375 496 871 31 2 32 903 10 0 1 0 903 11 75 1000 32 4563 343
014, 015,02,05)
C 324 87 411 0 0 0 411 282 269 0 0 411 38 0 1000 3 364 40
D 433 387 820 33 25 58 878 10 88 2 0 878 12 10 1000 288 40536 3114
E 12 0 12 0 0 0 12 738 214 17 0 12 14 5 1000 3 378 44
F 798 30 828 37 24 60 889 16 24 0 0 889 61 10 1000 51 7148 620
G 512 385 897 17 4 21 918 4 13 0 0 918 20 45 1000 120 16844 1680
H 717 196 913 49 7 56 969 1 25 5 0 969 0 1 1000 30 4217 366
I 326 100 426 10 23 33 459 397 131 0 0 459 10 3 1000 18 2481 186
J 47 88 136 0 8 8 144 502 163 142 0 144 48 1 1000 20 2842 164
K 422 78 500 64 58 123 623 3 353 13 0 623 9 0 1000 22 3088 175
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 954 28 1 0 0 7 10 1000 43 6061 714
M 184 114 298 19 26 45 343 423 45 156 0 343 25 8 1000 141 19900 1709
N 251 122 372 27 23 51 423 357 71 136 0 423 11 2 1000 49 6861 527
O 445 426 871 8 0 8 879 22 1 49 0 879 39 9 1000 41 5779 491
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 973 973 16 10 1000 141 19821 1871
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 182 0 0 0 818 0 1000 0 6 2
sub-total (C-Q) 332 217 549 21 16 38 586 148 56 36 142 728 19 13 1000 968 136326 11703
all (012, 014, 015,
333 226 559 22 16 37 597 143 54 35 137 734 19 15 1000 1000 140889 12046
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 46956 31818 78774 3052 2225 5278 84052 20212 7678 4901 19291 103343 2691 2064 140889 x x x
sample workers 3558 2836 6394 292 140 432 6826 1957 492 338 1808 8634 260 365 12046 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 603 258 861 24 0 24 885 5 5 4 0 885 21 79 1000 11 9016 694
014 591 29 620 73 33 106 726 104 88 0 0 726 68 13 1000 1 832 100
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 41 5
02 563 5 568 0 12 12 580 280 0 0 0 580 64 76 1000 1 514 73
05 685 3 688 125 138 263 951 9 1 0 0 951 27 12 1000 3 2727 342
sub-total (012,
619 180 799 47 31 78 877 23 9 3 0 877 27 61 1000 16 13129 1214
014, 015,02,05)
C 190 9 200 38 17 55 255 530 202 4 0 255 5 4 1000 8 6791 549
D 633 81 715 49 35 84 798 30 148 3 0 798 12 8 1000 255 205055 13654
E 81 0 81 7 1 9 89 756 143 6 0 89 5 1 1000 7 5958 519
F 837 4 841 13 19 32 873 18 27 0 0 873 72 9 1000 89 71760 5879
G 855 40 894 38 17 55 949 3 16 2 0 949 12 17 1000 235 189125 15641
H 835 36 872 49 27 76 948 9 24 4 0 948 5 10 1000 34 27735 2501
I 695 5 700 11 15 27 727 195 50 1 0 727 17 10 1000 96 77216 5859
J 215 14 230 4 32 36 266 436 206 69 0 266 18 6 1000 23 18148 1172
K 670 12 682 32 46 78 760 28 188 4 0 760 17 4 1000 36 28789 1691
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 967 11 5 0 0 7 11 1000 58 47086 5008
M 222 54 276 17 21 38 314 467 45 137 0 314 26 11 1000 53 43025 3728
N 404 50 454 20 23 43 497 318 67 103 0 497 11 4 1000 21 17065 1351
O 710 94 804 14 7 21 825 28 20 83 0 825 33 10 1000 35 28336 2336
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 974 974 16 10 1000 32 25814 2388
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 48 0 0 0 896 0 1000 0 24 4
sub-total (C-Q) 619 41 659 29 22 51 710 142 70 16 32 742 19 11 1000 984 791928 62280
all (012, 014, 015,
619 43 662 30 22 51 713 140 69 16 31 744 19 11 1000 1000 805057 63494
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 498066 34667 532733 23768 17650 41418 574150 112387 55724 12875 25149 599299 15550 9222 805057 x x x
sample workers 37698 3102 40800 1860 1091 2951 43751 10255 3228 951 2295 46046 1482 1532 63494 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status rural+urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 856 29 885 19 6 25 910 4 2 2 0 910 23 60 1000 33 46574 2460
014 826 2 828 9 22 31 858 35 14 0 0 858 45 46 1000 6 8071 366
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 55 5
02 727 10 737 33 7 40 777 158 10 4 0 777 31 21 1000 4 6186 455
05 820 15 834 28 61 89 923 2 1 7 0 923 39 28 1000 8 11232 834
sub-total (012,
836 22 858 20 16 37 895 20 4 3 0 895 29 50 1000 52 72119 4120
014, 015,02,05)
C 503 4 507 25 28 53 560 265 139 2 0 560 30 5 1000 14 19240 1199
D 738 6 743 41 33 74 817 23 129 5 0 817 13 12 1000 231 321819 19801
E 85 0 85 4 2 6 91 782 98 7 0 91 13 8 1000 7 10361 986
F 798 2 800 7 16 24 824 28 25 1 0 824 105 18 1000 144 201221 12993
G 893 6 899 32 13 46 945 4 12 3 0 945 10 27 1000 229 319179 24502
H 868 11 879 41 22 63 942 7 22 4 0 942 8 16 1000 29 40487 3237
I 758 3 761 11 12 23 783 141 33 2 0 783 22 18 1000 108 150925 10871
J 253 1 254 3 30 34 287 404 184 101 0 287 13 11 1000 15 21521 1492
K 735 3 739 23 37 60 799 34 138 3 0 799 17 9 1000 24 33422 2076
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 956 11 6 0 0 8 19 1000 46 64481 7561
M 236 1 238 10 17 27 265 565 29 92 0 265 26 23 1000 39 54198 5897
N 538 2 540 15 16 31 571 292 39 66 0 571 12 20 1000 14 19426 1609
O 797 7 805 18 13 30 835 19 11 60 0 835 41 34 1000 39 54756 4202
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 934 934 26 40 1000 8 11121 942
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 0 67 0 0 867 0 1000 0 20 4
sub-total (C-Q) 711 4 715 24 19 43 758 119 55 12 8 766 29 19 1000 948 1322177 97372
all (012, 014, 015,
717 5 723 24 19 43 765 114 52 11 7 773 29 21 1000 1000 1394295 101492
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 1000279 7301 1007580 33033 26267 59300 1066881 159213 72402 15691 10383 1077264 40768 28958 1394295 x x x
sample workers 67914 569 68483 2499 1559 4058 72541 16363 3983 1167 860 73401 3134 3444 101492 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status rural+urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 390 544 934 12 1 13 947 0 0 0 0 947 13 40 1000 156 56319 2936
014 918 45 963 5 0 5 968 9 2 0 0 968 7 14 1000 10 3700 147
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 1 1
02 545 263 808 76 0 76 884 36 12 0 0 884 25 43 1000 10 3714 183
05 374 436 810 120 9 129 939 0 0 0 0 939 3 58 1000 4 1619 82
sub-total (012,
428 497 925 18 1 19 944 3 1 0 0 944 13 39 1000 181 65353 3349
014, 015,02,05)
C 732 12 744 6 17 23 767 33 99 0 0 767 96 5 1000 10 3646 197
D 441 409 850 27 16 43 894 6 66 4 0 894 17 14 1000 319 115091 7089
E 9 0 9 0 0 0 9 789 164 13 0 9 20 4 1000 1 491 58
F 726 27 754 18 27 45 799 68 21 0 0 799 99 13 1000 61 22034 1360
G 494 410 904 29 3 32 936 3 7 2 0 936 11 42 1000 102 36677 3463
H 661 230 891 56 5 61 952 12 14 16 0 952 1 5 1000 24 8814 743
I 382 117 500 7 16 23 523 371 93 0 0 523 7 6 1000 11 4055 286
J 62 119 181 0 9 9 190 452 149 166 0 190 40 3 1000 9 3396 206
K 416 103 519 61 58 120 639 3 339 12 0 639 8 1 1000 10 3512 210
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 957 20 1 0 0 7 15 1000 25 8849 1092
M 158 99 257 16 19 35 292 522 37 109 0 292 26 13 1000 103 37151 3297
N 234 124 358 20 23 43 401 426 56 97 0 401 9 11 1000 31 11348 861
O 508 375 883 21 0 21 904 11 0 28 0 904 23 32 1000 38 13707 1013
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 973 973 16 11 1000 75 27033 2261
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 182 0 0 0 818 0 1000 0 6 2
sub-total (C-Q) 379 258 637 22 13 35 672 131 44 23 89 761 24 17 1000 819 295810 22138
all (012, 014, 015,
388 301 689 21 11 32 721 108 36 19 73 794 22 21 1000 1000 361163 25487
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 140102 108794 248896 7636 3976 11612 260508 38988 13150 6829 26315 286823 7846 7526 361163 x x x
sample workers 8819 7028 15847 691 239 930 16777 3766 789 468 2179 18956 576 932 25487 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status rural+urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 601 311 912 15 3 18 930 2 1 1 0 930 18 49 1000 59 102893 5396
014 855 16 870 8 15 22 893 27 10 0 0 893 33 36 1000 7 11771 513
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 56 6
02 659 105 763 49 4 54 817 112 11 2 0 817 29 29 1000 6 9901 638
05 764 68 831 40 54 94 925 2 1 6 0 925 34 31 1000 7 12851 916
sub-total (012,
642 248 890 19 9 28 918 12 2 2 0 918 22 45 1000 78 137472 7469
014, 015,02,05)
C 539 5 545 22 26 48 593 228 133 1 0 593 40 5 1000 13 22886 1396
D 659 112 772 38 28 66 837 19 112 5 0 837 14 13 1000 249 436910 26890
E 81 0 81 4 2 6 88 783 101 7 0 88 14 8 1000 6 10852 1044
F 791 4 795 8 17 26 821 32 25 1 0 821 105 17 1000 127 223254 14353
G 852 48 899 32 12 44 944 3 11 3 0 944 10 28 1000 203 355856 27965
H 831 51 881 44 19 63 944 8 20 6 0 944 7 14 1000 28 49301 3980
I 748 6 754 11 12 23 776 147 35 2 0 776 22 18 1000 88 154980 11157
J 227 17 244 3 27 30 274 411 179 110 0 274 16 10 1000 14 24917 1698
K 705 13 718 27 39 66 784 31 157 3 0 784 16 8 1000 21 36934 2286
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 956 12 6 0 0 8 19 1000 42 73330 8653
M 205 41 246 12 18 30 276 547 32 99 0 276 26 19 1000 52 91349 9194
N 426 47 473 17 19 36 509 341 46 77 0 509 11 16 1000 18 30774 2470
O 739 81 820 18 10 29 849 18 9 53 0 849 37 34 1000 39 68462 5215
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 962 962 19 19 1000 22 38154 3203
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 43 51 0 0 855 0 1000 0 27 6
sub-total (C-Q) 650 51 701 23 18 41 742 121 53 14 23 765 28 19 1000 922 1617987 119510
all (012, 014, 015,
650 66 716 23 17 40 756 113 49 13 21 777 28 21 1000 1000 1755458 126979
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 1140381 116096 1256477 40669 30243 70912 1327389 198201 85552 22520 36698 1364087 48614 36485 1755458 x x x
sample workers 76733 7597 84330 3190 1798 4988 89318 20129 4772 1635 3039 92357 3710 4376 126979 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed subsidiary status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 857 87 944 29 0 29 973 0 0 0 - 973 7 20 1000 484 68872 3398
014 784 14 798 119 47 166 964 0 0 0 - 964 24 12 1000 9 1282 90
015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 1000 1000 0 1 1
02 889 29 918 23 2 24 942 33 0 0 - 942 20 4 1000 39 5616 500
05 917 28 945 7 10 17 963 0 0 0 - 963 0 37 1000 17 2360 128
sub-total (012,
860 80 940 29 1 31 971 2 0 0 971 8 19 1000 549 78131 4117
014, 015,02,05) -
C 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 1 168 12
D 840 85 925 49 6 55 980 0 0 0 - 980 4 16 1000 124 17618 981
E 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 1 77 3
F 862 0 862 1 35 36 898 20 7 0 - 898 74 1 1000 19 2739 160
G 900 42 942 23 8 30 973 0 0 2 - 973 5 20 1000 186 26493 1465
H 796 48 843 65 25 91 934 0 0 0 - 934 0 66 1000 11 1532 104
I 954 2 956 17 12 29 984 1 0 0 - 984 2 13 1000 39 5538 396
J 642 3 645 131 0 131 776 81 56 55 - 776 20 13 1000 4 629 53
K 754 75 829 0 15 15 844 0 0 0 - 844 0 156 1000 10 1398 100
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 733 0 196 - 0 53 18 1000 1 128 8
M 963 30 993 0 3 3 996 0 0 0 - 996 0 4 1000 13 1802 120
N 912 0 912 0 15 15 927 0 0 7 - 927 0 66 1000 6 919 47
O 853 43 896 10 6 16 912 9 3 2 - 912 65 8 1000 36 5164 255
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 875 48 923 28 9 37 960 4 1 2 - 960 12 21 1000 451 64205 3704
all (012, 014, 015,
867 66 932 29 5 34 966 3 1 1 966 10 20 1000 1000 142337 7821
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 123383 9335 132718 4068 707 4775 137493 438 72 120 - 137493 1390 2824 142337 x x x
sample workers 6570 601 7171 318 52 370 7541 31 9 9 0 7541 79 152 7821 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed subsidiary status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 549 418 967 22 0 22 989 0 0 - - 989 4 7 1000 743 139777 7876
014 375 46 421 326 0 326 747 0 0 - - 747 54 199 1000 3 559 23
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 392 498 890 26 0 26 916 23 0 - - 916 26 35 1000 37 7021 699
05 634 363 998 2 0 2 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 3 516 22
sub-total (012,
541 420 961 23 0 23 984 1 0 984 6 9 1000 786 147872 8620
014, 015,02,05) - -
C 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 0 66 2
D 333 628 961 18 3 21 982 0 2 - - 982 7 9 1000 142 26786 1474
E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 13 330 344 51 0 51 395 0 26 - - 395 0 579 1000 0 56 5
G 600 344 945 41 4 45 990 0 0 - - 990 1 10 1000 41 7747 481
H 683 263 946 31 2 32 979 0 0 - - 979 0 21 1000 6 1143 72
I 650 331 980 20 0 20 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 2 438 22
J 92 811 904 0 0 0 904 96 0 - - 904 0 0 1000 0 65 6
K 11 989 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 0 85 4
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 - - 0 0 0 1000 0 25 1
M 81 858 939 0 0 0 939 40 3 - - 939 4 14 1000 7 1353 79
N 295 705 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 1 214 11
O 589 361 949 19 0 19 969 0 0 - - 969 31 0 1000 12 2252 99
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 403 552 955 22 3 25 980 2 1 - - 980 7 10 1000 214 40230 2256
all (012, 014, 015,
512 448 960 23 1 24 983 1 0 983 6 9 1000 1000 188103 10876
02, 05, C- Q) - -
estd. workers (00) 96215 84333 180549 4313 134 4447 184996 246 59 - - 184996 1092 1709 188103 x x x
sample workers 5070 5181 10251 398 11 409 10660 9 5 0 0 10660 79 123 10876 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed subsidiary status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 651 309 959 24 0 24 984 0 0 0 - 984 5 11 1000 631 208650 11274
014 660 24 683 182 33 215 898 0 0 0 - 898 33 69 1000 6 1841 113
015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 1000 1000 0 1 1
02 613 289 902 25 1 25 928 28 0 0 - 928 23 21 1000 38 12637 1199
05 867 88 955 7 8 15 969 0 0 0 - 969 0 31 1000 9 2876 150
sub-total (012,
651 303 954 25 1 26 980 2 0 0 980 6 12 1000 684 226004 12737
014, 015,02,05) -
C 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 1 234 14
D 534 413 947 30 4 35 981 0 1 0 - 981 6 12 1000 134 44404 2455
E 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 77 3
F 844 7 851 2 35 37 888 20 7 0 - 888 73 12 1000 8 2796 165
G 833 110 943 27 7 34 977 0 0 1 - 977 4 18 1000 104 34241 1946
H 748 140 887 50 15 66 953 0 0 0 - 953 0 47 1000 8 2675 176
I 931 26 957 17 11 28 985 1 0 0 - 985 2 12 1000 18 5976 418
J 590 79 669 119 0 119 788 82 50 50 - 788 18 12 1000 2 694 59
K 711 128 839 0 14 14 853 0 0 0 - 853 0 147 1000 4 1484 104
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 776 0 164 - 0 44 15 1000 0 153 9
M 585 385 970 0 2 2 972 17 1 0 - 972 2 8 1000 10 3155 199
N 795 133 928 0 13 13 941 0 0 6 - 941 0 53 1000 3 1132 58
O 773 140 912 13 4 17 929 6 2 1 - 929 55 6 1000 22 7415 354
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 693 242 935 26 7 32 968 3 1 1 - 968 10 17 1000 316 104435 5960
all (012, 014, 015,
665 283 948 25 3 28 976 2 0 0 976 8 14 1000 1000 330439 18697
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 219599 93669 313267 8380 841 9221 322489 684 131 120 - 322489 2482 4534 330439 x x x
sample workers 11640 5782 17422 716 63 779 18201 40 14 9 0 18201 158 275 18697 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed subsidiary status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 839 111 950 36 0 36 987 0 0 - - 987 0 13 1000 142 3024 187
014 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 1 19 2
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 922 0 922 0 0 0 922 0 0 - - 922 0 78 1000 1 26 6
05 648 0 648 7 36 43 691 0 0 - - 691 309 0 1000 8 165 22
sub-total (012,
831 104 935 34 2 36 971 0 0 971 16 13 1000 152 3235 217
014, 015,02,05) - -
C 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 0 7 3
D 831 74 905 27 37 64 969 0 0 - - 969 1 30 1000 166 3534 263
E 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 0 2 1
F 930 0 930 0 18 18 948 24 0 - - 948 22 6 1000 50 1076 73
G 869 74 944 30 6 36 979 0 1 - - 979 3 16 1000 309 6599 546
H 867 29 896 8 96 104 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 34 718 74
I 870 25 895 3 56 59 955 0 0 - - 955 8 37 1000 63 1338 125
J 719 0 719 0 63 63 782 78 140 - - 782 0 0 1000 25 531 42
K 859 0 859 0 130 130 989 0 0 - - 989 6 4 1000 45 964 71
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 - - 0 0 0 1000 5 99 2
M 928 36 964 8 2 11 975 2 0 - - 975 24 0 1000 76 1612 120
N 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 15 322 23
O 881 72 953 7 8 15 968 0 0 - - 968 26 5 1000 60 1290 97
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 864 53 917 18 28 46 963 9 4 - - 963 8 16 1000 848 18093 1440
all (012, 014, 015,
859 61 920 20 24 44 964 8 4 964 9 15 1000 1000 21328 1657
02, 05, C- Q) - -
estd. workers (00) 18324 1293 19616 435 514 948 20565 170 80 - - 20565 189 324 21328 x x x
sample workers 1383 108 1491 52 40 92 1583 7 6 0 0 1583 14 47 1657 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed subsidiary status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 577 391 968 19 0 19 987 0 0 - - 987 0 13 1000 232 7008 532
014 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 0 6 1
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 152 795 947 0 0 0 947 28 0 - - 947 0 25 1000 3 84 9
05 771 31 802 198 0 198 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 1 25 24
sub-total (012,
573 395 967 19 0 19 987 0 0 987 0 13 1000 236 7123 566
014, 015,02,05) - -
C 0 1000 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 0 5 1
D 231 745 976 12 1 13 989 0 0 - - 989 2 9 1000 474 14323 1036
E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
F 845 0 845 0 0 0 845 0 0 - - 845 0 155 1000 1 22 3
G 441 537 978 5 6 11 989 0 0 - - 989 0 11 1000 104 3130 283
H 688 287 975 2 5 7 982 0 0 - - 982 0 18 1000 19 571 63
I 443 336 779 8 0 8 788 90 0 - - 788 0 122 1000 6 178 15
J 28 897 924 0 0 0 924 0 76 - - 924 0 0 1000 3 99 7
K 356 644 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 5 161 17
L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
M 113 862 975 0 0 0 975 1 0 - - 975 0 24 1000 92 2765 192
N 275 696 970 0 0 0 970 30 0 - - 970 0 0 1000 5 158 14
O 472 525 997 3 0 3 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 55 1661 112
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 277 700 976 8 1 10 986 1 0 - - 986 1 12 1000 764 23073 1743
all (012, 014, 015,
346 628 974 11 1 12 986 1 0 986 1 12 1000 1000 30196 2309
02, 05, C- Q) - -
estd. workers (00) 10461 18951 29412 333 32 365 29777 25 7 - - 29777 25 362 30196 x x x
sample workers 739 1427 2166 80 7 87 2253 4 1 0 0 2253 3 48 2309 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed subsidiary status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 656 307 963 24 0 24 987 0 0 - - 987 0 13 1000 195 10032 719
014 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 0 25 3
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 336 605 941 0 0 0 941 21 0 - - 941 0 37 1000 2 110 15
05 664 4 668 32 31 63 732 0 0 - - 732 268 0 1000 4 191 46
sub-total (012,
654 304 957 24 1 25 982 0 0 982 5 13 1000 201 10358 783
014, 015,02,05) - -
C 576 424 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 0 13 4
D 350 612 962 15 8 23 985 0 0 - - 985 2 13 1000 347 17856 1299
E 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 0 2 1
F 928 0 928 0 18 18 946 24 0 - - 946 21 9 1000 21 1098 76
G 731 223 955 22 6 28 982 0 1 - - 982 2 15 1000 189 9729 829
H 788 143 931 5 56 61 992 0 0 - - 992 0 8 1000 25 1289 137
I 820 62 882 4 50 53 935 11 0 - - 935 7 47 1000 29 1516 140
J 610 141 751 0 53 53 804 66 130 - - 804 0 0 1000 12 630 49
K 787 92 879 0 112 112 991 0 0 - - 991 5 4 1000 22 1125 88
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 - - 0 0 0 1000 2 99 2
M 413 558 971 3 1 4 975 1 0 - - 975 9 15 1000 85 4378 312
N 761 229 990 0 0 0 990 10 0 - - 990 0 0 1000 9 480 37
O 651 327 978 5 3 8 986 0 0 - - 986 12 2 1000 57 2951 209
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 535 415 950 13 13 26 976 5 2 - - 976 4 13 1000 799 41166 3183
all (012, 014, 015,
559 393 952 15 11 25 977 4 2 977 4 13 1000 1000 51524 3966
02, 05, C- Q) - -
estd. workers (00) 28784 20244 49028 767 546 1313 50342 195 88 - - 50342 214 686 51524 x x x
sample workers 2122 1535 3657 132 47 179 3836 11 7 0 0 3836 17 95 3966 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed subsidiary status rural+urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 856 88 945 29 0 29 974 0 0 0 - 974 7 19 1000 439 71897 3585
014 787 14 801 117 46 164 965 0 0 0 - 965 23 12 1000 8 1301 92
015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 1000 1000 0 1 1
02 890 29 918 23 2 24 942 33 0 0 - 942 20 4 1000 34 5642 506
05 900 26 926 7 12 19 945 0 0 0 - 945 20 35 1000 15 2525 150
sub-total (012,
859 81 940 29 1 31 971 2 0 0 971 8 19 1000 497 81366 4334
014, 015,02,05) -
C 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 1 176 15
D 838 83 922 45 12 57 978 0 0 0 - 978 3 19 1000 129 21152 1244
E 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 79 4
F 881 0 881 1 30 31 912 21 5 0 - 912 60 2 1000 23 3816 233
G 894 48 943 24 8 31 974 0 0 1 - 974 5 20 1000 202 33093 2011
H 818 42 860 47 48 95 955 0 0 0 - 955 0 45 1000 14 2250 178
I 937 6 944 14 21 35 979 1 0 0 - 979 4 17 1000 42 6876 521
J 677 2 679 71 29 100 779 80 94 30 - 779 11 7 1000 7 1160 95
K 797 45 842 0 62 62 903 0 0 0 - 903 3 94 1000 14 2362 171
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 850 0 110 - 0 30 10 1000 1 227 10
M 946 33 979 4 3 7 986 1 0 0 - 986 11 2 1000 21 3414 240
N 935 0 935 0 11 11 946 0 0 5 - 946 0 49 1000 8 1240 70
O 859 49 908 9 7 16 923 7 3 1 - 923 58 8 1000 39 6454 352
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 873 49 922 26 13 39 961 5 2 1 - 961 11 20 1000 503 82298 5144
all (012, 014, 015,
866 65 931 28 7 35 966 4 1 1 966 10 19 1000 1000 163664 9478
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 141707 10628 152335 4502 1221 5723 158058 607 152 120 - 158058 1579 3148 163664 x x x
sample workers 7953 709 8662 370 92 462 9124 38 15 9 0 9124 93 199 9478 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed subsidiary status rural+urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 550 417 967 22 0 22 989 0 0 - - 989 4 7 1000 672 146785 8408
014 382 45 427 322 0 322 749 0 0 - - 749 54 197 1000 3 565 24
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 389 501 890 26 0 26 916 23 0 - - 916 25 35 1000 33 7105 708
05 641 348 988 12 0 12 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 2 541 46
sub-total (012,
543 419 961 23 0 23 985 1 0 985 5 9 1000 710 154996 9186
014, 015,02,05) - -
C 925 75 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 0 71 3
D 297 669 966 16 2 18 984 0 1 - - 984 5 9 1000 188 41108 2510
E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
F 246 238 484 37 0 37 521 0 18 - - 521 0 461 1000 0 78 8
G 554 400 954 31 4 35 989 0 0 - - 989 1 10 1000 50 10877 764
H 685 271 956 21 3 24 980 0 0 - - 980 0 20 1000 8 1714 135
I 590 332 922 16 0 16 939 26 0 - - 939 0 35 1000 3 616 37
J 53 863 916 0 0 0 916 38 46 - - 916 0 0 1000 1 165 13
K 237 763 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - - 1000 0 0 1000 1 246 21
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 - - 0 0 0 1000 0 25 1
M 102 861 963 0 0 0 963 14 1 - - 963 1 21 1000 19 4118 271
N 286 701 987 0 0 0 987 13 0 - - 987 0 0 1000 2 372 25
O 539 431 970 12 0 12 982 0 0 - - 982 18 0 1000 18 3912 211
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 357 606 963 17 2 20 982 2 1 - - 982 5 11 1000 290 63303 3999
all (012, 014, 015,
489 473 962 21 1 22 984 1 0 984 5 9 1000 1000 218299 13185
02, 05, C- Q) - -
estd. workers (00) 106676 103285 209961 4645 166 4812 214773 272 67 - - 214773 1117 2071 218299 x x x
sample workers 5809 6608 12417 478 18 496 12913 13 6 0 0 12913 82 171 13185 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed subsidiary status rural+urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 651 309 960 24 0 24 984 0 0 0 - 984 5 11 1000 573 218682 11993
014 664 23 688 180 32 212 900 0 0 0 - 900 32 68 1000 5 1866 116
015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 1000 1000 0 1 1
02 611 292 903 24 1 25 928 28 0 0 - 928 23 21 1000 33 12747 1214
05 854 83 937 8 9 18 955 0 0 0 - 955 17 29 1000 8 3066 196
sub-total (012,
651 303 954 25 1 26 980 1 0 0 980 6 12 1000 619 236362 13520
014, 015,02,05) -
C 978 22 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 1 247 18
D 481 470 951 26 5 31 982 0 1 0 - 982 4 12 1000 163 62260 3754
E 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 79 4
F 868 5 873 1 30 31 904 21 5 0 - 904 58 11 1000 10 3894 241
G 810 135 946 26 7 32 978 0 0 1 - 978 4 17 1000 115 43970 2775
H 761 141 901 36 28 64 966 0 0 0 - 966 0 34 1000 10 3964 313
I 909 33 942 14 19 33 975 3 0 0 - 975 3 19 1000 20 7492 558
J 600 109 708 62 25 87 796 74 88 26 - 796 10 6 1000 3 1324 108
K 744 113 857 0 56 56 913 0 0 0 - 913 2 85 1000 7 2608 192
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 864 0 100 - 0 27 9 1000 1 252 11
M 485 486 970 2 1 3 973 8 1 0 - 973 6 12 1000 20 7532 511
N 785 162 947 0 9 9 956 3 0 4 - 956 0 38 1000 4 1612 95
O 738 193 931 11 4 15 946 5 2 1 - 946 43 5 1000 27 10366 563
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 648 291 940 22 9 31 970 4 1 1 - 970 8 16 1000 381 145601 9143
all (012, 014, 015,
650 298 949 24 4 28 976 2 1 0 976 7 14 1000 1000 381963 22663
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 248383 113913 362296 9148 1387 10535 372830 879 219 120 - 372830 2696 5219 381963 x x x
sample workers 13762 7317 21079 848 110 958 22037 51 21 9 0 22037 175 370 22663 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours subsidiary status rural male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 812 16 828 0 0 0 828 0 0 36 0 828 129 8 1000 11 789 25
014 932 3 935 2 15 17 952 0 7 0 0 952 5 36 1000 34 2538 78
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 463 0 463 8 92 100 563 325 0 0 0 563 42 70 1000 19 1415 67
05 821 0 821 0 0 0 821 0 0 163 0 821 14 2 1000 8 624 20
sub-total (012,
778 4 782 3 31 34 816 86 3 24 0 816 34 37 1000 73 5365 190
014, 015,02,05)
C 671 1 671 24 1 24 695 97 111 0 0 695 65 32 1000 36 2620 108
D 744 4 749 31 65 95 844 4 93 14 0 844 27 19 1000 159 11699 435
E 222 0 222 0 0 0 222 307 0 0 0 222 471 0 1000 2 131 4
F 677 1 678 4 12 16 694 104 17 1 0 694 158 27 1000 534 39328 1871
G 806 0 806 28 7 35 841 13 16 4 0 841 41 84 1000 45 3305 132
H 896 0 896 0 0 0 896 13 9 1 0 896 82 0 1000 10 773 38
I 802 0 802 6 9 15 817 52 54 0 0 817 41 36 1000 73 5383 240
J 370 0 370 0 0 0 370 454 38 137 0 370 0 0 1000 2 142 9
K 606 0 606 0 0 0 606 71 309 0 0 606 13 1 1000 9 629 22
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 955 0 17 0 0 16 11 1000 18 1309 75
M 337 0 337 0 30 30 367 396 4 161 0 367 37 36 1000 11 782 52
N 328 0 328 0 189 189 518 339 108 36 0 518 0 0 1000 2 150 10
O 711 0 711 0 16 16 727 56 35 54 0 727 113 15 1000 14 1042 56
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 922 922 21 57 1000 13 953 63
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 678 1 679 10 20 30 710 96 39 7 13 723 108 29 1000 927 68245 3115
all (012, 014, 015,
685 2 687 10 21 31 717 95 36 8 12 729 103 29 1000 1000 73611 3305
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 50439 121 50560 725 1520 2246 52806 6988 2650 578 879 53685 7562 2148 73611 x x x
sample workers 2108 13 2121 28 75 103 2224 366 112 40 57 2281 397 109 3305 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours subsidiary status rural female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 441 554 995 0 0 0 995 5 0 0 0 995 0 0 1000 19 455 16
014 898 0 898 0 5 5 903 7 8 0 0 903 51 31 1000 101 2466 78
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 178 0 178 0 69 69 247 363 0 0 0 247 262 127 1000 22 528 25
05 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (012,
727 73 800 0 14 14 814 61 6 0 0 814 76 42 1000 142 3449 119
014, 015,02,05)
C 544 0 544 22 0 22 566 162 56 0 0 566 176 41 1000 40 981 40
D 619 89 708 20 21 40 749 0 153 27 0 749 52 20 1000 229 5569 232
E 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 1 14 2
F 479 10 489 0 16 16 505 338 19 12 0 505 118 8 1000 444 10804 441
G 781 145 927 14 54 68 994 3 3 0 0 994 0 0 1000 9 225 19
H 580 181 761 0 0 0 761 239 0 0 0 761 0 0 1000 9 214 9
I 859 0 859 0 0 0 859 141 0 0 0 859 0 0 1000 2 55 2
J 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 10 1
K 932 0 932 0 0 0 932 0 68 0 0 932 0 0 1000 2 50 3
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 998 0 0 0 0 0 2 1000 3 83 12
M 289 63 352 0 14 14 367 442 51 103 0 367 34 3 1000 45 1105 64
N 171 0 171 0 0 0 171 759 0 71 0 171 0 0 1000 10 255 10
O 540 327 867 0 0 0 867 11 16 78 0 867 15 13 1000 12 287 20
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 975 975 15 10 1000 51 1231 58
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 483 40 523 6 15 22 545 222 56 21 57 603 86 12 1000 858 20884 913
all (012, 014, 015,
518 45 563 5 15 21 583 199 49 18 49 633 85 16 1000 1000 24332 1032
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 12598 1091 13689 133 371 505 14193 4854 1197 428 1200 15393 2061 399 24332 x x x
sample workers 476 56 532 8 12 20 552 214 59 25 55 607 95 32 1032 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours subsidiary status rural person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 676 213 889 0 0 0 889 2 0 23 0 889 82 5 1000 13 1243 41
014 915 1 916 1 10 11 927 4 7 0 0 927 28 34 1000 51 5004 156
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 386 0 386 6 86 91 477 335 0 0 0 477 102 85 1000 20 1943 92
05 821 0 821 0 0 0 821 0 0 163 0 821 14 2 1000 6 624 20
sub-total (012,
758 31 789 2 25 26 815 76 4 15 0 815 51 39 1000 90 8814 309
014, 015,02,05)
C 636 0 636 23 0 24 660 114 96 0 0 660 95 35 1000 37 3601 148
D 704 32 736 27 51 78 813 3 112 18 0 813 35 19 1000 176 17268 667
E 298 0 298 0 0 0 298 277 0 0 0 298 425 0 1000 1 145 6
F 634 3 637 3 13 16 653 154 17 3 0 653 149 23 1000 512 50133 2312
G 805 9 814 27 10 37 851 13 15 4 0 851 38 79 1000 36 3531 151
H 827 39 867 0 0 0 867 62 7 0 0 867 64 0 1000 10 987 47
I 802 0 802 6 9 15 817 53 53 0 0 817 40 36 1000 56 5438 242
J 411 0 411 0 0 0 411 424 36 128 0 411 0 0 1000 2 152 10
K 630 0 630 0 0 0 630 66 291 0 0 630 12 1 1000 7 679 25
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 958 0 16 0 0 15 10 1000 14 1392 87
M 309 37 346 0 21 21 367 423 31 127 0 367 35 17 1000 19 1887 116
N 229 0 229 0 70 70 299 603 40 58 0 299 0 0 1000 4 405 20
O 674 71 744 0 13 13 757 47 31 59 0 757 92 15 1000 14 1329 76
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 952 952 18 30 1000 22 2184 121
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 632 11 643 9 19 28 671 125 43 10 23 694 103 25 1000 910 89129 4028
all (012, 014, 015,
644 12 656 9 19 28 684 121 39 10 21 705 98 26 1000 1000 97943 4337
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 63037 1212 64249 859 1892 2750 66999 11842 3846 1007 2079 69078 9623 2547 97943 x x x
sample workers 2584 69 2653 36 87 123 2776 580 171 65 112 2888 492 141 4337 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours subsidiary status urban male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 713 39 752 0 0 0 752 0 0 0 0 752 248 0 1000 4 55 5
014 961 0 961 0 0 0 961 16 0 0 0 961 0 22 1000 9 106 7
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 329 0 329 0 0 0 329 671 0 0 0 329 0 0 1000 3 34 3
05 872 0 872 0 123 123 995 0 0 0 0 995 5 0 1000 6 79 16
sub-total (012,
807 8 815 0 36 36 851 90 0 0 0 851 51 9 1000 22 274 31
014, 015,02,05)
C 726 0 726 0 0 0 726 75 200 0 0 726 0 0 1000 8 94 13
D 628 34 662 17 44 61 723 18 241 16 0 723 2 0 1000 190 2341 159
E 203 0 203 0 0 0 203 630 0 0 0 203 167 0 1000 8 96 4
F 796 0 796 0 6 6 801 8 37 0 0 801 146 7 1000 272 3348 322
G 897 0 897 0 33 33 930 3 37 0 0 930 3 27 1000 104 1284 127
H 632 53 685 8 43 51 736 0 0 0 0 736 264 0 1000 42 519 44
I 796 0 796 0 5 5 801 70 69 10 0 801 49 0 1000 131 1609 112
J 228 0 228 0 0 0 228 119 653 0 0 228 0 0 1000 13 162 8
K 575 28 603 0 79 79 682 0 275 0 0 682 43 0 1000 45 549 36
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 933 3 12 0 0 49 2 1000 25 302 21
M 693 0 693 0 111 111 804 86 0 111 0 804 0 0 1000 31 384 27
N 285 0 285 0 196 196 481 457 0 29 0 481 33 0 1000 15 188 11
O 870 1 870 0 42 42 913 6 0 56 0 913 25 0 1000 59 725 51
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 891 891 109 0 1000 36 440 34
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 688 10 698 4 29 33 731 56 93 12 33 764 70 5 1000 978 12041 969
all (012, 014, 015,
691 10 701 4 29 33 734 57 91 12 32 765 69 5 1000 1000 12315 1000
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 8506 126 8631 45 359 404 9035 701 1126 145 392 9427 853 63 12315 x x x
sample workers 694 7 701 6 29 35 736 54 65 22 30 766 78 15 1000 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours subsidiary status urban female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
014 978 3 981 0 0 0 981 0 0 0 0 981 0 19 1000 26 174 9
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
05 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (012,
978 3 981 0 0 0 981 0 0 0 0 981 0 19 1000 26 174 9
014, 015,02,05)
C 810 0 810 0 0 0 810 0 190 0 0 810 0 0 1000 2 11 3
D 624 223 847 21 13 34 881 0 56 0 0 881 62 0 1000 363 2406 121
E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 1 5 1
F 752 38 789 0 51 51 840 26 0 0 0 840 100 35 1000 96 633 70
G 595 31 626 0 0 0 626 0 103 13 0 626 1 257 1000 47 310 21
H 855 17 872 0 0 0 872 0 8 115 0 872 5 0 1000 39 258 17
I 762 21 783 0 0 0 783 217 0 0 0 783 0 0 1000 8 50 9
J 369 0 369 0 70 70 439 421 100 16 0 439 24 0 1000 16 105 9
K 603 0 603 214 0 214 817 0 183 0 0 817 0 0 1000 32 213 12
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 984 16 0 0 0 0 0 1000 10 64 11
M 439 125 564 0 0 0 564 129 0 255 0 564 29 22 1000 93 617 43
N 152 9 161 6 55 61 222 320 32 426 0 222 0 0 1000 29 191 16
O 538 38 576 0 0 0 576 27 0 207 0 576 189 0 1000 45 295 28
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 965 965 33 2 1000 195 1289 154
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 1000 1 4 1
sub-total (C-Q) 474 103 577 15 13 28 604 45 35 52 193 797 52 18 1000 974 6450 516
all (012, 014, 015,
487 101 587 15 12 27 614 44 34 51 188 802 51 18 1000 1000 6624 525
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 3225 666 3891 97 81 178 4069 288 228 335 1244 5313 337 122 6624 x x x
sample workers 205 50 255 5 8 13 268 34 17 16 150 418 30 10 525 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours subsidiary status urban person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 713 39 752 0 0 0 752 0 0 0 0 752 248 0 1000 3 55 5
014 971 2 974 0 0 0 974 6 0 0 0 974 0 20 1000 15 280 16
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 329 0 329 0 0 0 329 671 0 0 0 329 0 0 1000 2 34 3
05 872 0 872 0 123 123 995 0 0 0 0 995 5 0 1000 4 79 16
sub-total (012,
873 6 879 0 22 22 901 55 0 0 0 901 31 13 1000 24 448 40
014, 015,02,05)
C 735 0 735 0 0 0 735 67 199 0 0 735 0 0 1000 6 106 16
D 626 130 756 19 28 47 803 9 148 8 0 803 33 0 1000 251 4746 280
E 192 0 192 0 0 0 192 650 0 0 0 192 158 0 1000 5 101 5
F 789 6 795 0 13 13 807 11 31 0 0 807 139 12 1000 210 3981 392
G 838 6 844 0 27 27 871 3 49 3 0 871 2 72 1000 84 1594 148
H 706 41 747 6 29 34 781 0 3 38 0 781 178 0 1000 41 778 61
I 795 1 796 0 5 5 801 75 67 10 0 801 47 0 1000 88 1659 121
J 283 0 283 0 28 28 311 238 436 6 0 311 10 0 1000 14 266 17
K 583 20 603 60 57 117 720 0 250 0 0 720 31 0 1000 40 762 48
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 942 6 10 0 0 40 2 1000 19 366 32
M 536 77 613 0 43 43 656 113 0 200 0 656 18 14 1000 53 1001 70
N 218 4 223 3 125 128 351 388 16 229 0 351 16 0 1000 20 379 27
O 774 11 785 0 30 30 816 12 0 100 0 816 72 0 1000 54 1020 79
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 946 946 53 2 1000 91 1729 188
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 1000 0 4 1
sub-total (C-Q) 613 43 656 8 23 31 687 52 73 26 88 775 64 10 1000 976 18491 1485
all (012, 014, 015,
619 42 661 7 23 31 692 52 71 25 86 778 63 10 1000 1000 18939 1525
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 11730 792 12522 142 440 582 13104 990 1354 481 1635 14739 1190 185 18939 x x x
sample workers 899 57 956 11 37 48 1004 88 82 38 180 1184 108 25 1525 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours subsidiary status rural+urban male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 805 17 823 0 0 0 823 0 0 33 0 823 137 7 1000 10 843 30
014 933 3 936 2 14 16 952 1 7 0 0 952 5 36 1000 31 2644 85
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 460 0 460 8 90 97 558 333 0 0 0 558 41 68 1000 17 1449 70
05 827 0 827 0 14 14 841 0 0 145 0 841 13 2 1000 8 703 36
sub-total (012,
779 4 783 3 31 34 817 86 3 23 0 817 35 36 1000 66 5639 221
014, 015,02,05)
C 673 1 673 23 1 23 696 96 114 0 0 696 62 31 1000 32 2714 121
D 725 9 734 28 61 90 824 6 117 14 0 824 23 16 1000 163 14040 594
E 214 0 214 0 0 0 214 443 0 0 0 214 343 0 1000 3 226 8
F 686 1 687 4 11 15 702 96 18 1 0 702 157 25 1000 497 42677 2193
G 832 0 832 20 14 35 866 11 22 3 0 866 30 68 1000 53 4589 259
H 790 21 811 3 17 21 832 8 5 0 0 832 155 0 1000 15 1292 82
I 800 0 800 5 8 13 813 57 57 2 0 813 43 28 1000 81 6992 352
J 294 0 294 0 0 0 294 276 366 64 0 294 0 0 1000 4 304 17
K 591 13 604 0 37 37 641 38 293 0 0 641 27 1 1000 14 1178 58
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 951 1 16 0 0 22 9 1000 19 1611 96
M 454 0 454 0 57 57 511 293 3 144 0 511 25 24 1000 14 1166 79
N 305 0 305 0 193 193 497 405 48 32 0 497 18 0 1000 4 338 21
O 776 0 776 0 27 27 803 36 21 55 0 803 77 9 1000 21 1767 107
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 913 913 49 39 1000 16 1392 97
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 679 3 682 9 21 31 713 90 47 7 16 729 102 25 1000 934 80286 4084
all (012, 014, 015,
686 3 689 9 22 31 720 89 44 8 15 734 98 26 1000 1000 85925 4305
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 58945 247 59192 770 1880 2650 61841 7690 3775 724 1270 63112 8414 2211 85925 x x x
sample workers 2802 20 2822 34 104 138 2960 420 177 62 87 3047 475 124 4305 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours subsidiary status rural+urban female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 441 554 995 0 0 0 995 5 0 0 0 995 0 0 1000 15 455 16
014 903 0 903 0 5 5 908 7 7 0 0 908 47 31 1000 85 2640 87
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 178 0 178 0 69 69 247 363 0 0 0 247 262 127 1000 17 528 25
05 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (012,
739 70 809 0 13 13 822 59 5 0 0 822 73 41 1000 117 3623 128
014, 015,02,05)
C 547 0 547 22 0 22 569 160 57 0 0 569 174 41 1000 32 993 43
D 621 130 750 20 19 39 789 0 124 19 0 789 55 14 1000 258 7974 353
E 724 0 724 0 0 0 724 276 0 0 0 724 0 0 1000 1 20 3
F 494 11 505 0 18 18 524 321 18 11 0 524 117 9 1000 369 11437 511
G 673 79 753 6 23 29 781 1 61 7 0 781 1 149 1000 17 536 40
H 730 92 822 0 0 0 822 108 5 63 0 822 3 0 1000 15 472 26
I 813 10 823 0 0 0 823 177 0 0 0 823 0 0 1000 3 105 11
J 424 0 424 0 64 64 488 384 91 15 0 488 22 0 1000 4 115 10
K 665 0 665 173 0 173 839 0 161 0 0 839 0 0 1000 8 262 15
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 992 7 0 0 0 0 1 1000 5 147 23
M 343 85 428 0 9 9 437 330 33 158 0 437 32 10 1000 56 1722 107
N 163 4 167 3 23 26 193 571 14 223 0 193 0 0 1000 14 446 26
O 539 181 719 0 0 0 719 19 8 144 0 719 103 7 1000 19 582 48
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 970 970 24 6 1000 81 2520 212
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 1000 0 4 1
sub-total (C-Q) 481 55 536 8 15 23 559 180 51 28 89 649 78 14 1000 883 27334 1429
all (012, 014, 015,
511 57 568 7 15 22 590 166 46 25 79 669 77 17 1000 1000 30957 1557
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 15823 1757 17579 231 452 683 18262 5142 1425 764 2443 20706 2398 522 30957 x x x
sample workers 681 106 787 13 20 33 820 248 76 41 205 1025 125 42 1557 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours subsidiary status rural+urban person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 678 205 883 0 0 0 883 2 0 22 0 883 89 5 1000 11 1298 46
014 918 1 920 1 9 10 930 4 7 0 0 930 26 33 1000 45 5284 172
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 385 0 385 6 84 90 475 341 0 0 0 475 100 84 1000 17 1977 95
05 827 0 827 0 14 14 841 0 0 145 0 841 13 2 1000 6 703 36
sub-total (012,
764 30 793 2 24 26 819 75 4 14 0 819 50 38 1000 79 9262 349
014, 015,02,05)
C 639 0 639 22 0 23 662 113 99 0 0 662 92 34 1000 32 3707 164
D 687 53 740 25 46 71 811 4 120 16 0 811 35 15 1000 188 22014 947
E 255 0 255 0 0 0 255 430 0 0 0 255 315 0 1000 2 246 11
F 645 3 649 3 13 16 664 144 18 3 0 664 149 22 1000 463 54114 2704
G 815 8 823 19 15 34 857 10 26 4 0 857 27 76 1000 44 5125 299
H 774 40 814 2 13 15 829 35 5 17 0 829 114 0 1000 15 1765 108
I 801 0 801 4 8 13 814 58 56 2 0 814 42 27 1000 61 7097 363
J 330 0 330 0 18 18 347 306 290 51 0 347 6 0 1000 4 418 27
K 605 11 615 32 30 62 677 31 269 0 0 677 22 0 1000 12 1441 73
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 955 1 15 0 0 20 9 1000 15 1758 119
M 388 51 439 0 28 28 467 315 21 152 0 467 29 16 1000 25 2888 186
N 224 2 226 2 96 98 324 499 28 141 0 324 8 0 1000 7 784 47
O 717 45 762 0 20 20 782 32 18 77 0 782 83 8 1000 20 2349 155
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 949 949 33 18 1000 33 3912 309
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 1000 0 4 1
sub-total (C-Q) 629 16 645 9 20 29 674 113 48 13 35 708 96 22 1000 921 107620 5513
all (012, 014, 015,
640 17 657 9 20 29 685 110 44 13 32 717 93 23 1000 1000 116882 5862
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 74767 2004 76771 1001 2332 3333 80104 12832 5200 1487 3714 83817 10813 2732 116882 x x x
sample workers 3483 126 3609 47 124 171 3780 668 253 103 292 4072 600 166 5862 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers subsidiary status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 857 86 943 29 0 29 972 0 0 0 0 972 8 20 1000 323 69661 3423
014 882 6 889 41 26 67 956 0 5 0 0 956 11 28 1000 18 3820 168
015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 1000 0 1 1
02 804 23 827 20 20 40 866 92 0 0 0 866 25 17 1000 33 7031 567
05 897 22 920 6 8 14 933 0 0 34 0 933 3 30 1000 14 2984 148
sub-total (012,
855 75 930 28 3 31 961 8 0 2 0 961 10 20 1000 387 83497 4307
014, 015,02,05)
C 690 1 691 22 1 23 714 91 105 0 0 714 61 30 1000 13 2788 120
D 802 53 855 41 30 71 926 2 37 5 0 926 13 17 1000 136 29317 1416
E 510 0 510 0 0 0 510 193 0 0 0 510 297 0 1000 1 207 7
F 689 1 690 4 13 17 707 98 16 1 0 707 153 25 1000 195 42067 2031
G 890 37 927 23 8 31 958 1 2 2 0 958 9 27 1000 138 29799 1597
H 829 32 861 43 17 60 921 4 3 0 0 921 27 44 1000 11 2305 142
I 879 1 880 11 11 22 902 26 26 0 0 902 21 24 1000 51 10921 636
J 592 3 594 107 0 107 701 149 52 70 0 701 16 10 1000 4 771 62
K 708 52 760 0 10 10 770 22 96 0 0 770 4 108 1000 9 2027 122
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 936 0 33 0 0 19 12 1000 7 1436 83
M 773 21 794 0 11 11 805 120 1 49 0 805 11 14 1000 12 2584 172
N 830 0 830 0 40 40 870 48 15 11 0 870 0 57 1000 5 1069 57
O 829 36 865 8 8 16 881 17 9 10 0 881 73 9 1000 29 6206 311
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 922 922 21 57 1000 4 953 63
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 774 24 798 19 15 34 831 51 20 4 7 838 62 25 1000 613 132450 6819
all (012, 014, 015,
805 44 849 22 10 33 881 34 13 3 4 885 41 23 1000 1000 215947 11126
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 173822 9457 183279 4793 2227 7021 190299 7426 2721 698 879 191178 8951 4972 215947 x x x
sample workers 8678 614 9292 346 127 473 9765 397 121 49 57 9822 476 261 11126 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers subsidiary status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 549 418 967 22 0 22 989 0 0 0 0 989 4 7 1000 660 140232 7892
014 801 8 809 60 4 64 874 6 7 0 0 874 51 62 1000 14 3025 101
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 377 463 840 25 5 29 869 47 0 0 0 869 42 42 1000 36 7548 724
05 634 363 998 2 0 2 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 2 516 22
sub-total (012,
545 412 958 23 1 23 981 2 0 0 0 981 7 10 1000 712 151321 8739
014, 015,02,05)
C 573 0 573 21 0 21 593 151 52 0 0 593 165 38 1000 5 1047 42
D 382 535 917 19 6 25 942 0 28 5 0 942 15 11 1000 152 32354 1706
E 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 14 2
F 476 11 488 0 16 17 504 337 19 12 0 504 118 11 1000 51 10861 446
G 605 339 944 41 5 46 990 0 0 0 0 990 1 9 1000 38 7972 500
H 667 250 917 26 1 27 944 38 0 0 0 944 0 18 1000 6 1358 81
I 673 294 967 17 0 17 984 16 0 0 0 984 0 0 1000 2 493 24
J 213 703 917 0 0 0 917 83 0 0 0 917 0 0 1000 0 75 7
K 349 626 975 0 0 0 975 0 25 0 0 975 0 0 1000 1 135 7
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 998 0 0 0 0 0 2 1000 1 108 13
M 175 501 676 0 6 6 682 221 25 46 0 682 17 9 1000 12 2458 143
N 227 322 549 0 0 0 549 413 0 38 0 549 0 0 1000 2 469 21
O 583 357 940 17 0 17 957 1 2 9 0 957 29 1 1000 12 2539 119
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 975 975 15 10 1000 6 1231 58
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 430 377 807 17 7 24 831 77 20 7 20 851 34 11 1000 288 61114 3169
all (012, 014, 015,
512 402 914 21 2 23 938 24 6 2 6 943 15 10 1000 1000 212435 11908
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 108814 85424 194238 4446 505 4951 199189 5100 1256 428 1200 200389 3153 2109 212435 x x x
sample workers 5546 5237 10783 406 23 429 11212 223 64 25 55 11267 174 155 11908 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers subsidiary status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 651 308 959 24 0 24 983 0 0 0 0 983 6 11 1000 490 209893 11315
014 846 7 854 50 16 66 920 3 5 0 0 920 29 43 1000 16 6845 269
015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 1000 0 1 1
02 583 251 833 22 12 34 868 69 0 0 0 868 34 30 1000 34 14579 1291
05 859 72 931 5 7 12 943 0 0 29 0 943 2 25 1000 8 3500 170
sub-total (012,
655 292 948 24 1 26 973 4 0 1 0 973 8 13 1000 548 234818 13046
014, 015,02,05)
C 658 0 659 22 0 22 681 107 90 0 0 681 89 33 1000 9 3835 162
D 582 306 888 29 17 47 934 1 32 5 0 934 14 14 1000 144 61672 3122
E 541 0 541 0 0 0 541 181 0 0 0 541 278 0 1000 1 222 9
F 645 3 648 3 14 17 665 147 17 3 0 665 145 22 1000 124 52928 2477
G 830 101 931 27 7 34 965 1 1 2 0 965 7 24 1000 88 37771 2097
H 769 113 882 37 11 48 930 17 2 0 0 930 17 34 1000 9 3663 223
I 870 14 884 12 10 22 905 26 25 0 0 905 20 23 1000 27 11414 660
J 558 65 623 98 0 98 721 144 48 64 0 721 15 10 1000 2 846 69
K 686 88 773 0 10 10 783 21 91 0 0 783 4 101 1000 5 2162 129
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 940 0 31 0 0 18 11 1000 4 1544 96
M 482 255 736 0 9 9 745 169 13 48 0 745 14 11 1000 12 5042 315
N 646 98 744 0 28 28 772 159 10 19 0 772 0 39 1000 4 1537 78
O 758 129 887 11 6 16 903 12 7 10 0 903 61 7 1000 20 8745 430
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 952 952 18 30 1000 5 2184 121
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 665 136 801 18 12 31 831 59 20 5 11 842 53 20 1000 452 193564 9988
all (012, 014, 015,
660 221 881 22 6 28 909 29 9 3 5 914 28 17 1000 1000 428382 23034
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 282636 94881 377516 9239 2733 11972 389488 12527 3977 1127 2079 391567 12104 7081 428382 x x x
sample workers 14224 5851 20075 752 150 902 20977 620 185 74 112 21089 650 416 23034 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers subsidiary status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 837 110 947 36 0 36 983 0 0 0 0 983 4 13 1000 92 3079 192
014 967 0 967 0 0 0 967 14 0 0 0 967 0 19 1000 4 125 9
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 587 0 587 0 0 0 587 378 0 0 0 587 0 34 1000 2 61 9
05 721 0 721 4 64 69 789 0 0 0 0 789 211 0 1000 7 245 38
sub-total (012,
829 96 926 32 4 36 962 7 0 0 0 962 19 13 1000 104 3509 248
014, 015,02,05)
C 745 0 745 0 0 0 745 69 185 0 0 745 0 0 1000 3 102 16
D 750 58 808 23 40 63 871 7 96 6 0 871 1 18 1000 175 5874 422
E 221 0 221 0 0 0 221 616 0 0 0 221 163 0 1000 3 98 5
F 828 0 828 0 9 9 837 12 28 0 0 837 116 7 1000 132 4425 395
G 874 62 936 25 11 35 971 1 7 0 0 971 3 18 1000 234 7883 673
H 768 39 807 8 74 82 889 0 0 0 0 889 111 0 1000 37 1237 118
I 830 11 841 1 28 30 871 38 38 6 0 871 30 17 1000 88 2947 237
J 604 0 604 0 48 48 652 88 260 0 0 652 0 0 1000 21 693 50
K 756 10 766 0 112 112 878 0 100 0 0 878 20 3 1000 45 1513 107
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 950 3 9 0 0 37 2 1000 12 401 23
M 883 29 912 7 23 30 942 18 0 21 0 942 19 0 1000 59 1997 147
N 736 0 736 0 72 72 809 169 0 11 0 809 12 0 1000 15 509 34
O 877 46 923 5 20 25 948 2 0 20 0 948 26 3 1000 60 2015 148
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 891 891 109 0 1000 13 440 34
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 794 36 830 12 28 41 870 28 40 5 13 883 32 11 1000 896 30134 2409
all (012, 014, 015,
797 42 840 14 26 40 880 26 36 4 12 891 31 11 1000 1000 33642 2657
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 26829 1418 28248 479 873 1352 29600 871 1206 145 392 29992 1042 387 33642 x x x
sample workers 2077 115 2192 58 69 127 2319 61 71 22 30 2349 92 62 2657 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers subsidiary status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 577 391 968 19 0 19 987 0 0 0 0 987 0 13 1000 190 7008 532
014 978 3 982 0 0 0 982 0 0 0 0 982 0 18 1000 5 180 10
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 152 795 947 0 0 0 947 28 0 0 0 947 0 25 1000 2 84 9
05 771 31 802 198 0 198 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 1 25 24
sub-total (012,
582 385 968 19 0 19 987 0 0 0 0 987 0 13 1000 198 7297 575
014, 015,02,05)
C 550 320 870 0 0 0 870 0 130 0 0 870 0 0 1000 0 17 4
D 288 670 958 13 3 16 973 0 8 0 0 973 10 8 1000 454 16728 1157
E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 5 1
F 755 36 791 0 49 49 840 25 0 0 0 840 96 39 1000 18 655 73
G 455 492 946 5 5 10 956 0 9 1 0 956 0 33 1000 93 3440 304
H 740 203 943 1 3 5 947 0 3 36 0 947 1 13 1000 23 829 80
I 513 267 780 6 0 6 786 118 0 0 0 786 0 95 1000 6 228 24
J 203 437 639 0 36 36 675 216 88 8 0 675 12 0 1000 6 204 16
K 497 277 774 122 0 122 896 0 104 0 0 896 0 0 1000 10 374 29
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 984 16 0 0 0 0 0 1000 2 64 11
M 172 728 900 0 0 0 900 24 0 47 0 900 5 24 1000 92 3382 235
N 208 320 528 4 30 33 561 188 17 233 0 561 0 0 1000 9 349 30
O 482 451 933 3 0 3 936 4 0 31 0 936 29 0 1000 53 1956 140
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 965 965 33 2 1000 35 1289 154
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 1000 0 4 1
sub-total (C-Q) 320 569 889 10 4 14 903 11 8 11 42 945 12 13 1000 802 29523 2259
all (012, 014, 015,
372 533 904 12 3 15 919 9 6 9 34 953 10 13 1000 1000 36821 2834
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 13685 19618 33303 430 113 543 33846 313 236 335 1244 35090 362 484 36821 x x x
sample workers 944 1477 2421 85 15 100 2521 38 18 16 150 2671 33 58 2834 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers subsidiary status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 656 305 962 24 0 24 986 0 0 0 0 986 1 13 1000 143 10087 724
014 974 2 976 0 0 0 976 6 0 0 0 976 0 19 1000 4 305 19
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 335 462 797 0 0 0 797 175 0 0 0 797 0 29 1000 2 144 18
05 725 3 728 23 58 81 809 0 0 0 0 809 191 0 1000 4 270 62
sub-total (012,
663 291 954 23 1 25 979 2 0 0 0 979 6 13 1000 153 10806 823
014, 015,02,05)
C 718 45 763 0 0 0 763 60 178 0 0 763 0 0 1000 2 118 20
D 408 511 919 16 12 28 947 2 31 2 0 947 8 11 1000 321 22603 1579
E 210 0 210 0 0 0 210 636 0 0 0 210 155 0 1000 1 103 6
F 819 5 824 0 14 14 837 14 25 0 0 837 113 11 1000 72 5079 468
G 746 193 939 19 9 28 967 0 7 0 0 967 2 23 1000 161 11323 977
H 757 105 862 6 45 51 913 0 1 14 0 913 67 5 1000 29 2066 198
I 807 30 837 2 26 28 865 44 35 5 0 865 28 22 1000 45 3175 261
J 513 99 612 0 45 45 658 117 221 2 0 658 3 0 1000 13 897 66
K 705 63 768 24 89 114 881 0 101 0 0 881 16 2 1000 27 1886 136
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 955 4 8 0 0 32 2 1000 7 465 34
M 436 468 904 3 9 11 915 22 0 37 0 915 10 15 1000 76 5379 382
N 521 130 652 1 55 56 708 177 7 101 0 708 7 0 1000 12 859 64
O 683 246 928 4 10 14 942 3 0 26 0 942 27 2 1000 56 3971 288
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 946 946 53 2 1000 25 1729 188
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 1000 0 4 1
sub-total (C-Q) 559 300 859 11 16 27 886 19 24 8 27 914 22 12 1000 847 59657 4668
all (012, 014, 015,
575 299 874 13 14 27 900 17 20 7 23 924 20 12 1000 1000 70463 5491
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 40515 21036 61550 909 986 1895 63446 1184 1442 481 1635 65081 1404 871 70463 x x x
sample workers 3021 1592 4613 143 84 227 4840 99 89 38 180 5020 125 120 5491 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers subsidiary status rural+urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 856 87 943 29 0 29 972 0 0 0 0 972 8 19 1000 291 72740 3615
014 885 6 891 40 25 65 956 0 4 0 0 956 11 28 1000 16 3945 177
015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 1000 0 1 1
02 802 23 825 20 20 39 864 94 0 0 0 864 25 17 1000 28 7091 576
05 884 21 904 6 12 18 922 0 0 32 0 922 19 28 1000 13 3229 186
sub-total (012,
854 76 930 28 3 31 961 8 0 1 0 961 10 20 1000 349 87005 4555
014, 015,02,05)
C 692 0 693 21 1 22 715 90 107 0 0 715 59 29 1000 12 2890 136
D 793 54 847 38 31 70 917 3 47 6 0 917 11 17 1000 141 35192 1838
E 417 0 417 0 0 0 417 329 0 0 0 417 254 0 1000 1 305 12
F 702 1 703 4 13 16 719 90 17 1 0 719 149 24 1000 186 46492 2426
G 887 43 929 23 8 32 961 1 3 2 0 961 8 25 1000 151 37682 2270
H 808 34 842 31 37 68 910 3 2 0 0 910 56 29 1000 14 3542 260
I 868 3 872 9 15 24 895 29 29 1 0 895 23 23 1000 56 13868 873
J 598 1 599 56 23 79 678 120 151 37 0 678 9 6 1000 6 1464 112
K 728 34 763 0 54 54 816 13 98 0 0 816 11 63 1000 14 3540 229
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 939 1 28 0 0 23 9 1000 7 1838 106
M 821 24 845 3 17 19 865 75 1 37 0 865 15 8 1000 18 4581 319
N 800 0 800 0 50 50 850 87 10 11 0 850 4 38 1000 6 1578 91
O 841 39 879 7 11 18 898 13 7 13 0 898 62 8 1000 33 8221 459
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 913 913 49 39 1000 6 1392 97
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 777 26 804 18 17 35 838 47 24 4 8 846 56 22 1000 651 162584 9228
all (012, 014, 015,
804 44 847 21 12 34 881 33 16 3 5 886 40 21 1000 1000 249589 13783
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 200651 10875 211526 5272 3101 8373 219899 8297 3927 844 1270 221169 9993 5359 249589 x x x
sample workers 10755 729 11484 404 196 600 12084 458 192 71 87 12171 568 323 13783 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers subsidiary status rural+urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 550 417 967 22 0 22 989 0 0 0 0 989 4 7 1000 591 147240 8424
014 811 8 819 57 4 61 880 6 6 0 0 880 48 60 1000 13 3206 111
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 375 467 841 24 5 29 870 47 0 0 0 870 42 42 1000 31 7632 733
05 641 348 988 12 0 12 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 2 541 46
sub-total (012,
547 411 958 22 0 23 981 2 0 0 0 981 7 10 1000 636 158618 9314
014, 015,02,05)
C 572 5 577 20 0 20 598 149 53 0 0 598 162 38 1000 4 1064 46
D 350 581 931 17 5 22 953 0 21 3 0 953 13 10 1000 197 49083 2863
E 724 0 724 0 0 0 724 276 0 0 0 724 0 0 1000 0 20 3
F 492 13 505 0 18 18 524 319 18 11 0 524 116 12 1000 46 11515 519
G 560 385 945 30 5 35 980 0 3 0 0 980 1 17 1000 46 11412 804
H 695 232 927 17 2 19 945 23 1 14 0 945 1 16 1000 9 2187 161
I 622 285 908 14 0 14 922 48 0 0 0 922 0 30 1000 3 721 48
J 206 509 714 0 26 26 740 180 64 6 0 740 9 0 1000 1 279 23
K 458 370 827 89 0 89 917 0 83 0 0 917 0 0 1000 2 509 36
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 993 6 0 0 0 0 1 1000 1 171 24
M 173 632 805 0 3 3 808 107 10 46 0 808 10 18 1000 23 5839 378
N 219 321 540 2 13 14 554 317 7 122 0 554 0 0 1000 3 818 51
O 539 398 937 11 0 11 948 3 1 19 0 948 29 1 1000 18 4494 259
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 970 970 24 6 1000 10 2520 212
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 1000 0 4 1
sub-total (C-Q) 394 440 834 15 6 21 855 56 16 8 27 882 27 12 1000 364 90637 5428
all (012, 014, 015,
491 421 913 20 2 22 935 22 6 3 10 945 14 10 1000 1000 249256 14742
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 122499 105042 227540 4876 619 5495 233035 5414 1492 764 2443 235478 3515 2593 249256 x x x
sample workers 6490 6714 13204 491 38 529 13733 261 82 41 205 13938 207 213 14742 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers subsidiary status rural+urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 651 308 959 24 0 24 983 0 0 0 0 983 5 11 1000 441 219980 12039
014 852 7 859 48 15 63 922 3 5 0 0 922 28 42 1000 14 7150 288
015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 1000 0 1 1
02 580 253 833 22 12 34 867 70 0 0 0 867 33 30 1000 30 14724 1309
05 849 67 917 7 10 17 933 0 0 27 0 933 16 24 1000 8 3770 232
sub-total (012,
656 292 948 24 1 26 974 4 0 1 0 974 8 13 1000 492 245624 13869
014, 015,02,05)
C 660 2 662 21 0 21 683 106 93 0 0 683 86 32 1000 8 3954 182
D 535 361 896 26 16 42 938 1 32 4 0 938 12 13 1000 169 84274 4701
E 436 0 436 0 0 0 436 325 0 0 0 436 239 0 1000 1 325 15
F 660 3 664 3 14 17 680 135 17 3 0 680 143 21 1000 116 58008 2945
G 811 122 933 25 8 33 965 1 3 1 0 965 6 23 1000 98 49094 3074
H 765 110 875 26 24 49 924 11 2 5 0 924 35 24 1000 11 5729 421
I 856 17 873 9 14 23 897 30 27 1 0 897 22 23 1000 29 14589 921
J 535 83 617 47 23 71 688 130 137 32 0 688 9 5 1000 3 1743 135
K 694 76 771 11 47 58 829 11 96 0 0 829 9 55 1000 8 4049 265
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 943 1 26 0 0 21 9 1000 4 2009 130
M 458 365 823 1 9 10 833 93 6 42 0 833 12 13 1000 21 10420 697
N 601 110 711 1 38 38 749 165 9 49 0 749 3 25 1000 5 2396 142
O 734 166 900 9 7 16 915 10 5 15 0 915 50 5 1000 25 12715 718
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 949 949 33 18 1000 8 3912 309
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 1000 0 4 1
sub-total (C-Q) 640 174 814 17 13 30 844 50 21 6 15 859 46 18 1000 508 253221 14656
all (012, 014, 015,
648 232 880 20 7 28 908 27 11 3 7 915 27 16 1000 1000 498845 28525
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 323150 115916 439067 10148 3719 13867 452934 13711 5419 1607 3714 456648 13509 7952 498845 x x x
sample workers 17245 7443 24688 895 234 1129 25817 719 274 112 292 26109 775 536 28525 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status + subsidiary status rural male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 867 49 916 21 1 22 938 0 0 0 - 938 12 50 1000 111 40723 2039
014 796 15 811 0 0 0 811 0 0 0 - 811 71 118 1000 3 1171 73
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 15 1
02 872 32 903 66 1 67 971 0 0 0 - 971 8 22 1000 8 3106 200
05 855 28 883 6 45 51 934 0 0 0 - 934 22 44 1000 16 5866 374
sub-total (012,
864 45 909 21 6 28 937 0 0 0 937 14 49 1000 138 50882 2687
014, 015,02,05) -
C 906 2 908 6 27 34 942 0 0 0 - 942 51 7 1000 3 1109 91
D 928 12 940 29 5 34 974 0 2 0 - 974 5 18 1000 229 84373 5929
E 776 0 776 0 0 0 776 56 168 0 - 776 0 0 1000 1 185 15
F 880 2 883 11 13 24 907 7 4 0 - 907 47 35 1000 63 23284 1592
G 911 9 919 24 6 29 949 1 0 1 - 949 4 45 1000 329 121271 9334
H 904 24 928 30 5 35 963 0 0 0 - 963 13 24 1000 31 11458 834
I 933 2 936 9 6 15 951 2 1 2 - 951 14 30 1000 91 33568 2496
J 588 6 594 0 19 19 613 140 117 43 - 613 35 52 1000 6 2119 177
K 911 2 914 0 21 21 934 30 0 0 - 934 4 32 1000 14 5096 407
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 711 43 7 - 0 18 220 1000 0 119 34
M 869 18 888 36 28 64 952 5 0 1 - 952 5 38 1000 10 3847 282
N 937 7 944 3 0 3 947 4 0 0 - 947 3 46 1000 12 4510 382
O 898 11 909 21 9 31 939 1 0 3 - 939 28 30 1000 71 26267 1869
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 911 9 921 22 7 29 950 3 2 1 - 950 11 33 1000 862 317203 23442
all (012, 014, 015,
905 14 919 22 7 29 948 3 2 1 948 12 35 1000 1000 368085 26129
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 333090 5186 338276 8017 2570 10588 348864 1021 562 323 - 348864 4287 13028 368085 x x x
sample workers 23124 338 23462 764 205 969 24431 112 44 27 0 24431 366 1149 26129 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status + subsidiary status rural female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 507 448 955 22 0 22 977 0 0 0 - 977 7 16 1000 553 152246 8416
014 632 218 849 52 0 52 901 0 0 0 - 901 19 80 1000 2 605 20
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 336 561 897 58 0 58 955 0 0 0 - 955 17 28 1000 21 5666 277
05 430 520 950 6 1 7 957 0 0 0 - 957 0 43 1000 6 1601 69
sub-total (012,
500 452 953 23 0 23 976 0 0 0 976 7 17 1000 581 160118 8782
014, 015,02,05) -
C 496 0 496 0 0 0 496 0 0 0 - 496 474 30 1000 1 310 30
D 374 575 949 20 1 21 970 0 8 0 - 970 7 14 1000 272 74822 4098
E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - 0 0 0 1000 0 1 1
F 690 149 839 24 0 24 863 0 6 0 - 863 0 131 1000 1 164 23
G 494 430 924 35 1 36 960 0 0 1 - 960 2 36 1000 82 22491 2007
H 649 269 918 63 4 67 985 1 0 0 - 985 0 13 1000 17 4774 385
I 506 461 968 0 12 12 980 0 0 0 - 980 3 18 1000 2 603 48
J 39 906 945 0 0 0 945 28 0 0 - 945 0 28 1000 1 227 17
K 280 713 993 0 0 0 993 0 0 0 - 993 0 7 1000 1 250 23
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 535 0 0 - 0 0 465 1000 0 6 6
M 101 755 857 56 6 62 918 38 2 0 - 918 6 36 1000 9 2492 164
N 244 679 923 44 0 44 968 0 17 3 - 968 0 12 1000 3 768 50
O 573 362 935 31 0 31 966 0 0 0 - 966 7 27 1000 30 8349 504
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 417 521 938 26 2 27 966 1 6 0 - 966 7 20 1000 419 115258 7356
all (012, 014, 015,
465 481 947 24 1 25 972 0 2 0 972 7 19 1000 1000 275375 16138
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 128168 132507 260675 6645 207 6852 267528 135 644 35 - 267528 1928 5105 275375 x x x
sample workers 7361 7492 14853 639 22 661 15514 15 34 6 0 15514 145 424 16138 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status + subsidiary status rural person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 583 364 947 21 0 22 969 0 0 0 - 969 8 23 1000 300 192969 10455
014 740 84 824 18 0 18 841 0 0 0 - 841 53 105 1000 3 1776 93
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 15 1
02 526 373 899 61 0 62 961 0 0 0 - 961 14 26 1000 14 8772 477
05 764 134 897 6 35 42 939 0 0 0 - 939 17 44 1000 12 7467 443
sub-total (012,
588 354 942 23 2 24 966 0 0 0 966 9 25 1000 328 210999 11469
014, 015,02,05) -
C 816 2 818 5 21 26 844 0 0 0 - 844 144 12 1000 2 1420 121
D 668 277 944 25 3 28 972 0 5 0 - 972 6 16 1000 247 159195 10027
E 774 0 774 0 0 0 774 59 167 0 - 774 0 0 1000 0 185 16
F 879 3 882 11 13 24 906 6 4 0 - 906 47 36 1000 36 23448 1615
G 845 75 920 25 5 31 951 1 0 1 - 951 4 44 1000 223 143762 11341
H 829 96 925 40 5 44 969 0 0 0 - 969 9 21 1000 25 16232 1219
I 926 10 936 9 6 15 951 2 1 2 - 951 13 30 1000 53 34171 2544
J 535 93 628 0 17 17 645 129 105 39 - 645 32 50 1000 4 2346 194
K 882 35 917 0 20 20 937 28 0 0 - 937 4 31 1000 8 5346 430
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 702 41 7 - 0 17 233 1000 0 125 40
M 567 308 875 44 19 63 939 18 1 0 - 939 5 37 1000 10 6339 446
N 836 105 941 9 0 9 950 3 2 1 - 950 2 41 1000 8 5278 432
O 819 96 915 23 7 31 946 0 0 2 - 946 23 29 1000 54 34616 2373
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 780 146 925 23 6 29 954 3 3 1 - 954 10 30 1000 672 432461 30798
all (012, 014, 015,
717 214 931 23 4 27 958 2 2 1 958 10 28 1000 1000 643460 42267
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 461258 137693 598951 14663 2778 17440 616391 1157 1207 358 - 616391 6214 18133 643460 x x x
sample workers 30485 7830 38315 1403 227 1630 39945 127 78 33 0 39945 511 1573 42267 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status + subsidiary status urban male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 811 47 858 43 0 43 901 0 0 0 - 901 11 88 1000 15 4468 375
014 950 0 950 0 0 0 950 0 0 0 - 950 0 50 1000 0 125 15
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 40 4
02 861 0 861 0 61 61 922 78 0 0 - 922 0 0 1000 0 102 14
05 771 0 772 116 96 212 983 0 0 0 - 983 11 5 1000 5 1326 190
sub-total (012,
807 35 842 57 22 79 921 1 0 0 921 10 67 1000 21 6061 598
014, 015,02,05) -
C 313 0 313 518 100 618 931 60 6 0 - 931 0 3 1000 2 500 34
D 893 13 907 59 21 80 987 0 3 1 - 987 2 7 1000 195 57013 4343
E 818 0 818 0 0 0 818 0 182 0 - 818 0 0 1000 0 124 12
F 909 0 910 20 17 37 946 10 2 0 - 946 31 11 1000 58 16832 1244
G 910 7 917 43 16 59 976 0 1 0 - 976 6 16 1000 434 127057 10539
H 907 10 917 54 14 69 986 0 3 0 - 986 4 8 1000 41 11908 1159
I 949 1 950 8 13 21 971 3 3 0 - 971 13 10 1000 114 33224 2634
J 768 2 770 21 49 71 841 76 72 8 - 841 0 3 1000 12 3418 247
K 899 1 900 36 39 75 975 6 9 0 - 975 4 5 1000 46 13377 876
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 951 0 35 - 0 8 7 1000 1 236 19
M 876 7 883 49 23 72 955 2 0 3 - 955 20 20 1000 16 4566 301
N 914 0 914 27 41 68 982 0 0 4 - 982 6 8 1000 11 3172 272
O 930 18 948 13 9 22 970 3 0 8 - 970 11 8 1000 51 14948 1232
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 907 7 915 40 18 58 973 3 3 1 - 973 8 12 1000 979 286374 22912
all (012, 014, 015,
905 8 913 40 18 59 972 3 3 1 972 8 13 1000 1000 292434 23510
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 264744 2341 267085 11753 5379 17132 284217 974 947 232 - 284217 2249 3815 292434 x x x
sample workers 20905 205 21110 1036 379 1415 22525 86 82 32 0 22525 209 576 23510 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status + subsidiary status urban female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 460 481 941 14 0 14 955 0 0 0 - 955 3 41 1000 118 9576 701
014 360 640 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 35 6
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 1 1
02 736 51 786 0 0 0 786 170 0 0 - 786 0 44 1000 1 47 10
05 347 16 364 491 29 520 884 0 0 0 - 884 20 96 1000 3 254 32
sub-total (012,
458 467 925 26 1 27 952 1 0 0 952 4 43 1000 122 9913 750
014, 015,02,05) -
C 0 1000 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 16 2
D 325 635 959 15 3 18 977 0 3 0 - 977 7 12 1000 474 38551 3046
E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
F 404 0 404 592 0 592 996 0 0 0 - 996 0 4 1000 2 183 13
G 456 471 927 14 3 17 945 0 0 0 - 945 9 46 1000 193 15711 1637
H 716 249 964 31 2 32 996 0 0 0 - 996 0 4 1000 45 3670 345
I 558 331 888 2 0 2 890 63 0 0 - 890 10 37 1000 10 805 67
J 159 684 843 0 0 0 843 124 29 0 - 843 0 5 1000 5 440 25
K 304 393 697 226 42 268 965 0 13 0 - 965 21 0 1000 9 772 62
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - 0 0 0 1000 0 7 2
M 162 788 949 8 12 20 970 0 0 2 - 970 2 26 1000 58 4722 333
N 196 699 896 64 0 64 960 6 0 32 - 960 0 3 1000 10 846 78
O 443 526 969 8 0 8 977 0 0 0 - 977 14 9 1000 71 5762 447
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 372 574 946 19 3 22 968 2 2 0 - 968 7 20 1000 878 71487 6057
all (012, 014, 015,
383 561 944 20 3 23 966 2 2 0 966 7 23 1000 1000 81399 6807
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 31162 45641 76803 1609 257 1865 78669 150 143 38 - 78669 559 1841 81399 x x x
sample workers 2389 3832 6221 257 24 281 6502 11 10 4 0 6502 43 237 6807 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status + subsidiary status urban person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 571 343 914 24 0 24 938 0 0 0 - 938 6 56 1000 38 14044 1076
014 822 139 961 0 0 0 961 0 0 0 - 961 0 39 1000 0 160 21
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 41 5
02 822 16 837 0 42 42 879 107 0 0 - 879 0 14 1000 0 148 24
05 703 3 706 176 85 261 967 0 0 0 - 967 13 20 1000 4 1580 222
sub-total (012,
590 303 894 38 9 47 941 1 0 0 941 6 52 1000 43 15973 1348
014, 015,02,05) -
C 304 31 335 502 97 599 933 58 6 0 - 933 0 3 1000 1 516 36
D 664 264 928 41 14 55 983 0 3 0 - 983 4 9 1000 256 95563 7389
E 818 0 818 0 0 0 818 0 182 0 - 818 0 0 1000 0 124 12
F 904 0 904 26 17 43 947 10 2 0 - 947 31 10 1000 46 17015 1257
G 860 58 918 40 15 55 972 0 1 0 - 972 6 20 1000 382 142769 12176
H 862 66 928 49 11 60 988 0 2 0 - 988 3 7 1000 42 15578 1504
I 940 9 949 8 13 20 969 4 3 0 - 969 13 11 1000 91 34029 2701
J 699 80 779 19 44 63 841 81 67 7 - 841 0 3 1000 10 3858 272
K 866 23 889 47 39 86 974 6 9 0 - 974 5 5 1000 38 14150 938
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 952 0 34 - 0 8 7 1000 1 243 21
M 513 404 917 28 18 46 963 1 0 2 - 963 11 23 1000 25 9288 634
N 763 147 910 35 32 68 977 1 0 10 - 977 5 7 1000 11 4018 350
O 794 159 954 12 6 18 972 2 0 6 - 972 12 8 1000 55 20710 1679
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 801 121 921 36 15 51 972 3 3 1 - 972 8 13 1000 957 357860 28969
all (012, 014, 015,
792 128 920 36 15 51 971 3 3 1 971 8 15 1000 1000 373833 30317
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 295905 47983 343888 13362 5635 18998 362886 1125 1089 269 - 362886 2808 5656 373833 x x x
sample workers 23294 4037 27331 1293 403 1696 29027 97 92 36 0 29027 252 813 30317 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status + subsidiary status rural+urban male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 861 49 910 23 1 24 935 0 0 0 - 935 12 54 1000 68 45191 2414
014 810 14 824 0 0 0 824 0 0 0 - 824 64 112 1000 2 1296 88
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 55 5
02 871 31 902 64 3 67 969 2 0 0 - 969 8 21 1000 5 3208 214
05 839 23 862 27 54 81 943 0 0 0 - 943 20 37 1000 11 7192 564
sub-total (012,
858 44 902 25 8 33 935 0 0 0 935 14 51 1000 86 56942 3285
014, 015,02,05) -
C 722 2 724 165 50 215 939 19 2 0 - 939 35 6 1000 2 1609 125
D 914 13 927 41 11 53 979 0 2 0 - 979 4 14 1000 214 141385 10272
E 793 0 793 0 0 0 793 33 174 0 - 793 0 0 1000 0 309 27
F 893 1 894 14 15 29 923 8 3 0 - 923 40 25 1000 61 40115 2836
G 910 8 918 34 11 45 963 1 1 0 - 963 5 30 1000 376 248328 19873
H 906 17 922 42 10 52 974 0 1 0 - 974 8 16 1000 35 23365 1993
I 941 1 943 9 10 18 961 2 2 1 - 961 13 20 1000 101 66792 5130
J 699 4 703 13 38 51 754 100 89 21 - 754 14 22 1000 8 5537 424
K 902 1 904 26 34 60 964 13 7 0 - 964 4 13 1000 28 18473 1283
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 870 14 26 - 0 11 78 1000 1 355 53
M 873 12 885 43 25 68 954 4 0 2 - 954 13 28 1000 13 8413 583
N 927 4 931 13 17 30 962 2 0 2 - 962 4 31 1000 12 7682 654
O 909 14 923 18 9 27 950 1 0 5 - 950 21 22 1000 62 41214 3101
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 910 8 918 30 12 43 961 3 3 1 - 961 10 23 1000 914 603577 46354
all (012, 014, 015,
905 11 916 30 12 42 958 3 2 1 958 10 25 1000 1000 660519 49639
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 597834 7527 605361 19771 7949 27720 633081 1996 1509 555 - 633081 6536 16843 660519 x x x
sample workers 44029 543 44572 1800 584 2384 46956 198 126 59 0 46956 575 1725 49639 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status + subsidiary status rural+urban female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 504 450 954 21 0 21 976 0 0 0 - 976 7 18 1000 454 161822 9117
014 617 241 858 49 0 49 906 0 0 0 - 906 18 76 1000 2 640 26
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 1 1
02 340 556 896 58 0 58 954 1 0 0 - 954 17 28 1000 16 5713 287
05 419 451 870 73 5 77 947 0 0 0 - 947 3 50 1000 5 1855 101
sub-total (012,
498 453 951 23 0 23 974 0 0 0 974 7 19 1000 477 170030 9532
014, 015,02,05) -
C 471 49 521 0 0 0 521 0 0 0 - 521 451 28 1000 1 327 32
D 357 595 952 18 2 20 972 0 7 0 - 972 7 14 1000 318 113373 7144
E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 - 0 0 0 1000 0 1 1
F 539 70 609 324 0 324 933 0 3 0 - 933 0 64 1000 1 347 36
G 479 447 925 27 2 29 954 0 0 1 - 954 5 40 1000 107 38203 3644
H 678 260 938 49 3 52 990 1 0 0 - 990 0 9 1000 24 8445 730
I 536 387 922 1 5 6 928 36 0 0 - 928 7 29 1000 4 1408 115
J 118 759 878 0 0 0 878 91 19 0 - 878 0 12 1000 2 668 42
K 298 471 770 171 32 202 972 0 10 0 - 972 16 2 1000 3 1022 85
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 781 0 0 - 0 0 219 1000 0 13 8
M 141 776 917 25 10 35 952 13 1 1 - 952 4 29 1000 20 7214 497
N 219 690 909 55 0 55 964 3 8 18 - 964 0 7 1000 5 1614 128
O 520 429 949 21 0 21 970 0 0 0 - 970 10 20 1000 40 14111 951
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 400 541 941 23 2 26 967 1 4 0 - 967 7 20 1000 523 186744 13413
all (012, 014, 015,
447 499 946 23 1 24 970 1 2 0 970 7 19 1000 1000 356774 22945
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 159329 178149 337478 8254 464 8718 346196 286 787 72 - 346196 2487 6946 356774 x x x
sample workers 9750 11324 21074 896 46 942 22016 26 44 10 0 22016 188 661 22945 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: self-employed principal status + subsidiary status rural+urban person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 582 363 945 22 0 22 967 0 0 0 - 967 8 26 1000 203 207013 11531
014 746 89 835 16 0 16 851 0 0 0 - 851 49 100 1000 2 1936 114
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 - 1000 0 0 1000 0 56 6
02 531 367 898 60 1 61 959 2 0 0 - 959 13 25 1000 9 8921 501
05 753 111 864 36 44 80 944 0 0 0 - 944 17 40 1000 9 9047 665
sub-total (012,
588 351 939 24 2 26 964 0 0 0 964 9 27 1000 223 226973 12817
014, 015,02,05) -
C 680 10 689 138 41 179 868 15 2 0 - 868 105 10 1000 2 1936 157
D 666 272 938 31 7 38 976 0 4 0 - 976 5 14 1000 250 254758 17416
E 792 0 792 0 0 0 792 35 173 0 - 792 0 0 1000 0 309 28
F 890 2 891 17 15 32 923 8 3 0 - 923 40 25 1000 40 40463 2872
G 853 66 919 33 10 43 962 1 1 0 - 962 5 32 1000 282 286531 23517
H 845 81 926 44 8 52 979 0 1 0 - 979 6 14 1000 31 31810 2723
I 933 9 942 8 9 18 960 3 2 1 - 960 13 21 1000 67 68199 5245
J 637 85 722 12 34 45 767 99 82 19 - 767 12 21 1000 6 6204 466
K 871 26 897 34 34 68 964 12 7 0 - 964 5 12 1000 19 19495 1368
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 867 14 25 - 0 11 83 1000 0 368 61
M 535 365 900 35 18 53 953 8 0 2 - 953 9 29 1000 15 15627 1080
N 804 123 927 20 14 34 962 2 1 5 - 962 3 27 1000 9 9295 782
O 810 120 930 19 7 26 955 1 0 3 - 955 18 21 1000 54 55326 4052
P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 789 134 923 29 10 39 962 3 3 1 - 962 9 22 1000 777 790321 59767
all (012, 014, 015,
744 183 927 28 8 36 963 2 2 1 963 9 23 1000 1000 1017294 72584
02, 05, C- Q) -
estd. workers (00) 757163 185676 942839 28025 8413 36438 979277 2282 2296 627 - 979277 9023 23789 1017294 x x x
sample workers 53779 11867 65646 2696 630 3326 68972 224 170 69 0 68972 763 2386 72584 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours principal status + subsidiary status rural male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 717 19 736 9 43 53 789 24 7 12 0 789 91 77 1000 14 5160 247
014 856 2 858 3 23 26 884 36 7 0 0 884 38 35 1000 17 6384 226
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 574 0 574 0 13 13 587 327 22 8 0 587 47 9 1000 7 2790 208
05 839 0 839 21 16 37 876 0 4 26 0 876 79 14 1000 8 3057 152
sub-total (012,
767 6 773 8 26 34 807 73 9 10 0 807 62 40 1000 46 17390 833
014, 015,02,05)
C 644 3 647 18 33 51 698 136 119 0 0 698 42 4 1000 31 11817 602
D 646 2 649 30 51 81 730 20 194 15 0 730 26 16 1000 201 75404 3455
E 56 1 56 0 3 3 60 842 46 10 0 60 24 18 1000 12 4596 496
F 756 2 758 5 16 21 779 38 27 1 0 779 136 19 1000 305 114608 6234
G 847 1 848 20 16 36 884 16 32 19 0 884 27 22 1000 75 28133 1386
H 849 2 851 28 18 45 897 10 54 11 0 897 6 22 1000 16 5900 296
I 710 4 714 11 9 21 735 167 33 5 0 735 37 23 1000 114 42979 2730
J 104 0 104 0 11 11 115 467 109 300 0 115 2 7 1000 11 4133 312
K 733 0 733 17 1 18 752 71 123 2 0 752 35 17 1000 7 2812 163
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 934 15 8 0 0 11 33 1000 62 23374 3236
M 156 0 156 2 16 18 174 671 18 81 0 174 28 27 1000 75 28277 3664
N 230 0 230 26 17 43 273 563 24 95 0 273 20 25 1000 13 4760 407
O 448 0 448 10 38 48 496 58 6 174 0 496 132 135 1000 17 6383 515
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 881 881 43 77 1000 14 5221 432
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 521 0 0 479 0 1000 0 3 2
sub-total (C-Q) 596 2 598 13 22 35 632 181 66 20 13 645 64 23 1000 954 358401 23930
all (012, 014, 015,
604 2 606 12 22 34 640 176 64 20 12 652 64 24 1000 1000 375792 24763
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 226822 782 227604 4642 8320 12962 240566 66308 23952 7500 4598 245164 23955 8913 375792 x x x
sample workers 11269 48 11317 208 412 620 11937 7977 1215 536 379 12316 1572 1147 24763 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours principal status + subsidiary status rural female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 450 237 687 22 36 57 744 2 0 15 0 744 140 98 1000 12 1028 51
014 952 3 955 0 0 0 955 0 2 0 0 955 26 17 1000 49 4173 137
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 725 7 731 0 0 0 731 213 53 0 0 731 0 3 1000 10 847 37
05 7 379 386 564 50 614 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 1 114 5
sub-total (012,
819 50 869 14 7 21 890 30 8 3 0 890 41 28 1000 73 6162 230
014, 015,02,05)
C 790 4 794 14 20 34 828 6 85 0 0 828 77 3 1000 36 3076 137
D 604 73 676 26 34 60 736 13 177 18 0 736 45 11 1000 263 22223 997
E 112 0 112 0 0 0 112 852 0 0 0 112 36 0 1000 1 127 15
F 655 25 680 8 29 37 717 143 19 0 0 717 106 14 1000 198 16727 803
G 758 47 806 38 44 82 887 28 23 43 0 887 18 0 1000 13 1092 67
H 504 11 515 21 0 21 537 237 27 193 0 537 7 0 1000 7 631 33
I 494 20 514 4 0 4 518 430 43 0 0 518 3 5 1000 14 1222 66
J 203 0 203 0 24 24 227 276 105 393 0 227 0 0 1000 5 402 32
K 416 0 416 65 97 162 578 4 418 0 0 578 0 0 1000 3 251 16
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 967 2 1 0 0 5 26 1000 33 2828 376
M 140 34 174 5 12 16 190 674 32 60 0 190 29 15 1000 197 16674 1535
N 204 19 223 1 25 27 249 639 34 46 0 249 7 25 1000 48 4031 300
O 494 155 648 16 0 16 664 23 0 99 0 664 61 153 1000 12 1054 92
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 974 974 15 11 1000 94 7928 423
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 414 37 452 12 21 33 485 258 69 26 99 584 48 15 1000 927 78268 4892
all (012, 014, 015,
444 38 482 12 20 32 515 241 65 24 91 606 47 16 1000 1000 84430 5122
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 37472 3241 40713 1023 1721 2744 43457 20378 5480 2038 7723 51180 4004 1349 84430 x x x
sample workers 1649 169 1818 58 90 148 1966 1871 296 135 403 2369 233 218 5122 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours principal status + subsidiary status rural person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 673 55 728 11 42 53 781 21 6 12 0 781 100 81 1000 13 6188 298
014 894 3 896 2 14 16 912 22 5 0 0 912 33 28 1000 23 10557 363
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 609 2 611 0 10 10 620 300 29 6 0 620 36 8 1000 8 3637 245
05 809 14 823 40 17 58 881 0 4 25 0 881 77 14 1000 7 3170 157
sub-total (012,
780 18 798 9 21 30 828 61 9 8 0 828 57 37 1000 51 23553 1063
014, 015,02,05)
C 674 4 678 17 30 48 725 109 112 0 0 725 49 4 1000 32 14893 739
D 637 18 655 29 47 76 731 19 190 15 0 731 30 15 1000 212 97627 4452
E 57 1 58 0 3 3 61 843 44 10 0 61 25 17 1000 10 4723 511
F 743 5 748 5 17 23 771 51 26 1 0 771 132 18 1000 285 131335 7037
G 844 3 847 21 17 38 884 16 31 20 0 884 27 21 1000 64 29226 1453
H 816 3 819 27 16 43 862 32 52 28 0 862 6 20 1000 14 6531 329
I 704 5 709 11 9 20 729 175 33 5 0 729 36 22 1000 96 44201 2796
J 113 0 113 0 12 12 125 450 109 308 0 125 2 6 1000 10 4535 344
K 707 0 707 21 9 30 738 66 147 2 0 738 33 15 1000 7 3063 179
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 937 13 7 0 0 10 32 1000 57 26203 3612
M 150 13 163 3 15 17 180 672 23 73 0 180 28 23 1000 98 44951 5199
N 218 9 227 15 21 36 262 598 29 72 0 262 14 25 1000 19 8791 707
O 454 22 476 11 32 43 519 53 5 163 0 519 122 138 1000 16 7437 607
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 937 937 26 37 1000 29 13150 855
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 521 0 0 479 0 1000 0 3 2
sub-total (C-Q) 563 8 571 12 22 34 606 195 67 21 28 634 61 22 1000 949 436669 28822
all (012, 014, 015,
574 9 583 12 22 34 617 188 64 21 27 644 61 22 1000 1000 460221 29885
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 264294 4023 268317 5665 10041 15706 284023 86686 29431 9539 12322 296344 27959 10262 460221 x x x
sample workers 12918 217 13135 266 502 768 13903 9848 1511 671 782 14685 1805 1365 29885 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours principal status + subsidiary status urban male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 640 2 642 59 3 62 704 58 57 42 0 704 133 5 1000 2 798 62
014 486 4 490 102 55 158 647 109 147 0 0 647 87 9 1000 1 496 58
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 476 3 479 0 0 0 479 330 0 0 0 479 87 103 1000 1 378 50
05 646 0 646 57 224 281 927 22 2 0 0 927 48 1 1000 3 1126 132
sub-total (012,
593 2 595 58 101 159 753 89 43 12 0 753 84 18 1000 7 2798 302
014, 015,02,05)
C 174 5 179 0 11 11 190 581 216 5 0 190 3 4 1000 16 5964 478
D 572 3 576 49 46 95 671 53 247 4 0 671 16 9 1000 288 109520 6330
E 68 0 68 8 1 9 77 777 135 5 0 77 5 1 1000 15 5516 464
F 818 1 818 7 18 25 844 21 37 0 0 844 89 9 1000 127 48405 4065
G 831 3 834 31 23 54 889 10 58 8 0 889 27 8 1000 124 47284 3613
H 802 5 808 43 46 89 897 20 46 8 0 897 16 14 1000 31 11929 1015
I 517 2 520 14 18 32 551 333 83 2 0 551 20 10 1000 111 42200 3085
J 98 0 98 0 33 33 131 516 262 69 0 131 16 7 1000 32 12082 768
K 490 7 497 19 52 70 567 56 336 6 0 567 32 2 1000 33 12695 672
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 969 8 5 0 0 7 11 1000 107 40790 4275
M 151 2 153 7 17 24 177 589 52 142 0 177 29 11 1000 52 19842 1794
N 321 2 322 10 19 29 351 428 91 113 0 351 14 4 1000 19 7181 557
O 493 0 493 19 10 29 522 78 71 247 0 522 69 14 1000 21 7976 639
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 978 978 15 7 1000 16 6203 528
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 0 0 0 0 923 0 1000 0 18 2
sub-total (C-Q) 506 2 508 24 26 50 558 242 126 21 16 574 28 9 1000 993 377605 28285
all (012, 014, 015,
506 2 509 24 27 51 560 241 126 21 16 576 29 9 1000 1000 380403 28587
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 192664 906 193569 9077 10283 19360 212929 91499 47815 7803 6068 218997 10873 3414 380403 x x x
sample workers 13726 87 13813 553 590 1143 14956 8227 2688 588 498 15454 1025 605 28587 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours principal status + subsidiary status urban female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 796 168 964 0 0 0 964 36 0 0 0 964 0 0 1000 1 84 11
014 795 0 795 36 0 36 831 119 0 0 0 831 50 0 1000 3 275 27
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 3 2
05 892 108 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 1 45 4
sub-total (012,
800 47 847 25 0 25 871 95 0 0 0 871 34 0 1000 5 407 44
014, 015,02,05)
C 347 57 405 0 0 0 405 282 275 0 0 405 38 0 1000 4 364 41
D 557 74 632 52 56 108 739 23 207 5 0 739 24 2 1000 189 17050 1075
E 11 0 11 0 0 0 11 742 211 17 0 11 14 5 1000 4 384 45
F 807 30 836 21 27 48 884 16 24 0 0 884 66 10 1000 80 7210 643
G 773 19 792 19 10 29 821 17 65 3 0 821 54 40 1000 39 3472 274
H 730 34 763 81 21 102 865 3 90 41 0 865 0 0 1000 13 1182 85
I 239 23 262 13 31 44 306 511 175 0 0 306 9 0 1000 21 1862 137
J 40 14 54 0 11 11 65 545 179 157 0 65 54 0 1000 29 2585 151
K 455 10 464 27 57 84 548 3 429 16 0 548 4 0 1000 29 2604 135
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 954 28 1 0 0 7 10 1000 67 6075 713
M 190 31 222 19 25 44 266 470 49 180 0 266 28 6 1000 200 18055 1577
N 254 47 302 22 27 49 351 400 79 158 0 351 12 1 1000 70 6270 470
O 536 80 617 0 0 0 617 82 4 196 0 617 101 1 1000 19 1674 162
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 973 973 17 10 1000 232 20896 2002
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 885 0 1000 0 10 3
sub-total (C-Q) 297 30 327 20 23 43 370 226 86 58 227 597 27 7 1000 995 89692 7513
all (012, 014, 015,
299 30 330 20 23 43 372 225 85 58 226 598 27 7 1000 1000 90099 7557
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 26976 2731 29707 1772 2073 3844 33551 20290 7694 5182 20337 53888 2419 625 90099 x x x
sample workers 1939 231 2170 101 128 229 2399 1968 495 349 1937 4336 238 171 7557 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours principal status + subsidiary status urban person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 655 18 673 53 3 56 729 56 52 38 0 729 121 5 1000 2 882 73
014 596 3 598 79 36 114 713 112 95 0 0 713 74 6 1000 2 771 85
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 472 3 476 0 0 0 476 336 0 0 0 476 86 102 1000 1 381 52
05 655 4 660 55 215 270 930 21 2 0 0 930 46 1 1000 2 1171 136
sub-total (012,
619 7 627 54 88 142 768 90 38 10 0 768 78 15 1000 7 3205 346
014, 015,02,05)
C 184 8 192 0 10 10 202 564 220 5 0 202 5 4 1000 13 6328 519
D 570 13 583 49 48 97 680 49 242 4 0 680 17 8 1000 269 126570 7405
E 64 0 64 7 1 9 73 774 140 6 0 73 5 1 1000 13 5899 509
F 816 5 821 9 19 28 849 21 35 0 0 849 86 9 1000 118 55615 4708
G 827 4 831 30 22 53 884 10 59 8 0 884 28 11 1000 108 50756 3887
H 796 8 804 46 44 90 894 19 50 11 0 894 15 13 1000 28 13111 1100
I 506 3 509 14 18 32 541 341 87 2 0 541 20 10 1000 94 44062 3222
J 88 2 90 0 29 29 119 521 247 84 0 119 23 6 1000 31 14667 919
K 484 7 491 20 53 73 564 47 352 8 0 564 27 2 1000 33 15299 807
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 967 11 5 0 0 7 11 1000 100 46864 4988
M 170 16 186 13 21 34 219 532 51 160 0 219 29 9 1000 81 37897 3371
N 290 23 313 15 23 38 351 415 85 134 0 351 13 3 1000 29 13452 1027
O 501 14 514 16 8 24 538 79 59 238 0 538 74 11 1000 21 9649 801
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 974 974 16 9 1000 58 27100 2530
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 42 0 0 0 909 0 1000 0 28 5
sub-total (C-Q) 466 8 474 23 26 49 522 239 119 28 57 579 28 9 1000 993 467297 35798
all (012, 014, 015,
467 8 475 23 26 49 524 238 118 28 56 580 28 9 1000 1000 470501 36144
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 219640 3636 223276 10849 12356 23204 246480 111790 55509 12986 26405 272885 13292 4039 470501 x x x
sample workers 15665 318 15983 654 718 1372 17355 10195 3183 937 2435 19790 1263 776 36144 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours principal status + subsidiary status rural+urban male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 707 16 724 16 38 54 777 29 14 16 0 777 97 68 1000 8 5958 309
014 829 2 831 11 25 36 867 41 17 0 0 867 41 34 1000 9 6881 284
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 562 0 563 0 11 11 574 327 19 7 0 574 52 20 1000 4 3167 258
05 787 0 787 31 72 103 890 6 4 19 0 890 71 11 1000 6 4182 284
sub-total (012,
742 6 748 15 37 51 799 75 14 10 0 799 65 37 1000 27 20188 1135
014, 015,02,05)
C 486 4 490 12 26 38 528 285 152 2 0 528 29 4 1000 24 17781 1080
D 603 3 605 41 48 89 695 40 225 8 0 695 20 12 1000 245 184924 9785
E 62 0 63 4 2 7 69 807 95 7 0 69 14 9 1000 13 10112 960
F 774 2 776 5 17 22 798 33 30 1 0 798 122 16 1000 216 163013 10299
G 837 3 839 27 20 48 887 12 48 12 0 887 27 13 1000 100 75417 4999
H 818 4 822 38 37 75 897 17 48 9 0 897 13 17 1000 24 17829 1311
I 615 3 618 13 13 26 644 250 58 3 0 644 29 16 1000 113 85180 5815
J 100 0 100 0 27 27 127 503 223 128 0 127 12 7 1000 21 16215 1080
K 534 5 540 18 43 61 601 59 297 5 0 601 33 5 1000 21 15507 835
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 956 11 6 0 0 8 19 1000 85 64164 7511
M 154 1 155 4 16 21 176 637 32 106 0 176 28 21 1000 64 48120 5458
N 284 1 285 17 18 35 320 481 64 106 0 320 16 12 1000 16 11941 964
O 473 0 473 15 22 37 510 69 42 214 0 510 97 68 1000 19 14359 1154
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 934 934 28 39 1000 15 11425 960
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 0 67 0 0 867 0 1000 0 20 4
sub-total (C-Q) 550 2 552 18 24 43 594 212 97 21 14 609 46 16 1000 973 736006 52215
all (012, 014, 015,
555 2 557 18 25 43 600 209 95 20 14 614 46 16 1000 1000 756194 53350
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 419485 1687 421173 13719 18604 32322 453495 157807 71767 15304 10666 464162 34828 12327 756194 x x x
sample workers 24995 135 25130 761 1002 1763 26893 16204 3903 1124 877 27770 2597 1752 53350 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours principal status + subsidiary status rural+urban female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 476 232 708 20 33 53 761 5 0 14 0 761 130 90 1000 6 1113 62
014 942 3 945 2 0 2 947 7 2 0 0 947 28 16 1000 25 4448 164
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 722 6 729 0 0 0 729 215 53 0 0 729 0 3 1000 5 850 39
05 259 302 561 404 35 439 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 1 159 9
sub-total (012,
818 50 868 15 6 21 889 34 8 2 0 889 41 27 1000 38 6569 274
014, 015,02,05)
C 743 10 752 13 18 31 783 35 105 0 0 783 73 3 1000 20 3440 178
D 583 73 657 37 43 81 738 17 190 13 0 738 36 7 1000 225 39273 2072
E 37 0 37 0 0 0 37 769 158 13 0 37 20 4 1000 3 510 60
F 700 27 727 12 28 40 767 104 21 0 0 767 94 13 1000 137 23938 1446
G 769 26 795 24 18 42 837 19 55 13 0 837 45 31 1000 26 4564 341
H 651 26 677 60 14 74 751 84 68 94 0 751 2 0 1000 10 1813 118
I 340 22 362 10 19 28 390 479 123 0 0 390 6 2 1000 18 3083 203
J 62 12 74 0 13 13 87 509 169 189 0 87 47 0 1000 17 2987 183
K 451 9 460 30 60 91 551 3 428 14 0 551 4 0 1000 16 2855 151
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 958 20 1 0 0 7 15 1000 51 8903 1089
M 166 33 199 12 19 31 229 568 41 122 0 229 28 11 1000 199 34729 3112
N 234 36 271 14 27 40 311 493 61 114 0 311 10 10 1000 59 10302 770
O 520 109 629 6 0 6 635 59 3 159 0 635 85 60 1000 16 2728 254
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 973 973 16 10 1000 165 28825 2425
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 885 0 1000 0 10 3
sub-total (C-Q) 352 34 385 16 22 38 424 241 78 43 167 591 37 11 1000 962 167959 12405
all (012, 014, 015,
369 34 403 16 22 38 441 233 75 41 161 602 37 11 1000 1000 174528 12679
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 64449 5972 70420 2795 3793 6588 77008 40669 13174 7221 28060 105068 6424 1974 174528 x x x
sample workers 3588 400 3988 159 218 377 4365 3839 791 484 2340 6705 471 389 12679 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: regular wage/ salaried employees and casual labours principal status + subsidiary status rural+urban person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 671 50 721 16 37 54 775 25 11 16 0 775 102 71 1000 8 7070 371
014 873 3 876 7 15 23 899 28 11 0 0 899 36 27 1000 12 11329 448
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 596 2 598 0 9 9 607 303 27 6 0 607 41 17 1000 4 4017 297
05 768 11 779 44 71 115 894 6 4 18 0 894 68 11 1000 5 4341 293
sub-total (012,
761 16 778 15 29 44 821 65 12 8 0 821 59 34 1000 29 26757 1409
014, 015,02,05)
C 528 5 533 12 24 36 569 245 144 1 0 569 36 4 1000 23 21221 1258
D 599 15 614 40 47 88 702 36 219 9 0 702 23 11 1000 241 224197 11857
E 61 0 61 4 2 6 68 805 98 7 0 68 14 8 1000 11 10622 1020
F 765 5 770 6 18 24 794 42 29 1 0 794 119 16 1000 201 186950 11745
G 833 4 837 27 20 47 884 12 49 12 0 884 28 14 1000 86 79982 5340
H 802 6 809 40 35 75 883 23 50 17 0 883 12 15 1000 21 19642 1429
I 605 4 609 13 14 26 635 258 60 3 0 635 28 16 1000 95 88263 6018
J 94 2 96 0 25 25 121 504 214 137 0 121 18 6 1000 21 19202 1263
K 521 6 527 20 45 66 593 50 318 7 0 593 28 4 1000 20 18362 986
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 956 12 6 0 0 8 18 1000 79 73067 8600
M 159 14 173 7 17 25 198 608 36 113 0 198 28 16 1000 89 82848 8570
N 261 17 279 15 22 37 316 487 63 110 0 316 13 11 1000 24 22243 1734
O 480 17 498 14 19 32 530 68 36 205 0 530 95 66 1000 18 17087 1408
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 962 962 19 18 1000 43 40250 3385
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 38 45 0 0 873 0 1000 0 30 7
sub-total (C-Q) 513 8 521 18 24 42 563 218 94 25 43 605 44 15 1000 971 903966 64620
all (012, 014, 015,
520 8 528 18 24 42 570 213 91 24 42 612 44 15 1000 1000 930723 66029
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 483934 7659 491593 16513 22397 38910 530503 198476 84941 22524 38726 569229 41251 14301 930723 x x x
sample workers 28583 535 29118 920 1220 2140 31258 20043 4694 1608 3217 34475 3068 2141 66029 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status + subsidiary status rural male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 850 46 896 20 6 26 921 3 1 1 0 921 21 53 1000 62 45883 2286
014 846 4 850 3 19 22 873 30 6 0 0 873 43 48 1000 10 7556 299
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 15 1
02 731 17 747 35 7 42 789 155 10 4 0 789 26 16 1000 8 5896 408
05 849 18 868 11 35 46 914 0 1 9 0 914 42 34 1000 12 8922 526
sub-total (012,
839 35 874 18 11 29 904 19 2 2 0 904 26 47 1000 92 68272 3520
014, 015,02,05)
C 666 3 670 17 32 50 719 124 109 0 0 719 43 5 1000 17 12926 693
D 795 7 803 29 27 56 859 10 92 7 0 859 15 17 1000 215 159777 9384
E 84 1 84 0 3 3 87 812 50 10 0 87 23 17 1000 6 4781 511
F 777 2 779 6 15 21 800 33 23 1 0 800 121 22 1000 185 137892 7826
G 899 7 906 23 8 31 937 4 6 4 0 937 8 41 1000 201 149404 10720
H 885 16 902 29 9 39 940 4 18 4 0 940 11 23 1000 23 17357 1130
I 808 3 811 10 8 18 830 95 19 3 0 830 27 26 1000 103 76547 5226
J 268 2 270 0 14 14 284 356 112 213 0 284 13 22 1000 8 6252 489
K 848 1 849 6 14 20 869 44 44 1 0 869 15 26 1000 11 7908 570
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 933 15 8 0 0 11 34 1000 32 23493 3270
M 241 3 244 6 18 24 267 591 16 72 0 267 25 29 1000 43 32124 3946
N 574 4 577 15 9 24 601 291 12 49 0 601 12 35 1000 12 9270 789
O 810 9 819 19 15 34 853 12 1 36 0 853 48 50 1000 44 32650 2384
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 881 881 43 77 1000 7 5221 432
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 521 0 0 479 0 1000 0 3 2
sub-total (C-Q) 744 5 749 17 15 32 781 98 36 11 7 788 39 28 1000 908 675604 47372
all (012, 014, 015,
753 8 761 17 15 32 792 91 33 11 6 799 38 29 1000 1000 743876 50892
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 559912 5968 565879 12659 10891 23550 589429 67329 24514 7823 4598 594028 28241 21941 743876 x x x
sample workers 34393 386 34779 972 617 1589 36368 8089 1259 563 379 36747 1938 2296 50892 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status + subsidiary status rural female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 506 447 953 22 0 22 975 0 0 0 0 975 8 17 1000 426 153274 8467
014 911 30 942 7 0 7 948 0 1 0 0 948 25 25 1000 13 4778 157
015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
02 387 488 875 51 0 51 926 28 7 0 0 926 15 25 1000 18 6513 314
05 402 510 913 43 4 47 960 0 0 0 0 960 0 40 1000 5 1714 74
sub-total (012,
512 437 950 23 0 23 972 1 0 0 0 972 8 18 1000 462 166280 9012
014, 015,02,05)
C 763 4 766 13 19 31 798 6 77 0 0 798 113 6 1000 9 3387 167
D 426 460 886 21 9 30 916 3 47 4 0 916 16 14 1000 270 97045 5095
E 112 0 112 0 0 0 112 852 0 0 0 112 36 0 1000 0 127 16
F 655 27 682 8 29 37 718 141 19 0 0 718 105 16 1000 47 16891 826
G 507 412 918 35 3 39 957 1 1 3 0 957 3 35 1000 66 23584 2074
H 632 239 871 58 3 62 933 29 3 23 0 933 1 12 1000 15 5406 418
I 498 166 664 3 4 7 671 288 29 0 0 671 3 9 1000 5 1824 114
J 144 327 471 0 15 15 486 186 67 251 0 486 0 10 1000 2 629 49
K 348 356 704 32 49 81 785 2 209 0 0 785 0 4 1000 1 500 39
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 966 2 1 0 0 5 27 1000 8 2834 382
M 135 128 263 11 11 22 285 592 28 52 0 285 26 18 1000 53 19166 1699
N 210 125 335 8 21 30 364 536 31 39 0 364 6 23 1000 13 4799 350
O 564 338 903 29 0 29 932 3 0 11 0 932 13 41 1000 26 9404 596
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 974 974 15 11 1000 22 7928 423
Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
sub-total (C-Q) 416 326 742 20 10 30 771 105 31 11 40 811 23 18 1000 538 193525 12248
all (012, 014, 015,
460 377 838 21 5 27 864 57 17 6 21 886 16 18 1000 1000 359805 21260
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 165640 135749 301389 7668 1928 9596 310985 20514 6124 2073 7723 318708 5932 6454 359805 x x x
sample workers 9010 7661 16671 697 112 809 17480 1886 330 141 403 17883 378 642 21260 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status + subsidiary status rural person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 585 355 940 21 2 23 963 1 0 0 0 963 11 25 1000 180 199157 10753
014 871 14 886 4 12 16 902 19 4 0 0 902 36 39 1000 11 12334 456
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 15 1
02 550 264 815 43 3 46 861 88 9 2 0 861 20 20 1000 11 12409 722
05 777 98 875 17 30 46 921 0 1 7 0 921 35 35 1000 10 10637 600
sub-total (012,
607 320 928 21 4 25 952 6 1 1 0 952 14 26 1000 213 234552 12532
014, 015,02,05)
C 686 3 690 16 30 46 736 100 102 0 0 736 57 5 1000 15 16313 860
D 656 178 834 26 20 46 881 7 75 6 0 881 15 16 1000 233 256822 14479
E 84 1 85 0 3 3 88 813 49 9 0 88 24 17 1000 4 4908 527
F 764 5 769 6 17 23 791 45 23 1 0 791 119 21 1000 140 154783 8652
G 845 62 908 25 7 32 939 4 5 4 0 939 8 40 1000 157 172988 12794
H 825 69 895 36 8 44 939 9 15 8 0 939 8 21 1000 21 22763 1548
I 801 7 808 10 8 18 826 100 19 3 0 826 26 26 1000 71 78372 5340
J 257 32 288 0 14 14 302 341 108 217 0 302 12 21 1000 6 6881 538
K 818 22 841 8 16 24 864 42 53 1 0 864 14 25 1000 8 8408 609
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 936 13 7 0 0 10 33 1000 24 26328 3652
M 202 49 251 8 15 23 274 591 21 64 0 274 25 25 1000 46 51290 5645
N 450 45 495 13 13 26 520 375 19 45 0 520 10 31 1000 13 14069 1139
O 755 83 837 21 12 33 870 10 1 31 0 870 40 48 1000 38 42053 2980
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 937 937 26 37 1000 12 13150 855
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 521 0 0 479 0 1000 0 3 2
sub-total (C-Q) 671 77 748 18 14 31 779 99 35 11 14 793 36 26 1000 787 869129 59620
all (012, 014, 015,
657 128 786 18 12 30 816 80 28 9 11 827 31 26 1000 1000 1103681 72152
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 725552 141716 867268 20328 12818 33146 900414 87843 30638 9896 12322 912735 34173 28395 1103681 x x x
sample workers 43403 8047 51450 1669 729 2398 53848 9975 1589 704 782 54630 2316 2938 72152 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status + subsidiary status urban male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 785 40 825 46 0 46 871 9 9 6 0 871 29 76 1000 8 5266 437
014 579 3 582 82 44 126 708 87 118 0 0 708 69 18 1000 1 621 73
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 40 4
02 558 3 560 0 13 13 573 277 0 0 0 573 69 81 1000 1 479 64
05 714 0 714 89 154 243 958 10 1 0 0 958 28 3 1000 4 2452 322
sub-total (012,
740 24 764 58 47 104 868 29 14 4 0 868 34 51 1000 13 8858 900
014, 015,02,05)
C 185 5 189 40 18 58 247 541 200 5 0 247 3 4 1000 10 6464 512
D 682 7 689 52 38 90 779 35 164 3 0 779 11 8 1000 248 166533 10673
E 84 0 84 8 1 9 94 759 136 5 0 94 5 1 1000 8 5640 476
F 841 1 842 10 18 28 870 18 28 0 0 870 74 9 1000 97 65237 5309
G 888 6 894 40 18 58 952 3 17 2 0 952 11 14 1000 259 174341 14152
H 855 7 862 49 30 79 941 10 24 4 0 941 10 11 1000 35 23837 2174
I 708 2 709 11 15 27 736 188 48 1 0 736 17 10 1000 112 75424 5719
J 246 0 247 5 36 41 288 419 220 55 0 288 12 6 1000 23 15500 1015
K 700 4 704 28 45 73 776 31 168 3 0 776 18 4 1000 39 26072 1548
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 969 8 5 0 0 7 11 1000 61 41025 4294
M 287 3 290 15 18 33 323 479 43 116 0 323 27 13 1000 36 24408 2095
N 502 1 504 15 25 41 544 297 63 80 0 544 11 5 1000 15 10353 829
O 778 12 790 15 9 24 814 29 25 91 0 814 31 10 1000 34 22923 1871
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 978 978 15 7 1000 9 6203 528
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 0 0 0 0 923 0 1000 0 18 2
sub-total (C-Q) 679 5 684 31 23 54 737 139 73 12 9 746 19 10 1000 987 663979 51197
all (012, 014, 015,
680 5 685 31 23 54 739 137 72 12 9 748 20 11 1000 1000 672837 52097
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 457407 3247 460654 20830 15662 36492 497147 92474 48762 8035 6068 503215 13123 7229 672837 x x x
sample workers 34631 292 34923 1589 969 2558 37481 8313 2770 620 498 37979 1234 1181 52097 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status + subsidiary status urban female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 463 478 941 14 0 14 955 0 0 0 0 955 3 41 1000 56 9660 712
014 746 72 818 32 0 32 850 105 0 0 0 850 45 0 1000 2 309 33
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 1 1
02 691 47 739 0 0 0 739 220 0 0 0 739 0 42 1000 0 50 12
05 429 30 459 417 25 442 901 0 0 0 0 901 17 82 1000 2 299 36
sub-total (012,
471 451 922 26 1 27 949 5 0 0 0 949 5 41 1000 60 10319 794
014, 015,02,05)
C 333 97 430 0 0 0 430 270 263 0 0 430 36 0 1000 2 380 43
D 396 463 859 26 19 45 904 7 66 2 0 904 12 9 1000 324 55600 4121
E 11 0 11 0 0 0 11 742 211 17 0 11 14 5 1000 2 384 45
F 797 29 826 35 26 62 887 15 24 0 0 887 64 9 1000 43 7394 656
G 514 389 903 15 4 20 922 3 12 1 0 922 17 45 1000 112 19183 1911
H 719 196 915 43 6 49 964 1 22 10 0 964 0 3 1000 28 4852 430
I 336 116 451 10 22 31 483 375 122 0 0 483 9 11 1000 16 2667 204
J 57 111 168 0 10 10 178 484 157 134 0 178 46 1 1000 18 3025 176
K 420 97 518 72 53 126 643 3 334 12 0 643 8 0 1000 20 3377 197
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 954 28 1 0 0 7 10 1000 35 6082 715
M 184 188 372 16 23 39 412 373 39 143 0 412 23 10 1000 133 22777 1910
N 247 125 372 27 24 51 423 353 69 143 0 423 10 2 1000 41 7116 548
O 464 426 890 6 0 6 896 18 1 44 0 896 33 7 1000 43 7436 609
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 973 973 17 10 1000 122 20896 2002
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 885 0 1000 0 10 3
sub-total (C-Q) 331 271 602 19 14 34 635 127 49 32 126 762 18 13 1000 940 161178 13570
all (012, 014, 015,
339 282 621 20 14 33 654 119 46 30 119 773 17 14 1000 1000 171498 14364
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 58138 48372 106510 3381 2329 5710 112220 20441 7837 5220 20337 132556 2978 2466 171498 x x x
sample workers 4328 4063 8391 358 152 510 8901 1979 505 353 1937 10838 281 408 14364 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status + subsidiary status urban person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 576 324 900 25 0 25 925 3 3 2 0 925 13 53 1000 18 14926 1149
014 634 26 661 65 30 95 755 93 79 0 0 755 61 12 1000 1 931 106
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 41 5
02 570 7 577 0 12 12 589 272 0 0 0 589 62 77 1000 1 529 76
05 683 3 686 125 140 265 951 9 1 0 0 951 27 12 1000 3 2751 358
sub-total (012,
595 254 849 41 22 63 912 16 6 2 0 912 18 46 1000 23 19178 1694
014, 015,02,05)
C 193 10 203 38 17 55 257 526 204 4 0 257 5 4 1000 8 6844 555
D 611 121 732 46 33 79 810 28 139 2 0 810 12 8 1000 263 222133 14794
E 80 0 80 7 1 9 88 758 141 5 0 88 5 1 1000 7 6024 521
F 837 4 840 13 19 32 872 18 27 0 0 872 73 9 1000 86 72630 5965
G 851 44 895 37 17 54 949 3 16 2 0 949 12 17 1000 229 193525 16063
H 832 39 871 48 26 74 945 8 24 5 0 945 8 10 1000 34 28689 2604
I 695 6 701 11 16 27 728 194 51 1 0 728 17 10 1000 92 78091 5923
J 215 19 234 4 32 36 270 429 210 68 0 270 18 5 1000 22 18525 1191
K 668 15 682 33 46 79 761 27 187 4 0 761 17 3 1000 35 29449 1745
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 967 11 5 0 0 7 11 1000 56 47107 5009
M 237 92 330 16 20 36 366 428 41 129 0 366 25 11 1000 56 47185 4005
N 398 52 450 20 25 45 495 320 66 106 0 495 11 4 1000 21 17469 1377
O 701 113 814 13 7 20 834 27 19 80 0 834 32 9 1000 36 30359 2480
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 974 974 16 9 1000 32 27100 2530
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 42 0 0 0 909 0 1000 0 28 5
sub-total (C-Q) 611 57 668 28 21 50 717 136 68 16 32 749 19 11 1000 977 825157 64767
all (012, 014, 015,
611 61 672 29 21 50 722 134 67 16 31 753 19 11 1000 1000 844335 66461
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 515545 51619 567164 24211 17991 42202 609366 112914 56599 13255 26405 635771 16101 9695 844335 x x x
sample workers 38959 4355 43314 1947 1121 3068 46382 10292 3275 973 2435 48817 1515 1589 66461 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status + subsidiary status rural+urban male
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 843 45 889 22 5 28 916 3 2 2 0 916 22 55 1000 36 51149 2723
014 826 4 830 9 21 30 860 35 14 0 0 860 45 46 1000 6 8177 372
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 55 5
02 718 16 733 32 7 39 773 164 10 4 0 773 30 21 1000 4 6375 472
05 820 15 835 28 61 89 923 2 1 7 0 923 39 27 1000 8 11374 848
sub-total (012,
828 34 862 22 15 38 900 20 4 3 0 900 27 47 1000 54 77130 4420
014, 015,02,05)
C 506 4 510 25 28 52 562 263 139 2 0 562 30 4 1000 14 19391 1205
D 738 7 745 41 32 73 818 23 129 5 0 818 13 13 1000 230 326309 20057
E 84 0 84 4 2 6 91 784 97 7 0 91 13 8 1000 7 10421 987
F 798 2 799 7 16 23 823 28 25 1 0 823 106 18 1000 143 203128 13135
G 893 7 900 32 13 45 945 4 12 3 0 945 10 26 1000 229 323745 24872
H 868 11 879 40 21 62 941 7 22 4 0 941 10 16 1000 29 41194 3304
I 758 3 761 11 12 23 783 141 33 2 0 783 22 18 1000 107 151971 10945
J 252 1 253 3 30 33 286 401 189 101 0 286 13 11 1000 15 21751 1504
K 734 3 737 23 38 61 798 34 139 3 0 798 17 9 1000 24 33980 2118
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 956 11 6 0 0 8 19 1000 46 64519 7564
M 261 3 264 10 18 28 291 543 28 91 0 291 26 22 1000 40 56532 6041
N 536 2 538 15 18 33 571 294 39 65 0 571 12 19 1000 14 19623 1618
O 797 10 807 18 13 30 837 19 11 59 0 837 41 34 1000 39 55573 4255
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 934 934 28 39 1000 8 11425 960
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 0 67 0 0 867 0 1000 0 20 4
sub-total (C-Q) 712 5 717 24 19 43 759 118 54 12 8 767 29 19 1000 946 1339583 98569
all (012, 014, 015,
718 7 725 24 19 42 767 113 52 11 8 774 29 21 1000 1000 1416713 102989
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 1017319 9214 1026534 33489 26553 60042 1086576 159803 73276 15859 10666 1097242 41364 29170 1416713 x x x
sample workers 69024 678 69702 2561 1586 4147 73849 16402 4029 1183 877 74726 3172 3477 102989 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status + subsidiary status rural+urban female
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 504 449 953 21 0 22 974 0 0 0 0 974 7 18 1000 307 162934 9179
014 901 33 934 8 0 8 942 7 1 0 0 942 26 23 1000 10 5088 190
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 1 1
02 389 485 874 50 0 50 925 29 7 0 0 925 15 25 1000 12 6563 326
05 406 439 845 99 7 106 951 0 0 0 0 951 2 46 1000 4 2014 110
sub-total (012,
510 438 948 23 0 23 971 1 0 0 0 971 8 19 1000 332 176599 9806
014, 015,02,05)
C 719 13 732 11 17 28 760 32 96 0 0 760 106 5 1000 7 3766 210
D 415 461 876 23 13 36 912 5 54 3 0 912 14 12 1000 287 152646 9216
E 37 0 37 0 0 0 37 769 158 13 0 37 20 4 1000 1 511 61
F 698 27 725 16 28 44 770 103 20 0 0 770 93 14 1000 46 24285 1482
G 510 402 911 26 4 30 941 2 6 2 0 941 9 39 1000 80 42767 3985
H 673 219 892 51 5 56 948 15 12 17 0 948 1 8 1000 19 10257 848
I 402 136 538 7 14 21 559 340 84 0 0 559 6 10 1000 8 4491 318
J 72 148 221 0 11 11 231 432 141 154 0 231 38 2 1000 7 3655 225
K 411 131 542 67 53 120 662 3 318 11 0 662 7 0 1000 7 3877 236
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 958 20 1 0 0 7 15 1000 17 8916 1097
M 162 161 322 14 17 31 354 473 34 102 0 354 24 14 1000 79 41943 3609
N 232 125 357 19 23 42 399 427 54 101 0 399 9 10 1000 22 11915 898
O 520 377 897 19 0 19 916 10 0 26 0 916 22 26 1000 32 16839 1205
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 973 973 16 10 1000 54 28825 2425
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 885 0 1000 0 10 3
sub-total (C-Q) 377 301 678 20 12 32 710 115 39 21 79 789 21 16 1000 668 354703 25818
all (012, 014, 015,
421 347 768 21 8 29 797 77 26 14 53 849 17 17 1000 1000 531303 35624
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 223778 184121 407898 11049 4257 15306 423204 40955 13961 7293 28060 451264 8910 8920 531303 x x x
sample workers 13338 11724 25062 1055 264 1319 26381 3865 835 494 2340 28721 659 1050 35624 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (2): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise type for each industry group/ tabulation category

all-India status in employment: all workers principal status + subsidiary status rural+urban person
enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others n.r. total per workers
industry and public private society/ oyers total 1000 estimated sample
group/ male female sub- within from sub- partnership sector limited trust/ hhds. (col 8 dist. (00)
division/ total same difft. total col.(4) company other + of
tabulation col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) +col.(7) NPI col. work-
category col.(3) +col.(6) 12) kers
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
012 585 352 937 21 2 23 960 1 0 1 0 960 11 27 1000 110 214083 11902
014 855 15 870 9 13 22 892 24 9 0 0 892 38 37 1000 7 13265 562
015 1000 0 1000 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 1000 0 56 6
02 551 254 805 42 3 45 850 95 8 2 0 850 22 23 1000 7 12938 798
05 758 78 836 39 53 91 928 2 1 6 0 928 33 30 1000 7 13388 958
sub-total (012,
606 315 922 23 5 28 949 7 1 1 0 949 14 28 1000 130 253730 14226
014, 015,02,05)
C 540 5 546 23 26 48 594 226 132 1 0 594 42 5 1000 12 23157 1415
D 635 152 787 35 26 61 848 17 105 4 0 848 14 12 1000 246 478955 29273
E 82 0 82 4 2 6 88 783 100 7 0 88 14 8 1000 6 10931 1048
F 787 4 791 8 18 26 817 36 24 1 0 817 105 17 1000 117 227413 14617
G 848 53 901 31 12 44 945 3 11 3 0 945 10 28 1000 188 366512 28857
H 829 53 881 43 18 61 942 9 20 6 0 942 8 14 1000 26 51452 4152
I 748 6 754 11 12 23 777 147 35 2 0 777 22 18 1000 80 156462 11263
J 226 22 249 3 27 30 279 405 182 108 0 279 16 10 1000 13 25406 1729
K 701 16 717 27 39 67 784 31 158 3 0 784 16 8 1000 19 37857 2354
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 956 12 6 0 0 8 19 1000 38 73435 8661
M 219 70 289 12 18 29 318 513 30 95 0 318 25 18 1000 51 98475 9650
N 421 49 470 17 20 36 506 344 45 79 0 506 10 16 1000 16 31538 2516
O 732 95 828 18 10 27 855 17 8 51 0 855 36 32 1000 37 72412 5460
P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 962 962 19 18 1000 21 40250 3385
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 38 45 0 0 873 0 1000 0 30 7
sub-total (C-Q) 642 67 709 23 17 40 749 117 51 14 23 772 28 18 1000 870 1694286 124387
all (012, 014, 015,
637 99 736 23 16 39 775 103 45 12 20 795 26 20 1000 1000 1948016 138613
02, 05, C- Q)
estd. workers (00) 1241097 193335 1434432 44538 30810 75348 1509780 200758 87237 23151 38726 1548506 50274 38090 1948016 x x x
sample workers 82362 12402 94764 3616 1850 5466 100230 20267 4864 1677 3217 103447 3831 4527 138613 x x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 192 199 192 302 510 392 198 43 0 0 0 198 273 187 11869 560
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 364 627 371 325 37 201 366 0 0 0 0 366 6 329 20923 995
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 149 136 149 201 41 132 148 28 0 0 0 148 4 134 8506 547
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 16 18 16 17 0 9 16 3 0 70 0 16 22 15 962 61
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
108 5 105 86 212 140 106 763 555 746 0 106 14 113 7209 354
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
11 5 11 0 92 40 11 0 70 0 0 11 2 11 667 43
7. street without fixed
25 9 25 15 0 9 24 2 0 0 0 24 17 22 1405 59
8.construction site 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 38 7
9. others 122 0 119 47 108 73 118 111 0 89 0 118 281 116 7373 358
rural areas (2 to 9) 796 801 796 690 490 604 790 907 625 904 0 790 344 741 47083 2424

cont. to next page

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 54 3
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 68 0 0 0 0 13 6
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 38 1
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 295 28 0 0 0 2 109 6
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
15. street without fixed
2 0 2 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 2 0 2 133 8
16.construction site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
17. others 7 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 81 0 0 7 350 16 1007 57
urban areas (10 to 17) 11 0 11 0 0 0 10 50 375 96 0 10 354 21 1355 81
n.r. 1 0 1 8 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 29 51 3245 184
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 63552 3249
estd. workers (00) 53894 1468 55362 1001 757 1758 57120 1199 152 165 0 57120 1783 63552 x x
sample workers 2604 75 2679 93 51 144 2823 126 13 13 0 2823 97 3249 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 126 101 126 85 35 61 123 21 47 16 2 122 214 108 72120 4560
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 173 448 175 199 19 114 172 8 51 7 0 171 19 138 91733 7095
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 184 208 185 230 96 167 184 24 16 37 0 182 16 147 98288 7542
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 22 20 22 1 4 2 21 23 7 15 933 29 25 26 17471 1334
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
151 46 151 238 453 339 158 628 442 726 26 157 88 214 142358 10184
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
34 7 34 23 33 28 33 10 10 7 0 33 9 28 18570 1172
7. street without fixed
49 72 49 24 4 15 48 9 8 5 5 47 17 39 26127 1619
8.construction site 132 8 131 54 122 86 129 41 46 7 0 128 358 121 80539 4673
9. others 29 26 29 9 26 17 29 56 43 34 1 29 57 32 21465 1602
rural areas (2 to 9) 774 835 775 778 758 769 774 799 623 838 966 776 588 745 496552 35221

cont. to next page

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 591 47
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 14 0 14 22 30 26 14 4 5 3 0 14 2 12 7972 572
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 3 0 3 2 0 1 2 4 2 3 31 3 1 3 1769 111
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
37 31 37 95 117 105 40 148 265 131 1 39 23 58 38360 2333
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
4 1 4 0 0 0 4 3 0 1 0 4 3 4 2368 156
15. street without fixed
6 4 6 3 1 2 5 1 3 3 0 5 4 5 3118 185
16.construction site 30 0 30 10 54 31 30 3 52 1 0 30 74 29 19077 917
17. others 4 2 4 1 5 3 4 16 3 4 0 4 87 8 5480 559
urban areas (10 to 17) 99 39 98 132 207 167 101 179 330 146 32 101 193 118 78736 4880
n.r. 1 25 1 5 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 5 29 19167 2134
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 666575 46795
estd. workers (00) 495276 2984 498260 11317 10086 21402 519662 65839 24203 7551 4525 524187 26126 666575 x x
sample workers 31170 228 31398 838 557 1395 32793 7939 1234 541 373 33166 1815 46795 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 132 133 132 102 68 86 130 21 47 15 2 129 217 115 83990 5120
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 192 507 194 209 20 121 191 8 51 7 0 190 18 154 112656 8090
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 181 185 181 228 92 165 180 24 16 36 0 179 15 146 106794 8089
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 21 19 21 2 4 3 20 23 6 17 933 27 24 25 18433 1395
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
147 33 146 226 436 324 153 631 443 727 26 152 83 205 149567 10538
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
31 7 31 21 37 29 31 10 10 6 0 31 8 26 19237 1215
7. street without fixed
47 51 47 23 4 14 45 8 8 5 5 45 17 38 27532 1678
8.construction site 119 5 118 49 114 80 117 40 46 7 0 116 335 110 80577 4680
9. others 38 17 38 12 32 21 38 57 43 35 1 37 71 39 28838 1960
rural areas (2 to 9) 776 824 777 771 739 756 776 801 623 840 966 777 573 745 543635 37645

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 646 50
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 13 0 13 20 28 24 13 4 5 4 0 13 2 11 7985 578
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 2 0 1 2 4 2 3 31 2 1 2 1808 112
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
33 21 33 87 108 97 36 147 265 129 1 35 21 53 38469 2339
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
4 1 4 0 0 0 4 3 0 1 0 4 3 3 2368 156
15. street without fixed
5 2 5 3 1 2 5 1 3 3 0 5 4 4 3251 193
16.construction site 27 0 27 9 50 28 27 3 52 1 0 27 69 26 19077 917
17. others 4 1 4 1 5 3 4 15 3 4 0 4 104 9 6487 616
urban areas (10 to 17) 90 26 90 122 192 155 92 177 330 145 32 92 203 110 80091 4961
n.r. 1 16 1 5 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 7 31 22412 2318
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 730127 50044
estd. workers (00) 549170 4452 553622 12318 10842 23160 576782 67037 24356 7717 4525 581307 27909 730127 x x
sample workers 33774 303 34077 931 608 1539 35616 8065 1247 554 373 35989 1912 50044 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 84 74 78 300 845 322 83 0 0 0 0 83 185 81 4930 211
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 565 662 617 429 0 412 613 0 0 0 0 613 97 582 35376 1798
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 142 212 179 181 26 175 179 0 0 0 0 179 185 172 10482 550
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 7 4 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 294 14
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
109 5 53 62 129 64 54 971 68 1000 0 54 0 53 3226 133
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
8 1 4 0 0 0 4 0 68 0 0 4 0 4 250 18
7. street without fixed
5 15 10 5 0 5 10 29 0 0 0 10 0 10 593 24
8.construction site 6 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 9 3 162 8
9. others 69 24 45 6 0 6 44 0 0 0 0 44 147 44 2679 113
rural areas (2 to 9) 911 923 917 682 155 661 913 1000 136 1000 0 913 438 873 53062 2658

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 35 1
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 4
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 864 0 0 0 0 1 45 1
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
0 0 0 14 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 1
15. street without fixed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
16.construction site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
17. others 3 3 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 377 8 484 37
urban areas (10 to 17) 5 3 4 14 0 13 4 0 864 0 0 4 377 10 597 44
n.r. 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 2202 93
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 60790 3006
estd. workers (00) 26275 30222 56497 1041 44 1085 57582 128 52 16 0 57582 825 60790 x x
sample workers 1258 1504 2762 82 5 87 2849 8 3 4 0 2849 51 3006 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 44 33 39 43 1 30 39 20 7 0 6 37 126 35 5615 346
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 414 754 554 507 54 360 546 19 382 30 0 515 207 428 68250 4224
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 98 88 94 146 63 119 95 25 7 17 0 90 4 74 11879 934
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 29 13 22 15 12 14 22 30 25 33 950 74 36 64 10200 558
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
183 18 115 124 570 269 122 739 411 785 6 116 55 203 32310 2344
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
20 23 21 18 0 12 21 11 0 4 0 20 0 17 2698 169
7. street without fixed
22 35 27 60 3 41 28 3 2 0 3 27 7 22 3434 167
8.construction site 100 7 61 42 110 64 62 53 31 11 0 58 233 60 9578 471
9. others 26 10 20 17 0 11 19 44 43 35 0 18 49 23 3620 237
rural areas (2 to 9) 892 948 916 928 812 890 914 925 901 917 959 917 592 890 141969 9104

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 201 18
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 4 2 3 9 0 6 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 410 36
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 17 1 0 1 174 17
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
17 6 13 15 63 30 13 46 87 78 1 13 35 20 3235 220
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
0 5 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 239 18
15. street without fixed
2 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 8 1 231 14
16.construction site 33 0 19 0 125 41 20 2 6 0 0 19 85 18 2853 103
17. others 4 1 3 1 0 1 3 6 0 0 16 3 151 7 1176 77
urban areas (10 to 17) 62 18 44 25 188 78 45 55 93 83 34 45 279 53 8519 503
n.r. 2 1 2 3 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 3 21 3381 482
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 159484 10435
estd. workers (00) 66871 46754 113625 3542 1707 5249 118874 18649 5420 1912 7024 125898 4329 159484 x x
sample workers 4003 2688 6691 317 94 411 7102 1801 294 126 371 7473 265 10435 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 55 49 52 102 22 80 53 20 7 0 6 51 136 48 10544 557
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 457 718 575 490 52 369 568 19 379 30 0 546 189 470 103626 6022
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 111 137 122 154 62 129 123 25 7 17 0 118 33 102 22360 1484
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 23 9 17 12 12 12 16 30 24 33 950 52 30 48 10494 572
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
162 13 95 110 559 234 100 741 408 787 6 96 47 161 35537 2477
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
17 14 16 14 0 10 15 11 1 4 0 15 0 13 2948 187
7. street without fixed
17 27 22 47 3 35 22 3 2 0 3 21 6 18 4027 191
8.construction site 73 4 42 32 108 53 42 53 30 11 0 41 197 44 9740 479
9. others 38 16 28 14 0 10 27 44 42 35 0 26 65 29 6299 350
rural areas (2 to 9) 898 938 916 873 795 851 914 925 894 918 959 916 568 885 195031 11762

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 236 19
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 3 2 2 7 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 429 40
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 17 1 0 1 174 17
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
12 4 8 11 61 25 9 46 94 77 1 9 30 15 3280 221
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
0 3 1 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 254 19
15. street without fixed
1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 6 1 231 14
16.construction site 24 0 13 0 121 34 14 2 6 0 0 13 71 13 2853 103
17. others 4 2 3 1 0 1 3 6 0 0 16 3 187 8 1660 114
urban areas (10 to 17) 46 12 31 23 183 67 32 55 100 82 34 32 294 41 9116 547
n.r. 2 0 1 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 25 5583 575
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 220274 13441
estd. workers (00) 93146 76976 170122 4583 1751 6335 176456 18777 5472 1928 7024 183480 5154 220274 x x
sample workers 5261 4192 9453 399 99 498 9951 1809 297 130 371 10322 316 13441 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 157 80 135 301 528 365 140 39 0 0 0 140 245 135 16799 771
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 430 660 495 378 35 281 490 0 0 0 0 490 35 453 56298 2793
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 147 209 164 191 40 149 164 26 0 0 0 164 61 153 18987 1097
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 13 4 11 8 0 6 10 3 0 64 0 10 15 10 1257 75
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
108 5 79 73 208 111 80 783 431 768 0 80 9 84 10435 487
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
10 1 7 0 87 24 8 0 69 0 0 8 1 7 918 61
7. street without fixed
18 15 17 10 0 7 17 4 0 0 0 17 11 16 1998 83
8.construction site 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 200 15
9. others 105 23 82 26 102 47 81 101 0 81 0 81 238 81 10052 471
rural areas (2 to 9) 834 917 857 686 472 626 852 916 501 913 0 852 374 805 100145 5082

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 90 4
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 62 0 0 0 0 32 10
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 1
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 439 26 0 0 0 1 154 7
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
0 0 0 7 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 1
15. street without fixed
2 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 133 8
16.construction site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
17. others 6 3 5 0 0 0 5 0 60 0 0 5 358 12 1492 94
urban areas (10 to 17) 9 3 7 7 0 5 7 45 499 87 0 7 361 16 1952 125
n.r. 1 0 1 6 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 20 44 5447 277
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 124342 6255
estd. workers (00) 80168 31691 111859 2043 800 2843 114702 1327 204 181 0 114702 2609 124342 x x
sample workers 3862 1579 5441 175 56 231 5672 134 16 17 0 5672 148 6255 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 116 37 109 75 30 55 107 21 40 12 5 105 201 94 77735 4906
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 202 736 245 272 24 163 242 10 112 12 0 237 46 194 159983 11319
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 174 95 168 210 91 158 167 24 14 33 0 164 14 133 110167 8476
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 22 14 22 4 5 5 21 25 10 19 943 37 26 33 27671 1892
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
155 20 144 211 470 325 152 653 437 738 14 149 83 211 174668 12528
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
32 22 31 22 28 25 31 11 8 6 0 30 8 26 21268 1341
7. street without fixed
46 38 45 32 4 20 44 7 7 4 4 43 16 36 29561 1786
8.construction site 128 7 118 51 120 82 117 44 43 8 0 115 340 109 90117 5144
9. others 29 11 27 11 23 16 27 53 43 34 1 27 56 30 25085 1839
rural areas (2 to 9) 788 942 801 814 765 793 800 827 674 854 962 803 589 773 638521 44325

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 793 65
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 13 2 12 19 26 22 12 3 4 2 0 12 1 10 8383 608
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 1 0 1 2 4 2 3 23 2 0 2 1944 128
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
34 8 32 76 109 90 35 126 232 121 1 34 24 50 41594 2553
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
4 4 4 0 0 0 4 2 0 1 0 4 2 3 2608 174
15. street without fixed
5 2 5 2 1 1 5 1 2 3 0 5 5 4 3349 199
16.construction site 31 0 28 7 64 33 28 3 43 1 0 28 76 27 21930 1020
17. others 4 1 4 1 4 2 4 13 2 3 10 4 96 8 6655 636
urban areas (10 to 17) 94 19 88 107 204 150 91 152 286 133 33 90 205 106 87255 5383
n.r. 1 2 1 4 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 5 27 22548 2616
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 826059 57230
estd. workers (00) 562147 49738 611885 14859 11793 26652 638536 84487 29623 9464 11549 650086 30455 826059 x x
sample workers 35173 2916 38089 1155 651 1806 39895 9740 1528 667 744 40639 2080 57230 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 121 53 113 102 62 85 112 21 40 12 5 111 205 99 94534 5677
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 230 706 284 285 25 174 279 10 111 12 0 275 45 228 216282 14112
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 171 139 167 208 88 157 167 24 14 32 0 164 18 136 129154 9573
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 21 10 20 5 5 5 19 24 10 20 943 33 25 30 28927 1967
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
149 14 134 194 453 305 141 655 437 739 14 139 78 195 185104 13015
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
29 14 28 19 32 25 27 10 9 6 0 27 7 23 22185 1402
7. street without fixed
42 29 41 30 4 19 40 7 7 4 4 39 16 33 31559 1869
8.construction site 112 4 100 45 113 74 99 43 43 8 0 98 314 95 90317 5159
9. others 38 16 36 13 28 19 35 54 43 35 1 35 70 37 35137 2310
rural areas (2 to 9) 794 932 810 799 747 777 808 828 673 855 962 811 572 777 738665 49407

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 882 69
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 11 1 10 17 24 20 11 3 4 3 0 10 1 9 8414 618
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 1 0 1 2 4 2 3 23 2 0 2 1982 129
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
30 5 27 66 102 82 29 125 234 119 1 29 23 44 41748 2560
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
3 3 3 1 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 3 2 3 2622 175
15. street without fixed
5 1 4 2 1 1 4 1 2 3 0 4 4 4 3482 207
16.construction site 27 0 24 7 60 30 24 3 43 1 0 24 70 23 21930 1020
17. others 4 2 4 1 4 2 4 13 2 3 10 4 117 9 8147 730
urban areas (10 to 17) 84 13 76 95 191 136 78 150 288 133 33 77 217 94 89207 5508
n.r. 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 6 29 27995 2893
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 950401 63485
estd. workers (00) 642315 81428 723744 16901 12593 29495 753239 85814 29828 9645 11549 764788 33064 950401 x x
sample workers 39035 4495 43530 1330 707 2037 45567 9874 1544 684 744 46311 2228 63485 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 126 37 124 11 30 20 112 2 0 0 0 112 43 98 841 74
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 8 230 11 1 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 9 75 8
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 26 0 26 0 1 0 23 0 0 0 0 23 0 20 169 13
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
14 0 14 0 0 0 12 89 0 0 0 12 0 13 111 19
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
7. street without fixed
3 0 3 0 6 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 23 3
8.construction site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
9. others 7 0 7 0 15 7 7 0 0 0 0 7 145 11 92 9
rural areas (2 to 9) 58 230 61 1 22 11 55 89 0 0 0 55 145 55 471 53

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 349 623 354 263 0 142 328 0 0 0 0 328 0 284 2429 231
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 136 95 135 77 82 79 129 0 0 0 0 129 0 111 952 111
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 47 0 47 0 0 0 41 10 0 0 0 41 284 46 391 29
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
113 0 111 205 167 187 120 862 879 1000 0 120 48 148 1266 129
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
14 0 13 430 0 232 40 0 0 0 0 40 0 34 293 14
15. street without fixed
12 0 12 0 1 1 11 0 0 0 0 11 0 9 79 12
16.construction site 8 0 8 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 6 55 2
17. others 136 15 134 13 698 328 158 37 121 0 0 158 481 156 1334 194
urban areas (10 to 17) 816 733 815 988 948 970 834 908 1000 1000 0 834 812 794 6799 722
n.r. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 456 22
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 8567 871
estd. workers (00) 6415 102 6517 477 405 882 7399 258 122 33 0 7399 299 8567 x x
sample workers 615 12 627 60 62 122 749 53 9 4 0 749 34 871 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 58 53 58 12 15 13 55 5 6 4 3 54 122 44 28822 2284
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 3 27 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 3 5 2 1587 191
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 14 37 14 15 13 14 14 3 2 1 0 14 2 11 7219 713
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 10 2 2 1 2 1415 137
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
12 4 12 17 11 14 12 50 41 32 0 12 23 20 13062 1177
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
2 0 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 3 2 1019 104
7. street without fixed
4 0 4 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 4 2 3 1841 139
8.construction site 6 0 6 0 1 0 6 1 1 0 0 6 14 5 3055 240
9. others 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 4 0 1 0 1 459 53
rural areas (2 to 9) 44 67 44 32 29 31 43 59 47 48 2 43 50 45 29656 2754

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 114 293 115 111 18 72 112 2 9 1 2 110 28 84 54962 4228
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 261 215 261 368 264 324 265 17 22 16 2 262 21 200 131166 10189
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 22 33 22 14 5 10 21 22 10 15 963 32 35 29 18746 1586
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
282 222 281 379 585 466 295 818 840 859 17 292 282 409 268242 18699
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
41 38 41 10 6 8 38 22 6 17 4 38 19 32 21250 1812
15. street without fixed
64 46 64 17 6 12 60 3 6 0 3 59 53 46 30220 2384
16.construction site 87 3 87 23 57 38 83 4 25 0 0 82 239 68 44693 3643
17. others 27 25 27 34 14 25 27 48 29 39 2 26 145 32 20741 1830
urban areas (10 to 17) 897 874 897 956 955 955 901 936 946 948 994 902 822 900 590020 44371
n.r. 1 6 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 7 11 7104 1168
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 655601 50577
estd. workers (00) 444694 2747 447441 20238 15020 35258 482699 91918 47924 7941 5858 488557 12560 655601 x x
sample workers 33525 254 33779 1508 889 2397 36176 8245 2727 609 487 36663 1188 50577 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 59 52 59 12 16 13 56 5 6 4 3 55 120 45 29662 2358
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 3 34 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 3 5 3 1662 199
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 14 35 14 15 13 14 14 3 2 1 0 14 2 11 7388 726
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 10 2 2 1 2 1415 137
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
12 4 12 16 11 14 12 50 41 32 0 12 22 20 13174 1196
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
2 0 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 3 2 1019 105
7. street without fixed
4 0 4 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 4 2 3 1865 142
8.construction site 6 0 6 0 1 0 6 1 1 0 0 6 13 5 3055 240
9. others 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 4 0 1 4 1 551 62
rural areas (2 to 9) 44 73 45 32 29 30 44 59 47 48 2 43 52 45 30127 2807

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 117 305 118 115 18 73 115 2 9 1 2 114 28 86 57391 4459
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 259 210 259 361 259 318 263 17 22 16 2 260 20 199 132119 10300
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 22 32 22 13 5 10 21 22 10 15 963 32 41 29 19137 1615
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
279 214 279 375 574 460 292 818 840 860 17 289 277 406 269508 18828
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
40 37 40 19 6 14 38 22 6 17 4 38 19 32 21543 1826
15. street without fixed
63 44 63 17 6 12 59 3 6 0 3 59 52 46 30299 2396
16.construction site 86 3 86 23 56 37 82 4 25 0 0 81 233 67 44747 3645
17. others 28 25 28 34 32 33 29 48 29 39 2 28 153 33 22075 2024
urban areas (10 to 17) 896 869 895 956 955 956 900 936 946 948 994 901 822 899 596819 45093
n.r. 1 6 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 6 11 7560 1190
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 664168 51448
estd. workers (00) 451109 2849 453958 20715 15425 36140 490098 92175 48046 7974 5858 495956 12859 664168 x x
sample workers 34140 266 34406 1568 951 2519 36925 8298 2736 613 487 37412 1222 51448 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 32 0 14 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 14 353 16 74 8
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 40 61 52 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 50 0 45 207 10
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 2 20 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 12 0 11 48 7
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
8 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 14 3
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
7. street without fixed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
8.construction site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
9. others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 0 2 2
rural areas (2 to 9) 51 81 68 0 0 0 65 21 0 0 0 65 43 60 273 23

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 540 728 647 0 0 0 624 0 0 0 0 624 246 566 2584 180
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 177 162 169 57 0 54 165 0 0 1000 0 165 0 149 681 58
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
119 2 52 71 0 68 53 774 0 0 0 53 0 56 254 23
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
5 3 4 870 0 826 33 0 0 0 0 33 0 30 136 7
15. street without fixed
22 1 10 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 39 4
16.construction site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
17. others 54 22 36 2 1000 52 37 170 0 0 0 37 358 39 177 27
urban areas (10 to 17) 917 919 918 1000 1000 1000 921 979 0 1000 0 921 604 849 3873 300
n.r. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 343 12
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 4563 343
estd. workers (00) 1711 2262 3973 140 7 147 4120 47 0 2 0 4120 51 4563 x x
sample workers 155 149 304 9 1 10 314 8 0 1 0 314 8 343 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 21 22 22 1 0 0 20 0 8 0 1 17 49 13 1837 155
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 6 22 12 1 0 0 12 0 4 0 0 9 18 7 1008 111
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 9 5 7 1 0 1 7 2 0 0 0 6 0 4 590 75
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 10 9 2 7 2 289 48
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
18 1 11 5 4 5 11 74 103 23 0 9 3 24 3262 273
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
1 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 116 29
7. street without fixed
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 58 9
8.construction site 7 0 5 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 3 6 3 369 31
9. others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 14
rural areas (2 to 9) 42 32 38 7 4 6 36 79 108 33 9 31 34 42 5737 590

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 283 654 429 219 16 132 410 3 68 1 2 331 108 247 33712 2720
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 124 94 112 140 91 119 112 9 16 22 1 91 16 69 9453 949
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 30 22 27 25 8 18 26 27 5 4 968 209 126 160 21745 2025
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
337 44 221 414 807 584 245 812 771 914 12 199 331 348 47441 3644
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
21 45 31 15 0 8 29 23 11 20 2 24 2 22 3020 277
15. street without fixed
28 61 41 51 0 29 41 2 3 0 1 33 28 25 3415 269
16.construction site 100 6 63 51 74 61 63 3 2 0 0 51 107 40 5391 463
17. others 11 21 15 76 0 43 17 42 7 6 3 14 198 21 2872 260
urban areas (10 to 17) 935 946 939 992 996 994 943 921 884 967 990 952 915 932 127048 10607
n.r. 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 12 1704 351
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 136326 11703
estd. workers (00) 45245 29557 74802 2912 2218 5130 79932 20165 7678 4899 19291 99223 2640 136326 x x
sample workers 3403 2687 6090 283 139 422 6512 1949 492 337 1808 8320 252 11703 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 22 21 21 1 0 0 20 0 8 0 1 16 55 14 1912 163
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 7 25 14 0 0 0 13 0 4 0 0 11 18 9 1215 121
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 9 6 8 1 0 1 7 2 0 0 0 6 0 5 638 82
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 10 9 2 7 2 289 49
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
17 1 11 5 4 5 10 74 103 23 0 8 3 23 3276 276
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
1 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 116 29
7. street without fixed
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 58 9
8.construction site 7 0 4 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 3 6 3 369 31
9. others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 48 16
rural areas (2 to 9) 43 35 40 7 4 5 38 79 108 33 9 32 34 43 6010 613

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 292 659 440 209 16 128 421 3 68 1 2 343 110 258 36296 2900
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 126 99 115 137 91 117 115 9 16 22 1 94 16 72 10133 1007
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 29 20 25 24 8 17 25 27 5 4 968 201 123 154 21746 2026
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
330 41 213 398 804 569 235 812 771 914 12 194 325 339 47695 3667
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
21 42 29 54 0 31 29 23 11 20 2 24 2 22 3156 284
15. street without fixed
28 57 40 49 0 28 39 2 3 0 1 32 27 25 3454 273
16.construction site 97 6 60 49 74 59 60 3 2 0 0 49 105 38 5391 463
17. others 13 21 16 73 3 43 18 42 7 6 3 15 201 22 3049 287
urban areas (10 to 17) 934 944 938 993 996 994 942 921 884 967 990 951 909 929 130921 10907
n.r. 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 15 2046 363
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 140889 12046
estd. workers (00) 46956 31818 78774 3052 2225 5278 84052 20212 7678 4901 19291 103343 2691 140889 x x
sample workers 3558 2836 6394 292 140 432 6826 1957 492 338 1808 8634 260 12046 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 106 2 83 8 29 17 77 2 0 0 0 77 89 70 915 82
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 15 68 27 1 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 24 0 21 282 18
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 21 19 21 0 1 0 19 0 0 0 0 19 0 16 217 20
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
13 0 10 0 0 0 9 76 0 0 0 9 0 10 126 22
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
7. street without fixed
3 0 2 0 6 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 23 3
8.construction site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
9. others 5 0 4 0 15 6 4 0 0 0 0 4 130 7 94 11
rural areas (2 to 9) 56 87 63 1 22 9 58 79 0 0 0 58 130 57 743 76

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 390 724 465 203 0 122 434 0 0 0 0 434 36 382 5014 411
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 145 159 148 73 80 76 142 0 0 64 0 142 0 124 1633 169
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 37 0 29 0 0 0 26 14 0 0 0 26 242 30 393 30
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
114 2 89 175 164 170 96 848 879 936 0 96 41 116 1520 152
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
12 3 10 530 0 317 37 0 0 0 0 37 0 33 429 21
15. street without fixed
14 1 11 0 1 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 9 118 16
16.construction site 7 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 55 2
17. others 119 22 97 11 704 289 114 57 121 0 0 114 463 115 1511 221
urban areas (10 to 17) 838 911 854 991 949 974 865 919 1000 1000 0 865 782 813 10673 1022
n.r. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 799 34
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 13129 1214
estd. workers (00) 8126 2363 10490 617 413 1029 11519 304 122 35 0 11519 350 13129 x x
sample workers 770 161 931 69 63 132 1063 61 9 5 0 1063 42 1214 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 55 25 53 10 13 12 50 4 7 3 2 48 109 39 30659 2439
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 3 23 5 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 4 7 3 2594 302
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 14 7 13 14 12 13 13 3 1 1 0 13 2 10 7809 788
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 10 7 2 2 2 1704 185
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
13 2 12 15 10 13 12 54 50 28 0 12 19 21 16324 1450
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
2 2 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 1135 133
7. street without fixed
4 0 3 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 3 2 2 1899 148
8.construction site 6 0 6 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 5 12 4 3424 271
9. others 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 505 67
rural areas (2 to 9) 44 35 44 29 26 28 42 63 55 42 7 41 47 45 35394 3344

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 129 623 160 125 18 79 154 2 17 1 2 148 42 112 88673 6948
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 248 104 240 339 242 298 244 16 21 18 1 233 20 178 140619 11138
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 22 23 22 15 5 11 22 23 9 11 967 62 51 51 40491 3611
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
287 59 273 383 613 481 288 817 830 880 13 276 291 399 315683 22343
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
39 44 39 10 6 8 37 22 7 18 3 36 16 31 24270 2089
15. street without fixed
61 60 61 21 5 14 57 3 6 0 2 55 48 42 33635 2653
16.construction site 88 6 83 27 59 41 80 4 22 0 0 77 216 63 50084 4106
17. others 25 21 25 39 12 28 25 47 26 27 3 24 154 30 23613 2090
urban areas (10 to 17) 900 940 903 960 960 960 907 933 938 955 991 911 838 905 717068 54978
n.r. 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 6 11 8807 1519
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 791928 62280
estd. workers (00) 489939 32304 522243 23151 17237 40388 562631 112083 55602 12839 25149 587780 15200 791928 x x
sample workers 36928 2941 39869 1791 1028 2819 42688 10194 3219 946 2295 44983 1440 62280 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 56 23 54 10 14 12 50 4 7 3 2 48 109 39 31574 2521
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 4 26 5 0 0 0 5 0 1 1 0 5 7 4 2876 320
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 14 8 13 13 11 12 13 3 1 1 0 13 2 10 8026 808
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 10 7 2 2 2 1704 186
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
13 1 12 15 10 13 12 54 50 28 0 12 19 20 16450 1472
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
2 2 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 1135 134
7. street without fixed
4 0 3 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 3 2 2 1922 151
8.construction site 6 0 6 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 5 12 4 3424 271
9. others 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 2 0 1 3 1 599 78
rural areas (2 to 9) 44 38 44 29 26 27 43 63 55 42 7 41 49 45 36137 3420

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 134 630 166 127 18 80 160 2 17 1 2 153 42 116 93687 7359
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 247 108 238 332 238 292 242 16 21 18 1 232 19 177 142252 11307
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 23 21 23 15 5 11 22 23 9 11 967 61 55 51 40883 3641
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
284 55 269 378 603 474 284 817 830 880 13 273 285 394 317203 22495
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
39 41 39 24 5 16 37 22 7 18 3 36 16 31 24699 2110
15. street without fixed
60 56 60 21 5 14 56 3 6 0 2 54 47 42 33752 2669
16.construction site 87 5 82 26 58 40 79 4 22 0 0 75 211 62 50138 4108
17. others 27 21 26 39 28 34 27 47 26 27 3 26 161 31 25124 2311
urban areas (10 to 17) 899 938 902 961 960 961 906 933 938 955 991 910 837 904 727740 56000
n.r. 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 6 12 9606 1553
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 805057 63494
estd. workers (00) 498066 34667 532733 23768 17650 41418 574150 112387 55724 12875 25149 599299 15550 805057 x x
sample workers 37698 3102 40800 1860 1091 2951 43751 10255 3228 951 2295 46046 1482 63494 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status rural + urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 185 189 185 208 343 267 188 36 0 0 0 188 240 176 12710 634
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 326 602 333 220 24 134 325 0 0 0 0 325 5 291 20998 1003
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 136 128 136 136 27 88 134 23 0 0 0 134 3 120 8674 560
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 14 17 14 11 0 6 14 3 0 58 0 14 19 13 962 61
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
98 5 95 58 138 93 95 643 309 621 0 95 12 102 7320 373
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
10 4 9 0 60 26 10 0 39 0 0 10 1 9 668 44
7. street without fixed
23 9 22 10 2 7 22 1 0 0 0 22 14 20 1429 62
8.construction site 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 38 7
9. others 110 0 107 32 76 51 105 92 0 74 0 105 261 104 7465 367
rural areas (2 to 9) 718 764 719 468 327 406 706 762 348 753 0 706 315 659 47554 2477

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status rural + urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 38 40 38 85 0 47 38 0 0 0 0 38 4 34 2484 234
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 14 6 14 25 29 27 15 1 0 56 0 15 0 13 965 117
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 6 0 6 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 5 41 6 430 30
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
12 0 12 66 58 63 14 190 554 191 0 14 7 19 1375 135
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
1 0 1 139 0 78 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 293 14
15. street without fixed
3 0 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 3 0 3 212 20
16.construction site 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 55 2
17. others 21 1 20 4 244 110 24 7 99 0 0 24 368 32 2341 251
urban areas (10 to 17) 97 47 95 319 331 324 105 202 652 247 0 105 420 113 8154 803
n.r. 1 0 1 6 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 25 51 3701 206
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 72119 4120
estd. workers (00) 60309 1570 61879 1478 1162 2640 64519 1456 274 199 0 64519 2082 72119 x x
sample workers 3219 87 3306 153 113 266 3572 179 22 17 0 3572 131 4120 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status rural + urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 94 78 94 38 23 31 90 11 20 10 3 89 184 76 100942 6844
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 93 246 94 71 8 43 91 3 17 4 0 90 14 71 93320 7286
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 104 126 104 92 47 72 102 12 6 19 0 101 11 80 105507 8255
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 12 10 12 0 2 1 12 11 4 13 408 16 17 14 18886 1471
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
85 26 85 96 189 137 88 291 176 370 11 87 67 118 155420 11361
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
19 4 19 8 14 11 18 5 4 3 0 18 7 15 19588 1276
7. street without fixed
28 37 28 9 2 6 27 4 3 2 2 26 12 21 27968 1758
8.construction site 72 4 72 19 49 33 70 18 16 3 0 69 246 63 83594 4913
9. others 16 14 16 3 12 7 15 24 15 19 1 15 38 17 21923 1655
rural areas (2 to 9) 429 467 429 300 322 310 422 368 240 433 422 422 413 398 526208 37975

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status rural + urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 54 141 55 71 11 45 54 1 6 1 1 54 9 42 55553 4275
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 131 103 131 244 170 211 135 12 16 10 1 134 8 105 139139 10761
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 12 16 12 9 3 7 11 15 7 9 557 17 12 16 20515 1697
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
153 123 153 277 397 330 163 538 647 504 10 161 107 232 306601 21032
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
22 19 22 6 4 5 21 14 4 9 2 20 8 18 23618 1968
15. street without fixed
33 24 33 12 4 8 32 2 5 2 2 31 20 25 33338 2569
16.construction site 57 1 57 18 56 35 56 4 34 0 0 55 128 48 63770 4560
17. others 15 13 15 22 10 17 15 34 20 22 1 15 106 20 26221 2389
urban areas
476 440 476 660 654 658 486 620 739 557 575 487 397 506 668756 49251
(10 to 17)
n.r. 1 16 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 6 20 26271 3302
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1322177 97372
estd. workers (00) 939970 5731 945702 31555 25105 56660 1002362 157756 72128 15492 10383 1012745 38686 1322177 x x
sample workers 64695 482 65177 2346 1446 3792 68969 16184 3961 1150 860 69829 3003 97372 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status rural + urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 99 102 99 45 37 42 96 12 20 10 3 95 187 82 113652 7478
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 107 323 108 78 8 47 105 3 17 4 0 104 14 82 114318 8289
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 106 126 106 94 46 73 104 12 6 18 0 103 11 82 114182 8815
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 13 12 13 1 2 1 12 11 4 13 408 16 17 14 19848 1532
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
86 21 86 94 187 135 88 295 176 373 11 88 64 117 162741 11734
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
18 4 18 8 16 12 18 5 4 3 0 17 7 15 20256 1320
7. street without fixed
27 31 27 9 2 6 26 4 3 2 2 26 13 21 29397 1820
8.construction site 68 3 68 18 47 31 66 17 16 3 0 65 234 60 83632 4920
9. others 21 11 21 5 15 9 21 25 14 19 1 20 50 21 29389 2022
rural areas (2 to 9) 446 531 447 307 322 314 440 371 241 437 422 439 408 412 573762 40452

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status rural + urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 53 119 54 72 11 45 53 1 6 1 1 53 9 42 58037 4509
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 124 82 124 234 164 203 128 12 16 10 1 127 7 100 140104 10878
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 11 12 11 9 3 6 11 14 7 9 557 16 13 15 20945 1727
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
144 96 144 267 382 318 154 535 646 500 10 152 102 221 307977 21167
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
20 15 20 12 4 8 20 14 4 9 2 19 8 17 23911 1982
15. street without fixed
31 19 31 11 4 8 30 2 5 2 2 30 19 24 33550 2589
16.construction site 54 1 53 18 54 34 52 4 34 0 0 52 121 46 63824 4562
17. others 15 10 15 21 21 21 15 34 20 22 1 15 119 20 28562 2640
urban areas
453 355 453 645 640 643 463 616 739 553 575 464 398 485 676910 50054
(10 to 17)
n.r. 1 12 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 7 21 29972 3508
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1394295 101492
estd. workers (00) 1000279 7301 1007580 33033 26267 59300 1066881 159213 72402 15691 10383 1077264 40768 1394295 x x
sample workers 67914 569 68483 2499 1559 4058 72541 16363 3983 1167 860 73401 3134 101492 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status rural + urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 81 69 74 264 722 283 78 0 0 0 0 78 195 77 5004 219
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 533 620 580 378 0 363 575 0 0 0 0 575 92 544 35583 1808
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 133 199 168 160 22 154 168 0 0 0 0 168 174 161 10530 557
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 6 4 5 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 5 0 5 295 15
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
103 5 50 54 110 57 50 713 68 874 0 50 0 50 3241 136
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
8 1 4 0 0 0 4 0 68 0 0 4 0 4 250 18
7. street without fixed
5 14 10 4 0 4 10 21 0 0 0 10 0 9 593 24
8.construction site 6 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 8 2 162 8
9. others 65 22 42 5 0 5 41 0 0 0 0 41 141 41 2681 115
rural areas (2 to 9) 858 864 862 602 132 582 856 739 136 874 0 856 415 816 53334 2681

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status rural + urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 34 51 43 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 42 14 40 2620 181
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 11 12 11 7 0 6 11 0 0 126 0 11 0 11 699 62
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
7 0 3 8 0 8 4 206 864 0 0 4 0 5 299 24
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
0 0 0 115 0 110 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 150 8
15. street without fixed
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 39 4
16.construction site 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17. others 6 4 5 0 145 6 5 45 0 0 0 5 375 10 662 64
urban areas (10 to 17) 61 67 64 130 145 131 65 261 864 126 0 65 390 68 4470 344
n.r. 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 2545 105
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 65353 3349
estd. workers (00) 27986 32484 60470 1181 51 1233 61702 175 52 18 0 61702 877 65353 x x
sample workers 1413 1653 3066 91 6 97 3163 16 3 5 0 3163 59 3349 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status rural + urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 35 29 32 24 0 15 31 10 8 0 3 28 97 25 7452 501
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 250 471 339 279 23 182 331 9 161 9 0 292 136 234 69258 4335
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 62 56 60 81 27 61 60 13 3 5 0 53 3 42 12469 1009
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 17 8 14 8 5 7 13 14 10 17 260 42 25 35 10488 606
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
116 12 74 70 250 138 77 394 230 237 2 68 35 120 35572 2617
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
13 15 13 10 0 6 13 6 0 1 0 12 0 10 2814 198
7. street without fixed
13 22 17 33 1 21 17 1 1 0 1 15 5 12 3492 176
8.construction site 62 4 39 23 48 32 39 26 13 3 0 34 147 34 9947 502
9. others 16 6 12 9 0 6 12 22 18 10 0 10 30 12 3666 251
rural areas (2 to 9) 549 593 567 513 355 453 561 485 436 281 262 526 381 499 147706 9694

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status rural + urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 115 254 172 99 9 65 166 2 40 1 2 147 41 115 33913 2738
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 52 38 46 68 52 62 47 5 9 16 0 42 6 33 9863 985
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 12 9 11 11 4 9 11 14 3 4 715 93 48 74 21919 2042
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
146 21 96 195 483 304 106 444 488 680 9 95 147 171 50676 3864
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
9 20 13 7 0 4 13 12 7 14 1 12 1 11 3260 295
15. street without fixed
12 25 17 23 0 14 17 1 2 0 1 15 15 12 3645 283
16.construction site 60 2 37 23 96 51 37 2 3 0 0 33 93 28 8244 566
17. others 7 9 8 35 0 22 8 25 4 4 7 8 169 14 4047 337
urban areas (10 to 17) 414 377 399 462 644 531 406 505 557 719 735 445 520 458 135567 11110
n.r. 2 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 17 5084 833
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 295810 22138
estd. workers (00) 112116 76310 188427 6454 3925 10380 198806 38814 13098 6811 26315 225121 6969 295810 x x
sample workers 7406 5375 12781 600 233 833 13614 3750 786 463 2179 15793 517 22138 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status rural + urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 44 41 42 61 10 44 42 10 8 0 3 39 108 34 12456 720
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 306 515 398 294 23 201 389 9 160 9 0 353 131 290 104840 6143
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 76 98 86 93 27 70 85 13 3 5 0 78 22 64 22999 1566
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 15 7 12 7 5 6 11 14 10 17 260 34 22 30 10783 621
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
114 10 68 68 248 130 71 395 230 239 2 64 32 107 38813 2753
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
12 11 11 8 0 5 11 6 0 1 0 10 0 8 3065 216
7. street without fixed
12 19 15 28 1 19 15 1 1 0 1 14 4 11 4084 200
8.construction site 51 3 30 19 47 29 30 26 13 3 0 27 132 28 10109 510
9. others 25 11 19 9 0 6 19 22 18 10 0 17 43 18 6347 366
rural areas (2 to 9) 611 674 639 526 352 467 631 487 435 283 262 597 385 557 201041 12375

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status rural + urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 99 194 140 84 9 58 137 2 40 1 2 124 38 101 36533 2919
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 44 30 38 59 51 56 39 5 9 16 0 35 5 29 10562 1047
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 10 6 8 10 4 8 8 14 3 4 715 73 42 61 21921 2043
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
119 15 73 166 477 273 82 443 489 678 9 75 131 141 50975 3888
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
7 14 10 23 0 15 10 12 7 14 1 10 1 9 3410 303
15. street without fixed
10 17 13 20 0 13 13 1 2 0 1 12 13 10 3684 287
16.construction site 48 2 28 20 95 45 29 2 3 0 0 26 83 23 8244 566
17. others 7 7 7 30 2 20 8 25 4 4 7 8 192 13 4709 401
urban areas (10 to 17) 344 285 318 410 638 488 325 504 558 717 735 363 505 388 140037 11454
n.r. 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 21 7629 938
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 361163 25487
estd. workers (00) 140102 108794 248896 7636 3976 11612 260508 38988 13150 6829 26315 286823 7846 361163 x x
sample workers 8819 7028 15847 691 239 930 16777 3766 789 468 2179 18956 576 25487 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status rural + urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 152 74 130 233 359 272 135 32 0 0 0 135 226 129 17713 853
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 392 619 455 290 23 207 448 0 0 0 0 448 31 412 56580 2811
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 135 195 152 147 27 109 151 21 0 0 0 151 54 140 19204 1117
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 12 4 10 6 0 4 10 3 0 53 0 10 13 9 1258 76
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
99 5 73 56 137 82 73 651 270 642 0 73 8 77 10561 509
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
9 1 7 0 57 18 7 0 44 0 0 7 1 7 918 62
7. street without fixed
17 14 16 7 2 6 16 3 0 0 0 16 10 15 2021 86
8.construction site 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 200 15
9. others 96 21 75 20 72 36 74 82 0 68 0 74 225 74 10146 482
rural areas (2 to 9) 762 860 789 527 319 462 779 760 314 763 0 779 345 734 100888 5158

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status rural + urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 37 50 41 47 0 32 40 0 0 0 0 40 7 37 5104 415
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 13 11 13 17 27 20 13 0 0 62 0 13 0 12 1665 179
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 4 0 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 3 29 3 431 31
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
11 0 8 40 56 45 9 192 603 175 0 9 5 12 1674 159
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
1 0 1 128 0 88 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 3 443 22
15. street without fixed
3 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 251 24
16.construction site 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 2
17. others 16 4 13 2 239 77 15 11 83 0 0 15 370 22 3003 315
urban areas (10 to 17) 85 66 80 235 323 263 86 208 686 237 0 86 411 92 12625 1147
n.r. 1 0 1 5 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 18 45 6246 311
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 137472 7469
estd. workers (00) 88295 34054 122349 2659 1213 3873 126221 1631 326 217 0 126221 2959 137472 x x
sample workers 4632 1740 6372 244 119 363 6735 195 25 22 0 6735 190 7469 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status rural + urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 87 32 83 36 20 29 80 11 18 7 3 78 170 67 108394 7345
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 109 455 134 107 10 65 130 4 39 5 0 127 33 100 162578 11621
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 99 61 97 90 44 70 95 12 6 14 0 92 10 73 117976 9264
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 13 8 13 2 2 2 12 11 5 14 302 21 18 18 29374 2077
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
89 13 83 92 197 137 86 312 184 330 4 84 62 118 190993 13978
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
18 14 18 9 12 10 17 5 3 3 0 17 6 14 22403 1474
7. street without fixed
26 23 26 13 2 8 25 3 2 2 1 24 11 19 31460 1934
8.construction site 71 4 67 20 49 33 65 19 16 3 0 63 231 58 93541 5415
9. others 16 7 15 4 10 7 15 24 15 16 0 14 37 16 25590 1906
rural areas (2 to 9) 442 585 452 336 326 332 445 391 270 387 308 441 409 417 673914 47669

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status rural + urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 61 246 74 76 11 48 73 1 11 1 2 71 14 55 89466 7013
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 123 42 117 214 154 188 121 10 15 12 1 117 8 92 149002 11746
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 12 9 11 10 3 7 11 15 6 7 670 31 17 26 42434 3739
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
152 28 143 263 408 326 153 520 622 558 9 149 113 221 357277 24896
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
20 20 20 6 3 5 19 13 4 11 2 19 7 17 26878 2263
15. street without fixed
31 25 31 14 3 9 29 2 5 1 1 28 19 23 36983 2852
16.construction site 58 2 54 19 61 38 53 3 29 0 0 51 122 45 72013 5126
17. others 14 9 14 24 9 18 14 32 18 17 5 14 115 19 30268 2726
urban areas (10 to 17) 470 382 463 627 653 638 473 597 711 606 690 480 416 497 804323 60361
n.r. 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 5 19 31355 4135
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1617987 119510
estd. workers (00) 1052086 82042 1134128 38010 29030 67040 1201168 196570 85226 22303 36698 1237866 45655 1617987 x x
sample workers 72101 5857 77958 2946 1679 4625 82583 19934 4747 1613 3039 85622 3520 119510 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status rural + urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 92 44 88 48 34 42 86 11 18 7 3 83 174 72 126108 8198
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 131 503 166 119 10 72 161 4 39 5 0 156 33 125 219158 14432
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 102 100 102 94 43 72 100 12 6 14 0 98 13 78 137180 10381
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 13 7 12 2 2 2 12 11 5 14 302 20 18 17 30632 2153
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
90 10 82 89 195 134 85 314 185 333 4 83 59 115 201554 14487
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
17 10 17 8 14 11 16 5 3 3 0 16 6 13 23320 1536
7. street without fixed
25 20 25 12 2 8 24 3 2 2 1 23 11 19 33481 2020
8.construction site 66 3 60 19 47 31 59 19 15 3 0 57 217 53 93741 5430
9. others 22 11 21 5 13 8 20 24 15 16 0 20 49 20 35736 2388
rural areas (2 to 9) 467 665 485 349 326 339 477 394 271 390 308 473 405 441 774802 52827

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status rural + urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 59 189 71 74 10 47 70 1 11 1 2 68 14 54 94570 7428
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 114 33 107 201 149 179 111 10 15 12 1 108 7 86 150666 11925
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 11 6 11 9 3 7 10 14 6 7 670 28 18 24 42866 3770
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
141 20 130 248 394 311 140 517 622 554 9 136 107 204 358952 25055
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
19 14 18 14 3 10 18 13 4 11 2 17 7 16 27321 2285
15. street without fixed
29 18 28 13 3 9 27 2 5 1 1 26 18 21 37234 2876
16.construction site 53 2 48 18 59 35 48 3 29 0 0 46 115 41 72068 5128
17. others 14 8 13 23 18 21 14 32 18 16 5 14 131 19 33271 3041
urban areas (10 to 17) 440 289 426 601 640 618 436 594 711 603 690 443 416 465 816947 61508
n.r. 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 6 21 37601 4446
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1755458 126979
estd. workers (00) 1140381 116096 1256477 40669 30243 70912 1327389 198201 85552 22520 36698 1364087 48614 1755458 x x
sample workers 76733 7597 84330 3190 1798 4988 89318 20129 4772 1635 3039 92357 3710 126979 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 183 122 180 248 499 345 186 85 0 0 0 186 274 177 12053 577
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 386 716 399 430 54 284 396 0 0 0 0 396 8 358 24429 1182
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 147 123 146 165 44 118 145 27 0 0 0 145 4 132 8997 580
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 15 11 15 14 0 8 15 3 0 70 0 15 21 14 977 63
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
103 3 99 70 208 123 100 730 555 746 0 100 14 107 7310 358
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
10 3 10 0 90 35 11 0 70 0 0 11 2 10 667 43
7. street without fixed
24 6 23 12 0 7 23 1 0 0 0 23 17 21 1440 60
8.construction site 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 45 10
9. others 120 17 116 50 105 71 114 106 0 89 0 114 278 113 7689 372
rural areas (2 to 9) 806 878 809 740 501 647 804 867 625 904 0 804 346 755 51553 2668

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 54 3
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 68 0 0 0 0 13 6
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 38 1
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 295 28 0 0 0 2 109 6
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
15. street without fixed
2 0 2 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 2 0 2 133 8
16.construction site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
17. others 6 0 6 6 0 4 6 0 81 0 0 6 346 15 1015 59
urban areas (10 to 17) 10 0 10 6 0 4 10 47 375 96 0 10 350 20 1362 83
n.r. 1 0 1 7 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 29 48 3304 192
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 68272 3520
estd. workers (00) 57297 2401 59698 1225 774 1999 61697 1265 152 165 0 61697 1802 68272 x x
sample workers 2769 131 2900 125 55 180 3080 128 13 13 0 3080 101 3520 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 125 110 125 84 35 61 122 21 47 15 2 121 215 108 72864 4603
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 175 467 177 201 19 116 174 8 51 7 0 173 19 139 94211 7266
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 184 197 184 231 96 168 183 24 17 37 0 182 16 147 99386 7644
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 22 39 22 1 4 2 21 23 6 20 926 29 25 26 17846 1354
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
152 39 151 236 454 338 159 627 441 719 34 158 88 213 144092 10271
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
34 6 33 23 33 28 33 10 10 6 0 33 9 28 18787 1179
7. street without fixed
48 60 49 24 4 14 47 9 8 5 5 47 17 39 26173 1623
8.construction site 131 6 131 53 122 85 129 43 46 7 0 128 356 121 81442 4738
9. others 30 22 30 9 26 17 29 56 43 34 1 29 57 32 21933 1624
rural areas (2 to 9) 775 837 776 778 758 769 775 800 621 834 966 777 587 746 503870 35699

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 595 49
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 14 0 14 23 30 26 14 4 5 3 0 14 2 12 8061 576
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 2 0 1 2 4 2 3 30 3 1 3 1769 111
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
37 26 37 96 116 105 40 148 267 135 1 39 22 57 38800 2357
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
4 1 4 0 0 0 4 3 0 1 0 4 3 4 2392 157
15. street without fixed
6 3 6 3 1 2 5 1 3 3 0 5 4 5 3141 187
16.construction site 30 0 30 10 54 31 30 3 52 1 0 30 75 29 19257 924
17. others 4 1 4 1 5 3 4 15 3 4 0 4 87 8 5508 564
urban areas (10 to 17) 98 33 98 134 206 167 101 179 332 150 32 100 193 118 79523 4925
n.r. 1 21 2 5 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 2 5 29 19347 2145
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 675604 47372
estd. workers (00) 502615 3566 506181 11434 10117 21551 527733 66065 24361 7658 4598 532331 26440 675604 x x
sample workers 31624 255 31879 847 562 1409 33288 7961 1246 550 379 33667 1837 47372 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 131 115 131 100 68 85 129 22 47 15 2 128 219 114 84918 5180
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 196 567 200 223 22 130 197 8 51 7 0 196 18 159 118640 8448
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 180 167 180 225 93 164 179 24 17 36 0 178 15 146 108383 8224
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 21 28 21 2 4 3 20 23 6 21 926 27 25 25 18823 1417
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
147 24 146 220 436 320 153 629 441 719 34 152 83 204 151401 10629
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
31 5 31 21 37 28 31 10 10 6 0 31 8 26 19454 1222
7. street without fixed
46 38 46 22 4 14 45 8 8 4 5 44 17 37 27612 1683
8.construction site 118 4 117 48 113 78 115 42 45 7 0 114 334 110 81487 4748
9. others 39 20 39 13 32 22 38 57 43 35 1 38 71 40 29622 1996
rural areas (2 to 9) 778 853 779 774 740 758 778 801 621 836 966 780 572 747 555423 38367

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status rural male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 649 52
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 13 0 12 20 28 24 13 4 5 4 0 13 2 11 8074 582
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 2 0 1 2 4 2 2 30 2 1 2 1808 112
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
33 16 33 87 108 96 35 146 268 133 1 35 21 52 38909 2363
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
4 1 4 0 0 0 4 3 0 1 0 4 3 3 2392 157
15. street without fixed
5 2 5 3 1 2 5 1 3 3 0 5 4 4 3274 195
16.construction site 27 0 27 9 50 28 27 3 51 1 0 27 70 26 19257 924
17. others 4 1 4 1 5 3 4 15 3 4 0 4 103 9 6522 623
urban areas (10 to 17) 89 20 89 121 191 154 91 177 332 149 32 91 203 109 80886 5008
n.r. 1 12 2 5 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 2 7 30 22650 2337
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 743876 50892
estd. workers (00) 559912 5968 565879 12659 10891 23550 589429 67329 24514 7823 4598 594028 28241 743876 x x
sample workers 34393 386 34779 972 617 1589 36368 8089 1259 563 379 36747 1938 50892 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 37 58 47 102 520 110 48 302 0 0 0 48 140 48 8042 360
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 713 732 722 707 99 696 721 0 0 0 0 721 278 703 116977 6364
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 168 174 171 153 302 156 170 0 0 0 0 170 141 167 27727 1681
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 3 2 2 9 0 9 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 400 21
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
41 3 24 17 79 18 23 667 68 1000 0 23 0 24 3927 164
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
3 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 68 0 0 2 0 2 311 20
7. street without fixed
2 7 4 1 0 1 4 20 0 0 0 4 0 4 624 25
8.construction site 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 15 1 193 14
9. others 26 18 23 2 0 2 22 0 0 0 0 22 166 23 3797 157
rural areas (2 to 9) 957 936 948 889 480 882 946 686 136 1000 0 946 600 926 153957 8446

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 4 2 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 443 10
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 6
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 864 0 0 0 0 0 47 2
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 1
15. street without fixed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
16.construction site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
17. others 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 260 3 549 48
urban areas (10 to 17) 6 3 4 5 0 5 4 12 864 0 0 4 260 7 1129 67
n.r. 1 2 1 3 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 19 3151 139
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 166280 9012
estd. workers (00) 85157 72727 157884 3742 71 3813 161698 187 52 16 0 161698 1385 166280 x x
sample workers 4273 4165 8438 335 8 343 8781 10 3 4 0 8781 90 9012 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 42 30 37 39 34 38 37 25 6 0 6 35 128 34 6674 404
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 451 788 599 535 68 385 590 17 410 60 0 561 210 476 92075 5465
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 101 74 89 144 60 117 90 25 7 16 0 86 4 73 14098 1092
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 28 10 20 14 20 16 20 27 22 39 953 66 34 58 11299 608
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
166 16 100 113 533 248 106 704 401 749 7 101 67 178 34439 2458
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
18 18 18 16 0 11 18 10 4 4 0 17 0 15 2901 183
7. street without fixed
19 29 24 54 3 37 24 3 2 0 3 23 7 19 3729 179
8.construction site 91 6 54 38 102 59 54 92 27 11 0 51 226 58 11173 534
9. others 24 10 18 15 0 10 18 42 38 42 0 17 51 21 4054 259
rural areas (2 to 9) 899 951 922 930 785 884 920 920 911 919 963 922 599 898 173768 10778

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 1 6 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 491 20
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 3 2 3 8 0 6 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 433 39
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 5 16 1 0 1 212 19
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
16 5 11 19 64 33 12 45 78 76 1 11 34 18 3479 236
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
0 3 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 239 18
15. street without fixed
1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 7 1 231 14
16.construction site 28 0 15 0 115 37 16 3 5 0 0 15 81 15 2888 106
17. others 3 1 2 1 0 1 2 5 0 0 15 3 149 6 1202 81
urban areas (10 to 17) 54 18 38 28 180 77 40 54 83 81 31 39 270 47 9175 533
n.r. 5 1 3 3 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 20 3908 533
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 193525 12248
estd. workers (00) 80483 63021 143504 3926 1857 5783 149287 20327 6072 2057 7723 157010 4547 193525 x x
sample workers 4737 3496 8233 362 104 466 8699 1876 327 137 403 9102 288 12248 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 39 45 42 70 52 66 43 28 6 0 6 42 131 41 14716 764
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 586 758 663 619 69 508 658 17 406 59 0 642 226 581 209052 11829
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 136 127 132 149 69 133 132 25 7 16 0 129 36 116 41825 2773
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 15 6 11 12 19 13 11 27 22 38 953 34 26 33 11699 629
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
102 9 60 66 516 157 63 703 399 751 7 62 51 107 38366 2622
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
10 9 10 8 0 7 10 10 4 4 0 9 0 9 3213 203
7. street without fixed
10 17 13 28 2 23 14 3 2 0 3 13 5 12 4353 204
8.construction site 45 3 26 20 98 35 26 91 27 11 0 26 176 32 11367 548
9. others 25 15 20 9 0 7 20 41 38 41 0 20 78 22 7851 416
rural areas (2 to 9) 929 943 935 910 774 883 934 918 905 920 963 934 599 911 327725 19224

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status rural female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 3 4 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 935 30
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 2 1 2 4 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 509 45
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 5 16 1 0 1 212 19
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
8 2 5 10 62 20 6 44 85 75 1 6 26 10 3526 238
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
0 2 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 254 19
15. street without fixed
1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 6 1 231 14
16.construction site 13 0 7 0 110 22 8 3 5 0 0 8 62 8 2888 106
17. others 2 1 2 1 0 1 2 5 0 0 15 2 175 5 1750 129
urban areas (10 to 17) 29 10 21 17 173 48 21 54 90 80 31 22 268 29 10304 600
n.r. 3 2 2 3 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 20 7059 672
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 359805 21260
estd. workers (00) 165640 135749 301389 7668 1928 9596 310985 20514 6124 2073 7723 318708 5932 359805 x x
sample workers 9010 7661 16671 697 112 809 17480 1886 330 141 403 17883 378 21260 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 95 60 83 138 501 191 86 113 0 0 0 86 216 86 20096 937
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 582 731 633 639 58 554 631 0 0 0 0 631 126 603 141406 7546
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 160 172 164 156 66 143 163 23 0 0 0 163 63 157 36724 2261
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 8 2 6 10 0 9 6 3 0 64 0 6 12 6 1377 84
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
66 3 44 30 197 54 44 722 431 768 0 44 8 48 11236 522
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
6 1 4 0 82 12 4 0 69 0 0 4 1 4 979 63
7. street without fixed
11 7 9 4 0 3 9 4 0 0 0 9 9 9 2064 85
8.construction site 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 8 1 238 24
9. others 64 18 48 14 97 26 47 92 0 81 0 47 229 49 11486 529
rural areas (2 to 9) 896 935 910 853 499 801 907 844 501 913 0 907 457 876 205510 11114

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 3 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 498 13
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 62 0 0 0 0 89 12
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 1
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 439 26 0 0 0 1 156 8
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 1
15. street without fixed
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 133 8
16.construction site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
17. others 3 1 3 2 0 2 3 0 60 0 0 3 308 7 1563 107
urban areas (10 to 17) 8 3 6 5 0 5 6 43 499 87 0 6 311 11 2491 150
n.r. 1 2 1 4 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 17 28 6455 331
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 234552 12532
estd. workers (00) 142454 75129 217582 4967 845 5812 223394 1451 204 181 0 223394 3186 234552 x x
sample workers 7042 4296 11338 460 63 523 11861 138 16 17 0 11861 191 12532 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 113 34 105 72 35 56 103 22 39 12 4 102 202 92 79539 5007
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 213 770 270 286 27 173 266 10 122 18 0 261 47 214 186286 12731
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 172 80 163 209 91 157 163 24 15 32 0 160 14 131 113484 8736
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 23 12 21 4 7 5 21 24 10 24 943 37 26 34 29145 1962
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
154 17 140 204 466 319 147 645 433 725 17 145 85 205 178530 12729
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
32 17 30 21 28 24 30 10 9 6 0 29 7 25 21688 1362
7. street without fixed
44 31 43 31 4 19 42 7 7 4 4 41 16 34 29902 1802
8.construction site 126 6 114 49 119 80 112 55 42 8 0 110 337 107 92616 5272
9. others 29 11 27 11 22 16 27 52 42 35 1 26 56 30 25987 1883
rural areas (2 to 9) 792 945 808 817 762 793 807 828 679 852 964 810 589 780 677638 46477

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 1 6 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1086 69
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 13 2 11 19 25 22 12 3 4 2 0 12 1 10 8494 615
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 1 0 1 2 4 2 3 21 2 0 2 1981 130
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
34 6 31 76 108 90 33 124 230 123 1 33 24 49 42279 2593
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
4 3 4 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 3 2 3 2632 175
15. street without fixed
5 2 5 2 1 1 5 1 2 3 0 4 5 4 3372 201
16.construction site 30 0 27 7 63 32 27 3 42 1 0 26 76 25 22145 1030
17. others 4 1 4 1 4 2 4 13 2 3 9 4 96 8 6710 645
urban areas (10 to 17) 92 19 85 107 202 148 87 150 282 136 31 86 204 102 88698 5458
n.r. 2 2 2 4 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 2 5 27 23254 2678
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 869129 59620
estd. workers (00) 583098 66587 649685 15361 11974 27334 677020 86392 30434 9715 12322 689341 30987 869129 x x
sample workers 36361 3751 40112 1209 666 1875 41987 9837 1573 687 782 42769 2125 59620 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 110 48 100 88 66 80 99 23 39 12 4 98 204 90 99634 5944
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 285 750 361 373 29 240 357 10 122 18 0 352 54 297 327692 20277
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 170 129 163 196 89 155 163 24 15 32 0 161 19 136 150207 10997
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 20 7 18 6 6 6 17 24 10 25 943 30 25 28 30522 2046
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
137 10 116 162 448 273 122 647 433 726 17 120 78 172 189767 13251
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
26 9 24 16 31 22 23 10 9 6 0 23 7 21 22667 1425
7. street without fixed
38 18 35 25 4 17 34 7 7 4 4 34 15 29 31966 1887
8.construction site 101 3 85 37 111 66 85 54 42 8 0 83 307 84 92854 5296
9. others 36 15 32 11 27 17 32 53 42 36 1 31 72 34 37473 2412
rural areas (2 to 9) 813 939 833 826 745 794 832 828 678 853 964 834 576 800 883148 57591

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status rural person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 1 3 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1584 82
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 10 1 9 14 24 18 9 3 4 3 0 9 1 8 8583 627
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 1 0 1 2 3 2 3 21 2 0 2 2020 131
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
27 3 23 58 101 74 25 122 231 121 1 25 22 38 42435 2601
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
3 2 3 1 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 3 2 2 2646 176
15. street without fixed
4 1 4 2 1 1 4 1 2 3 0 3 4 3 3504 209
16.construction site 24 0 20 5 59 26 20 3 42 1 0 20 69 20 22145 1030
17. others 4 1 3 1 4 2 3 13 3 3 9 3 116 7 8273 752
urban areas (10 to 17) 76 10 65 82 189 123 67 148 284 135 31 67 214 83 91190 5608
n.r. 2 2 2 4 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 2 6 27 29709 3009
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1103681 72152
estd. workers (00) 725552 141716 867268 20328 12818 33146 900414 87843 30638 9896 12322 912735 34173 1103681 x x
sample workers 43403 8047 51450 1669 729 2398 53848 9975 1589 704 782 54630 2316 72152 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 124 17 121 10 31 19 109 2 0 0 0 109 43 96 848 77
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 8 108 11 1 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 9 76 9
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 26 0 25 13 1 7 23 0 0 0 0 23 0 20 175 14
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
13 0 13 0 0 0 11 89 0 0 0 11 0 13 111 19
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
7. street without fixed
3 0 3 0 6 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 23 3
8.construction site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
9. others 6 0 6 0 15 7 6 0 0 0 0 6 145 10 92 9
rural areas (2 to 9) 57 108 58 14 22 17 54 89 0 0 0 54 145 54 478 55

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 362 741 374 283 0 156 347 0 0 0 0 347 0 302 2672 250
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 133 126 133 85 80 83 127 0 0 0 0 127 0 110 976 113
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 46 0 45 0 0 0 40 10 0 0 0 40 284 44 391 29
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
111 0 107 192 184 188 117 862 879 1000 0 117 48 144 1275 130
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
13 0 13 402 0 222 38 0 0 0 0 38 0 33 293 14
15. street without fixed
12 0 12 0 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 9 79 12
16.construction site 8 0 8 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 6 55 2
17. others 134 7 130 13 682 313 152 37 121 0 0 152 481 151 1335 196
urban areas (10 to 17) 819 874 821 976 947 963 838 908 1000 1000 0 838 812 799 7076 746
n.r. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 456 22
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 8858 900
estd. workers (00) 6551 215 6766 510 415 925 7691 258 122 33 0 7691 299 8858 x x
sample workers 633 17 650 64 64 128 778 53 9 4 0 778 34 900 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 58 48 58 12 16 14 55 5 7 4 3 54 121 44 29298 2315
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 3 25 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 3 5 2 1639 198
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 14 33 14 15 13 14 14 3 2 1 0 14 2 11 7335 719
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 10 2 2 1 2 1415 137
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
12 3 12 17 11 14 12 51 42 32 0 12 22 20 13196 1183
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
2 0 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 3 2 1019 104
7. street without fixed
4 0 4 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 4 2 3 1856 141
8.construction site 6 0 6 0 1 0 6 1 1 0 0 6 13 5 3071 241
9. others 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 4 0 1 0 1 459 53
rural areas (2 to 9) 44 62 44 32 28 31 43 60 47 48 2 43 49 45 29989 2776

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 116 316 118 111 18 71 114 2 9 1 2 113 28 86 57002 4361
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 259 214 259 369 264 324 264 17 22 16 2 260 21 199 132063 10291
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 22 30 22 14 5 10 21 22 10 15 964 33 35 29 19353 1621
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
281 223 281 378 586 467 294 817 840 860 16 291 277 408 270797 18875
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
41 35 41 10 6 8 38 22 6 17 4 38 19 32 21452 1832
15. street without fixed
63 42 63 17 6 12 59 3 6 0 3 59 52 46 30330 2400
16.construction site 87 3 87 23 56 37 83 4 25 0 0 82 241 68 45287 3680
17. others 27 23 27 34 14 25 27 48 29 39 2 27 152 32 21232 1864
urban areas (10 to 17) 897 885 897 956 955 955 901 935 946 948 994 902 824 900 597516 44924
n.r. 1 5 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 6 11 7175 1182
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 663979 51197
estd. workers (00) 450857 3032 453888 20320 15247 35568 489456 92216 48640 8002 6068 495524 12824 663979 x x
sample workers 33998 275 34273 1525 905 2430 36703 8260 2761 616 498 37201 1200 51197 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 59 46 59 12 17 14 56 5 7 4 3 55 119 45 30146 2392
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 3 31 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 3 4 3 1715 207
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 14 31 14 15 13 14 14 3 2 1 0 14 2 11 7510 733
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 10 2 2 1 2 1415 137
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
12 3 12 16 11 14 12 51 41 32 0 12 22 20 13307 1202
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
2 0 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 3 2 1019 105
7. street without fixed
4 0 4 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 4 2 3 1880 144
8.construction site 6 0 6 0 1 0 6 1 1 0 0 5 13 5 3071 241
9. others 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 4 0 1 3 1 551 62
rural areas (2 to 9) 44 65 44 32 28 30 43 60 47 48 2 43 51 45 30467 2831

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 120 345 121 116 18 74 118 2 9 1 2 117 27 89 59674 4611
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 257 208 257 362 259 318 261 17 22 16 2 258 21 198 133039 10404
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 23 28 23 13 5 10 22 22 10 15 964 33 40 29 19744 1650
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
279 208 278 373 575 460 291 817 840 860 16 288 272 404 272072 19005
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
40 32 40 19 6 14 38 21 6 17 4 38 18 32 21745 1846
15. street without fixed
62 39 62 16 6 12 59 3 6 0 3 58 51 45 30409 2412
16.construction site 86 3 85 23 55 37 82 4 24 0 0 81 235 67 45342 3682
17. others 29 21 29 33 31 33 29 48 29 39 2 29 160 34 22567 2060
urban areas (10 to 17) 896 884 896 956 954 956 900 935 946 948 994 901 824 899 604592 45670
n.r. 1 5 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 6 11 7631 1204
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 672837 52097
estd. workers (00) 457407 3247 460654 20830 15662 36492 497147 92474 48762 8035 6068 503215 13123 672837 x x
sample workers 34631 292 34923 1589 969 2558 37481 8313 2770 620 498 37979 1234 52097 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 26 3 14 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 14 353 15 156 15
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 77 69 73 14 0 13 71 0 0 0 0 71 0 68 699 53
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 62 14 38 98 0 96 40 0 0 0 0 40 0 38 392 26
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
9 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 46 4
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
7. street without fixed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
8.construction site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
9. others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 0 2 2
rural areas (2 to 9) 148 83 116 112 0 109 116 21 0 0 0 116 43 110 1140 86

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 627 777 700 361 0 352 691 0 0 0 0 691 246 657 6777 481
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 119 123 121 29 0 29 119 0 0 1000 0 119 0 113 1163 113
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
45 1 24 37 0 36 24 774 0 0 0 24 0 26 271 25
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
2 1 1 449 0 437 14 0 0 0 0 14 0 13 136 7
15. street without fixed
8 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 40 5
16.construction site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
17. others 20 11 16 11 1000 38 16 170 0 0 0 16 358 18 187 40
urban areas (10 to 17) 821 914 867 888 1000 891 867 979 0 1000 0 867 604 831 8575 672
n.r. 5 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 43 448 21
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 10319 794
estd. workers (00) 4864 4653 9517 271 7 279 9796 47 0 2 0 9796 51 10319 x x
sample workers 350 374 724 33 1 34 758 8 0 1 0 758 8 794 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 19 18 19 1 0 0 18 1 8 0 1 15 47 13 2054 178
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 6 24 14 1 0 1 13 0 4 0 0 11 17 9 1462 175
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 8 5 7 1 0 1 6 2 0 0 0 5 0 4 703 83
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 2 6 2 305 53
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
15 1 9 5 4 5 8 73 101 22 0 7 2 20 3279 277
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 116 29
7. street without fixed
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 62 10
8.construction site 6 0 4 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 3 9 2 385 33
9. others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 14
rural areas (2 to 9) 38 33 36 7 4 6 34 79 105 31 9 30 34 39 6358 674

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 325 721 503 240 22 147 485 3 73 1 2 405 149 315 50749 3889
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 124 77 103 133 87 113 103 8 16 21 1 86 14 68 11026 1098
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 36 18 28 33 7 22 28 27 5 4 968 183 123 146 23537 2187
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
310 35 186 405 792 570 206 813 765 919 12 174 317 308 49654 3785
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
20 33 26 14 0 8 25 23 11 19 2 21 2 20 3289 302
15. street without fixed
26 44 34 48 5 30 34 2 3 0 1 28 25 22 3619 287
16.construction site 88 4 50 48 81 62 51 3 2 0 0 42 101 35 5579 490
17. others 13 17 15 71 3 42 16 42 12 6 4 14 186 20 3264 291
urban areas (10 to 17) 942 948 945 992 996 994 947 921 886 969 989 954 917 935 150716 12329
n.r. 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 13 2050 389
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 161178 13570
estd. workers (00) 53273 43719 96993 3110 2322 5431 102424 20394 7837 5218 20337 122760 2927 161178 x x
sample workers 3978 3689 7667 325 151 476 8143 1971 505 352 1937 10080 273 13570 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 20 16 18 1 0 0 17 1 8 0 1 15 52 13 2210 193
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 12 29 19 2 0 1 19 0 4 0 0 16 16 13 2161 228
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 13 6 10 9 0 5 9 2 0 0 0 8 0 6 1095 109
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 2 6 2 306 54
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
14 1 8 5 4 4 8 73 101 22 0 7 2 19 3325 281
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 116 29
7. street without fixed
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 10
8.construction site 6 0 3 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 3 9 2 385 33
9. others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 48 16
rural areas (2 to 9) 47 38 43 15 4 11 41 78 105 31 9 36 34 44 7498 760

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 350 726 521 250 22 157 502 3 73 1 2 426 151 335 57526 4370
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 123 81 104 124 87 109 104 8 16 21 1 89 14 71 12189 1211
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 33 16 25 31 7 21 25 27 5 4 968 170 121 137 23539 2188
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
288 31 171 376 789 544 190 813 765 919 12 163 312 291 49925 3810
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
19 30 24 49 0 29 24 23 11 19 2 21 2 20 3425 309
15. street without fixed
24 39 31 44 5 28 31 2 3 0 1 26 25 21 3658 292
16.construction site 81 4 46 44 80 59 46 3 2 0 0 39 99 33 5579 490
17. others 14 17 15 67 6 42 16 42 12 6 4 14 189 20 3451 331
urban areas (10 to 17) 932 945 938 984 996 989 940 921 886 969 989 948 912 929 159292 13001
n.r. 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 15 2498 410
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 171498 14364
estd. workers (00) 58138 48372 106510 3381 2329 5710 112220 20441 7837 5220 20337 132556 2978 171498 x x
sample workers 4328 4063 8391 358 152 510 8901 1979 505 353 1937 10838 281 14364 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 82 3 59 7 30 15 56 2 0 0 0 56 89 52 1004 92
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 37 71 47 5 0 3 44 0 0 0 0 44 0 40 774 62
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 41 14 33 43 0 28 32 0 0 0 0 32 0 30 567 40
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
12 0 8 0 0 0 8 76 0 0 0 8 0 8 157 23
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
7. street without fixed
2 0 1 0 6 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 23 3
8.construction site - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
9. others 4 0 3 0 15 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 130 5 94 11
rural areas (2 to 9) 96 84 92 48 21 39 89 79 0 0 0 89 130 84 1618 141

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 475 775 565 310 0 201 540 0 0 0 0 540 36 493 9449 731
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 127 123 126 66 79 70 122 0 0 64 0 122 0 112 2139 226
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 27 0 19 0 0 0 17 14 0 0 0 17 242 20 393 30
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
83 1 58 138 181 153 65 848 879 936 0 65 41 81 1546 155
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
8 1 6 419 0 272 25 0 0 0 0 25 0 22 429 21
15. street without fixed
10 0 7 0 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 6 119 17
16.construction site 5 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 55 2
17. others 85 11 63 13 687 250 76 57 121 0 0 76 463 79 1522 236
urban areas (10 to 17) 820 912 848 945 948 946 854 919 1000 1000 0 854 782 816 15652 1418
n.r. 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 47 905 43
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 19178 1694
estd. workers (00) 11415 4868 16283 781 422 1203 17487 304 122 35 0 17487 350 19178 x x
sample workers 983 391 1374 97 65 162 1536 61 9 5 0 1536 42 1694 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 54 20 51 10 14 12 49 4 7 3 2 47 107 38 31352 2493
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 4 24 5 0 0 0 5 0 1 1 0 5 7 4 3101 373
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 13 7 13 13 11 12 13 3 1 1 0 12 2 10 8038 802
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 10 8 2 2 2 1720 190
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
12 1 11 15 10 13 12 55 50 28 0 11 19 20 16475 1460
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
2 1 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 1135 133
7. street without fixed
4 0 3 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 3 2 2 1918 151
8.construction site 6 0 6 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 5 12 4 3455 274
9. others 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 505 67
rural areas (2 to 9) 43 35 43 29 25 27 42 63 55 42 8 40 46 44 36348 3450

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 138 694 186 128 19 81 178 2 18 1 2 171 50 131 107751 8250
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 245 86 231 338 240 296 236 16 21 18 1 226 20 173 143089 11389
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 24 19 23 16 5 12 22 23 9 10 967 63 51 52 42890 3808
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
284 47 264 382 613 481 279 816 830 883 13 268 285 388 320451 22660
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
39 34 38 10 5 8 36 22 7 17 3 35 16 30 24741 2134
15. street without fixed
59 43 58 21 6 14 55 3 6 0 2 53 47 41 33948 2687
16.construction site 87 4 80 26 60 41 77 4 21 0 0 74 215 62 50866 4170
17. others 26 18 25 39 12 27 25 47 26 26 3 24 158 30 24496 2155
urban areas (10 to 17) 902 944 905 961 960 960 909 932 938 956 991 913 842 907 748232 57253
n.r. 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 6 11 9225 1571
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 825157 64767
estd. workers (00) 504130 46751 550881 23430 17569 40999 591880 112610 56477 13220 26405 618284 15751 825157 x x
sample workers 37976 3964 41940 1850 1056 2906 44846 10231 3266 968 2435 47281 1473 64767 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 55 18 51 10 15 12 49 4 7 3 2 47 107 38 32356 2585
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 4 29 7 0 0 0 6 0 1 1 0 6 7 5 3876 435
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 14 8 13 14 11 13 13 3 1 1 0 13 2 10 8605 842
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 10 8 2 2 2 1721 191
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
12 1 11 15 10 13 11 55 50 28 0 11 18 20 16632 1483
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
2 1 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 1135 134
7. street without fixed
4 0 3 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 3 2 2 1942 154
8.construction site 6 0 5 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 5 12 4 3455 274
9. others 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 2 0 1 3 1 599 78
rural areas (2 to 9) 45 40 44 30 25 28 43 63 55 41 8 41 48 45 37965 3591

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 146 702 196 134 18 85 189 2 18 1 2 181 50 139 117200 8981
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 242 89 228 329 236 289 233 16 21 18 1 223 20 172 145228 11615
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 24 17 23 16 5 11 22 23 9 10 967 62 55 51 43283 3838
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
280 43 258 374 603 471 273 817 830 883 13 262 279 381 321997 22815
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
38 30 37 23 5 16 36 22 7 17 3 34 15 30 25170 2155
15. street without fixed
58 39 56 20 6 14 54 3 6 0 2 51 46 40 34067 2704
16.construction site 85 4 78 26 58 40 75 4 21 0 0 72 210 60 50920 4172
17. others 27 17 26 38 28 34 27 47 26 26 3 26 165 31 26018 2391
urban areas (10 to 17) 900 941 904 960 960 960 907 932 938 956 991 911 840 905 763884 58671
n.r. 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 5 12 10130 1614
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 844335 66461
estd. workers (00) 515545 51619 567164 24211 17991 42202 609366 112914 56599 13255 26405 635771 16101 844335 x x
sample workers 38959 4355 43314 1947 1121 3068 46382 10292 3275 973 2435 48817 1515 66461 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 177 113 174 178 335 242 177 71 0 0 0 177 242 167 12901 654
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 347 666 360 304 35 195 353 0 0 0 0 353 7 318 24505 1191
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 135 113 134 120 29 83 132 22 0 0 0 132 3 119 9172 594
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 14 10 14 10 0 6 13 3 0 58 0 13 18 13 977 63
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
94 3 90 49 135 84 90 622 309 621 0 90 12 96 7421 377
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
9 3 9 0 59 24 9 0 39 0 0 9 1 9 668 44
7. street without fixed
22 5 21 9 2 6 21 1 0 0 0 21 14 19 1463 63
8.construction site 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 45 10
9. others 108 15 104 35 74 51 102 88 0 74 0 102 259 101 7781 381
rural areas (2 to 9) 729 815 733 526 334 448 721 736 348 753 0 721 317 675 52031 2723

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 38 61 39 83 0 49 39 0 0 0 0 39 4 35 2727 253
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 14 10 14 25 28 26 14 1 0 56 0 14 0 13 989 119
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 5 0 5 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 5 40 6 430 30
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
11 0 11 56 64 60 13 182 554 191 0 13 7 18 1384 136
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
1 0 1 118 0 70 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 293 14
15. street without fixed
3 0 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 3 0 3 212 20
16.construction site 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 55 2
17. others 20 1 19 8 238 102 22 6 99 0 0 22 365 30 2349 255
urban areas (10 to 17) 93 72 92 291 331 307 102 193 652 247 0 102 416 109 8439 829
n.r. 1 0 1 5 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 25 49 3760 214
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 77130 4420
estd. workers (00) 63847 2617 66464 1735 1189 2923 69387 1522 274 199 0 69387 2101 77130 x x
sample workers 3402 148 3550 189 119 308 3858 181 22 17 0 3858 135 4420 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status+ subsidiary status rural + urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 93 81 93 38 24 31 90 11 20 10 2 89 184 76 102163 6918
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 94 264 95 73 8 44 92 3 17 4 0 91 14 72 95851 7464
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 103 122 104 93 46 72 102 12 7 18 0 101 11 80 106721 8363
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 13 21 13 0 2 1 12 11 4 15 400 16 17 14 19261 1491
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
86 22 85 96 188 137 88 291 175 368 15 87 67 117 157288 11454
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
19 3 19 8 14 11 18 5 4 3 0 18 7 15 19805 1283
7. street without fixed
27 32 27 9 2 6 26 4 3 2 2 26 12 21 28029 1764
8.construction site 72 3 72 19 49 32 70 18 16 4 0 69 244 63 84513 4979
9. others 16 12 16 3 12 7 15 24 14 18 1 15 39 17 22392 1677
rural areas (2 to 9) 430 480 430 301 320 309 423 368 239 433 418 423 411 399 533859 38475

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status+ subsidiary status rural + urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 56 146 56 71 11 44 56 1 6 1 1 55 9 43 57597 4410
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 130 98 130 244 170 211 134 12 16 10 1 133 8 105 140124 10867
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 12 14 12 9 3 7 12 15 7 9 562 17 12 16 21122 1732
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
152 117 152 276 398 331 162 538 649 505 10 160 106 231 309597 21232
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
21 16 21 6 4 5 21 14 4 9 2 20 8 18 23845 1989
15. street without fixed
33 21 33 12 4 8 31 2 5 2 2 31 20 25 33471 2587
16.construction site 57 1 57 18 55 35 55 4 34 0 0 55 129 48 64544 4604
17. others 15 11 15 22 10 17 15 34 20 22 1 15 108 20 26740 2428
urban areas (10 to 17) 476 425 476 660 656 658 486 619 741 558 579 487 399 505 677039 49849
n.r. 1 14 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 5 20 26522 3327
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1339583 98569
estd. workers (00) 953472 6598 960069 31755 25364 57119 1017188 158281 73002 15660 10666 1027855 39263 1339583 x x
sample workers 65622 530 66152 2372 1467 3839 69991 16221 4007 1166 877 70868 3037 98569 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 99 90 99 45 38 42 95 12 20 10 2 94 187 81 115064 7572
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 109 378 112 85 9 51 109 3 17 4 0 107 14 85 120355 8655
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 105 119 106 94 46 73 104 12 7 18 0 103 11 82 115893 8957
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 13 18 13 1 2 1 12 11 4 15 400 16 17 14 20238 1554
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
86 17 86 93 185 134 88 294 175 371 15 88 64 116 164709 11831
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
18 3 18 8 16 11 18 5 4 3 0 17 7 14 20473 1327
7. street without fixed
27 25 27 9 2 6 26 4 3 2 2 26 12 21 29492 1827
8.construction site 68 2 67 18 47 31 65 18 16 4 0 64 232 60 84558 4989
9. others 22 13 22 5 14 9 21 25 14 19 1 21 50 21 30172 2058
rural areas (2 to 9) 448 575 449 313 320 316 442 372 239 437 418 442 406 414 585890 41198

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban male

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 54 122 55 72 10 45 55 1 6 1 1 54 9 43 60323 4663
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 123 73 122 233 164 202 127 12 16 10 1 125 8 100 141113 10986
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 11 10 11 9 3 6 11 14 7 9 562 16 13 15 21552 1762
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
143 83 143 265 383 317 153 535 649 501 10 151 101 220 310981 21368
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
20 12 20 12 4 8 19 14 4 9 2 19 8 17 24138 2003
15. street without fixed
31 15 31 11 4 8 30 2 5 2 2 29 19 24 33683 2607
16.construction site 54 1 53 17 53 33 52 4 33 0 0 51 122 46 64598 4606
17. others 15 8 15 21 20 21 15 34 20 22 1 15 121 21 29089 2683
urban areas (10 to 17) 452 324 451 641 641 641 461 615 741 554 579 462 400 484 685478 50678
n.r. 1 10 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 6 21 30282 3541
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1416713 102989
estd. workers (00) 1017319 9214 1026534 33489 26553 60042 1086576 159803 73276 15859 10666 1097242 41364 1416713 x x
sample workers 69024 678 69702 2561 1586 4147 73849 16402 4029 1183 877 74726 3172 102989 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 36 55 45 95 471 102 46 242 0 0 0 46 148 46 8198 375
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 679 692 685 660 89 649 684 0 0 0 0 684 268 666 117676 6417
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 162 164 163 149 273 152 163 0 0 0 0 163 136 159 28119 1707
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 2 2 2 8 0 8 2 4 0 0 0 2 0 2 401 22
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
39 3 22 16 72 17 22 534 68 874 0 22 0 22 3973 168
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
3 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 68 0 0 2 0 2 311 20
7. street without fixed
1 6 4 1 0 1 4 16 0 0 0 4 0 4 624 25
8.construction site 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 14 1 193 14
9. others 25 17 21 2 0 2 21 0 0 0 0 21 162 22 3799 159
rural areas (2 to 9) 913 885 900 837 434 829 899 553 136 874 0 899 580 878 155097 8532

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 38 48 42 24 0 24 42 0 0 0 0 42 9 41 7220 491
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 7 8 7 2 0 2 7 0 0 126 0 7 0 7 1239 119
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
2 0 1 2 0 2 1 164 864 0 0 1 0 2 318 27
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
0 0 0 34 0 33 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 150 8
15. street without fixed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 5
16.construction site 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17. others 2 2 2 2 95 4 2 34 0 0 0 2 263 4 736 88
urban areas (10 to 17) 50 58 53 65 95 65 54 205 864 126 0 54 272 55 9705 739
n.r. 1 2 1 3 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 20 3600 160
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 176599 9806
estd. workers (00) 90022 77380 167402 4013 79 4092 171493 233 52 18 0 171493 1436 176599 x x
sample workers 4623 4539 9162 368 9 377 9539 18 3 5 0 9539 98 9806 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 33 25 29 22 15 20 29 13 7 0 3 26 96 25 8728 582
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 274 475 363 299 30 199 356 9 181 17 0 320 134 264 93537 5640
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 64 46 56 81 27 61 56 14 3 4 0 51 3 42 14800 1175
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 17 6 12 8 9 8 12 14 10 18 269 38 23 33 11604 661
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
106 10 63 65 239 130 66 388 232 228 2 60 42 106 37718 2735
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
11 11 11 9 0 6 11 5 2 1 0 10 0 9 3018 212
7. street without fixed
12 17 14 30 1 19 15 1 1 0 1 13 4 11 3791 189
8.construction site 57 4 33 21 45 30 33 46 12 3 0 30 141 33 11558 567
9. others 15 6 11 8 0 5 11 22 17 12 0 10 31 12 4101 273
rural areas (2 to 9) 556 575 564 522 351 458 560 499 457 282 272 531 378 508 180126 11452

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 130 299 205 106 12 71 199 1 41 1 2 179 58 144 51241 3909
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 51 33 43 63 48 58 44 4 9 15 0 39 6 32 11459 1137
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 15 7 11 15 5 11 11 14 3 4 706 81 48 67 23749 2206
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
133 17 82 190 468 293 91 430 465 681 9 83 145 150 53133 4021
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
8 16 12 6 0 4 11 11 6 13 1 10 1 10 3528 320
15. street without fixed
11 19 14 21 3 14 14 1 2 0 1 13 14 11 3849 301
16.construction site 52 2 29 21 96 49 30 3 3 0 0 27 89 24 8467 596
17. others 7 8 7 32 2 21 8 23 7 4 7 8 163 13 4465 372
urban areas (10 to 17) 408 399 404 454 634 521 409 488 536 718 726 441 524 451 159891 12862
n.r. 3 1 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 17 5958 922
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 354703 25818
estd. workers (00) 133756 106741 240497 7036 4178 11214 251711 40721 13909 7275 28060 279771 7474 354703 x x
sample workers 8715 7185 15900 687 255 942 16842 3847 832 489 2340 19182 561 25818 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 34 38 36 49 24 42 36 14 7 0 3 34 105 32 16926 957
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 437 566 495 430 31 319 489 9 181 17 0 458 156 398 211213 12057
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 104 95 100 106 31 85 99 13 3 4 0 93 24 81 42919 2882
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 11 4 8 8 9 8 8 14 10 18 269 24 19 23 12005 683
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
79 7 46 47 236 100 48 389 231 229 2 46 35 78 41691 2903
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
8 7 7 6 0 4 7 5 2 1 0 7 0 6 3329 232
7. street without fixed
8 13 10 20 1 14 10 1 1 0 1 10 4 8 4415 214
8.construction site 35 2 20 14 44 22 20 46 12 3 0 19 120 22 11751 581
9. others 19 11 15 6 0 4 15 21 17 12 0 14 52 15 7900 432
rural areas (2 to 9) 700 705 702 636 353 558 697 499 456 284 272 671 410 631 335223 19984

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban female

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 93 193 138 76 12 58 135 1 41 1 2 127 50 110 58461 4400
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 34 22 28 41 48 43 29 4 9 15 0 27 5 24 12698 1256
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 9 4 7 9 5 8 7 14 3 4 706 50 40 45 23751 2207
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
81 10 49 122 460 216 55 428 467 679 9 52 121 101 53451 4048
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
5 9 7 16 0 12 7 11 6 13 1 7 1 7 3678 328
15. street without fixed
7 11 9 14 3 11 9 1 2 0 1 8 12 7 3889 306
16.construction site 31 1 17 13 94 36 18 3 3 0 0 17 74 16 8467 596
17. others 5 5 5 21 3 16 5 24 7 4 7 6 180 10 5201 460
urban areas (10 to 17) 264 256 260 313 624 399 265 487 537 716 726 294 483 319 169596 13601
n.r. 2 1 2 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 18 9558 1082
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 531303 35624
estd. workers (00) 223778 184121 407898 11049 4257 15306 423204 40955 13961 7293 28060 451264 8910 531303 x x
sample workers 13338 11724 25062 1055 264 1319 26381 3865 835 494 2340 28721 659 35624 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 94 57 82 120 344 161 84 94 0 0 0 84 203 83 21100 1029
workplace in rural
areas and located in:
2. own dwelling 541 691 592 553 38 460 589 0 0 0 0 589 113 560 142181 7608
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 151 162 155 141 44 123 154 19 0 0 0 154 57 147 37291 2301
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 7 2 5 9 0 7 5 3 0 53 0 5 11 5 1378 85
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
62 3 42 26 131 45 42 610 270 642 0 42 7 45 11394 545
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
5 1 4 0 55 10 4 0 44 0 0 4 1 4 979 64
7. street without fixed
10 6 9 3 2 3 9 3 0 0 0 9 8 8 2087 88
8.construction site 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 7 1 238 24
9. others 59 17 45 12 69 22 44 76 0 68 0 44 219 46 11580 540
rural areas (2 to 9) 837 883 853 743 340 670 847 712 314 763 0 847 424 816 207127 11255

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 38 49 41 42 0 35 41 0 0 0 0 41 6 39 9947 744
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 10 8 9 9 26 12 9 0 0 62 0 9 0 9 2228 238
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 24 2 431 31
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
6 0 4 19 60 26 5 180 603 175 0 5 4 7 1702 163
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
1 0 0 59 0 49 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 443 22
15. street without fixed
2 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 252 25
16.construction site 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 2
17. others 9 2 7 4 229 45 8 10 83 0 0 8 324 12 3085 343
urban areas (10 to 17) 68 58 65 133 316 166 68 195 686 237 0 68 358 72 18143 1568
n.r. 1 2 1 4 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 15 29 7360 374
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 1000 253730 14226
estd. workers (00) 153869 79997 233866 5748 1267 7015 240881 1756 326 217 0 240881 3537 253730 x x
sample workers 8025 4687 12712 557 128 685 13397 199 25 22 0 13397 233 14226 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 86 28 81 35 23 30 78 12 18 7 3 76 170 65 110891 7500
workplace in rural areas
and located in:
2. own dwelling 116 463 148 114 11 69 144 4 43 8 0 140 33 112 189387 13104
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 99 50 94 91 44 70 93 12 6 14 0 90 10 72 121521 9538
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 13 7 13 2 3 2 12 11 5 16 305 21 18 18 30866 2152
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
88 11 81 90 195 135 84 311 184 323 5 82 63 115 195005 14189
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
18 11 17 8 12 10 17 5 3 3 0 16 6 13 22823 1495
7. street without fixed
26 18 25 13 2 8 24 3 2 2 1 23 11 19 31820 1953
8.construction site 70 4 64 20 48 32 62 24 15 3 0 60 228 57 96071 5546
9. others 16 7 15 4 10 7 14 24 15 16 0 14 37 16 26492 1950
rural areas (2 to 9) 445 569 457 341 324 334 450 395 274 385 312 446 406 421 713986 49927

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 10-99 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 65 290 86 78 11 49 84 1 12 1 1 82 17 64 108837 8319
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 120 36 112 211 153 186 116 10 15 11 1 113 8 89 151583 12004
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 12 8 12 10 3 7 12 14 6 7 666 31 17 26 44872 3938
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
150 23 138 261 408 324 148 516 620 561 9 144 112 214 362730 25253
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
20 16 19 6 3 5 19 13 4 10 2 18 7 16 27373 2309
15. street without fixed
30 19 29 14 4 9 28 2 4 1 1 27 19 22 37320 2888
16.construction site 56 2 51 19 61 37 50 4 29 0 0 49 123 43 73011 5200
17. others 14 8 13 24 9 17 14 32 18 16 5 13 117 18 31205 2800
urban areas (10 to 17) 468 401 461 623 653 636 471 593 708 608 685 477 419 494 836930 62711
n.r. 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 5 19 32480 4249
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1694286 124387
estd. workers (00) 1087228 113338 1200566 38790 29543 68333 1268899 199002 86911 22935 38726 1307625 46738 1694286 x x
sample workers 74337 7715 82052 3059 1722 4781 86833 20068 4839 1655 3217 90050 3598 124387 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1. no fixed place 87 40 81 46 36 42 79 12 18 7 3 77 173 68 131990 8529
workplace in rural areas
and located in:
2. own dwelling 168 557 221 170 12 106 215 4 43 8 0 210 39 170 331568 20712
3. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 105 97 104 97 44 75 103 12 6 14 0 100 13 82 158812 11839
own dwelling
4. employer’s dwelling 12 5 11 3 3 3 11 11 5 16 305 18 18 17 32244 2237
5. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office /shop but
85 7 75 82 192 127 77 314 184 326 5 75 59 106 206399 14734
outside employer’s
6. street with fixed
16 7 15 7 14 10 15 5 4 3 0 14 5 12 23802 1559
7. street without fixed
24 13 22 11 2 7 21 3 2 2 1 21 11 17 33907 2041
8.construction site 62 2 54 17 46 29 53 24 15 3 0 51 212 49 96309 5570
9. others 21 11 20 5 12 8 19 24 15 17 0 19 50 20 38072 2490
rural areas (2 to 9) 494 699 521 393 325 365 514 398 274 389 312 508 407 473 921113 61182

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NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (3): Per 1000 distribution of usually working persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by location of workplace for each enterprise type

all-India industry group/ division: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status rural + urban person

enterprise type
proprietary partnership proprietary & govt./ public/ co-op. empl- sub- others all workers
public private society oyers total (incl
location of partnership estimated sample
workplace male female sub- within from sub- col.(4) sector limited / trust/ hhds. (col 8 (00)
total same difft. total +col.(7) company other +
col.(2)+ hhd. hhs. col. (5) NPI col. 12)
col.(3) +col.(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

workplace in urban
areas and located in:
10. own dwelling 61 190 79 73 11 48 77 1 12 1 1 75 16 61 118784 9063
11. own enterprise/ unit/
office/shop but outside 107 25 96 185 148 170 99 10 15 12 1 97 7 79 153812 12242
own dwelling
12. employer’s dwelling 11 5 10 9 3 7 10 14 6 7 666 26 18 23 45303 3969
13. employer’s enterprise/
unit/office/shop but
132 13 116 229 394 297 125 513 620 557 9 122 104 187 364432 25416
outside employer’s
14. street with fixed
17 9 16 13 3 9 16 13 4 10 2 16 6 14 27816 2331
15. street without fixed
27 11 25 12 4 8 24 2 4 1 1 23 18 19 37572 2913
16.construction site 49 1 43 16 59 34 42 4 29 0 0 41 114 38 73065 5202
17. others 13 5 12 21 18 20 13 32 18 16 5 12 131 18 34290 3143
urban areas (10 to 17) 418 259 397 559 639 592 406 589 708 605 685 413 415 439 855074 64279
n.r. 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 6 20 39839 4623
total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1948016 138613
estd. workers (00) 1241097 193335 1434432 44538 30810 75348 1509780 200758 87237 23151 38726 1548506 50274 1948016 x x
sample workers 82362 12402 94764 3616 1850 5466 100230 20267 4864 1677 3217 103447 3831 138613 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 15-37 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural male
male 151 34 26 48 25 0 285 567 38 29 39 38 2 713 1000 125102 7478
female 13 10 37 54 0 74 187 775 38 0 0 0 0 813 1000 868 66
all (prop.) 151 34 26 48 25 1 284 568 38 29 39 37 2 714 1000 125970 7544
with members from same hh. 137 33 33 186 34 17 440 305 44 43 136 22 7 557 1000 4592 295
members from diff. hhd 43 42 66 364 123 0 638 34 15 63 215 30 0 356 1000 4301 214
all (partnership) 91 37 49 272 77 9 536 174 30 52 174 25 4 459 1000 8893 509
govt./public sector 6 0 0 716 202 0 925 43 6 2 16 3 0 69 1000 1541 114
public/ pvt. ltd. company 17 10 28 541 239 0 836 44 3 7 58 46 0 158 1000 14680 639
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 18 3 2 615 297 0 934 0 7 25 7 6 21 66 1000 1116 63
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 73 38 22 18 87 0 239 252 148 68 47 168 0 682 1000 2414 172
all (incl. n.r.) 129 31 26 116 52 1 355 473 35 28 47 38 2 624 1000 157299 9261
estd workers (00) 20232 4850 4152 18216 8237 145 55832 74443 5457 4425 7440 6025 360 98151 157299 x x
sample workers 1293 239 221 905 324 6 2988 4873 323 206 326 255 17 6000 9261 x x
rural female
male 69 19 12 43 17 0 160 588 49 58 94 41 1 831 1000 33196 1777
female 38 2 0 2 4 2 47 901 18 0 12 14 1 946 1000 31446 1593
all (prop.) 54 11 6 23 10 1 105 740 34 30 54 28 1 887 1000 64641 3370
with members from same hh. 43 0 6 20 4 0 73 608 12 28 87 31 6 771 1000 1817 127
members from diff. hhd 38 0 50 128 42 0 258 85 0 61 452 145 0 742 1000 826 41
all (partnership) 41 0 20 54 16 0 131 445 8 38 201 67 4 762 1000 2643 168
govt./public sector 16 0 0 534 23 0 573 137 63 8 92 128 0 427 1000 308 17
public/ pvt. ltd. company 0 0 32 220 93 0 345 161 1 19 263 196 0 639 1000 3996 188
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 0 78 0 189 0 0 267 151 30 84 291 176 0 733 1000 336 18
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 6 26 0 3 21 0 57 282 104 39 274 46 0 744 1000 1441 78
all (incl. n.r.) 48 10 8 37 15 1 119 673 32 30 75 39 1 850 1000 74555 3975
estd workers (00) 3597 753 590 2738 1124 53 8855 50181 2381 2217 5582 2938 63 63361 74555 x x
sample workers 197 38 26 139 41 3 444 2694 128 101 263 151 10 3347 3975 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 15-37 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural person
male 134 31 23 47 24 0 258 571 40 35 51 38 2 738 1000 158297 9255
female 37 3 1 3 4 4 51 898 19 0 11 14 1 943 1000 32314 1659
all (prop.) 118 26 19 39 20 1 223 627 36 29 44 34 2 772 1000 190611 10914
with members from same hh. 110 24 25 139 26 12 336 391 35 38 122 24 7 617 1000 6410 422
members from diff. hhd 42 35 64 326 110 0 577 42 12 62 253 48 0 418 1000 5127 255
all (partnership) 80 29 42 222 63 7 443 236 25 49 180 35 4 529 1000 11537 677
govt./public sector 8 0 0 686 172 0 866 59 15 3 29 23 0 129 1000 1849 131
public/ pvt. ltd. company 13 8 29 472 208 0 731 69 2 10 102 78 0 261 1000 18676 827
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 14 20 1 516 228 0 780 35 12 38 73 45 17 220 1000 1451 81
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 48 34 14 12 63 0 171 263 131 57 132 122 0 705 1000 3855 250
all (incl. n.r.) 103 24 20 90 40 1 279 538 34 29 56 39 2 697 1000 231855 13236
estd workers (00) 23829 5603 4742 20954 9361 199 64688 124624 7838 6643 13022 8963 424 161512 231855 x x
sample workers 1490 277 247 1044 365 9 3432 7567 451 307 589 406 27 9347 13236 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 15-37 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
urban male
male 196 109 81 71 37 0 494 363 54 32 26 25 1 500 1000 112254 7464
female 62 42 321 31 0 1 457 432 12 0 46 24 0 515 1000 1020 81
all (prop.) 195 108 83 70 36 0 494 363 53 32 26 25 1 500 1000 113275 7545
with members from same hh. 189 134 183 215 74 0 794 115 36 15 17 18 3 204 1000 8679 505
members from diff. hhd 63 63 155 470 96 0 846 55 15 41 23 18 0 152 1000 6192 320
all (partnership) 136 104 171 321 83 0 816 90 27 26 20 18 2 182 1000 14871 825
govt./public sector 2 1 4 764 190 0 961 6 6 1 14 3 0 30 1000 5823 413
public/ pvt. ltd. company 10 15 49 745 98 0 917 10 2 12 34 17 0 75 1000 26873 1463
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 4 168 12 522 40 0 746 50 0 74 70 60 0 254 1000 443 45
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 117 44 150 116 134 0 561 167 9 7 85 130 0 398 1000 1902 143
all (incl. n.r.) 150 87 83 229 57 0 606 262 40 27 27 24 1 379 1000 164519 10540
estd workers (00) 24638 14365 13602 37683 9359 40 99687 43114 6537 4372 4414 3873 104 62414 164519 x x
sample workers 1802 799 764 2142 555 5 6067 3216 396 229 244 206 12 4303 10540 x x
urban female
male 113 73 53 77 39 0 355 419 83 55 51 30 3 642 1000 17562 1238
female 51 4 3 2 3 0 63 915 3 2 0 15 1 936 1000 15682 1347
all (prop.) 84 41 30 42 22 0 217 653 46 30 27 23 2 781 1000 33244 2585
with members from same hh. 87 65 255 135 16 0 558 313 21 28 57 13 0 431 1000 1324 119
members from diff. hhd 16 28 117 567 10 0 738 55 0 1 101 106 0 262 1000 1015 49
all (partnership) 56 49 195 322 13 0 636 201 12 16 76 53 0 358 1000 2339 168
govt./public sector 0 0 6 726 40 0 771 29 15 3 99 82 0 228 1000 412 35
public/ pvt. ltd. company 0 30 76 544 53 0 704 42 0 13 122 117 0 294 1000 3565 196
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 0 0 21 320 8 0 349 0 0 56 596 0 0 651 1000 88 16
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 149 65 41 0 95 0 350 253 0 22 11 177 0 464 1000 490 40
all (incl. n.r.) 74 40 43 109 25 0 290 554 38 27 40 35 2 696 1000 40536 3114
estd workers (00) 2986 1604 1742 4408 1001 0 11741 22463 1546 1097 1612 1433 71 28223 40536 x x
sample workers 269 110 115 259 58 0 811 1844 88 66 105 98 7 2208 3114 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 15-37 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
urban person
male 185 104 77 72 37 0 475 370 58 35 29 26 1 519 1000 129816 8702
female 51 6 23 4 2 0 87 885 4 2 3 16 1 910 1000 16702 1428
all (prop.) 170 93 71 64 33 0 431 429 52 31 26 25 1 564 1000 146519 10130
with members from same hh. 176 125 192 204 66 0 763 141 34 17 22 17 3 234 1000 10003 624
members from diff. hhd 56 58 149 484 84 0 831 55 13 36 34 30 0 168 1000 7208 369
all (partnership) 126 97 174 321 73 0 791 105 25 25 27 23 2 206 1000 17211 993
govt./public sector 2 1 4 761 180 0 949 7 6 1 20 8 0 43 1000 6236 448
public/ pvt. ltd. company 8 17 52 722 93 0 892 14 1 12 44 29 0 100 1000 30439 1659
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 4 140 13 489 34 0 680 42 0 71 157 50 0 320 1000 532 61
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 123 49 128 92 126 0 518 184 7 10 70 140 0 411 1000 2391 183
all (incl. n.r.) 135 78 75 205 51 0 543 320 39 27 29 26 1 442 1000 205055 13654
estd workers (00) 27624 15969 15344 42091 10360 40 111428 65578 8083 5469 6027 5306 175 90637 205055 x x
sample workers 2071 909 879 2401 613 5 6878 5060 484 295 349 304 19 6511 13654 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 15-37 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural+urban male
male 173 69 52 59 31 0 384 470 45 31 33 32 2 612 1000 237356 14942
female 39 27 191 41 0 35 333 590 24 0 25 13 0 652 1000 1888 147
all (prop.) 172 69 53 59 30 0 383 471 45 30 33 32 2 613 1000 239244 15089
with members from same hh. 171 99 131 205 60 6 672 181 39 25 58 19 4 326 1000 13271 800
members from diff. hhd 55 54 119 427 107 0 761 46 15 50 102 23 0 236 1000 10494 534
all (partnership) 120 79 125 303 81 3 711 121 28 36 77 21 3 286 1000 23765 1334
govt./public sector 3 1 3 754 192 0 953 14 6 1 15 3 0 38 1000 7365 527
public/ pvt. ltd. company 12 13 42 673 148 0 888 22 2 11 43 27 0 104 1000 41553 2102
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 14 50 4 588 224 0 881 14 5 39 25 21 15 119 1000 1559 108
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 92 41 78 61 108 0 381 214 86 41 64 151 0 557 1000 4316 315
all (incl. n.r.) 139 60 55 174 55 1 483 365 37 27 37 31 1 499 1000 321819 19801
estd workers (00) 44870 19215 17754 55899 17596 185 155519 117558 11994 8797 11854 9898 465 160565 321819 x x
sample workers 3095 1038 985 3047 879 11 9055 8089 719 435 570 461 29 10303 19801 x x
rural+urban female
male 84 38 27 55 24 0 227 530 61 57 79 37 2 766 1000 50757 3015
female 42 3 1 2 3 1 52 906 13 1 8 15 1 943 1000 47128 2940
all (prop.) 64 21 14 29 14 1 143 711 38 30 45 26 1 851 1000 97885 5955
with members from same hh. 61 28 111 68 9 0 277 484 16 28 74 23 3 628 1000 3141 246
members from diff. hhd 26 16 87 370 24 0 522 68 0 28 258 123 0 478 1000 1841 90
all (partnership) 48 23 102 180 15 0 368 330 10 28 142 60 2 572 1000 4982 336
govt./public sector 7 0 3 644 32 0 686 75 36 5 96 101 0 313 1000 720 52
public/ pvt. ltd. company 0 14 53 373 74 0 514 105 0 16 196 159 0 477 1000 7561 384
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 0 62 4 216 2 0 284 120 24 78 355 139 0 716 1000 424 34
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 43 36 10 3 40 0 131 274 77 35 207 79 0 673 1000 1931 118
all (incl. n.r.) 57 20 20 62 18 0 179 631 34 29 63 38 1 796 1000 115091 7089
estd workers (00) 6584 2357 2331 7146 2126 53 20597 72644 3927 3315 7194 4371 134 91585 115091 x x
sample workers 466 148 141 398 99 3 1255 4538 216 167 368 249 17 5555 7089 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 15-37 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural+urban person
male 157 64 47 58 30 0 356 481 48 35 41 33 2 639 1000 288114 17957
female 42 4 8 4 3 2 63 893 13 1 8 15 1 932 1000 49016 3087
all (prop.) 140 55 42 50 26 0 313 541 43 30 36 30 1 682 1000 337130 21044
with members from same hh. 150 85 127 179 50 5 596 239 34 25 61 20 4 384 1000 16413 1046
members from diff. hhd 50 48 114 418 95 0 725 50 13 47 125 38 0 272 1000 12335 624
all (partnership) 107 69 121 282 69 3 652 158 25 34 89 27 2 336 1000 28747 1670
govt./public sector 3 1 3 744 178 0 930 19 8 2 22 12 0 63 1000 8085 579
public/ pvt. ltd. company 10 14 43 627 137 0 831 35 2 11 66 47 0 161 1000 49114 2486
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 11 52 4 509 176 0 753 37 9 47 96 46 12 247 1000 1983 142
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 77 39 57 43 87 0 304 233 84 39 108 129 0 593 1000 6246 433
all (incl. n.r.) 118 49 46 144 45 1 403 435 36 28 44 33 1 577 1000 436910 26890
estd workers (00) 51454 21572 20086 63045 19721 239 176116 190201 15921 12112 19048 14269 599 252150 436910 x x
sample workers 3561 1186 1126 3445 978 14 10310 12627 935 602 938 710 46 15858 26890 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 14, 40 - 99 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural male
male 41 7 4 2 4 0 59 772 63 35 17 46 2 935 1000 424068 26296
female 74 0 0 0 1 40 115 817 29 5 13 1 0 864 1000 3584 237
all (prop.) 42 6 4 2 4 1 59 772 63 35 17 46 2 935 1000 427652 26533
with members from same hh. 61 2 4 12 1 0 80 704 67 60 57 15 11 913 1000 7726 636
members from diff. hhd 54 27 46 22 51 0 199 329 124 100 106 124 0 784 1000 6541 394
all (partnership) 57 13 23 16 24 0 134 532 93 78 80 65 6 854 1000 14267 1030
govt./public sector 16 9 17 63 52 0 158 212 104 108 241 166 1 832 1000 65496 7951
public/ pvt. ltd. company 23 32 15 100 58 0 229 97 51 119 212 118 0 596 1000 9675 608
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 17 7 11 28 16 0 79 356 142 125 219 75 1 919 1000 6601 491
employers hhd 14 1 0 3 3 0 21 915 28 0 9 6 17 974 1000 4525 373
others 10 5 6 7 15 0 42 346 93 58 35 314 2 847 1000 25496 1740
all (incl. n.r.) 36 7 6 12 12 0 72 643 68 47 50 72 2 881 1000 572828 40783
estd workers (00) 20342 4103 3371 6718 6697 228 41459 368116 38916 26669 28505 41117 1117 504440 572828 x x
sample workers 1456 254 289 590 474 20 3083 24694 2802 2092 2441 3103 118 35250 40783 x x
rural female
male 25 5 4 5 7 0 46 749 78 45 24 47 2 946 1000 59950 3484
female 17 2 0 0 0 0 20 963 5 3 1 5 2 978 1000 45530 2599
all (prop.) 22 4 2 3 4 0 34 842 46 27 14 29 2 960 1000 105480 6083
with members from same hh. 43 7 1 6 2 0 59 819 58 42 14 7 0 940 1000 2766 272
members from diff. hhd 8 7 44 84 6 0 149 102 139 77 343 191 0 851 1000 925 58
all (partnership) 34 7 12 25 3 0 82 639 78 51 96 53 0 917 1000 3691 330
govt./public sector 9 1 7 18 9 0 45 494 99 84 149 124 2 951 1000 18469 1792
public/ pvt. ltd. company 30 8 45 37 98 0 218 143 131 212 233 42 0 762 1000 1476 109
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 6 0 0 42 6 0 54 273 200 232 202 27 0 934 1000 1592 112
employers hhd 31 0 0 0 0 0 32 937 12 0 6 8 1 964 1000 7024 371
others 19 0 0 6 36 0 61 294 66 88 85 272 0 803 1000 3713 238
all (incl. n.r.) 20 3 3 6 6 0 39 745 54 38 39 46 2 924 1000 145718 9466
estd workers (00) 2920 458 469 877 891 0 5615 108618 7847 5605 5617 6672 250 134609 145718 x x
sample workers 212 33 44 78 56 0 423 6695 541 425 451 418 25 8555 9466 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 14, 40 - 99 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural person
male 39 6 4 3 5 0 57 769 65 37 18 46 2 937 1000 484018 29780
female 22 2 0 0 0 3 27 953 6 3 2 4 2 970 1000 49115 2836
all (prop.) 38 6 3 3 4 0 54 786 60 33 16 43 2 940 1000 533133 32616
with members from same hh. 56 4 3 10 1 0 74 734 65 55 45 13 8 920 1000 10492 908
members from diff. hhd 48 24 46 29 45 0 193 301 126 97 136 132 0 792 1000 7466 452
all (partnership) 53 12 21 18 20 0 124 554 90 73 83 63 5 867 1000 17958 1360
govt./public sector 15 7 15 53 43 0 133 274 103 103 221 157 1 858 1000 83965 9743
public/ pvt. ltd. company 24 29 19 92 63 0 227 103 61 131 215 108 0 618 1000 11152 717
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 15 6 9 31 14 0 74 340 153 146 216 66 1 922 1000 8194 603
employers hhd 25 0 0 1 1 0 27 929 18 0 7 7 7 968 1000 11549 744
others 11 4 5 7 18 0 45 339 90 62 41 308 1 842 1000 29209 1978
all (incl. n.r.) 32 6 5 11 11 0 66 663 65 45 47 67 2 889 1000 718546 50249
estd workers (00) 23262 4561 3840 7595 7588 228 47074 476734 46763 32274 34122 47789 1367 639049 718546 x x
sample workers 1668 287 333 668 530 20 3506 31389 3343 2517 2892 3521 143 43805 50249 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 14, 40 - 99 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
urban male
male 73 10 7 7 3 0 101 747 59 36 22 30 1 896 1000 338855 26676
female 105 15 15 38 0 14 187 694 56 17 26 6 0 799 1000 1829 185
all (prop.) 74 10 7 7 3 0 102 747 59 36 22 30 1 895 1000 340684 26861
with members from same hh. 47 18 52 23 3 0 144 547 139 86 41 39 0 853 1000 12036 1063
members from diff. hhd 69 45 49 50 9 0 222 323 106 97 187 47 5 765 1000 9232 631
all (partnership) 57 30 51 35 6 0 178 450 125 91 105 42 2 815 1000 21268 1694
govt./public sector 5 2 16 168 55 0 246 52 37 83 400 173 1 746 1000 86352 7885
public/ pvt. ltd. company 21 10 41 217 83 0 373 64 55 72 301 124 0 617 1000 21173 1273
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 11 11 7 87 15 0 132 246 98 128 309 86 0 867 1000 7531 568
employers hhd 22 2 3 0 10 0 37 906 18 9 9 20 0 962 1000 5858 487
others 35 1 1 13 10 0 61 380 45 48 80 298 1 851 1000 10957 1079
all (incl. n.r.) 56 9 12 46 16 0 139 563 57 49 108 66 1 843 1000 499649 40908
estd workers (00) 27746 4660 5874 22995 8016 114 69405 281273 28439 24439 54009 32830 337 421327 499649 x x
sample workers 2267 435 446 1534 606 26 5314 22529 2346 2124 4300 2843 64 34206 40908 x x
urban female
male 51 9 11 12 5 0 88 600 108 79 71 45 0 903 1000 29394 2320
female 71 4 1 3 0 0 78 880 15 14 10 2 0 921 1000 16136 1489
all (prop.) 58 7 7 9 3 0 84 699 75 56 49 30 0 910 1000 45531 3809
with members from same hh. 42 29 28 0 19 0 118 478 116 71 197 21 0 882 1000 1728 173
members from diff. hhd 24 12 36 131 30 0 233 235 71 171 220 70 0 767 1000 1210 91
all (partnership) 35 22 31 54 23 0 165 378 97 112 206 41 0 835 1000 2938 264
govt./public sector 6 5 18 92 22 0 143 129 72 107 409 137 0 855 1000 19799 1922
public/ pvt. ltd. company 14 43 17 158 82 0 314 52 58 131 304 141 0 686 1000 4113 296
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 2 2 5 57 0 0 66 112 116 114 511 72 5 931 1000 4813 322
employers hhd 24 1 1 0 0 0 26 949 9 3 0 9 0 970 1000 19291 1808
others 11 16 3 32 39 0 101 307 23 69 194 215 0 808 1000 2202 220
all (incl. n.r.) 34 7 9 34 11 0 94 551 61 63 151 57 0 883 1000 100353 8932
estd workers (00) 3415 739 888 3364 1074 2 9482 55265 6167 6299 15112 5742 37 88622 100353 x x
sample workers 284 69 73 231 81 2 740 4907 543 622 1193 561 14 7840 8932 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 14, 40 - 99 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
urban person
male 72 10 7 7 3 0 100 736 63 39 26 32 1 896 1000 368249 28996
female 74 5 2 6 0 2 89 861 19 15 12 2 0 909 1000 17965 1674
all (prop.) 72 10 7 7 3 0 99 741 61 38 26 30 0 897 1000 386214 30670
with members from same hh. 47 19 49 20 5 0 141 539 136 84 61 37 0 857 1000 13764 1236
members from diff. hhd 64 41 47 59 12 0 223 313 102 106 191 49 4 765 1000 10442 722
all (partnership) 54 29 48 37 8 0 176 441 122 93 117 42 2 817 1000 24207 1958
govt./public sector 5 2 17 154 49 0 227 66 44 88 401 166 0 766 1000 106151 9807
public/ pvt. ltd. company 20 15 37 208 83 0 363 62 56 82 301 127 0 628 1000 25285 1569
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 8 8 6 75 9 0 106 194 105 123 388 80 2 892 1000 12343 890
employers hhd 24 1 2 0 2 0 29 939 11 5 2 11 0 969 1000 25149 2295
others 31 4 2 16 15 0 68 368 41 51 99 284 1 844 1000 13159 1299
all (incl. n.r.) 52 9 11 44 15 0 131 561 58 51 115 64 1 850 1000 600002 49840
estd workers (00) 31160 5399 6762 26359 9090 116 78887 336538 34606 30738 69121 38572 374 509948 600002 x x
sample workers 2551 504 519 1765 687 28 6054 27436 2889 2746 5493 3404 78 42046 49840 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 14, 40 - 99 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural+urban male
male 56 8 5 4 4 0 77 761 61 36 19 39 1 918 1000 762923 52972
female 84 5 5 13 1 32 139 775 38 9 17 3 0 842 1000 5413 422
all (prop.) 56 8 5 4 4 0 78 761 61 35 19 39 1 917 1000 768336 53394
with members from same hh. 53 12 34 19 2 0 119 608 111 76 47 30 4 877 1000 19762 1699
members from diff. hhd 62 37 48 38 26 0 212 326 113 98 154 79 3 773 1000 15773 1025
all (partnership) 57 23 40 27 13 0 160 483 112 86 95 52 4 831 1000 35535 2724
govt./public sector 10 5 17 123 54 0 208 121 66 94 331 170 1 783 1000 151848 15836
public/ pvt. ltd. company 22 17 33 180 75 0 327 74 54 87 273 122 0 610 1000 30848 1881
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 14 9 9 59 16 0 107 298 119 127 267 81 0 892 1000 14132 1059
employers hhd 19 2 2 1 7 0 30 910 22 5 9 14 7 968 1000 10383 860
others 17 4 5 9 14 0 48 356 79 55 48 309 1 848 1000 36453 2819
all (incl. n.r.) 45 8 9 28 14 0 103 606 63 48 77 69 1 863 1000 1072477 81691
estd workers (00) 48087 8763 9245 29713 14714 342 110864 649389 67355 51108 82514 73947 1454 925767 1072477 x x
sample workers 3723 689 735 2124 1080 46 8397 47223 5148 4216 6741 5946 182 69456 81691 x x
rural+urban female
male 33 7 6 7 6 0 59 700 88 56 40 46 1 932 1000 89344 5804
female 31 2 0 1 0 0 35 942 7 6 3 4 1 963 1000 61667 4088
all (prop.) 33 5 4 5 4 0 49 799 55 36 25 29 1 945 1000 151011 9892
with members from same hh. 43 16 11 4 8 0 82 688 80 53 84 12 0 918 1000 4494 445
members from diff. hhd 17 10 39 111 19 0 196 177 100 130 274 122 0 804 1000 2135 149
all (partnership) 34 14 20 38 12 0 119 523 87 78 145 48 0 881 1000 6630 594
govt./public sector 8 3 13 56 16 0 96 305 85 96 284 130 1 901 1000 38268 3714
public/ pvt. ltd. company 18 34 24 126 86 0 289 76 78 152 285 115 0 706 1000 5589 405
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 3 2 4 53 1 0 63 152 137 143 434 61 4 931 1000 6405 434
employers hhd 26 1 1 0 0 0 27 946 10 2 2 9 0 969 1000 26315 2179
others 16 6 1 16 37 0 76 299 50 81 125 251 0 805 1000 5915 458
all (incl. n.r.) 26 5 6 17 8 0 61 666 57 48 84 50 1 907 1000 246071 18398
estd workers (00) 6335 1197 1358 4241 1965 2 15097 163883 14014 11904 20729 12414 287 223231 246071 x x
sample workers 496 102 117 309 137 2 1163 11602 1084 1047 1644 979 39 16395 18398 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 14, 40 - 99 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural+urban person
male 53 8 5 5 4 0 76 755 64 38 21 40 1 919 1000 852267 58776
female 36 3 1 2 0 3 43 928 10 6 4 4 1 954 1000 67080 4510
all (prop.) 52 8 5 4 4 0 73 767 60 35 20 37 1 922 1000 919347 63286
with members from same hh. 51 12 29 16 4 0 112 623 106 72 54 27 3 884 1000 24256 2144
members from diff. hhd 57 34 47 47 26 0 210 308 112 102 168 84 3 776 1000 17909 1174
all (partnership) 53 22 37 29 13 0 154 489 108 84 103 51 3 839 1000 42165 3318
govt./public sector 9 5 16 109 46 0 185 158 70 95 322 162 1 807 1000 190116 19550
public/ pvt. ltd. company 21 20 32 172 77 0 321 75 58 97 275 121 0 625 1000 36437 2286
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 10 7 7 58 11 0 94 252 124 132 319 75 2 904 1000 20537 1493
employers hhd 24 1 1 0 2 0 28 936 13 3 4 10 2 968 1000 36698 3039
others 17 4 4 10 17 0 52 348 75 59 59 301 1 842 1000 42368 3277
all (incl. n.r.) 41 8 8 26 13 0 96 617 62 48 78 65 1 871 1000 1318548 100089
estd workers (00) 54422 9961 10602 33954 16679 344 125962 813272 81369 63012 103243 86361 1741 1148998 1318548 x x
sample workers 4219 791 852 2433 1217 48 9560 58825 6232 5263 8385 6925 221 85851 100089 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural male
male 66 13 9 13 9 0 110 725 57 34 22 44 2 885 1000 549170 33774
female 62 2 7 10 1 47 129 808 30 4 10 1 0 854 1000 4452 303
all (prop.) 66 13 9 13 9 1 110 726 57 34 22 44 2 885 1000 553622 34077
with members from same hh. 89 14 15 77 13 6 214 555 59 53 86 18 9 780 1000 12318 931
members from diff. hhd 49 33 54 157 80 0 373 212 81 85 149 87 0 614 1000 10842 608
all (partnership) 70 23 33 115 44 3 289 395 69 68 116 50 5 703 1000 23160 1539
govt./public sector 16 9 17 78 56 0 175 208 102 106 236 162 1 815 1000 67037 8065
public/ pvt. ltd. company 19 19 23 366 167 0 594 65 22 52 119 74 0 332 1000 24356 1247
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 17 6 10 113 57 0 203 305 123 111 189 65 4 796 1000 7717 554
employers hhd 14 1 0 3 3 0 21 915 28 0 9 6 17 974 1000 4525 373
others 15 8 7 8 21 0 59 337 98 59 36 301 2 833 1000 27909 1912
all (incl. n.r.) 56 12 10 34 20 1 133 606 61 43 49 65 2 825 1000 730127 50044
estd workers (00) 40574 8953 7523 24934 14934 373 97291 442559 44373 31095 35945 47142 1477 602591 730127 x x
sample workers 2749 493 510 1495 798 26 6071 29567 3125 2298 2767 3358 135 41250 50044 x x
rural female
male 41 10 7 19 10 0 86 692 68 50 49 45 2 905 1000 93146 5261
female 26 2 0 1 2 1 31 938 10 2 5 9 2 965 1000 76976 4192
all (prop.) 34 6 4 11 6 0 61 803 42 28 29 28 2 932 1000 170122 9453
with members from same hh. 43 4 3 11 3 0 65 735 40 36 43 17 2 873 1000 4583 399
members from diff. hhd 22 4 47 105 23 0 200 94 73 69 394 169 0 800 1000 1751 99
all (partnership) 37 4 15 37 8 0 102 558 49 45 140 59 2 853 1000 6335 498
govt./public sector 10 1 7 26 10 0 54 488 98 83 148 124 2 942 1000 18777 1809
public/ pvt. ltd. company 8 2 35 171 94 0 311 156 36 71 255 154 0 672 1000 5472 297
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 5 14 0 68 5 0 91 252 170 206 218 53 0 899 1000 1928 130
employers hhd 31 0 0 0 0 0 32 937 12 0 6 8 1 964 1000 7024 371
others 16 7 0 5 32 0 60 290 77 74 138 208 0 787 1000 5154 316
all (incl. n.r.) 30 5 5 16 9 0 66 721 46 36 51 44 1 899 1000 220274 13441
estd workers (00) 6518 1211 1059 3615 2015 53 14471 158799 10227 7822 11198 9611 313 197970 220274 x x
sample workers 409 71 70 217 97 3 867 9389 669 526 714 569 35 11902 13441 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural person
male 63 12 8 14 9 0 107 720 59 36 26 44 2 888 1000 642315 39035
female 28 2 0 1 1 3 36 931 11 2 5 8 1 959 1000 81428 4495
all (prop.) 59 11 8 12 8 0 99 744 53 32 24 40 2 896 1000 723744 43530
with members from same hh. 76 11 12 59 11 5 174 604 53 49 74 17 7 805 1000 16901 1330
members from diff. hhd 46 29 53 150 72 0 349 196 80 83 184 98 0 640 1000 12593 707
all (partnership) 63 19 29 98 37 3 249 430 65 63 121 52 4 735 1000 29495 2037
govt./public sector 15 7 14 67 46 0 149 269 101 101 216 154 1 843 1000 85814 9874
public/ pvt. ltd. company 17 16 25 330 154 0 542 81 24 55 144 89 0 394 1000 29828 1544
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 15 8 8 104 46 0 181 294 132 130 195 63 3 816 1000 9645 684
employers hhd 25 0 0 1 1 0 27 929 18 0 7 7 7 968 1000 11549 744
others 15 8 6 7 23 0 59 330 95 61 52 287 1 826 1000 33064 2228
all (incl. n.r.) 50 11 9 30 18 0 118 633 57 41 50 60 2 842 1000 950401 63485
estd workers (00) 47091 10164 8582 28549 16949 426 111762 601358 54600 38917 47144 56753 1791 800561 950401 x x
sample workers 3158 564 580 1712 895 29 6938 38956 3794 2824 3481 3927 170 53152 63485 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
urban male
male 104 35 25 23 12 0 199 652 58 35 23 29 1 797 1000 451109 34140
female 89 25 125 36 0 10 284 600 40 11 33 13 0 697 1000 2849 266
all (prop.) 104 35 26 23 12 0 199 651 57 35 23 29 1 797 1000 453958 34406
with members from same hh. 107 66 107 103 33 0 416 366 96 56 31 30 1 581 1000 20715 1568
members from diff. hhd 66 52 91 219 44 0 472 215 69 75 121 35 3 519 1000 15425 951
all (partnership) 90 60 100 153 38 0 440 302 85 64 70 32 2 555 1000 36140 2519
govt./public sector 5 2 16 206 63 0 291 49 35 78 375 162 1 700 1000 92175 8298
public/ pvt. ltd. company 15 13 46 513 91 0 677 34 25 39 151 64 0 313 1000 48046 2736
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 11 20 7 111 17 0 166 235 93 125 295 84 0 833 1000 7974 613
employers hhd 22 2 3 0 10 0 37 906 18 9 9 20 0 962 1000 5858 487
others 47 8 23 28 29 0 135 349 40 42 80 273 1 784 1000 12859 1222
all (incl. n.r.) 79 29 29 91 26 0 255 488 53 43 88 55 1 728 1000 664168 51448
estd workers (00) 52384 19025 19476 60678 17375 154 169092 324387 34976 28810 58423 36703 441 483741 664168 x x
sample workers 4069 1234 1210 3676 1161 31 11381 25745 2742 2353 4544 3049 76 38509 51448 x x
urban female
male 74 33 27 36 17 0 188 532 99 70 64 39 1 806 1000 46956 3558
female 61 4 2 2 1 0 70 897 9 8 5 8 1 929 1000 31818 2836
all (prop.) 69 21 17 22 11 0 140 680 63 45 40 27 1 855 1000 78774 6394
with members from same hh. 61 45 126 59 17 0 308 406 74 52 136 17 0 687 1000 3052 292
members from diff. hhd 20 20 73 330 21 0 463 153 39 94 166 86 0 537 1000 2225 140
all (partnership) 44 34 104 173 19 0 374 299 59 70 149 46 0 624 1000 5278 432
govt./public sector 6 5 17 105 22 0 156 127 71 105 403 136 0 842 1000 20212 1957
public/ pvt. ltd. company 8 37 44 338 69 0 495 48 31 76 219 130 0 504 1000 7678 492
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 2 2 5 62 0 0 71 110 114 113 512 70 5 926 1000 4901 338
employers hhd 24 1 1 0 0 0 26 949 9 3 0 9 0 970 1000 19291 1808
others 36 25 10 26 49 0 146 297 19 61 160 208 0 746 1000 2691 260
all (incl. n.r.) 45 17 19 55 15 0 151 552 55 52 119 51 1 829 1000 140889 12046
estd workers (00) 6401 2343 2630 7772 2075 2 21223 77728 7714 7396 16725 7175 108 116845 140889 x x
sample workers 553 179 188 490 139 2 1551 6751 631 688 1298 659 21 10048 12046 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
urban person
male 101 35 26 24 12 0 198 640 61 38 27 30 1 798 1000 498066 37698
female 63 5 12 5 1 1 88 873 12 8 8 9 0 910 1000 34667 3102
all (prop.) 99 33 25 23 11 0 191 655 58 36 26 29 1 805 1000 532733 40800
with members from same hh. 101 64 110 98 31 0 403 371 93 56 45 29 1 595 1000 23768 1860
members from diff. hhd 61 48 89 233 41 0 471 207 66 77 127 42 3 521 1000 17650 1091
all (partnership) 84 57 101 155 35 0 432 301 82 65 80 34 2 563 1000 41418 2951
govt./public sector 5 2 16 188 56 0 267 63 42 83 380 157 0 726 1000 112387 10255
public/ pvt. ltd. company 14 16 46 488 88 0 652 36 26 44 161 73 0 340 1000 55724 3228
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 7 13 6 93 10 0 130 188 101 121 378 79 2 868 1000 12875 951
employers hhd 24 1 2 0 2 0 29 939 11 5 2 11 0 969 1000 25149 2295
others 45 11 21 28 32 0 137 340 36 45 94 262 1 778 1000 15550 1482
all (incl. n.r.) 73 27 27 85 24 0 236 499 53 45 93 55 1 746 1000 805057 63494
estd workers (00) 58785 21368 22106 68450 19451 156 190316 402116 42690 36207 75147 43878 549 600586 805057 x x
sample workers 4622 1413 1398 4166 1300 33 12932 32496 3373 3041 5842 3708 97 48557 63494 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural+urban male
male 83 23 16 17 10 0 150 692 57 34 22 38 1 845 1000 1000279 67914
female 72 11 53 20 1 32 190 727 34 7 19 6 0 793 1000 7301 569
all (prop.) 83 23 17 17 10 0 150 692 57 34 22 37 1 845 1000 1007580 68483
with members from same hh. 100 47 73 94 26 2 341 437 82 55 52 26 4 655 1000 33033 2499
members from diff. hhd 59 44 76 193 59 0 431 214 74 79 133 56 2 558 1000 26267 1559
all (partnership) 82 46 74 138 40 1 381 338 79 66 88 39 3 612 1000 59300 4058
govt./public sector 9 5 16 152 60 0 242 116 63 90 316 162 1 749 1000 159213 16363
public/ pvt. ltd. company 16 15 38 463 117 0 649 44 24 43 141 67 0 320 1000 72402 3983
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 14 13 8 112 36 0 184 269 107 118 243 75 2 815 1000 15691 1167
employers hhd 19 2 2 1 7 0 30 910 22 5 9 14 7 968 1000 10383 860
others 25 8 12 14 23 0 83 341 79 54 50 292 1 818 1000 40768 3134
all (incl. n.r.) 67 20 19 61 23 0 191 550 57 43 68 60 1 779 1000 1394295 101492
estd workers (00) 92957 27978 26999 85612 32309 527 266383 766946 79349 59905 94368 83845 1919 1086332 1394295 x x
sample workers 6818 1727 1720 5171 1959 57 17452 55312 5867 4651 7311 6407 211 79759 101492 x x
rural+urban female
male 52 18 13 24 13 0 120 638 78 57 54 43 1 872 1000 140102 8819
female 36 3 1 1 1 1 42 926 10 4 5 9 1 955 1000 108794 7028
all (prop.) 45 11 8 14 8 0 86 764 48 34 33 28 1 908 1000 248896 15847
with members from same hh. 50 21 52 30 9 0 162 604 54 43 80 17 1 798 1000 7636 691
members from diff. hhd 21 13 61 231 22 0 347 127 54 83 266 123 0 653 1000 3976 239
all (partnership) 40 18 55 99 13 0 225 440 54 57 144 53 1 749 1000 11612 930
govt./public sector 8 3 13 67 16 0 106 301 84 94 280 130 1 890 1000 38988 3766
public/ pvt. ltd. company 8 23 41 268 79 0 419 93 33 74 234 140 0 574 1000 13150 789
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 3 5 4 63 1 0 77 150 130 139 429 66 4 918 1000 6829 468
employers hhd 26 1 1 0 0 0 27 946 10 2 2 9 0 969 1000 26315 2179
others 23 13 3 12 38 0 90 293 57 70 145 208 0 773 1000 7846 576
all (incl. n.r.) 36 10 10 32 11 0 99 655 50 42 77 46 1 872 1000 361163 25487
estd workers (00) 12919 3554 3689 11387 4090 55 35694 236527 17941 15218 27923 16785 421 314815 361163 x x
sample workers 962 250 258 707 236 5 2418 16140 1300 1214 2012 1228 56 21950 25487 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural+urban person
male 80 22 16 18 11 0 146 685 60 37 26 38 1 849 1000 1140381 76733
female 38 3 4 3 1 3 52 913 11 4 6 8 1 944 1000 116096 7597
all (prop.) 76 20 15 17 10 0 138 707 55 34 24 35 1 857 1000 1256477 84330
with members from same hh. 91 42 69 82 22 2 307 468 77 53 57 24 4 682 1000 40669 3190
members from diff. hhd 54 40 74 198 54 0 420 202 71 80 151 65 2 571 1000 30243 1798
all (partnership) 75 41 71 131 36 1 356 355 74 64 97 41 3 635 1000 70912 4988
govt./public sector 9 4 15 135 51 0 216 152 67 91 309 156 1 776 1000 198201 20129
public/ pvt. ltd. company 15 16 38 433 111 0 614 52 26 48 155 79 0 359 1000 85552 4772
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 11 11 7 97 26 0 152 233 114 125 299 72 2 846 1000 22520 1635
employers hhd 24 1 1 0 2 0 28 936 13 3 4 10 2 968 1000 36698 3039
others 25 9 11 14 26 0 84 333 76 56 65 279 1 810 1000 48614 3710
all (incl. n.r.) 60 18 17 55 21 0 172 572 55 43 70 57 1 798 1000 1755458 126979
estd workers (00) 105876 31532 30688 96999 36400 582 302078 1003473 97290 75123 122291 100630 2340 1401147 1755458 x x
sample workers 7780 1977 1978 5878 2195 62 19870 71452 7167 5865 9323 7635 267 101709 126979 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 15-37 principal status+ subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural male
male 151 34 26 48 25 0 284 567 38 29 39 38 2 714 1000 127059 7573
female 9 7 27 40 0 54 137 834 28 0 0 0 0 863 1000 1181 81
all (prop.) 150 34 26 48 25 1 283 569 38 29 38 38 2 715 1000 128240 7654
with members from same hh. 134 32 32 188 34 17 437 304 43 42 142 21 7 560 1000 4683 299
members from diff. hhd 43 42 66 364 123 0 638 34 15 63 215 30 0 356 1000 4301 214
all (partnership) 91 37 49 272 77 9 533 175 29 52 177 25 4 462 1000 8984 513
govt./public sector 6 0 0 718 201 0 925 43 6 2 16 3 0 69 1000 1551 115
public/ pvt. ltd. company 17 10 28 541 238 0 835 43 3 7 60 45 0 159 1000 14756 645
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 18 3 2 615 297 0 934 0 7 25 7 6 21 66 1000 1116 63
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 73 38 22 18 87 0 239 252 148 68 47 168 0 682 1000 2414 172
all (incl. n.r.) 128 31 26 115 52 1 353 475 35 28 47 39 2 626 1000 159777 9384
estd workers (00) 20511 4943 4185 18388 8253 145 56426 75912 5580 4473 7525 6154 360 100004 159777 x x
sample workers 1309 242 224 918 326 6 3025 4947 326 207 329 258 17 6084 9384 x x
rural female
male 63 16 12 37 14 0 142 632 50 48 83 36 1 850 1000 41376 2169
female 40 2 0 1 3 2 47 910 16 0 10 11 2 948 1000 44643 2228
all (prop.) 51 9 6 19 8 1 93 776 32 23 45 23 1 901 1000 86019 4397
with members from same hh. 38 0 6 21 3 0 67 650 11 24 77 28 5 795 1000 2054 155
members from diff. hhd 36 0 48 123 40 0 248 88 6 59 459 139 0 752 1000 857 46
all (partnership) 37 0 18 51 14 0 121 485 9 34 190 60 4 782 1000 2911 201
govt./public sector 16 0 0 534 23 0 573 137 63 8 92 128 0 427 1000 308 17
public/ pvt. ltd. company 0 0 28 203 95 0 326 219 0 17 241 183 0 661 1000 4556 213
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 0 63 0 152 0 0 216 173 130 86 253 142 0 784 1000 416 23
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 6 25 0 3 20 0 54 297 98 37 260 51 0 744 1000 1519 84
all (incl. n.r.) 46 8 7 30 12 1 105 719 31 24 62 33 1 870 1000 97045 5095
estd workers (00) 4507 801 676 2909 1195 70 10158 69748 3033 2292 6056 3157 116 84401 97045 x x
sample workers 238 39 29 149 44 5 504 3666 148 106 282 167 13 4382 5095 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 15-37 principal status+ subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural person
male 130 30 22 45 22 0 249 583 41 34 50 38 2 747 1000 168435 9742
female 39 2 1 2 3 3 49 908 16 0 9 10 2 946 1000 45824 2309
all (prop.) 110 24 18 36 18 1 206 652 36 27 41 32 2 790 1000 214259 12051
with members from same hh. 105 22 24 137 24 12 324 410 33 37 122 23 7 631 1000 6738 454
members from diff. hhd 42 35 63 324 110 0 574 43 13 62 255 48 0 421 1000 5158 260
all (partnership) 78 28 41 218 61 7 432 251 24 48 180 34 4 540 1000 11895 714
govt./public sector 8 0 0 687 171 0 867 58 15 3 29 23 0 128 1000 1858 132
public/ pvt. ltd. company 13 8 28 462 204 0 715 85 2 10 103 78 0 277 1000 19312 858
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 13 19 1 489 216 0 739 47 40 41 74 43 16 261 1000 1532 86
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 47 33 14 12 61 0 167 269 129 56 129 123 0 706 1000 3933 256
all (incl. n.r.) 97 22 19 83 37 1 259 567 34 26 53 36 2 718 1000 256822 14479
estd workers (00) 25018 5744 4862 21298 9448 215 66584 145660 8613 6765 13581 9310 476 184406 256822 x x
sample workers 1547 281 253 1067 370 11 3529 8613 474 313 611 425 30 10466 14479 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 15-37 principal status + subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
urban male
male 196 108 81 70 37 0 492 365 54 32 25 25 1 502 1000 113620 7556
female 55 52 287 85 0 1 480 422 11 0 41 21 0 495 1000 1142 89
all (prop.) 194 108 83 70 36 0 492 366 53 31 26 25 1 502 1000 114762 7645
with members from same hh. 189 134 182 214 75 0 794 115 36 15 17 18 3 204 1000 8704 514
members from diff. hhd 62 62 162 466 95 0 847 54 16 41 23 18 0 152 1000 6251 322
all (partnership) 136 104 174 320 83 0 816 90 28 26 19 18 2 182 1000 14955 836
govt./public sector 2 1 4 765 189 0 961 6 6 1 14 3 0 30 1000 5844 415
public/ pvt. ltd. company 9 15 49 748 97 0 919 10 2 12 33 17 0 74 1000 27255 1480
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 4 168 12 522 40 0 746 50 0 74 70 60 0 254 1000 443 45
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 117 44 150 116 134 0 561 167 9 7 85 130 0 398 1000 1902 143
all (incl. n.r.) 149 87 83 229 57 0 605 264 40 26 27 23 1 380 1000 166533 10673
estd workers (00) 24814 14461 13804 38178 9415 42 100714 43940 6610 4384 4414 3903 104 63356 166533 x x
sample workers 1817 808 772 2165 561 6 6129 3274 400 231 244 209 12 4370 10673 x x
urban female
male 117 70 50 63 32 0 331 463 71 52 41 37 3 667 1000 22020 1497
female 49 2 2 1 2 0 57 922 2 1 0 16 2 942 1000 25733 2032
all (prop.) 81 33 24 30 16 0 183 710 34 25 19 25 2 815 1000 47752 3529
with members from same hh. 109 62 230 143 14 0 558 314 31 25 52 11 0 433 1000 1469 149
members from diff. hhd 18 27 112 573 9 0 740 61 0 1 96 101 0 260 1000 1058 54
all (partnership) 71 47 181 323 12 0 634 208 18 15 70 49 0 360 1000 2527 203
govt./public sector 0 0 6 726 40 0 771 29 15 3 99 82 0 228 1000 412 35
public/ pvt. ltd. company 0 30 74 540 52 0 697 41 0 12 121 126 0 301 1000 3655 200
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 0 0 21 320 8 0 349 0 0 56 596 0 0 651 1000 88 16
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 110 48 30 0 70 0 258 189 0 17 8 357 0 570 1000 664 47
all (incl. n.r.) 74 33 34 82 19 0 241 625 30 23 29 37 2 746 1000 55600 4121
estd workers (00) 4111 1856 1894 4535 1029 0 13426 34727 1673 1288 1622 2069 98 41477 55600 x x
sample workers 355 122 123 266 60 0 926 2662 102 76 107 126 9 3082 4121 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 15-37 principal status + subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
urban person
male 183 102 76 69 36 0 466 381 57 35 28 27 1 529 1000 135640 9053
female 50 4 14 5 2 0 75 900 2 1 2 16 2 923 1000 26874 2121
all (prop.) 161 86 66 58 30 0 401 467 48 30 24 25 1 594 1000 162514 11174
with members from same hh. 177 123 189 204 66 0 760 144 35 16 22 17 2 237 1000 10173 663
members from diff. hhd 56 57 155 481 82 0 831 55 14 35 34 30 0 168 1000 7309 376
all (partnership) 127 96 175 320 73 0 790 107 26 24 27 22 1 208 1000 17482 1039
govt./public sector 2 1 4 762 179 0 949 7 6 1 20 8 0 43 1000 6256 450
public/ pvt. ltd. company 8 17 52 724 91 0 892 13 1 12 44 30 0 100 1000 30910 1680
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 4 140 13 489 34 0 680 42 0 71 157 50 0 320 1000 532 61
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 115 45 119 86 117 0 482 172 7 10 65 189 0 442 1000 2565 190
all (incl. n.r.) 130 73 71 192 47 0 514 354 37 26 27 27 1 472 1000 222133 14794
estd workers (00) 28925 16317 15698 42713 10445 42 114140 78667 8283 5672 6036 5972 202 104832 222133 x x
sample workers 2172 930 895 2431 621 6 7055 5936 502 307 351 335 21 7452 14794 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 15-37 principal status + subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural+urban male
male 172 69 52 58 31 0 382 472 46 30 32 32 2 614 1000 240679 15129
female 32 29 155 62 0 28 306 632 20 0 20 11 0 682 1000 2323 170
all (prop.) 171 69 53 58 30 0 382 473 45 30 32 32 2 614 1000 243002 15299
with members from same hh. 170 98 130 205 60 6 669 182 38 24 61 19 4 328 1000 13387 813
members from diff. hhd 54 54 123 424 106 0 762 46 16 50 101 22 0 235 1000 10553 536
all (partnership) 119 79 127 302 81 3 710 122 28 36 79 20 3 287 1000 23939 1349
govt./public sector 3 1 3 755 192 0 954 13 6 1 14 3 0 38 1000 7395 530
public/ pvt. ltd. company 12 13 41 676 146 0 889 22 2 10 43 27 0 104 1000 42011 2125
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 14 50 4 588 224 0 881 14 5 39 25 21 15 119 1000 1559 108
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 92 41 78 61 108 0 381 214 86 41 64 151 0 557 1000 4316 315
all (incl. n.r.) 139 59 55 173 54 1 482 367 37 27 37 31 1 501 1000 326309 20057
estd workers (00) 45324 19404 17989 56567 17668 187 157140 119852 12190 8857 11939 10057 465 163360 326309 x x
sample workers 3126 1050 996 3083 887 12 9154 8221 726 438 573 467 29 10454 20057 x x
rural+urban female
male 82 35 25 46 20 0 208 573 58 50 68 36 1 787 1000 63395 3666
female 43 2 1 1 2 1 51 914 11 1 6 12 2 946 1000 70375 4260
all (prop.) 62 17 12 23 11 1 125 753 33 24 36 24 2 871 1000 133771 7926
with members from same hh. 67 26 99 72 8 0 272 510 19 25 66 21 3 644 1000 3524 304
members from diff. hhd 26 15 84 372 23 0 520 73 3 27 259 118 0 480 1000 1915 100
all (partnership) 53 22 94 177 13 0 359 356 13 25 134 55 2 586 1000 5438 404
govt./public sector 7 0 3 644 32 0 686 75 36 5 96 101 0 313 1000 720 52
public/ pvt. ltd. company 0 14 48 353 76 0 491 140 0 15 188 158 0 501 1000 8211 413
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 0 52 4 182 1 0 239 143 108 81 313 117 0 761 1000 504 39
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 38 32 9 2 35 0 116 264 68 31 183 144 0 691 1000 2183 131
all (incl. n.r.) 56 17 17 49 15 0 155 684 31 23 50 34 1 825 1000 152646 9216
estd workers (00) 8618 2657 2571 7444 2224 70 23584 104476 4706 3579 7678 5226 214 125878 152646 x x
sample workers 593 161 152 415 104 5 1430 6328 250 182 389 293 22 7464 9216 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 15-37 principal status + subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural+urban person
male 153 62 46 56 28 0 346 493 48 34 40 33 2 650 1000 304075 18795
female 43 3 6 3 2 2 59 905 11 1 7 12 2 938 1000 72698 4430
all (prop.) 132 51 38 46 23 0 290 572 41 28 34 29 2 705 1000 376773 23225
with members from same hh. 149 83 123 177 50 5 586 250 34 24 62 19 4 394 1000 16910 1117
members from diff. hhd 50 48 117 416 94 0 725 50 14 46 125 37 0 273 1000 12467 636
all (partnership) 107 68 121 279 68 3 645 165 26 34 89 27 2 343 1000 29377 1753
govt./public sector 3 1 3 745 177 0 930 19 8 2 22 12 0 63 1000 8115 582
public/ pvt. ltd. company 10 13 43 623 135 0 824 41 2 11 66 48 0 168 1000 50223 2538
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 11 50 4 489 170 0 724 46 30 49 95 45 12 276 1000 2063 147
employers hhd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
others 74 38 55 41 83 0 292 231 80 38 104 149 0 602 1000 6498 446
all (incl. n.r.) 113 46 43 134 42 1 377 468 35 26 41 32 1 604 1000 478955 29273
estd workers (00) 53943 22061 20559 64011 19893 257 180724 224328 16896 12436 19617 15282 678 289238 478955 x x
sample workers 3719 1211 1148 3498 991 17 10584 14549 976 620 962 760 51 17918 29273 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 14, 40 - 99 principal status+ subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural male
male 42 6 4 2 5 0 59 773 63 35 17 46 2 935 1000 432853 26820
female 57 0 0 0 1 30 88 860 23 4 10 1 0 897 1000 4786 305
all (prop.) 42 6 4 2 4 1 59 774 62 35 17 45 2 935 1000 437639 27125
with members from same hh. 59 2 4 12 1 0 78 711 66 58 55 15 10 916 1000 7976 673
members from diff. hhd 54 27 48 22 50 0 200 330 123 101 106 123 0 783 1000 6589 403
all (partnership) 57 13 24 16 23 0 133 539 92 77 78 64 6 856 1000 14566 1076
govt./public sector 16 9 17 63 52 0 157 211 104 108 243 165 1 833 1000 65779 7974
public/ pvt. ltd. company 23 32 16 105 57 0 234 96 50 119 211 117 0 592 1000 9758 614
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 17 7 11 27 16 0 78 351 145 124 221 80 1 920 1000 6708 500
employers hhd 14 1 0 3 3 0 21 916 27 0 8 6 16 975 1000 4598 379
others 11 5 6 7 15 0 43 345 95 57 34 312 2 845 1000 25827 1766
all (incl. n.r.) 36 7 6 12 12 0 72 646 68 46 49 71 2 881 1000 584100 41508
estd workers (00) 20846 4103 3423 6797 6783 228 42181 377073 39428 26959 28833 41367 1136 514796 584100 x x
sample workers 1497 254 292 594 477 20 3134 25250 2834 2110 2468 3119 120 35901 41508 x x
rural female
male 29 3 2 2 4 0 40 842 49 23 13 25 2 954 1000 124264 6841
female 20 1 0 0 0 0 22 959 8 3 0 3 4 977 1000 91106 5433
all (prop.) 25 2 1 1 2 0 32 891 32 15 8 16 3 964 1000 215370 12274
with members from same hh. 54 4 0 3 1 0 62 842 61 21 11 3 0 938 1000 5614 542
members from diff. hhd 7 17 53 73 5 0 154 172 120 93 297 165 0 846 1000 1071 66
all (partnership) 46 6 9 14 2 0 76 734 71 32 56 29 0 923 1000 6685 608
govt./public sector 9 1 7 17 10 0 43 477 90 81 168 132 1 950 1000 20206 1869
public/ pvt. ltd. company 28 8 42 35 92 0 205 164 128 223 222 40 0 776 1000 1568 117
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 6 9 0 41 6 0 61 273 192 231 194 37 0 927 1000 1657 118
employers hhd 35 0 0 0 0 0 36 934 10 0 6 9 1 961 1000 7723 403
others 39 0 11 5 32 0 87 318 79 76 73 253 0 798 1000 4413 294
all (incl. n.r.) 25 2 2 3 4 0 36 822 38 23 25 29 2 939 1000 262760 16165
estd workers (00) 6466 533 535 885 985 1 9405 215869 10094 6065 6476 7532 600 246637 262760 x x
sample workers 425 38 50 80 61 1 655 12798 690 465 487 474 43 14957 16165 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 14, 40 - 99 principal status+ subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural person
male 39 6 3 2 4 0 55 789 60 32 16 41 2 939 1000 557117 33661
female 22 1 0 0 0 2 25 954 9 3 1 3 4 973 1000 95892 5738
all (prop.) 36 5 3 2 4 0 50 813 52 28 14 35 2 944 1000 653009 39399
with members from same hh. 57 3 3 8 1 0 71 765 64 43 37 10 6 925 1000 13590 1215
members from diff. hhd 47 25 48 29 44 0 193 308 123 100 132 129 0 792 1000 7661 469
all (partnership) 53 11 19 15 17 0 115 601 85 63 71 53 4 877 1000 21251 1684
govt./public sector 15 7 14 52 42 0 130 274 101 102 225 158 1 860 1000 85985 9843
public/ pvt. ltd. company 24 29 20 95 62 0 230 105 61 133 212 106 0 618 1000 11325 731
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 15 7 9 30 14 0 75 335 154 145 216 71 1 922 1000 8365 618
employers hhd 28 0 0 1 1 0 30 928 17 0 7 8 7 966 1000 12322 782
others 15 4 7 7 17 0 49 341 92 60 40 303 1 838 1000 30240 2060
all (incl. n.r.) 32 5 5 9 9 0 61 700 58 39 42 58 2 899 1000 846860 57673
estd workers (00) 27313 4636 3958 7683 7768 228 51586 592942 49521 33024 35310 48899 1736 761432 846860 x x
sample workers 1922 292 342 674 538 21 3789 38048 3524 2575 2955 3593 163 50858 57673 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 14, 40 - 99 principal status+ subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
urban male
male 73 11 7 7 3 0 101 748 59 36 22 30 1 896 1000 343787 27075
female 143 16 13 33 0 13 219 678 49 15 23 6 0 770 1000 2105 203
all (prop.) 74 11 7 7 3 0 102 748 59 36 22 30 1 895 1000 345893 27278
with members from same hh. 47 18 52 23 3 0 143 550 139 85 41 39 0 854 1000 12126 1075
members from diff. hhd 73 45 52 49 9 0 228 325 104 95 184 46 5 759 1000 9411 647
all (partnership) 58 30 52 34 6 0 180 452 124 90 104 42 2 813 1000 21537 1722
govt./public sector 5 2 16 168 54 0 246 52 37 84 400 172 1 746 1000 86630 7898
public/ pvt. ltd. company 21 10 42 216 82 0 371 64 55 74 300 126 0 619 1000 21507 1290
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 11 11 7 89 15 0 133 247 97 128 309 85 0 866 1000 7592 575
employers hhd 21 2 3 0 9 0 36 904 23 9 9 19 0 964 1000 6068 498
others 34 2 1 12 11 0 61 376 45 47 78 299 1 846 1000 11221 1091
all (incl. n.r.) 56 9 12 46 16 0 139 565 57 49 107 65 1 843 1000 506304 41424
estd workers (00) 28258 4797 5955 23157 8032 114 70313 285822 28738 24652 54299 33102 337 426950 506304 x x
sample workers 2310 441 452 1542 608 26 5379 22885 2372 2140 4322 2859 64 34642 41424 x x
urban female
male 48 8 9 10 4 0 79 648 98 68 60 38 1 913 1000 36118 2831
female 63 4 0 2 0 0 70 895 14 12 7 1 0 930 1000 22639 2031
all (prop.) 54 6 6 7 3 0 76 743 66 46 40 24 1 920 1000 58758 4862
with members from same hh. 63 26 25 0 17 0 131 503 105 64 178 19 0 869 1000 1912 209
members from diff. hhd 25 12 34 124 28 0 224 233 67 168 242 67 0 776 1000 1271 98
all (partnership) 48 20 29 50 21 0 168 395 90 106 203 38 0 832 1000 3183 307
govt./public sector 6 5 18 91 22 0 143 130 74 106 407 138 0 855 1000 20028 1944
public/ pvt. ltd. company 14 42 16 157 81 0 310 53 57 130 310 139 0 690 1000 4182 305
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 2 2 5 58 0 0 66 118 124 113 502 68 5 931 1000 5132 337
employers hhd 27 1 1 0 0 0 29 948 8 3 0 8 0 968 1000 20337 1937
others 11 15 3 30 37 0 96 321 28 69 189 211 0 818 1000 2315 234
all (incl. n.r.) 35 7 8 29 9 0 89 590 58 56 133 51 1 889 1000 115897 10243
estd workers (00) 4085 772 918 3398 1092 4 10269 68396 6738 6535 15457 5892 62 103081 115897 x x
sample workers 346 73 77 237 82 3 818 6005 583 644 1217 580 17 9046 10243 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 14, 40 - 99 principal status+ subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
urban person
male 71 10 7 7 3 0 99 739 62 39 26 31 1 897 1000 379905 29906
female 70 5 2 5 0 1 82 877 17 12 9 2 0 916 1000 24745 2234
all (prop.) 71 10 7 7 3 0 98 747 60 37 25 29 1 898 1000 404650 32140
with members from same hh. 49 19 48 20 5 0 141 544 134 82 60 36 0 856 1000 14038 1284
members from diff. hhd 67 41 50 58 11 0 227 314 100 104 191 48 4 761 1000 10682 745
all (partnership) 57 28 49 36 8 0 178 444 119 92 116 41 2 815 1000 24720 2029
govt./public sector 5 2 17 154 48 0 227 67 44 88 401 166 0 766 1000 106658 9842
public/ pvt. ltd. company 20 15 38 206 82 0 361 62 55 83 301 129 0 630 1000 25689 1595
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 7 8 6 76 9 0 106 195 108 122 387 78 2 892 1000 12723 912
employers hhd 26 1 2 0 2 0 30 938 12 4 2 11 0 967 1000 26405 2435
others 30 4 2 16 15 0 67 367 42 50 97 284 1 841 1000 13536 1325
all (incl. n.r.) 52 9 11 43 15 0 130 569 57 50 112 63 1 852 1000 622202 51667
estd workers (00) 32344 5569 6873 26555 9124 118 80582 354218 35476 31188 69756 38994 399 530031 622202 x x
sample workers 2656 514 529 1779 690 29 6197 28890 2955 2784 5539 3439 81 43688 51667 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 14, 40 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural+urban male
male 56 8 5 4 4 0 77 762 61 35 19 39 1 918 1000 776640 53895
female 83 5 4 10 1 25 128 804 31 7 14 2 0 858 1000 6892 508
all (prop.) 56 8 5 4 4 0 78 763 61 35 19 39 1 917 1000 783532 54403
with members from same hh. 52 11 33 18 2 0 117 614 110 74 46 29 4 879 1000 20102 1748
members from diff. hhd 65 37 50 38 26 0 216 327 112 97 152 78 3 769 1000 16000 1050
all (partnership) 58 23 41 27 13 0 161 487 111 85 93 51 4 830 1000 36103 2798
govt./public sector 10 5 17 123 53 0 208 121 66 95 332 169 1 783 1000 152409 15872
public/ pvt. ltd. company 22 17 34 182 74 0 328 74 53 88 272 123 0 610 1000 31264 1904
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 14 9 9 60 16 0 107 296 120 126 267 82 0 892 1000 14299 1075
employers hhd 18 2 2 1 7 0 30 910 25 5 9 14 7 968 1000 10666 877
others 18 4 5 9 14 0 49 354 80 54 48 308 1 845 1000 37048 2857
all (incl. n.r.) 45 8 9 27 14 0 103 608 63 47 76 68 1 864 1000 1090404 82932
estd workers (00) 49105 8900 9378 29954 14815 342 112494 662895 68165 51611 83132 74469 1473 941745 1090404 x x
sample workers 3807 695 744 2136 1085 46 8513 48135 5206 4250 6790 5978 184 70543 82932 x x
rural+urban female
male 34 4 3 4 4 0 49 798 60 33 24 28 2 945 1000 160382 9672
female 29 2 0 0 0 0 31 946 9 5 2 3 3 968 1000 113745 7464
all (prop.) 32 3 2 3 2 0 42 859 39 21 15 17 2 954 1000 274128 17136
with members from same hh. 56 9 7 2 5 0 79 756 72 32 53 7 0 920 1000 7525 751
members from diff. hhd 17 14 43 101 18 0 192 205 91 134 267 111 0 808 1000 2342 164
all (partnership) 47 11 15 26 8 0 106 625 77 56 104 32 0 894 1000 9868 915
govt./public sector 7 3 13 54 16 0 93 304 82 94 287 135 1 903 1000 40234 3813
public/ pvt. ltd. company 18 33 23 123 84 0 281 83 77 155 286 112 0 713 1000 5750 422
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 3 4 3 54 1 0 65 156 141 142 427 61 4 930 1000 6789 455
employers hhd 29 1 1 0 0 0 31 944 9 2 2 9 0 966 1000 28060 2340
others 29 5 8 14 34 0 90 319 61 73 113 238 0 805 1000 6728 528
all (incl. n.r.) 28 3 4 11 5 0 52 751 44 33 58 35 2 924 1000 378657 26408
estd workers (00) 10552 1305 1453 4283 2077 5 19674 284265 16832 12600 21934 13425 662 349718 378657 x x
sample workers 771 111 127 317 143 4 1473 18803 1273 1109 1704 1054 60 24003 26408 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 14, 40 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural+urban person
male 52 8 5 4 4 0 73 768 61 35 20 37 1 922 1000 937022 63567
female 32 2 0 1 0 1 37 938 11 5 2 3 3 961 1000 120637 7972
all (prop.) 50 7 4 4 4 0 68 788 55 32 18 33 2 927 1000 1057659 71539
with members from same hh. 53 11 26 14 3 0 107 653 100 63 48 23 3 890 1000 27628 2499
members from diff. hhd 59 35 49 46 25 0 213 311 109 102 167 82 3 774 1000 18343 1214
all (partnership) 55 20 35 27 12 0 149 517 104 78 95 47 3 844 1000 45971 3713
govt./public sector 9 4 16 108 46 0 184 159 69 94 323 162 1 808 1000 192643 19685
public/ pvt. ltd. company 21 19 32 173 76 0 321 75 57 98 274 122 0 626 1000 37014 2326
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 10 7 7 58 11 0 94 251 126 131 319 75 1 904 1000 21088 1530
employers hhd 26 1 1 0 2 0 30 935 13 3 4 10 2 967 1000 38726 3217
others 20 4 5 9 17 0 55 349 77 57 58 297 1 839 1000 43776 3385
all (incl. n.r.) 41 7 7 23 11 0 90 645 58 44 72 60 1 879 1000 1469061 109340
estd workers (00) 59656 10205 10831 34238 16892 346 132168 947160 84997 64211 105066 87893 2135 1291463 1469061 x x
sample workers 4578 806 871 2453 1228 50 9986 66938 6479 5359 8494 7032 244 94546 109340 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status+ subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural male
male 66 13 9 13 9 0 110 726 57 34 22 44 2 885 1000 559912 34393
female 47 1 5 8 1 35 98 855 24 3 8 1 0 890 1000 5968 386
all (prop.) 66 13 9 13 9 1 110 728 57 33 22 44 2 885 1000 565879 34779
with members from same hh. 87 13 14 77 13 6 211 561 58 52 87 17 9 784 1000 12659 972
members from diff. hhd 49 33 55 157 79 0 373 213 80 86 149 86 0 614 1000 10891 617
all (partnership) 70 22 33 114 44 3 286 400 68 68 116 49 5 706 1000 23550 1589
govt./public sector 16 9 16 78 55 0 175 208 102 106 238 162 1 815 1000 67329 8089
public/ pvt. ltd. company 19 19 23 368 166 0 596 64 22 52 120 74 0 331 1000 24514 1259
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 17 6 10 111 56 0 200 301 125 110 190 69 4 798 1000 7823 563
employers hhd 14 1 0 3 3 0 21 916 27 0 8 6 16 975 1000 4598 379
others 16 8 7 8 21 0 60 337 99 58 35 299 1 831 1000 28241 1938
all (incl. n.r.) 56 12 10 34 20 1 133 609 61 42 49 64 2 826 1000 743876 50892
estd workers (00) 41357 9047 7608 25186 15036 373 98606 452986 45007 31432 36359 47521 1496 614800 743876 x x
sample workers 2806 496 516 1512 803 26 6159 30197 3160 2317 2797 3377 137 41985 50892 x x
rural female
male 38 6 4 11 6 0 65 789 49 29 31 28 1 928 1000 165640 9010
female 27 1 0 0 1 1 30 943 11 2 3 5 3 967 1000 135749 7661
all (prop.) 33 4 2 6 4 0 49 858 32 17 18 18 2 946 1000 301389 16671
with members from same hh. 49 3 2 8 2 0 63 790 48 22 28 10 1 899 1000 7668 697
members from diff. hhd 20 10 51 95 21 0 196 135 69 78 369 153 0 804 1000 1928 112
all (partnership) 43 4 12 25 5 0 90 659 52 33 97 39 1 880 1000 9596 809
govt./public sector 9 1 7 25 10 0 51 472 90 80 167 132 1 942 1000 20514 1886
public/ pvt. ltd. company 7 2 32 160 94 0 295 205 33 70 236 146 0 690 1000 6124 330
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 4 20 0 63 5 0 92 253 179 202 206 58 0 898 1000 2073 141
employers hhd 35 0 0 0 0 0 36 934 10 0 6 9 1 961 1000 7723 403
others 30 6 8 4 29 0 78 313 84 66 121 201 0 784 1000 5932 378
all (incl. n.r.) 30 4 3 11 6 0 54 794 36 23 35 30 2 920 1000 359805 21260
estd workers (00) 10974 1333 1212 3795 2179 70 19563 285617 13127 8356 12532 10689 716 331038 359805 x x
sample workers 663 77 79 229 105 6 1159 16464 838 571 769 641 56 19339 21260 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural person
male 60 11 8 12 9 0 100 741 55 33 24 40 2 895 1000 725552 43403
female 28 1 0 1 1 2 33 939 11 2 4 5 3 964 1000 141716 8047
all (prop.) 55 10 6 10 7 0 89 773 48 28 20 35 2 906 1000 867268 51450
with members from same hh. 73 9 10 51 9 4 155 647 54 41 65 14 6 828 1000 20328 1669
members from diff. hhd 45 29 54 147 70 0 346 201 79 84 182 96 0 643 1000 12818 729
all (partnership) 62 17 27 88 33 2 229 475 63 58 110 46 4 756 1000 33146 2398
govt./public sector 14 7 14 65 45 0 146 269 99 100 221 155 1 845 1000 87843 9975
public/ pvt. ltd. company 17 16 25 326 152 0 535 92 24 55 143 88 0 403 1000 30638 1589
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 14 9 8 101 45 0 177 291 136 129 194 67 3 819 1000 9896 704
employers hhd 28 0 0 1 1 0 30 928 17 0 7 8 7 966 1000 12322 782
others 19 7 8 7 22 0 63 333 97 60 50 282 1 823 1000 34173 2316
all (incl. n.r.) 47 9 8 26 16 0 107 669 53 36 44 53 2 857 1000 1103681 72152
estd workers (00) 52331 10380 8820 28980 17216 443 118169 738603 58135 39789 48891 58210 2212 945838 1103681 x x
sample workers 3469 573 595 1741 908 32 7318 46661 3998 2888 3566 4018 193 61324 72152 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
urban male
male 104 35 25 22 12 0 198 653 57 35 23 29 1 798 1000 457407 34631
female 112 29 109 51 0 9 310 588 35 10 29 11 0 673 1000 3247 292
all (prop.) 104 35 26 23 11 0 199 653 57 35 23 29 1 797 1000 460654 34923
with members from same hh. 106 66 106 103 33 0 415 369 96 56 31 30 1 583 1000 20830 1589
members from diff. hhd 69 52 96 215 43 0 475 217 69 74 120 35 3 517 1000 15662 969
all (partnership) 90 60 102 151 38 0 441 303 84 63 69 32 2 554 1000 36492 2558
govt./public sector 5 2 16 206 63 0 291 49 35 79 375 162 1 701 1000 92474 8313
public/ pvt. ltd. company 15 13 46 514 90 0 677 34 25 39 151 65 0 314 1000 48762 2770
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 11 20 7 113 17 0 167 236 92 125 295 84 0 833 1000 8035 620
employers hhd 21 2 3 0 9 0 36 904 23 9 9 19 0 964 1000 6068 498
others 46 8 23 27 29 0 134 346 40 41 79 275 1 781 1000 13123 1234
all (incl. n.r.) 79 29 29 91 26 0 254 490 53 43 87 55 1 729 1000 672837 52097
estd workers (00) 53072 19258 19759 61335 17447 156 171027 329762 35348 29036 58713 37005 441 490305 672837 x x
sample workers 4127 1249 1224 3707 1169 32 11508 26159 2772 2371 4566 3068 76 39012 52097 x x
urban female
male 75 31 24 30 15 0 175 578 88 62 53 38 1 820 1000 58138 4328
female 56 3 1 2 1 0 63 909 8 6 3 9 1 937 1000 48372 4063
all (prop.) 66 18 14 17 9 0 124 728 51 37 30 25 1 873 1000 106510 8391
with members from same hh. 83 42 114 62 16 0 316 421 73 47 123 16 0 679 1000 3381 358
members from diff. hhd 22 19 70 328 20 0 458 155 37 92 176 82 0 542 1000 2329 152
all (partnership) 58 32 96 171 17 0 374 312 58 66 145 43 0 623 1000 5710 510
govt./public sector 6 5 18 104 22 0 155 128 72 104 400 137 0 842 1000 20441 1979
public/ pvt. ltd. company 7 37 43 336 67 0 491 48 31 75 222 133 0 509 1000 7837 505
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 2 2 5 62 0 0 71 116 122 112 504 67 5 926 1000 5220 353
employers hhd 27 1 1 0 0 0 29 948 8 3 0 8 0 968 1000 20337 1937
others 33 22 9 24 45 0 132 291 22 57 149 243 0 763 1000 2978 281
all (incl. n.r.) 48 15 16 46 12 0 138 601 49 46 100 46 1 843 1000 171498 14364
estd workers (00) 8196 2628 2812 7933 2121 4 23695 103123 8411 7823 17079 7961 160 144558 171498 x x
sample workers 701 195 200 503 142 3 1744 8667 685 720 1324 706 26 12128 14364 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
urban person
male 100 34 25 23 12 0 196 645 61 38 26 30 1 800 1000 515545 38959
female 59 5 8 5 1 1 78 889 9 7 5 9 1 920 1000 51619 4355
all (prop.) 97 32 24 22 11 0 185 667 56 35 24 28 1 811 1000 567164 43314
with members from same hh. 103 63 108 97 31 0 401 376 93 55 44 28 1 596 1000 24211 1947
members from diff. hhd 62 48 92 230 40 0 473 209 65 76 127 41 3 520 1000 17991 1121
all (partnership) 86 56 101 154 35 0 432 305 81 64 79 33 2 564 1000 42202 3068
govt./public sector 5 2 16 188 56 0 267 63 42 83 380 157 0 726 1000 112914 10292
public/ pvt. ltd. company 14 16 45 489 87 0 651 36 26 44 161 75 0 341 1000 56599 3275
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 7 13 6 93 10 0 129 189 104 120 377 77 2 869 1000 13255 973
employers hhd 26 1 2 0 2 0 30 938 12 4 2 11 0 967 1000 26405 2435
others 44 11 20 27 32 0 133 336 37 44 92 269 1 777 1000 16101 1515
all (incl. n.r.) 73 26 27 82 23 0 231 513 52 44 90 53 1 752 1000 844335 66461
estd workers (00) 61268 21886 22571 69268 19568 160 194722 432885 43759 36859 75792 44966 601 634863 844335 x x
sample workers 4828 1444 1424 4210 1311 35 13252 34826 3457 3091 5890 3774 102 51140 66461 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural+urban male
male 83 23 16 17 10 0 150 693 57 34 22 37 1 846 1000 1017319 69024
female 70 11 42 23 0 26 173 761 28 5 15 4 0 814 1000 9214 678
all (prop.) 83 23 16 17 10 0 150 694 57 34 22 37 1 846 1000 1026534 69702
with members from same hh. 99 46 72 93 26 2 338 441 81 54 52 25 4 659 1000 33489 2561
members from diff. hhd 61 44 79 191 58 0 433 215 74 79 132 56 2 557 1000 26553 1586
all (partnership) 82 45 75 137 40 1 380 341 78 65 87 39 3 614 1000 60042 4147
govt./public sector 9 5 16 152 60 0 242 116 63 90 317 162 1 749 1000 159803 16402
public/ pvt. ltd. company 16 15 38 465 116 0 650 44 24 43 141 68 0 320 1000 73276 4029
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 14 13 8 112 36 0 183 268 108 118 244 76 2 816 1000 15859 1183
employers hhd 18 2 2 1 7 0 30 910 25 5 9 14 7 968 1000 10666 877
others 26 8 12 14 23 0 83 340 80 53 49 292 1 815 1000 41364 3172
all (incl. n.r.) 67 20 19 61 23 0 190 553 57 43 67 60 1 780 1000 1416713 102989
estd workers (00) 94429 28304 27367 86521 32484 529 269634 782747 80355 60469 95071 84526 1937 1105105 1416713 x x
sample workers 6933 1745 1740 5219 1972 58 17667 56356 5932 4688 7363 6445 213 80997 102989 x x
rural+urban female
male 47 13 10 16 8 0 94 734 59 38 36 30 1 900 1000 223778 13338
female 34 2 0 1 1 0 39 934 10 3 3 6 3 959 1000 184121 11724
all (prop.) 41 8 5 9 5 0 69 824 37 22 22 20 2 927 1000 407898 25062
with members from same hh. 60 15 36 24 6 0 141 677 55 30 57 12 1 832 1000 11049 1055
members from diff. hhd 21 15 61 223 20 0 340 146 52 86 263 115 0 660 1000 4257 264
all (partnership) 49 15 43 80 10 0 196 529 54 45 115 40 1 784 1000 15306 1319
govt./public sector 7 3 12 64 16 0 103 300 81 92 284 135 1 892 1000 40955 3865
public/ pvt. ltd. company 7 22 38 258 79 0 405 117 32 73 228 139 0 588 1000 13961 835
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 3 7 3 62 1 0 77 155 138 138 419 65 4 918 1000 7293 494
employers hhd 29 1 1 0 0 0 31 944 9 2 2 9 0 966 1000 28060 2340
others 31 12 9 11 34 0 96 305 63 63 130 215 0 777 1000 8910 659
all (incl. n.r.) 36 7 8 22 8 0 81 732 41 30 56 35 2 895 1000 531303 35624
estd workers (00) 19170 3962 4024 11727 4301 75 43258 388741 21538 16179 29611 18650 876 475596 531303 x x
sample workers 1364 272 279 732 247 9 2903 25131 1523 1291 2093 1347 82 31467 35624 x x
NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05
Appendix A

Table (4): Per 1000 distribution of usually employed persons engaged in the industry groups/ divisions 012, 014, 015, 02, 05 or 10-99 by enterprise size and use of electricity separately for each enterprise type

all-India Industry Divisions/ Groups: 012, 014, 015, 02 - 99 principal status + subsidiary status

enterprise using electricity enterprise not using electricity

number of workers number of workers workers
enterprise <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all <6 6-9 10-19 ≥20 not n.r. all total
type known known (incl. estimated sample
n.r.) (00)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
rural+urban person
male 77 21 15 17 10 0 140 701 58 35 25 36 1 856 1000 1241097 82362
female 36 2 2 2 1 2 45 926 11 3 4 6 2 952 1000 193335 12402
all (prop.) 71 18 13 15 9 0 127 731 51 31 22 32 2 869 1000 1434432 94764
with members from same hh. 89 38 63 76 21 2 289 500 75 48 53 22 3 702 1000 44538 3616
members from diff. hhd 55 40 77 196 53 0 420 206 70 80 150 64 2 571 1000 30810 1850
all (partnership) 75 39 68 125 34 1 343 380 73 61 93 39 3 648 1000 75348 5466
govt./public sector 9 4 15 134 51 0 214 153 67 91 310 156 1 778 1000 200758 20267
public/ pvt. ltd. company 15 16 38 432 110 0 610 56 25 48 155 79 0 363 1000 87237 4864
co-op society/ trust/ other npi 10 11 7 96 25 0 150 232 118 124 299 73 2 848 1000 23151 1677
employers hhd 26 1 1 0 2 0 30 935 13 3 4 10 2 967 1000 38726 3217
others 27 9 12 13 25 0 86 334 77 55 64 278 1 808 1000 50274 3831
all (incl. n.r.) 58 17 16 50 19 0 161 601 52 39 64 53 1 811 1000 1948016 138613
estd workers (00) 113599 32266 31391 98249 36784 603 312892 1171488 101893 76648 124683 103176 2813 1580701 1948016 x x
sample workers 8297 2017 2019 5951 2219 67 20570 81487 7455 5979 9456 7792 295 112464 138613 x x

NSS Report No. 519: Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India, 2004-05

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