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Creating Physical Standby using RMAN Duplicate Without Shutting down The Primary (Doc ID 789370.

1) For rolling upgrade refer this note, http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/availability/maa-wp-10gr2-tr ansrollupg-168590.pdf http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14231/indexes.htm#i1006905 0r Identifying Unused Indexes (Doc ID 144070.1),which explain how to identify unuse d indexes Note 395849.1 How To Audit An Oracle Applications' User? Note 402116.1 Page Access Tracking in Oracle Applications Release 12 To monitor a user in Forms see note 395849.1, which states : " One can monitor users in the System Administrator responsibility by navigating t o: Security -> User-> Monitor form. This is the Monitor Users Window. Use this wind ow to monitor what the application users are currently doing. As well as seeing which users are signed on, one can see: * Which responsibilities, forms (windows), and terminals they are using * How long they have been logged in; * What Oracle database processes they are using. " Also you can enable profile "FND: Diagnostics" , then Help -> About Oracle Appli cations shows the database process id And See the trace options in Help -> Trace" There is no supported query on how to match forms / database pid, when auditing is enables as per note 395849.1, then the following query can give more information, this is an example query and is N OT supported by Oracle Product Support. SELECT usr.user_name "User Name", usr.description "User Description", ( select rtl.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME from applsys.fnd_responsibility_tl rtl where rtl.responsibility_id=r.responsibility_id and rtl.application_id=r.resp_ap pl_id and rtl.language=USERENV('LANG')) "Responsibility Name", decode(vsess.module, NULL, 'FNDSCSGN-Navigator',vsess.module ' - ' (select ft.user_form_name from applsys.fnd_login_resp_forms f, applsys.fnd_form_ tl ft where f.audsid = vsess.audsid and f.form_id=ft.form_id and f.FORM_APPL_ID=ft.application_id and ft.LANGUAGE=US ERENV('LANG') and f.start_time= (select max(start_time) from applsys.fnd_login_resp_forms where audsid=f.audsid) )) "Form Name", decode(vsess.module, NULL, 'Application Object Library', (select fa.application_name from applsys.fnd_application_tl fa, applsys.fnd_logi n_resp_forms f where f.audsid = vsess.audsid and fa.application_id=f.FORM_APPL_ID and fa.language=USE RENV('LANG') and f.start_time=(select max(start_time) from applsys.fnd_login_resp_forms where aud sid=f.audsid))) "Application Name",

to_char(l.start_time, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') "Start Time", vsess.osuser "OS Username", vsess.process "F60WEBMX PID", to_number(vproc.spid) "OS Oracle PID", vsess.sid "Oracle Session Id", vsess.serial# "V$SESSION Serial #", vproc.pid "Oracle PID", substr(vsess.machine,1,64) "Machine Name", round(wait.seconds_in_wait/60,2) "Wait Minute", vsess.audsid AUDSID FROM applsys.fnd_logins l, applsys.fnd_user usr, v$process vproc, v$session vses s, V$SESSION_WAIT wait, applsys.fnd_login_responsibilities r WHERE l.user_id = usr.user_id AND vproc.addr = vsess.paddr AND l.spid = vsess.pr ocess AND wait.sid=vsess.sid AND l.pid = vproc.pid ORDER BY 1 ; For Framework pages there is no direct link between user and database process to investigate such issues see: Oracle Application Framework Troubleshooting Release 12 (Doc ID 395446.1) ORA-4031 are reported when Oracle fail to allocate 4120 bytes of continues memor y in the shared pool. Possible workaround for this problem are to lower number of subpools with hidden parameter "_kghdsidx_count" as the database has now 4 subpools according to the trace files or flush the shared pool.

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