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Statement Regarding the "Evil Damascus Bombings"

Abdullah Azzam Brigades

Praise Allah who has us witness the result of steadfastness and patience, and have had us witness the collapse of the tyrants of Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, and showed us in Syria the glad tidings of victory that we can smell the beginning of the collapse of its criminals toward defeat; thus praise Him the Almighty, and prayer and peace upon the most honorable of prophets and messengers, and master of all of Adams descendants and upon all his family and companions, and thereafter: With the steadfastness of the Ummahs heroes in Syria and the failure of the tyrant Bashar al-Asads regime in having the rebels submit by force, murder and excessive crimes, the regime has turned to elevating its plots against the revolution with new malice that was prepared by its intelligence forces. [Verse] And this appears from its mobilization tools in Syria and Lebanon, and the most recent of which were acts that were falsely attributed to the Mujahideen, announcing practicallythat they will not preserve an effort to see their survival from the demise befalling them, and to survive the revolution that they knew wont calm until the people see emancipation from the tyranny of this regime. Hence, we have a stance toward these recent events: The Damascus Bombings: On Friday, December 23, 2011, Damascus witnessed bombings that targeted two headquarters of Bashar al-Asad security and gangs. And the regime media immediately claimed that the first signs point to the Mujahideen, whom they described as terrorist groups. And they showed images and clips, in which the regime begged for the sympathy of the West, the Arab League delegation and the Syrian people, and it began exaggerating in describing the event as a plot, and as usual it exaggerated in clear lies and false accusations.

And we, in Abdullah Azzam Brigades, would like to clarify to our patient, mujahid, and steadfast people in Syria these facts: First: The Mujahideen, with all of their groups, have no relation to these sinister bombingssins behind their goalsand accusing the Mujahideen is a lie and a fallacy, and those who are truly responsible are the beneficiaries, the Assad regime and its intelligence agents. And so, these failed operations must be dictated as his in order to punish him and those who carried them outfrom his menfor his benefit. And it will not change this fact that tomorrow a recording by one of the Mujahideen would circulate in the official media outlets or on suspicious websites in which he would claim responsibility for this operation. As the Mujahideen of the Ummah in the prisons of this tyrant are in the thousands and his intelligence forces will not be incapable of doing it like it did before, through forcing one of the prisoners to record a [forced] confession of an operation he knows nothing about under torture, just as they did with Ahmad Abu Adas. And the Mujahideen have their official media outlets and they will not release any statement except through them. Second: Which is what we mentioned many times, the Mujahideen do not hide neither do they feel shame from their acts, because they will not carry them out unless they have a full conviction based on Sharia and a clear strategic view. So, the absence of their declaration of an act is the same as denial [of the act], just as when they declare their denial of responsibility. Third: The regime of Bashar and its arm in Lebanon (the Shiite Hizbollah) do not abide by religion, principles or morals in their plots; as they wont care for the interests of the country, and they will not hesitate to kill the innocent or commit any crimes that would save them from their inevitably collapsing existence and the fall of this regime, which now has begun collapsing, with the grace of Allah, and with the steadfastness of the heroes of the Syrian revolution and with what they offered of great sacrifices. The plot on the Palestinian camps in Southern Lebanon: And through a weak childish performance by the Syrian intelligence, personified by the officers of the army intelligence who operate for Hizbollah, and a nationalist party that calls for opposition in Saida, along with some of their tools in the souths camps,

those have begun carrying out a plot whose episodes started, which seeks to set the situation ablaze in the displaced Palestinians camps, and so the Syrian intelligence and Hizbollah could achieve, with the blood and clashes of those, their malicious goals, with the regime in Syria breathing on the expense of the sides of this struggle in the camps, and in order to deviate the eyes away from its crimes in Syria, especially the recent massacres in Homs, Hama and Edleb (Jabal al-Zawiya). And herein we warn these [Palestinian] sides from falling in the trap of the Syrian regime and Hizbollah, to not be taken advantage of and by which have them achieve their political goals on the expense of their children, and on the expense of the security of our people in the camps. We call upon all the sidesfrom all the affiliationsto have awareness toward what is intended to them and what is being fabricated against them, and to preserve their blood away from regional programs they have no interest in. And they should know that the regime in Syria and its arm in Lebanon do not abandon the tools they use to achieve their goals, and they have begun the series of assassinations, bombings and missiles, from which they seek to mix the papers and lengthen the lifetime of the regime of the tyrant Bashar al-Asad. And they should consider the kindness of Allah if he uncovers for themfor the simplest reasonswhat Hizbollah was forced to do days ago, and scandalize the tool used. And finally we say: the plotting by some of the Christian figureslike the head of the army and otherswith the al-Asad regime stems from personal considerations and interests, and it is based on the expense of the interests of the Christians in Lebanon and their security. And the changes that are occurring in the region are big, and it is not good for the rational onesfrom any sectto rely on [inevitably] collapsing forces, nor to send [helping] hands by the sect to do whatever they wish and then seek safety and security from the outcome of the deeds of those who are from the sect. As we commend the fair and brave stances by many Christian and Druze figures and leaders in Lebanon for supporting the oppressed, even with a word, but we turn their attention to the shameful stances by some who place their personal interests ahead of the interests of their sects and thus may guides it toward that which it stays away from [Hadith]. Supporting those riffraff is considered perfection and completion of this fair stance, and Muslims punish justly; the good with goodness, and the wrongdoing with what it deserves.

Abdullah Azzam Brigades December 27, 2011

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