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Notation: Book Scalar Vector By hand

a a (bold faced)

a a or

Units: Mass Length Force Time M L F T SI kilogram meter Newton second kg m N s U.S. slug feet pound second

ft lb sec

Relation between units is based on the equation F=ma:

1 N = (1 kg) (1 m/s2) 1 lb= (1 slug) (1 ft/sec2 )

Example of calculating mass in U.S. system: The mass, m, of a particle which weighs W=10 lb and is in a gravitational field of with an acceleration of gravity g=32.2 ft/sec2 is

Unit conversion: l lb 1 slug 1 ft 1 ft 1 mile 1 kip 1 ton = = = = = = = 4.4482 N 14.5938 kg 0.3048 m 12 in 5,280 ft 1,000 lb 2,000 lb

Rounding numbers: Round your final answers to 3 significant figures

Check equations by checking that all terms in an equation have the same dimensions

Scalars and Vectors

Scalar: A quantity like mass or temperature which only has a magnitude Vector: A quantity like heat flux or force which has both a magnitude and a direction (denoted by a bold faced character, an underlined character, or a character with a arrow on it) Vector Addition: Vector Addition follows the parallelogram law described be the figure

Resolution of a Vector: A vector can be resolved along different directions using the parallelogram rule. The figure shows how one resolves vector c into components a and b which are along the given directions

The math you need: o For a right triangle: a2+ b2 = c2 tan( ) = b/a

sin( ) = b/c cos( ) = a/c

For a general triangle:

o o

+ + = 1 80

Sine law:

Cosine law:

A line intersecting parallel lines:

Coordinates and Addition of Vectors

Unit vector: A vector of unit length Components of a vector in orthogonal bases: Unit vectors i and j are along the x and y directions

Addition of vectors using the components:

Vectors in 3-D
Unit vector: A vector of unit length.

Base vectors for a rectangular coordinate system: A set of three mutually orthogonal unit vectors Right handed system: A coordinate system represented by base vectors which follow the righthand rule. Rectangular component of a Vector: The projections of vector A along the x, y, and z directions are Ax, Ay, and Az, respectively.

Magnitude of a Vector:

Direction Cosines: Cos( ) , Cos( ) ,

Cos( )

Unit vector along a vector: The unit vector uA along the vector A is obtained from

Addition of vectors: The resultant vector FR obtained from the addition of vectors F1, F2, , Fn is given by

Coordinates of points in space: The triplet (x,y,z) describes the coordinates of a point. The vector connecting two points: The vector connecting point A to point B is given by

A unit vector along the line A-B: A unit vector along the line A-B is obtained from

A vector along A-B: A vector F along the line A-B and of magnitude F can be obtained from

The dot product: The dot product of vectors A and B is given by

Projection of a vector by using the dot product: The projection of vector A along the unit vector u is given by


Problem 2-101

Static Equilibrium for a Particle

A particle: An object with inertia (mass) but of negligible dimensions Equilibrium equations for a particle: A particle is in equilibrium if the resultant of ALL forces acting on the particle is equal to zero

Equilibrium equations in component form: In a rectangular coordinate system the equilibrium equations can be represented by three scalar equations:

Free-Body diagram: A diagram showing the particle under consideration and all the forces acting on this particle. Each force in this diagram must labeled. String or cable: A mechanical device that can only transmit a tensile force along itself.

Linear spring: A mechanical device which exerts a force along its line of action and proportional to its extension.

Frictionless pulleys: For a frictionless pulley in static equilibrium, the tension in the cable is the same on both sides of the pulley.


Problem # 3-30

Problem # 3-30

Initial stretch in each spring (y = 0): so

Final stretch in each spring (y = 2 ft): s

Final load in each spring: Fs

Equilibrium for connection at A:

Equilibrium for connection at B:

Moment of a force: Part 1

The magnitude of the moment of a force: MO: Magnitude of the moment of F around point O d: Perpendicular distance from O to the line of action of F

d O Line of action of F

Note: moving a force along its line of action does not change its moment Note:

Direction of the moment in 2-D: The direction of the moment is given by the right hand rule: Counter Clockwise (CCW) is out of the page, Clockwise (CW) is into the page. O F CCW-out of the page O F CW-into the page

Calculating the moment in 2-D using components: Moments add together as vectors. Select a positive direction (CCW or CW), then calculate each moment and add them using the proper sign for each term. For example:

F d2 d1

Fx Fy O

Moment of a force: Part 2

The cross product: Math you need to know week 4-5 Moment of Force F around point O: MO

Calculating the moment using rectangular components:

Resultant moment: Mro

Moment of a force about a specified axis a-a: Ma

O: any point on a-a

Couple: C

Note: The moment of a couple does not depend on the point one takes the moment about. In other words, a moment of a couple is the same about all points in space.

Equivalent force systems: Part 1

The basic idea: Two force systems are equivalent if they result in the same resultant force and the same resultant moment.

Moving a force along its line of action: Moving a force along its line of action results in a new force system which is equivalent to the original force system.

Moving a force off its line of action: If a force is moved off its line of action, a couple must be added to the force system so that the new system generates the same moment as the old system.

The resultant of a force and couple system: For any point O, every force and couple system can be made equivalent to a single force passing through O and a single couple. The single force passing through O is equal to the resultant force of the original system, and the couple is equal to the resultant moment of the original system around point O.

When can one reduce a force and couple system to a single force?: For a force and couple system if the resultant force and the resultant couple are perpendicular, then one can find an equivalent system with a single force and no couple. To obtain this system, move the resultant force a distance d along the line perpendicular to the plane of the resultant force and resultant couple until the resultant force creates a moment equivalent to the resultant couple.

Note: All 2-D force systems can be reduced to a single force. To find the line of action of the force, the moment of the original system must be forced to be the same as the system with the single force.

Equivalent force systems: The wrench

A wrench: A wrench is a force and couple system in which the force and couple are parallel.

Every force and couple system can be reduced to a wrench: As above, the perpendicular part of the resultant moment can be replaced by sliding the resultant force along the line perpendicular to the plane of the resultant force and resultant couple. What remains after this operation is a wrench which has a moment equal to the component of the resultant couple parallel to the force.

Equivalent force systems: Distributed loads

Replacing distributed loads by a resultant load and resultant couple applied at a given point O :

Replacing a distributed load by single resultant load:

Note: Since the equation for d is the same as that for determining the centroid of the area under the w(x) curve, it follows that F must pass through the centroid of the area under the curve w(x).

Equilibrium of rigid bodies

Static equilibrium for a rigid body: A body (or any part of it) which is currently stationary will remain stationary if the resultant force and resultant moment are zero for all the forces and couples applied on it.

Newtons 3rd law: Each action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. This law provides the method used for one body (or part of a body) to interact with another body (or another part of the body).

Free-Body Diagram: A diagram of a body (or a part of it) which shows all the forces and couples applied on it, and which has all the forces and couples labeled for use in the solution of the problem is called a free-body diagram. Follow these steps to draw a free-body diagram.

1. Select the body (or part of a body) that you want to analyze, and draw it. 2. Identify all the forces and couples that are applied onto the body and draw them on the body. Place each force and couple at the point that it is applied. 3. Label all the forces and couples with unique labels for use during the solution process. 4. Add any relevant dimensions onto your picture.

Composite bodies and internal forces: Forces and couples which are a result of interaction between one part of an object and another part of it will not appear in the free-body diagram of

the whole object. This is due to Newtons 3rd law. The two bodies in the following example are welded at A. When the two parts are looked at as a single body, the internal forces and couples are added together, and as a result of Newtons third law will cancel.

Forces and couples on a free-body diagram: Each force or couple you put on a free-body diagram represents a model of how the body in the free-body diagram is effected by its surroundings. In selecting the forces and couples that are to be applied on the free-body diagram follow these steps:

1. Identify all the forces which come from the interaction of one body with another. Many of the common supports and their effects are shown in Table 5-1 on page 184. Remember that for each way in which a support restricts the free motion of the body, a force or a moment must be applied to the body to impose the restriction on the motion. 2. Apply the weight of the body to its center of gravity (if it is uniform, then apply it to the centroid). 3. Remember that strings and cables can only pull on an object. 4. Remember that internal loads cancel out and should not be put on the free-body diagram. 5. Remember that if you have selected the direction of forces or couples of interaction on one body, then Newtons 3rd law states that you must apply the forces or couples in the opposite direction on the other body.

Solving for unknowns: You can write one set of equilibrium equations for each free-body diagram you draw. Things to remember are:

1. In 2-D problems the equilibrium equations result in three independent scalar equations (two components of force and one component of moment). Therefore, you can only solve for three scalar unknowns. 2. Try to select the point you take moments around such that the line of action of at least one unknown force passes through that point. This will eliminate one unknown from your moment equation and will result in simpler equations to work with. This step is not essential, but will significantly simplify the algebra involved in solving your system of equations. 3. You can sometimes take moments about two or three different points in a problem. Select each point so that you eliminate one or more unknowns from the resulting moment equation. Remember that the additional equations you generate in this way are not independent of the original equations, and, therefore, you will still have only three independent equations in 2-D problems per free-body diagram and you can only solve for three unknowns per free-body diagram. 4. For a composite body, if you have drawn a free-body diagram and written the equilibrium equations for each of its subsections, you will gain no additional information if you draw the free-body diagram of the entire composite body and write its equilibrium equations. 5. In 3-D problems the equilibrium equations result in six independent scalar equations (three components of force and three components of moment). Therefore, you can solve for up to six scalar unknowns per free-body diagram.

A two-force member: A body which has forces applied onto it at only two points, and no couples applied onto it at all, is called a two-force member. A two-force member can only be in equilibrium if the line of action of the resultant of the forces at each point passes through the other point, and each resultant force is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the resultant of the forces applied to the other point.

A three-force member: A body which has forces applied onto it at only three points, and no couples applied onto it at all, is called a three-force member. A three-force member can only be in equilibrium if the lines of action for the resultants of the forces at each point intersect at a single point.

The analysis of trusses

A truss: A truss is a structure made of two force members all pin connected to each other.

The method of joints: This method uses the free-body-diagram of joints in the structure to determine the forces in each member. For example, in the above structure we have 5 joints each having a free body diagram as follows

Note how Newtons third law controls how one introduces

on the joints A and on the joint

B. For each joint one can write two equations ( ). The moment equation is trivially satisfied since all forces on a joint pass trough the joint. For example, for the above truss we have 5 joints, therefore we can write 10 equations of equilibrium (two for each joint). In the above example there are seven unknown member forces (FAB, FBC, FCD, FED, FEC, FBE, FAE) plus three unknown support reactions (A, Dx, Dy), giving a total of 10 unknowns to solve for using the 10 equations obtained from equilibrium.

The method of sections: This method uses free-body-diagrams of sections of the truss to obtain unknown forces. For example, if one needs only to find the force in BC, it is possible to do this by only writing two equations. First, draw the free body diagram of the full truss and solve for the reaction at A by taking moments about D. Next draw the free body diagram of the section shown and take moments about E to find the force in BC.

In the method of sections one can write three equations for each free-body-diagram (two components of force and one moment equation).

Things to consider: Zero force members: Some members in a truss cannot carry load. These members are called zero force members. Examples of zero force members are the colored members (AB, BC, and DG) in the following truss.

Consider the following free-body-diagrams

If you sum the forces in the y-direction in the left free-body-diagram, you will see that FAB must be zero since it is not balanced by another force. Then if you sum forces in the y-direction you will find that FBC must also be zero. If you sum the forces in the y direction in the right free-body-diagram, you will see that FDG must be zero since it is not balanced by another force. A redundant joint: Sometimes a joint is redundant. For example, in the following free-body-diagram the load is directly transmitted from each member to the one opposite it without any interaction.

By summing forces along the y-direction one will get F2=F4, and by summing forces along the Y- direction one will get F1=F3. Redundant members: Sometimes a structure contains one or more redundant members. These members must be removed from the truss, otherwise one will have an insufficient number of equations to solve for the unknown member forces. Slender members are not very useful in compression since they buckle and, as a result, lose their load carrying capability. For example, in the following truss one of the two members AC or BD is redundant. To solve the problem, we remove member BD which will go into compression as a result of the applied loading (i.e., the diagonal AC will have to increase in length and the diagonal BD will have to decease in length for the structure to bend to the right). If we did not remove this member we would have 9 unknowns (five member loads and four support reactions) and only 8 equations (two for each joint).

Mechanisms: Sometimes there is too much freedom in a structure. For example, the following structure cannot carry any load since it will collapse under the load.

Curved members: Remember that the two forces acting on a two-force-member are along the line connecting the two points on which the loads are applied.

Frames and Machines

Frames and Machines represent problems that are applications of using the equilibrium equations. As such, they do not represent any new ideas. Strategies and ideas for solving problems:

Don't write down any equations until you have developed your plan of action. Develop your strategy for solving the problem by drawing free-body-diagrams of the entire frame or machine and each one of sub-units. Remember that the free-body-diagram of the complete body is equal to the sum of the free-body-diagrams of its sub-sections. For each free-body-diagram analyze the diagram in terms of how you can use the equations to directly solve for some unknowns (Don't write down the equations until you finish analyzing all the free body diagrams). Look for any two force members. Remember that you can write three equations for each free-body-diagram. Don't forget to take advantage of the moment equation to eliminate unknowns. After you have analyzed all the free body diagrams, look for the simplest way to get to the solution without writing any extra equations. This will become your plan of attack. Once you have formulated your plan, write down the necessary equations and solve for the unknowns.

Internal forces
As one can calculate the forces and moments transmitted through joints between members, one can also calculate the internal forces which one part of a member exerts on another. To calculate these internal forces, simply draw a free-body diagram of only part of the member, cutting through the member at the point you are interested in knowing the forces and moments. For example, consider the following member

If you are interested in knowing the forces and moments that are transmitted through the member at point D, you can draw the free-body-diagram of the portion to the left of D to get

For the body to be in equilibrium one must have

In this example, bar at D,

is the axial force exerted by the right side of the bar on the left side of the

is the shear load exerted by the right side of the bar on the left side of the bar at D,

is the bending moment exerted by the right side of the bar on the left side of the bar at D. The example shows the basic elements of how one find the internal forces at a given point in a member. Like any other constraint, one must introduce a force or a moment for every way in which the motion of one side of the point is restricted by the other side. For example, in the above the right side of D exerted restricts the left side from freely moving along the axial direction, transverse to the axial direction, and restricts its free rotation. Consequently, two forces and one moment are introduced to enforce the restriction. Note: the forces and moment applied by the left-hand side onto the right-hand side are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the forces applied by the right-hand side on the left-hand side.

Dry Friction
Friction force: When two surfaces come into contact, forces are applied by each surface on the other. The part which is tangent to the contacting surfaces is called the frictional force. If the two surfaces in contact do not move relative to each other, one has static friction. If the two contacting surfaces are moving relative to each other, then one has kinetic (dynamic or slipping) friction. Static Friction: The frictional force F that can result between two surfaces without having the surfaces slide relative to each other is bounded by the equation

where N is the normal force to the surface, and

is the static coefficient of friction.

Kinetic friction: The frictional force F that results when two surfaces are sliding on each other is proportional to the normal force applied on the surfaces and is directed opposite to the relative motion of the surfaces. The factor of proportionality is the coefficient of kinetic friction, and the equation for F is ,

In general the coefficient of kinetic friction is smaller than the coefficient of static friction, which explains the initial difficulty of getting an object to slide. Pending motion: Pending motion refers to the state just before surfaces start to slip. In this case the static frictional force has reached its upper limit and is given by the equation . The direction of the frictional force is opposite to the pending relative motion of the surfaces. Tipping: When a object starts to tip, it starts to pivot around a point. As a result the contact forces (frictional and normal) must be applied at the pivot point. If the object tips before it slips, then one can find the frictional force from the equations of equilibrium.

Calculating the location of the normal force: If the contact is a surface as opposed to a point, then there is a distribution of normal and frictional forces on that surface. The location of the resultant normal force can be determined from the equilibrium equations.

Wedges and screws

Wedge: A wedge is in general a triangular object which is placed between two objects to either hold them in place or is used to move one relative to the other. For example, the following shows a wedge under a block that is supported by the wall.

If the force P is large enough to push the wedge forward, then the block will rise and the following is an appropriate free-body diagram. Note that for the wedge to move one needs to have slip on all three surfaces. The direction of the friction force on each surface will oppose the slipping.

Since before the wedge can move each surface must overcome the resistance to slipping, one can assume that

These equations and the equations of equilibrium are combined to solve the problem. If the force P is not large enough to hold the top block from coming down, then the wedge will be pushed to the left and the appropriate free-body diagram is the following. Note that the only change is the direction of the frictional forces. A similar analysis to the above yield the solution to the problem.

Screws: One can consider a screw and a bolt as a combination of two wedges. One wedge is obtained from opening the helical treads of the screw and the other will come from opening the helical threads of the bolt. For example, if one opens one revolution of the thread of a screw having a lead of l and mean thread diameter 2r, one gets the following wedge where lead angle. is the

Now consider the situation where a screw is in a bolt or threaded hole. In the picture the screw is being pushed into the hole as the screwing moment is trying to unscrew it. Depending on the lead angle, the magnitude of the axial load W, and the magnitude of the applied moment M, either the

axial load will dominate and the screw will move down or the moment will dominate and the screw will move up.

If the axial moment is sufficient to unscrew the screw, then the frictional force will oppose moving up of the screw threads and one will use the following free-body diagram for the wedge.

If the axial load is large enough to screw the screw into the bolt, then the frictional force will oppose the downward motion of the screw threads and one must use the following free-body diagram.

One can reverse the axial load W to be pulling the screw out or one can reverse the direction of the screwing moment. These cases can be studied in a similar way. If you need to know how much axial force W or screwing moment M is needed to make the screw turn in a given way, then you assume that the threads are slipping and set . Take the static coefficient of friction if you need the initial value to get the screw started turning, and take the kinetic coefficient of friction if you would like to know what is needed to keep the screw turning. Self-locking screw: A screw is considered self-locking if the lead angle is selected such that in the absence of a screwing moment (i.e., M=0) the frictional force will remain less than so that the threads will not slip relative to each other. This can be studied using the following freebody diagram. The maximum thread angle for the screw to be self-locking is given by setting .

Belts When a belt slides on a surface, the friction between the belt and the surface makes the tension in the belt change. If the belt is sliding on a cylindrical surface, the tension will depend on the contact angle and the coefficient of friction between the belt and the cylinder.

To show this we can draw the free body diagram of a segment of the belt

The equilibrium equations for this segment are

Substitution of , using the small angle approximations, and taking a limit yields

Combining the two equations to eliminate N yields

Integrating this over the interval of contact yields

The relation between tension on one side of the contact and on the other side can be then calculated from the equation

where is the contact angle in radians and of friction.

is the coefficient

Mehrdad Negahban and the University of Nebraska, 1998. All rights reserved Copy and distribute freely for personal use only Department of Engineering Mechanics, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0526

Area Moment of inertia

The area moment of inertia is the second moment of area around a given axis. For example, given the axis O-O and the shaded area shown, one calculates the second moment of the area by adding together for all the elements of area dA in the

shaded area. The area moment of inertia, denoted by I, can, therefore, be calculated from

If we have a rectangular coordinate system as shown, one can define the area moment of inertial around the x-axis, denoted by Ix, and the area moment of inertia about the yaxis, denoted by Iy. These are given by

The polar area moment of inertia, denoted by JO, is the area moment of inertia about the z-axis given by

Note that since

one has the relation

The radius of gyration is the distance k away from the axis that all the area can be concentrated to result in the same moment of inertia. That is,

For a given area, one can define the radius of gyration around the x-axis, denoted by kx, the radius of gyration around the y-axis, denoted by ky, and the radius of gyration around the z-axis, denoted by kO. These are calculated from the relations

It can easily to show from


The parallel axis theorem is a relation between the moment of inertia about an axis passing through the centroid and the moment of inertia about any parallel axis.

Note that from the picture we have

Since gives the distance of the centroid above the x'-axis, and since the this distance is zero, one must conclude that the integral in the last term is zero so that the parallel axis theorem states that

where x' must pass through the centroid of the area. In this same way, one can show that

In general, one can use the parallel axis theorem for any two parallel axes as long as one passes through the centroid. As shown in the picture, this is written as

where is the moment of inertia about the axis O'-O' passing through the centroid, I is the moment of inertia about the axis O-O, and d is the perpendicular distance between the two parallel axis.

The moment of inertia of composite bodies can be calculated by adding together the moment of inertial of each of its sections. The only thing to remember is that all moments of inertia must be evaluated bout the same axis. Therefore, for example,

To calculate the area moment of inertia of the composite body constructed of the three segments shown, one evaluates the moment of inertial of each part about the x-axis and adds the three together.
Mass moment of inertia Mass moment of inertia for a particle: The mass moment of inertia is one measure of the distribution of the mass of an object relative to a given axis. The mass moment of inertia is denoted by I and is given for a single particle of mass m as

where O-O is the axis around which one is evaluating the mass moment of inertia, and r is the perpendicular distance between the mass and the axis O-O. As can be seen from the above equation, the mass moment of inertia has the units of mass times length squared. The mass moment of inertial should not be confused with the area moment of inertia which has units of length to the power four. Mass moments of inertia naturally appear in the equations of motion, and provide information on how difficult (how much inertia there is) it is rotate the particle around given axis. Mass moment of inertia for a rigid body: When calculating the mass moment of inertia for a rigid body, one thinks of the body as a sum of particles, each having a mass of dm. Integration is

used to sum the moment of inertia of each dm to get the mass moment of inertia of body. The equation for the mass moment of inertia of the rigid body is

The integration over mass can be replaced by integration over volume, area, or length. For a fully three dimensional body using the density one can relate the element of mass to the element of volume. In this case the density has units of mass per length cubed and the relation is given as

and the equation for the mass moment of inertia becomes

The integral is actually a triple integral. If the coordinate system used is rectangular then dV=dxdydz . If the coordinates uses are cylindrical coordinates then For a two dimensional body like a plate or a shell one can use density mass per length squared) to change the integration using the relation . per unit area (units of

where A is the surface are and dA differential element of area. For example, for rectangular coordinates dA=dxdy and for polar coordinates . After this substitution one gets the equation to calculate the mass moment of inertia as

If the body is a rod like object then one can use the relation

to get

where l is a coordinate along the length of the rod and the density length.

is in units of mass per unit

Radius of gyration: Sometime in place of the mass moment of inertia the radius of gyration k is provided. The mass moment of inertia can be calculated from k using the relation

where m is the total mass of the body. One can interpret the radius of gyration as the distance from the axis that one could put a single particle of mass m equal to the mass of the rigid body and have this particle have the same mass moment of inertia as the original body. Parallel-axis theorem: The moment of inertia around any axis can be calculated from the moment of inertia around parallel axis which passes through the center of mass. The equation to calculate this is called the parallel axis theorem and is given as

where d is the distance between the original axis and the axis passing through the center of mass, m is the total mass of the body, and the center of mass. is the moment of inertia around the axis passing through

Composite bodies: If a body is composed of several bodies, to calculate the moment of inertia about a given axis one can simply calculate the moment of inertia of each part around the given axis and then add them to get the mass moment of inertia of the total body. Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Mehrdad Negahban and the University of Nebraska, 1999. All rights reserved Copy and distribute freely for personal use only Department of Engineering Mechanics, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0526 EXAMPLE 1: MASS MOMENT OF INERTIA

Calculate the mass moment of inertia of the cone about the z-axis. Assume the cone is made of a uniform material of density (mass per unit volume).

Solution: The mass moment of inertia about the z-axis is given by

The element of volume in a cylindrical coordinate system is given by

The domain of the cone in cylindrical coordinates is defined by

Therefore, the mass moment of inertia about the z-axis can be written as

For a uniform cone the density can be calculated using the total mass and total volume of the cone so that

Therefore, the moment of inertia in terms of the total mass of the cone can be written as


Calculate the mass moment of inertia of the triangular plate about the y-axis. Assume the plate is made of a uniform material and has a mass of m.


The mass moment of inertia about the y-axis is given by

The element of area in rectangular coordinate system is given by

The domain of the triangle is defined by

The distance from the y-axis is x. Therefore, r=x. The mass moment of inertia about the y-axis can be written as

For a uniform plate the density can be calculated using the total mass and total area of the plate so that

Therefore, the moment of inertia in terms of the total mass of the cone can be written as


Calculate the mass moment of inertia of the parabolic rod about the y-axis. Assume the rod is made of a uniform material and has a mass of m.

Solution: The mass moment of inertia about the y-axis is given by

The length of the bar can be calculated from

The element of arc length in a rectangular coordinate system can be written as

The equation for the parabola is

Substitution of the point (a, h) into this equation givens the equation of the bar as

The length of the bar can, therefore, be calculated as

The distance from the y-axis is x. Therefore, r=x. The mass moment of inertia about the y-axis can be written as

For a uniform bar the density can be calculated using the total mass and total length of the bar so that

Equation Sheet for Engineering Statics Moment of a force: Scalar projection of A along e: Equivalent systems: Two systems are equivalent if the resultant force for the systems is equal and if the resultant moment for the systems is equal Equilibrium for a particle:

Equilibrium for a rigid body:

Centroid of a line:

Composite bodies:

Centroid of an area:

Composite bodies:

Centroid of a volume:

Composite bodies: Theorems of Pappus: Surface of revolution: Volume of revolution: Static friction: Kinetic friction: Belt friction: , Pending Motion:

Area moment of inertia:

Mass moment of Inertia:

Statics-Sample Exam I
Note to the students: The following is a typical "Exam I" for statics. It should give you an idea of the difficulty of the exam. Try to do the exam in 50 minutes without the aid of your book or your notes, only using your one page of equations (no solutions to problems). For each problem, first layout the procedure to obtain the desired solution, then complete the problem by doing all the details. Don't forget to draw free-body diagrams for the equilibrium problems, and to present your result in three significant digits with proper units. If the figures are not clear, you can find them in the book. Problem 1: The window is held open by chain AB. Determine the length of the chain, and express the 50-lb force acting at A along the chain as a Cartesian vector. Determine its coordinate direction angles.

Problem 2: The cords BCA and CD can each support a maximum load of 100-lb. Determine the maximum weight of the crate that can be hoisted at constant velocity, and the angle for


Problem 3: The 2500-N crate is to be hoisted with constant velocity from the hold of a ship using the cable arrangement shown. Determine the tension in each of the three cables for equilibrium.

Statics-Sample Exam II
Note to the students: The following is a typical "Exam II" for statics. It should give you an idea of the difficulty of the exam. Try to do the exam in 50 minutes without the aid of your book or your notes, only using your one page of equations (no solutions to problems). For each problem,

first layout the procedure to obtain the desired solution, then complete the problem by doing all the details. Don't forget to draw free-body diagrams for the equilibrium problems, and to present your result in three significant digits with proper units. If the figures are not clear, you can find them in the book. Problem 1: The column is used to support the floor which exerts a force of 3000 lb on the top of the column. The effect of the soil pressure along its side is distributed as shown. Replace this loading by an equivalent resultant force and specify where it acts along the column, measured from the base A.

Problem 2: The wall footing is used to support the column load of 12,000 lb. Determine the intensities w1 and w2 of the distributed loading acting on the base of the footing for equilibrium.

Problem 3: the pipe assembly supports the vertical loads shown. Determin the components of reaction at the ball-and-socket joint A and the tension in the supporting cables BC and BD.

Statics-Sample Exam III

Note to the students: The following is a typical "Exam III" for statics. It should give you an idea of the difficulty of the exam. Try to do the exam in 50 minutes without the aid of your book or your notes, only using your one page of equations (no solutions to problems). For each problem, first layout the procedure to obtain the desired solution, then complete the problem by doing all the details. Don't forget to draw free-body diagrams for the equilibrium problems, and to present your result in three significant digits with proper units. If the figures are not clear, you can find them in the book. Problem 1: Determine the force in members BC, FC, and FE and state if these members are in tension or

Problem 2: Determine the normal force, shear force, and moment at a section passing through point D of the two-member frame.

Problem 3: The homogeneous semicylinder has a mass of m and mass center at G. Determine the largest angle of the inclined plane upon which it rests so that it does not slip down the . Also,

plane. The coefficient of static friction between the plane and the cylinder is what is the angle for this case.

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