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List of Questions for University Lab: 1. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series.

Test your program and report the results obtained. 2. Write a C program to print the Pascal's triangle. Test your program and report the results obtained. 3. Write a C program to find the smallest and largest of the given array. Test your program and report the results obtained. 4. Write a program to find the area and circumference of the circle. Test your program and report the results obtained. 5. Write a program to find the factorial of the given number by using recursive function. Test your program and report the results obtained. 6. Write a program to find sum of Digits, Reverse and the given Number is Palindrome or not. Test your program and report the results obtained. Write a C program to arrange the given numbers in descending order by using Bubble sort. Test your program and report the results obtained. same as 3rd program but use the corresponding for loop 7. Write a program to add two numbers by using a function with arguments with return values. Test your program and report the results obtained. 8. Write a program to maintain student database using Unions. Test your program and report the results obtained. 9. Write a program to find the string length and concatenation of string. Test your program and report the results obtained. 10. Write a program to assigning values to the structures variables and retrieving values. Test your program and report the results obtained. 11. Write a C program to check the given string is palindrome or not. Test your program and report the results obtained. 12. Write a C program to find the product of two n*n matrices by using functions. Test your program and report the results obtained. 13. Write a C program to fine the NCR value by using recursive function. Test your program and report the results obtained. 14. Write a C program to check the given number is prime or not. Test your program and report the results obtained. 15. Write a C program to find the roots of the Quadratic equations. Test your program and report the results obtained. 16. Write a program to determine the weighted arithmetic mean using C language.

17. Write a C program to perform String operations like Concatenation, Compare etc with using built-in functions. 18. Write a C program to perform Matrix Multiplication. 19. Write a C program to perform addition and subtraction of matrices. 20. Write separate C programs to perform the following: (i) To generate Fibonacci series (ii) To check whether the given string is a palindrome or not. (iii) To reverse a given string. 21. Write a C program to input an array of numbers and sort the array using Bubble sort a) Ascending order b) Descending order 22. Write a C program to find the inverse of a given 3x3 matrix. 23. Write a C program to get today's date as input and print the tomorrow's date. 24. Write a C program to generate the employee payroll using structures. 25. Write a C program to find the student mark sheet using union. 26. Write a C program to generate student mark sheets with subject details and the grades using Structure. 27. Write a function program to search a given element from a set of values. 28. Write a C program to create a structure called employee with name, employee id, name, age designation and salary as data members. Accept five employee details and display it. 29. Write a C program to create a structure called point with XC and YC as data members. Find the difference between two points. 30. Write a function to arrange the numbers in decreasing order. Provide Input and Outputs only in the main method (Use the corresponding prototype). 31. Write a C program to generate the first 50 Fibonacci numbers.

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