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SM WILSON 9/18/07 2:20 PM Page 251

CT: Do you also work at continuously im- portant in allowing us to plan the project a resource to the managers. They also en-
proving your operations? so it would be as efficient as possible. We sure the project managers are complying
DM: We recently expanded our field oper- are working in several areas of the hospi- with processes and remaining on schedule.
ations team, which will improve our over- tal and each area was built at different Our project managers also get a lot of
all operations. The role of our vice presi- times in the hospital’s history, so we need- help from project engineers, project assis-
dent of field operations is to oversee the ed to know exactly what we were getting tants and the rest of our support staff. We
superintendents and their needs. To im- into before we started work on each area. try to make our operations as effective as
prove this, we promoted three superin- CT: How does S.M. Wilson ensure its proj- possible so we are always delivering on
tendents to the level of field operations ects remain on budget and on schedule? our promises.
coordinators. This allows them to be more DM: We have preconstruction directors CT: What are the firm’s growth plans?
hands-on and the eyes and ears of our pro- who are assigned to projects during the DM: There is no doubt that we are grow-
jects. They are experts in safety, quality design phase. Their main goal is to man- ing and will continue to do so. We don’t
and everything we do, so they ensure we age the design process; we work closely have a formalized plan; we will just con-
are always delivering quality work. with the design team to allow us to meet tinue to react to the market. Much of our
CT: What projects do you believe best the budget and schedule targets. The dir- work is negotiated, which allows us to
demonstrate the company’s strengths? ectors work closely with the owners to un- plan for growth easier; we know ahead
DM: We are in the final stages of the oper- derstand their needs and also help own- of time if we have the resources to take
ating room expansion at Barnes-Jewish ers protect their budget. Depending on on additional work. We are as much oppo-
Hospital. This was a $70 million project the project, we do three to five budget rtunists as we are strategic planners.
done in three phases. It will be complet- checks during the life of the project to CT: What are you most proud of?
ed in early 2008 and is ahead of schedule ensure we are where we want to be. DM: I am completely proud of our abili-
right now because of preplanning we did CT: The company says it has a “rigorous ty to be a top player in the Midwest. We
in the design phase. That has allowed the focus on project management.” How does can now compete with the larger compa-
project to run very smoothly. S.M. Wilson maintain this? nies that are here and that come into the
Our construction managers worked DM: The key is how we support our pro- region, and that is tremendous. We went
hand in hand with the architects and all ject management staff. We have a num- from being almost broke in the late ’80s
of the departments in the hospital that ber of experienced executives and 80 per- to becoming extremely successful. I am
were affected by our work. This was im- cent of their time is devoted to acting as proud to be a part of this success. ■


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