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Whiter than Snow Kids Sermon Object Lesson

Big Idea: Jesus washes us clean not only a littlebut completely. Objects: Chocolate pudding or dirt Scripture: Psalm 51:7 Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. (NLT) How many really enjoy getting dirty? Probably some of you like to play in the sand and make cool sand castles. (Put hands in pudding or mud). Yuck! This is a mess. How does it look? It does not look very good, does it? Do you think it smells any better? Yuck! I hope I can get all this off me. Do you think I can? (Wipe off using paper towels leaving some on you. Get some on your face). Did I get it all off? (Act surprised) I didnt? Hmmm. I really tried my best. (Wipe some more leaving some still on you) Did I get it all off this time? This is too hard! I have tried my best to get all the dirt away, but am having a difficult time doing it. What should I do?
Revised 2012 Rev. Jeanne McIntosh used http://www.discoveryeducation.com/ to create the worksheets

Help me read the verse for today from Psalm 51:7. (Place on dry erase board for them to see or use a Power Point slide. (Say the verse together a couple times). Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Jesus wants to purify each one of us. Purify (underline the word purify) is to make clean. No matter how hard I tried to make myself clean, I could not do it by myself. I have to have help. I need lots of water, soap, and a towel. Jesus is the only One who can make our hearts clean. When he cleanses our hearts from sin, we are made clean. Sin (underline the word sin) is offenses against God. When we do something wrong that is against Gods commandments, we sin. If we tell a lie, that is a sin. If we cheat at school, that is a sin. When we take something that does not belong to us, we sin. When God forgives us and makes us clean, all our sins are under the blood of Jesus. We are made clean. I love to look outside and see the beautiful snow when it has not been walked on and dirty from mud and slush as it melts. It is beautiful and perfect. When the snow begins to melts and mixes with mud it become dirty looking. God makes our hearts white as snow when he forgives us from our sin. All the wrong things that we have done are forgiven, and inside - we are made white as snow. I am thankful that God loved us so much that He gave his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. He paid the debt that we could not pay when he died on the cross and shed his blood that we may be forgiven. If we confess our sins, he will forgive us and cleanse us from all sin. (I John 1:9) We will be made white as snow.
Revised 2012 Rev. Jeanne McIntosh used http://www.discoveryeducation.com/ to create the worksheets

As hard as I tried to wash away the mud off my hands and face, I made a mess of it. It is only by the blood of Jesus that we can be forgiven. No matter how hard we try to be good, we cannot without the help of the One who will make us white as snow. There was a story I heard many years ago somewhere that goes along with this lesson. In another country where many dark skinned people live there was a missionary who spent many hours sharing the stories of Jesus and His plan of Salvation. He told the children how Jesus came to make them white and clean inside. This one little dark skinned boy could not understand how could be made white. He examined his skin and felt so sad that he would never be white like Jesus wanted Him to be. One day, He went to the market and saw some soap advertised that said, This soap will make the blackest thing white. Wow! This is what I have been looking for. Now I can be white. He picked up the soap amazed that he had found what it would take for Jesus to make him white. After purchasing the soap, he ran as fast as his small legs would carry him. Out of breath, he hurried into the house telling his mom he wanted to take a bath. This early, she said? It is not even dark outside. But if you want to take a bath help me bring in some water. So they brought in the water, heated it, and filled the tub. The small boy climbed into the tub so excited to soon see this magic soap work. Getting a cloth, he rubbed some soap on and began scrubbing his skin. It is getting whiter, he thought with all the suds the soap was making. When he rinsed the suds off his skin and to his disappointment, he saw that his skin was as black as ever. He must
Revised 2012 Rev. Jeanne McIntosh used http://www.discoveryeducation.com/ to create the worksheets

not have done it right, he thought. So, he lathered more soap on his cloth and scrubbed and scrubbed all over his body until he was hurting from so much scrubbing. Once again, when he rinsed off the suds he was as black as ever. By this time, he was so discouraged, he began to cry. His cries turned to sobs that became so loud that His mother came on to see what on earth was wrong. She could hardly understand him for his sobs were so great. Finally, he showed her the soap and said, It didnt work. What didnt work, she asked? This soap said it would make the blackest thing white. The missionary told us that Jesus wants to make us all clean and white. His mother began laughing; she laughed and laughed until the boy started getting offended. Why are you laughing at me? It is not funny! His mother said, Jesus does not want to change the color of your skin. He wants to forgive you of all your sins and make you clean inside - in here. Then she patted her heart. The missionary does not mean that Jesus loves you any less than a white boy. He loves you just as much, and wants to make your heart whiter than snow. Remember the story and pictures in school you saw of all the white snow, in other countries? When Jesus forgives you, he gives you a clean heart because the sin is forgiven. It is gone! You will remain my sweet little dark skinned child and I love you so much. And God love you much more! Here, let me put some ointment on those red spots and we will go and have some warm sweet bread and milk.

Revised 2012 Rev. Jeanne McIntosh used http://www.discoveryeducation.com/ to create the worksheets

As hard as this little boy tried to make himself white, he could not. It is only the blood of Jesus who can make us clean inside white like snow. Closing Prayer Thank you, God for sending Jesus to die on the cross for me. I believe that you died for MY sins, and I am sorry for all the wrong things I have done. Please forgive me and make me white like snow inside. I believe you just now, and thank you for forgiving me. Help me to live for you and tell others about your love. In Jesus name, Amen. I encourage you to share what Jesus has done for you. It is by the word of our mouth that we grow stronger in our faith and walk with Jesus. As we read our bibles and pray each day, God will give us strength to make good decisions and obey His Holy Word, the Bible. Let us sing this together: (You can make up a tune) Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow, Thank you for making me whiter than snow.

Kidzminsitry.net Jeanne McIntosh June 14, 2010. All rights reserved. Revised 2012. Rev. Jeanne McIntosh. All rights reserved.

Revised 2012 Rev. Jeanne McIntosh used http://www.discoveryeducation.com/ to create the worksheets

Whiter than Snow A W W U J P D Y X J S F D P C C A H E F I A U R A A U F Z J V L V X B O U O S R I E S P U J O E H S O R N S Q O P R E X L Y A A E U O G F V A S E O J H H T T N W D I I Y T N E J W W H I T E M P S R V D L G G S N N C N M E O A O S E K I N V Y P Y V B E N Y G E R J C V X K T L N N O L H O I O C G R X E I V D I A S Q J R A O B K T A X C S R F S I N O D I C F I A C S T R A E H Y T A A S D O N I J H S W T O S S L Z W S P M V E B L V V J P B X V B C X



Revised 2012 Rev. Jeanne McIntosh used http://www.discoveryeducation.com/ to create the worksheets

Whiter than Snow

Unscramble the tiles putting them in the correct order to reveal a message of what Jesus will do for you.

Revised 2012 Rev. Jeanne McIntosh used http://www.discoveryeducation.com/ to create the worksheets

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