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How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012?

username time status RT @uk_teacher: #Gove bores students with his academy drivel. Absolutely classic fail. #ukedchat http://t.co/76kO3Cfr Almost there everyone - #ukedchat 'How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012?' in 2 mins! @purposeducation: Have you signed the HM government epetition calling for debate on education? http://t.co/Q1VXI8p3 #ukedchat Is this going to be a UK specific #ukedchat ? Can anyone pls answer? RT @ConsultantHead: @purposeducation: Have you signed the HM government e-petition calling for debate on education? http://t.co/Q1VXI8p3 #ukedchat Ok everyone - we are up and running. As dedicated ed profs how do we make ourselves heard? #ukedchat Is it #ukedchat time? Oh heck... Unlocked for #ukedchat :) RT @TheHeadsOffice: What arenas & are we talking about EVERYTHING we want to say? #ukedchat< thoughts? what hot buttons do we have? @bucharesttutor not necessarily although the qu is pertinent here I know it is same elsewhere #ukedchat What arenas & are we talking about EVERYTHING we want to say? #ukedchat #ukedchat Teachers voices wld be heard better & valued in policy if the culture of defensiveness was removed along w/ poor practitioners @eylanezekiel #ukedchat People saying that there are poor practitioners feeds into the culture of defensiveness @bellaale what would you say? #ukedchat





ConsultantHead bucharesttutor

19:58 19:59

philallman1 philallman1 BobToms100 Natty08

19:59 19:59 19:59 20:00

philallman1 philallman1 TheHeadsOffice

20:00 20:00 20:00

eylanezekiel barton1875 philallman1 bellaale

20:00 20:01 20:01


cherrylkd SirBlimelyWindy

KerriDrama BobToms100 ukedchat

20:01 @philallman1 kidnap Gove and SHOUT in his ears? ;) #ukedchat RT @eylanezekiel: #ukedchat Teachers voices wld be heard better & valued in policy if the culture of defensiveness was removed 20:01 along w/ poor practitioners @philallman1 #ukedchat I don't think striking is the correct response for teachers. Lose public sympathy & de value our 20:02 professional status #ukedchat the biggest problem is that politicians think they know 20:02 best because they once went to school RT @ConsultantHead: @purposeducation: Have you signed the HM government e-petition calling for debate on education? 20:02 http://t.co/Q1VXI8p3 #ukedchat @philallman1 broadcast your good practice thro ur students, 20:02 rather than telling leadership #ukedchat 20:02 Are you joining @philallman1 for #ukedchat this evening?

5 January 2012

Page 1 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? @philallman1 #ukedchat I'd tell him to stop meddling and trust the 20:03 professionals to do the job - does he tell doctors how to operate? RT @SirBlimelyWindy: #ukedchat the biggest problem is that politicians think they know best b/c they once went 2 skool < 20:03 always the case tho If #gove or any other politician around the world was in front of you what would you want to tell them abt your job? #ukedchat RT @philallman1: Ok everyone - we are up and running. As dedicated ed profs how do we make ourselves heard? #ukedchat Please join in Last 2 RTs opposing views - thoughts? #ukedchat RT @bellaale: @philallman1 I fear that forums such as this tend to involve preaching to the converted, to an extent. Need analogue echoes. #ukedchat





bevevans22 philallman1

20:03 20:04






Can you imagine if patients told doctors what to do because they 20:04 had been in hospital once? #ukedchat @SirBlimelyWindy @philallman1 I fear that forums such as this tend to involve preaching to the converted, to an extent. Need analogue echoes. 20:04 #ukedchat RT @cherrylkd: @philallman1 #ukedchat I don't think striking is the correct response for teachers. Lose public sympathy & de value our 20:04 professional status RT @ukedchat: Are you joining @philallman1 for #ukedchat this 20:04 evening? - Come on people. It's all started. Please join in! 20:04 RT @ConsultantHead: Strikes were quite good #ukedchat RT @janbaker97: @philallman1 we need a better PR with the 20:04 public! Too much emphasis on failure, blame...#ukedchat @SirBlimelyWindy #ukedchat it wouldn't be a school that the 20:04 majority of us would know though. 20:04 Strikes were quite good #ukedchat @philallman1 @bellaale #ukedchat Broadcast your good practice 20:04 and successes far and wide, with the resultant impact If you're just joining tonight's #ukedchat the topic is How do we as 20:05 the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @tim7168: Do people think that the academies/free schools movement will result in greater professional autonomy for 20:05 teachers? #ukedchat @philallman1 I'd say...Gove..give it a go! I think he'd be reluctant 20:05 based on this performance!!! #ukedchat http://t.co/3CP8R80S RT @Natty08: @philallman1 is asked but I do it because I care and he needs to treat us with respect we wouldn't be so resentful at 20:05 times #ukedchat #gove Page 2 of 56 Hosted by @PhilAllman1

bevevans22 philallman1

philallman1 barton1875 ConsultantHead





philallman1 5 January 2012

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? Do people think that the academies/free schools movement will 20:05 result in greater professional autonomy for teachers? #ukedchat #ukedchat I agree that striking is rarely effective, but with a government that doesn't want to listen, what else can we do? @philallman1 Rather than tell, can you coach/lead him to a positive conclusion? Is it time we stopped telling & arguing #ukedchat What do we want the public to know? What do we need to tell them? #ukedchat @bellaale If we are 'the converted' how do we make analogue echoes? #ukedchat RT @katebook: Can you imagine if patients told doctors what to do because they had been in hospital once? #ukedchat @SirBlimelyWindy




passionateaboot TheHeadsOffice philallman1

20:05 20:05 20:05




Natty08 GeorgeEBlack

I'm not demeaning leadership at all. It allows you to buid 20:05 confidence by doing & builds your prof reputation #ukedchat @philallman1 is asked but I do it because I care and he needs to treat us with respect we wouldn't be so resentful at times 20:05 #ukedchat #gove #ukedchat #gove needs to actually spend time shadowing teachers 20:05 in real schools on a real day - not visit officially. RT @dawnhallybone: Sharing prac with own school community 20:06 promoting positive and involving all #ukedchat RT @mikemcsharry: I'd tell them the future depends on giving you guys the chance to do the outstanding job you're capable of 20:06 #ukedchat More open forum time for the public/ parents/MPs to see/hear great ideas initiatives so teachmeets in the open in cities etc 20:06 #ukedchat RT @jamesdhobsonuk: Uniting the unions would allow it to focus on educational matters as well as working conditions #ukedchat 20:06 >Views? RT @mikemcsharry: I'd tell them the future depends on giving you guys the chance to do the outstanding job you're capable of 20:06 #ukedchat @SirBlimelyWindy @philallman1 #ukedchat What happens when you tell kids to do something - they do opposite- can we educate 20:06 rather than tell? Uniting the unions would allow it to focus on educational matters 20:06 as well as working conditions #ukedchat I'd tell them the future depends on giving you guys the chance to 20:06 do the outstanding job you're capable of #ukedchat RT @SumonT: @philallman1 I'd say...Gove..give it a go! I think he'd be reluctant based on this performance!!! #ukedchat 20:06 http://t.co/3CP8R80S Page 3 of 56 Hosted by @PhilAllman1






passionateaboot jamesdhobsonuk


philallman1 5 January 2012

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @bevevans22: If you're just joining tonight's #ukedchat the topic is How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? @passionateaboot would he listen? #ukedchat @mattpearson Care to elaborate? #ukedchat @philallman1 #ukedchat I'd tell them to stop using education as a political football

SumonT philallman1 tim7168 68ron

20:06 20:06 20:06 20:07


@dawnhallybone We use to have a mini Tm style sharing session at 20:07 the beginning of staff meetings - was really useful! #ukedchat @ukedchat @philallman1 May I say that I feel in general head 20:07 teachers lay low with LA's and #govt so they don't get in trouble. #ukedchat striking re pensions is one thing... getting our 20:07 professional ideas across re policy issues is quite another... @dawnhallybone and not just own school - that's the power of e.g. 20:07 teachmeets #ukedchat This debate could get messy- politically charged, socially heated 20:07 topic... let's start 2012 as we mean to go on! #ukedchat It's easy to broadcast by telling every1 what an expert you are; better to show through your own efforts; others'll follow 20:07 #ukedchat @tim7168 the opposite will happen, teachers forced off national 20:07 contracts, or not requiring quals to work in free schools. #ukedchat RT @dawnhallybone: Sharing prac with own school community 20:07 promoting positive and involving all #ukedchat < great idea! RT @jamesdhobsonuk: Uniting the unions would allow it to focus 20:07 on educational matters as well as working conditions #ukedchat @GeorgeEBlack #ukedchat #gove Totally agree - but he also needs 20:07 to go in with an open mind. @mattpearson or a better way of communicating our values to 20:08 them? #ukedchat Invite more business folks into your way of thinking - let them help 20:08 to give you a voice #ukedchat #ukedchat Does telling work? Isn't it time for a different approach? 20:08 How do we facilitate learning in school - can you try this method? Teachers views have not been heeded by politicians for 30 odd 20:08 years. We probably need a new breed of politician... #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice @jamesdhobsonuk there seems to be too many diff unions, waters down the views and opinions of us as profs 20:08 #ukedchat RT @68ron: @philallman1 #ukedchat I'd tell them to stop using 20:08 education as a political football < how do we do this positively? Page 4 of 56 Hosted by @PhilAllman1

JCunningham66 bellaale janwebb21





PeterSpencer88 MoreThanMaths janwebb21 mikemcsharry




philallman1 5 January 2012

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? TheHeadsOffice philallman1 RT @68ron: @philallman1 #ukedchat I'd tell them to stop using 20:08 education as a political football >Is it? RT @68ron: @philallman1 #ukedchat I'd tell them to stop using 20:08 education as a political football RT @bevevans22: @dawnhallybone We use to have a mini Tm style sharing session at the beginning of staff meetings - was really 20:08 useful! #ukedchat @philallman1 @mikemcsharry #ukedchat of course he's a gem! 20:09 he's Mike! Supporter and encourager of teachers! How do we get our message of positivity to the 'public' then? 20:09 #ukedchat RT @CliveBuckley: 'The death of education but the dawn of learning' (@stephenheppell) video worth watching 20:09 http://t.co/44K5VTCw #ukedchat #ukedchat the unions could never unite - it has been too long - if we had letters like MRCS after our names it might be different @mattpearson Take the point but partly feel a consensus will never be reached nationally. Maybe leading by example is the future #ukedchat @philallman1 #ukedchat Is it about listening or joining in? Can we engage rather than talk at? New blog post post-placement. Would very much appreciate any feedback you could give me :) http://t.co/2tb9GJfX #ukedchat #pgce Mr Gove how do you propose to change European Law to make it easier to dismiss teachers? #ukedchat Teachers portrayed in negative light too often in media...as well as most public sector. #ukedchat I think schools need to explain more frequently and more rigorously how and why they are teaching. So parents value this more #ukedchat

philallman1 janwebb21 philallman1




tim7168 passionateaboot

20:09 20:09

HappyMrsStone JOHNSAYERS mtiplady

20:09 20:09 20:09





RT @mikemcsharry: Invite more business folks into your way of 20:09 thinking - let them help to give you a voice #ukedchat RT @mikemcsharry: Invite more business folks into your way of thinking - let them help to give you a voice #ukedchat< Mike you 20:09 are a gem! RT @mikemcsharry: Invite more business folks into your way of 20:09 thinking - let them help to give you a voice #ukedchat #ukedchat we also need to make sure that the current government 20:09 don't just change things for the sake of it. 20:10 @philallman1 Online, every which way we know how! #ukedchat @philallman1 I wonder if it depends on the philosophy of the 20:10 academy/free school #ukedchat @philallman1 Stop the unions from sounding completely out of 20:10 touch with the public #ukedchat

janwebb21 GeorgeEBlack babatate hardy_alison tim7168

5 January 2012

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Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? #ukedchat There seem to be 2 areas for discussion here: sharing ideas with the wider teaching community & dealing with the 20:10 political side what, 'collectively', do you all want to say?don't we all gave 20:10 different ideas about how things should be done, hence #ukedchat #ukedchat teachers have a lot more tools than strikes, and, like other prof groups, should use portfolios, research, and buying 20:10 power more @tim7168 @philallman1 #ukedchat It should do unless they all become bound in a different way...ie part of a big group. @jasongorman @philallman1 #ukedchat think you're right. We strike Govt wins PR vote. Teach ch to b indepen thinkers & citizens of future #ukedchat rather than shouting from the outside? Education will be political football while politicians are in charge. Should be overseen by experts in profession, not politicians #ukedchat RT @CHAR0ULA: @philallman1 by getting the Parents involved in their kids learning #ukedchat >how do we do this differently? @tim7168 #ukedchat we try to lead by example but the media are too eager to slag off the profession RT @mattpearson: I think schools need to explain more frequently and more rigorously how and why they are teaching. So parents value this more #ukedchat RT @mtiplady: Teachers portrayed in negative light too often in media...as well as most public sector. #ukedchat RT @BobToms100: It's easy to broadcast by telling every1 what an expert you are; better to show through your own efforts; others'll follow #ukedchat Politics is about the collective whilst Education is about the individual; how about policies & ideas which place primacy on ind? #ukedchat RT @philallman1 @bellaale If we are 'the converted' how do we make analogue echoes? #ukedchat > good question. Helpful journalists? RT @bevevans22: If you're just joining tonight's #ukedchat the topic is How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @bevevans22: #ukedchat There seem to be 2 areas for discussion here: sharing ideas with the wider teaching community & dealing with the political side @SirBlimelyWindy I was talking in context of academies/f schools having more autonomy. Maybe successful ones could be influential. #ukedchat






cherrylkd PeterSpencer88

20:10 20:10



TheHeadsOffice SirBlimelyWindy

20:10 20:10

jamesdhobsonuk GeorgeEBlack

20:10 20:10











tim7168 TheHeadsOffice


20:11 @NatashaCowan Should it be down to the Unions? #ukedchat

5 January 2012

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Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @Reesiepie: Education will be political football while politicians are in charge. Should be overseen by experts in profession, not politicians #ukedchat RT @mattpearson: we could always start a free school, that would get us loads of positive media coverage . #ukedchat < sarcasm on ukedchat #ukedchat I fear that state education has been fatally splintered, with different schools being favoured @jamesdhobsonuk depends on which union leads the educational reform campaign...!! #UKEdChat we could always start a free school, that would get us loads of positive media coverage . . #ukedchat @PeterSpencer88 totally agree - twitter and new media are the way forward #ukedchat @mtiplady It's fashionable to slate teachers- short hours, long holidays, lefties etc- how do you combat that negative view? #ukedchat



philallman1 SirBlimelyWindy NatashaCowan mattpearson GeorgeEBlack

20:11 20:11 20:11 20:11 20:11



passionateaboot philallman1

@MoreThanMaths @georgeeblack Do all those involved need to 20:11 go in with open minds and adult behaviour? #ukedchat RT @babatate: @philallman1 Online, every which way we know 20:11 how! #ukedchat RT @tim7168: @philallman1 Stop the unions from sounding completely out of touch with the public #ukedchat Find out who will be the 'thought influencers' looking forward - and engage with them #ukedchat RT @mikemcsharry: A statesman thinks of the next generation find 'your' statesman whether local or national and open dialogues #ukedchat RT @GeorgeEBlack: @PeterSpencer88 totally agree - twitter and new media are the way forward #ukedchat - but how do we engage more educators? If we feel let dn by unions, politicians on all sides who do we connect w/ 2 get the positive across? #ukedchat journos? @warwickmansell RT @CliveSir: Who are your education champions? They will give you voice. #ukedchat of course Scottish teaching unions have just advised teachers not to have a presence on social media #ukedchat so we have a long way to go @mattpearson The Twitter free school formed by education staff on Twitter would be mint due to our keenness to progress! #ukedchat Who are your education champions? They will give you voice. #ukedchat @SirBlimelyWindy That was supposed to be point of GTC #ukedchat

philallman1 mikemcsharry

20:11 20:11





philallman1 TheHeadsOffice

20:12 20:12



GeekPeter CliveSir ConsultantHead

20:12 20:12 20:12

5 January 2012

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Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? A statesman thinks of the next generation - find 'your' statesman 20:12 whether local or national and open dialogues #ukedchat @bellaale #ukedchat Professional ideas in a professional way - how 20:12 would you do that? how to make our voices heard? Trust us to do our job and provide 20:12 us with our own regulating body which is run by us #ukedchat RT @mattpearson: we could always start a free school, that would 20:12 get us loads of positive media coverage . . #ukedchat @eylanezekiel agreed - strikes just develop bad feeling rather than 20:12 developing understanding about issues/pedagogy #ukedchat @tim7168 @philallman1 #ukedchat Appoint a spokesperson who can show what we really do & how hard we really work on parent's 20:12 behalf! which is like us being advised not to use the tv in teaching 4o years 20:13 ago #ukedchat we need to get over the distrust of social media @janbaker97 It will never be in the interests of any politicians to 20:13 talk us up though... #ukedchat #ukedchat no point looking to the politicians and journalists to be 'better'. Teachers can influence families (voters, tax payers) directly @SirBlimelyWindy #ukedchat should we push for such a college to be formed? Should all tchs have at least MA? Would give us more standing RT @mister_jim: I think getting our point across needs to come through transparency of teaching/schooling & leadership #ukedchat I may need to differ with @mister_jim 'regulating body tun by us' don't stoop to conquer #ukedchat

mikemcsharry passionateaboot





GeorgeEBlack tim7168





bevevans22 mikemcsharry

20:13 20:13


Seriously, the #ukedchat free school could work. 5 million quid 20:13 from the tax payer, and we could do it all virtually... #ukedchat I think getting our point across needs to come through 20:13 transparency of teaching/schooling & leadership #ukedchat RT @CliveSir: Who are your education champions? They will give you voice. #ukedchat < well who are they? Mick Waters, Tim 20:13 Brighouse, Ken R? @bevevans22 #ukedchat I agree as long as govt insists on damning 20:13 teachers it will always be the same 20:13 @CliveSir Education Champion? Sir Ken Robinson #ukedchat RT @PhaedScho: You get to understand people better by their 20:14 ACTIONS as well as their words: #ukedchat


philallman1 janbaker97 SirBlimelyWindy philallman1

5 January 2012

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Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @eylanezekiel: #ukedchat no point looking to the politicians and journalists to be 'better'. Teachers can influence families 20:14 (voters, tax payers) directly 15 minutes in. Already busy! Tonight's #ukedchat the topic is How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard 20:14 in 2012? @mikemcsharry @mister_jim #ukedchat isn't some of the effectiveness of a regulatory body down to its independence? @CliveSir They WERE giants but who is coming up on the rails now? #ukedchat @bevevans22 @PeterSpencer88 we need to stop being scared of social media and utilise it in class, that needs and attitude change #ukedchat @mattpearson that's what I am trying to do with @ON_School #ukedchat Fancy helping? RT @mattpearson: Seriously, the #ukedchat free school could work. 5 million quid from the tax payer, and we could do it all virtually...... @mattpearson #ukedchat I vote @ConsultantHead as Headteacher of Twitter Free School! RT @CliveSir: Twitter and Blogging are like muttering in small huddles. #ukedchat < really? Ask Diane Abbott RT @janbaker97: @bevevans22 #ukedchat I agree as long as govt insists on damning teachers it will always be the same -its the teachers fault



janwebb21 TheHeadsOffice

20:14 20:14

GeorgeEBlack eylanezekiel

20:14 20:14

In2schools GeekPeter philallman1

20:14 20:14 20:14

barton1875 CliveSir


20:14 Twitter and Blogging are like muttering in small huddles. #ukedchat @bevevans22 #ukedchat sharing with the wider edu community is increasingly fun and easy... political struggle inversely proportional! @GeekPeter I think so too, and what started as a sarcastic riff (on my part), has gotten me thinking... #ukedchat Agree: RT @passionateaboot: @MoreThanMaths @georgeeblack Do all those involved need to go in with open minds and adult behaviour? #ukedchat @ConsultantHead oh I know... but then it took on more and more for itself #ukedchat All employed workers need to strike sometimes. Can we get beyond the pious stuff about strikes destroying reputations #ukedchat @philallman1 invite the public into your lessons, let them watch you work, ask journalists to work shadow teachers for a week #ukedchat @janbaker97 @bevevans22 #ukedchat disappointed - wind closes school, no fuss re childcare. Teachers ask for fairness, we are labelled... @CliveSir disagree. It has changed me a bit. And this will be culmulative #ukedchat

bellaale mattpearson

20:14 20:14

MoreThanMaths SirBlimelyWindy

20:14 20:14





janbaker97 jamesdhobsonuk

20:15 20:15

5 January 2012

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Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @mattpearson: Seriously, the #ukedchat free school could work. 5 million quid from the tax payer, and we could do it all virtually... #ukedchat @mattpearson How about a virtual Free School staffed by Twitter education people? #ukedchat RT @JOHNSAYERS: more initiatives with schools (students) helping local area #ukedchat could we drive to remove philosophy of teaching/pedagogy and assessment from govt? #ukedchat @CliveSir true, sometimes you end up just huddling yourself... #ukedchat

ColinGoffin GeekPeter TheHeadsOffice SirBlimelyWindy mattpearson EddieGouthwaite

20:15 20:15 20:15 20:15 20:15

philallman1 JOHNSAYERS

20:15 #UkEdChat Practise at #Coops School in Doncaster Part of the Gang RT @passionateaboot: @JCunningham66 @philallman1 @bellaale So do we need schools to be more PR savy? #ukedchat < good 20:15 point more initiatives with schools (students) helping local area 20:15 #ukedchat RT @philallman1: RT @CliveSir: Twitter and Blogging are like 20:15 muttering in small huddles. #ukedchat < really? Ask Diane Abbott Voice may have more clarity/hook if the focus is on values 20:15 #ukedchat RT @janwebb21: @eylanezekiel agreed - strikes just develop bad feeling rather than developing understanding about 20:15 issues/pedagogy #ukedchat @JCunningham66 @philallman1 @bellaale So do we need schools 20:15 to be more PR savy? #ukedchat @smurfatik Would teachers be prepared to have that sort of 20:16 attention in their classes? #ukedchat @ConsultantHead @sirblimelywindy #ukedchat GTCE merely 20:16 joined voice of dissenters @janwebb21 @CliveSir Not an exclusive clique - but isn't going to 20:16 be seen by majority of teachers, parents, public #ukedchat How do we promote our schools locally - is there a way this could 20:16 be scaled up for a regional/national level? #ukedchat @mister_jim if we play a long game there may not be a state 20:16 education system for them to run #ukedchat Just got this email from my son - don't expect too much from 20:16 politicians http://t.co/AmZdo6WB #ukedchat In terms of having our voice heard, we need to be using new media 20:16 instead of old and to collaborate as much as possible #ukedchat What percentage of teachers blog, tweet? How representative are 20:16 you? #ukedchat Perhaps we need to play a long game & educate tomorrow's 20:16 politicians & world leaders in class NOW... #ukedchat

GeorgeEBlack EA_Holmes

HilaryNunns passionateaboot TheHeadsOffice cherrylkd

MoreThanMaths philallman1 SirBlimelyWindy mikemcsharry

dockers_hoops CliveSir


5 January 2012

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Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @smurfatik: @philallman1 invite the public into your lessons, let them watch you work, ask journalists to work shadow teachers 20:16 for a week #ukedchat @bellaale Sharing with wider edu community is fun but not always easy. There are always going to be those not wanting to listen 20:16 #ukedchat RT @GeekPeter: @mattpearson How about a virtual Free School staffed by Twitter education people? #ukedchat >We have a virtual 20:16 sch in my LA RT @philallman1: RT @PhaedScho: You get to understand people 20:16 better by their ACTIONS as well as their words: #ukedchat #ukedchat Can you look at this from a different perspective? Who 20:16 changes hearts and minds successfully - how do they do it? RT @JOHNSAYERS: @CliveSir: What percentage of teachers blog, tweet? How representative are you? #ukedchat would 20:17 love to know the figures! RT @mister_jim: Perhaps we need to play a long game & educate 20:17 tomorrow's politicians & world leaders in class NOW... #ukedchat RT @tim7168: Maybe that half-term teaching requirement should extend to Secretary of State for Education! #ukedchat < after 20:17 y/days perf! @TheHeadsOffice @mattpearson #ukedchat TwitterFreeSchool open 6-8pm weekdays for intensive tuition from range of 20:17 professionals? RT @tim7168: Read recommendation by Mick Waters that Ofsted inspectors should be required to teach half a term each year. 20:17 #ukedchat #ukedchat the thing is the politicians were in school at least 15 20:17 years ago and things have changed soooo much... RT @CliveSir: Wow! Ed Blog Register is growing: 167 blogs now! Join us: bit.ly/s6ex1u #elemchat #ukedchat #ntchat #edchat 20:17 #cpchat #eltchat @bevevans22 #ukedchat more Twitter more teachmeets more something New I feel. Edu is settling down ....maybe the rise of 20:17 New cpd models RT @bevevans22: @bellaale Sharing with wider edu community is fun but not always easy. There are always going to be those not 20:17 wanting to listen #ukedchat Maybe that half-term teaching requirement should extend to 20:17 Secretary of State for Education! #ukedchat @mattpearson: we could always start a free school, that would get us loads of positive media coverage . . #ukedchat 20:17 why not? 20:17 @dawnhallybone that doesn't sell papers though #ukedchat










SumonT GeorgeEBlack



janwebb21 tim7168

SurrealAnarchy barton1875

5 January 2012

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Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @passionateaboot: #ukedchat Can you look at this from a different perspective? Who changes hearts and minds successfully 20:17 how do they do it? @MoreThanMaths that is true! how do we get huddles and cliques 20:17 to look outward then! #ukedchat @mikemcsharry ahh, just thinking along the lines of doctors & 20:17 solicitors #ukedchat @mister_jim we better go and get jobs in private schools then. 20:17 Many UK politicians are privately educated!! #ukedchat #Barnsley Church Leaders "Divide & rule" #LMHR #HopeNotHate #UkEdChat #Abbot #MultiAcademies Labour Style Capitalism 20:17 #Colonialism #Filkin @CliveSir: What percentage of teachers blog, tweet? How representative are you? #ukedchat would live to know the 20:17 figures! RT @mikemcsharry: Invite more business folks into your way of 20:17 thinking - let them help to give you a voice #ukedchat RT @mister_jim: Perhaps we need to play a long game & educate tomorrow's politicians & world leaders in class NOW... #ukedchat < 20:17 fair point! @philallman1 @jcunningham66 @bellaale #ukedchat Can schools use the power of media to convince, persuade and 'sell' what they 20:17 do well? Read recommendation by Mick Waters that Ofsted inspectors should be required to teach half a term each year. #ukedchat A member of Dfe to spend a year in schs throughout UK - different one each week to be immersed in real sch life not just day trip #UKEdChat RT @dockers_hoops: In terms of having our voice heard, we need to be using new media instead of old and to collaborate as much as possible #ukedchat #ukedchat. and the best way to get someone to join your choir...share your voice and your music and show them the benefits @passionateaboot @sirblimelywindy @philallman1 exactly conform or else... instruct and direct. Are children allowed to think? #ukedchat

EA_Holmes janwebb21 mister_jim


















@bevevans22 I find Twitter a much easier way to exchange ideas. I 20:18 use FB to keep in touch with friends only. #ukedchat Teachmeets & twitter etc are great but we need to convince more 20:18 HTs to encourage staff to get involved #ukedchat @mattpearson so that wasn't sarcasm? Ok then... You are on. See 20:18 post re virtual school on www.ONSchool.org.uk #ukedchat



5 January 2012

Page 12 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @dan_bowen: #ukedchat more Twitter more teachmeets more something New I feel. Edu is settling down ....maybe the rise of New cpd models @JOHNSAYERS @CliveSir #ukedchat less than 5%. Fact. Well, not fact, but... @JCunningham66 Rember to use #ukedchat hashtag for all these valuable contributions @tim7168 well said Tim!!!!! #ukedchat @philallman1 I'd tell him to stop demonising teachers as a vested interest & start valuing our expertise #ukedchat

bevevans22 davidhunter passionateaboot SumonT 68ron

20:18 20:18 20:18 20:18 20:18



#ukedchat collective voices makes me think of choirs... singing to 20:18 same music and in harmony... we have many choirs.. RT @dockers_hoops: In terms of having our voice heard, we need to be using new media instead of old and to collaborate as much as 20:18 possible #ukedchat RT @dawnhallybone: Local networks - sharing skills across schools 20:18 and training and then scale up #ukedchat < great idea! 20:19 FB isn't immediate enough for me! *just saying* #ukedchat RT @68ron: @philallman1 I'd tell him to stop demonising teachers 20:19 as a vested interest & start valuing our expertise #ukedchat #ukedchat collective voice heard via our own prof bodies in 20:19 secondary eg #naace #bcs #cas been great this year RT @NatashaCowan: A member of Dfe to spend a year in schs throughout UK - different one each week to be immersed in real 20:19 sch life not just day trip #UKEdChat RT @tim7168: Read rec by Mick Waters that Ofsted inspectors should be required to teach half a term each year. #ukedchat 20:19 magnificent :) RT @SirBlimelyWindy: to gain status we need to divorce the 20:19 philosophy of education from pay and conditions #ukedchat RT @tim7168: @philallman1 Stop the unions from sounding 20:19 completely out of touch with the public #ukedchat @tim7168 Judging by this..he's gonna flunk! #ukedchat 20:19 http://t.co/3CP8R80S RT @bevevans22: 15 minutes in. Already busy! Tonight's #ukedchat the topic is How do we as the real education profs make 20:19 our collective voice heard in 2012? 20 mins in #ukedchat lets get away from feeling down - how do we 20:19 get the GOOD news out there? Who do we link up with? #ukedchat call me defeatist but don't we just plough on, adapt, 20:19 innovative and roll with whatever the politicians send our way!

philallman1 TheHeadsOffice

SumonT dan_bowen




JCunningham66 SumonT




5 January 2012

Page 13 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? mikemcsharry bevevans22 @mister_jim I should've said "don't snoop to conquer" - I was 20:19 thinking press complaints #ukedchat #ukedchat Twitterfall can be quite useful if you find the feed 20:19 difficult to follow #ukedchat ...perhaps the students should go and tell #gove what to do or perhaps he should be made to teach #independentlearning @tim7168 @SumonT why not have excellent teachers do it for half a term a year? #ukedchat RT @tim7168: Read recommendation by Mick Waters that Ofsted inspectors should be required to teach half a term each year. #ukedchat RT @mister_jim: Perhaps we need to play a long game & educate tomorrow's politicians & world leaders in class NOW... #ukedchat < ideal ans @mikemcsharry #ukedchat that's one way and I agree. Organisations like #youngchamberuk can facilitate this.! RT @tim7168: Read recommendation by Mick Waters that Ofsted inspectors should be required to teach half a term each year. #ukedchat RT @CliveSir: To get your voice heard you need to leverage media, with strong, coherent messages #ukedchat RT @Reesiepie: Education will be political football while politicians are in charge. Should be overseen by experts in profession, not politicians #ukedchat RT @superdooperal: Don't forget the role of governors- crucial in engaging wider audience on +ve edu stories #ukedchat < excellent point! Teacher Learning Community inspired by Dylan Wiliam is one way to create environment where teachers are professionals #ukedchat To get your voice heard you need to leverage media, with strong, coherent messages #ukedchat @philallman1 #ukedchat part is by etlstablishing positive media relations, not just or what u can get, part is by increased atmosphere RT @scholaforis: #ukedchat so whether thats pensions, social media CPD...share your voice with a colleague and show them what it can do for them. #meaningful RT @PeterSpencer88: @bevevans22...Twitter a much easier way to exchange ideas. I use FB to keep in touch with friends only. #ukedchat me2! @bevevans22 I mean easy in sense of tech allowing easier collaboration, not that all colleagues are easy to get "on board"... ;) ukedchat RT @MrChambersRE: If kids are predicted below target, our fault. Over target, something's dodgy. On target, not challenged #ukedchat #cantwin #teachers

GeorgeEBlack SuperlativeC

20:19 20:19



cherrylkd JCunningham66

20:19 20:19

bellaale philallman1

20:20 20:20





jemimaanderson CliveSir

20:20 20:20











5 January 2012

Page 14 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @GeorgeEBlack: #ukedchat ...perhaps the students should go and tell #gove what to do or perhaps he should be made to teach 20:20 #independentlearning If kids are predicted below target, our fault. Over target, something's dodgy. On target, not challenged #ukedchat #cantwin 20:20 #teachers #ukedchat so whether thats pensions, social media CPD...share your voice with a colleague and show them what it can do for 20:20 them. #meaningful @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat won't happen with headlines like Scot warns teachers off social networking sites RT @jamie_daniels: #ukedchat call me defeatist but dont we just plough on, adapt, innovative & roll w/ whatever the politicians send R way! @GeorgeEBlack #ukedchat How many teachers have experienced the world outside of schools? Do we behave professionally compared to others? @SuperlativeC @tim7168 gd point! #ukedchat I guess the debate is can u be gd OFSTED insector without being a good (or outstanding!) teacher? @bevevans22 @peterspencer88 #ukedchat it's my experience 2. NQTs prefer FB moe than collaborating on Twitter. Is there chat like this on FB? RT @barton1875: Lets remember who we are in this for. If it is good for the kids it is worth it no matter who knows about it, does it matter? #ukedchat With all the modern communication methods you'd think it would be easy! #ukedchat RT @barton1875: Lets remember who we are in this for. If it is good for the kids it is worth it no matter who knows about it, does it matter? #ukedchat RT @kvnmcl: We continue innovating our teaching and celebrate the learning that occurs from that innovation by sharing it with others #ukedchat














philallman1 derekwingrove

20:21 20:21









philallman1 5 January 2012

Lets remember who we are in this for. If it is good for the kids it is 20:21 worth it no matter who knows about it, does it matter? #ukedchat RT @kvnmcl: We continue innovating our teaching and celebrate the learning that occurs from that innovation by sharing it with 20:21 others #ukedchat @encompassnow @sirblimelywindy @philallman1 So will that instruct and tell method work with adults? Does telling change 20:21 thinking? #ukedchat RT @dan_bowen: @bevevans22 #ukedchat more Twitter more teachmeets more something New I feel. Edu is settling down 20:21 ....maybe the rise of New cpd models RT @GeorgeEBlack: @philallman1 #ukedchat I wrk in a private school, we're all about the marketing - all schools should sell 20:21 themselves as best they can. Page 15 of 56 Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? janbaker97 JCunningham66 @philallman1 cut out the middle man and go straight to the 20:21 press!! #ukedchat @philallman1 #ukedchat part is by winning hearts and minds of 20:21 wider community and part of course by results @philallman1 #ukedchat I wrk in a private school, we're all about 20:21 the marketing - all schools should sell themselves as best they can. How do we all advertise out twitter, blogs, websites to get them out there for local area to see, access, learn want involvement? 20:21 #ukedchat @mattpearson @mister_jim Or make sure that political literacy has a v high priority in state schools? Far too low at the moment 20:21 #ukedchat @jamie_daniels #ukedchat That's why we don't get listened to, but 20:21 it takes a lot of people with backbones to make changes! We continue innovating our teaching and celebrate the learning that occurs from that innovation by sharing it with others 20:21 #ukedchat we must not forget that British children are the most assessed children in the world - and the govt wants more #ukedchat @janbaker97 I've learned more from #ukedchat and following teachers, than I have from the last goodness knows how many courses I've been on. our kids - and their parents - are our biggest asset. Free PR, if we do things well, and they talk us up! #ukedchat +1 @dawnhallybone: We need to encourage and promote positive messages so that we encourage future generations to join profession #ukedchat RT @tim7168: Read recommendation by Mick Waters that Ofsted inspectors should be required to teach half a term each year. #ukedchat @philallman1 @superdooperal #ukedchat. Agree...#schoogovernors vital and great allies when understand. RT @kvnmcl: We continue innovating our teaching and celebrate the learning that occurs from that innovation by sharing it with others #ukedchat @passionateaboot #ukedchat very bureaucratic.Prof in that sense but very tied politically and slow to experiment/innovate on the whole RT @mgraffin: Brilliant resource! Technology & Edu. | Box of Tricks http://t.co/34QqStvz #ntchat #edchat #edtech #ukedchat #engchat via @cnakazaki RT @derekwingrove: With all the modern communication methods you'd think it would be easy! #ukedchat < you have to be heard though! @EA_Holmes I agree, students in state schools need to be enthused to develop political careers.... #ukedchat Page 16 of 56 Hosted by @PhilAllman1








Fiona_Davis bellaale

20:22 20:22













philallman1 mattpearson 5 January 2012

20:22 20:22

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? @TheHeadsOffice the difficulty is taking TMs to the masses. We 20:22 tried in Blackpool but a lot of schs opt out for no reason #ukedchat #ukedchat as a supply teacher I feel so out of touch, Twitter is a 20:22 great help for collaboration and ideas and encouragement 20:22 What's going on in #ukedchat world then? What did I miss? Innovation for us is straightforward, we just do it. Innovation for 20:23 the masses, that takes longer but it's happening #ukedchat 20:23 @HilaryNunns collaboration has to be the way forward! #ukedchat RT @HilaryNunns: @philallman1 @dawnhallybone - schools too 20:23 competitve, should be more collaborative #ukedchat @cherrylkd @bevevans22 #ukedchat not in my experience! I have 20:23 encouraged my colleagues to join Twitter Teachers have to embrace Learning Communities. They are empowering and let us set the agenda for change in our 20:23 classrooms. #ukedchat I would then build my dream team of twitter teachers! #ukedchat 20:23 @GeekPeter @mattpearson RT @janbaker97: @philallman1 @derekwingrove it's not comm it's the mind set you have to change...#ukedchat < how? @GeorgeEBlack agreed..can see this getting bigger and bigger!!! #ukedchat @philallman1 @dawnhallybone - schools too competitve, should be more collaborative #ukedchat @MoreThanMaths agreed! but what you invest into the network reaps huge rewards cpd-wise! #ukedchat


PeterSpencer88 TeacherToolkit

kvnmcl janwebb21



jemimaanderson ConsultantHead

philallman1 SumonT HilaryNunns janwebb21

20:23 20:23 20:23 20:23



RT @bellaale: our kids - and their parents - are our biggest asset. 20:23 Free PR, if we do things well, and they talk us up! #ukedchat RT @TheHeadsOffice: We had a bit of a chat with our local newspaper & they agreed to tone down the negativity & push pos+ 20:23 stories. Worked! #ukedchat Seeing new breed of BM in primaries - focussed on cost-cutting. Can their talent help promote the good stuff? #ukedchat @philallman1 @derekwingrove it's not comm it's the mind set you have to change...#ukedchat @philallman1 #ukedchat Build professional networks as other businesses do. Build your reputation with influencers outside education? @cherrylkd @peterspencer88 #ukedchat No chat like this on FB that I'm aware of.

mikemcsharry janbaker97

20:23 20:23

passionateaboot bevevans22

20:23 20:23

5 January 2012

Page 17 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? #ukedchat maybe I'm being naive or too optomistic but I think things like this are the start... with each year more teachers are 20:23 online. How many local, regional business, politicians know of our students 20:23 blogs etc to want to get involved more in education? #ukedchat @SuperlativeC @tim7168 gd point! #ukedchat I guess debate is can u be gd OFSTED insector w/o bg a good (or outstanding!) 20:23 teacher? #ukedchat @JazzieDe #ukedchat it also requires politicians to be as open 20:23 minded to new ideas as we expect colleagues and learners to be RT @bellaale: our kids - and their parents - are our biggest asset. 20:23 Free PR, if we do things well, and they talk us up! #ukedchat We had a bit of a chat with our local newspaper & they agreed to 20:23 tone down the negativity & push pos+ stories. Worked! #ukedchat RT @eylanezekiel: #ukedchat no point looking to the politicians and journalists to be 'better'. Teachers can influence families 20:24 (voters, tax payers) directly @mattpearson Absolutely. Reclaiming politics is key. Young people 20:24 need to see it as accessible career. #ukedchat @SirBlimelyWindy not all that counts can be measured. Not all 20:24 that's measured counts-heard this recently, so true. #ukedchat @OhLottie @TheHeadsOffice Many Heads seem to be wary of social networking sites like Twitter and FB due 2 adverse publicity 20:24 #ukedchat @passionateaboot @philallman1 @bellaale #ukedchat Yes. I have seen it work in more than one region. Hearts and minds work 20:24 without doubt @PeterSpencer88 #ukedchat There is so much support here, and fresh ideas keep coming every day. The sheer enthusiasm of ed 20:24 professionals.... 20:24 @philallman1 isn't that what is happening?!?!?! #ukedchat CPD should no longer be about rounding us up to fill our heads with content but teachers discussing their aims as professionals 20:24 #ukedchat RT @bevevans22: 15 minutes in. Already busy! Tonight's #ukedchat the topic is How do we as the real education profs make 20:24 our collective voice heard in 2012? @philallman1 #ukedchat we link with #naace #bcs #cas prof subject socities. #lordputtenam and keep doing .case 20:24 studies&impact studies #ukedchat @bevevans22 @peterspencer88 shame as that could 20:24 have helped as most teachers do 1 or other












Fiona_Davis janwebb21



dan_bowen cherrylkd

5 January 2012

Page 18 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? @passionateaboot What do you think are the best ways of building you network or PLN? Twttier? FB? Linkedin? Something else? 20:24 #ukedchat RT @janwebb21: @HilaryNunns collaboration has to be the way 20:24 forward! #ukedchat < academy chains then? @JCunningham66 @philallman1 #ukedchat And positive media 20:24 builds your reputation, and that's what it's all about isn't it? Comment from @passionateaboot re prof networks. Schools can 20:24 be better - less hidden agendas #ukedchat RT @EA_Holmes: @mattpearson @mister_jim Or make sure that political literacy has a v high priority in state schools? Far too low 20:24 at the moment #ukedchat 20:24 My Tweetdeck keeps crashing #ukedchat RT @TheHeadsOffice: We had a bit of a chat with our local newspaper & they agreed to tone down the negativity & push pos+ 20:25 stories. Worked! #ukedchat @mister_jim @theheadsoffice #ukedchat the Blackpool one was packed and was so informative. We need more of these for sure. 20:25 Def helps Sorry! Perhaps Twitter needs to up its PR approach so that it is not 20:25 threatening to the masses #ukedchat RT @jemimaanderson: Teachers have to embrace Learning Communities. They are empowering and let us set the agenda for 20:25 change in our classrooms. #ukedchat @SumonT @superlativec @tim7168 You can be good at judging 20:25 something without being good yourself #ukedchat RT @theotheralig: @philallman1 @derekwingrove We not only have to be heard, the person/s we are talking to need to use their 20:25 listening skills #ukedchat @janwebb21 I love & value networking with Twitter, but have never persuaded colleagues to join. Need to improve my sales 20:25 pitch! #ukedchat @philallman1 @derekwingrove We not only have to be heard, the person/s we are talking to need to use their listening skills 20:25 #ukedchat Teachers warned over Facebook and Twitter use http://t.co/LMkedqwL can this be enforced? #twitter 20:25 #socialnetworking #facebook #ukedchat RT @HilaryNunns @philallman1 @dawnhallybone - schools too competitve, should be more collaborative #ukedchat > league table 20:25 issue? @PeterSpencer88 @cherrylkd I have encouraged some to join Twitter but most are a little older and wiser and more likely to be 20:25 male #ukedchat RT @tim7168: Read rec by Mick Waters that Ofsted inspectors should be required to teach half a term each year #ukedchat >> 20:25 Terrfific idea!

bevevans22 philallman1

passionateaboot mikemcsharry

mister_jim ConsultantHead


cherrylkd TheHeadsOffice

mister_jim reflectivemaths








5 January 2012

Page 19 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @mattpearson: Seriously, the #ukedchat free school could work. 5 million quid from the tax payer, and we could do it all 20:25 virtually... #ukedchat RT @janwebb21: @philallman1 isn't that what is happening?!?!?! #ukedchat < yes I'm asking is that the way to collaborate then? RT @Fiona_Davis: @janbaker97 I've learned more from #ukedchat and following teachers, than I have from the last goodness knows how many courses I've been on. @philallman1 #ukedchat keep on pushing positive stories to the press. It works. We had a good news story every week for 2 months!! @SumonT I don't think so #ukedchat #ukedchat again I think social media can be used as a positive force - although it does involve close monitoring. RT @Smichael920: @SirBlimelyWindy not all that counts can be measured. Not all that's measured counts-heard this recently, so true. #ukedchat @CliveSir #ukedchat And wider than the educational circle. Do teachers realise the power of networking? @passionateaboot what, sorry - #ukedchat RT @kvnmcl: No hidden agendas/methods, share everything that works and doesn't. Use any communication to get the message across #ukedchat If I were a HT now I'd sort my staff out a twitter account, find out about TMs & either run or go to 1 instead of staff meeting! #ukedchat RT @JamiePortman: RT @tim7168: Read rec by Mick Waters that Ofsted inspectors should be required to teach half a term each year #ukedchat >> Terrfific idea!






jamie_daniels tim7168 GeorgeEBlack

20:25 20:25 20:25

janwebb21 passionateaboot SirBlimelyWindy

20:25 20:25 20:26









@dan_bowen @philallman1 how many more case studies and 20:26 reviews will we need to make a real difference? #UKEdChat No hidden agendas/methods, share everything that works and doesn't. Use any communication to get the message across 20:26 #ukedchat @MoreThanMaths I know that feeling! when I got tennis elbow 20:26 last year, they called it my twitter elbow!!!! #ukedchat @philallman1: #ukedchat lets get away from feeling down how do we get the GOOD news out there? Who do we link up 20:26 with? Enterprise ed RT @scholaforis: #ukedchat local collaborations give a voice locally, 20:26 with good PR can make educators roles valued and respected @philallman1 #ukedchat @passionateaboot I know a secondary school that distributes 10,000 8 page newsletters every quarter. 20:26 Loads of info. 20:26 Engaging local press can be a good starting point #ukedchat




JCunningham66 ConsultantHead

5 January 2012

Page 20 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? scholaforis #ukedchat local collaborations give a voice locally, with good PR 20:26 can make educators roles valued and respected RT @janwebb21: @philallman1 or is an academy chain going to lead to protectionism rather than looking outward and improving 20:26 WHOLE education system#ukedchat @ConsultantHead ditch tweetdeck, log onto tweetchat.com (and 20:26 thank me after)... #ukedchat It doesn't help when government are telling teachers they 20:26 shouldn't be on Twitter, Facebook etc #ukedchat @philallman1 or is an academy chain going to lead to protectionism rather than looking outward and improving WHOLE 20:26 education system#ukedchat 20:26 Do your job well, people will hear about it #ukedchat @janbaker97 @philallman1 @derekwingrove #ukedchat less business more education & less emphasis on competition would 20:26 help! @bevevans22 Think it should be flexible and not prescriptive should have a platform in school like a TLC to share ideas 20:26 #ukedchat RT @kvnmcl: Innovation for us is straightforward, we just do it. Innovation for the masses, that takes longer but it's happening 20:26 #ukedchat @ConsultantHead sometimes it just doesn't work as fast as all the 20:27 combined brain energy that is going on in #ukedchat!!! Surely it's people that don't understand social networking who try 20:27 to ban / slate it!! We need to educate them too #UKEdChat @davidErogers tonight's #ukedchat - topic is How do we as the 20:27 real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? @philallman1 #ukedchat but who will teach them how to listen. 20:27 The importance of learning skills rears its head again!!! #ukedchat if ppl are more aware of what goes on & more +ve about local school, they won't take -ve press /what politicians say 20:27 at face value @reflectivemaths @SumonT @tim7168 you can judge if good bad but not necessarily explain how to improve if you haven't been 20:27 there. #ukedchat @Primary_Ed #ukedchat it can't be enforced and its a retrograde 20:27 step. It implies we aren't responsible enough to be trusted. #ukedchat Take your ideas in the real world. Use the Internet to 20:27 gather but organize meetings where everyone can see you. @davidErogers 'How do we as the real education profs make our 20:27 collective voice heard in 2012?' #ukedchat

philallman1 StrictTeacher99 derekwingrove

janwebb21 barton1875











KirstenWinkler philallman1

5 January 2012

Page 21 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? @JOHNSAYERS in nxt 2yrs smartphone penetration will be enough2expect parents2have Twitter just 4 school 20:27 announcements>>better comm #ukedchat RT @Smichael920: @SirBlimelyWindy not all that counts can be measured. Not all that's measured counts-heard this recently, so 20:27 true. #ukedchat @philallman1 @passionateaboot #ukedchat regular fluffy stories to local media, plus cutting edge stuff. Meeting with editor etc. Late to #ukedchat today - what's the topic? RT @TheHeadsOffice: If I were a HT now I'd sort my staff out a twitter account, find out about TMs & either run or go to 1 instead of staff meeting! #ukedchat I know, and I'm enjoying it tonight but twitter proper too slow @janwebb21 #ukedchat @reflectivemaths @SuperlativeC @SumonT Should the focus be on judgement or improvement? #ukedchat At every teachmeet - invite the local press and/or local business leaders - let THEM share your great messages #ukedchat RT @SuperlativeC: @reflectivemaths @SumonT @tim7168 you can judge if good bad but not necessarily explain how to improve if you haven't been there. #ukedchat i am a fan of twitter for education #ukedchat RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat I can share ideas with people around the globe, yet try and do it within the LA and there are too many barriers! @philallman1 @mattpearson #ukedchat only of you are a national journalist.!!!! Ooops! #ukedchat what are people's experience of HT's reactions to teachers tweeting? RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat I can share ideas with people around the globe, yet try and do it within the LA and there are too many barriers! RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat I can share ideas with people around the globe, yet try and do it within the LA and there are too many barriers! @passionateaboot @sirblimelywindy @philallman1 telling upsets people/makes them feel threatened, everyone likes to make choices #ukedchat RT @JamiePortman: RT @tim7168: Read rec by Mick Waters that Ofsted inspectors should be required to teach half a term each year #ukedchat >> Terrfific idea!



JCunningham66 davidErogers

20:27 20:27

philallman1 ConsultantHead tim7168

20:27 20:27 20:28



NatashaCowan Biolady99

20:28 20:28

bevevans22 JCunningham66 PeterSpencer88

20:28 20:28 20:28










KirstenWinkler davidErogers 5 January 2012

#ukedchat I can share ideas with people around the globe, yet try 20:28 and do it within the LA and there are too many barriers! #ukedchat If you hold a local teacher / parent meetup every month, people will start to notice and get interested. Face to face 20:28 is important 20:28 @philallman1 @bevevans22 Thank you #ukedchat Page 22 of 56 Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @NatashaCowan: Surely it's people that don't understand social networking who try to ban / slate it!! Need to educate them too #UKEdChat @GeorgeEBlack @OhLottie @TheHeadsOffice I was heavily warned against using these sites by previous HT which is why I'm anonymous #ukedchat @reflectivemaths @SuperlativeC @SumonT Yeah but can you offer constructive feedback without skills and knowledge of your own? #ukedchat RT @kvnmcl: No hidden agendas/methods, share everything that works and doesn't. Use any communication to get the message across #ukedchat RT @janwebb21: @ConsultantHead sometimes it just doesn't work as fast as all the combined brain energy that is going on in #ukedchat!!! @kvnmcl #ukedchat too much them and us - private v public trying to drive a wedge for political gain often









philallman1 janbaker97

20:28 20:28

HilaryNunns scholaforis


RT @passionateaboot: @CliveSir #ukedchat And wider than the 20:28 educational circle. Do teachers realise the power of networking? @ianaddison #ukedchat... you have to speak their language... now 20:29 eg, quadblogging is like penpals right :) @ianaddison innovating is often about ignoring the barriers. Creating a culture of innovation is about dismantling them. 20:29 #ukedchat @tim7168 @reflectivemaths @superlativec @sumont sometimes 20:29 yes - observations outside of subject specialism for eg #UKEdChat Schools need strong teachers who drive things forward and lead by 20:29 example but only together can greatness be achieved #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice @NatashaCowan #ukedchat also need sort out 2 and 3 generation unemployed who pass on couldn't care about 20:29 education attitude Half way through tonight's #ukedchat - Topic is How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @mikemcsharry: At every teachmeet - invite the local press and/or local business leaders - let THEM share your great messages #ukedchat So with half an hour gone we agree the obstacles are great. Local solutions for collaboration key and scaling up. More ideas? #ukedchat @MoreThanMaths @janwebb21 @CliveSir I think teachmeets vitalcpd Twitter etc and #ukedchat only hit a small minority anyway.... @bevevans22 @ianaddison It's sad that this is the case with many LAs, if we worked together then would be stronger as a group. #ukedchat














5 January 2012

Page 23 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? @JCunningham66 uncertainty from one, then encouragement from a second who was using it herself! #ukedchat @bevevans22 What does the collective voice want to say? And who do they want to say it to? #ukedchat Have we decided who we are trying to get to hear our voice? #ukedchat targeting is vital RT @mikemcsharry: At every teachmeet - invite the local press and/or local business leaders - let THEM share your great messages #ukedchat RT @TheHeadsOffice: If I were a HT now I'd sort my staff out a twitter account, find out about TMs & either run or go to 1 instead of staff meeting! #ukedchat @scholaforis Most people I encounter do value individual educators, but may also have neg views about education system in general #ukedchat RT @mberry: @ianaddison innovating is often about ignoring the barriers. Creating a culture of innovation is about dismantling them. #ukedchat Many schools claim to have an open door policy to parents but keep it shut on most occasions. Messages need to be clear and reg. #ukedchat @MoreThanMaths @janwebb21 @CliveSir majority still supported by the LA advisors left and independants imho. More impact there #ukedchat Which publicly popular role model would you want to be patron / involved / volunteer at your school to highlight great learning? #ukedchat @PeterSpencer88 #ukedchat mine has tweeted himself, and as a deputy I see it as an extremely useful tool. Collaboration, theft whatever!! RT @davidErogers: Who has the opinions we want to change most as they have the most influence, rank order of importance with ppls and parents 1st? #ukedchat RT @mberry: @ianaddison innovating is often about ignoring the barriers. Creating a culture of innovation is about dismantling them. #ukedchat @JCunningham66 @philallman1 @passionateaboot #ukedchat 8 page newsletter to press? Do they print it? Good idea if so. That'll promote school TMs vital as is use of old and new tech but who do we want to influence - is it wider than locality? #ukedchat Have met some influential people and discussed ideas with them through my uni. Would recommend doing PhD to any teacher #ukedchat Who has the opinions we want to change most as they have the most influence, rank order of importance with ppls and parents 1st? #ukedchat

janwebb21 GeekPeter davidErogers

20:29 20:29 20:29





















cherrylkd philallman1

20:30 20:30





5 January 2012

Page 24 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? #ukedchat I agree with @mlovatt1 when he talks about 'Pragmatopia' = Pragmatic within politicised edu system but also 20:30 Utopian re: learning #ukedchat Don't know how to do it, but how many parents really 20:30 know what happens in school? Can't rely on Ss. The issues need focus - the message needs to be coherent and 20:31 strong - you need champions, individuals or groups #ukedchat @tim7168 That sounds good, but I have no idea what it means :-? 20:31 #ukedchat RT @mister_jim: sometimes I think the problem is there is too much information for people to digest. #ukedchat - you can get 20:31 overloaded... @JOHNSAYERS @philallman1 #ukedchat Yes! Get more enterprise in and business shd help spread positivity about good teaching & 20:31 learning @davidErogers A way of moving the debate away from phoney 20:31 targets/measures designed to suit agenda of politicians #ukedchat RT @chrisleach78: I'd love to work in a school where every teacher 20:31 was EXPECTED to be on Twitter and blog #ukedchat I'd love to work in a school where every teacher was EXPECTED to 20:31 be on Twitter and blog #ukedchat 20:31 Subject associations play an important role too #ukedchat @davidErogers #ukedchat need to sort out pupil/parent 20:31 responsibility not blame culture for teachers RT @bevevans22: Half way through tonight's #ukedchat - Topic is How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice 20:31 heard in 2012? RT @StuartMaginnis: @philallman1 #ukedchat Teaching schools 20:31 will hopefully help develop collaboration. My education followers, have you ever joined #ukedchat ? Do you 20:31 know about it? @dawnhallybone that's a winner too. Ncsl models of.distributed 20:31 leadership #ukedchat @NuttyA10 @ianaddison It's certainly been my experience that 20:31 sharing with my own area has been more problematic...#ukedchat sometimes I think the problem is there is too much information for 20:31 people to digest. #ukedchat @janbaker97 @theheadsoffice so so true!! That is one of my biggest irritations! #UKEdChat nothing worse than families that 20:31 excuse attitudes @philallman1 #ukedchat Teaching schools will hopefully help 20:31 develop collaboration. @davidErogers I think aiming to have a 'voice' is a red herring. It's actually a way to subvert the false debate that surrounds ed 20:31 #ukedchat

JamiePortman reflectivemaths

CliveSir davidErogers



tim7168 philallman1 chrisleach78 MultiMartin janbaker97

JamiePortman philallman1 GeekPeter dan_bowen

bevevans22 mister_jim

NatashaCowan StuartMaginnis


5 January 2012

Page 25 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @ianaddison #ukedchat I can share ideas with people around the globe, yet try and do it within the LA and there are too many barriers! RT @CliveSir: The issues need focus - the message needs to be coherent and strong - you need champions, individuals or groups #ukedchat RT @TheHeadsOffice: RT @mikemcsharry: At every teachmeet invite the local press and/or local business leaders - let THEM share your great messages #ukedchat RT @dockers_hoops: Until collaboration replaces competition we won't genuinely improve and this is the key message which needs to be heard #ukedchat #ukedchat should we just make everything public documents. S of work lesson plans raise online resources etc @dan_bowen Agree. Mathsmeet organised by @damoward & others reached wider audience, promoted by ASTs & advisors by word of mouth #ukedchat Ed writers should ideally be experienced educators. Much ed writing/comment not nuanced enough. Doesn't challenge enough #ukedchat #values RT @dockers_hoops: Until collaboration replaces competition we won't genuinely improve and this is the key message which needs to be heard #ukedchat RT @bellaale: re getting heard: can we not play "the game", and leverage our privileged position as influential guides of the young? #ukedchat Until collaboration replaces competition we won't genuinely improve and this is the key message which needs to be heard #ukedchat






















re getting heard: can we not play "the game", and leverage our 20:32 privileged position as influential guides of the young? #ukedchat Dads quite like meeting in back rooms of pubs and hearing about 20:32 what their kids are doing @reflectivemaths #ukedchat #Ukedchat @passionateaboot @encompassnow but I think that showing that all learning is a process to a greater end, and not just a GCSE 20:32 #ukedchat .RT @StuartMaginnis: @philallman1 #ukedchat Teaching schools will hopefully help develop collaboration. <how would this work? @bevevans22 @ianaddison 100WC is all over the place but not in my LA! #UKEdChat RT @MrChambersRE: If kids are predicted below target, our fault. Over target, something's dodgy. On target, not challenged #ukedchat #cantwin #teachers RT @eylanezekiel: @mattpearson so that wasn't sarcasm? Ok then... You are on. See post re virtual school on www.ONSchool.org.uk #ukedchat Page 26 of 56 Hosted by @PhilAllman1



philallman1 TheHeadsOffice

20:32 20:32



dan_bowen 5 January 2012


How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? @janbaker97 I don't have an issue so much with the media bashing of teachers, I do with teachers who don't want to meet #ukedchat @philallman1 A learning partnership been set up in our LA, offering high quality CDP as days and twilights, some whole LA days too #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat u should come out of retirement & advise Govt of your idea. Twitter is banned. TMs are brill. My entire sc went RT @Reesiepie: Education will be political football while politicians are in charge. Should be overseen by experts in profession, not politicians #ukedchat RT @mister_jim: sometimes I think the problem is there is too much information for people to digest. #ukedchat @dockers_hoops #ukedchat surely with only a few converter academies sponsoring this is unlikely to happen. @JOHNSAYERS good question! Someone who is known for working hard, not through a tv show #UKEdChat a Musician/Sportsperson who train for hrs @Paddymcgrath all lesson plans and resources should be cc and put on line to crowd source for improvements or differeication #ukedchat My next step is to raise some money and write letters (with envelopes+stamps) to all schools to get to people! #ukedchat RT @dockers_hoops: Until collaboration replaces competition we won't genuinely improve and this is the key message which needs to be heard #ukedchat RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat I can share ideas with people around the globe, yet try and do it within the LA and there are too many barriers! @davidErogers Indeed. Public debate is all about obfuscation. #ukedchat Start at local level; centralisation removes our voice. We have a voice through Unions, our prof organisations and social media. #ukedchat @bevevans22 @ianaddison Is it because too much is about competition? #ukedchat RT @jemimaanderson: Teachers setting their CPD is important step in professionalism - analysis of instruction and its impact on learning is key #ukedchat RT @mikemcsharry: Just invited the local editor to the "pie and Teachmeet" in February .. #ukedchat < same place?







Educationchat Biolady99 jamie_daniels

20:33 20:33 20:33










20:33 20:33

Heatherleatt NuttyA10

20:33 20:33

MoreThanMaths philallman1

20:33 20:33

jodie_gardiner janbaker97

RT @MoreThanMaths: @scholaforis Most people I encounter do value individual educators, but may also have neg views about 20:33 education system in general #ukedchat @bellaale #ukedchat those I want to influence wouldn't go near a 20:33 deprived comp!

5 January 2012

Page 27 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? Teachers setting their CPD is important step in professionalism 20:33 analysis of instruction and its impact on learning is key #ukedchat @MultiMartin: Subject associations play an important role too 20:33 #ukedchat yes totally agree @dockers_hoops so are we being divided so rule can occur? 20:33 #ukedchat RT @janbaker97: @TheHeadsOffice @NatashaCowan #ukedchat also need sort out 2 and 3 generation unemployed who pass on 20:33 couldn't care about education attitude RT @mister_jim: sometimes I think the problem is there is too 20:33 much information for people to digest. #ukedchat RT @StuartMaginnis: @philallman1 #ukedchat if schools get it 20:34 right, effective collaboration will benefit more and more schools. @ianaddison On 2 GBs & some of them don't have email so V 20:34 difficult to communicate beyond termly papers! #UKEdChat Great discussion, dont forget lots of us ex LA staff are in schools. 20:34 Ive worked in 8 this week using http://t.co/RgEhqtvq #ukedchat Form a political party aimed at representing the 99%; those disengaged, not represented by the current major parties. 20:34 #ukedchat 20:34 RT @reflectivemaths: #ukedchat Anyone invited parents to a TM? @jemimaanderson CPD should be as much about the development 20:34 of the profession as the professional. #ukedchat @mikemcsharry let's do them in more open venues to allow Joe 20:34 Bloggs to see / hear / be intrigued by #ukedchat @dockers_hoops I totally agree - competition between kids, 20:34 teachers and schools #ukedchat @janbaker97 Still trying to understand who we want to target with our 'voice' to me it should be other teachers #ukedchat Having just read the boring programme for #bett I don't think anything will change. The fringe events in #bett is where it is at #ukedchat RT @dockers_hoops: Until collaboration replaces competition we won't genuinely improve and this is the key message which needs to be heard #ukedchat @philallman1 #ukedchat if schools get it right, effective collaboration will benefit more and more schools. #ukedchat Anyone invited parents to a TM?

jemimaanderson dan_bowen philallman1

HilaryNunns reflectivemaths




MartindalePaul philallman1

mberry JOHNSAYERS jemimaanderson





Biolady99 StuartMaginnis reflectivemaths

20:34 20:34 20:34


@mberry county advisors, I was told not to run meetings as it 20:34 would clash with theirs! Truly incredible right? #ukedchat

5 January 2012

Page 28 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? @Heatherleatt Brings me back to my earlier point. If centralisation is harmful to professionalism, why are many anti-academy? 20:34 #ukedchat @philallman1 certainly is - I'll be finalising very soon. #ukedchat 20:34 #teachmeetandpie 20:34 @philallman1 #ukedchat - umbrella network is a very good idea.... @passionateaboot by actually DOING something to demonstrate your values and convictions about teaching and learning-let people 20:34 in #ukedchat @Write_To_Learn:@pschoolsystems Legos in the classroom? http://t.co/QHppY92r - playdoh also useful For English teaching 20:34 #UKEdChat #engchat 20:34 @NatashaCowan agreed. Just written an article on this #UKEdChat RT @eylanezekiel: #ukedchat no point looking to the politicians and journalists to be 'better'. Teachers can influence families 20:34 (voters, tax payers) directly RT @NatashaCowan: Bring your parent to school day? Like bring your child to work but reversed. You'd never get the parents who'd 20:35 really benefit tho #UKEdChat RT @Educationchat: Headteachers need to realise what a powerful voice they would be if they spoke as one. get in clusters and work 20:35 together. #ukedchat @ianaddison letters with stamps end up in a pile to be opened at 20:35 the end of term when cleaning up. #ukedchat @theotheralig I think that's the key - strong local networks that 20:35 also link to wider. #ukedchat 20:35 @mberry explain further.... #ukedchat @GeekPeter #ukedchat show them your timeline after tonight's chat. Or wait for the blog round up. That will convince them of 20:35 value RT @davidErogers: @janbaker97 who we want to target with our 'voice' to me it should be other teachers #ukedchat < ourselves b4 20:35 others? RT @johnmayo: @Paddymcgrath all lesson plans and resources should be cc and put on line to crowd source for improvements or 20:35 differeication #ukedchat @SirBlimelyWindy @passionateaboot I agree with that, plus if you get on advisory committees for LAs then your voice will be heard 20:35 #ukedchat 20:35 @janwebb21 Yep, ground-up :) #ukedchat Be PROUD to be a teacher. Share the awesome things you do in 20:35 your classroom through local media #ukedchat @dockers_hoops #ukedchat I agree totally - as I said less business 20:35 more education! @mberry problem is, if I get banned from using their means of communication, I can't think how to contact them without using 20:35 mail! #ukedchat

tim7168 mikemcsharry eylanezekiel


JaneBilham rene_koglbauer



philallman1 jjash davidErogers jemimaanderson




encompassnow BobToms100 Queen_Claire janbaker97


5 January 2012

Page 29 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @MoreThanMaths: @scholaforis Most people I encounter do value individual educators, but may also have neg views about education system in general #ukedchat RT @johnsayers: @mikemcsharry let's do them in more open venues to allow Joe Bloggs to see / hear / be intrigued by #ukedchat <<YES!! Bring your parent to school day? Like bring your child to work but reversed. You'd never get the parents who'd really benefit tho #UKEdChat RT @educationland: Plz,RT : New Blog Post Better To Give "Short story" http://t.co/6ak6LALM #mlearning #musedchat #tlchat #ukedchat @NuttyA10 @ianaddison That & the fact people get into their cliques & close ranks. Also to do with power, perceived experience... #ukedchat











Educationchat Paddymcgrath TheHeadsOffice


Headteacher63 janbaker97 bellaale

Headteachers need to realise what a powerful voice they would be 20:35 if they spoke as one. get in clusters and work together. #ukedchat @ianaddison @mberry ask for forgiveness over permission springs 20:36 to mind #ukedchat @JCunningham66 Same with PTAs. Staff often reluctant to get 20:36 involved #UKEdChat @norfolkteacher1 @ohlottie @theheadsoffice I found that today when I was promoting twitter. It is thought to be just 'social' 20:36 #ukedchat RT @TheHeadsOffice: RT @NatashaCowan: Surely it's people that don't understand social networking who try to ban / slate it!! Need 20:36 to educate them too #UKEdChat @philallman1 @davidErogers #ukedchat the more people the 20:36 better - can start with teachers yes 20:36 RT @reflectivemaths: #ukedchat Anyone invited parents to a TM? @reflectivemaths @tim7168 @superlativec @sumont YES! All staff involved in training and feedback would benefit from that! 20:36 #UKEdChat @NuttyA10 @ianaddison At one time I was asked to stop blogging and just share ideas within the LEA - what's the point in that? 20:36 #ukedchat I think that we have to be careful at looking at the twitter 20:36 community and generalising it as 'teaching' as a whole #ukedchat @ianaddison in the new world 'county advisors' may be less relevant. Maybe @chickensaltash remembers my conversation 20:36 #ukedchat RT @KirstenWinkler: #ukedchat If you hold a local teacher / parent meetup every month, people will start to notice and get interested. 20:36 Face to face is important






5 January 2012

Page 30 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? @passionateaboot @philallman1 #ukedchat Also, why don't schools take 'the lead' on community events, rather than just 'tag along'! RT @NatashaCowan: Bring your parent to school day? Like bring your child to work but reversed. You'd never get the parents who'd really benefit tho #UKEdChat @davidErogers @theotheralig How to get those strong local links when schs around close ranks? #ukedchat @dan_bowen #ukedchat what and where will be best at bett then? Going on Thursday. @chrisleach78: I'd love to work in a school where every teacher was EXPECTED to be on Twitter and blog #ukedchat #rcps @philallman1 For sure - there's no point in convincing the world that teacher rock when some don't. #ukedchat To raise status of teaching maybe we could get a large company like Pearson to sponsor some teaching awards *ducks* . . #ukedchat @NuttyA10 Takes ages, but it's worth hanging in there I think (not that we have achieved much yet) #ukedchat Influencing policy is difficult because to get into influential position entails supporting orthodoxy. This has been me at times! #ukedchat @ianaddison @mberry Wow. In Sheffield 'Bring and Share' meet clashed with advisor/HoD meet 2 yrs ago, no suggestion of canceling. #ukedchat @buffyjhamilton yes teacher enforcing definitely the key #continuity #ukedchat



PhaedScho NuttyA10 jamie_daniels

20:36 20:36 20:36

AndreasStace davidErogers

20:36 20:36

mattpearson davidErogers

20:37 20:37



MoreThanMaths berkholibrarian

20:37 20:37


@NuttyA10 With our area by getting to individual teachers and 20:37 offering support / fun / banter / targeted CPD #ukedchat @rene_koglbauer I know. Amazing how the press were so negative 20:37 in the week and missed the point entirely! #UKEdChat @ianaddison sounds as though your 'advisors' might be 'putting the ideology of central control ahead of the interests of children' 20:37 #ukedchat @bevevans22 I suggested an LA blog to share ideas and was told 'it 20:37 wasn't my place to suggest such things' #ukedchat 20:37 @superdooperal then organise a GM not a TM ;) #ukedchat re @davidErogers comment - the twitter population is the tip of 20:37 the tip of the iceberg #ukedchat RT @AndreasStace: @chrisleach78: I'd love to work in a school where every teacher was EXPECTED to be on Twitter and blog 20:37 #ukedchat #rcps @cherrylkd @philallman1 @passionateaboot #ukedchat No they 20:37 have it distributed door to door! Builds #community



ianaddison philallman1 mikemcsharry



5 January 2012

Page 31 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @johnmayo: @Paddymcgrath all lesson plans and resources should be cc and put on line to crowd source for improvements or 20:37 differeication #ukedchat @bevevans22 @ianaddison Blog & share wider or share in community & how far does it go if embraced at all! #ukedchat RT @TheHeadsOffice: RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat I can share ideas with people around the globe, yet try and do it within the LA and there are too many barriers! Lobby local politicians. Schools/acads still need to engage with LA as senior officers have contact with DfE and govt ministers #ukedchat @passionateaboot @jcunningham66 @philallman1 #ukedchat we do e-newsletter. Wonder how many parents read it now they have to log on.












RT @ianaddison: Whatever happens, I will continue sharing no 20:38 matter what. It makes sense doesn't it? #ukedchat >Certainly does! RT @MartindalePaul: Along with teachers, get other respected people from the local communities & create grass-roots 20:38 movement. Educ too political! #ukedchat Although tech helps me develop and I love being a geek, I still think 20:38 that face to face is the way to build lasting relationships #ukedchat I introduced twitter to a group of teachers. They heard "Please may 20:38 I eat your first born" - twitter is one of many avenues #ukedchat Example of poor teacher/parent communication and collaboration = 14 months between Y10 + 11 parents eves #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice I was just considered strange anyway. Nothing to do with my age ;) #ukedchat So if real effective change is from ground up & we R the cutting edge 'converted' wht R WE going 2 do abt it? 20 mins left! #ukedchat Whatever happens, I will continue sharing no matter what. It makes sense doesn't it? #ukedchat



Lancsjames bevevans22

20:38 20:38

philallman1 ianaddison

20:38 20:38


bellaale Heatherleatt

MartindalePaul johnmayo

@davidErogers Does only work sadly though when local schs want 20:38 to work w/ u & schs far apart outside of city #ukedchat @rachelburden possibly the last thing you want to do on a Thursday eve with an early get-up tomorrow...but have you ever 20:38 followed #ukedchat? @tim7168 because acads only answer to central govt ultimately. 20:38 #ukedchat Along with teachers, get other respected people from the local communities & create grass-roots movement. Educ too political! 20:38 #ukedchat 20:38 @mattpearson Stirrer ...... #ukedchat

5 January 2012

Page 32 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? @mikemcsharry I agree, there are many great teachers not on 20:38 Twitter (nor should they be) and many poor ones #ukedchat How much of what we do is behind closed doors? More public events etc. look at America College Football n THOUSANDS attend! 20:38 #ukedchat @norfolkteacher1 @ohlottie @theheadsoffice so I told HTs emphatically that twitter has been the best cpd for me in past 3 20:38 years #ukedchat @janbaker97 @philallman1 @davidErogers #ukedchat ultimately it has to be politicians and parents via media I think As an 'older' twitter person I'm regarded as rather strange by the LA & other governors! #UKEdChat @ianaddison Oh yes! We're all definitely the converted. We do need to get word out there to others #ukedchat RT @TeacherToolkit: @ukedchat @philallman1 RT @ConsultantHead: I'm not even convinced that most people realise the extent of the imminent profitisation of our entire state school sector #ukedchat @janbaker97 Why should we care what the politicians think? Gove isn't in my classroom ;-) I do what I like (playing devils ad) #ukedchat @Heatherleatt True but are also more autonomous...more opportunities to lead (and influence) by example maybe? #ukedchat I'm not even convinced that most people realise the extent of the imminent profitisation of our entire state school sector #ukedchat Darlington has a 25,000 sweater stadium! How about an education open event? Wembley? The Olympic Stadium for any sort of event? #ukedchat #ukedchat Convincing non-Twitter education staff to join is tricky as you're trying to get busy people to take up more of their own time. @TeacherToolkit so how do we clear the froth? #ukedchat @MultiMartin @ianaddison always easier with like minded people. Our biggest challenges are often with those closest to home! #ukedchat RT @mattpearson: Teachers views have not been heeded by politicians for 30 odd years. We probably need a new breed of politician... #ukedchat @JCunningham66 #ukedchat @passionateaboot good idea. Bet they read it hand delivered @ianaddison @bevevans22 madness! #UKEdChat




janbaker97 TheHeadsOffice norfolkteacher1 Biolady99

20:38 20:38 20:39 20:39











GeekPeter philallman1

20:39 20:39



katemck cherrylkd NatashaCowan

20:39 20:39 20:39


Yes -> RT @ianaddison: Whatever happens, I will continue sharing 20:39 no matter what. It makes sense doesn't it? #ukedchat

5 January 2012

Page 33 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @PhaedScho: Twitter etc = Pandora's Box - see the Middle East openness = collaboration and communication = freedom? #ukedchat #ukedchat. see earlier comments about local collaborations, etc and each one of us sharing the benefits with a colleague #getpersonal RT @bellaale: @rachelburden possibly the last thing you want to do on a Thursday eve with an early get-up tomorrow...but have you ever followed #ukedchat? @ukedchat @philallman1





philallman1 TeacherToolkit

20:39 20:39

JCunningham66 Smichael920

@passionateaboot @cherrylkd @philallman1 #ukedchat Agree, 20:39 however, not all households in inner cities necessarily have PC's. 20:40 RT @TeacherToolkit: @ukedchat @philallman1 Books and journals work for many. No compulsory CPD. Twitter 20:40 and online learning is not for all. Let teachers decide. #ukedchat @JOHNSAYERS Like it. Participation through support (US culture is great). Need to coach parents... (overexuberance) #ukedchat RT @ianaddison: Whatever happens, I will continue sharing no matter what. It makes sense doesn't it? #ukedchat What twitter was made for Sir RT @TeacherToolkit: @philallman1: @TeacherToolkit so how do we clear the froth? #ukedchat a new idea - like an effective education system - will be rejected by the hegemony as it is radically different to existing policy #ukedchat




barton1875 philallman1

20:40 20:40

mister_jim philallman1 TeacherToolkit


20:40 @suttonnick you need to follow #ukedchat you will learn loads! @philallman1: @TeacherToolkit so how do we clear the froth? 20:40 #ukedchat @davidErogers Indeed if they can't see why bother what they 20:40 think, just do it anyway! Shows we're inventive! #ukedchat @johnsayers love the idea of 25,000 sweaters. Awesome. 20:40 #ukedchat @passionateaboot @jcunningham66 @philallman1 #ukedchat I mean possibly more read it on a sheet of A4. Not everyone logs 20:40 onto sc website 20:40 @mattpearson hollow laugh #ukedchat @NuttyA10 True, but it's not schools that we need to deal with it's 20:40 individuals #ukedchat @passionateaboot @philallman1 #ukedchat Yep. Totally! 20:40 Community feel they have open door to 'that lovely school' ! RT @ianaddison: Whatever happens, I will continue sharing no 20:40 matter what. It makes sense doesn't it? #ukedchat

NuttyA10 mikemcsharry

cherrylkd Heatherleatt davidErogers



5 January 2012

Page 34 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @mattpearson: I think schools need to explain more frequently and more rigorously how and why they are teaching. So parents 20:40 value this more #ukedchat @jemimaanderson check out what @ade_oshineye says about the 20:40 Master: http://t.co/l7kunKR6 #ukedchat RT @ConsultantHead: I'm not even convinced that most people realise the extent of the imminent profitisation of our entire state 20:40 school sector #ukedchat 20:41 @philallman1 ooh, no! I mean our ideas for change #ukedchat @jemimaanderson ... what many of our friends are doing on here is about developing others' professionalism & thus the profession. 20:41 #ukedchat @cherrylkd @passionateaboot #ukedchat Community activities have increased, facility hiring increased, gym membership 20:41 increased. It works..! @ConsultantHead I agree with you there, but how many teachers 20:41 do? #ukedchat @philallman1 #ukedchat organise a quango (!) to promote what 20:41 we want heard! RT @cherrylkd: @JOHNSAYERS @philallman1 #ukedchat Yes! Get more enterprise in and business shd help spread positivity about 20:41 good teaching & learning RT @TeacherToolkit: @philallman1: @TeacherToolkit so how 20:41 do we clear the froth? #ukedchat @davidErogers Worked in last LA but this LA even with individuals 20:41 not interested, bizarre!! #ukedchat @mister_jim does that mean you agree with what is happening 20:41 now b/c its new? #ukedchat @eylanezekiel: Just convinced my sister to come along to #TMBETT12 - I know you lot will make her welcome! Brilliant 20:41 #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist @MissKMcD Join our #ukedchat on now (until 9pm) - discussion is around making collective education voices 20:41 heard :) @Heatherleatt Both. I don;t think that engaging with Twitter is an 20:41 automatic entry into being a good teacher ness #ukedchat @JCunningham66 @passionateaboot #ukedchat I love it. It's a 20:42 good idea. @TheHeadsOffice I need to accept that the majority of people find 20:42 me a bit strange. Children don't have a problem...#ukedchat RT @vickitoria35 @mikemcsharry: At every teachmeet - invite 20:42 the local press and/or local business leaders #ukedchat RT @mikemcsharry: At every teachmeet - invite the local press and/or local business leaders - let THEM share your great messages 20:42 #ukedchat

ConsultantHead mberry

philallman1 mister_jim


JCunningham66 davidErogers janbaker97

dan_bowen Biolady99 NuttyA10 philallman1



davidErogers cherrylkd




5 January 2012

Page 35 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? barton1875 davidErogers @davidErogers @Heatherleatt But it helps being with people who 20:42 are passionate about their job #ukedchat We have started to build relationships with local businesses in 20:42 order to prtovide venues #ukedchat RT @schoolsontap: Ditch infant class size limits, Michael Gove 20:42 urged http://t.co/7xtJnjrS | BBC #ukedchat to cheer you all up RT @ianaddison: Whatever happens, I will continue sharing no matter what. It makes sense doesn't it? #ukedchat @mister_jim that's ok then! #ukedchat RT @JOHNSAYERS: How much of what we do is behind closed doors? More public events etc. look at America College Football n THOUSANDS attend! #ukedchat RT @bevevans22: RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat I can share ideas with people around the globe, yet try and do it within the LA and there are too many barriers!


bellaale philallman1

20:42 20:42





illdoittomorrow philallman1 Spencerayres

Many teachers who don't tweet use ict to share. Just look at TES or 20:42 primary resources. National VLE anyone? #ukedchat 20:42 @janbaker97 who would we get to front it?! #ukedchat Create local networks of engaging practitioners who can create 20:42 change in their areas like @MediaEdAssc #ukedchat RT @janbaker97: @philallman1 #ukedchat organise a quango (!) 20:42 to promote what we want heard! >Need that list! @NuttyA10 It is strange. A hums specialist sch doesn;t want to engage with the geog network we are developing #ukedchat RT @mberry: @ianaddison innovating is often about ignoring the barriers. Creating a culture of innovation is about dismantling them. #ukedchat @dawnhallybone @danbowen I agree with you there Dawn, it's about taking small steps and making innovation accessible #ukedchat RT @Heatherleatt: It shd be compulsory for a Secretary of State for Education to have been a serving teacher for a minimum period of time. 5 yrs+? #ukedchat RT @bevevans22: Half way through tonight's #ukedchat - Topic is How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @janbaker97: @philallman1 #ukedchat someone the masses respect & would listen to - Stephen Fry? @stephenfry would you do it? #ukedchat RT @davidErogers: You'llsay that I'm obsessed with pubs &cake, but holding get togethers in pubs and tearooms and having no agenda #ukedchat @davidErogers Yes - maybe in embryonic stages though - what will come next? #ukedchat














TheHeadsOffice PhaedScho

20:43 20:43

5 January 2012

Page 36 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @mister_jim: a new idea - like an effective education system will be rejected by the hegemony as it is radically different to 20:43 existing policy #ukedchat @ianaddison @PeterSpencer88 It's so infuriating - you feel like you're banging your head against a brick wall. #ukedchat RT @bevevans22: @TheHeadsOffice I need to accept that the majority of people find me a bit strange. Children don't have a problem...#ukedchat @philallman1 #ukedchat someone the masses respect & would listen to - Stephen Fry? RT @Heatherleatt: It shd be compulsory for a Secretary of State for Education to have been a serving teacher for a minimum period of time. 5 yrs+? #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: If Headteachers refused to implement any govt policy they thought wasn't for the benefit of their children what could govt do? #ukedchat And you'll all say that I'm obsessed with pubs and cake, but holding get togethers in pubs and tearooms and having no agenda #ukedchat @davidErogers Yep maths specialists who won't come to a meeting at our side of LA cause it's too far away but we have to attend! #ukedchat If Headteachers refused to implement any govt policy they thought wasn't for the benefit of their children what could govt do? #ukedchat It shd be compulsory for a Secretary of State for Education to have been a serving teacher for a minimum period of time. 5 yrs+? #ukedchat @davidErogers #ukedchat @NuttyA10 that is strange! How can they call selves hum specs I wonder? @SirKenRobinson has a dig at Gove at 18'26" on the School of Life video http://t.co/qjDssMOY #ukedchat @passionateaboot @philallman1 #ukedchat Part of the package. Designed internally and professionally, printed and delivered externally. @theotheralig @philallman1 cpd/learning collaboration is quite usual in FE, why not secondary #ukedchat So last 15 mins everyone 'How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012?' - how do we go national #ukedchat @bevevans22 What are we trying to make people hear our collective voice say? #ukedchat @Spencerayres @mediaedassc #UKEdChat local networks are great buy without funding or expansion, quite often die off. How do you get gov in?




mister_jim janbaker97

20:43 20:43











Heatherleatt cherrylkd CliveSir

20:43 20:44 20:44

JCunningham66 HilaryNunns

20:44 20:44

philallman1 reflectivemaths

20:44 20:44




@NatashaCowan yep. They should have listened to Julie young at 20:44 school networks conference in December #ukedchat

5 January 2012

Page 37 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? @barton1875 I agree, but there are lots of those at my school 20:44 @PriorySouthsea and my dept @priorygeography #ukedchat 'Ditch class size limit, Gove told' <- there's a difference between 20:44 ditching a limit and increasing it by two! #HilbertSchool #ukedchat New Age 5 - 7 teacher resources Gail the snail gets email & happy 20:44 new year literacy & numeracy http://t.co/TPvuKxOp #ukedchat 20:44 @philallman1 @janbaker97 @philallman1 #ukedchat would need to be someone 20:44 well-known at first I think for high profile publicity at any rate RT @ianaddison: Whatever happens, I will continue sharing no matter what. It makes sense doesn't it? #ukedchat >Yep, our 20:44 futures. RT @ConsultantHead: RT @mikemcsharry: At every teachmeet invite the local press and/or local business leaders - let THEM share 20:44 your great messages #ukedchat @chrisleach78 we built it into our NM's job description that he participate in wider professional networks... #ukedchat #ukedchat RT @mikemcsharry: At every teachmeet - invite the local press and/or local business leaders - let THEM share your great messages #ukedchat @ianaddison @bevevans22 http://t.co/pOtVo36P started as an LA site to share ideas, now involves 1000s & seen as essential. #ukedchat



teacherstation TeacherToolkit




mberry Spencerayres

20:44 20:44







RT @ianaddison: Whatever happens, I will continue sharing no 20:45 matter what. It makes sense doesn't it? #ukedchat #ukedchat Coming through loud and clear from discussions that there are better ways of influencing than telling. Is telling 20:45 'patronising'? RT @AlecWeaver1: @davidErogers you get more done that way 20:45 rather in formal meetings >> Indeed we do :-) #ukedchat Did 'Educating Essex' help with positive public image of teaching; or was it designed to do something else? Big Media is important 20:45 #ukedchat @passionateaboot many small businesses seeing benefit of 20:45 involvement CSR bumbling along. #ukedchat 20:45 @Heatherleatt couldn't agree more #ukedchat 20:45 @Heatherleatt #ukedchat I so agree! Walk a mile in my shoes.... RT @Heatherleatt: It shd be compulsory for a Secretary of State for Education to have been a serving teacher for a minimum period of 20:45 time. 5 yrs+? #ukedchat 20:45 @NuttyA10 Nuts isn't it #ukedchat Page 38 of 56 Hosted by @PhilAllman1


mattpearson mikemcsharry PeterSpencer88 janbaker97

bellaale davidErogers 5 January 2012

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @Heatherleatt: It shd be compulsory for a Secretary of State for Education to have been a serving teacher for a minimum period of 20:45 time. 5 yrs+? #ukedchat .@Heatherleatt Some ed secs have been teachers but were accused of being too cosy with the profession! #ukedchat @PhaedScho A different social network and place to gather - the innovators move on and often forget to help those that nd support #ukedchat #ukedchat doesn't help when some misinformed people dont understand how twitter can b used positively. @chrisleach78 draft master teacher standards say "they engage with professional networks beyond the school" sounds like #ukedchat to me. @mberry The two are intertwined like teaching and learning. TLCs set own professional agenda rather than it being from outwith. #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: If Headteachers refused to implement any govt policy they thought wasn't for the benefit of their children what could govt do? #ukedchat @mtiplady But is them being misinformed our fault? How accessible are we to others? #ukedchat @passionateaboot @cherrylkd #ukedchat works cos you also hit people who are in business, politics, community groups etc etc. RT @davidErogers: @TheHeadsOffice Our dept meeting will be at a tearoom on Monday @priorygeography #ukedchat >If there's cake I'm there! @bevevans22 there seem to be different strands. But overall teaching/education needs to be projected positively #ukedchat <-To parents? @Heatherleatt #UKEdChat yes!! Def. Although close knowledge doesn't solve things. Lk at past ministers Estelle Morris? Harman's riot comment RT @Spencerayres: Has to come from within. Policy makers, Govt, leaders etc won't make changes, so we as teaching practitioners have to force it #ukedchat RT @GeorgeEBlack: of course Scottish teaching unions have just advised teachers not to have a presence on social media #ukedchat so we have a long way to go @bellaale #ukedchat not sure what govt would do, but who is brave enough to go first? Has to come from within. Policy makers, Govt, leaders etc won't make changes, so we as teaching practitioners have to force it #ukedchat @cherrylkd Indeed #ukedchat RT @JOHNSAYERS: Look at the success of Comic Relief, Sport Relief.... Schools Relief? Students across the country film for BBC fundraising? #ukedchat




davidErogers mtiplady

20:45 20:45





bellaale davidErogers

20:45 20:46











Swizzle43 jamie_daniels

20:46 20:46

Spencerayres davidErogers

20:46 20:46



5 January 2012

Page 39 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? davidErogers @TheHeadsOffice Our dept meeting will be at a tearoom on 20:46 Monday @priorygeography #ukedchat @Heatherleatt I'm not really arguing one way or the other, just 20:46 interested in other people's views on the matter. #ukedchat Look at the success of Comic Relief, Sport Relief.... Schools Relief? 20:46 Students across the country film for BBC fundraising? #ukedchat @reflectivemaths #ukedchat there seem to be different strands. But overall teaching/education needs to be projected positively 20:46 #ukedchat #ukedchat the thing is the students we have now are going to leave us behind if we don't change and then promote our teaching. RT @reflectivemaths: @bevevans22 What are we trying to make people hear our collective voice say? #ukedchat >Ideas in last few mins ( @philallman1 ) Don't get cynical, be rational, be creative & fresh, look for supporters with energy & exp rather thn detractors. #ukedchat @bevevans22 That we work hard, do incredible work & shouldn't be working longer and longer hours to cure all ills of society!? #ukedchat














@mattpearson #ukedchat Vic Goddard and Mr Drew did a great 20:47 job in promoting dedicated caring professionals. "educating Essex" @davidErogers wouldn't say that being on/off Twiiter qualifies anyone as being a gd/bad tchr, it's what u do in class that counts 20:47 #ukedchat We have people contacting us and engaging in neotwork as we get 20:47 funding in - if there's money then they will come ;-) #ukedchat @reflectivemaths To everyone. There is far too much negativity 20:47 surrounding education in the UK. #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice @reflectivemaths @bevevans22 #ukedchat that we are capable professionals doing a damn good job on the whole 20:47 respect us @Heatherleatt Part of me thinks that a more decentralised model 20:47 would get rid of a lot of political bullshit #ukedchat Last 15 minutes people. Time to put ideas forward - What are we trying to make people hear our collective voice say? #ukedchat RT @janeconsidine: Do you want to be an outstanding school or a school that stands out? Promote positive with community & engage in honest dialogue #ukedchat @bevevans22 Let us do our jobs! Most of us are quite good #ukedchat RT @janeconsidine: Do you want to be an outstanding school or a school that stands out? Promote positive with community & engage in honest dialogue #ukedchat Page 40 of 56 Hosted by @PhilAllman1

davidErogers bevevans22

janbaker97 tim7168



MoreThanMaths rashush2

20:48 20:48

TheHeadsOffice 5 January 2012


How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @JOHNSAYERS: Look at the success of Comic Relief, Sport Relief.... Schools Relief? Students across the country film for BBC fundraising? #ukedchat RT @StuartMaginnis: @mattpearson #ukedchat Vic Goddard and Mr Drew did a great job in promoting dedicated caring professionals. "educating Essex" RT @barton1875: @davidErogers Its the future, staff meetings in pubs. We wouldn't mind if they went on a bit longer then. #ukedchat - :) As well as SoS having taught and HMI teaching, much gained through head *teachers* still *teaching* some of the week. #ukedchat @dan_bowen @bevevans22 @ianaddison Not helped with primary either! #ukedchat RT @janeconsidine: Do you want to be an outstanding school or a school that stands out? Promote positive with community & engage in honest dialogue #ukedchat RT @rossmcgill: @philallman1 get the kids on board? RT @Heatherleatt: It shd be compulsory for a Secretary of State for Education to have been a serving teacher for a minimum period of time. 5 yrs+? #ukedchat @davidErogers Its the future, staff meetings in pubs. We wouldn't mind if they went on a bit longer then. #ukedchat







mberry NuttyA10

20:48 20:48

philallman1 philallman1

20:48 20:48

Mad_teach barton1875 Heatherleatt

20:48 20:48

headsam hobvs AntHeald rossmcgill ConsultantHead


DeputyMitchell mattpearson ConsultantHead Heatherleatt

20:48 @ConsultantHead can only think of Estelle Morris? #ukedchat RT @philallman1: We care, we do wonderful stuff, that its the best profession in world - if we R allowed 2 do it R way 4 the chn in 20:48 front of us! #ukedchat @Educationchat I really wish they would do this, I think this is the 20:48 answer, the time has come. #ukedchat @philallman1 isn't that what #purposed has been trying to do? 20:48 #ukedchat 20:48 @philallman1 get the kids on board? 20:48 . @thelazyteacher Aren't you following #ukedchat We care, we do wonderful stuff, that its the best profession in world - if we R allowed 2 do it R way 4 the chn in front of us! 20:48 #ukedchat Will we ever see the day when politicians do not have full control over education? Could the profession take more control? How? 20:49 #ukedchat @ConsultantHead I would take that as a compliment.... :-) 20:49 #ukedchat 20:49 @Heatherleatt David Blunkett was an FE lecturer #ukedchat @tim7168 agree. Areas differ hugely - even within lge LAs. Local 20:49 solutions are what's needed. #ukedchat RT @StuartMaginnis: @mattpearson #ukedchat Vic Goddard and Mr Drew did a great job in promoting dedicated caring 20:49 professionals. "educating Essex"


5 January 2012

Page 41 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? @barton1875 Our meeting will probably run over massively on Monday - but we'll get some great stuff in the bag #ukedchat Let's all English schools boycott all SATs this year and stand up for what we believe in! #ukedchat @SirKenRobinson "Edu is filled politically by ppl who pronounce of edu but who know nothing about it... one example: Gove" #ukedchat RT @JCunningham66: @philallman1 #ukedchat using purely a pr angle, you need to also access the #education briefings via civil servants. #stayahead of news. RT @rashush2: @bevevans22 Let us do our jobs! Most of us are quite good #ukedchat

davidErogers NuttyA10

20:49 20:49



philallman1 mattpearson

20:49 20:49

Educationchat philallman1


Education needs a better PR person than Gove. Public need to 20:49 know how hard the job is, how hard teachers work etc... #ukedchat As a HT is it our responsibility to stand up to the agendas more 20:49 forcefully? #ukedchat RT @janeconsidine: Do you want to be an outstanding school or a school that stands out? Promote positive with community & 20:49 engage in honest dialogue #ukedchat @passionateaboot loal press are generally very keen on feel good 20:49 local stories #ukedchat Would @TheNewStatsman agree? @jemimaanderson Coaching does my head in. Either tell me the 20:49 answer or don't! #ukedchat @philallman1 #ukedchat using purely a pr angle, you need to also access the #education briefings via civil servants. #stayahead of 20:49 news. I was mistaken for Mr Drew the other day! @mattpearson 20:49 #ukedchat An evening of incredible student production work to raise awareness for issues close to students hearts to help Britain be 20:49 Great #ukedchat 20:49 @philallman1 20:49 @Heatherleatt Too right #ukedchat RT @rashush2: @bevevans22 Let us do our jobs! Most of us are 20:49 quite good #ukedchat The purpose of education? e-petition for Commons debate 20:49 http://t.co/cdREAZ99 #ukedchat @tim7168 I also said telling has its place. If you just want to be 20:50 told what to do fine but I don't, I want a conversation. #ukedchat RT @MrChambersRE: If kids are predicted below target, our fault. Over target, something's dodgy. On target, not challenged 20:50 #ukedchat #cantwin #teachers #ukedchat Helps to have a common purpose. Our Dht network stick together & work across la's with other Dht networks & ht's 20:50 across the region

mikemcsharry tim7168

JCunningham66 ConsultantHead

JOHNSAYERS TeacherToolkit davidErogers bevevans22 bobharrisonset




5 January 2012

Page 42 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @mtiplady: @davidErogers not our fault, not theirs. Loads assume twitter is another facebook. Need to spread the word. #ukedchat Public assume they know what a teacher's job is as they went to school. Media doesn't help preaching holidays and early finishes! #ukedchat I love it that @JOHNSAYERS thinks big. We need so many more teachers like him! #ukedchat RT @davidErogers: Gove isn't in my classroom and we shouldn't do anything for politicians or ofsted but cos it's the right thing to do #ukedchat RT @MrChambersRE: If kids are predicted below target, our fault. Over target, something's dodgy. On target, not challenged #ukedchat #cantwin #teachers RT @janeconsidine: Do you want to be an outstanding school or a school that stands out? Promote positive with community & engage in honest dialogue #ukedchat RT @philallman1: As a HT is it our responsibility to stand up to the agendas more forcefully? #ukedchat @bellaale That would be great fun! #ukedchat RT @CliveSir: @SirKenRobinson "Edu is filled politically by ppl who pronounce of edu but who know nothing about it... one example: Gove" #ukedchat



Educationchat enterprisegran

20:50 20:50





Biolady99 bevevans22 davidErogers

20:50 20:50 20:50





@davidErogers not our fault, not theirs. Loads assume twitter is 20:50 another facebook. Need to spread the word. #ukedchat RT @davidErogers: @Heatherleatt Both. I don;t think that engaging with Twitter is an automatic entry into being a good teacher ness 20:50 #ukedchat Gove isn't in my classroom and we shouldn't do anything for 20:50 politicians or ofsted but cos it's the right thing to do #ukedchat @Educationchat Gove isn't a PR person - he's not on our "side" if 20:50 there is such a thing #ukedchat RT @janeconsidine: Do you want to be an outstanding school or a school that stands out? Promote positive with community & 20:50 engage in honest dialogue #ukedchat #ukedchat ifwhat we do already is good then why are so many young people year after year neet or leave edu not being able to 20:50 read #justsayin RT @toots2106: @philallman1 @chrisleach78 every teacher is 20:50 expected to blog in my school http://t.co/dLQPs0yU #ukedchat John Holt wrote 'Why children fail in school' in the 1960's - shld be 20:50 why children succeed #ukedchat @philallman1 @chrisleach78 every teacher is expected to blog in 20:50 my school http://t.co/dLQPs0yU #ukedchat RT @DeputyMitchell: Will we ever see the day when politicians do not have full control over education? Could the profession take 20:50 more control? How? #ukedchat Page 43 of 56 Hosted by @PhilAllman1

davidErogers rashush2



philallman1 PhaedScho toots2106

philallman1 5 January 2012

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? @BDAdyslexia: @neilhimself petition to ensure that all are trained about dyslexia http://t.co/GJ80xNOU#ukedchat RT @NuttyA10: Let's all English schools boycott all SATs this year and stand up for what we believe in! #ukedchat #ukedchat Have to say as well that the la's in our region have supported us all 100% in sticking together That our children only have one chance at this school business so let's make it a good chance! #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: Education needs a better PR person than Gove. Public need to know how hard the job is, how hard teachers work etc... #ukedchat

berkholibrarian Educationchat DepJo NuttyA10

20:50 20:50 20:51 20:51



Educationchat TheHeadsOffice


RT @hobvs: @Educationchat I really wish they would do this, I 20:51 think this is the answer, the time has come. #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: Education needs Max Clifford! #ukedchat 20:51 >Simon Cowell? RT @ConsultantHead: I'm not even convinced that most people realise the extent of the imminent profitisation of our entire state 20:51 school sector #ukedchat I am part of a regular forum - business, chambers,federation,local council - it took a bit of effort to get education involved #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: Education needs a better PR person than Gove. Public need to know how hard the job is, how hard teachers work etc... #ukedchat RT @bobharrisonset: The purpose of education? e-petition for Commons debate http://t.co/cdREAZ99 #ukedchat When it's gone, it's gone! @davidErogers #ukedchat



NatashaCowan 10kmk42 ConsultantHead

20:51 20:51 20:51

Spencerayres Educationchat



JCunningham66 philallman1 Heatherleatt

@NatashaCowan leading from front to start,creating a voice for 20:51 others,believe in your methods as well as your content #ukedchat 20:51 Education needs Max Clifford! #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: Public assume they know what a teacher's job is as they went to school. Media doesn't help preaching holidays 20:51 and early finishes! #ukedchat #ukedchat I'm not sure I have got my head round this question. I intend to inspire and encourage others towards excellence locally 20:51 and 1/2 @passionateaboot @mikemcsharry #ukedchat Press always like well written, but always add their own piece. Relationship is the 20:51 key. RT @enterprisegran: I love it that @JOHNSAYERS thinks big. We 20:51 need so many more teachers like him! #ukedchat @ConsultantHead true, I'd forgotten about him - there've been so 20:51 many!! #ukedchat RT @mikemcsharry: Just had a positive response from local paper 20:52 editor!! #ukedchat >Perhaps we need to tweet to them all!


5 January 2012

Page 44 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @janeconsidine: Do you want to be an outstanding school or a school that stands out? Promote positive with community & engage in honest dialogue #ukedchat @davidErogers true, but it does keep you well-informed about current educational issues etc #ukedchat RT @MattFothergill: We need a tv channel dedicated to teachers to circulate best prac, new innov and a bit of word spreading. Oh yes, been done. #ukedchat @mikemcsharry Well done that sounds really interesting how often do you meet and do the kids attend? #ukedchat @philallman1: As a HT is it our responsibility to stand up to the agendas more forcefully? #ukedchat < why we need 2 stand & work together

PhaedScho Biolady99

20:52 20:52

bevevans22 jemimaanderson

20:52 20:52




Heatherleatt mikemcsharry

@rashush2 Exactly. But he should be on our side! He should be 20:52 bigging up schools not undermining us all. #ukedchat @Educationchat Anyone who thinks it's. Doddle to teach, what with all the holidays etc, should be made to do it for a year. 20:52 #ukedchat 20:52 Just had a positive response from local paper editor!! #ukedchat @passionateaboot @bellaale @vickitoria35 @mikemcsharry Future apprenticeships or employees, AND feel good factor ! 20:52 #ukedchat We need a tv channel dedicated to teachers to circulate best prac, new innov and a bit of word spreading. Oh yes, been done. 20:52 #ukedchat @bevevans22 too much negativity in general be it in education, sports, youth etc etc. Media promotes negativity #ukedchat RT @davidErogers: Gove isn't in my classroom and we shouldn't do anything for politicians or ofsted but cos it's the right thing to do #ukedchat YOU have to sleep at night - follow what you believe what is the right thing to do #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: Education needs a better PR person than Gove. Public need to know how hard the job is, how hard teachers work etc... #ukedchat @Educationchat True Thse New Labour ads may have been cheesy but at least they tried to inspire #ukedchat @mtiplady Mass media promotes negativity #ukedchat





Natty08 PhaedScho

20:52 20:52

mattbritland rashush2 Spencerayres

20:53 20:53 20:53


#ukedchat try to create a national voice arguing for a non political 20:53 solution to leading schools of all types. MPs rarely skilled teachers. . I mentioned this a few weeks ago, there have been something like 20:53 21 during my career @Heatherleatt #ukedchat RT @JamiePortman: RT @tim7168: Read rec by Mick Waters that Ofsted inspectors should be required to teach half a term each 20:53 year #ukedchat >> Terrfific idea! Page 45 of 56 Hosted by @PhilAllman1


_Lebeautemps 5 January 2012

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @Educationchat: Public assume they know what a teacher's job is as they went to school. Media doesn't help preaching holidays and early finishes! #ukedchat Don't believe hype, don't believe press & don't believe the Gove... is it as simple as that? Don't believe them, believe in urself #ukedchat @Educationchat #ukedchat Maybe the public are sick of hearing how hard people work? What is the general public perception of educators? @bevevans22 #ukedchat -message must be to resist/combat media trend (and political aspiration) to endlessly conflate education & training..? @Heatherleatt @educationchat #UKEdChat morally is that fair on the kids though?! Completely agree with the idea and shadowing though!! @Educationchat too true! #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: @Biolady99 Of course they do - but fed up of hearing how teachers get long holidays and short working days. Simply not true. #ukedchat @mikemcsharry #ukedchat as part of #youngchamberuk I am being asked all the time by schools to get businesses involved. Varies regionally? @Biolady99 Of course they do - but fed up of hearing how teachers get long holidays and short working days. Simply not true. #ukedchat #ukedchat Devil's advocate - does being a teacher mean you have a good grasp of all things to do with education, inc funding etc? #ukedchat we need to engage with students in the way they know and get on with it, then point out how well it's working when it does. @davidErogers much easier said than done. Also easy to convince self it's the right thing #ukedchat @davidErogers agree! #ukedchat Gove's job isn't PR for schools and nor is he the leader of education @Educationchat #ukedchat #ukedchat We have history of sticking together.Our whole la of schls boycotted the sats. Every single one even if they disagreed. Solidarity @DeputyMitchell some of Gove's rhetoric says that, but I fear his actions are speaking louder than his words in this respect. #ukedchat @MattFothergill #ukedchat exactly, we need this government to stop cutting back our resources, and then complain about poor practice @Educationchat completely right. Just been at a meeting where heads complaining about policies I suggested this to them #ukedchat









NatashaCowan Heatherleatt

20:54 20:54









GeorgeEBlack StuartLock DepJo ConsultantHead

20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54









5 January 2012

Page 46 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @Heatherleatt: @Educationchat Anyone who thinks it's. Doddle to teach, what with all the holidays etc, should be made to do it for a year. #ukedchat Interesting topic tonight on #ukedchat following the tweets very good points made. RT @TheHeadsOffice: Teachmeets & twitter etc are great but we need to convince more HTs to encourage staff to get involved #ukedchat @Educationchat our parents (and governors) are often stunned to see that some of us are still at work after 6. Big misconceptions #ukedchat @Biolady99 True but So does watching the telly and reading the TES though ;-) #ukedchat

PhaedScho Stephen_Logan

20:54 20:54



SheliBB davidErogers

20:54 20:54



RT @reflectivemaths To everyone. There is far too much negativity 20:54 surrounding education in the UK. #ukedchat" often from within! RT @CliveSir: @SirKenRobinson "Edu is filled politically by ppl who pronounce of edu but who know nothing about it... one example: 20:54 Gove" #ukedchat Politicians not int in the professions voice - will have conv everyone 20:55 to academies soon & we'll just be a way of inc profits! #ukedchat @PeterSpencer88 #ukedchat does rolling out that argument 20:55 heighten views of teachers? There they go moaning again....? @ConsultantHead that many? Why am I not surprised. Great pub 20:55 quiz question - who could name them all? #ukedchat Profession needs positive PR to improve profile/respect/quality & outcomes. #Gove & limited #natcurr, #teachToTheTest doesn't 20:55 help #UKEdChat @enterprisegran is it big think of an evening that involved most if 20:55 not all schools? A minute each or 2!? #ukedchat @passionateaboot @mikemcsharry @thenewstatsman #ukedchat 20:55 no. Teachers haven't time. It's a more specific role. #ukedchat whenever press, parents etc visit sch they're always full of praise for staff & job they do. We need to open the doors more 5 more minutes to get your voice heard on tonight's #ukedchat. Any final thoughts you want to share? @Biolady99 Well we do get good holidays - but we work in most of them and we don't get paid for them. #ukedchat RT @JamiePortman: RT @tim7168: Read rec by Mick Waters that Ofsted inspectors should be required to teach half a term each year #ukedchat >> Terrfific idea! Last five minutes of #ukedchat Also most people think their local school is good while believing the media that most sch failing... #ukedchat




TeacherToolkit JOHNSAYERS


Smichael920 bevevans22 Educationchat

20:55 20:55 20:55

BobbyCarrot8 ukedchat rashush2

20:55 20:55 20:55

5 January 2012

Page 47 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @TeacherToolkit: Profession needs positive PR to improve profile/respect/quality & outcomes. #Gove & limited #natcurr, 20:56 #teachToTheTest doesn't help #UKEdChat Does anyone teach a GCSE ICT course (non vocational) with any success? Which course(s) are they? #ukedchat #ictcurric RT @jcunningham66: @passionateaboot @mikemcsharry @TheNewStatsman #ukedchat no. Teachers haven't time. It's a more specific role. <<maybe... #ukedchat I read in the press of a school where the Head was delighted with improving results, insiders say its terrible working there! @Spencerayres have done for years. But without the small funding needed to release teachers to meet reguarly (6x a yr) fall apart #UKEdChat @Spencerayres: @mtiplady Mass media promotes negativity #ukedchat agreed Final thoughts. Teachers in Finland are very respected. All have MAs, and it is very very hard to become a teacher in Finland.. #ukedchat @ConsultantHead Well he's certainly living up to that! Surely that should be part of his role? Everyone could do with some praise. #ukedchat We need to show our profession at very best as much as possible. Positivity and celebrating success are crucial. Ed Essex? :-) #ukedchat @Educationchat When my friends say that I usually offer to job swap for a week. No takers yet for my cushy job with short hours :) #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: @Biolady99 Of course they do - but fed up of hearing how teachers get long holidays and short working days. Simply not true. #ukedchat @bevevans22 I think training definitely needs to be better. #ukedchat @mattpearson finland also totally overhauled their educations system in short pace of time everyone on same hymn sheet #ukedchat








NatashaCowan mtiplady

20:56 20:56









GeorgeEBlack tim7168

20:56 20:57






RT @PeterSpencer88: @Smichael920 by encouraging children to 20:57 blog about school we can kill many birds with one stone #ukedchat @Spencerayres #UKEdChat also other government priorities take over and damage years of progress - sorry for cynical argument 20:57 not normally! RT @mattpearson: Final thoughts. Teachers in Finland are very respected. All have MAs, and it is very very hard to become a 20:57 teacher in Finland.. #ukedchat RT @ben_solly: Using QR Codes in the classroom 20:57 http://t.co/luJU0z66 in @SecEd_Education this week #qrcodes


5 January 2012

Page 48 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @GeekPeter: #ukedchat Convincing non-Twitter education staff to join is tricky as you're trying to get busy people to take up more 20:57 of their own time. 20:57 @dockers_hoops #ukedchat or Suffolk ed? @Educationchat yes, for example, my husband works in the food industry....silly hours for the majority of the year #ukedchat RT @davidErogers: Although tech helps me develop and I love being a geek, I still think that face to face is the way to build lasting relationships #ukedchat .@Heatherleatt Some are extremely easily forgotten - John Patten anyone? #ukedchat @mattpearson Are you suggesting that getting into teaching should be made more difficult? #ukedchat @HistoryGeekUK @educationchat @Smichael920 by encouraging children to blog about school we can kill many birds with one stone #ukedchat @passionateaboot @mikemcsharry @thenewstatsman #ukedchat Position your own HT to be a first port of call for #education comment locally. #ukedchat #edchatie we should not be doing what the finns have done rather what they are going to do #ukedchat I come back to my post that no one seems to have noticed. What is the collective message and who is it addressed to?

PhaedScho jamie_daniels



PhaedScho ConsultantHead bevevans22 TeacherToolkit PeterSpencer88

20:57 20:57 20:57 20:57 20:57

JCunningham66 johnmayo

20:57 20:58

GeekPeter mikemcsharry barton1875 ConsultantHead


20:58 there are 3 'handling the media' videos on teachers tv #ukedchat @johnmayo was the change in Finland driven by politics or the 20:58 profession? #ukedchat Depends on what you want to do - build people up or knock them 20:58 down @Educationchat #ukedchat RT @philallman1: @patglassmp @jimpknight @stephentwigg #ukedchat 2morrow nite might interest U. Real educators wanting 20:58 2 hve their voice hrd 8pm Thurs. PlsRT Been following a busy and idea bustling #ukedchat tonight with interest, observer rather than participant but lots to think about as 20:58 result @bevevans22: @mattpearson Are you suggesting that getting into teaching should be made more difficult? #ukedchat yep 20:58 more rigour #ukedchat we are obviously proud of what we do - we just have to 20:58 go out and tell the world by whatever means possible. 20:58 @ConsultantHead Who? #ukedchat 20:58 @Educationchat i agree with you #ukedchat RT @tim7168: @bevevans22 I think training definitely needs to be 20:58 better. #ukedchat - Training sounds like a future discussion topic...




GeorgeEBlack Heatherleatt Biolady99


5 January 2012

Page 49 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? mattpearson @bevevans22 not necessarily, just commenting on Finland and 20:58 contrasting it with England #ukedchat #ukedchat Unashamed plug - the MLDP course run by @the_college is free at the moment take this opportunity before it 20:58 costs you thousands s. A summary of what I've read this evening... #ukedchat 20:58 http://t.co/0Ss0JG1w @Smichael920 yes: my brother's a journo who now does some pr work for a school: he was amazed at good stories that never get 20:58 out #ukedchat @mattpearson #ukedchat YES! Think sabbaticals and chance to further studies such a significant part of recreating standing of our 20:58 profession RT @philallman1: @patglassmp @jimpknight @stephentwigg #ukedchat 2morrow nite might interest U. Real educators wanting 2 hve their voice hrd 8pm Thurs. PlsRT @StuartLock that is very very true, it's why my approach is to act then talk about it #ukedchat RT @davidErogers: Gove isn't in my classroom and we shouldn't do anything for politicians or ofsted but cos it's the right thing to do #ukedchat RT @barton1875: @johnmayo was the change in Finland driven by politics or the profession? #ukedchat >> Don't know but someone might :-) @mattpearson @Bectully Agreed then more would stick to profession without burning out. #ukedchat @PhaedScho Holt's How Children Learn came out in 1967, three years after How Children Fail. Both are still v good, IMHO #ukedchat Posted this earlier today - perhaps relevant for #ukedchat? What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland's School Success http://t.co/ASDExyPk

passionateaboot millsyblue



PatGlassMP davidErogers

20:58 20:58



johnmayo NuttyA10

20:59 20:59



Reesiepie GeekPeter



mattpearson NuttyA10 Spencerayres

20:59 #ukedchat I think social work has far worse press than education @davidErogers someone said do it and seek forgiveness rather than ask permission then do it. #ukedchat might have been 20:59 @thelazyteacher @Bectully I believe every teacher should get 1 term of sabbatical for every 2 years taught. Chance to reinspire themselves... 20:59 #ukedchat RT @millsyblue: A summary of what I've read this evening... 20:59 #ukedchat http://t.co/0Ss0JG1w @NatashaCowan Agreed, but we have to do, rather than discuss 20:59 doing! #ukedchat @GeekPeter this is true, when teachers get it wrong kids don't 21:00 learn much, when social workers get it wrong kids die :-( #ukedchat


5 January 2012

Page 50 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @davidErogers: Gove isn't in my classroom and we shouldn't do anything for politicians or ofsted but cos it's the right thing to do #ukedchat RT @tim7168: @bevevans22 I think training definitely needs to be better. #ukedchat RT @NatashaCowan: #UKEdChat I think we also need to change the general perception & value of education. In Asia it is highly respected by society, is it here? Dead right! RT @PeterSpencer88: @Smichael920 by encouraging children to blog about school we can kill many birds with one stone #ukedchat #ukedchat Wow what a fast and good ukedchat tonight. Many thanks to @ukedchat @philallman1 @bevevans22 @TheHeadsOffice for hosting #UKEdChat I think we also need to change the general perception & value of education. In Asia it is highly respected by society, is it here? As a teacher if you could have one wish with your planning what would it be? #teacherstation #ukedchat

christoclifford HilaryNunns

21:00 21:00







NatashaCowan teacherstation

21:00 21:00


@Bectully We need good, well funded schools it doesnt matter if 21:00 we call them academies, free schools or just 'schools' #ukedchat It's 9pm. Many thanks to @philallman1 for hosting this #ukedchat 21:00 session & @bevevans22 @TheHeadsOffice for supporting Another fast and furious #ukedchat is over for another week. Well 21:01 done to @philallman1 for hosting :) @mattpearson #ukedchat There's so much I'd like to do... Totally 21:01 agree. All those bits of the school that don't quite work, resolved we need a national body to inform policy making based on 21:01 research and evidence, A bit like NICE for the teaching... #ukedchat @mattpearson @Bectully Top idea. Backdated that means I'm due 21:01 7/8 terms sabbatical. Let's call it 2 years. I'm not greedy! #ukedchat 21:01 And now with the right tag... #ukedchat http://t.co/uhowdnr2 RT @Reesiepie: Education will be political football while politicians are in charge. Should be overseen by experts in profession, not 21:01 politicians #ukedchat RT @NuttyA10: #ukedchat Wow what a fast and good ukedchat tonight. Many thanks to @ukedchat @philallman1 @bevevans22 21:01 @TheHeadsOffice for hosting @MoreThanMaths @Educationchat realised recently that lots of 21:01 people think we don't contribute to pensions too! #ukedchat @Gabby_Logan: @JOHNSAYERS love it...work it up. 21:01 #ukedchat 21:01 @ukedchat @philallman1 thanks :) Page 51 of 56 Hosted by @PhilAllman1

ukedchat bevevans22



Educationchat millsyblue



SheliBB JOHNSAYERS Biolady99 5 January 2012

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? Would it be possible to disenfranchise the politicians (in terms of education)? Who gave them that right? #ukedchat @DeputyMitchell @NatashaCowan Do we know _why_ teaching is respected in Finland and Asia? #ukedchat Now at 342 followers our 350th will get a Gail the Snail gets Email teacher pack please RT #teacherstation #ukedchat RT @StuartLock: @davidErogers someone said do it and seek forgiveness rather than ask permission then do it. #ukedchat might have been @thelazyteacher @philallman1 Well done Phil! You were a great host! You WILL do it again - yes?! Yes!! #UKEdChat RT @mattpearson: @GeekPeter this is true, when teachers get it wrong kids don't learn much, when social workers get it wrong kids die :-( #ukedchat RT @TeacherToolkit: Profession needs positive PR to improve profile/respect/quality & outcomes. #Gove & limited #natcurr, #teachToTheTest doesn't help #UKEdChat The #ukedchat summary and archive will appear at ukedchat.com tomorrow @mattpearson true that many other countries repect teachers more. Only the royal family and monks respected more. #ukedchat @SheliBB Can believe that! #ukedchat @reflectivemaths Because it's a cultural value we don't have. Culture change tends to take a generation #ukedchat @philallman1 #ukedchat well done for hosting. Good stuff. Thanks for a lively debate. @tim7168: @bevevans22 The most recent trainee teachers I've had have been shockingly bad. The ITT system definitely needs changing#ukedchat How do you feel at the start of a new term? #resolutions #ukedchat http://t.co/ZVJzkORG Documentary on Grammar school now and then one on Rennaisance education on #BBC4 now #ukedchat #ukedchat @philallman1 has exceeded his update limit & is now locked out of twitter but says thanks for joining in & sum will be up 2morrow. @NatashaCowan @educationchat Never said it would be fair on the kids. But surely, anyone can teach, so it wouldn't matter? #ukedchat RT @rashush2: @teacherstation To get rid of the stupid idea that writing something down proves I did it. Or that because I haven't, I won't. #ukedchat

BobToms100 reflectivemaths teacherstation

21:01 21:01 21:01

GeorgeEBlack TheHeadsOffice

21:01 21:01



Lynnewin100 ukedchat

21:01 21:01

mtiplady MoreThanMaths rashush2 cherrylkd

21:02 21:02 21:02 21:02

Rachael_Hallam TeacherToolkit C_Hendrick

21:02 21:02 21:02







NatashaCowan janbaker97

RT @rashush2: Everything's negative at the moment. We have to 21:02 be the optimists as we're the investors in the future. #ukedchat 21:02 @TheHeadsOffice @philallman1 #ukedchat oooh yes please Phil!!!

5 January 2012

Page 52 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @rashush2: Everything's negative at the moment. We have to be the optimists as we're the investors in the future. #ukedchat RT @NatashaCowan: #UKEdChat I think we also need to change the general perception & value of education. In Asia it is highly respected by society, is it here? Power to the people! Need coherent voice communicating our beliefs, feelings & ideas. Perhaps collected on a teacher's voice site #ukedchat @teacherstation To get rid of the stupid idea that writing something down proves I did it. Or that because I haven't, I won't. #ukedchat @SheliBB @MoreThanMaths @Educationchat ...or pay taxes! #ukedchat RT @JamiePortman: RT @tim7168: Read rec by Mick Waters that Ofsted inspectors should be required to teach half a term each year #ukedchat >> Terrfific idea!







rashush2 tim7168

21:02 21:02

tombennett71 StuartLock reflectivemaths davidErogers


21:03 Forgot about #ukedchat tonight and joined only he lat five mins! @rashush2 I'd have thought it'd take longer than that really. 21:03 #ukedchat @StuartLock Always - see the chalk graffiti etc on my blog it works 21:03 :-) #ukedchat So who's managing the PR on all the good stuff that state ed does? 21:03 What about the govt? After all, it's tax-payer's money #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: Education needs a better PR person than Gove. Public need to know how hard the job is, how hard teachers 21:03 work etc... #ukedchat #ukedchat ed in Finland was kept out of political arena so society 21:03 doesn't pit schs against each other. All equally respected fantastic #ukedchat tonight - thank you now off to watch 21:03 @mrgeorgeclarke on #Restorationman yum yum @ConsultantHead I must have been asleep that year... :-) 21:03 #ukedchat @reflectivemaths I guess it depends. Attitudes to teachers now 21:04 seem different to when I was at school already. #ukedchat @Heatherleatt @educationchat #UKEdChat lol! Those that can't.... 21:04 Teach! It's sooooo easy! Great work life balance too! @jwinchester25 @tim7168 @SheliBB I've talked to lots of parents who think I get paid overtime for parents' eves, revision classes 21:04 #ukedchat RT @JamiePortman: RT @tim7168: Read rec by Mick Waters that Ofsted inspectors should be required to teach half a term each 21:04 year #ukedchat >> Terrfific idea!



Smichael920 GeorgeEBlack Heatherleatt





5 January 2012

Page 53 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? So many amazing things happening in Education, we need to focus on the positive and look to the future of our students #ukedchat RT @janeconsidine: Power to the people! Need coherent voice communicating our beliefs, feelings & ideas. Perhaps collected on a teacher's voice site #ukedchat Just get the FA to take on the education model for success. See what happens. Speaking of which.... http://t.co/nL32rxw2 #ukedchat @NuttyA10 @mattpearson #ukedchat or worse falling into cynical ways- reckon this is the options most staff fall to... @teacherstation you'd get a lot more respect (& therefore potential custom) if you joined #ukedchat discussion rather than spamming hashtag





MusicEdLife Bectully

21:04 21:04






I have updated the Web 2.0 tools for education list. Over 50 tools 21:05 now. http://t.co/VNsKqVS2 #ukedchat #edchat #edtech RT @JamiePortman: RT @tim7168: Read rec by Mick Waters that Ofsted inspectors should be required to teach half a term each 21:05 year #ukedchat >> Terrfific idea! CALLING ALL TEACHERS-any ideas for my first Easter class assembly? Something interesting, fun and maybe a bit different? 21:05 #nqttips #ukedchat @NuttyA10 Excellent - well done you :) sorted out tomorrow and joined in with #ukedchat #multitaskingatitsfinest :) What's next week's topics? #ukedchat Grrrr. Missed #ukedchat tonight coza of planning. V interesting topic for a new term! Archive? Heard today that when a few teachers mentioned having teacher's meeting it was translated as them having a complaint @mattpearson #ukedchat RT @ConsultantHead: I'm not even convinced that most people realise the extent of the imminent profitisation of our entire state school sector #ukedchat #ukedchat wonder why the teaching prof worries so much about what ppl think of them? Complex? I worry most about Chn not learning. RT @Spencerayres: So many amazing things happening in Education, we need to focus on the positive and look to the future of our students #ukedchat #ukedchat looked really interesting - look forward to the archive tomorrow RT @chrisleach78: I'd love to work in a school where every teacher was EXPECTED to be on Twitter and blog #ukedchat

bevevans22 rashush2 MusicEdLife

21:05 21:05 21:06







NatashaCowan stuart_g_brown alanjonesDC

21:07 21:07 21:07


Sorry, my memory's slipping! I found there were 23 since I started 21:07 school and 14 since I started teaching. @heatherleatt #ukedchat

5 January 2012

Page 54 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? Interesting reading all opinions on #ukedchat hope to contribute more next time bit of a frantic pace tonight thanks@philallman1 for hosting @Educationchat @mattpearson #ukedchat Just think what you could achieve... *sighs* Also... SEN not recognised here #ukedchat RT @Spencerayres: So many amazing things happening in Education, we need to focus on the positive and look to the future of our students #ukedchat @NatashaCowan There r lots of countries who know education is 2 important 4 politicians & have successfully kept it from them!! #ukedchat Over 500 followers on @PrimaryIdeas! Thank you all: http://t.co/q07jVyVK #edtech #edchat #ukedchat #KS1 #KS2 #primary I love my PLN, esp. during #ukedchat I will try my best here, esp. against the odds. Education & needs is not fully understood by many here. #UKEdChat thank you @philallman1 great chat tonight & v relevant! Off to catch up on celeb mastermind before grittiness of being enemy Now that's a great idea @janeconsidine #ukedchat missed #ukedchat listening to R4 In Business on education, incl. MD of HPUK stating that facebook should be *taught* in schools #ictcurric RT @Smichael920: #ukedchat ed in Finland was kept out of political arena so society doesn't pit schs against ea other. All equally respected #linkbunch let you put multiple links into 1 customizable small link http://t.co/QKi8vMd9 #edtech20 #socialmedia #ukedchat #cpchat #elt I felt great @TeacherToolkit and then I took part in #ukedchat and now I'm shattered! @AntHeald Bingo! #purposed #ukedchat @kalinski1970 @Educationchat The Secondary Heads in Brighton & Hove do this already. They meet weekly #ukedchat Have you watched our #German language site demo yet? Click on 'demo' http://t.co/QclUo6g4 #languages #edchat #ukedchat #edtech #elearning RT @BobToms100: RT @Smichael920: #ukedchat ed in Finland was kept out of political arena so society doesn't pit schs against ea other. All equally respected RT @Smichael920: @NatashaCowan There r lots of countries who know education is 2 important 4 politicians & have successfully kept it from them!! #ukedchat #ukedchat I'm back online having been blocked by twitter for exceeding my limit. Thanks all for your comments - see you all next week!

jwinchester25 Bectully BobToms100

21:07 21:07 21:07









NatashaCowan ConsultantHead

21:09 21:09





web20education ConsultantHead dajbelshaw

21:11 21:11 21:12











5 January 2012

Page 55 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

How do we as the real education profs make our collective voice heard in 2012? RT @Educationchat: Education needs a better PR person than Gove. Public need to know how hard the job is, how hard teachers work etc... #ukedchat RT @mattpearson: To raise status of teaching maybe we could get a large company like Pearson to sponsor some teaching awards *ducks* . . #ukedchat RT @Smichael920: #ukedchat ed in Finland was kept out of political arena so society doesn't pit schs against each other. All equally respected Anyone know of an online tool that could be used for setting up registering at workshops at a conference? #edtech #education #ukedchat









5 January 2012

Page 56 of 56

Hosted by @PhilAllman1

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