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I [Jesus] said:


a sober body preserves a healthy soul, and

a healthy soul is the best doctor for a sick body!

NRJC 15/58:10 www.franky1.com

The New Revelations of Jesus Christ,

Volume 15


[1] Soon thereafter, about an quarter of an hour later, it came to pass that the guide of the Romans, who otherwise was a free maiden for licentious men, because of enjoying too much wine, was struck by terrible cramps and screamed pitifully, her face became distorted and her limbs and muscles pulled frightfully. [2] The Romans were horrified by it because they regarded such an appearance as an extraordinary malum omen (bad portent). They said: Woe us, the gods have become enraged by us, because we went to search for a foreign god! What are we going to do now? [3] Said Lazarus: Nothing, just stay where you are! For this person I already know for some time; she has this illness for several years now, and it quite often already happened to her, especially if she has enjoyed too much wine. We Jews call this being possessed by one or even several evil spirits. During earlier times, when their still existed many devout people, such evil spirits could be expelled from a person by the prayer of a devout; but in our time such nearly doesnt exist anymore. Of course, our great Man could effectuate something like that immediately, if He wanted to! [4] See, this is what this appearance is all about, nothing else! How could your Gods become enraged, if they exist nowhere else than in the imagination of the people, who doesnt know

anything about a true God, since they never have heard anything about Him? Why not? This lies in the everlasting great wisdom plan of Him, who has created the people. [5] This calmed down the Romans, and they again could look at the guide, who was in a wretched condition, and they even were able to call up some compassion for her in themselves. [6] The first Roman however, came to our table, where we were still sitting quietly, and from all the people he had selected especially Me and said: But, dear friend, is there than nobody among you who could assist this unfortunate maiden in any way? You are sitting there so apathetically, while this poor girl battles with death! I surely want to help her, if I would know a cure for such illness; however we Romans, especially regarding such illnesses, are exceedingly badly devised. [7] I said: You have turned to Me without knowing who I am; but your partial trust that someone at our table could help the possessed, has lead you to Me. And I say to you, that your spirit has directed you to the right Man, who will help her for her bodily well-being and the well-being of her soul. Hence pay attention by which means I will help this maiden forever! [8] Hereupon I got up from My chair, went to the maiden who was already completely stock-still, stretched My hands above her and threatened the seven evil spirits inside her. [9] But the spirits screamed loudly out of her belly: O Jesus, You Son of David, leave us for still a short while in this our dwelling! [10] But I threatened them again and in the same moment they left the maiden. [11] And the maiden got up and was so cheerful, fresh and healthy as if there was forever nothing wrong with her. But when she saw Me at her side and she was told that I helped her, she looked firmly at Me and said: O, is this not the marvelous man, for whom my heart already a year ago started to beat more livelier! And especially him, whom I loved so endlessly and still love, when I only once saw him in passing by, came to help me now! O friend, you should rather have let me die, than to see you again for the biggest torture of my heart, without ever having the hope, to also be loved by you! Since you are a pure person and I am a rejected whore! [12] Hereupon she fell to My feet, kneeling she clasped My feet and wetted them with tears of love and remorse. [13] Then some of My disciples came forward and wanted to pull her away from My feet, and remarked to her that this was not appropriate. [14] But I said to the disciples: What are you concerned about?! Am I not the Lord over Me and now also over her? If it

becomes too much for Me, I will tell her what is appropriate or not appropriate! I say to you: This maiden has sinned a lot, but she loves Me more than all of you together; therefore she will be forgiven a lot. And I still say to you, that everywhere, where My gospel is preached, this incident and this maiden must be mentioned. [15] Thereupon the disciples retreated and were content. [16] But I said to the maiden: Stand up now; since you have been helped and all your sins are forgiven! But go now and do not sin anymore, so that thereupon not something worse will happen to you! For if an evil spirit leaves a person, he travels through dry steppes and deserts and searches for a dwelling, and if he does not find anything, he returns. He then finds his old dwelling clean and swept, so that he has a great desire to move in again. However, if he discovers that he alone is too weak, he gathers another seven spirits who are worse than he is, and all of them are then moving by force into the cleaned dwelling, and this second state of a person is then much worse than the first. Therefore, be aware, that same doesnt happen to you! Hence, stand up, go and do not sin anymore! [17] Here the maiden got up and because of all the love and gratitude she nearly couldnt help herself. After a while however, she asked Me, whether she could not stay here at the inn for only one night, since it was already late in the night. [18] And I said to her: I did not speak to your body, but with your soul and with its manifold worldly desires; with your body you can stay wherever you want! [19] With that the maiden was content and sat at the table again, but her eyes not for one moment turned away from Me.

[1] But now also the Roman started to look at Me more closely and said to Me: Friend, forgive me, that I bother you with an urge of my heart with a significant question! My earlier inquiries about the great man of this country will not have escaped you. You now have performed a miracle healing on this maiden as I have never seen something similar before. You healed her only by the power of your will. How, if in the end you would be the great man, the truest God-man himself, of which the news also reached Rome?! And if it is not you, you surely will know about him. Is this the case, then lead us to him, and the treasures I have with me, will be yours! [2] Thereupon I said: Since you have made the long journey from Rome with these your companions to here, I say it to you, that you already have arrived at the right town and the right place; since I am Him, who you have been looking for. What are your intentions now? Why did you searched for Me with such big sacrifices? [3] Said the Roman totally enraptured about this My confession: O friend, if it is You, then I and all these my companions have found our salvation; since for myself I want to learn about Your teaching and see Your great power and magnificence. But only tomorrow will we bother You further; this night however, we want to spend like old, good friends. [4] Above all now my thanks for the healing of this truly dear maiden. And you two innkeepers bring more wine; since now we have found our highest salvation, and tomorrow the poor of this city will be fed at our expenses! Fiat! [5] Lazarus and the innkeeper went and brought more wine and it was poured into the mugs. [6] Thereupon the Roman took the full mug and said: Hail us, and honor, love and gratitude to You, great Master! Even if the dark-stupid Jews do not recognize You, the Romans will recognize You even deeper and better! [7] Here he emptied the mug completely and afterwards praised the wine. Thereupon all the others did the same. Only the maiden did not drink, since she feared to be overcome by her earlier state. [8] But the Roman said to her: Listen, you lovely maiden! We Romans have an old saying which states: In the presence of the doctor nothing can harm you! Here we have a doctor of all doctors and therefore to honor Him you can empty your mug! [9] Said the maiden: If I knew that I thereby can pay Him the

right honor, by drinking the wine, I would like to empty all the tubes in the whole of Palestine and then die for Him; but I know it that by drinking the wine I do not increase His honor in the slightest. Since He is honored in the highest degree by all powers of heaven and nature of this earth, next to such highest honor, my honoring counts as much as nothing and therefore I will not drink the wine; but out of love for Him and also to you, dear men from Rome, I nevertheless will drink the wine! And thus this mug of wine represents the following: My heart to Him only, and my respect to you all! [10] Upon this good salute she emptied the mug, got up from her chair, came to Me and said: O great Master, let a most unworthy maiden touch and kiss the hemline of Your dress, so that it can give my heart a little relief! [11] Hereupon she knelt down, took the hemline of My dress and kissed it many times, wetted it with her tears and could not separate from the hemline of the dress. [12] Some of the disciples grumbled and said: But Lord, turn her away from You; she dirties Your good dress! [13] I said: What does it concern you! If it is right for Me, why not for you?! She was a sinner, is now a right penitent and is therefore much dearer to Me than many righteous who never needed atonement. [14] See, there once was a man, who had one-hundred sheep! And it happened that on the large pasture one sheep got lost in the bushes. When he counted his sheep in the evening, he noticed that one sheep had gone missing. He did not thought long, left the ninety-nine sheep behind and quickly went to look for the one lost sheep. And when he found it after a long zealous search, he put it with great joy on his shoulders and carried it home. When he was back at the ninety-nine, he had more joy about the fortunate found one than about the ninety-nine who never got lost. [15] And see, also in heaven there will be more joy about a sinner who really does atonement, than about ninety-nine righteous, who never needed atonement! [16] There also was a woman which lost a coin from her money. She grieved a lot about the lost coin, soon ignited a light and looked for the one coin for as long as [until] she has found it. When she had found the coin, she invited the neighbors over to her and gave a meal so that also they shared her joy. [17] See, the same it will be in heaven about one sinner who, through the right atonement, could be found! For the angels always look at His face, observe the actions of the people and have an exceedingly great joy about a person, who voluntarily abstains from sin and with all his actions turns to God.

[18] And as such also I have now a lot of joy about this sinner, who now has turned away from her sins forever; and also she is joyful, since she has found her true salvation. Therefore let her be joyous! [19] Thereupon the somewhat jealous disciples were quiet, emptied their mugs and immediately refilled them again.


[1] But I said to them: My dear friends and brothers, wine, enjoyed in the right measure, is a proper strengthening and makes the body limbs strong and healthy; but if drunk excessively, it awakens the evil spirits of the flesh and dazes the senses. The evil spirits then awaken the desire of the flesh, which is called lewdness and bawdy, whereby the soul becomes impure for a long time, also ill-humored, argumentative, sluggish and often nearly like dead. Therefore also in drinking wine keep the right measure and you will have peace in your flesh! [2] Says Peter: Lord, are we possessed too, since You have spoken of evil spirits in our flesh? [3] I said: Indeed; since the flesh and the blood of every person are full of natural evil spirits, which are called evil, because they are still standing in judgment; and if they would not have been in the judgment, they would not have been your flesh and blood. When however your body will be taken away from you, it soon afterwards will be dissolved, and its spirits will then be guided towards a freer destination. [4] However, not only in your flesh, but also in all elements are such spirits, which for a long time to come cannot be called good. Only for him who already became clean through Me, for him everything is clean and good through the destination it carries in itself from God. [5] See, a stone which lies totally dead on the ground, is only seemingly dead! Just offend it by immense hitting and rubbing, and by flying sparks it will tell you that it consists of purely judged spirits! And if you place it in a hot fire, it will become soft and start to flow. And if not so, how otherwise would people produce their expensive glass? [6] Thus, the evil and unfermented nature spirits exist everywhere, like there exist bodies, water and air, and the earthly fire is nothing else than a redemption of the already riper spirits, which thereupon are already guided again towards a higher destination. [7] Nevertheless, there exist a great difference between those evil spirits who often possess people and the unfermented nature spirits, of which the whole earth in all its parts and elements consists of; however, they still have this relationship and mutual relation, that a person, who does not awakens the nature-spirits of his body too much, is also not that easily possessed by real evil human soul spirits, regarding his body. [8] However, therefore I warn you to be aware of all passions, since they are in itself a result of the awakening of the various

flesh- and blood spirits. Once they are too awake, then soon they are joined by still unclean souls of deceased people who are quite often present in the lower regions of the earth; and if that happens, then such a person is in all seriousness possessed. Do you understand this? [9] Said the disciples: Yes Lord; because such matters you already have explained to us quite often, but never so openly clear than today, and we therefore must thank You a lot and will not drink wine anymore for the rest of the night. [10] I said: Do this, and you will feel good in the morning; since a sober body preserves a healthy soul, and a healthy soul is the best doctor for a sick body!

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