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Chemotherapy Can do More Harm Than Good

Posted By Dr. Mercola | December 02 2008 | 46,868 views

Doctors have been urged to be more cautious in offering cancer treatment to terminally-ill patients as chemotherapy can often do more harm than good, a study suggests. The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) found that more than four in ten patients who received chemotherapy towards the end of life suffered potentially fatal effects from the drugs, and treatment was inappropriate in nearly a fifth of cases. In a study of more than 600 cancer patients who died within 30 days of receiving treatment, chemotherapy probably caused or hastened death in 27 percent of cases, the inquiry found. In only 35 percent of these cases was care judged to have been good by the inquirys advisors, with 49 percent having room for improvement and 8 per cent receiving less than satisfactory care.


In the conventional health paradigm, chemotherapy is the go-to treatment for cancer. People are paying up to $10,000 a month and sometimes more for these drugs, with the expectation that they will heal them from the disease. Yet, these expensive and, by their very nature, highly toxic medications often give patients just a few more months of life, or worse end up killing them prematurely or even causing cancer down the line. The biggest drawback to a conventional treatment like chemotherapy is it destroys healthy cells throughout your body right along with cancer cells. A typical and deadly side effect of chemo is the destruction of the rapidly multiplying and dividing cells found in your: Bone marrow, which produces blood Digestive system Reproductive system Hair follicles


In this most recent study, The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) found that more than four in 10 patients who received chemotherapy toward the end

of life experienced potentially fatal effects! And after reviewing data from over 600 cancer patients who died within 30 days of receiving treatment, it was found that chemotherapy hastened or caused death in 27 percent of cases. The majority of the cancer patients in this country die because of chemotherapy, which does not cure breast, colon or lung cancer. This has been documented for over a decade and nevertheless doctors still utilize chemotherapy to fight these tumors, said Dr. Allen Levin, MD, author of The Healing of Cancer. Despite its reputation as the gold-standard cancer treatment, chemotherapy has an average 5-year survival success rate of just over 2 percent for all cancers, according to a study published in the journal Clinical Oncology in December 2004. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer, I urge you to do the research for yourself, and make an educated decision about which course of treatment to take. A decision like this is simply too important to leave solely in the hands of your doctor.


The American Cancer Society estimates that this year alone, 745,000 men and 692,000 women will be diagnosed with cancer. By 2018, this disease is projected to be the number one killer of all Americans, young and old alike.


The way to turn this around is two-fold: 1. Prevent cancer from occurring (Ill get to that below) 2. Have a treatment for cancer that is effective and safe


This latter requirement is actually already here, and you can use it to not only prevent cancer but also to treat it. What is it? Vitamin D. Calcitriol, the most potent steroid hormone in your body, and is produced in large amounts in the tissues of vitamin D-filled individuals. However, in patients with cancer, vitamin D is often in low supply.

Calcitriol has been shown to induce cell differentiation and to control cell proliferation -- in simpler terms it protects against cancer. People with a low vitamin D level are less able to make calcitriol (activated vitamin D) in an amount sufficient to exert the controls over cell proliferation that are needed to reduce cancer. Optimized vitamin D levels will work synergistically with virtually every other cancer treatment. There are over 830 peer reviewed scientific studies showing its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer. Not only is this approach without virtually any side effects, but the treatment is practically free. I believe it is nearly criminal malpractice to not optimize vitamin D levels when treating someone with cancer. Levels of vitamin D should be increased to 80-90 ng/ml. To find out your levels, and to have them monitored throughout your treatment, make sure to have the blood test done by LabCorp, if you are in the United States. Normalizing your vitamin D levels will reduce your risk of cancer by over 50 percent, but there are a number of other strategies that are also important in your cancer-prevention plan.


One of the top steps is managing your emotional health. The majority of illness is caused by negative, unmanaged emotions. If you focus on pain, misery and grief, its likely youll experience and attract more of it into your life. However, if you keep your focus on what you want to experience and put some energy into healthy lifestyle choices, your body will respond accordingly. Before you know it you will start to feel much better. So finding a tool that will permanently erase the neurological short-circuiting that can activate cancer genes is essential. One of the best approaches to processing your negative emotions is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and I highly recommend it. Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer has also done wonderful work with his German New Medicine technique for solving emotional conflicts as the first step in healing disease.

Love as the most powerful emotion-medicine?

Do you know that emotion can either heal or cause diseases? Do you know that positive emotions are that which heal, while negative emotions are that which cause disease? And do you know that LOVE is the leading emotion that heals? The most powerful emotion-medicine?

Well find out soon. This is interesting because no medicine is as free (no cost) as love. And there is no medicine which is as accessible as love its right there inside your heart and in anyones heart. And there is no other medicine which is easily increasable as love? Inexhaustible as love? Is there any medicine which you possess or can further possess in unlimited quantity? You might be surprised that love qualifies all these descriptions! Apart from the Science sector, we have information tips from the Revelation camp (them who receive the Lords messages). Let us quote one of them, named Annie Kirkwood who regularly received mother Marys messages since the 1980s. Ms Kirkwood, a nurse in Texas, is very fortunate to have been the recipient of a message about the Power of Love that is, Divine Love. The dictations she jotted down prove and expanded on the saying Love conquers all. Let us quote some astonishing statements about the nature and power of divine love. Please take note every statement, for it is very powerful and astonishingly revealing. Give value to each following statement because it comes from Mother Mary, whom we love and honor. She is alive and she sends her messages for us to succeed and prosper in our life on earth, and not just gain salvation.

the greatest of all loves, unconditional love. It is the love one should have towards his children, for his partner in life. It is the love God has for His creation. Unconditional love is Divine Love. This is the love which can heal old wounds and hurts. It is the love which is only possible with no hint of selfishness. It is the kind of love you give without any thought of reward or benefit. Unconditional love does not require any action to be taken, any rules to be followed. [It can function as feeling and is already sufficient, if the person is disabled and cannot act it out. It does not need any rules. Love is the highest and most perfect Law, the highest form of rightness.] The changes which are affected by unconditional love are always for the better. The person wants to change for the better, not so he or she will be loved more, but because he feels better about himself and others. Divine Love heals not only broken bones [physical sickness], but broken homes, broken spirits, and broken personalities. The art of loving unconditionally is one which needs to be learned.

Divine Love consists of Loving God, Neighbor and your own self. LOVING YOURSELF. Allow love into your person. It is sad, that in this day and time, some [even most] people cannot [or do not] love themselves. They think this is wrong. Many people believe the Bible says that to love themselves is a sin. This is furthest from the truth. You are a creation of God: love Gods creation. [God loves you]. If you think of yourself as a child of God and full of His attributes, you will respect yourself. As you view yourself in this manner, you will see how wonderful you really are. The idea of finding fault with yourself is wrong. This is not the way to correct wrongs in yourself or anyone. [Love yourself and you will instantly know how to correct yourself, in a nice way and in fact more effectively]. Appreciate the life of God as it flows through you. In this manner, you will come to think more of yourself [without becoming selfish]. A good healthy self-image is what is needed in order to consider yourself worthy. When you can truly see yourself with kindness [and not in cruelty and condemnation], compassion, patience, and tolerance, then you will love yourself unconditionally. Maintain an attitude of awe for your mind, body and spirit. Note the wonder in which you, and everybody, were made. Revere the world and in it find the wonder of God I would have all people first learn to appreciate themselves, their bodies, minds, feelings, ideas and thoughts. It is an appreciation [right knowing and valuing] of self that is needed today. Many young people compare themselves to others. Why compare, when what you are is individual and unique! You are an original and a masterpiece. There is no one else like you. Appreciate this uniqueness and individuality. [Many people say that to love their self is to satiate with all kind of stuffs which their tongue/palate recommends and their stomach craves. Such as fat, sugar, salt, chemical flavorings. Overdosing self with sugar will produce diabetes and may have one or both feet cut. Is that correct love of self? It is lust for sugar or gluttony [sugatony]. If you overindulge in fat, especially the bad kind, and suffer heart attack or stroke is that proper love of self? It is lust for fat gluttony [fattony]. If you lust after chemical flavorings, and got cancer, is that love for self? Love for self does not necessarily mean giving in to the invalid demands of the tongue, stomach and genital. People who succumb and let their tongue or body members decide, become addicted to those substances or to wrong practices which we know as vices. Vices are not the proper expression of true and proper love of self, still less of others. It is perverted or misguided love of self.] LOVING OTHERS. First learn to love yourself unconditionallywhen you are able to love and accept yourself in kindness and patience, then, it will be easier to love others unconditionally. No matter what, love the life and spirit which is in you. Love those things which make you unique. Help others, but not by constantly reminding them of their shortcomings. It does not help to see only the differences in others and not their uniqueness. It is not bad to be different. It is an error to view these differences as bad. Find in yourself a common ground with all people. See the life which flows through them as the same life which flows through you. Tolerance, then, is easier.

When you have learned to appreciate yourself, then, look to the uniqueness of your fellow man. See the difference as good, every person as an original. When you are able to appreciate your own individuality, you will be better prepared to accept the individuality of others. LOVE GOD. Love the Creator of this beautiful world. Desire to know Him in your heart and mind. This is a magnificent Being! Respect the Creator this is how to appreciate all things and all people. It is through God that all people and all beings are united into One Whole. Recognize that Gods Love is the same for all His creations and you will see ways common to all people. It is God who is the glue which holds this and all worlds together. It is Gods love which flows through the whole universe. Gods Love sets nature in order and allows the laws of physics to continue throughout the ages.


The other top tips I recommend, in no particular order, include: Eating right for your nutritional type Exercising Avoiding processed foods, grains and sugars (to control and lower your insulin levels) Eating a significant portion of your food raw Normalizing your ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats by taking a high-quality krill oil or fish oil and reducing your intake of most processed vegetable oils Getting plenty of high-quality sleep
Source: www.mercola.com

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