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Name _______________________________________ Topic _______________________________________ EXEMPLARY 100% REQUIREMENTS: Source of article, title and date of article (Websites, magazines, TV, and images) A range of relevant sources was used and are cited in proper bibliography format (noodle bib) on visual. PROFICIENT 88% More than one source is used, all sources include source, title and date of article and all are listed in visual. DEVELOPING 76% One source is used, it includes source, title and date of article andit are listed in visual. EMERGING 64% A list of websites or print sources is included in presentation.

Summary of the issue or event

Summary of the issue is clear, detailed and includes all aspects of the main idea. Uses vocabulary that is specific to the content presented, and leaves the listener with a complete understanding of the event or issue. The issue or event that was chosen is significant and the explanation of why is clear, detailed and insightful. Meaningful connections are made and explained.

Summary includes the who, what, when, where and why of the issue. Explanation is clear and informative.

Summary includes some information about the event or issue but the listener is left with questions about what actually happened.

Summary includes some important information but the speaker does not seem to understand it, and has trouble explaining what actually happened.

Explanation of either: -Why this issue/event is important for us to know about -Why this issue is an interesting news item Communication -Visual Aid -Locator Map

A clear and complete explanation of the significance of this issue or event is included.

A simple explanation of the significance of this event is included.

Very little is mentioned about the significance of the issue and we are left to wonder why we should care about this issue or event.

Visual Aid is well designed to include relevant and carefully chosen pictures, key words, and numbers, but does not use too much text. Spelling, capitalization and grammar are all correct. Inset and locator map really helps the audience to understand where the event or issue took place.

Visual Aid includes pictures and key words. Spelling, capitalization and grammar are all or mostly correct. A locator map is included in visual.

Visual Aid includes pictures and text but some parts may be irrelevant or too wordy. There are several errors in spelling, grammar or capitalization. Student uses maps in the classroom to point out the location of the issue or event, but a locator map is not included in the visual aid. It is easy to understand the speaker and tone is appropriate to the issue throughout most of the presentation. Speaker sometimes turns his/her back to the audience and/or reads directly from screen or notes.

Visual Aid is prepared but is ineffective in aiding our understanding of the event or issue. There are many errors in spelling, grammar or capitalization. Student is able to locate the current even or issue on a classroom map when prompted. It is difficult for the audience to understand the speaker and/or tone is inappropriate to the issue through most of the presentation. Speaker turns his/her back to the audience and/or reads directly from screen or notes through most of the presentation.

Communication - Voice and body language

Voice is loud and clear and tone matches the seriousness of the issue. The speaker has clearly practiced. Speaker faces the audience, and engages with the audience through eye contact, only needing to glance at the screen or at notes from time to time. Speaker is skilled at elaborating on key ideas.

It is easy to understand the speaker and tone is appropriate to the issue throughout the presentation. Speaker faces the audience and refers to notes or screen periodically.


Why do CURRENT EVENTS? So that you are armed with knowledge about our world and can grow up to be an informed and engaged human being! So that you stay up to date about world eventsas a citizen of the world, you need to know what is going on! So that you will better understand how world events connect to your life! Because Current Events are history in the making!

Hows this going to work? On Fridays, we will dedicate 10 -15 minutes of the class to a discussion of the weeks current events. Each Friday, one student (sometimes two) will present something interesting that is going on in our world to the class. We will follow this up with a discussion and sharing of other world news. What do I have to do? You will sign up to do one Current Event per semester. When it is your week to present, read an interesting article from www.CNN.com, www.BBC.com or another reputable news agency about an event or issue happening in our world. The news article has to be from the week that you are presenting! Prepare an oral presentation with a visual aid (powerpoint, prezi, imovie etc.). Include a map to show us where the event is happening in the world.

What should my current event be about? Natural disaster or major weather related news War Elections Demonstrations International Conference Rioting Political issues Population/social issues Religion Major entertainment or sporting news Other (with approval from teacher)

What should it NOT be about? Pop Stars Sporting Events (unless it is the Olympics!) A simple weather report (only major weather related events are permitted) Something completely inappropriate for grade 6 (see your teacher if you have a question about this). Does this count towards my grade?Yes! This is a 20 point assignment and it will count towards your Social Studies grade. See Rubric on the back of this sheet.

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