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Psychiatry Mnemonics

Depression PISS CAGE P sychomotor retardation I nterest decreased S uicidal S leep decreased C oncentration decreased A ppetite increased or decreased G uilt E nergy decreased or SIG E CAPS S leep changes I nterest decreased G uilt E nergy decreased C oncentration decreased A ppetite increased or decreased P sychomotor retardation S uicidal Suicide Rick Factors SAD PERSON S ex/single/sickness A ge D epression P revious attempt E tOH R eality testing S ocial support O rganized plan N ote/no spouse

Behaviour Science and Psychiatric Mnemonics

Cluster personality disorders Cluster A Disorder = Atypical. Unusual and eccentric. Cluster B Disorder = Beast. Uncontrolled wildness. Cluster C Disorder = Coward [avoidant type], Compulsive [obsessive-compulsive type], or Clingy [dependent type].

Gain: primary vs. secondary vs. tertiary Primary: Patient's Psyche improved. Secondary: Symptom Sympathy for patient. Tertiary: Therapist's gain.

Depression: major episode characteristics SPACE DIGS: Sleep disruption Psychomotor retardation Appetite change Concentration loss Energy loss Depressed mood Interest wanes Guilt Suicidal tendencies

Impotence causes PLANE: Psychogenic: performance anxiety Libido: decreased with androgen deficiency, drugs Autonomic neuropathy: impede blood flow redirection Nitric oxide deficiency: impaired synthesis, decreased blood pressure Erectile reserve: can't maintain an erection Sleep stages: features DElta waves during DEepest sleep (stages 3 & 4, slow-wave). dREaM during REM sleep. AIDS Dementia Complex (ADC): features AIDS: Atrophy of cortex Infection/ Inflammation

Demyelination Six months death REM: Rapid pulse/ Respiratory rate Erection Mental activity increase/ Muscle paralysis Depression: symptoms BAD CRISES: Behavioural change (slowing down or agitation) Appetite change (weight loss or weight gain in the young) Depressed look (looking down) Concentration decrease (does not do serial 7s well) Ruminations (constant negative thoughts, hopelessness good indicator of suicidality) Interest (reduced interest in what is normally pleasurable) Sleep change (insomnia or hypersomnia, sleeping early, waking up at night, waking up feeling tired) Energy change (fatigue) Suicide Male erectile dysfunction (MED): biological causes MED: Medicines(propranalol, methyldopa, SSRI, etc.) Ethanol Diabetes mellitus

HERO: Heterosexual crushes/ Homosexual Experience Education regarding short term benefits Risk taking Omnipotence And there is interest in being a Hero (popular). Autistic disorder: features AUTISTICS: Again and again (repetitive behavior) Unusual Abilities Talking (language) delay IQ subnormal

Social development poor Three years onset Inherited component [35% concordance] Cognitive impairment Self injury Narcolepsy: symptoms, epidemiology CHAP: Cataplexy Hallucinations Attacks of sleep Paralysis on waking Usual presentation is a young male, hence "chap".

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