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Summary of DataBridge recommendations, feedback from stakeholders and actions to take forward Issue 1.

Monitoring info Lack of clarity about how monitoring information required by LA is used (grant/contract management siloed from needs assessment) Recommendation a) Streamline monitoring or contract management data required of the voluntary and community sector - a common monitoring framework that feeds systematically into commissioning cycle b) Voluntary sector to respond in terms of more standardised data formats Feedback Action

Two welcome commitments General agreement that there is from BHCC made on little or no feedback on what happens with monitoring data, and 21/10/11: that this would be useful. will be included in BHCC review of systems and data If standardising data formats from held/collected sector this needs to dovetail with commissioners' requirements. commitment from BHCC Communities & Equalities team to Streamlined monitoring could be take forward in review jointly developed by NHS and of Community Council commissioners Engagement Strategy and Commissioning Strategy Propose to take forward through City Needs Assessment Steering Group

2. Needs Assessment VCS data used to 'plug gaps' of needs assessment rather than integral part of whole picture

a) VCS data feeds systematically into needs assessment and the commissioning cycle b) More time needs for input from voluntary and community sector organisations c) VCS leadership to encourage proactive sector engagement in information sharing for needs assessment

These are issues for the sector to pick up and lead Ensure hard to reach voluntary organisations feed data into JSNA (CCG)

CVSF to lead Propose to take forward through City Needs Assessment Steering Group.

3. Outcome measures

a) Support Advice Partnership bid to be a pilot area for developing

General support

Propose to be take forward through IC Reference Group

Intelligent Commissioning is based on outcome measures but limited collective understanding of what this means in practice.

national standards for outcome measures and use as a basis for wider local work on outcome measures b) Establish cross-Partnership work on defining outcome measures and trial on a commissioning round by round basis, starting with Financial Inclusion, to tie in with national work

NHS and Council could develop a core set of outcome measures for outcomes with CVS Important to highlight outcome chains for individuals, communities and organisations Intelligent commissioning is just the 'How' you achieve the outcomes focus on that There is a need for cross-sector outcomes training to understand what an outcome is, how you might set it and measure it

or City Needs Assessment Group.

4. City wide Data Opportunity to share data at a systems level with an emphasis on improvement. Crosssector endeavour.

a) Improved communication on General support for the idea. city-wide intelligence ambitions and how existing strands of Is it about support function? work are aligned to each other Intelligence = not just data b) Involvement of all relevant partners in development of citywide data sharing building on Unknown unknowns hard to VCS-led work on data-sharing know where to start between partners c) VCS work on data-sharing Update and use the data in within the sector should be brought together ThankQ, don't lose it as there is a baseline a) BHCC makes a commitment to Social Value and sets out a clear way of implementing this into commissioning processes and decisions b) VCS work on defining and measuring social impact to be undertaken through Dialogue 50:50, building on previous work and existing skills within infrastructure organisations NHS to be asked for similar commitment on Social Value

Propose to take forward through City Needs Assessment Steering Group and Paul Colbran work on data platform

5. Social Value Sharing information doesn't necessarily equate to good services. Value of small, independent, local or volunteer-led organisations should be recognised in

Cllr Bill Randall and John Barradell have both made strong public commitments Need to define what Social Value is on social value. and how it can be measured To take forward through IC steering group? Other? May also want to think about Dialogue 50:50 to lead on Natural Value thinking about SROI in sector

commissioning. LA has a legal Duty to Consider Social Value.

Dialogue 50:50 follow up to SROI is big and expensive, overkill Taking Account? for smaller orgs? Need to think about value both social & financial for the VCS. Use data from 2008 and build on it

6. Ambition on Open Data Turning a general commitment on social value into something useful for social economy

a) Clarify open data ambitions, Strong support from stakeholders including links to existing data Link to ODBH public sharing work service input b) Create links between sectors to use open data for service Find examples, support them improvement and see them through to c) Integration into other initiatives demonstrate the value on City-wide intelligence Do projects with ODBH a) Create a useable, accessible local inventory of public data bearing in mind a range of users and levels of technical skill b) Build on Brighton & Hove Open Data List c) List the main data-sources held but not published

Possible involvement with Open Data Cities conference in April Speak to Greg Hadfield

7. Understanding of Open Data CVS orgs aware of concept of open data but not yet clear on how it could be useful for them. Limited knowledge of what data actually held by Local Government 8. Use what already exists Groups can struggle to find and use existing data sources

Yes, but data is not enough, BHCC to report on how they need support to use, case are planning to respond to studies etc (lots of agreement Govt encouragement to on this!) produce an inventory of public data Build more tools with it. Prizes? Dragons Den? Listing unpublished data sources requires cataloguing (this is a big job)

a) Strengthen publication of data on local populations & promote this to VCS partners b) VCS to consider the open data agenda in planning infrastructure support for the future c) VCS infrastructure groups (and / or CLG) commission a support resource to help voluntary organisations better

Ensure Public Health are included in 8 a) Quick win = strengthen BHLIS. Part of the Review? Broaden BHLIS into a service model. Partner with OCSI? Infrastructure model.

BHLIS review to provide vehicle for boosting CVS capacity on using existing data

use existing data & research 9. CVS have data (useful for others) especially on service failure, which could be included in a city data store. (We acknowledge there are many issues here) 10. Wider issues Using local experience to input into open data consultation: * open data is a means to an end, not an end in itself * 'data users' are important * data is not cost-free a) CVSF partner in work on data platform, lead on how best feed in VCS data b) Commissioners & needs assessors to use all available data, including from new or nontraditional sources a) Engage data users more closely in the open data process b) Staged approach, more collective thought about making open data useful, including support needs c) Transparency of process as well as openness of data Ensure NHS commissioners are involved in 9 b) Do we need to describe data in qualitative and voice terms also? Paul Colbran lead officer to keep CVSF and other key partners engaged Circulate copy of his presentation from Oct 21 event.

Challenges is bridging gaps DataBridge response to between technology data Government's Making Open service improvement Data Real consultation submitted. Challenge is to hold the (http://is.gd/opendata) creative ideas in one hand and sort out the nuts and bolts of processes in the other (not for dummies) Visualisation apps, training e.g. tableau public, many eyes etc. Needs a programme of training / capacity building to help people / orgs to use visual methods, as it's actually quite a skill How do you make this something the average resident feels they can engage in?

Jo Ivens DataBridge project April 2011 Oct 2011 www.databridge.org.uk jo.ivens@gmail.com

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