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"Le mobile et la mobilit et son impact sur linformation,"......, sur l'utilisateur, sur l'auteur et sur l'diteur.

Lille, Janvier 2012

Nick Barber

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps

Que sont-ils? Quelques chiffres

Linformation et le contenu

Du papier au virtuel
Editeur STM

Limpact de la mobilit et les mobiles sur les diteurs

Mobile Apps
Quest-ce un appli mobile?

Mobile Apps

mobile = de nimporte quel endroit la capacit et la volont de lutilisateur dinter-agir avec un contenu (dun diteur) quand il/elle veut

Mobile Apps
Explosion de la consommation du contenu en ligne via un outil mobile

Number of mobile subscriptions activated last year: 1.4 billion Total number of mobile subscribers worldwide: 5.3 billion 3.8 billion in the developing world thats 73% of global subscriptions

Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps
Dfinition dun app/appli

App is short for application Traditionally app meant any standalone software that runs on top of a computers operating system the same way Microsoft Word runs on top of a Windows operating system Desktop apps used to be called widgets and were software tools used on laptop and desktop computers that provided users special functions or services not available in their computers operating system (example: calculator)

Mobile Apps

Handheld device that integrates mobile phone capabilities with features common in more traditional computers and PDA (Personal Digital Assistant):

Operating system that supports standalone software Store information on the device Install programs Internet browser Email client

Mobile Apps
Le smartphone a bouscul et a modifi le sens dun appli

Now apps can be content consumption interface tools as well as service tools A mobile app is software that runs on a handheld device (smartphone, tablet, e-reader, iPod, etc.) and can connect to wifi or wireless carrier networks Types of mobile app functionalities include:

Calculators and utilities Productivity News and content consumption Education Search tools Social networking

Mobile Apps

Technologie les formats diffrents de mobile apps

Mobile Apps
De quoi est fait une bonne appli mobile?

Simplicity - Mobile users want simple, intuitive mobile applications that will get them what they need in as few keystrokes as possible
Clarity - The intent of a mobile application should be clear and concise. Applications that try to do too much usually do nothing well Efficiency - App should make a user more productive Help section - provide basic assistance within the app to make users feel supported Consistency - Look and feel should be consistent across mobile apps

Mobile Apps
Dveloppement dAppli : web app , native app, format ePub

Native app Consistent user experience Extra functionality Expensive to develop Complicated to update Limited device ecosystems App stores with payment systems, but they take % of revenue (Apple 30%, Android 5%-30%)

Web app Device independent

Cheaper to develop
Easy to update No rev sharing Limited features Limited local storage No store, payment system, or ecosystem

Mobile Apps

Apple iOS vs. Google Android: Fonctionnalits similaires, approches diffrentes

Apple iOS Proprietary operating system that runs on Apple devices only Devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad Apple App Store

Google Android OS Open source operating system that anyone can customize and run on any device Devices: any devices including Samsung, Motorola, LG, and HTC smartphone manufacturers Google Android Marketplace

Mobile Apps

Pourquoi autant dapps?

Mobile Apps
Chiffres pourquoi y-at-il tellement dapps?

As of October 2011:

Apple App Store: 800,000 apps Android Marketplace: 315,000 apps (500,000 submissions) Apple App Store announced 18 billion downloads (October 2011) Android Marketplace downloads: 7 billion downloads (November 2011)

Apps are popular with users!

Portability Appealing interactivity Heightened usability Promotes user engagement

App developers have potential to make millions

Angry Birds

Mobile Apps

Mobile App Development Costs

Mobile Apps
Why is app development so expensive?

Mobile apps tend to have low price points (Free to $0.99-$4.99) but app development can cost $1000 USD or more per day A completed app can cost $10,000 USD to $100,000 USD depending on its complexity Mobile apps are software and require programmers who themselves can cost development companies $40-$50 USD per hour To take advantage of the market most mobile app development companies strive for:

Low overhead

Business models already built around low price points

Employ small number of programmers (2-4 per team)

Mobile Apps

Pourquoi les diteurs STM crent des applis?

Petit historique

Priodiques et Livres papier Produits lectroniques disquette, Laser-Disk, CD-ROM, Rseau Collection lectronique de revues (SpringerLink, Science Direct) Explosion de lInternet Wi-Fi Smartphones

Mobile Apps
Quelques raisons pour la cration dapplis
Enterprise apps for libraries, institutions, and corporations Paid apps include board review quiz apps, reference apps, premium journal apps, etc. Can contain content and utilities Service apps include society apps, subject collections, etc. no revenue generated but fulfills other needs

Promotional apps include eproducts-- SpringerImages app, SpringerLink app, etc. -- help increase usage and promote the Springer brand

Mobile Apps

Springer et les mobile apps

Nos utilisateurs les veulent

Nos clients y sont !

Comment accder aux contenus via un appli?

Mobile Apps
Livres Springer (eBooks) disponibles travers des distributeurs

Mobile Apps

Jan. 2011

Oct. 2011

Nov. 2011

Dec. 2011

Developer Portal

Mobile Apps SpringerImages app

Supports institutional

and individual access models 3 Million+ tables and images 314K Open Access tables and images

Mobile Apps SpringerLink app

Topical content
notifications Social sharing Over 5 million documents 126K Open Access articles

Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps Limportance de la prsentation sur un cran de Smartphone

Improve display
of HTML full text documents on SpringerLink.com Deploy enhanced CSS file to enable responsive text formatting resulting in better mobile user experience



Merci Questions?

Mobile Apps

Related Links
What is an API? http://andywibbels.com/what-is-an-api/ APIs in business http://mashery.com/what-is-an-api.html Springer API portal http://dev.springer.com/page Android Market http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_Market Google Android Market https://market.android.com/ Google Android (Operating System) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_%28operating_system%29 Apple App Store http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/App_Store_%28iOS%29 Apple iTunes http://www.apple.com/itunes/

Mobile Apps

Related Links (contd)

Apple iOS (Operating System) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOS_%28Apple%29 Digital distribution platforms http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_digital_distribution_platforms_for_mobile_devices Smartphone http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartphone Tablet Computers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tablet_computer What is HTML5? http://radar.oreilly.com/2011/07/what-is-html5.html Web app example: Financial Times http://apps.ft.com/ SpringerLounge Apps page http://www.springerlounge.com/index.php?id=15329&L=0 Springer.com app information page http://www.springer.com/librarians/e-content/apps?SGWID=0-1724013-0-0-0

Mobile Apps

App Review Sites

148Apps http://www.148apps.com/ App Advice http://appadvice.com/appnn iMedical Apps http://www.imedicalapps.com/

I use this http://iphone.iusethis.com/

MI iPad Apps http://www.miipadapps.com/ AppAware http://appaware.org/top (Android apps) A Track Dog http://atrackdog.a0soft.com/index.php (Android apps) AndroLib http://www.androlib.com/ (Android apps) App Annie http://www.appannie.com/ (app analytics site)

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