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INTRODUCTION- Chemistry plays a very

important role in our everyday lives. In particular, medicinal chemistry in its most common guise, focusing on small organic molecules, encompasses synthetic organic chemistry and aspects of natural products and computational chemistry in close combination with chemical biology, enzymology and structural biology, together aiming at the discovery and development of new therapeutic agents. Practically speaking, it involves chemical

aspects of identification, and then systematic, thorough synthetic alteration of new chemical entities to make them suitable for therapeutic use.

DRUG-A drug is defined as a substance used for

the purpose of diagnosis, prevention, relief or cure of disease. The word drug is derived from the French word drogue meaning herb. Drugs are the molecules of low molecular mass about 100 to 500 u.

DESIGNING OF A DRUG- There are two main

considerations for designing of a drug: 1)

Drug target and 2) Drug metabolism Drug Target-For getting a desired therapeutic effect of a drug, the correct choice of the molecular target is very important. The site on the drug acts is called receptor. Drug metabolism- The drug has to be designed in such a way that it reaches the target without being metabolized in between.


Antipyretics-The chemical substances which are used to lower the temperature of the body

in high fever are called antipyretics. For example- Aspirin, Paracetamol etc.

Analgesics- The chemical substances which are used to relieve pain without causing impairment of consciousness, mental confusion or paralysis are called Analgesics. For exampleIbuprofen, naproxen Tranquillizers-The chemical substances used for the treatment of stress, fatigue, mild and severe mental diseases are called tranquillizers. For exampleImproniazid, Phenelzine etc. Antiseptics & Disinfectants-Antiseptics The chemical substances which are used to either kill or prevent the growth of micro-organisms are called antiseptics. For example-Furacin, soframycin etc. Disinfectants-The chemical substances which are used to kill micro-organisms but they can not be applied on living tissues. For example: Dettol Antimicrobials- these are the chemical substance which are used to cure infactions





due to micro-organisms. For example: azodye, salvarsan.


Antifertility drugs- these are the chemical substance used to control preganancy. These are called oral contraceptives. For example:ormeloxifene etc. Antibiotics- these are the chemical substance which are produced from micro-organisms and can inhibit the growth or even can destroy the other nicronisms. For example- penicillin G, ampicillin etc. Antacids- the chemical substance which neutralize excess acid in the gastric juices and give relief from acid indigestion , acidity and heart burn are called antacids. For example:magnesium hydroxide, magnesium trisilicates etc. Antihistamines- these are the chemical substance which diminish the mainaction of histamine released in the body and hence prevent the allergic reactions. For example:bromopheniramine etc. Anaestheticsthese are the chemical substance which produce general or local





insensibility to pains and othe sensations.For example diethyl ethers etc.

Written by Jatinder Brar, Student of MAS Jivan Wala, faridkot with the help of moderns abc of chemistry.

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