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An Interview with Rara Destiny by Josephina Bonetto Australian vocalist and acoustic guitarist, Rara Destiny has been

performing in Second Life since 2008. Dragged to Second Life by a friend. Rara was teleported to a venue where she was told she was on in 15 minutes. Rara knew only 5 chords and 7 songs at that time. I caught up with Rara after her show at The Colour Factory on Saturday 26 November 2011 to chat to her about her musical virtual life. Rara: I was terrified, and kinda crap. You could hear me shaking. Josephina: So did you not play much in RL then? Rara: I don't play in RL. Just here. Josephina: Is that a confidence thing or lack of opportunity? Rara: I would pee my pants if I had to play in RL. Josephina: You are not the only one I've spoken to who feels that way. Rara: I got my first guitar just 6 months before I started SL and taught myself how to play on the net. Josephina: So did you create an account in SL purely to perform? Rara Destiny nods. Yes. Well, I didn't actually believe at the time I could do it but that was their plan. Josephina: People in SL are very positive about art and performing. Rara: It's one of the wonderful things about SL. The art/music community in here is so inclusive and kind. I have always found it to be so, anyway. Josephina: Yes it is, very encouraging. So how did you progress from 5 chords and 7 songs? Rara: Just....played. And played. And people would say...You should do this song. Josephina: So you kept adding to the repertoire from requests? Rara: Yes. And friends suggestions. Or I would hear a song on the radio, and try it. Raspbury Rearwin in particular was really, really kind to me. He was at my first gig, and took me to others, and suggested loads of songs for me to learn. Josephina: So you've been playing since 2008? How many gigs do you play a week? Rara: I average about 5 or 6 a week. Josephina: What do you like most about playing in SL? Rara: Singing just makes me happy. And I have a ball doing it. I love the interaction with people, the playful banter. And...I have met so many amazing musicians and friends.

Josephina: Has the music scene changed much since 2008? Rara: I think so...yes. There's a much wider range of styles of music now I think. And a really well established group of people making it happen. For example...when I started, there was no live music on now...when Australians and Europeans were around. It was all American friendly times only. Josephina: How do you think performing in SL has helped you personally? I know that SL has had an enormous impact on my RL over the years in many subtle ways, has it affected you? Rara: Definitely. I am more confident, can do things that I would never have imagined. More importantly, I have built some really solid, life changing friendships in here. I am planning a trip to the USA, to travel around and meet some of the musicians I have befriended and hopefully play with them. 5 years ago, if you had told me I would do that....I would have had you committed. Josephina: Are you nervous? Rara: Terrified. But that's one of the ways this place has changed me. Terrified no longer means paralysed:) Josephina: So do you see many new musicians coming into the scene? Rara: All the time. Josephina: Do you think it is easier being a new musician now than in 2008? Rara: I don't know. When I started there were people who were very kind and couldn't do enough to help me. The same is true now...the people are just different. I think maybe there are more resources now, and perhaps better set up. Josephina: Looking at your song list you have quite a variety of songs, who are your biggest musical influences? Rara: The people I have met in here to be honest. Buckley Moonwall, Jukebox Diesel, Raspbury Rearwin, Pete Mroz, Joel Eilde, Phemie Alcott, Jessy Sommer. They all make me want to be better. If I have to name real life musicians... KT Tunstall, Corinne Bailey Rae, KD Lang. I actually collect acapella music in rl. Voices get me. The voice as an instrument in its own right. Josephina: Do you have any musical ambitions in SL that remain unsatisfied? Or plans musically in SL? Rara: Only to sit in a circle of my friends from here in rl making music, drinking wine and eating good food.....I really want that to happen. Josephina: Have you tried writing your own songs? Rara Destiny: Yeah. I have 2... Josephina: Is that an area you think you might explore further? Rara: I struggle with it, but am encouraged (occasionally hounded) by my friends to keep trying. I want to try.

Josephina: I think it is a logical next step for you. You have to keep challenging yourself now you have started lol Rara: So they keep telling me! Josephina: It could take you to releasing music online. Rara: See, there's another statement that makes me think you are crazy but who knows? Josephina: Do you think you might get on stage and perform in Real Life one day? Rara: I have learned to never say never. Who knows. It's hard for me to picture but maybe. Josephina: What songs do you enjoy performing the most in SL? Rara: Warm Whispers (the tip the venue song). I have been doing it forever, but it never gets old to me. Josephina: I like that one. Rara: And other than that...it changes all the time, depending on my mood, or what I have learned that week, or the crowd I am playing to. Josephina: How often do you learn new songs? Rara: I average about 3 or 4 new ones a month. Sometimes less or more. Josephina: Do you find it hard to learn them? Rara: If I have heard them before not usually. The first song I learned took me 4 months. Now, a day or 2, a week till I am comfortable with it. Josephina: What else do you like to do in SL besides perform? Rara: I take pics for my friends. Explore sims but mostly just hang with my friends talking shit. Oh, and shop. Josephina: Is there anything you want to do in SL that you've never done before? Rara: I think the only things I haven't done are get partnered, have a pixel baby, or become a vampire and I am fine with never doing those things. Josephina: Yeah, I am inclined to agree lol Rara: lol Josephina: If people want to book you do they go to you direct or your manager? Rara: Oh, the lovely Esme Oxidor. She keeps me organised, or tries to. Josephina: Well I think I am out of questions, but is there anyone you want to thank? I could give

them all a mention Rara: Um there's too many. Mostly the people who keep coming to listen to me. I am always chuffed that of all the things they could be doing, they come to listen to me sing and giggle and generally be silly.

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