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Tuesday, January 17, 2012 City Council Chambers, 225 Park Street, Lakeport, California 95453
Any person may speak for three (3) minutes on any agenda item; however, total public input per item is not to exceed 15 minutes, extended at the discretion of the City Council. This rule does not apply to public hearings. Non-timed items may be taken up at any unspecified time.



6:00 p.m.

Move to accept agenda as posted, or move to add or delete items. To add item, Council is required to make a majority decision that an urgency exists (as defined in the Brown Act) and a 2/3rds determination that the need to take action arose subsequent to the Agenda being posted.
The following Consent Agenda items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without any discussion. Any Council Member may request that any item be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion under the regular Agenda. Removed items will be considered following the Consent Calendar portion of this agenda.



A. B. C. D. V.

Ordinances: Warrants: Minutes: Building Permit Report

Waive reading except by title, of any ordinances under consideration at this meeting for either introduction or passage per Government Code Section 36934. Approve warrant registers from December 8, 2011, December 19, 2011, and January 5, 2012. Approve minutes of the regular City Council meeting of December 20, 2011, and the special City Council meeting of January 10, 2012. Receive and file Building Permit Report for December, 2011.


Any person may speak for 3 minutes about any subject within the authority of the City Council, provided that the subject is not already on tonights agenda. Persons wishing to address the City Council are required to complete a Citizens Input form and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the meeting being called to order. While not required, please state your name and address for the record. NOTE: Per Government Code 54954.3(a), the City Council cannot take action or express a consensus of approval or disapproval on any public comments regarding matters which do not appear on the printed agenda.

B. VI.

Police Volunteers

Report from Police Chief regarding volunteer activities.

COUNCIL BUSINESS: A. Utilities Director 1. Lift Hiring Freeze B. City Engineer 1. High Street Chip Seal Project Contract Change Orders 2. Lakeport Boulevard Project Contract Change Orders 3. Lakeport Boulevard Project Notice of Completion Approve Contract Change Orders #1 and #2 for the High Street Chip Seal Project. Approve Contract Change Order #1 for the Lakeport Boulevard Overlay Project. Accept the Lakeport Boulevard Overlay Project as complete on behalf of the City, approve the Notice of Completion, authorize the Mayor to sign the Notice of Completion, and authorize the City Clerk to cause its recordation with the County Recorder Approve exemption of the Utilities Water System Operator I from the hiring freeze.


Community Development/ Redevelopment Director 1. Housing Assets and Functions Adopt resolution electing to retain the housing assets and functions previously performed by the Redevelopment Agency.

City Council and Lakeport Redevelopment Agency Agenda of January 17, 2012

Page 2


CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: A. Miscellaneous Reports, if any: Pursuant to Government Code 54956.9(b), Pending Litigation, one case, Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 and Lakeport Police Officers Association v. City of Lakeport, Lakeport City Council (Lake County Superior Court Case No. CV410232) Adjourn



IX. X.


Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Council after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerks Office at 225 Park Street, Lakeport, California, during normal business hours. Such documents are also available on the City of Lakeports website, www.cityoflakeport.com, subject to staffs ability to post the documents before the meeting.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Lakeport will make available to members of the public any special assistance necessary to participate in this
meeting. The public should contact the City Clerks Office at (707) 263-5615 to make such a request. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.

_______________________________________ Janel M. Chapman, City Clerk

December 20, 2011
I. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Mayor/Chairperson Mattina called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Lakeport and Lakeport Redevelopment Agency to order at 6:00 p.m. with Council/Agency Members Roy Parmentier, Robert Rumfelt, and Suzanne Lyons present. Council/Agency Member Engstrom was absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Suzanne Lyons. A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Parmentier, seconded by Council/Agency Member Rumfelt, and unanimously carried by voice vote to add the Deferred Compensation Plans Resolutions on the Consent Agenda as urgency items as they came up after the posting of the agenda and must be acted upon before the next regular meeting. A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Rumfelt, seconded by Council/Agency Member Parmentier, and unanimously carried by voice vote to add a resolution regarding the purchase of Green Ranch as urgency items as they came up after the posting of the agenda and must be acted upon before the next regular meeting. A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Rumfelt, seconded by Council/Agency Member Parmentier, and unanimously carried by voice vote to accept the agenda as amended. IV. CONSENT AGENDA: A. B. C. D. E. F. Ordinances Minutes: Building Permit Report RDA Annual Report Maddy Act Report Support Letter Waive reading except by title, of any ordinances under consideration at this meeting for either introduction or passage per Government Code 36934. Approve minutes of the regular City Council meeting of December 6, 2011. Receive and file Building Permit Report for November, 2011. Receive and file the Lakeport Redevelopment Agency Annual Report. Receive and file report from City Clerk in conformance with the California Maddy Act. Approve letter of support for Jeffrey Allen Farley for appointment to the California Transportation Commission at the recommendation of the Area Planning Council. Receive the 2011 Lake County Regional Bikeway Plan and approve the resolution adopting the 2011 Lake County Regional Bikeway Plan. Adopt three resolutions accepting the amended and restated Section 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plans as administered by ICMA-Retirement Corporation, Nationwide Retirement Solutions, and The Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company (VALIC), respectively. A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Parmentier, seconded by Council/Agency Member Lyons, and unanimously carried by voice vote to approve the Consent Agenda as posted.



G. H.

Lake County Regional Bikeway Plan Deferred Compensation Plans

Vote on Consent Agenda


PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS/ REQUESTS: A. B. Citizen Input Proclamation There was no citizen input. A Proclamation for Summer of Peace was read and presented to Taira St. John.

Minutes of the Lakeport City Council and Redevelopment Agency Meeting of 12/20/2011

Page 2


Holiday Decorating Presentation

Barbara Breunig presented the following winners of the 2011 holiday decorating contest: Business: Rocky Point Care Center (First Place), Main Street Bicycles (Second Place); Residence: Janice Mills (First Place), Jared and Tiffany Bussard (Second Place)


COUNCIL BUSINESS: A. City Clerk 1. Appointments of Liaisons to Commissions, Boards & Committees 2. Appoint Members to the Parks and Recreation Commission Mayor Mattina announced that the committee appointments will remain the same as they were last year. A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Roy Parmentier, seconded by Council/Agency Member Rumfelt, and unanimously carried by voice vote to appoint Ann Blue, Susanne Russell, and Cindy Ustrud to the Parks and Recreation Commission effective January 1, 2012 and expiring at the end of 2013. A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Rumfelt, seconded by Council/Agency Member Lyons, and unanimously carried by voice vote to appoint Carol Hayes, George Linn, and Nina Marino to the Lakeport Economic Development Committee effective January 1, 2012 and expiring at the end of 2013.

3. Appoint Members to the Lakeport Economic Development Committee


Utilities Director: 1. CPI Increase for Residential Solid Waste Service Craig Butcher addressed the Council. They sent out letters with surveys. They are transporting about 90 tones of comingled recyclables. Marc Spillman addressed the Council. A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Rumfelt, seconded by Council/Agency Member Parmentier, and unanimously carried by voice vote to adopt a proposed Resolution amending solid waste collection and disposal fees to be charged by Lakeport Disposal for collection, transportation, and disposal of solid waste and yard waste, and the handling of recycling materials for residential customers.


City Attorney: 1. Green Ranch Resolutions A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Lyons, seconded by Council/Agency Member Parmentier, and unanimously carried by voice vote to adopt a proposed Resolution authorizing the acquisition of real property located at 1385 Scotts Valley Road and authorizing the City Manager and/or Mayor to execute escrow documents.


CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: A. Miscellaneous Reports: Council Member Rumfelt shared experiences of his vacation in Hawaii. Utilities Director Brannigan educated the Council on the hazards of fats, oils, and grease and presented them with a lid that can go on cans to cover grease. Betsy Cawn had a question regarding how spills are monitored. Utilities Director Brannigan also reported that the rate analysis is ongoing, and he hopes to bring a draft to the Council next month. Police Chief Rasmussen reported that the graffiti vandalism is still continuing and this is being worked on on a regular basis. There has also been a pickup in burglary activity. Next weeks targeted traffic program will be on Lakeport Boulevard. Staff has been dealing with the graffiti tagging. The patch truck is still down. City Attorney Brookes asked to drop his request for a closed session. City Manager Silveira reported that the League would like us to host the regional meeting here on March 9. They pay for the expenses. City Manager Silveira will be on vacation next week, and Richard Knoll will be Acting City Manager.

Minutes of the Lakeport City Council and Redevelopment Agency Meeting of 12/20/2011

Page 3

CLAC did its report to the Board of Supervisors. City Clerk Chapman indicated that she would like to do the paperless agenda training on January 10 at 5:00 p.m. VIII. ATTEST ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Mattina adjourned the meeting at 6:51 p.m. APPROVED

____________________________________ JANEL M. CHAPMAN, City Clerk

___________________________________________ STACEY MATTINA, Mayor

January 10, 2012
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Mattina called the special meeting of the City Council of the City of Lakeport to order at 5:04 p.m. with Council Members Roy Parmentier, Robert Rumfelt, Suzanne Lyons, and Tom Engstrom present. Community Development Department Director Knoll gave the Council an update on what has been taking place with redevelopment. A motion was made by Council Member Rumfelt, seconded by Council Member Engstrom, and unanimously carried by voice vote to adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Lakeport, California, electing to serve as the successor agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lakeport pursuant to Part 1.85 of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code. Council and staff were trained on the use of iPads for a paperless agenda process. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. APPROVED



____________________________________ JANEL M. CHAPMAN, City Clerk

___________________________________________ STACEY MATTINA, Mayor

City Council Lakeport Redevelopment Agency City of Lakeport Municipal Sewer District

RE: Building Permit Report SUBMITTED BY: Community Development Department PURPOSE OF REPORT: Information only Discussion Action Item MEETING DATE: 01/17/2012

WHAT IS BEING ASKED OF THE CITY COUNCIL/AGENCY/BOARD: The Council is being asked to review the Building Permit Report for informational purposes only. SUMMARY: Attached is a copy of the December 2011 building permit log and pending permits. The following are totals for Fiscal Year 2011/2012 for the Building Department: Number of Permits Construction Value Permit Revenue SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Receive and file monthly Building Permit Report for December 2011. 99 $1,225,068 $22,533.61


Monthly Building Permit Report for December 2011

Meeting Date: 01/17/2012

Page 1

Agenda Item #IV.D.

City Council Lakeport Redevelopment Agency City of Lakeport Municipal Sewer District

RE: Hiring Freeze Exemption, Water System Operator I SUBMITTED BY: Mark Brannigan, Utilities Director PURPOSE OF REPORT: Information only Discussion Action Item MEETING DATE: 01/17/2012

WHAT IS BEING ASKED OF THE CITY COUNCIL/AGENCY/BOARD: The City Council is being asked to approve an exemption from the hiring freeze to refill a vacancy within the Utilities Department. BACKGROUND: Due to Council action, all current positions, when vacated, must have Council approval for exemption from the hiring freeze to refill the position. DISCUSSION: On December 27, 2011, a position became vacant in the Utilities Department, Water Division. The recently vacated position (Water System Operator I) is needed for the operation and maintenance of City water systems used to produce safe, reliable water in adequate quantities. This position is fully funded in the 2011/2012 budget as a full-time position. OPTIONS: Exempt position from hiring freeze or deny exemption and provide direction to staff. FISCAL IMPACT: None $ Account Number: 501 Comments: This position is fully funded. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Move to approve exemption of the Utilities Water System Operator I from the hiring freeze.


Meeting Date: 01/17/2012

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Agenda Item #VI.A.1.

City Council Lakeport Redevelopment Agency City of Lakeport Municipal Sewer District

RE: Contract Change Orders - High Street Chip Seal Project SUBMITTED BY: Scott Harter, City Engineer PURPOSE OF REPORT: Information only Discussion Action Item MEETING DATE: 01/17/2012

WHAT IS BEING ASKED OF THE CITY COUNCIL/AGENCY/BOARD: The City Council is being asked to approve Contract Change Orders (CCOs) #1 and #2 for the High Street Chip Seal Project BACKGROUND: Bids were opened for the High Street Chip Seal project in the summer of 2010. Due to scheduling conflicts the project was not constructed that fall and was placed on winter suspension to be constructed during the 2011 construction season. During the winter of 2010/2011 the portion of Lakeshore Boulevard north of Giselman deteriorated significantly. City staff performed mill and fill activities to repair the road section and recommended that the chip seal project be extended north to seal the patches created. Staff approached the Council and received approval to proceed with a CCO to lengthen the project. DISCUSSION: The project has now been completed and the in place quantities have been determined. Staff is presenting for Council consideration CCOs #1 and #2 which account for the additional pavement marking removal and additional quantities due to the increased scope and which balance the contract estimated quantities to the actual in place quantities. OPTIONS: Approve Contract Change Orders #1 and #2 for the High Street Chip Seal Project

FISCAL IMPACT: None $18,507.9 0 Account Number: 110.3020.990.308 Comments:

SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Move to approve CCOs #1 and #2 for the High Street Chip Seal Project. Attachments: CCOs #1 and #2 Final Quantities

Meeting Date: 01/17/2012

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Agenda Item #VI.B.1.


PROJECT: Construction High Street Chip Seal Project
CONTRACTOR: International Surfacing Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 980430 West Sacramento, CA 95798

The following changes are hereby made to the Contract Documents: Consistent with Faxed proposal from ISS and Striping Graphics dated 10/23/10, provide additional removal of striping to account for expanded limits of project. Justification: After bid opening the City proposed extending the northern limits of the project from Giselman Street to Lange Street. This increased scope required additional pavement marking and striping removal. CHANGE TO CONTRACT PRICE Original Contract Price: $105,193.00 Current contract price as adjusted by previous change order(s): $105,193.00 The Contract Price due to this Change Order will be increased by a not to exceed cost of: $2,415.00 The new Contract Price due to this Change Order will be not to exceed: $107,608.00

CHANGE TO CONTRACT TIME There will be no additional days added to the Contract Time.

APPROVALS REQUIRED To be effective, the Owner must approve this order if it changes the scope or objectives of the project or as may otherwise be required under the terms of the Supplementary General Conditions of the Contract.

Requested by ______________Contractor___________________________________ date ______10/26/11_____ Recommended by ____________________________________________________ Scott Harter, City Engineer Approved by _________________________________________________________ Mayor, City of Lakeport Accepted by _________________________________________________________ ISS, Inc. date _______12/14/11___

date ______1/17/12_____

date ___________________



PROJECT: Construction High Street Chip Seal Project
CONTRACTOR: International Surfacing Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 980430 West Sacramento, CA 95798

The following changes are hereby made to the Contract Documents: Extend the northern limits of the project approximately 1,600 feet from Giselman Street to Lange Street. Additional scope of project to remain between the fog lines. Include all needed striping removal, chip and slurry seal, and new thermoplastic markings and striping. Justification: After bid opening the City evaluated the unit costs and determined it would be affordable and in the best interest of the City to extend the limits of the project. CHANGE TO CONTRACT PRICE Original Contract Price: $105,193.00 Current contract price as adjusted by previous change order(s): $107,608.00 The Contract Price due to this Change Order will be increased by a not to exceed cost of: $16,092.90 The new Contract Price due to this Change Order will be not to exceed: $123,700.90

CHANGE TO CONTRACT TIME There will beTwo additional days added to the Contract Time.

APPROVALS REQUIRED To be effective, the Owner must approve this order if it changes the scope or objectives of the project or as may otherwise be required under the terms of the Supplementary General Conditions of the Contract.

Requested by ______________Owner___________________________________ Recommended by ____________________________________________________ Scott Harter, City Engineer Approved by _________________________________________________________ Mayor, City of Lakeport Accepted by _________________________________________________________ ISS, Inc.

date ______9/8/11_____ date _______9/8/11___

date ______1/17/12_____

date ___________________


Final Quantities
Construction of High Street Chip Seal Project Bid No. 10-03


ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 DESCRIPTION Mobilization Traffic Control Construction Area Signs Remove Pavement Markers Cape Seal (Chip Seal and Type 2 Microsurface) Detail 22 (Thermoplastic) Detail 32 (Thermoplastic) Detail 38 (Thermoplastic) Detail 39 (Thermoplastic) Detail 39A (Thermoplastic) Detail 40 (Thermoplastic) Bike Lane Symbol (Thermoplastic) "BIKE" Legends (Thermoplastic) "LANE" Legends (Thermoplastic) Ladder style Crosswalk (Thermoplastic) Type IV (L) Arrow (Thermoplastic) Blue Reflective Fire Hydrant Marker CCO#1 ESTIMATED UNIT OF QUANTITY MEASURE UNIT COST 1 LS 2,414.50 1 LS 15,000.00 1 LS 2,500.00 3,050 LF 1.75 15,290 SQ. YDS. 4.40 660 LF 1.10 2,390 LF 2.10 140 LF 1.05 2,990 LF 0.70 1,000 LF 0.70 100 LF 0.55 8 Each 45.00 8 Each 45.00 8 Each 45.00 2 Each 850.00 17 Each 65.00 2 Each 20.00 1 2,415.00 CONTRACT TOTAL TOTAL 2,414.50 15,000.00 2,500.00 5,337.50 67,276.00 726.00 5,019.00 147.00 2,093.00 700.00 55.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 1,700.00 1,105.00 40.00 2,415.00 107,608.00

In Place Qty.
QTY / % 100% 100% 100% 3,050 18,515 2,645 1,950 158 3,770 855 100 8 8 8 2 17 11 1 $ TOTAL 2,414.50 15,000.00 2,500.00 5,337.50 81,466.00 2,909.50 4,095.00 165.90 2,639.00 598.50 55.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 1,700.00 1,105.00 220.00 2,415.00 123,700.90

Page 1

City Council Lakeport Redevelopment Agency City of Lakeport Municipal Sewer District

RE: Contract Change Order -Lakeport Boulevard Overlay Project SUBMITTED BY: Scott Harter, City Engineer PURPOSE OF REPORT: Information only Discussion Action Item MEETING DATE: 01/17/2012

WHAT IS BEING ASKED OF THE CITY COUNCIL/AGENCY/BOARD: The City Council is being asked to approve CCO #1 for the Lakeport Boulevard Overlay Project. BACKGROUND: The Lakeport Boulevard Overlay project is complete and the estimated contract quantities need to be adjusted to reflect the actual in place quantities. DISCUSSION: Attached for Council consideration is the balancing Change Order for the subject project. The CCO would result in a reduction of $380.64 from the awarded contract price. OPTIONS: Approve Contract Change Order #1 for the Lakeport Boulevard Overlay Project. FISCAL IMPACT: None $(380.64) Account Number: 110.3020.990 Comments:

SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Move to approve CCO #1 for the Lakeport Boulevard Overlay Project.


CCO #1 and the Final Quantity Analysis

Meeting Date: 01/17/2012

Page 1

Agenda Item #VI.B.2.


PROJECT: Construction Lakeport Boulevard Overlay Project
CONTRACTOR: Mendocino Construction Services, Inc. P.O. Box 1517 Willits, CA 95490

The following changes are hereby made to the Contract Documents: Adjust estimated Contract quantities to reflect actual in place quantities Justification: Final balancing of quantities to adjust contract values so they represent in place values. CHANGE TO CONTRACT PRICE Original Contract Price: $93,800.00 Current contract price as adjusted by previous change order(s): $93,800.00 The Contract Price due to this Change Order will be Decreased by an amount of: $380.64 The new Contract Price due to this Change Order will be: $93,419.36

CHANGE TO CONTRACT TIME There will be no additional days added to the Contract Time.

APPROVALS REQUIRED To be effective, the Owner must approve this order if it changes the scope or objectives of the project or as may otherwise be required under the terms of the Supplementary General Conditions of the Contract.

Requested by ______________Owner___________________________________ Recommended by ____________________________________________________ Scott Harter, City Engineer Approved by _________________________________________________________ Mayor, City of Lakeport Accepted by _________________________________________________________ MCS, Inc.

date ______12/20/11_____ date _______12/20/11___

date ______1/17/12_____

date ___________________


Final Quantities
Construction of Lakeport Boulevard Overlay Project Bid No. 11-06


ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 DESCRIPTION Traffic Control Mobilization Construction Area Signs HMA Adjust Manhole Cover to Finish Grade Adjust Water Valve Cover to Finish Grade 12 White Crosswalk/Limit Line (Thermo) Striping Detail #22 (Thermo) Striping Detail #27B (Thermo) Striping Detail #29 (Thermo) Striping Detail #37 (Thermo) Striping Detail #38 (Thermo) Striping Detail #40 (Thermo) 4 Line (Thermo) YIELD Legend (Thermo) STOP Legend (Thermo) ONLY Legend (Thermo) Type I Arrow (Thermo) Type IV Arrow (Thermo) Type VI Arrow (Thermo) ESTIMATED UNIT OF QUANTITY MEASURE UNIT COST 1 7,125.00 Ls 4,950.00 1 Ls 1,350.00 1 Ls 683 Tns 103.00 3 Ea 381.00 8 Ea 224.00 125 Lf 5.00 346 Lf 2.50 1,447 Lf 0.60 325 Lf 4.25 94 Lf 2.00 196 Lf 2.25 43 Lf 3.00 433 Lf 1.00 1 Ea 145.00 8 Ea 125.00 3 Ea 135.00 2 Ea 65.00 3 Ea 70.00 2 Ea 135.00 CONTRACT TOTAL TOTAL 7,125.00 4,950.00 1,350.00 70,349.00 1,143.00 1,792.00 625.00 865.00 868.20 1,381.25 188.00 441.00 129.00 433.00 145.00 1,000.00 405.00 130.00 210.00 270.00 93,799.45

In Place Qty.
QTY / % 100% 100% 100% 673 4 8 139 425 1,502 322 78 205 60 313 1 8 3 2 2 3 $ TOTAL 7,125.00 4,950.00 1,350.00 69,315.91 1,524.00 1,792.00 695.00 1,062.50 901.20 1,368.50 156.00 461.25 180.00 313.00 145.00 1,000.00 405.00 130.00 140.00 405.00 93,419.36

Page 1

City Council Lakeport Redevelopment Agency City of Lakeport Municipal Sewer District

RE: Notice of Completion - Lakeport Boulevard Overlay Project SUBMITTED BY: Scott Harter, City Engineer PURPOSE OF REPORT: Information only Discussion Action Item MEETING DATE: 01/17/2012

WHAT IS BEING ASKED OF THE CITY COUNCIL/AGENCY/BOARD: The City Council is being asked to approve the Notice of Completion for the Lakeport Boulevard Overlay Project, authorize the Mayor to sign it, and authorize the City Clerk to cause its recordation with the County Recorder. BACKGROUND: The Lakeport Boulevard Project was contracted with MCS on October 18, 2011. Work progressed on the project and it was completed November 30, 2011. Attached for Council consideration is the Notice of Completion for the project. The project final cost was about $400 below the bid price of $93,800. OPTIONS: Accept the project as complete and approve the Notice of Completion. FISCAL IMPACT: None $ Account Number: Comments:

SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Motion to accept the Lakeport Boulevard Overlay Project as complete on behalf of the City, approve the Notice of Completion, authorize the Mayor to sign the Notice of Completion, and authorize the City Clerk to cause its recordation with the County Recorder.


Notice of Completion

Meeting Date: 01/17/2012

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Agenda Item #VI.B.3.

RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City Council, City of Lakeport

Complimentary recording requested pursuant to Government Code Section 27383

WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of Lakeport 225 Park Street Lakeport, CA 95453

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. I represent the owner of a fee simple interest in the real property (Property) described in paragraph 5. 2. The name and address of the owner of Property is: City of Lakeport, 225 Park Street, Lakeport, CA 95453. 3. On the 30th day of November 2011, a work of improvement on the Property was completed as follows: City of Lakeport Lakeport Boulevard Overlay Project; Bid No. 11-06 4. The name and address of the original contractor for the work of improvement was: Mendocino Construction Services, Inc. P.O. Box 1517, Willits, CA 95490. 5. The Property is situated in the City of Lakeport, County of Lake, State of California and described as follows: CITY OF LAKEPORT THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ON LAKEPORT BOULEVARD BETWEEN BEVINS STREET AND LARRECOU LANE.
VERIFICATION {CCP 446} I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and th correct, this 19 day of October, 2010 at Lakeport, CA.

By: ________________________________ Mayor, City of Lakeport

City Council Lakeport Redevelopment Agency City of Lakeport Municipal Sewer District

RE: Resolution Electing to Retain the Redevelopment Agencys Housing Assets and Functions MEETING DATE: 01/17/2012

SUBMITTED BY: Richard Knoll, Community Development Department Director PURPOSE OF REPORT: Information only Discussion Action Item

WHAT IS BEING ASKED OF THE CITY COUNCIL/AGENCY/BOARD: The City Council is being asked to adopt a resolution electing to retain the Redevelopment Agencys Housing Assets and Functions BACKGROUND: The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lakeport (Agency) was created by the City Council for the purposes of implementing redevelopment activities in the City. The City Council adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the Lakeport Redevelopment Project in accordance with the Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code 33000 et seq.) (CRL). The Lakeport Redevelopment Project Area was found to have a significant number of physical and economic blighting conditions that necessitated adoption of the Redevelopment Plan. The Redevelopment Plan authorizes the Agency to receive tax increment revenue to pay for programs and projects that address these conditions consistent with the CRL. In January, 2011, the Governor announced his intent to eliminate redevelopment agencies as a way to help balance the State budget. The Legislature then enacted and the Governor signed Assembly Bill 1X 26 (AB 1X 26) and Assembly Bill 1X 27 (AB 1X 27). These bills took effect on June 29, 2011. AB 1X 26 immediately suspended all new redevelopment activities and incurrence of indebtedness, and dissolves redevelopment agencies effective October 1, 2011. AB 1X 27 allowed a city or county that had a redevelopment agency to avoid dissolution by adopting an ordinance agreeing to make specified payments to reduce the State budget deficit. A Petition for Writ of Mandate was filed in the Supreme Court of the State of California on July 18, 2011 (California Redevelopment Association, et al. v. Ana Matosantos, et al., Case No. 194861), challenging the constitutionality of AB 26 and AB 27 on behalf of cities, counties and redevelopment agencies and requesting a stay of enforcement. On August 11, 2011, and August 17, 2011, the Supreme Court stayed portions of AB 1X 26, and stayed AB 1X 27 in its entirety during the pendency of the matter. On December 29, 2011, the Supreme Court issued its final decision in the aforesaid litigation, upholding AB 1X 26, invalidating AB 1X 27, and extending all statutory deadlines under AB 1X 26, essentially dissolving all redevelopment agencies throughout the State effective February 1, 2012. AB 1X 26 provides that the City will be the successor agency to the Agency and responsible for the wind down of the Agencys affairs, unless the elects not to serve in that capacity. The City has elected to serve as the successor agency.
Meeting Date: 01/17/2012 Page 1 Agenda Item #VI.C.1.

In addition, AB 1X 26 provides that the City, as the entity that created the Agency, may elect to retain the housing assets and obligations of the former redevelopment agency. DISCUSSION: If the City elects to retain the responsibility for performing housing functions previously performed by the Agency, all rights, powers, duties, and obligations of the former redevelopment agency shall be transferred to the City. Further, the City may retain funds in the Agencys Low and Moderate-Income Housing Fund that are encumbered, but any unencumbered funds in the Housing Fund would not be transferred. Unless the costs associated with these housing obligations are set forth in an approved Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS), the City will be assuming all of these costs, potentially without any additional funding source, and the costs would be the sole responsibility of the community general fund. Under AB 1X 26, the City must affirmatively elect to retain the housing functions and assets of the former redevelopment agency. If the City does not elect to retain those housing responsibilities, AB 1X 26 provides that all rights, powers, assets, liabilities, duties and obligations associated with the housing activities of the former redevelopment agency will be transferred to the local housing authority, or if there is no local housing authority, to the California Department of Housing and Community Development. OPTIONS: Adopt resolution or choose not to adopt resolution. FISCAL IMPACT: None $ Account Number: Comments:

SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Lakeport California, electing to retain the Redevelopment Agencys Housing Assets and Functions, pursuant to Part 1.85 of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code.


Proposed Resolution

Meeting Date: 01/17/2012

Page 2

Agenda Item #VI.C.1.

WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lakeport (City) approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the Lakeport Redevelopment Project (Redevelopment Plan) covering certain properties within the City (the Project Area); and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lakeport (Agency) has been engaged in activities to execute and implement the Redevelopment Plan pursuant to the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code 33000, et seq.) (CRL); and WHEREAS, since adoption of the Redevelopment Plan, the Agency has undertaken redevelopment projects in the Project Area to eliminate blight, to improve public facilities and infrastructure, to renovate and construct affordable housing, and to enter into partnerships with private industries to create jobs and expand the local economy; and WHEREAS, as part of the 2011-12 State budget bill, the California Legislature enacted, and the Governor signed, companion bills AB 1X 26 and AB 1X 27, requiring that each redevelopment agency be dissolved unless the community that created it enacted an ordinance committing it to make certain payments; and WHEREAS, a Petition for Writ of Mandate was filed in the Supreme Court of the State of California on July 18, 2011 (California Redevelopment Association, et al. v. Ana Matosantos, et al., Case No. S194861), challenging the constitutionality of AB 1X 26 and AB 1X 27 on behalf of cities, counties and redevelopment agencies; and WHEREAS, on December 29, 2011, the Supreme Court issued its final decision in the aforesaid litigation, upholding AB 1X 26, invalidating AB 1X 27 and extending all statutory deadlines under AB 1X 26, essentially dissolving all redevelopment agencies throughout the State effective February 1, 2012; and WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code Section 34176 provides that the city that authorized the creation of the redevelopment agency may elect to retain the housing assets and functions previously performed by the redevelopment agency; and WHEREAS, all other legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKEPORT, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:

Section 1. Recitals. The Recitals set forth above are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. Election to Retain Housing Assets and Functions. In accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 34176, and based on the Recitals set forth above, because the City Council authorized the creation of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lakeport, the City Council hereby elects to retain the housing assets and functions previously performed by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lakeport. Upon dissolution of the Agency pursuant to Part 1.85 of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code, and except as provided under the CRL, all rights, powers, duties and obligations, excluding any unencumbered amounts on deposit in the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lakeports Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund shall be transferred to the City of Lakeport. Section 3. Implementation. The City Council hereby authorizes and directs the City Manager to take any action and execute any documents necessary to carry out the purposes of this Resolution, including but not limited to notifying the Lake County Auditor-Controller, the Controller of the State of California, and the California Department of Finance of the adoption of this Resolution and the transfer of all housing assets and functions of the former Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lakeport to the City of Lakeport, all in accordance with AB 1X 26. Section 4. Severability. If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Resolution which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Resolution are severable. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Resolution irrespective of the invalidity of any particular portion thereof. Section 5. Certification. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. Section 6. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 17th day of January, 2012, by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ______________________________ STACEY MATTINA, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ JANEL M. CHAPMAN, City Clerk

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