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The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW

N12. January 2012 2012, A normal year

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Will 2012 be a year like any other? But is there any year that looks like any other? 2011 was an exceptional one, 2010 too, 2009 also, 2008 obviously 2012 will just be a normal year of the new normal i.e. a period of doubts for our certainties, of challenges for our fundamentals. Our Webreview aims at approaching it from all the possible angles of the world of work. Help us to improve it. Happy 2012!! 2012 sera t-elle une anne comme les autres ? Mais y-a-t-il une anne comme les autres ? 2011 fut exceptionnelle, 2010 aussi, 2009 encore, 2008 nen parlons pas2012 sera donc une anne normale du nouveau normal cest dire dune poque de bouleversements fondamentaux de nos quilibres et de nos certitudes. Notre WebReview a pour objet de lapprocher dans toutes ses facettes du monde du travail, dites-nous comment lamliorer. Bonne Anne !

Major trends in the globalized world
- The next industrial revolution..................................p.2 - New jobs for a new age..........................................p.2 - Le peer-to-peer, cl de vote pour les conomies futures ?......................................................................p.2 - Why is finance so complex?.....................................p.2

Dominique Turcq Enterprise 2.0 and mobile enterprise

- Le guide AXA du bon sens numrique................p.4 - Revealed: Apples internal policies on employee social networking..........................................................p.4

Management in the future world of work

Corporate social and environmental responsability

- Top ten reasons why large companies fail to keep their best talent...................................................................p.2 - Les troubles mentaux augmentent chez les salaris. .............................................................................p.2 - Promoted to the level of incompetence...................p.3 - How to accomplish more by doing less.................p.3

- Millennials to business: social responsibility isnt optional..............................................................................p.4 - EUs new CSR report offers realistic initiatives to promote sustainability......................................................p.5

Brand and personnal online reputation and influence

Internet and social networks

- What is good fact-checking?................................p.3 - The future of the Internets here. And its creepy.... ............................................................................p.3 - Lacte daccusation contre un Internet libre............p.3 - The Internet gets physical..................................p.4 - Raspberry Pi, a tiny but powerful $25 PC,coming soon.....................................................p.4

- The era of brand imperialism is over. Long live the reputation economy!..........................................................p.5 - CSR, reputation and communication....................p.5

Personal development and learning

- Will informal learning carry the same weight as college degrees?............................................................p.5 - Social learning: a future for learning.....................p.5

More notable links................................p.6

*Click on the titles to view the documents Boostzone Institute 2012 Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr

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The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW

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N12. January 2012

Why is finance so complex?
Interfluidity, Steve Randy Waldman, December 26, 2011

Majors trends in the globalized world

The next industrial revolution
Innovation Excellence, Deena Stryker, December 3, 2011

Could anyone think about what would have been the idea of having access to mail in his pocket, just 15 years ago? It was an absolute nonsense The world is changing very rapidly, and as Darwin said, it is not the strongest that will survive, but the most adaptable to change. Those slides from Cochrane Associates explain why and how everybody should get ready for the next industrial revolution

As Nick Rowe, a Professor of Economics at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, asserts, finance is placebo: financial systems are sugar pills by which we collectively embolden ourselves to bear economic risk. This article written in the internet site interfluidity.com enlightens the role of opacity in the banking system: the more complexity there is, the best the bank can function; just because people are ready to accept risk they would have not consent to bear, if they had been fully informed.

New jobs for a new age

The Chronicle Herald, Brett Bundale, December 27, 2011

Management in the future world of work

Top ten reasons why large companies fail to keep their best talent

In the next twenty years in Canada, flourishing new careers, tied with immigrants inflows, will buffer the labor force against a greying population. According to the futurist Jim Carroll, the biggest trend is massive exponential knowledge growth in every single field of knowledge. This article from The Chronicle Herald details what will be the jobs in the future: DNA-based medicine, nanotechnologies

Forbes, Eric Jackson, December 14, 2011

Le peer-to-peer, cl de vote pour les conomies futures ?

Adam, Francesca Musiani, 18 dcembre 2011

Whether you are named Yahoo, Google of even Apple or Intel, it is always a hard time keeping brightest at home! The concurrence is quite rude in some sectors; hence the talent management becomes more complex. This article by Eric Jackson gives his top ten list of why large firms lose their top talent.

Les troubles mentaux augmentent chez les salaris

Le Monde, Rmi Barroux, 17 dcembre 2011

Lors du sminaire W2S du vendredi 16 dcembre 2011 la Cantine, la prsentation From Collaborative Prosumer Capitalism to a Commons-based P2P Economy et les discussions qui ont suivi ont mis en avant la possibilit dun vritable modle conomique alternatif bas sur le peer-to-peer (P2P), qui, loin dtre une utopie pour un futur lointain, sinfiltre toujours plus dans nos pratiques quotidiennes et pourrait constituer la cl de la durabilit moyen et long terme de nos conomies et de nos socits.

Dans une tude publie en dcembre 2011, un rapport de lOCDE intitul Mal-tre au travail ? Mythes et ralits sur la sant mentale au travail souligne laugmentation des dpressions graves, des toxicomanies svres (alcool, drogue) et des troubles maniaco-dpressifs chez les salaris. La rcession, le chmage et la peur quils provoquent chez ceux qui ont conserv leur emploi expliquent en partie cette augmentation. Or, selon Karima Delli, rapporteur et dpute europenne, le stress au travail est reconnu comme un obstacle majeur la productivit.

Boostzone Institute 2012 Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr

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The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW

* Click on the titles to view the documents

N12. January 2012

The future of the Internets here. And its creepy
Fast Company, Neal Ungerleider, December 21, 2011

Promoted to the level of incompetence

Big Think, Megan Erickson, December 2, 2011

An italian research points out that it is better to promote people randomly than according to their skills. Promotions are frequently rewarding results someones achieves without considering the factors over which he has no control. Moreover, when a person excels in his jobhe is usually handed more and more responsabilities.

How to accomplish more by doing less

Harvard Business Review, Tony Schwartz, December 13, 2011

The Arab spring brings to ones face the role of Internet in a countrys rebellion, but also in a dictators repression. The same high-tech progresses enabling the creation of an iPhone also help ominous government surveillance projects. This article from Fast Company reveals a terrific side of the future of internet: 24/7 digital surveillance will become affordable for repressive regimes worldwide.

Lacte daccusation contre un Internet libre

Productivity has always been at top of the stage for economists. The more value generating is not the number of hours we spend at our office, but the energy we bring in our daily work. This blog by Tony Schwartz, the president and CEO of The Energy Project, indicates why creating a workplace that fosters a reasonable relationship between work and renewal will produce higher engagement and job satisfaction.

OWNI, Guillaume Ledit, 20 dcembre 2011

Internet and social networks

What is good fact-checking?
LAnti-conterfeinting Trade Agreement (Acta) dans lUnion europenne et le Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) aux tats-Unis sont deux textes, en cours dadoption, qui autorisent lAdministration et les entreprises intervenir sur Internet pour filtrer ou bloquer les sites souponns dencourager le piratage duvres protges par le droit dauteur, sans intervention du juge. Deux initiatives qui marquent laboutissement du lobbying intensif des industries culturelles. Cependant, et pour la premire fois, le lobbying aux intrts divergents des gants du Web (Google Amazon, Facebook,) est devenu au moins aussi puissant que celui des industries culturelles et engage la bataille en menaant de mettre des sites temporairement en berne afin de peser sur lopinion.

Mother Jones, Mac McClelland, December 21, 2011

Fact checking, clearly increasing productivity for managers, is not always an easy task. This short post reveals why in true fact-checking, literally every word of every factual statement must be traced to a primary source, whether a document or the corroborated accounts of independent experts or witnesses.

Boostzone Institute 2012 Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr

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The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW

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N12. January 2012

Revealed: Apples internal policies on employee social networking, speculating on rumors, leaking, blogging, and more

The Internet gets physical

New York Times, Steve Lohr, December 17, 2011

9TO5 Mac, Mark Gurman, December 2, 2011

Thanks to a simple mouse click, you now get everything you want. Moreover, the internet takes a physical representation, simplifying transportation, health care and food distribution. This post by Steve Lohr clarifies the new concept of the Internet of Things, sometimes called the Industrial Internet.

Raspberry Pi, a tiny but powerful $25 PC, coming soon

Mashable, Peter Pachal, December 28, 2011

With lights pointed on Apple and the trouble firing of one of its employee, Apples policy might appear somehow unclear This article from 9T05Mac gives a glance at the Cupertinos firm, regarding the full run down of Apples internal policies on social networking, blogging, speculation, leaking trade secrets, business policies and more after the break.

Raspberry Pi is the latest Linux-based PC thats going to cost only US$25. But with such a price, what could really be the motivation of the operating system? This article from Mashable explains why the idea behind a tiny PC is providing something cheap enough that anyone can afford even kids in developing countries.

Corporate social and environmental responsability

Millennials to business: social responsibility isnt optional

Washington Post, Michelle Nunn, December 20, 2011

Enterprise 2.0 and mobile enterprise

Le guide AXA du bon sens numrique

Reputation Axiopole, Olivier Zara, 13 dcembre 2011

Faire preuve de bon sens numrique , cest profiter pleinement des opportunits offertes par les mdias et rseaux sociaux, mais en prenant conscience des risques auxquels on sexpose. Aux mois de juillet et aot 2011, AXA France a invit ses collaborateurs partager, sur une plateforme en ligne, leurs expriences des rseaux sociaux pour prvenir ces risques. 500 dentre eux y ont apport leur contribution, sous forme davis ou en partageant leurs conseils. Le guide AXA du bon sens numrique est le fruit de ce travail collaboratif. Il prsente les 20 conseils les plus plbiscits par les collaborateurs.

While calls are heard all around the word for increased responsibility, the new generation, Millenials, are taking it into account very seriously, moving to ethical imperatives. Those values are, step by step, brought into consideration when choosing a job. This article from The Washington Post explains why the winning brands will be the ones that will respond to them in this way.

Boostzone Institute 2012 Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr

Web Review personnalise sur demande - Customized WebReview on demand

The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW

*Click on the titles to view the documents

N12. January 2012

Personal development and learning
Will informal learning carry the same weight as college degrees?

EUs new CSR report offers realistic initiatives to promote sustainability

The Guardian, David Grayson, December 20, 2011

The last report of the EU concerning CSR might shock some people, as it does not give regulation tools. There are also significant features for those interested in improving their reputations. This article from The Guardian explains why the global strategy of the report is a smart description of what responsibilities a firm might endorse.

MindShift, Audrey Watters, December 23, 2011

Brand and personal online reputation and influence

The era of brand imperialism is over. Long live the reputation economy!

Forbes, Anthony Johndrow, December 16, 2011

If the latest decades of the previous century have shown the golden age of some brands such as Coca, Apple or even Microsoft, this new century brings to us a different paradigm, as traditional ads, marketing and branding becomes less and less efficient. This article highlights the new role of brands in the 21st century.

You can learn anything you want on the Internet, or almost everything But there are still few chances to gain formal credit for informal learning done online. Last September, Mozilla initiated its Open badges project, to expand a technology framework making it easier to display, build and share digital learning badges meaning to recognize all kinds of skills and competencies. This article by Audrey Watters explains the success of the project, thanks to the participation of well known institutions as the Department of Labor.

CSR, reputation and communication

Forbes, Anthony Johndrow, December 16, 2011

Social learning: a future for learning

MindShift, Audrey Watters, December 23, 2011

While CSR is inside of the firm, the reputation is in the mind of the stakeholders. But when an enterprise communicates, it should be transparent, proportional and true in order to promote its reputation. This presentation by Reputation Institute focuses on the complex interactions between CSR, reputation and communication.

Many centuries ago, people learned how to use symbols we now find on caves. Nowadays, since we are almost all networked, we have become digital. Each of us is part of the change. Those slides from Tribalcafe explain why social learning could be the future for our learning.

Boostzone Institute 2012 Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr

Web Review personnalise sur demande - Customized WebReview on demand

The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW

*Click on the titles to view the documents

N12. January 2012

More Notable Links

- LInstitut Boostzone se dote dun nouveau site http://www.boostzone.fr/ - We are entering a time of anarchonomy http://burrus.com/blog/we-are-entering-a-time-of-anarchonomy/ - Reverse mentoring cracks workplace http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203764804577060051461094004.html - The new digital divide http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/04/opinion/sunday/internet-access-and-the-new-divide.html?_r=1 - Big Data et Big Brother, les deux frres amis http://www.boostzone.fr/big-data-et-big-brother-les-deux-freres-amis/ - Internet access and use in 2011 Almost a quarter of persons aged 16-74 in the EU27 have never used the internet http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=STAT/11/188&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLa nguage=en%3C/p%3E - Comment les mdias sociaux ruinent nos cerveaux http://psychologik.blogspot.com/2011/12/comment-les-medias-sociaux-ruinent-nos.html - Le proltariat lheure des machines http://www.internetactu.net/2011/12/19/le-proletariat-a-lheure-des-machines/ - Le web ma tuer... Le gros mensonge de la presse papier http://www.erwanngaucher.com/19122011Le-web-m39a-tuer-Le-gros-mensonge-de-la-presse-papier,1.media?a=769 - Bankers join billionaires to debunk imbecile attack on top 1% http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-12-20/bankers-join-billionaires-to-debunk-imbecile-attack-on-top-1-.html - How Luther went viral http://www.economist.com/node/21541719 - The rise in new wealth in Africa http://www.afribiz.info/content/the-rise-in-new-wealth-in-africa - The most important graphs of 2011 http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/12/the-most-important-graphs-of-2011/250240/#slide14 - The future of moral machines http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/12/25/the-future-of-moral-machines/#more-115815 - The benefits of mental illness http://www2.macleans.ca/2011/08/09/the-benefits-of-mental-illness-and-why-perfectly-normal-leaders-are-the-wrongpeople-for-a-crisis/ - Networking for survival http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2011/12/networking_for_survival.html

Boostzone Institute 2012 Les fichiers images illustrant cette revue sont tous issus du site SXC http://www.sxc.hu/ et libres de droits. All pictures illustrating this review are from SXC http://www.sxc.hu/ SXC and free. Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr

Web Review personnalise sur demande - Customized WebReview on demand

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