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Prlnclples ot Teacblng Prlnclples ot Teacblng

allmarks ot Lttectlve Teacblng allmarks ot Lttectlve Teacblng

1. Teacher/ProfessionaI Conpetencies
$bows a genulne lnterest ano olsplays selt
contloence ln bls/ber protesslonal abllltles
Tbe ablllty to lntluence not only tbe tblnklng
ano bebavlor ot tbe stuoents but also tbe
attltuoes ot tbelr socletal group.
Malntalns ano epanos bls knowleoge tbrougb
reaolng, researcb, cllnlcal practlce ano
contlnulng eoucatlon.
Contlnuous Tralnlng ot tbe teacber ln an
attempt to lmprove lnstructlonal approacbes,
metboos ot teacblng ano currlcular otterlngs.
N astery of the 5ubject natter to be taught.
N Tbe term Moster, lmplles tbat tbe teacber not
only knows wbat be ls teacblng, but can organlze
ano aoopt materlals ln accoroance wltb bls
stuoents' ablllty ano lnterest level.
N PhysicaI and HeaIth 5tatus
N ellcate bealtb or poor bealtb stamlna may
lncapacltate a person tor tbe aoequate
pertormance ot teacblng actlvltles
N Teacblng ls an energ,-consum|ng o5.
N teacbers absence tbat ls causeo by lll bealtb
lnterteres wltb tbe contlnulty ot teoch|ng-|eorn|ng
N PersonaI Attributes and enotionaI controI/PersonaI
N t ls lmperatlve tbat teacber ls bonest, slncere person wbose etblcal
stanoaros are wortby ot lmltatlon.
N Caretul groomlng
N Pleaslng volce
N Gooo olctlon
N abltual use ot acceptable grammar.
N $elt-contloence
N Personal magnetlsm
N Lntbuslasms
N $elt control/patlence
N Flelblllty
N Wllllngness to aomlt errors
N $ense ot bumor
N Carlng attltuoe
N neeos to be emotlonally stable ln sltuatlons sucb as oeallng wltb
uncooperatlve, uncontrolleo or oetlant stuoents bebavlor.
N $boulo be objectlve ano tlrm ln requlrlng stuoents to meet tbelr
classroom obllgatlons.
N &nderstanding of Hunan Nature and
N nowleoge ot tbe sequentlal pattern ot uman
evelopment/evelopmental Mllestones.
N teacber sboulo unoerstooo tbe casual tactors
unoerlylng tbe many vagarles olsplayeo by stuoents
bebavlor so tbat be can provloe opportunltles tor
bls stuoents to acbleve greater recreatlonal
N Pbyslcal Growtb ano evelopment
N Mental/Cognltlve Growtb ano evelopment
N Lmotlonal/Psycbosoclal Growtb ano evelopment
N Moral evelopment ano Cbaracter/$plrltual
N nowIedge of and abiIity to appIy principIes of
N 5ensitivity to and appreciation of cuIturaI,
reIigious and ethnic differences.
N #egaroless ot bls own etbnlc ano cultural backgrouno
ano rellglous attlllatlon, tbe teacber's attltuoe towaros
bls stuoents, tellow teacbers, ano otber scbool
personnel must be unblaseo ano objectlve.
N $boulo not attempt to lntluence tbe tblnklng ot young
people ln accoroance wltb bls personal vlews on soclal
ano polltlcal lssues.
N teacbers responslblllty :
N To accept tbe learner as be ls ano to belp blm become
constructlve, well-aojusteo cltlzen wltbln tbe
tramework ot bls soclal prlvllege.
N Continued professionaI and cuIturaI inprovenent
N ncreaslng meola tor protesslonal growtb are belng
maoe posslble. For eample: ln-servlce courses,
protesslonal organlzatlons, ano psycbologlcal ano
eoucatlonal journals.
N Contlnulng eoucatlon
N Partlclpatlng ln researcb
O Teaching Practices
etlneo as tbe mecbanlcs, metboos ano skllls ln
classroom ano cllnlcal teacblng
N Teacbers style
N Personallty
N Personal nterest ln tbe subject matter
N Use ot a varlety ot teacblng strategles.
O nterpersonaI ReIationships with
t ls oemonstrateo by talklng a personal lnterest
ln learners, belng sensltlve to tbelr teellngs ano
problems, belng accesslble tor conterences,
belng talr, permlttlng learners to epress
oltterlng polnts ot vlew, creatlng an atmospbere
ln wblcb tbey teel tree to ask questlons ano
conveylng sense ot warmtb.
A good teacher-student reIationship
enhances Iearning"
O How wiII educators heIp Iearners
naintain seIf-esteen and nininize
Lmpatbetlc llstenlng
N Tbls approacb requlres teacbers to respect learners
ano care about tbelr concerns ano try to
unoerstano tbe worlo as learners eperlence lt
onest communlcatlon
N penness between eoucator ano stuoents creates a
relaeo atmospbere ln wblcb stuoents are able to
see tbe teacber as role mooel
O vaIuation Practices
clearly communlcatlng epectatlons
Lamples: asslgnments,
attenoance etc.
provlolng tlmely teeoback on stuoent progress
belng talr ln tbe evaluatlon process
glvlng tests tbat are pertlnent to tbe subject
O AvaiIabiIity to students:
Tbls may take torm ot belng tbere ln stresstul
cllnlcal sltuatlons, pbyslcally belplng stuoents
glve nurslng care, glvlng approprlate amounts
ot supervlslon, treely answerlng questlons ano
actlng as a resource person ourlng cllnlcal
O Teacher CIarity, Tine on task, CIass Being
&sed weII
oetlneo as a mosalc bebavlor tbat teacbers use ln
oroer to make wbat ls to be learneo comprebenslve
ano learnable
Clarlty ln eoucatlon can be taugbt by belplng teacber
tocus on ano practlce tbe cbaracterlstlcs ot clarlty.
gooo Teacblng ls parentlng-carlng about stuoents,
knowlng wben to set bounoarles, ano knowlng
stuoent's potentlal. gooo teacber ls concerneo wltb
more tban just wbat tbe stuoents know, be sboulo be
also concerneo wltb stuoent's bellets, values ano
relatlonsblps. Lttectlve Teacbers are commltteo ano
creatlve ln tbelr attempts to stlmulate lntellectual
lnqulsltlveness ln tbelr stuoents
Lssentlal Teacblng $kllls Lssentlal Teacblng $kllls
O Lesson Plannlng ano Preparatlon $kllls
must be able to tormulate goals ano
objectlves ano learnlng outcomes
N Lesson Plan-acblevable ano reallstlc objectlves uslng
-ttalnable $M#T Prlnclples
T-lme 8ouno
N Content, metboos ano structure are approprlate
tor a partlcular group ot stuoents
N Tbe lesson ls planneo, a contlnuatlon ot tbe past
ano tbe tuture.
N Materlals, resources ano alos are well-prepareo ano
oouble cbeckeo betore tbe class beglns
N ll Plannlng oeclslons take lnto account tbe
competence level ot learners ano tbe course
N Tbe lesson ls oeslgneo to arouse stuoents lnterests
ano ellclt actlve class partlclpatlon ano lnvolvement.
O Lesson Presentatlon
blllty ot tbe teacber to engage stuoents
successtully ln tbe learnlng eperlence process.
N Teacber ls contloent, relaeo, selt assureo, purposetul,
ano sbow lnterest ln tbe lesson
N Teacbers lnstructlon ano eplanatlon are clear
N Teacber uses slmple woros ln ber lecture tor better
unoerstanolng ot tbe lesson
N varlety ot learnlng actlvltles are useo to stlmulate
stuoents lnterest
N Teacber sbows respect ano encourages stuoent to volce
tbelr oplnlons, loeas ano teellngs-contrlbute mucb to
stuoents crltlcal tblnklng skllls ano oevelopment.
O Lesson Management
N Class olscusslon ls smootb ano sets a posltlve
mental process
N $tuoents progress ourlng tbe lesson ls caretully
N Constructlve ano belptul teeoback ls glven to
stuoents to encourage tbem to stuoy baroer ln
oroer to toster personal progress
N Uses tlme management tecbnlques
N Tbe pace ano tlow ot tbe lesson ls well-aojusteo ano
malntalneo at an approprlate level
O Classroom Cllmate skllls
N Lstabllsbes ano malntalns posltlve attltuoe ano
motlvatlon ot stuoents
N Cllmate ls purposetul, task orlenteo, relaeo, ano wltb
establlsbeo sense ot oroer
N $tuoents are encourageo to learn wltb empbasls on blgb
posltlve epectatlons as conveyeo by tbe teacber
N Teacber-stuoent relatlonsblps are largely baseo on
mutual respect ano rapport
N Feeo back ot tbe teacber contrlbute to tbe stuoent selt
contloence ano selt-esteem
N Classroom setup ls conouclve to teacblng ano learnlng
sucb as aoequate space, ventllatlon, teacber ano stuoents
are auolbly ano vlslbly connecteo, wltb multlmeola
tacllltles ano away trom publlc utlllty olstractlons
O $tuoent Pertormance evaluatlon
N Covers botb tormatlve ano summatlve responses
N $tuoents sboulo be evaluateo ln a constructlve ano
objectlve manner ano returneo to stuoents tor
N Lncourage stuoents teeoback on assessments
N eeps recoros ot stuoents progress tor tuture
O Lvaluatlon ot Teacblng Pertormance
N Teacber evaluates bls or ber own teacblng practlces
tor turtber protesslonal lmprovement
N varlous teacblng strategles are useo tor oltterent
sets ot lectures
N Contlnuously upoates lesson
N Contlnuously lmproves ber ways ot teacblng
N Manages stress ettectlvely ano ettlclently
O Practlces pproprlate autborlty ano
N blllty to lmpose olsclpllne ln class
N ble to establlsb ber autborlty ano malntalns
classroom oroer
N Lstabllsbes clear rules ano epectatlons ln regaros
to stuoent bebavlor
N Monltors stuoent bebavlor ano progress caretully
N Takes approprlate actlon tor mlsbebavlng stuoents
N Controntatlons are avoloeo, skllltully oetuseo
#oles ano Functlon ot tbe Teacber #oles ano Functlon ot tbe Teacber
or Nurse Loucator or Nurse Loucator
O nstructlonal #oles
Plannlng ano organlzlng courses.
N Cbolce ot objectlves
N $ubstantlve content
N Teacblng ano learnlng tor all types ot eoucatlonal
N Correlatlng tbls wltb otber courses ln tbe
Creatlng ano malntalnlng oeslrable group
oaptlng Teacblng ano Preparatlon ot
nstructlonal materlals to varylng lnterest, neeos
ano abllltles ot tbe stuoent
Motlvatlng ano cballenglng stuoents to pursue ano
to sustaln learnlng actlvltles
Teacblng lnvolves a serles ot comple actlvltles:
N $upplylng neeoeo lntormatlon
N Lplalnlng, clarltylng ano lnterpretlng tbe subject matter
N $ervlng as resource person
N $upervlslng stuoent pertormance tbrougbout tbe settlng
ot teacblng-learnlng areas
N Lvaluatlng all tbe planneo teacblng ano learnlng actlvltles
O Faculty #oles
Cbalrman, $ecretary, member
#esource person
Publlc relatlon agent
O nolvloual #oles
Prlnclples ot Gooo Teacblng Practlce Prlnclples ot Gooo Teacblng Practlce
O Lncourage stuoent taculty lnteractlon
O Promote cooperatlon among stuoents
Conouclve to collaboratlve learnlng-stuoy groups, group projects
O Promote actlve Learnlng
Lnable stuoent actlvely crltlclze content
O Glve prompt teeoback
Lnable stuoents to react ano unoerstano aspects ot learnlng
O Lmpbaslze tbe use ot tlme ln eacb talk
Lnsure tbat stuoents know bow mucb tlme tbey sboulo speno ln
learnlng a partlcular actlvlty
O Communlcate blgb epectatlons
Purpose- cballenge/Motlvate stuoents
O #espect olverse talents ano ways ot learnlng
Teacblng Prlnclples Teacblng Prlnclples
O ereoltary Lnoowments Prlnclple
#eter to tbe nature ot tbe cbllo, bls psycbologlcal
ano pbyslologlcal qualltles sucb as retlees,
lnstlncts, capabllltles, lmpulses, temperaments,
among otbers
O Teacblng Process Prlnclple
#eters to tecbnlques useo wltb tbe stuoent ano
tbe teacber worklng togetber towaro tbe
accompllsbment ot goals ano objectlves ot
eoucatlon. Tbese lncluoes:
N Tbe teacber ano tbe stuoents
N Tbe means useo to stlmulate, olrect, guloe ano
encourage lnolvloual t actlvely partlclpate ln class
Prlnclples serve as gulolng pbllosopby ot tor
tbe selectlon ano lmplementatlon ot
teacblng ano learnlng actlvltles ano
O utcome process Prlnclple
#eter to tbe eoucatlonal alms, goals,
objectlves, outcomes, purposes, or results ot
tbe learnlng process
ther PrincipIes of Teaching ther PrincipIes of Teaching
O ffective teaching invoIves acquiring
reIevant knowIedge about students
and using that knowIedge to inforn
our course design and cIassroon
O ffective teaching invoIves aIigning the
three najor conponents of
instruction: Iearning objectives,
assessnents, and instructionaI
O ffective teaching invoIves
articuIating expIicit expectations
regarding Iearning objectives and
O ffective teaching invoIves
prioritizing the knowIedge and skiIIs
we choose to focus on
O ffective teaching invoIves
recognizing and overconing our
expert bIind spots.
O ffective teaching invoIves adopting
appropriate teaching roIes to
support our Iearning goaIs
O ffective teaching invoIves
progressiveIy refining our courses
based on refIection and feedback
pproacbes to teacblng skllls pproacbes to teacblng skllls
O noepenoent Learnlng
Tbe teacber lnltlates an actlve selt-regulateo
learnlng process among ber stuoents
Tbls lncluoes tbe use ot skllls laboratory
syllabus ls oevelopeo wltb clear lnstructlons on
bow learners sboulo proceeo wltb tbe lesson
8ackgrouno reaolng materlals are loentltleo ano
maoe avallable
aroware ano sottware must be selecteo ano
prepareo tor use
$upplles must be requesteo tor ano be maoe
avallable betore bano.
O emonstratlon
t ls metboo by wblcb tbe teacber makes a olrect
olsplay ot tbe skllls to be taugbt
$bows tbe stuoent wbat tbey bave to oo, wby
tbey bave to oo lt, ano bow to oo lt.
O $tlmulatlon eerclse
t ls meant to oupllcate tbe real sltuatlon tbat
requlres tbe use ot skllls laboratory to glve
stuoents a reallstlc teel ot tbe sltuatlon
$tuoents can practlce skllls uslng equlpment ln a
vlrtual laboratory
$tuoent get a teel ot bow to use tbe equlpment ln
a real sltuatlon lnvolvlng tbe neeoeo sklll.
Learnlng results trom wbat tbe stuoent
ooes ano tblnks, ano only trom wbat tbe
stuoent ooes ano tblnks. Tbe teacber can
aovance learnlng only by lntluenclng wbat
tbe stuoent ooes to learn.
-erbert $lmon-

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