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CHAPTER 2 PROJECT -planned undertaking that has a beginning and an end PREDICTIVE APPROACH -an SDLC approach that

assumes the development project can be planned and organi zed ADAPTIVE APPROACH -an SDLC approach that is more flexible, assuming that the project cannot be pla nned out WATERFALL APPROACH -an SDLC approach that assumes the various phases of a project can be completed sequentially SPIRAL MODEL -an adaptive SDLC approach that cycles over and over again PROTOTYPE -a preliminary working model showing some aspect of a larger system ITERATION -system development process in which work activities INCREMENTAL DEVELOPMENT -a development approach that completes parts of a system in several iterations SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY -guidelines to follow for completing every activity in systems development, incl uding specific models, etc MODEL -a representation of an important aspect of the real world UNIFIED MODELING LANGUAGE (UML) -a standard set of model constructs and notations developed specifically for OOD TOOL -software support that helps create models CASE TOOL -computer aided system engineering tool that helps a system analyst TECHNIQUE -a collection of guidelines that help an analyst complete a system development a ctivity BEST PRACTICES -generally accepted approaches for completing a system UNIFIED PROCESS -an object oriented system development methodology USE CASE -an activity the system carries out DISCIPLINE -a set of functionally related activities that together contribute to one aspect

of UP ARTIFACTS -UP work products PROBLEM DOMAIN -area of the user s business that needs an information system solution

OBJECT ORIENTED APROACH -a system dev t approach that views an information system as a collection of interac ting objects OBJECTS -thing in the computer system that can respond to messages OBJECT ORIENTED DESIGN (OOD) -defining all of the types of objects necessary to communicate with people and d evices in the system OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING -writing statements in a programming language to define what each type of object does REUSE -benefit of the OOA that allows classes and objects to be invented once USER INTERFACE OBJECT -an object the user interacts with while using the system ATTRIBUTES -object characteristics that have values METHODS -behaviors or operations that describe what an object is capable of doing PROBLEM DOMAIN OBJECTS -objects that are specific to a business application CLASS -a type of classification to which all similar objects belong INSTANCE -a synonym for object MESSAGES -communications between objects in which object asks another object to invoke ASSOCIATION RELATIONSHIPS -naturally occurring relationships between objects MULTIPLICITY -the number of associations between objects ENCAPSULATION -combining attributes and methods into one unit and holding its internal structu re of objects INFORMATION HIDING -characteristic of object oriented development in which data is associated with

an object IDENTITY -a unique reference to an object that allows another object to find it PERSISTENT OBJECTS -objects that a system remembers and that are available for use over time INHERITANCE -a concept in which one class of objects shares some characteristics of another class GENERALIZATION/SPECIALIZATION HIERARCHY -classification system that structures or ranks classes from the more general su perclass POLYMORPHISM -a characteristic of objects that allows them to respond differently to the same message REPOSITORY -database of information about the system used by a CASE tool ROUND-TRIP ENGINEERING -automating the process of synchronizing graphical models with program code

CHAPTER 3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT -organizing and directing other people to achieve a planned result INTERNAL USERS -people inside the company who will use the system to do their work EXTERNAL USERS -people outside the company who use the system such as internet customers SPONSORS -a person or group who has authorized and funded a development called a client SYSTEM CAPABILITIES

-fairly short, high level list of functions PROJECT CHARTER -set of documents SCOPE CREEP -addition of new functions to the scope of a system ESSENTIAL USE CASE MODEL -model that is often built during the inception phase WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (WBS) -hierarchy of phases, activities, and tasks of a project PERT/CPM CHART -chart for scheduling a project based on individual tasks GANTT CHART -bar chart that represents the tasks of the project schedule SLACK TIME OR FLOAT -amount of time any task can be delayed MILESTONE -precise point on the project schedule RISK MANAGEMENT -project management area that tries to identify potential trouble spots COST BENEFIIT ANALYSIS -comparison of costs of development versus the anticipated financial benefits NET PRESENT VALUE -present value of dollar benefits

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