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NEED EXTRA CREDIT??? Participate in BTHS Cell Day! How to get 10 DNA Dollars.

1. Make an edible plant or animal cell. 2. All cell organelles must be edible. 3. Your cell must be accompanied by the attached chart and include the following organelles: a. Cell membrane b. Cytosol c. Golgi body d. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum e. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum f. Ribosomes g. Cytoskeleton h. Nucleus i. Nucleolus j. Mitochondria k. Lysosome l. Cell wall (if you are doing a plant cell) m. Chloroplasts (if you are doing a plant cell) 4. Label your model with your name. 5. Drop off your model before school starts in Miss Dwyers room. 6. Meet Miss Dwyer in Room 108 at the beginning of the lunch period with your DNA Dollar Inventory Sheet. Be prepared to eat your modelalways part of the challenge .

Structure Cell membrane

Function Controls what goes in and out of the cell

Material Used (in model) M&Ms

Why material was used? Because the membrane is semi permeable and there were spaces in between each M&M to allow things to pass through The icing is a sort-of-fluid where items can flow in The proteins (walnuts) are placed on the bread (which looks like the shape of the Golgi Body) The thin wiry tubes of the icing act like the conveyor belt of the Rough ER Similar to the Rough ER however it does not have the studs of proteins on it and it is in a different color because the rough ER and the smooth ER have


Fluid portion of the cytoplasm Apparatus that synthesizes and packages proteins


Golgi Body

Pieces of Bread studded with proteins Red Icing studded with walnuts Blue Icing

Rough ER

Smooth ER

Serves as a conveyor belt for proteins where they get synthesized Synthesizes and breaks down lipids and steroids (not studded with proteins)


Produces proteins from recipes with the cell Provides a structure to the entire cell Center for administering instruction

Cytoskelet on



Contains the genetic material. All six feet long of the genetic material.

Mitochondr Provides energy ia and is almost like a power house. Releases energy also.

different purposes Walnuts When a walnut is cracked open, it produces many different pieces of walnuts (proteins) Pretzels Pretzels are very hard and crunchy and provide a strong backbone to the cell Tortilla Chip The tortilla chip can be dipped into many different foods so therefore it can decide where it wants to go into. Piece of Since the genetic gum material is packed tightly into the nucleolus, I figured a nice hard tight piece of gum would suit the nucleolus well. Raisins Raisins have the small folds on them just like Mitochondria have many folds within it forming the cristae. When a raisin forms a grape, energy is


Digests and breaks down different materials


lost when dehydrated, just like energy is given up to the cell by the mitochondria When a cheerio is in milk for too long, it starts to break down into many different smaller pieces.

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