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Water Alerts

News and Alerts From WaterLegacy January 24, 2012 http://www.waterlegacy.org

TAKE ACTION: Tell EPA to Protect MN Water Resources

Dear Friends, The PolyMet Mining Company recently announced they will require more time before completing the next stage of environmental review for their proposed open pit sulfide mine in Northern Minnesota. Learn more: WTIP North Shore Community Radio While PolyMet may make a few design changes or use fuzzy math to try to show that the mine and tailings basin wont violate water quality, this project should not be allowed to proceed. There is just too much at stake. Waste rock piles and tailings dumps would result in acid mine drainage, aquatic toxicity from metals like copper and nickel, harm to wild rice, and increased mercury in fish in areas where mercury is already above safe levels. It is well known that environmental studies for sulfide mines often claim that they wont pollute based on small rock piles in laboratories, rather than showing what happens in the real world. In Minnesota, we already have many leaking tailings basins and water pollution from sulfide bearing rock exposed during iron mining and copper-nickel exploration. We also have a history of mining companies going bankrupt, shutting down treatment plants and leaving pollution for taxpayers to clean up. As the administrative process for PolyMets Environmental Impact Statement drags on, we feel it is important to let Agencies know that citizens are concerned and are paying attention.

TAKE ACTION: Tell EPA to Protect MN Water Resources

Send a letter to the EPA today, thanking them for sending PolyMet back to the drawing board last year, and asking them to continue to protect Minnesotas water resources and human health from the PolyMet sulfide mine project. Questions? Additional information? Contact Paula Maccabee at 651-646-8890 or pmaccabee@justchangelaw.com

Citizens' Voices Heard by St. Louis County Board

Last month we asked you to tell the St. Louis County Board to vote no on a resolution in support of sulfide mining. While we were not successful in blocking the resolution outright, significant gains were made. After over seven hours of public testimony, the final 4-3 passage of the resolution came only with an amendment in support of thorough environmental review and proper permitting for proposed non-ferrous mining projects. Our voices were heard and we demonstrated our ability to organize and stand together for clean water. Amended Resolution: Be it resolved that the St. Louis County Board declares its support for the existing open, transparent and comprehensive environmental review and permitting process in place for various non-ferrous mining initiatives currently planned for development in St. Louis County, Minnesota, and supports the success of these projects, contingent upon the approval of all federal and state environmental permits necessary for these projects to move forward." Learn More: Northland News Center Story Learn More: WDIO News Story


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NOTE: WaterLegacy is a federally-registered 501(c)(3), tax-exempt organization. We do not share your information.

You are receiving this email because you have taken action or signed a petition to protect our water from acid mine drainage in the last year. Thank you for your involvement.
WaterLegacy PO BOX 3276, Duluth MN 55803 WaterLegacy.org/contact
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