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The True Candidate for Peace

In an article published by Wired, The Dead, the Dollars, the Drones: 9/11 Era by the Numbers, by Lena Groeger, exposes some frightening figures while comparing the Bush and Obama years and the war on terror. Category Military Spending Troops Special Forces Drone Flight Hours Armored Vehicles Wiretap Orders Bush Obama averaged $481 B $688.7 B 143,457 172,792 49,450 58,433 144,562 523,333* 7,587 25,383^^ 1,714 2,785**

Ron Paul In His Own Words:

Federal Reserve Why should they be independent? Independent to them means secrecy, do whatever you want, spend trillions of dollars, bail out their friends, make deals with international bankers, with other central banks and other governments. No, they shouldnt have the right to do that. We have an obligation as members of Congress to protect the people and protect the value of the money. To do that, you have to know what the Fed is doing. Freedom I think when you defend freedom, you defend freedom of choice, and you cant be picking and choosing how people use those freedoms. We dont get our rights because we are gays or women or minorities. We get our rights from our Creator as individuals. Freedom is a young idea. Its only been tested for a couple hundred years. Weve had a taste of it and were throwing it away. Government My goal was to shrink the size of government, balance our budget, pay the bills, have sound money and live within our means and mind our own business The Sovereignty of this nation depends on us and not the UN and the Constitution is the Law of the Land. We shouldnt be in office if we dont understand what the Constitution says. I look to Article 1 Section 8 and look for my authority and if its not there, I dont do it.

Ron Paul
Liberty-minded Promotes Small Central Government Wants to: Bring our troops home End Nation-building End the Fed Get rid if the IRS Cut wasteful spending Balance our National Budget Return power to the States Get government out of our lives

*Yes, Obamas Admin has more drone hours over 3 yrs than the Bush Admin over 8 yrs! ^^Both Admins had 3 yrs each of data available n MRAP Armored Vehicles. ** Obama has a total of 5, 570 wiretap orders in 2 yrs! No figures for 2011

While Obama promised our troops would be home in 16 months, they have been shifted to other places, but they are not home. While many voted for Obama in 2008 thinking there would be an end to the illegal wars overseas, the above article and chart clearly shows no such thing. Ron Paul is against these undeclared wars and has been from the beginning. He wants to bring our troops home. Because he cant go to war by talking to the United Nations and NATO and refusing to talk to the Congress. Ron Paul talking about Obama and the US participation in Libya. Why are we in Korea? Weve been there since Ive been in High School. Why are we in Japan? Weve been there since World War II. Why are we in Germany subsidizing their welfare state by paying for their defense by staying in Germany? And why are we in 5 wars in the Middle East? Ron Paul Notes: http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/09/dangerroo m_911toll_0909/all/1

This handout courtesy

William Lewis Films and his new release

Ron Paul
A TRUE Constitutional Hero


Paul on the Economy Vetoing any unbalanced budget Congress sends to his desk. Refusing to further raise the debt ceiling so politicians can no longer spend recklessly. Fighting to fully audit (and then end) the Federal Reserve System, which has enabled the over 95% reduction of what our dollar can buy and continues to create money out of thin air to finance future debt. Legalizing sound money, so the government is forced to get serious about the dollars value. Ending the corporate stranglehold on the White House. Driving down gas prices by allowing offshore drilling, abolishing highway motor fuel taxes, increasing the mileage reimbursement rates, and offering tax credits to individuals and businesses for the use and production of natural gas vehicles. Eliminating the income, capital gains, and death taxes to ensure you keep more of your hard-earned money and are able to pass on your legacy to your family without government interference. Opposing all unfunded mandates and unnecessary regulations on small businesses and entrepreneurs. Notes: http://www.ronpaul2012.com/the-issues/economy/ The monetary system guarantees that that investors and banks will push the envelope and make careless speculative decisions that generate a bubble economy waiting to burst. Ron Paul, Liberty Defined

Is Paul an Isolationist? The Constitution is clear. Only Congress can declare war. Yet with several of our past Administrations, including both the Bush and Obamas, have taken us to war without that declaration. Paul, himself a Veteran, believes in a strong national defense and would: Follow the Constitution by asking Congress to declare war before one is waged. Only send our military into conflict with a clear mission and all the tools they need to complete the job and then bring them home. End the nation-building that is draining troop morale, increasing our debt, and sacrificing lives with no end in sight. Avoid long and expensive land wars that bankrupt our country by using constitutional means to capture or kill terrorist leaders who helped attack the U.S. and continue to plot further attacks. Revitalize the military for the 21 century by eliminating waste in a trillion-dollar military budget. Ensure our veterans receive the care, benefits, and honors they have earned when they return. The moral and constitutional obligations of our representatives in Washington are to protect our liberty, not coddle the world, precipitating no-win wars, while bringing bankruptcy and economic turmoil to our people. Ron Paul Notes: http://www.ronpaul2012.com/the-issues/nationaldefense/

CNN spins Ron Pauls stand on Health Care

Ron Paul is the only candidate speaking out about making alternative healthcare a real choice! CNNs Wolf Blitzer ask a question about a healthy hypothetical man who had no desire to purchase insurance, yet had a major health crisis. Blitzer asked Paul, "Are you saying society should just

let him die?"

The liberal media has spun that in every way possible, yet, Pauls answer was brazen. Simply put, Paul stated it was his choice not to have insurance. Paul suggested the man should have a major medical policy, but that it should not be mandatory. He said the hospital at which he practiced never turned anyone away. Paul emphasized our individual responsibility. "We have given up on this whole concept that we might take care of ourselves, assume responsibility for ourselves..." and stated there is no competition in medicine, and because of that, we need to "legalize alternative health care...allow people to practice what they want.", but these two things are never mentioned by the mainstream media! Notes:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/13/rickperry-uninsured-health-care_n_960209.html

Paul on Fractional Reserve Banking

Yes, you have the Fed creating money out of thin air, but then this is magnified by Fractional Reserve Banking, which is really fraudulent. All it does is build financial bubbles, guaranteeing the business cycle and the collapsesThe longer you do that the bigger the bubble Politicians love it. You can fight wars that you dont have to pay for, you can run the welfare state that you dont have to pay for You just cant create money out of thin air.

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Notes: http://www.dailypaul.com/119914/fractional-reservebanking-is-fraudulent-ron-paul-on-cnbc

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