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Chinese Gender Calendar

According to Chinese Gender Calendars, there are exactly 29.35 days for the moon to complete its phasic cycles. This means that it will take approximately 29 days for a new moon to go into a full moon and back again. Gregorian calendars, the usual calendars that we use today, make use of twenty-nine, thirty and even thirty-one integer-days moving in regular and irregular sequences. Therefore, we cold say that lunar months are indeed shorter. Consequently, lunar years are shorter. If you add up all 29.35 lunar days and multiply it by our usual 12 months, we have 352 days which is thirteen days shorter than our usual 365-day year. A lunar year has exactly 354.36 days, approximately eleven days shorter than one solar or Gregorian year. Chinese Gender Calendars are formulated with the phases of the moon in mind. Scientists assert that the timing of the moon synchronizes with the secretion of a woman's hormones that affect her menstrual period and sexual drive. It also turns out that a woman's secretions make it viable for babies to be either male or female. Chinese Gender Calendars utilizes this knowledge - that the phases of the moon can influence a baby's sex. Another useful peculiarity associated with the use of Chinese Gender Calendars is the scientific belief that it is actually the woman that determines the sex of children. The study of medicine tells us that it is a man's sperm that defines the sex of a baby because it carries the X (male) or Y (female) chromosome. However, more recent medical studies have found out that a woman's ovum membrane determines sex by "selecting" to be fertilized by either X or Y sperm which is very similar to ancient Chinese Gender Calendar knowledge that it is the woman who chooses the sex of the child. Another theory suggests that the acidity of a woman's secretions determines the sex of your baby. A woman's acidic secretions synchronizes with her menstrual period. These acidic secretions maintains a woman's healthy vaginal condition, promotes and environment that is conducive for normal flora at the vagina and destroys harmful microorganisms and sperm. There are days in a woman's period where the pH level of her secretions promote sperm viability and other days where the vaginal condition is not conducive for sperm viability. According to this theory and the use of Chinese Gender Calendars, this acidic condition varies from lunar month to lunar month depending on a woman's age and health condition. The most credible documented study so far is by Eugen Jonas, a Czech gynecologist specializing in cosmobiology. In the 1950's, with the use of scientifically-controlled tests on women using astrological methods like the Chinese Gender Calendar, he found that astronomical configurations like the angles of the sun and the moon, certain planetary configurations and the position or phase of the moon affected the fertility of a woman, the viability of sperm and the unborn child's sex which is very similar to what Chinese Gender Calendars assert.

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