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Building of Austrian Empire(1648-1740)

Habsburg power
1st preeminence in HRE & conn. to wealthier Sp Habs
17thC: these 2 supp. collapsed
Hope 4 Habs empire in Ger gone w/ 30 years war
but maintained infl. in Ger
Leopold I emperor HRE (1658-1705) - Habsburg, counted on Privy Council

House of Austria
3 parts: 1) ”hered. provinces”: Upper, Lower Austr + Tyrol, Styria, Carinthia, Carinola
2) Kingdom Bohemia: Bo, Moravia, Silesia under crown St Wenceslas
3) Kingdom Hungary: Hung., Transylvannia,Croatia /crown: St Stephen
Only thing held them together = Austr reaffirmed grip on all
1526: most Hungary under Turks map p. 545--->
1663: Kiuprili viziers on move up danube map p 570
1664: Turks accpet 20 year truce
1683: (incited by Fr.) seiged Vienna
Both sides composite, “international”
Turks Christians
some Chr: Hung. Poles, Austr. dynas troops
+ Romanian rebels v. Gers, $ Popse Innocent XI,
Habs auth field comm: Duke of Lorraine
supreme comm: Polish King Sobieski
conter off incl. papal forces + Russians
Prince Eugene of Savoy (Fr. servant Austr)
founder mod Austr state, reformed army won @ Zenta 1697
Peace of Karlowitz 1699: Turks lost most Hung, Transyl.,& Croatia ---> Habsburg House

After Turks Habs ---> West, War of Spanish Succession

Treaty Radstadt 1714: got Sp Neth(Belg) + Milan, Naples
Eugene now ---> East, brillaint success
capt. Belgrade 1729, frontier drawn(Peace of Belgrade 1739)
Turks still Romania & Balkans (cept Cath Croatia)
Austr.---> Medit. - seaport Trieste

Austrian Monarchy 1740

Empire of middle Danube: + Bel and Ital states
Headquarters Vienna
Filled basin of Alpine, Bohemian, Carpathian Mts.
Ger infl. strong, yet empire international or nonnational
Enemies internal: All Prot, Democrats, & nationalists

basis: cosmopolitan aristocratic landowners, closer to ea other than masses
Habs govt dealt w/ landed class & the relatively few cities,
Building Austria                                                                                       1
left peasants to landlords(-->1848)
old diets remained (Boh, Hung, Austr. provinces)
assemblies of landlords: pwr tax & admins.
sense of const. liberties vs. crown
Vienna left alone as long as got taxes, soldiers, coop in war
peasants ---> serfdom
no diet for empire
Habsburgs determ. emp be hereditary & Cath

1st: Bohemia: Czech rebellion crushed 1620

ended nat’l indep. of a people who prospered in M.A.
elimin. elective king
Cath missionaries --->
rebel estates --> reward col/gen of 30 yrs war
Bohemia did remain separate: ther4 new arist. dev sense Bohemian autonomy

2nd: Hungary: after reconq from Turks 1699

Prot = part of Hung. liberties
ius refomandi: right to reform religion own estates, = rel/pol mixed
Turks had favored Prot to oppose desire for Cath Habs King
so: elimin. elective monarchy, crown of St Stephen ---> Habs heredit.
nobles lost right of armed rebellion
Ger vets, Croation privil., Serbian imports ---> weaken native Magyar arist.
1703 Rakoczy led rebell. vs. Habs: failed
Hung = proud, stubborn ---> nationalistic (b4 pop in 19thC)
Hungary remained distinct, magnates most free handed (cept Poles)

= Austrian Monarchy a coll territories held together by personal union

Austr. saw archdike as ruler
Boh saw Boh King as ruler
Magyars saw Hungarian king as ruler = ea its own law, diet, politics
no ties amongst people as whole
arist. joined only by service to House of Austria
Ther4 - for existence, all crowns must be united in one person

Charles VI (1711-1740)
archduke set about to guarantee such an undivided succession
--->Pragmatic Sanction (1st in 1713)
agreed by all diets & archdukes that: 1) Habs terr indivisible
2) recog only one line specified heirs
matter ---> urgent cuz Maria Theresa only heir
grad accepted by all parts of empire, family
Then Charles wanted foreign pwrs to guarantee
took years & @ grt cost: i.e. to get Eng had to end Ostend trading co.
1740 Charles dies: armed “heirs” present selves ---> grt war to partition Austr. terr.

Building Austria                                                                                       2

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