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- !ding as a method of generating forms for architecture, products and fashion

Sophi a Vyzoviti
For all partners in this coll ective
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ISBN 978 90 6369 121 9
Copyright 2006 The authors and BIS Publishers
2nd print ing 2006
3rd printing 2007
4rd printing 2008
5th printing 2009
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From paperfolds to prototypes_6
elastic paper band_12
porous screen_3o
f lexichai r_ 40
body wraps_5o
body donuts_58
.meander chaise_74
contract ib le roof_86
k i netic truss_96
future machine_104
creased tent_112
crumpled room_120
- ambience maker_130
paper crumpler_136
Supersurfaces demonstrates the potential of folding
as a method of generating forms relevant to archi-
tectural as well as industrial , product or textile
design. The book comprises a report of ongoing
design research conducted in the context of architec-
tural education. The majority of this collection of
projects is drawn from design studios and work-
shops that I have instructed between 2005 and
2006 at three academic institutions.
For enabling me to embed this research within the
academic curriculum I am grateful to Professor
Pantelis Lazarides, Head of the Department of
Architecture, School of Engineering at the University
of Thessaly in Volos; Professor Chye Kiang Heng,
Head of the Department of Architecture, School of
Design and Environment at the National University
of Singapore; and Professor Tom Barker, Head of
t he Department of Industrial Design Engineering of
the Royal College of Art in London.
For their support and contributions during the
production of this publication I would like to thank
Constantine Galanopoulos, Thanasis Totsikas, Yota
Adilenidou, Constantine Kyriazopoulos, Zoe Vatti and
Lim Jiahui. For priceless advice on the English texts
I am indebted to David Greensett Robson.
From paperfolds to object-space prototypes
Since the early 1990s, the notion of surface has evolved
into a formal trait in avant-garde architectural discourses.
Conceptualized within the Deleuzian ontology of 'the fold' , it
has become associated with diagrammatic techniques and
digital morphogenesis, prolifically materializing in the pro-
jected and the built through continuity, curvature, smooth
layering and manipulations of the ground.
In the semantic
network of present progressive architectural language, the
verbs 'folding' and ' unfolding' manifest high conceptual con-
nectivity. Browsing through the dictionary of advanced archi-
tecture2 reveals the ubiquity of the terms, making explicit
the establishment of a design world constituted by notions
of surface, folding and unfolding, topology, land strategy,
dynamic trajectories, flexibility, obliquity, systems, devices,
paradoxes, origami , bends and unbendings, braids, coiling,
and contortionisms.
The design research in Supersurfaces explores the potential
of paper folding as a method of form generation, conscious-
ly attending to literal transcripts of the practice. As a matter
of fact, the term ' paperfold' is a neologism; a synthetic
word introduced here to describe the end result of a paper-
folding session. In Supersurfaces , paperfolds are investigat-
ed as physical artifacts: how they are made, how we can
model them, what their intrinsic properties are, and how
they can be productive within a design methodology.
Paperfolds are easy to make. In the paper-folding work-
shops given at the design studios - whose results comprise
:::the contents of this publication -we adopt a 'just
==;:; i ' approach. We follow a step-by-step procedure
:.=5 - g simple rules. The basic paperfold algorithm
-= s :he fol lowing:
=--=-:: ;ith a flat paper surface
-=-s-=orm the paper surface [cut, score, crease, fold,
--: olve, coil , turn, rotate, pleat, pull , push, wrap,
: _o; , ninge, knot, weave, compress, stretch, unfold .... ]
a t hree-dimensional paper surface.
- _ = a e onl y two constraints in accomplishing the paper-
:: maintaining continuity of the surface, and
= mout sticking. As a consequence, paperfolds have
--:enti a! of retrieving a 'flat-plane state' - comprising in
=:_-s"'latical terms 'developable surfaces' .
_s-' ds are difficult to model . Describing paperfolds
- cally, abstracting and representing their intrinsic
_-::-alogy t o a level of generalization, would essentially
__ ""E mathematical formalization. In Supersurfaces,
_c-aory models of paperfolds demonstrate the step-by-
-:: :;'ocedure of transforming a flat plane into a three-
:;.-.sonal surface; in other words, through algorithms.
- =--s - an describing the formal characteristics of the end
- :.. me focus is on the process, on understanding the
<n d evol ution of the artifact.
the paperfold algorithm is an improvisational
that has proven to be fundamentall y sound in the
_ of design education. The language of paperfold
== ms is not formal; it is a combination of geometry,
_2:: ral instructions, 'how to' and visual narratives.
':' _ - g back' the paperfold algorithm is essential in under-
-=-:: g surface transformations. The primary objectives
=c =-. prehension and the specification of chains of opera-
5.:. at are executed in ordered sequences leading to the
three-dimensional object. Unfolding back to t he flat plane
reveals the object's generative pattern. A sufficient descrip-
tion of a paperfold, its basic model, includes a flat-state
pattern and an algorithm of transformative operations.
Paperfolds are protean: variable, mutable, adjustable, fluctu-
ating; one paperfold is potentiall y several. When reconfigur-
ing the order in the chain of surface transformations of the
generative algorithm, one flat-state pattern may generate a
family of paperfolds, producing a category of objects which
share a number of intrinsic properties and whi ch are similar
but not identical. The combinatorial possibilities of a plate
with 5 slits and 5 strips, if each strip can pierce through
one slit, rotated either clockwise or counter-clockwise
amounts to (5x5x2) 50 paperfolds. One ruled strip [rule-cut]
with continuous boundaries has the potential of becoming
an annulus [rotate], a torus [rotate-revolve] , a mobius [twist
90-merge edges), a spira l [coil) or a heli x [twist 360].
A plate scored in a triangular grid achieves variable relief
through alternating convex and concave creases.
Categorization is an essential characteristic of design
knowledge. In Supersurfaces , a taxonomy of paperfolds is
constructed on the basis of sufficient description: flat-state
patterns and algorithms. In this conceptual scheme, three
general categories are distinguished: ' ruling' , 'triangulating'
and ' crumpling'.
The category of ' ruling's primari ly incl udes flat-state patterns
of strips ruled and cut in arrays of lines that are parallel
or perpendicular to their edges, as well as meanders and
alternating rows. Ruling the flat plate adds elasticity to
paperfol ds and facilitates operations that result in curva-
ture, enabling steeper torsion than would be unachievable
with a non-perforated paper surface.
_ :riangulating' category includes f lat-state patterns of
-"?_- of equilateral or isosceles triangles. Here, three-
- :; sionality is achieved by creasing along the triangle
'?- ::es with alternating concave and convex creases, trans-
g the flat plane into a double-corrugated surface.
-e.-g lated paperfolds share the property of inextensional
_ : -g - that is, they can be packaged flat. According to
- = ino and Vincent,
' inextensional folding requires that
s-e er different creases meet at a common point there
be at least four folds, of which three have one sign
.ex or concave) and one fold has the opposite sign
e or convex) .'
--= ::a egory of 'crumpling' includes flat-state patterns of
--=-::om crease lines and irregular facets. Crumpling is a
of minimum effort;maximum three-dimensional
=-:::-:::. expli cated here by the operations: crease, press and
-ol ds are manipulable: bendable, flexible, versatile and
=-==:Aabl e. Some are able to deploy themselves, expanding
--: ontracti ng. Some achieve a number of equilibrium
- - "" upon a plane, balancing in different positions. Some
= -. e several shapes, adj usting to their context. The ver-
:;c 3 and polymorphic nature of paperfolds increases their
_:-.=- ial to generate design prototypes. The investigation of
c_:: :o make paperfolds productive within a hands-on and
__ "'Ss-driven design methodology of form generation is
:_:J ed with explorations into material behavior and usabili-
- ,oerfold algorithms can be executed on alternative
materials: foam, rubber, pvc, polypropylene, poly-
=-= e e, re-enforced fabrics, gypsum band, mesh, leather,
-:::::er. aluminum or plywood. Scaling up paper into larger,
:- er. stiffer and waterproof surfaces instigates inventive
ses in terms of size, usage, texture and structure.
Transcribing the intrinsic properties of paperfolds into the
development of prototypes enables improvisations with a
wide range of applicability. Oscillating between the micro
and the macro scale, supersurfaces engage a design field
that is a fusion between architecture, interior, product and
fashion. Overall , the design prototypes presented in
Supersurfaces correspond to Mollerup's definition of the
'collapsible', an umbrella term he invented for a number of
everyday objects that 'fold out for action and fold up for
storage''. The series of possi ble applications presented
here includes playthings, ornaments, garments, furniture,
furnishings , and architectural components. Partially
resolved, potentiall y implementable, these emergent proto-
types maintain their diagrammatic quality. They abstain from
the exactitude of technical drawing, indulging into the affini-
ty of directed indeterminacy.
Whi le not bound by a linear form of logic, the development
of paperfolds into potential objects and spaces is practiced
methodicall y: intuiti ve paper-folding session, sufficient
description of generative pattern and algorithm, family of
objects, comprehension of intrinsic properties and transcrip-
tion of those properties towards a prototype within a fusion
design field. As a design method , supersurfaces is agnos-
tic, experimental, improvisational and liberating, and is fun-
damentally a diagrammatic technique.
As a counterpart to
present-day overriding research into the 'genetics of form'
through computer-aided design and manufacturing, super-
surfaces can be appreciated as a ' low tech-high concept'
approach -a radicaljretro practice: hands-on, process-
driven design methodology. Despite its analogue constitu-
tion, supersurfaces is an intelligent design method, engag-
ing basic-level computation, relying essentially on brainware
(and handware) rather than software.
1 See also: Vyzoviti, S., Folding Architecture- Concise Genealogy of the
Practice in Folding Architecture: Spatial, structural and organizational diagrams
(Amsterdam, BIS Publishers, 2003)
2 Relationships between the notions of surface, folding, unfoldi ng, topology,
land strategy, systems and devices, as well as paradoxes, origami, bends
and unbendings, braids, coiling, contortionisms are elucidated in Gauza M. et
al, The Meta polis dictionary of advanced architecture (Barcelona, Actar,
3 Developable surfaces are surfaces that can be flattened to a plane without
t earing or stretching; examples include the cylinder, the cone, and the torus.
See http:/ ;en.wikipedia .orgjwikijSurface
4 This is a basic level definition of algorithm: A finite set of well-defined rules
for t he solution of a problem in a f inite number of steps. An algorithm (the
word is derived from the name of the Persian mathematician AI -Khwarizmi), is
a fi nite set of well-defined instructions for accomplishing some task which,
given an initial state, will terminate in a corresponding recognizable end-state
contrast with heuri stic) . See http:/ ; en.wikipedia.orgjwikijAigorithm
5 The category is named by analogy to the 'rul ed surface'. In geometry, a
surface S is ruled if through every point of S there is a straight line that li es
on S. See http:/ ;en.wikipedia. orgj wikijRuled_surface
6 Pellegrino, S. and Vincent, J. , 'How to fold a membrane' in Deployable
Structures, ed. Pelligrino, S. (SpringerWienNewYork, 2001)
- Mol lerup, P., Collapsibles: a design album of space saving objects . (London,
n ames and Hudson, 2001)
8 The prime advantages of the diagrammatic technique, according to Van
3erkel and Boss, is liberation from architectural typology and the introduction
c' qualities that are disconnected from an ideal or an ideology, random, intu-
- e and subjecti ve'. Van Berkel and Boss, in Move: Techniques: network spin
-'\msterdam, Goose Press, 1999)
9 By analogy to Stan Allen's 'low-definition, high-concept' versus the 'high-
=s'init ion, low-concept' in Allen, S., 'The Digital Complex' in Log, volume 5
0 0
30 31
torus [annulus revolved clockwise]

I --.. 1

I '


,I -:l
:.... _',

e __ [
L- -- L


annulus [rule-cut-coil]

,1 -


- L
- ,

- I
torus [annulus revolved counterclockwise]
~ - - :
62 .. ,
~ ~ - - ~ ~ - - ~ ~
r rule-cut-wraR;:fix]

12. kinetic truss
... . "' .
- ~
.. .. .....
.. ... . ~
* ......... .
. ; . : . 7 ~ ~ .
~ .. ~ . - : - : ~
... . :.
-. ::.: ~ - :

- - --1
) \ /,-
' / ' \ /
'\ / <. \
Text by: Sophia Vyzoviti
Design by: Sophia Vyzoviti , Constantine Galanopoulos
Photography: Sophia Vyzoviti and the students
Project credits:
elastic paper band: Stephanie Chen, 2005
Fold it! Workshop, Industrial Design Engineering,
Royal College of Art, UK
lanternette: Sophia Vyzoviti , 2005
twister: Fani Vambula, 2005
Folding Architecture Elective, Department of Archi tecture, Univer::-
of Thessaly, GR
porous screen: Haritini Stavroula, 2006
Supersurfaces Design Studio, Department of Architecture,
University of Thessaly, GR
flexichair: Manolis lliopoulos 2005,
Folding Architecture Electi ve, Department of Architecture, Univer::-
of Thessal y, GR
body wraps: Konstandia Manthou, 2005
Folding Architecture Electi ve, Department of Architecture, Univers-
of Thessal y, GR
body donuts: Sapho Makri, 2005
Folding Architecture Electi ve, Department of Architecture, Univers-
of Thessal y, GR
multigarment: Sapho Makri, 2006
Supersurfaces Design Studio, Department of Architecture,
University of Thessaly, GR
meander chaise: Virginia Sotiraki, 2006
Supersurfaces Design Studio, Department of Architecture,
Uni versity of Thessaly, GR
curver: Zhao Qian, 2006
Supersurfaces Elective, Department of Architecture
of Design and Environment, National of
)lngapore, SG
contractible roof: Sophia Vyzoviti 2005
commissioned by Hellenic Democracy,
rovmce of Macedonia and Thrace, Municipality of Philipoi
kmet1c truss: Georgia Klonizaki & Dina Nikolaidou 2005
Jiploma Thesis, Department of Architecture '
; ristotle University of Thessaloniki , GR '
;upervisors: Sophia Vyzoviti, Spyros Papadimitriou, Lois
future machine: Vyzoviti Sophia 2005
creased tent: Ina Theodoru 2005
:olding Architecture Elective, Department of Architecture
- niversity of Thessaly, GR '
crumpled room: Vasa Tzima 2005
Supersurfaces Design Studio, Department of Architecture
_niversity of Thessaly, GR '
cave: Andreas Halaris 2005
:aiding Architecture Elective, Department of Architecture
- niversity of Thessaly, GR '
ambience maker: Maria Kourti 2005
:olding Architecture Elective, Department of Architecture
_niversity of Thessaly, GR '
paper crumpler: Gregory Epps 2005
it! Workshop, Industrial Design Engineering,
-oyal College of Art , UK
Folding Architecture I spatial, structural and organizational
Supersurfaces is the sequel to Folding Architecture, which has
subsequentl y been reprinted fi ve times. This very successful
publication gives insight into the possibilities of the technique
along with the results of research conducted by the architectural
faculty of the TU in Delft since 2001. The technique of folding in
contemporary architecture is vividly illustrated through a survey o
bespoke concepts, projects and buildings in which this technique
was applied. Compulsory for every architect wishing to design
outside the mainstream.
Author: Sophia Vyzoviti
7th print now available.

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