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Date Received by OIG: Control No.

RECEIVE, S P 2 201 E 1 O FC O T E FI E F H


COMPLAINTOFEMPLOYEEMISCONDUCT I hereby submit this Complaint of Employee Misconduct to the Ofce of the Inspector General of the City of Houston. I AFFIRM that all facts and circumstances stated below are true and correct, to the best of my knowledge. I have read City of Houston Executive Order No. 1-39 ("E.O. 1-39") in Its entirety. (A copy of E. O. 1-39 may be viewed at htt:J/www,houstontx.gov/execordershtml,) Employee Misconduct is dened belowl. The name(s) of the person(s) (with their respective City Departments In parentheses) who appear to have engaged or to be engaging in "employee misconduct" are as follows: DAVID M. FELDMAN: CITYATTORNEY, CITYOF HOUSTON Asummary of the events or circumstances (including dates of events, where known) that have led me to believe that the employee(s) listed immediatety above have engaged or are engaging in "employee misconduct" Is as follows: On August 24, 2011 (Wednesday), Mr. David Feldman held a department wide quarterly meeting for the legal department The meeting was scheduled for 1:30pm. Mr. Feldman entered the meeting after 1:30 pm wearing a pair of brightly colored feathered earrings ( the earrings appeared to be primarily pink with some other colors.) The earrings strongly resembled the same type of earrings sometimes worn by Council woman Iolanda Jones. As Mr. Feldman entered conference room number 382, several employees laughed, however, the majority of the employees were not laughing. Mr. Feldman approached the podium and laughed himself! He then started to speak, but did not make sense in what he was saying. He stated (In a different tone than usual) ' I have had a hard life.' I had to walk several milts to get to school and Oh, did I mention I am a lawyer". 'I am a lawyer". It then appeared that Mr. Feldman was clearly mocking Council woman Iolanda Jones in both her attire and demeanor. Mr. Feldman than took off the earrings ( he had the earrings on between 3-5 minutes.) He continued to poke fun of Ms. Jones by saying: ' tag' "tae "tag". He went on tall the employees of the legal department that the legal department was a force to be reckoned with in both council chambers and the court room. He said that the legal department had the respect of all the council members with the exception of ONEI

He stated there was cake and punch and then he left the meeting. The meeting continued with presentations from Section Chiefs within the legal department. The meeting may have lasted between 30-45 minutes. There appears to have been photographs taken at this meeting of Mr. Feldman wearing the earrings. OnAugust 26, 2011 ( Friday), between the hours of 7:00 am and 8:00am, someone placed another pair of brightly colored earrings (these were blue and green) on the portrait of Mr. Feldman that hangsbehind the receptionist desk on the fourth oor. This action also appeared to represent some sort of mocking of Council woman Jones' attire. Based upon these two incidents, an investigation of Mr. Feldman actions should be conducted. It is not clear who placed the earrings on the portrait, but there are security cameras mounted around the receptionist desk. The lm from those cameras should be able to determine who placed the earrings on the portrait, it is the opinion of this author, that the behavior exhibited by Mr. Feldman on August 24, 2011 was unprofessional, unethical and disrespectful not only to Council woman Jones, but also to the employees of the legal department. Mr. Feldman as City Attorney as well as Supervisor to the Ofce of Inspector General should have known that his actions of August 24, 2011 were unprofessional and totally unbecoming of the Chief Legal Ofcer for the City of Houston. Mr. Feldman's unprofessional behavior further lead to the distasteful "Joke" of 8-26-2011 wherein someone placed the earrings on his portrait. The legal department should be above this type of behavior and clearly a department head should not behave in such a manner.

(Complainant may attach additional pages as necessary to complete this section.) Have you led a grievance concerning this complaint? NO Signature of Complainant Printed Name of Complainant/Employee # : This complaint is being made anonymously from an Individual in the legal department because of fear of retaliation from Mr. Feldman My mailing address, work and cell telephone number(s) are as follows: If I am a City of Houston employee, my Department Is: LEGAL

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