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YEAR 2011-2012



A. Background of the Study

Considering English is a second. even third language for Indonesian people, then the teaching and learning method appropriate adolescent and adults Indonesia is method of learning as recommended by expert of modern English grammar, ie, by learning and mastering English language competence, namely governance language ( English grammar ).

For student who follow formal education such as junior and high and equal in demand should able to master the English language standard, namely over with English grammar , pronunciation and intonation is good and right, because they have to deal with school exams and the world of work or competence in English over.

If you learn the language with the motivation to became a professional and you are still concerned with the formal education you have to learn

standard English that introduction of the introduction of the most basic word, function word, the pronunciation, and the meaning of word in sentence, such as nouns ( noun ) eg : what is a noun, what it means about the pronunciation, and what function of noun in the sentence.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the problem research can be identified as the following :

1. How students learn English in the use good grammar and correct? 2. How far students master grammar and vocabulary? 3. Why students should be required to master the English language?

C. Limitation of the Problem

From the problem above, purpose of this study was to find the right way and good at using English grammar to improve students ability for the second grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Cirebon in Academic year 2011-2012.

D. Statement of the Problems

Based on the identification and limitation of the as mentioned above, the problem of the research : How students and exciting improvements in grammar through skill vocabulary for the second grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Cirebon in Academic Year 2011-2012.

E. Signification of the Problems

The researcher that hopes to develop the institution in grammar and vocabulary is good and right, the teacher uses both approach and method in teaching guidance where appropriate learn from better way to achieve successful the English study. Benefit of research for high school in SMP Muhammadiyah 2 cirebon. That in learning English grammar and vocabulary are important to help students can understand and comprehend the use of good grammar and correct so that students can be improved by actively practicing.

By using English grammar in teaching vocabulary skill the second grade SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Cirebon : motivates and encourage students to practice in learning English grammar and vocabulary so that students enthusiasm in learning.



A. Theoretical Framework

1. Skill vocabulary

Skills in vocabulary is very important for both junior and senior high school student and determine the application of learning in motivation to be a trader in bali for example : he simply memorized conversation sentences in everyday use only. If someone wants to communicate better because the motivation would work on a cruise ship, he will learn more about the sentences and vocabulary and the rules of good grammar course.

2. Understanding of grammar

Understanding of grammar is the study of the rules that govern the use of language. Science is part of the field of linguistics that studies language.

B. The results of the Relevant Researchers

Research results relevant to the research problem of the vocabulary skills. To goal is to develop the skills and talents of students in learning vocabulary and motivate students to the study English in achieving better may assume. For both junior and senior high school students expected to be able to master the English language standard, which is the mastery of English language with grammar, pronunciation, intonation is good and right, because they have to deal with school exams and professional competence in the mastery of vocabulary.

C. Framework of Thought Justification

Of the research frame of mind been explained above that the skills learned in the vocabulary is a process of learning activities to be able to learn the vocabulary skills in the classroom and outside the classroom with a well done study whether individual or group learning. The students will be more centered and able to follow the learning activities as well. Accordance with the desire to achieve an English language study.

Grammar is study of the rules that govern the use of language, science is part of the field of linguistics that studies language.

Students during the learning process takes place can understand and learn the rules that govern the use of language and students who have

the ability to learn and know the grammar and vocabulary can motivate him so excited in learning English to achieve the study.

Based on the description above is suspected positive relationship between grammar with the vocabulary skills of English.



A. Aim of the Research

Tujuan penelitian secara umum adalah untuk mengembangkan kemampuan siswa dalam belajar tata bahasa dan keterampilan perbendaharaan kata dan juga memotivasi siswa untuk mendorong semangat belajar dalam mencapai study bahasa inggris. Setiap siswa haruslah memiliki motivasi untuk menjadi professional dan menguasai bahasa inggris tidak hanya sekedar bisa berkomunikasi semata, tapi harus menggali ilmu pengetahuan yang telah di rekam dalam bahasa inggris.

B. Place and of the Research

Penelitian ini di laksanakan di smp muhmmadiyah 2 cirebon sebagai subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas 2 pada sekolah tersebut dengan menetapkan jumlah kelas sebagai tempat berlangsungnya penelitian sebanyak 3 kelas yaitu kelas 2 A,2 B, 2 C. waktu penelitian berupa palaksanaan pengumpulan data berlangsungnya selama 4 bulan berturut-turut yang dimulai sejak bulan januari sampai mei tahun 2010.

C. Research Metho

1. Type of the Research

Penelitian ini dilakasanakan dalam bentuk kolerasi. Cara ini ditempuh karena ada perhatian atu keingintahuan terhadap hasil sesuatu aktivitas. Penelitian klolerasi dikerjakan tanpa memikirkan ujung praktis atau titik terapan hasil dari penelitian kolerasi pengetahuan umum dan pengertian tentang atau hubungan.pengetahuan umum ini memecahkan masalahmasalah praktis, jadi tidak memberikan jawaban yang menyeluruh untuk tiap masalah tersebut.

2. Research Design

Peelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencoba membandingkan pengaruh 2 model pengelolaan belajar siswa yaitu pengelolan belajar dengan pengajaran klasikal serta pengajaran kelompok teman sebaya, dengan memperhatikan kemampuan tata bahasa dan perbendaharaan kata masing-masing siswa berdasarkan criteria tinggi dan rendah terhadap prestasi belajar tata bahasa dan perbendaharaan kata mereka. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut. maka rancangan kolerasi dari penelitian ini adalah melihat pengaruh 2 model pengelolaan belajar yang berbeda pada siswa yang mempunyai criteria kemampuan tata bahasa dan perbendaharaan kata berbeda yaitu tinggi dan rendah seperti:

X : tata bahasa Y : skill vocabulary

3. Procedure of the Research


Prepatory Stage

1) Penjelasan tentang setelah memperoleh dai pihak dinas dan pendidkan 2) Penjelasan tentang langkah menyusyun instrument tes yang terkait dan materi yang di uji serta bagaiman cara penskoran dan penilaiannya. 3) Penjelasan tentang pelaksanaan uji coba instrument penelitian.


Stage of Research Implementation

Pelaksanaan penelitian ini belangsung2 kali pertemuan, tiap jam pertemuan 40 menit dari rencana belajar dan tugas-tugas siswa yang harus dilakukan dan pada jam-jam sisanya dipakai untuk melakukan proses belajar mengjar dan penyampaian materi tentang tata bahasa dan vocabulary.


Stage of Collecting Data

D. Population and Technique of Sampling

1) Population

Populasi dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi populasi sasaran dan populasi terjangkau yang menjadi menjadi populasi sasaran adalah seluruh bahasa inggris yang ada di smp muhammadiyah 2 cirebon, sedangkan populasi terjangkaunya adalah seluruh guru yang ada di kecamatan kedawung, .

2) SamplingTechinique

Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 20 orang guru bahasa inggris khusus kelas 2 dengan teknik pengambilansampel secara berurutan.

Pertama, menetapkan 3 kecamatan dari 5 kecamatan yang ada dicirebon sebagai sampel. Ketiga kecamatann itu adalah kecamatan kedawung, tengah tani, dan weru.penentuan ini dari 3 kecamatan inin berdasarkan atas pendapat bahwa besar sampel sekitar 25% sudah representive atau mewakili populasinya.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

Untuk pengumpulan data penelitian digunakan teknik tes kuesione. Dan untuk menjaring dat tata bahasa digunakan kuesioner. Sedangkan untuk data kemampuan dalam perbendaharaan kata digunakan tes.

F. Research instrument

1. Variabel X

a. Conceptual Definition

Tata bahassa adalah ilmu yang mempelajari kaidah-kaidah yang mengatur penggunaan bahasa. Ilmu ini merupakan bagian dari bidang ilmu yang mempelajari bahasa yaitu linguistic.

b. Operational Definition

Tata bahasa adalah kemampuan siswa dalam mempelajari dan mengatur penggunaan bahasamyang merupakan bagian dari bidag ilmu yag mempelajari bahasa linguistic.

c. Instrument Specification

Untuk memperoleh data tata bahasa dilakukan dengan

2. Variabel y

a. Conceptual Definition b. Operational Definition c. Instrument Specification d. Instrument penelitian

G. Testing Research Instrument

1. Pelaksanaan uji coba instrument

Instrument validation was conducted on 15 may instrument was tested to30 students of SMP muhammadiyah 2 cirebon Thistry-out was conducted to determine the validity and reliability of the research instruments.

2. Test results of Research Instrument

Based on the statistical calculation, of 50 items there were only 40 items which were valid. The remaining items30 were declared invalid because the value of r (the correlation coefficient) was smaller than the r table so that these items were not used in the study. The valid items were 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,

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