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Singable Songs:

Singable Songs For The Very Young: Great With A Peanut-Butter Sandwich More Singable Songs Baby Beluga

Movement Songs:
Jack Hartmann: Rhymin to the Beat Vol. 1 & 2 Math in Motion Math All Around Me Alphabet Zoo Dr. Jean: All Day Long Kiss Your Brain Greg and Steve: Kids in Motion

Free Dance Music:

Everybody Dance Dance Party Fun Madagascar Disneys Greatest, Vol. 1 Disneys Greatest Vol. 2 Disneys Greatest 3

Action Bible Songs Gospel Bible Songs Gospel Praise Songs Toddler Bible Songs

CDs for Music Props & Instruments:

Multicultural Rhythm Stick Fun Bean Bag Fun Rhythms on Parade Musical Scarves & Activities Simplified Rhythm Stick Activities (Kimbo) Bean Bag Boogie song (Greg & Steve Kids in Motion) Rock N Roll Rhythm Band song (We All Live Together Vol. 5 by Greg & Steve

Read more: http://prekinders.com/music-props/#ixzz1jt8dhfhi

Classical Music for Children

Ideas for using classical music with young children

The Tale of the Tzar Saltan: Flight of the Bumblebee

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Pass a beanbag (the bee) around the circle of children while the music plays. Pause the music occasionally. The person with the beanbag is stung and moves to the middle of the circle. Another idea: Allow the children to move around the room like buzzing bees. Pause the music occasionally and everyone must freeze.

Carnival of the Animals

Camille Saint-Saens Each song in this series represents the movement of a different animal. Have children move around the animal represented in the song: they will prowl like lions, crawl like tortoises, walk and swing their trunks like elephants, move in a slow, swimming motion like the fish, etc.

Carnival of the Animals: The Aquarium

Camille Saint-Saens In this song, the piano keys represent the bubbles floating up to the surface and the violins and flutes represent the fish moving gently through the water. Children can dance slowly with scarves, pretending the scarves are the waves or seaweed. As them to move in a slow, gentle motion like the fish moving through the water.

Carnival of the Animals: Royal March of the Lions

Camille Saint-Saens Children can prowl like lions along with the music. At intervals, the piano rumbles up and down the bass notes to create a lions roar, and the children can pretend the are roaring.

Carnival of the Animals: Tortoise

Camille Saint-Saens The music plays slowly and lazily like turtles. Have the children move like turtles, in a slow and cumbersome crawl. You can also have them place a carpet square on their back as the turtle shell, trying not to let their shell slip off as they crawl.

Carnival of the Animals: The Bird

Camille Saint-Saens The children can pretend to fly and flutter about the room along with the fluttery sound of the flutes and piano in the song. Give them verbal instructions to pretend to land on a branch, fly away again, swoop down to catch a worm, etc.

Carnival of the Animals: The Elephant

Camille Saint-Saens Children can pretend to move like elephants, swinging their trunk (arms), in a slow, cumbersome manner. Give them verbal instructions to stop, drink water from a pool with their trunk, lift their trunk to spray the water, scoop up some food with their trunk and curl it to their mouth, etc.

Carnival of the Animals: The Kangaroo

Camille Saint-Saens Children can hop around the room like a kangaroo as the piano plays the short jumpy notes (staccato), then keep still as the piano plays gently.

Copenhagen Steam Railway Galop

Hans Christian Lumbye This song is so neat. It sounds just like a train! Have the children line up and move around the room like a train. Choose a leader to be the engine.

La Danza Tarantella
Gioachino Rossini Make paper plate tambourines to dance with during this song. The tarantella was a dance where people bit by a tarantula spider would dance crazy to save themselves from the poison (or so it was believed). Have the children dance a crazy dance while playing their tambourines.

Radetsky March
Johann Strauss Sr. Children keep the beat on drums while marching. As the music gets softer and then louder at intervals, stop the drum beat, then begin again.

The Tales of Hoffman: Barcarole

Jacques Offenbach This is a gondola boat song, and the steady flowing rhythm reminds me of boats rowing. Have the children pretend to row boats along with the rhythm of the song. You can either have them sit on the floor and pretend to row with their arms while rocking back and forth; or you can pair them up to sit face to face with feet touching, holding hands while rocking back and forth.

Slavonic Dance No. 8

Antonin Dvorak This is another song with contrasting themes from forceful to gentle. Give children verbal signals to move in contrasting ways as the music changes in contrasting themes: jumping/ walking, marching/ gliding, stomping/ tiptoe

Read more: http://prekinders.com/classical-music/#ixzz1jt8tu4xn

Easy Rhythm Musical Instruments Great for Toddlers - Craig Jewell Teaching music to young children means less structured practice time and more active involvement for the preschoolers. Here are tips for doing music with kids.

Just as infants respond to music even in the womb, the love of music develops more through toddler and preschool years. Parents can provide what Suzuki, an early childhood music education developer called a superior home environment by providing musical stimulation in various ways each day.

Music Development for Two and Three Year Olds

Beginning about age 2, children start trying to repeat back musical phrases, show physical responses to music and can clearly differentiate between tempos, intonations, rhythms and other musical concepts. Allow young toddlers to sing-along to familiar lullabies, finger play songs and other simple tunes. Day care workers and parents should not worry if a child can't match the exact tune yet, that comes in time. At this stage in musical development, toddlers are learning high and low but exact pitches may not be matched exactly and that is alright.

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Toddlers love to explore music through body movements so provide lots of opportunity for dancing, movement, arm and hand motions. For example, if you are singing about flowers give each child a flower and let her wave it about as she sings. If the song is about birds, let the children be birds and fly around the room in response to the words of the song or tune of the music. Give toddlers simple rhythm instruments to play with for instant musical success.

Music Developement for Four and Five Year Olds

At this age the music learning process should still emphasize fun rather than a polished finished product. Formal music education is still above most young children at this stage in their development but music should be a major part of a preschooler's life. Dr. John Gordon talks about how a child's music aptitude, known as audiation, can actually decrease by the age of 9 unless the child is provided with quality music stimulation early in life. Preschoolers are now developing the ability to imitate and refining their singing skills. Some children will be able to sing entire songs and a few will even be able to match pitch and sing the tunes accurately, although teachers should not force this yet.

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Preschool Sing-A-Long Music Preschool Music and Movement Group Music Lessons for Young Children

At the Pre-K levels children are very interested in rhythms and rhythm instruments and should be able to play along with songs even though they might not be able to keep a steady beat yet. Some preschoolers will be able to repeat back short rhythmic phrases or clap their hands in imitation of a teachers rhythmic clapping. It is important for parents and educators to encourage creative and spontaneous responses to musical selections and to keep music fun and exciting without an emphasis on performance.

Additional Tips for Music with Toddlers

Select children's sing-along tapes carefully as preschoolers have a limited vocal range that is higher than most adult males. Try letting your toddlers listen to music that is sung in a higher head voice tone of voice rather than a deep bass voice that children would strain their voices mimicking.

There are many classical and instrumental music selections that are great for toddlers and preschoolers and can be used in a wide variety of day-to-day activities including free play time, meal time, bath time, nap or bed times, etc. Parents and childcare workers can give children a head start by providing a rich, musical environment for the toddlers in their care: fun and active musical activities and music play areas that encourage children will go a long way towards musical success later in life.

1. The Mozart Effect by Don Campbell [Harper Paperbacks, 2001] 2. How to Grow a Young Music Lover by Cheri Fuller [Shaw Books, 2002] 3. Creative Activities for Young Children by Mary Mayesky [Thomson Delmar Learning, 8th edition, 2005] 4. Mind, Music and Imagery by Stephanie Merritt [Aslan Publishing,1996]

Read more at Suite101: Teaching Preschoolers Pre-K Music: Using Songs, Singing & Instruments with Toddlers and Young Children | Suite101.com http://angelaengland.suite101.com/teachingpreschoolers-prek-music-a44751#ixzz1jtA5L0H5

Preschool and Daycare Music and Movement Music - Marja Flick-Buijs Reviews of audio CDs for daycare and preschool music and movement

Music, movement and musical development is important and beneficial during early childhood. Children who play or sing music regularly during the early years display higher performance in both reading and math when they begin elementary school. Music and movement activities increase both fine and gross motor skills, increase self esteem, and strengthen a childs ability to cooperate with others. Daycare providers and preschool providers are called upon to support musical development by providing stimulating music and movement activities as well as to provide experiences with a variety of musical equipment. Sing-A-Longs are a simple way to encourage music and movement participation. Audio CDs are a fun and easy way to introduce sing-a-longs into your curriculum. Preschool Songs
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Preschool Songs by Kids Classics [Cedarmont Kids, 1995] contains 43 tracks of sing-a-long favorites perfect for preschoolers. Each track is sung clearly by children and is easy to follow. The album is a mix of childrens favorites like Ring Around the Rosy, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, The Farmer in the Dell along with other less familiar songs that children will grow to love. Preschool Favorites Preschool Favorites [Music Little People, 2001] is a fun, interactive, energetic CD chock full of favorites for preschool aged children. Most songs are sung by both adults and children and include delightful sound effects. There are also many entertaining call-and-answer tracks which are always popular with younger children. Pop Goes the Weasel, This Little Light of Mine, and Bingo are highlights.

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Teaching Preschoolers Pre-K Music The Best Preschool Music Fun Fingerplays for Toddlers

The Best of the Best Preschool Play Songs The Best of the Best Preschool Play Songs [Madacy Kids, 2002] is a three-disk compilation of charming sing-a-long titles. With well-liked and exciting tracks like Im a Little Teapot, Rig-A-Jig-Jig and Five Little Chickadees, it is easy to get even the most reluctant child to participate in both singing and movement. Superbudget Kids: Preschool Songs Superbudget Kids: Preschool Songs [Madacy Kids, 2004] is a value packed bargain. For under $5 enjoy 30 fantastic well produced songs for preschool music and movement time. Kids will love its energetic sing-a-longs like Five Little Monkeys, The Green Grass Grows All Around, and Im a Nut. Smart Moves 1 For the younger set (toddlers through preschool aged children) try Smart Moves 1: Tots thru Pre-K by Abridge Club Entertainment [Russ InVision, 2004]. This audio CD won a Parents' Choice Approved Award in 2004 and the 2004 Directors' Choice Award. The disk includes 24 tracks (7 of which are in Spanish) sure to encourage development in both fine and gross motor skills, listening skills, and body identification. All of the listed audio CDs can be previewed and purchased on Amazon.com brand new (or at a very significantly reduced price if purchased used).

Read more at Suite101: Preschool Sing-A-Long Music: Daycare and Preschool Music Resources | Suite101.com http://carlasnuggs.suite101.com/preschool-singalong-music-a41591#ixzz1jtAYog11

Sheet music - Marja Flick-Buijs Stock.xchng Tips and resources for creating musical experiences for infants and toddlers

The early childhood years are the important years when it comes to musical development. Children who play or sing music regularly performbetter in reading and math when they begin elementary school. Since playing, singing and dancing to music increases both fine and gross motor skills and helps develop hand-eye coordination, these children are better able to control their bodies. Those actively involved in music also tend to have high self-esteem and are better at playing with others. It is, therefore, important for child care providers and preschool teachers to provide an environment rich with music and movement, to allow for the exploration of musical equipment, and to engage in plenty of diverse, stimulating musical activities.
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Organizations such as the Early Childhood Music and Movement Association and MENC, The National Association for Music Education, recommend ways to encourage music development in infants and toddlers. Child care providers and preschool teachers can engage in activities that involve singing and chanting songs and rhymes that involve a variety of meters and tones. Music for infants and toddlers should also incorporate a variety of sound sources, and include selected music, as well as improvised songs. Musical choices should vary and include a wide range of culture and styles. MENC also suggests that child care providers and teachers can encourage music development in young children by exposing them to both live and recorded music. According to MENC, children should also be exposed to a broad assortment of vocal, body, instrumental, and environmental sounds and be provided with age appropriate toys that make controllable musical sounds. When the music is playing, child care providers should move with the children and emphasize the beat, patterns in rhythm and changes in melody of the music.

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Daycare Provider Organizations Daycare Magazines and Journals Early Childhood Lesson Plan Ideas for Educators

Another important element of which fosters musical development in toddlers is discussion. MENC recommends that child care providers discuss music and its connection to feelings and self expression. The standards of music programs for four year olds, as they are approaching kindergarten, should involve singing and playing instruments (chanting, singing, and playing age appropriate instruments), creating music (improvising songs and rhymes and short pieces of music), responding to music through movement, and understanding music (describing music and demonstrating their awareness musical elements).

Getting Started
MENC provides a guide titled Ideas and Music Lessons for Specialists, Parents, and Child Care Providers which is good read for the overview of basics of a solid preschool or childcare music program. There are a myriad of websites that provide music lyrics, rhymes, and musical activities for child care providers and preschool teachers. Preschool Express Song and Rhyme Station is a great resource for neatly categorized songs for preschool aged children. Preschool Educations Music and Song pages provide a wealth of developmentally appropriate music activities. Each song provides the lyrics along with the tune to which it should sung. For high quality and award winning music products for young children, try the online store at Music Rhapsody or Music Together. Child care providers and preschool teachers cannot overlook the benefit musical experiences in early child development and should work toward developing age appropriate activities for children involving music and movement education. For more activities for infants and toddlers, see Online Preschool Lesson Plans.

Read more at Suite101: Preschool Music and Movement: The Benefits of a Daycare Music Program | Suite101.com http://carlasnuggs.suite101.com/preschool-music-and-movementa29893#ixzz1jtAtFICS

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