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#1 medical, nursing and Pharmaceutical

Careers magazine in Europe with readers in 12 Countries
A Danish to sweeten your career
Silver Sponsor
Gold Sponsor


Interested in advertising/cooperation:
Circulation 51 000 copies
MedPharm Group
Victoria Bieniek
Pawe Ziciowski
Magdalena uczynska
Matthew Serrao
Victoria Bieniek
Pawe Ziciowski
Marta Paradowska
4 medPharm Careers magazine
MedPharm Careers is organized twice a year
(spring and autumn) in the growing number of
countries in Europe attracting thousands of
doctors, nurses and other healthcare profes-
sionals as well as leading medical employers and
The Events make it possible for many organiza-
tions to present local and international career
opportunities to a large audience throughout
Europe while providing possibilities to establish
new business contacts.
This is a true industry meeting for everyone
involved with medical recruitment in Europe.
11.00 - 18.00
11.00 - 18.00
11.00 - 18.00
medPharm Careers
the largest medical, nursing and pharmaceutical job fairs in Europe
6 medPharm Careers magazine 7 medpharmcareers.com
Dear reader,
It is my great pleasure to introduce MedPharm
Careers Magazine which was created for you, the
doctor, the nurse, the pharmacist, the dentist,
the AHP. Especially to those of you who plan to
continue professional development and sharing
of experiences and those whose plans include re-
location in order to achieve those things.
That's right, a magazine dedicated to job-
seeking medical professionals and all about in-
ternational employment opportunities. We, at
MedPharm Group, believe you have much to gain
from working abroad, and not only you, the entire
healthcare sector does.
Why? Well, movement of personnel abroad will
promote the sharing of experiences and expertise
and make opportunities for lifestyle changes and
a career growth possible.
Take Poland, for example, where MedPharm
Careers, international job fairs for medicine,
nursing and pharmacy started four years ago. At
that time, doctors were grasping each available
chance to work in Germany, Ireland and UK. Since
then, however, remunerations have increased, as
have retention rates, and some of that personnel
has gone back, taking with them newly acquired
know-how and international experience. It was a
bumpy road but ended with a win-win situation
for both Polish doctors and the health service.
As such, we see the future of the healthcare
employment in Europe and indeed the world ly-
ing in the transfer of staf abroad.
The editorial team at MedPharm Careers
Magazine and our colleagues at MedPharm
Careers encourage you to take part in this phe-
nomenon and consider the various opportunities
arising within it.
We wish you an entertaining, informative and
eye-opening read.
JournAL 8
ExHIBItorS 47
Victoria Bieniek
Editor-in-Chief / Chefredakteurin
medPharm Careers magazine
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,
Ich bin stolz darauf, Ihnen unser MedPharm
Magazin, das fr Sie, rzte, Krankenschwestern,
Pharmazeuten, Zahnrzte und andere Heilberu-
fe entworfen wurde, prsentieren zu drfen. Vor
allem fr diejenigen, die vorhaben, sich berufich
zu entwickeln, Erfahrungen auszutauschen sowie
fr diejenigen, deren Plne eine Umsiedlung be-
Das Magazin wird den Arbeitsuchenden aus
dem medizinischen Bereich und allen Themen
rund um die internationalen Einstellungsmg-
lichkeiten gewidmet. Wir, die MedPharm Group,
glauben daran, dass Sie und das ganze Gesund-
heitswesen von der Arbeit im Ausland viel prof-
tieren knnen.
Warum? Die Arbeiterbewegung ins Ausland
frdert den Austausch der Erfahrungen und Fach-
wissen und ermglicht die nderung des Lebens-
stiles und einen berufichen Aufstieg.
Nehmen wir als Beispiel Polen an, wo Med-
Pharm Careers, die internationalen medizinischen
Jobmessen fr Medizin, Krankenpfege und Phar-
mazie, vor vier Jahren begonnen haben. Damals
versuchten die rzte, alle Chancen zu nutzen, um
in Deutschland, Grobritannien oder Irland arbei-
ten zu knnen.
Seit dieser Zeit stiegen die Gehlter, weniger
Leute wollen ausreisen und manche kehrten mit
dem neu erworbenen Know-How zurck. Der
Weg war kein leichter, jedoch haben am Ende
beide Seiten, sowohl polnische rzte als auch das
Gesundheitswesen, gewonnen.
Das Redaktionsteam des MedPharm Magazins
und unsere Kollegen von MedPharm Careers emp-
fehlen Ihnen an diesem Phnomen teilzunehmen
und verschiedene Mglichkeiten in Erwgung zu
Wir wnschen Ihnen eine unterhaltsame, in-
formative und aufschlussreiche Lektre.
Mit freundlichen Gren,

Grzegorz Chodkowski

Katherine Galliano

Pawe Ziciowski

magdalena uczyska

magdalena uczyska

Dipl.-Kfm. reinhard Hirsch

Victoria Bieniek

matthew Serrao

Jarosaw otarzewski

trushar Patel

Dr magdalena Benemann

Kinga oziska

Jrg Herrmann

ulrike roese-maier
8 medPharm Careers magazine 9 medpharmcareers.com
A Danish to sweeten
your career
Beate Brussand mark de Vos
The largest country in Europe (including its teritories), famous for
LEGO building blocks and sweet pastries named after the citizens,
Denmark may be your next employment destination.
Curious about the job opportunities available, MedPharm Careers'
Grzegorz Chodkowski sat down in Copenhagen with Workindenmark
recruitment consultants Beate Bruss and Mark de Vos.
Grzegorz Chodkowski
medPharm Careers
What exactly is Workindenmark
and what are your roles
in that organization?
mark: Workindenmark is part of the Danish La-
bour Market Authority and the European Employ-
ment Services (EURES). We ofer practical infor-
mation and general advice on all issues related to
working and living in Denmark.
Beate: Our website Workindenmark.dk is the
ofcial Danish website for international recruit-
ment and job seeking. There are special sections
targeted for the health sector and international
Why should foreign-trained
medical specialists go to Denmark?
Beate: There are many reasons why Denmark
can be attractive for foreign-trained medical
specialists. Foreigners who are already working
in Danish hospitals are very positive about inspir-
ing career opportunities and the healthy working
environment with an informal workplace culture.
Moreover, they experience Denmark as a safe
country at work, in the streets and at home.

Is there a special need for certain
specialities at the moment?
mark: Despite the economic crisis, there is still
demand for certain specialities. Just like in many
other European countries there is a shortage
of radiologists. Hospitals are also interested in
meeting foreign cardiologists, oncologists, psy-
chiatrists and neurologists.
Beate: Also, in some areas in Denmark there is
also a need for GPs and dentists.
mark: Any foreign-trained medical specialists in-
terested in working in Denmark can directly con-
tact us via email. health@workindenmark.dk
Beate Bruss and Mark de Vos are both recruit-
ment consultants at Workindenmark where they
started working when the organisation was es-
tablished in September 2008. Mark comes from
Holland, is an anthropologist and has been work-
ing in Denmark since 2005. Beate comes from
Germany, is a nurse and holds a Master degree
in Scandinavian studies. She has been working in
Denmark since 1999.
10 medPharm Careers magazine 11 medpharmcareers.com
Medical professionals seeking opportunities to grow their careers
abroad might consider vacancies in developing countries. Katherine
Galliano of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) talked to MedPharm
Magazine about this alternative.
Katherine Galliano
Head of Human resources
mSF uK (Doctors Without Borders)
What is required of European
trained medical-professionals,
other than two years experience
in their speciality, in order to
qualify for a mission with mSF?
All our recruits for overseas work need to meet
our basic requirements. These can be found on
our website.
We are looking to recruit professionals interested
in a medium to long term career with MSF, the
minimum availability should be 9-12 months, al-
though some specialists such as surgeons need
only be available for 6-8 weeks at a time. Other
basic requirements include the ability to live and
work in a multicultural team, the ability to cope
with stress, fexibility and some experience of
independent travel or working in a developing
Each profession then has to meet the require-
ments for his or her profession. Details can be
found on our website where we have a list of pro-
fessions that we recruit. (http://www.msf.org.
What other criteria
would medical professionals need
to fulfl?

English is the language used at MSF, but we des-
perately need fuent French speakers to work in
French speaking countries such as Central Afri-
can Republic, Haiti where we have medical pro-
Recruits need to be registered with the profes-
sional body in the country where they are recruit-
ed. In the UK they are with the General Medical
Council and the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
There are recruitment ofces in Australia, Austria,
Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Ger-
many, Greece, Holland, Hong Kong, India, Italy,
Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, South Africa, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, UK and US.
All candidates need be able to travel to one of the
above countries where MSF has an ofce in order
to have a face to face interview.
What benefts to one's personal
and career development
can be expected
from experience with mSF?

Working with MSF is extremely challenging but
also immensely rewarding personally and profes-
sionally. Not only do our feld staf learn about
themselves and others, they also experience
a new culture and most importantly, help to rea-
lise a vital purpose assuring access to essential
medical and humanitarian aid to populations in
danger. Both clinical and technical skills learnt
whilst overseas are always valuable when our in-
ternational staf return home to their careers, as
are the softer skills they develop.

What other staf
does the mSF recruit?
We recruit nurses, midwives, epidemiologists,
biomedical scientists as well as non-medical staf.
More information is in the working overseas sec-
tion of our website.
mSF's profle
mdecins Sans Frontires mSF
(Doctors Without Borders) is an
independent international medical
humanitarian organisation that
delivers emergency aid in more than
60 countries to people afected by
armed confict, epidemics, natural
or man-made disasters or exclusion
from healthcare.
In emergencies and their aftermath,
mSF rehabilitates and runs hospitals
and clinics, performs surgery,
battles epidemics, carries out
vaccination campaigns, operates
feeding centres for malnourished
children and ofers mental
Details can be found on our website
where we have a list
of professions that we recruit.
JournAL JournAL
12 medPharm Careers magazine 13 medpharmcareers.com
medicine 2.0
and the next generation of doctors and patients
Following the defnition of the term in Wikipedia
Medicine 2.0 or a closely related term Health 2.0
represent the possibilities between health
care, eHealth and Web 2.0, () A concise defni-
tion of Health 2.0 is the use of a specifc set of
Web tools (blogs, Podcasts, tagging, search, wi-
kis, etc) by actors in health care including doc-
tors, patients, and scientists, using principles of
open source and generation of content by users,
and the power of networks in order to personal-
ize health care, collaborate, and promote health
education. A possible explanation for the reason
that Health has generated its own "2.0" term are
its applications across health care in general, and
in particular it potential in public health promo-
tion. However the question is how it all relates
to me as a doctor, medical student or a patient.
One of the people who realized the potential of
all the above being one of the pioneers in the feld
is Dr Bertalan (Berci) Mesko.
Grzegorz Chodkowski: You are now consid-
ered one of the opinion leaders in the feld but
please let us know how it all started.
Bertalanmesko: That all goes back to the time
when I was a medical student. I have always been
an active internet user spending a great deal of
the time online. I used several web applications
and other resources in my studies, which I found
very benefcial. Then I thought it would be a good
idea to start sharing this information with others
and I thought a blog would be a perfect way of
doing so. That is how I launched Scienceroll.com,
which after a few months, was distinguished by
Medgadgets Weblog Awards. That made me
a lot more motivated to share my knowledge re-
garding medicine and genetics with others. Run-
ning a blog became my daily routine and I started
to devote more and more time to the medicine
2.0 concept. I am getting a lot of positive com-
ments and encouraging feedback from people
from around the world which make me work even
harder on my projects.
G.Ch: With such an easy internet access and an
immense amount of information patients more
more easily get an access to the medical informa-
tion and would like to get involved more in their
treatments. What is your opinion on participatory
medicine as we call it?
B.m: Indeed, what we can see right now is the
situation where patients would like to get in-
volved more and more in the treatment they are
getting and become partners for their doctors.
The moment they know about the diagnosis or
the surgery they will need to undergo they go on
internet and google all the possible information
on the topic. In many situations this is high qual-
ity information from the leading medical universi-
ties and experts in the feld.
They learn about new treatments and techniques
that sometimes their doctors have never heard
of. In this way patients become valuable partners
in the curing process.
G.Ch: Please tell us a little bit about your recent
development e.g Webicina
B.m: Webicina.com is the idea I came up with in
2008 when I tried to fnd good and relevant social
media resources covering a wide range of medical
topics. I soon realized that there are portals pro-
viding quality medical sites such as HONcode but
social media are not really represented there.
My next thought was that I should launch a free
service that would feature manually and care-
fully selected medical social media resources.
Over the last 3 years the project has evolved and
grown quite considerably with now over 80
medical topics in 17 languages including Japa-
nese, Chinese or German. Our users like the idea
of all of the resources being gathered in one place
and at the same time the quality of it thanks to
the manual selection.
G.Ch: Berci, Thank you very much for your time
and good luck with your medical and research ca-
reer as well as all the medicine 2.0 developments.
I hope more and more medical students and doc-
tors will be able to apply that to their daily life
B.m: Thank you Greg for inviting me over and
good luck to all Visitors to MedPharm Careers in
Dr Bertalan mesko
is a doctor, medical blogger at
Scienceroll.com and microblogger
at twitter.com/Berci. He has
recently started his PhD in
personalized genetics this. Doctor
t regularly gives presentations
about web 2.0's impact on medical
education and healthcare and tries
to ease the work of physicians and
scientists by recommending useful
tools and sites and by presenting
them the new world of web 2.0.
He is the founder of the frst
medical web 2.0 guidance service
at Webicina.com and launched
the frst university credit course
for medical students that
focuses on web 2.0 and medicine
at the university of Debrecen
He has given lectures at several
clinics and departments as well
as presentations at the medicine
meets Virtual reality Conference
(Long Beach, CA in 2008 and
2009); at the university of Yale,
School of medicine, at the centre of
World Health organization, at the
medicine 2.0 Congress in toronto or
Doctors 2.0 and You in Paris, among
JournAL JournAL
14 medPharm Careers magazine 15 medpharmcareers.com
What is taxback.com?
Taxback.com is a multi-national corporation pro-
viding specialist tax and fnancial services to pri-
vate and corporate clients across 100 countries.
We have 25 ofces worldwide in Europe, Austral-
asia, North America and South America. We cur-
rently employ over 670 people.
What type of services
do you provide?
We provide professional income tax return ser-
vices and expertise for individuals working in 16
countries. In many of the countries we operate
in we provide free refund estimations so profes-
sionals working abroad can identify how much
tax they are owed before applying for a refund.
Further to our income tax return services we also
provide payroll, dividend withholding tax and
VAT services.
How is your service relevant
for the medical profession?
Professionals working abroad are often due sig-
nifcant tax refunds for many reasons. Doctors,
dentists, nurses and other medical professions
are no exception. In some countries they may be
entitled to an even higher refund on account of
work-related expenses such as subscriptions to
professional bodies and institutes or professional
indemnity insurance fees.
When is the best time to apply
for a refund? Does the applicant
have to return home frst?
Tax return and refund deadlines difer country
to country but several fall at the end of the cal-
endar year with some in April too. If a reader is
concerned about a tax return deadline they can
register at taxback.com and one of our repre-
sentatives can assist them with a return. In most
cases a tax return can be fled by a person in their
current country of employment or when they re-
turn home, though this again difers country to
How much does it cost?
The initial refund estimation is free. In addition,
we operate a no refund, no fee policy so we only
charge a percentage of the refund once it is re-
leased by the relevant tax ofce. For a breakdown
of our fees country by country readers can visit
What documents are required?
The exact documents vary from country to coun-
try. Usually our customers complete a short ap-
plications form, attach their work documents and
a copy of a photo ID and we take care of the rest!
How can one apply?
You can apply on our website
www.taxback.com or call any of
our ofces worldwide quoting the
following reference number: 52 300
JournAL JournAL
no problem?
Dentists who are qualifed in the UK or hold ap-
propriate EEA qualifcations are entitled to regis-
ter on the General Dental Council (GDC) Register
on the basis of their primary qualifcation alone.
But how does it look for those from outside the
privileged club?
The GDC does not automatically recognize non-
EEA dental qualifcations for registration as they
do not quality assure overseas dental courses.
Dentists qualifed outside of the EEA are required
under the relevant legislation to demonstrate
requisite knowledge and skill for registration. For
overseas qualifed dentists who are not entitled
to registration on the basis of their primary dental
qualifcation, the GDC uses the Overseas Regis-
tration Examination (ORE) as the statutory tool
for assessing knowledge and skill. Candidates are
expected to meet or exceed the standard of a
just passed UK BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery)
graduate. The exam is based on the UK dental
curriculum and uses modern assessment meth-
ods to ensure a robust and consistent exam.
The exam has two parts: written and clinical.
The GDC designs and organizes the exam and
manages its administration. It appoints dental au-
thorities to run the exam sittings on their behalf.
Further information
about the orE can
be found on the
the General
Dental Council
is the statutory regulatory body for
the dental profession focusing on
patient protection in uK. It sets and
upholds standards of education,
conduct and practice for dentists
and other registered dental care
professionals and quality assure all
courses and awards which lead to
candidates' registration in the uK.
Pawe Ziciowski
medPharm Careers magazine
16 medPharm Careers magazine 17 medpharmcareers.com
Dr Przemysaw
(born 1978), a 2003 graduate of
Akademia medyczna im. Karola
marcinkowskiego in Poznan, Poland.
Works in Germany since 01/01/2005
- frst at Helios-Klinik Sangerhausen
(6 and a half years), now based at
Altmark-Klinikum in Salzwedel.
He is a specialist in Internal medicine,
qualifed in Emergency medicine,
works independently in a rotation
system at internal medicine
department and various specialised
departments, dialysis station,
emergency department and the frst
aid station.
While on vacation combined with internship in
Vienna, Dr Przemysaw Woyniec discovered the
work and equipment available to doctors abroad.
He spoke to MedPharm Magazine's Magdalena
uczyska about his subsequent decision to leave
Poland in pursuit of work in Germany
Since you went to Germany in
2005, has anything made you
want to go back to Poland?
Our family is not planning to go back, at least
not for now, but we never say never. Regarding
things I don't like ... well, it's a little bit diferent
here and not everyone is able to adjust. German
bureaucracy requires a lot of patience. I think an
important role is played by the people we meet
along the way, though, and I was lucky. But I like
that people here don't judge by nationality, but
by abilities and knowledge. Also, quality hospital
equipment makes work fun and helps profession-
al development.
What advice would you give to
the newcomers?
Learn the language, that's the gateway. Don't lie
in your CV, life will verify it brutally. Consider if
you really are prepared to leave your friends and
family. It is also worth knowing what you want to
do in your career. Prepare to work very hard to
make a name for yourself.
Where in Germany and for what
specialities are there vacancies?
Practically anywhere, but there are more vacan-
cies in former east-Germany then in the west.
Large cities are flled, but there are vacancies in
smaller hospitals. Most sought after are special-
ists in internal medicine, general and orthopaedic
surgeries, anaesthesiology and psychiatry. It will
be a little more difcult for paediatricians. It's
quite hard to fnd a vacancy for a plastic surgeon,
ophthalmologist or laryngologist.
What skills are required to gain
According to authorities, a B2 level certifcate
of German language is required to gain right to
practise or Approbation. However, this is not the
case in all states, some of them require diferent
documents and some of them organise writing
and speaking exams for candidates if they can't
supply the certifcate. Before gaining Approba-
tion it's also worth travelling to the relevant ofce
(Landesamt fr medizinische Berufe) talk with
someone in person, that is what I did. After a di-
rect conversation the procedure picks up pace.
Can foreign doctors count
on getting support in fnding
accommodation in Germany,
fnding work for family members,
fnding the right language course?
Defnitely. One should not forget that the more
attractive a candidate is the more help the hospi-
tal is able to give them. A hospital is a company,
which knows when to invest because in half
a year it will begin to bring profts.
Is the registration process
(gaining Approbation)
There are many documents that need to be trans-
lated by a sworn translator. In given lands the
requirements difer but the procedure generally
takes three to six months. Request a list of the
required documents beforehand. Then, step by
step, tick them of the list and at the end send
them of as a set. Otherwise, the procedure is
more time consuming.
Are experienced doctors from
abroad able to take on an
oberarzt or Chefarzt post?
Certainly. Among others I was ofered a promo-
tion for an Oberarzt position when I was leaving
my employer. I personally know many foreign
doctors who are Oberarzt or Chefarzt. But you
need to show that you're better and hold more
knowledge and abilities. Honestly, in this case,
communicativeness and knowledge are more im-
portant than citizenship.
JournAL JournAL
magdalena uczyska
medPharm Careers magazine
18 medPharm Careers magazine 19 medpharmcareers.com
Dr Przemysaw Woyniec,
geb. 1978, absolvierte im Jahre 2003
die Karol marcinkowski Akademie fr
medizin in Posen.
Arbeitet in Deutschland seit dem
01.01.2005, anfangs 6,5 Jahre bei
der Helios-Klinik Sangerhausen, im
moment im Altmark-Klinikum in
Salzwedel. Seine Spezialisierung
ist Innere medizin, darber
hinaus verfgt er auch ber eine
rettungsdienst-Qualifzierung; mit
Erfahrung in Abteilungen fr Innere
Krankheiten, in der Aufnahmestation
sowie im rettungsdienst.
Whrend einer Famulatur in Wien verbunden mit
einem Ferienaufenthalt konnte Dr Przemysaw
Woyniec beobachten, wie Arbeit, Ausrstung
und berhaupt Mglichkeiten im Ausland aus-
sehen. Jetzt erzhlt er Magdalena uczyska
vom MedPharm Magazine ber seine sptere
Entscheidung, aus Polen auszuwandern und in
Deutschland eine Karriere als Arzt anzufangen.
Ihr Aufenthalt in Deutschland
dauert ununterbrochen seit 2005.
Haben Sie inzwischen momente
gehabt, in denen Sie mit etwas
nicht zufrieden waren und
zurckkehren wollten?
Erstmalig will ich mit meiner Familie hier bleiben.
Wir knnen noch nicht sagen ob fr immer, je-
doch kommt der Rckkehr nach Polen momentan
nicht in Frage.
Es ist schwer zu sagen, was hier als negativ zu be-
zeichnen ist. Es ist hier einfach anders, vor allem
geht es mir um die Mentalitt. Nicht jede Person
kann sich daran gewhnen. Man sollte auch viel
Geduld fr die Brokratie haben. Dabei sind auch
Menschen, die man auf seinem Wege trift, sehr
wichtig. Diesbezglich habe ich Glck gehabt.
Was positiv ist: niemand wird hier aufgrund der
Staatsangehrigkeit beurteilt, sondern es wer-
den Fhigkeiten und Kenntnisse bewertet. Dazu
kommt noch die Mglichkeit, sich berufich zu
entwickeln und mit der modernen medizinischen
Ausrstung umzugehen.
Welche ratschlge bezglich der
Einstellung in deutschen Kliniken
und Krankenhusern knnen Sie
Die deutsche Sprache lernen, im Lebenslauf kei-
ne Lgenmrchen schreiben das Leben wird es
schnell und brutal berprfen. Man sollte auch
berlegen, ob man bereit ist, Familie und Freunde
zu verlassen und sich darauf vorbereiten, dass
man fr den eigenen Namen schwer arbeiten
Wo gibt es in Deutschland
die grten Chancen, eine
interessante Einstellung zu fnden
und welche Spezialisierungen sind
am meisten gefragt?
Eigentlich berall, jedoch gibt es in der ehemaligen
Osttdeutschland etwas mehr Jobangebote als im
Westen. Grostdte sind meistens gut rztlich
besetzt. Es gibt mehr Vakanzen in kleineren Kran-
kenhusern. Es sind vor allem Fachrzte oder As-
sistenzrzte fr Innere Medizin, Visceralchirurgie
und Unfallchirurgie, Ansthesie und Psychiatrie
gefragt. Schwieriger geht es mit Kinderheilkunde.
Es gibt auch relativ wenig Vakanzen fr plastische
Chirurgie, Augenheilkunde und HNO.
Welche Deutschkenntnisse
mssen fr die Erteilung der
Approbation nachgewiesen
Ein Sprachzertifkat der Stufe B2 ist fr eine
Approbation meistens verlangt. Es ist jedoch
vom Bundesland abhngig, welche Unterlagen
bentigt sind . Manche Bundeslndern fhren
selbst vor der Erteilung der Approbation eine
mndliche oder schriftliche und mndliche
Prfung, falls kein Sprachzertifkat vorgelegt sein
kann. Ich wrde empfehlen, sich selbstndig mit
dem entsprechenden Landesamt fr medizinische
Berufe zu kontaktieren, bevor man einen Antrag
auf die Erteilung einer Approbation stellt. Nach
einem persnlichen Gesprch dauert das ganze
Registrierungsverfahren krzer.
Bieten deutsche Krankenhuser
und Kliniken untersttzung bei
der Suche nach unterkunft,
Einstellung fr Ehepartner oder
Sprachkurse an?
Ja, sicher. Deutsche Krankenhuser helfen bei der
Suche nach einer Wohnung, verweisen auf ent-
sprechende Institutionen oder sogar konkrete
mter, manchmal bernehmen sie die Kosten der
bersetzung der ntigen Dokumente o.. Je at-
traktiver ein Arzt auf dem medizinischen Markt
ist und je grer der Bedarf seitens eines Kran-
kenhauses ist, desto mehr Hilfe wird angeboten.
Sind die registrierungsprozeduren
Viele Dokumente mssen noteriell beglaubigt
und von einem vereidigten Dolmetscher ber-
setzt werden. Nicht in allen Bundeslndern wer-
den dieselben Dokumente erfordert. Das Verfah-
ren dauert normalerweise 3 bis 6 Monate. Es ist
gnstig, sich ganz am Anfang nach einer Liste der
erforderlichen Dokumente zu erkundigen, dann
schrittweise die Dokumente zu sammeln und am
Ende alles einzureichen. Andernfalls dauert das
Verfahren lnger.
Haben erfahrene rzte eine
Chance, als oberarzt oder
Chefarzt in Deutschland zu
Ohne Zweifel ja. Man hat mir einen raschen
berufichen Aufstieg auf eine Oberarztposition
angeboten, als ich meinen ehemaligen Arbeitge-
ber nach 6,5 Jahren verlassen wollte. Mann sollte
jedoch ber sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse und
fundiertes Fachwissen verfgen. Ich kenne per-
snlich viele auslndische rzte, die als Oberarzt
oder Chefarzt arbeiten. Hier zhlen kommunika-
tive Fhigkeiten und Fachwissen und nicht die
JournAL JournAL
magdalena uczyska
medPharm Careers magazine
20 medPharm Careers magazine 21 medpharmcareers.com
In ganz Deutschland fehlen
mediziner. Zahlreiche auslndische
rzte wollen hingegen in
Deutschland eine Einstellung
fnden. Wie sehen die
Statistiken aus? Wie viele rzte,
Krankenschwester und Pfeger
werden bei Ihnen pro Jahr
Es stimmt nicht ganz, dass berall in Deutschland
rzte fehlen. Es gibt in vielen Regionen Bedarf,
aber auch Regionen mit einem teils erheblichen
berschuss an rzten. Weiterhin weist der Be-
darf groe strukturelle Unterschiede hinsichtlich
der gesuchten Fachrichtungen und der Hierar-
chieebenen (vom jungen Absolventen bis hin zum
Chefarzt) auf.
Insofern gibt es keine generelle statistische Aus-
sage, sondern man muss die spezifschen Gege-
benheiten sehen. Mehr rzte als freie Stellen gibt
es in den Grostdten und Ballungsgebieten wie
Hamburg, Berlin, Kln, Frankfurt, Stuttgart und
Mnchen. Ein wesentlicher Faktor fr die Unter-
schiede liegt auerhalb des medizinischen Sek-
tors. Infolge der deutschen Wiedervereinigungen
hat es in der Industrie massive Vernderungen
gegeben. Da viele Mediziner einen Lebenspartner
aus anderen Berufsgruppen haben, sind viele Me-
diziner ihren Lebenspartnern in andere Regionen
gefolgt. So ist zu erklren, dass es in einigen vllig
unattraktiven Regionen einen rzteberschuss
gibt, whrenddessen in attraktiven Gegenden
teils ein erheblicher Mangel an rzten herrscht.
Die Unternehmensgruppe PERMEDEX hat sich
auf die Rekrutierung und Vermittlung von rzten
spezialisiert und vermittelt allein in Deutschland
jhrlich mehrere hundert rzte an Kliniken und
Wird das medizinische Personal
aus europischen Lndern in
deutschen Krankenhusern
und Kliniken gern gesehen?
Wie werden Sie und Ihre Arbeit
Generell ist Deutschland sehr ofen fr Fachkrf-
te und die Mediziner stellen hierbei eine beson-
ders gefragte Gruppe dar. Mediziner aus dem
Ausland, insbesondere aus den osteuropischen
EU-Staaten, sind inzwischen schon sehr viele in
Deutschland und bestens etabliert. Den meisten
gelingt die berufiche und familire Integration
Chance fr Auslnder, Problem fr Deutschland.
Dipl.-Kfm. reinhard Hirsch
Geschftsfhrer PErmEDEx
sehr schnell und dann stehen ihnen alle Wege
ofen. Auslndische Mediziner auf der Position ei-
nes Ober- oder Chefarztes sind heute fast schon
eine Selbstverstndlichkeit. Generell haben Sie
die gleichen Vergtungsbedingungen und Kar-
rierechancen wie ihre deutschen Kollegen.
Welche Funktionen und
Positionen sind am meisten
Bedarf mit steigender Tendenz besteht in
Deutschland an Fachrzten mit mehrjhriger Be-
rufserfahrung. Die meisten Angebot fr Fachrzte
gibt es in den Hauptfachrichtungen Ansthesie,
Augenheilkunde, Chirurgie, Innere Medizin, Or-
thopdie, Neurologie, Psychiatrie und Radiologie.
Besonders gefragt sind Fachrzte mit Subspezia-
Aber auch Absolventen und rzte mit erster Be-
rufserfahrung haben derzeit vielfltige Mglich-
keiten fr eine Spezialisierung in Deutschland. In
vielen anderen Lndern Europas ist es fr Absol-
venten teilweise schwierig, berhaupt eine Stelle
zur Spezialisierung zu bekommen. In Deutschland
kann im Moment fast jeder Absolvent eine Spe-
zialisierung in seiner gewnschten Fachrichtun-
gen beginnen und hat dazu noch die Auswahl
zwischen verschiedenen Regionen.
Gibt es Ihrer Ansicht nach eine
Chance, den rztemangel in
Deutschland zu lindern? Wie sind
die Prognosen?
Der groe Bedarf an rzten ist einerseits durch
falsche oder kurzsichtige politische Entscheidun-
gen entstanden, andererseits wird die Situation
durch die demografsche Entwicklung noch ver-
Dipl.-Kfm. reinhard Hirsch Geschftsfhrer PErmEDEx
22 medPharm Careers magazine 23 medpharmcareers.com
1. requirements
Doctors with EU nationality who have graduated
in EU countries cannot receive the work permit,
they can only receive work approbation.
Doctors from non EU countries can receive tem-
porary work permit to practice following 10 of
Federal Medical Regulations fle.
In both cases the appropriate documents are re-
quired in written form as well as an application.
In order to obtain such permit one needs to have
a proper medical degree, appropriate German
language profciency, references from the previ-
ous employer and have to fulfl health and per-
sonality requirements. In both cases appropriate
application forms and required documents need
to be provided to the appropriate institution in
the federal state in which medical activity will be
2. Procedural method
Applicants from Romania and Bulgaria still need
a work permit.
The decision whether the approval is to be
granted is regulated in 3 of the Federal Medical
Regulations fle. The requirements to grant the
approval may vary from one land to another but
in each of these the required documents include
medical training proof, reference form a previ-
ous employer and a sufcient German language

3) Approbation vs. Work permit
valid all over Germany
no time, place or speciality limit
when the requirements are met,
there is a legal right to receive the approbation
Work permit
its validity is limited to the employer
or federal state
apart from exceptions, there are place
and speciality limits
there is no legal right to grant an approbation,
this decision is discretionary
4. Language profciency
In general, a sufcient proof of German language
profciency is an equivalent of B2 certifcate.
However, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern it is ad-
ditionally required to present one's language skills
in person.
5. Deadlines
When granting the approbation, there are certain
EU deadlines to process the applications. It must
be stated within one month which documents
are still missing and in case all of them are sub-
mitted the decision whether the approbation is
to be granted must be made within 4 months.
6. Proposed changes to the
Federal medical regulations
It is stated that the process of foreign qualifca-
tions recognition is going to be facilitated. How-
ever, it is not stated how and in what way it is
going to happen.
strkt. Fr das Medizinstudium gilt nach wie vor
der numerus clausus, so dass viele Interessenten
in Deutschland nicht Medizin studieren knnen
und deswegen ins Ausland gehen. Bereits vor gut
zehn Jahren war absehbar, dass es aufgrund die-
ser Faktoren einen Mangel geben wird, ohne dass
die Politik entsprechend reagiert hat. Ein weiterer
Faktor ist die groe deutsche Pharmaindustrie,
in der viele Absolventen des Medizinstudiums
Stellen fnden und deswegen fr Krankenhu-
ser nicht mehr zur Verfgung stehen. Damit ist
die eher unverstndliche Situation zu erklren,
dass Deutschland ber ein hoch modernes und
efzientes Gesundheitswesen verfgt, aber es
dennoch zu wenige rzte im Gesundheitswesen
Welche manahmen sollte man
ergreifen, um die Situation auf
dem medizinischen markt in
Deutschland zu verbessern?
Kurzfristig sehe ich nur die Mglichkeit, freie Stel-
le mit auslndischen rzten zu besetzen. Mittler-
weile haben sowohl die Bundesregierung als auch
die einzelnen Bundeslnder mit verschiedenen
Initiativen reagiert, aber es wird Jahre dauern, bis
diese Manahmen zu sprbaren Efekten fhren.
Fehler, die vor Jahren durch falsche Lenkungs-
entscheidungen bei der Beruferatung zur Stu-
dienplatzwahl oder die Zugangsbeschrnkungen
gemacht wurden, lassen sich nur langfristig kor-
Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass
viele deutsche rzte ins Ausland,
z.B. in die Schweiz fahren, weil sie
dort auf ein hheres Einkommen
zhlen knnen. Wieso sind die
unterschiede bezglich der
mglichkeiten in Deutschland und
in der Schweiz so gro?
Deutsche rzte haben einen guten Ruf und nicht
wenige sehen natrlich die materiellen Aspekte,
die in einem anders strukturierten Gesundheits-
system wie der Schweiz, in Skandinavien oder
den USA teils deutlich hhere Vergtungen er-
mglichen. Zudem spielen dafr einige weitere
Grnde eine Rolle. So haben viele Akademiker,
also keineswegs nur rzte, den Wunsch, fr eine
begrenzte Zeit im Ausland zu arbeiten und dort
neue Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Trotz eines hhe-
ren Gehalts sind die Erfahrungen in aller Summe
nicht immer positiv und viele rzte kehren nach
einigen Jahren wieder zurck. Jedes Land hat auch
seine problematischen Seiten. In Skandinavien
sind oftmals die klimatischen Verhltnisse auf
Dauer ein Problem, whrenddessen es Auslnder
in der Schweiz sehr schwer haben, sich privat und
familiren zu integrieren und zu etablieren.
Chance fr Auslnder,
Problem fr Deutschland.
JournAL JournAL
24 medPharm Careers magazine 25 medpharmcareers.com
How and why did medPharm
Careers start?
I am a doctor myself (a Cardiology Registrar)
and a few years back I decided to get some ex-
perience in the United Kingdom. That was some
time after Poland joined the European Union but
I soon realized that limited information was avail-
able on international employment opportunities.
Therefore, in spring 2007 I launched the frst Med
Pharm Careers events in three major Polish cit-
ies. The fairs were a huge success and the formula
was successively adapted to the 12 countries that
are covered in the Autumn 2011 Edition.
Why are the fairs
continued today?
I believe that live events are the most compre-
hensive means for exchanging information and
communication between employers and job
seekers. The events are also a place to meet with
colleagues and friends to exchange knowledge
and ideas regarding various professional develop-
ment opportunities in Europe. It is relatively easy
for medical professionals to take their careers to
other countries and a lot of people want to take
advantage of opportunities to gain experience
What can visitors and exhibitors
expect to achieve at the fairs?
MedPharm Careers are very well known across
Europe and considered a primary source of infor-
mation on local and international employment
opportunities. MedPharm Careers are also valued
for lectures and seminars which are provided.
They cover topics like employment and training
opportunities in various countries, learning medi-
cal English, medical CVs and interviews and other
interesting topics. I also to invite people who can
Global demand brings
a new tomorrow
Victoria Bieniek
medPharm Careers magazine
MedPharm Careers are Europe's largest job fairs for medical
professionals and have aided in placing thousands of healthcare
personnel in jobs throughout Europe. To talk about the events,
MedPharm Magazine's Victoria Bieniek spoke with MedPharm
Careers' CEO Dr Grzegorz Chodkowski.
DEutSCHE orDnunG
1. Voraussetzungen
rzte mit einer EU-Staatsangehrigkeit, die auch
ihre Ausbildung in einem EU-Staat absolviert ha-
ben, knnen keine Berufserlaubnis erhalten; nur
die Approbation erhalten.
rzte aus Drittstaaten (Nicht EU) knnen eine
Erlaubnis zur vorbergehenden Ausbung des
rztlichen Berufs (Berufserlaubnis) nach 10 der
Bundesrzteordnung erhalten. .
In beiden Fllen muss bei der zustndigen Behr-
de des Bundeslandes, in welchem die rztliche T-
tigkeit ausgebt werden soll, ein entsprechender
Antrag gestellt und notwendige Unterlagen in
der vorgeschriebenen Form eingereicht werden.
Voraussetzung fr die Erteilung:
eine abgeschlossene rztliche Ausbildung
ausreichende Deutschkenntnisse
der Nachweis eines Arbeitgebers
die gesundheitliche und persnliche Eignung.
2. Verfahrensweise
Bewerber aus Rumnien und Bulgarien bentigen
derzeit auch noch eine Arbeitserlaubnis.
Die Entscheidung ber die Erteilung der Appro-
bation ist gesetzlich geregelt im 3 der Bunde-
Die Lnder knnen unterschiedliche Anforde-
rungen stellen wenn es um die Erteilung der Be-
rufserlaubnis geht.

3) Approbation vs. Berufserlaubnis
in ganz Deutschland gltig
zeitlich, rtlich, fachlich nicht eingeschrnkt
bei Erfllung der Voraussetzungen besteht ein
Rechtsanspruch auf die Erteilung
der Approbation
Gltigkeit beschrnkt auf einen Arbeitgeber
oder ein Bundesland
bis auf Ausnahmeflle zeitlich,
rtlich und fachlich eingeschrnkt
es besteht bis auf Ausnahmeflle kein
Rechtsanspruch auf die Erteilung der Berufser-
laubnis, ist eine Ermessensentscheidung
4. Sprache
In der Regel wird ein B2-Zertifkat vom Goethe-
Institut als Nachweis der Deutschkenntnisse
anerkannt, eine persnliche Vorstellung zur
berprfung der Sprachkenntnisse ist in Meck-
lenburg-Vorpommern zustzlich vorgesehen.
5. Fristen
Bei der Erteilung der Approbation gibt es nach
der EU-Richtlinie festgelegte Fristen zur Bearbei-
tung von Approbationsantrgen, innerhalb eines
Monats nach Einreichung des Antrages muss
mitgeteilt werden, welche Unterlagen noch feh-
len und bei Vollstndigkeit der Unterlagen muss
innerhalb von 4 Monaten eine Entscheidung ber
den Antrag getrofen werden.
6. Geplante nderung
der Bundesrzteordnung
Es befndet sich ein Berufsanerkennungsgesetz im
Gesetzgebungsverfahren, dass die Anerkennung
auslndischer Bildungsabschlsse erleichtern
soll und sicher auch eine Rolle spielen wird bei
der weiteren Verfahrensweise der Anerkennung
auslndischer medizinischer Abschlsse und zu
nderungen der Bundesrzteordnung fhren
wird. Wann und in welcher konkreten Form das
erfolgen wird, kann ich nicht sagen.
JournAL JournAL
26 medPharm Careers magazine 27 medpharmcareers.com
Everyone who wishes to practice medicine in
the UK must be on the GMC register and hold
a license to practice. Medical practitioners must
frst complete an application providing evidence
of their identity and ftness to practise, qualifca-
tions and experience.
Getting registered
International medical graduates and European
nationals with primary medical qualifcations
from the EEA or Switzerland with European
Community (EC) rights must provide the follow-
ing documentation:
Proof of identity
Evidence of their qualifcation
A certifcate of good standing
where appropriate
Employer references where appropriate
Ofcial translations of any documents
not in English
Doctors who gained their primary medical qualif-
cation in the EEA or Switzerland or have EC rights
do not need to provide evidence of either their
medical knowledge or skill as their qualifcations
are recognised under European law. They are also
not required to prove their English language pro-
types of registration:
Provisional registration is for doctors who have
just qualifed and have not yet practised medicine
in the UK
Full registration is for doctors who have under-
taken a satisfactory period of practice under pro-
visional registration. Most doctors qualifying from
outside the UK will be eligible to apply directly for
full registration, provided they have completed
the necessary experience before applying
Doctors who hold full registration and have the
necessary qualifcations can also seek Specialist
registration or GP registration
Though doctors have been travelling to work in the UK for decades,
the process is still unclear and daunting to some. According to the
General Medical Council (GMC), however, registering to practice in
the UK is really a straightforward process.
matthew Serrao
medPharm Careers magazine
share their working abroad success stories. How-
ever, MedPharm Careers is not only about inter-
national employment. I want to present a variety
of local opportunities as well as alternative career
pathways in clinical research and pharmaceutical
or insurance companies.
Will medPharm careers continue
into the future?
MedPharm Careers aims to become a global phe-
nomenon and a place for exchanging ideas and
new concepts for medical professionals. I want to
present more and more opportunities for our visi-
tors not just covering European countries but also
globally, since doctors and other healthcare pro-
fessionals are amongst the ones to be able to take
a full advantage of medicine becoming global.
MedPharm Careers will be entering new mar-
kets in Europe as well as going outside Europe
is a Polish-trained Cardiologist
registrar and a strong proponent of
the freedom of movement for workers
in the Eu, and abroad, especially
for quality healthcare professionals
who are always in demand. He is
the CEo of medPharmJobs.com
and medPharm Careers magazine,
which has four projects: medPharm
Careers, medPharm Jobs, medPharm
Consulting and medPharm magazine
to countries such as Australia, New Zealand and
South Africa to present even more opportunities
to both clients and visitors.
JournAL JournAL
28 medPharm Careers magazine 29 medpharmcareers.com
Flexibility is the advantage
of locum work
In 2005, as a fresh graduate of pharmacy and
management, I was at a crossroads.
A trip to America after graduation was the time
to decide what direction my career would take.
I had a plan to stay in Poland or go to the UK for
two years. I chose the latter, that was six years
I initially found work through a large pharmacy
chain and later used locum agencies. They're
guys, who arrange jobs for you on a daily basis.
However, for the past three years I've eliminated
the middle man, working for just one employer,
but still on locum conditions.
It's fexible. I travel a lot, and being a locum phar-
macist gives me more freedom. I work hard for
eight to nine months a year and spend the rest
travelling. For instance, this year I fnish work on
November 8 and I'm of to Argentina and Uruguay
until Christmas, and then I'll go back to Poland.
Sine metu
The decision to work in the UK was life-changing
but, with my sine metu (Gael. no fear) attitude,
it was an easy decision to make.
The move turned not to be too difcult.
As a European Union citizen with qualifcations
from an European Economic Area university,
I needed to provide a notary-authorised sworn
Locum gives freedom
translation of my diploma, birth certifcate, pass-
port, documentation from my local chamber,
references from two pharmacy professionals, GP
confrmation of my ftness, and two photographs
in order to get General Pharmaceutical Council
registered and a private registration number.
Then, I had a few telephone interviews with
a prospective employer and was invited to start
work in Liverpool.
Scouse accent
Once there, however, I did encounter some dif-
I'm not sure if you are familiar with the Scouse
accent, but some people sounded really funny
to me and initially I was wondering if they spoke
English. I'd lived in America before, my English
was good, but accents was something I needed
to get used to.
Locum positions in the UK are a great option for
foreign-trained pharmacists, but employers now
are spoilt for choice. Some of them require can-
didates to have some experience in the UK but
I'm confdent that you can still fnd jobs without
it depending on the region the more rural and
remote the more chances.
Jarosaw otarzewski
top 20 countries of
of GmC registered
medical practitioners
(as at 09.2011) Source: GmC
Over 245,026 medical practitioners are on the
GMC register. Over a third of them are doctors
who gained their primary medical qualifcation in
other countries.
The General Medical Council (GMC) is the in-
dependent regulator for doctors in the UK. Our
priority is to protect the health and safety of
members of the public by controlling the entry
of doctors on to the medical register.
All doctors must pay a fee to register with the
GMC and an annual retention fee to remain on
the GMC's Register of Medical Practitioners. We
also charge fees for administering the PLAB test,
and for certifcation applications. Full registration
with a licence to practise is currently 420.
If the applicant is required to undertake a PLAB
testing the fees are 145 for PLAB part one and
430 for PLAB part two.
There are no exemptions on fees; however there
are some discounted rates available. Provisional-
ly-registered doctors will pay just 100 a year. Any
doctor whose total annual income is less than
26,000 will qualify for a 50 per cent discount in
their annual retention fees.
of doctors
155,135 63.3%
India 25,666 10.5%
Pakistan 8,412 3.4%
6,002 2.4%
Ireland 4,032 1.6%
nigeria 3,692 1.5%
Germany 3,398 1.4%
Egypt 3,014 1.2%
Sri Lanka 2,399 1.0%
Iraq 2,306 0.9%
Italy 2,157 0.9%
Greece 2,015 0.8%
Australia 2,007 0.8%
Poland 1,932 0.8%
romania 1,869 0.8%
Hungary 1,282 0.5%
Sudan 1,230 0.5%
Spain 1,122 0.5%
950 0.4%
Jamaica 851 0.3%
229,471 93.5%
JournAL JournAL
30 medPharm Careers magazine 31 medpharmcareers.com
The UK National Health Service (NHS), the worlds
largest publicly funded health service, ofers op-
portunities for doctors in one of Europe's most
fnancially rewarding working environments.
the work, however, is very
Doctors can expect to work in large hospitals
with cutting edge equipment and drugs and will
need to attend to several patients per day. In this
fast-paced environment doctors need to be fully
committed. The reward for committed doctors
is the opportunity to further their careers while
earning very good money.
therefore, being fully prepared
for the challenge is key.
First of all, doctors must be able to communicate
very well in English. They must also have fantastic
references and General Medical Council registra-
tion. Then, an agency like ID Medical will work
closely with doctors to fnd out more about what
they want from a job and organise suitable op-
portunities for them.
trushar Patel
ID medical
Typically posts are one week to six months long
or more. Doctors coming for their frst position
are likely to require a lengthy post so that they
have a chance to settle in. Extensions are often
available, as are promotions. Doctors who have
the fexibility to move around can choose from all
of the available opportunities in the UK. Pay de-
pends on experience and skill sets. There is no pay
scale, but the NHS is among the most fnancially
rewarding environments to work in and doctors
will be able to receive a strong salary.
ID Medical holds preferred supplier contracts
with over 80% of UK hospitals for the provision
of locum doctors and nurses but services don't
stop there. Each year, hundreds of our candidates
and clients fnd their perfect permanent recruit-
ment solution. With an established international
recruitment division you are not just limited to
working in the UK or recruitment drives restrict-
ed to the domestic market.
UK NHS currently has vacanciesfor confdent doctors who enjoy
a challenge and are keen to learn
Be prepared
for doctors jobs in the uK
Jarosaw otarzewski
has a graduate degree in healthcare from the medical university of Lublin
and a post graduate degree in Healthcare organisation management from the
Warsaw School of Economics. He is also a traveller, scuba diver,
former professional swimmer and self-declared free spirit.
Following successful completion of an
approved qualifcation, 52 weeks pre-registration
training and the registration assessment
Application fee:
Initial entry fee:
EEA national with an EEA qualifcation
/work experience
which qualifes for automatic recognition
Scrutiny fee:
Application fee:
Initial entry fee:
EEA national with qualifcations
/work experience which do not qualify
for automatic recognition
Scrutiny fee:
Application fee:
Assessment fee:
Initial entry fee:
JournAL JournAL
32 medPharm Careers magazine 33 medpharmcareers.com
Ein Paradoxon beherrscht seit einiger Zeit die
Diskussion im deutschen Gesundheitswesen:
Obwohl die Zahl der berufsttigen rztinnen und
rzte von Jahr zu Jahr weiter ansteigt, mehren
sich gleichzeitig die Meldungen ber unbesetzte
Stellen in Krankenhusern, ber fehlende Haus-
rzte in lndlichen Gebieten und es wchst die
Sorge um einen allgemeinen rztemangel.
Die aktuelle rztestatistik weist fr das Jahr 2010
333.599 berufsttige rztinnen und rzte aus, d. h.
7.654 mehr als im Vorjahr.
Dabei ist die steigende Gesamtzahl wesentlich
auf den hheren Zuwachs an rztinnen zurck-
zufhren. Von den neu in den Beruf Eintretenden
sind bereits 59 % weiblich mit steigender Ten-
denz Die Mehrzahl der rzte arbeitet im station-
ren Bereich (163.632), 141.461 ben ihren Beruf in
der ambulanten Praxis aus und 28.506 haben eine
Ttigkeit in Behrden/Krperschaften und son-
stigen Bereichen des Gesundheitswesens, etwa
in der Pharmaindustrie gewhlt.
Zu Jahresbeginn 2010 hatten laut einer Studie des
Deutschen Krankenhausinstituts rd. drei Vier-
tel aller Krankenhuser Probleme, ihre Stellen
zu besetzen. Insgesamt fehlten 5.000 bis 6.000
rztinnen und rzten, was im Vergleich zu 2006
einer Steigerung von 320 % entspricht. War der
rztemangel in den vergangenen Jahren noch
vornehmlich auf die neuen Bundeslnder konzen-
triert, so hat er sich inzwischen im ganzen Bun-
desgebiet ausgebreitet.
rztinnen und rzte fehlen in allen Funktionen
und Positionen, d. h. gesucht werden Assistenz-
rzte aber auch Fach- und Oberrzte.
Zur Linderung des rztemangels tragen immer
mehr auch die aus dem Ausland zugezogenen
rztinnen und rzte bei, deren Zuwachs im ver-
gangenen Jahr 9,1 % betrug. Insgesamt sind damit
21.650 auslndische rztinnen und rzte ttig, die
berwiegend aus Lndern der Europischen Uni-
on kommen.
rzte 2010
sterreich 2.173
Griechenland 2.016
Polen 1.551
Rumnien 1.495
Russland 1.459
* Bei den rztekammern gemeldet
Quelle: Bundesrztekammer/Eigene Darstellung
Dr magdalena Benemann
Stellv. Hauptgeschftsfhrerin
Arbeitsplatz Deutschland:
Chancen, Probleme, migration
If I was to wait for my frst
position in London it would have
been very difcult for me. I think
when somebody from another
country comes to the uK to fnd
a job as a doctor it is best to start
as a locum, otherwise they can
wait very long time for a frst job
I have been in my position now
for over three months, the work
is demanding and I am learning
every day. I am so happy to be
part of a professional team,
working in some of the latest
technologies and with the best
the service provided by ID
medical without doubt difers
from those provided by other
locum companies I have
encountered. ID medical is more
oriented on its partners. ID
medical for me, as a foreigner
in uK, has provided excellent
service and assistance, even with
simple problems that are not
directly related to their job.
Personal ID
Who: Neurology PhD
From: Czech
Experience: Three years
as a specialist
GmC registration: Three months
ID-medical registration: Two months
Placement: GMC registered prior to arrival in
the UK, completed two locum assignments in
the North of England before securing full-time
employment in London, earning 4,000 per
Who: Anaesthetist
From: Romania
Experience: Five years
as specialist
GmC registration: Six months
ID-medical registration: Two months
Placement: Placed in a six month Middle Grade
Training post at a busy hospital in North Wales
on full-time rota, earning 6,000 per month af-
ter meeting ID-Medical at a recruitment event in
Who: Neurologist
From: Latvia
Experience: Fourth year
GmC registration: Two months
ID-medical registration: One week
Placement: Met ID-Medical at a recruitment
event in Riga. Then started GMC Registration
process. Within 48 hours of its completion he
was assigned a post in one of Londons leading
JournAL JournAL
34 medPharm Careers magazine 35 medpharmcareers.com
nannte Haustarifvertrge, die den Besonderhei-
ten dieses Hauses Rechnung tragen.
Wichtig fr diejenigen, die eine Weiterbildung
zum Facharzt anstreben, sind Informationen zu
den Weiterbildungsmglichkeiten. Diese sollten
vom potenziellen Arbeitgeber geschildert und
vom Arbeitnehmer ggf. bei der zustndigen rz-
tekammer verifziert werden.
Dabei geht es primr um die Frage, ob der Chef-
arzt der Abteilung, an der man ttig werden
mchte, zur Weiterbildung befugt ist, und wenn
ja, fr welchen Zeitraum. Betrgt die Weiterbil-
dung in einem bestimmten Fachgebiet z. B. fnf
Jahre und der weiterbildungsbefugte Chefarzt
hat lediglich eine Befugnis fr 3 Jahre, so knnen
auch nur diese auf die (deutsche) Weiterbildung
angerechnet werden. Eine beschrnkte Weiter-
bildungsbefugnis hat jedoch nichts mit mangeln-
der Qualifkation des Chefarztes oder des Kran-
kenhauses zu tun sondern mit den strukturellen
Besonderheiten der Abteilung, z. B. dem Patien-
tengut, dem Leistungsspektrum u. .
Im fderalen System der Bundesrepublik Deutsch-
land sind fr alle Angelegenheiten der rztlichen
Weiterbildung die Landesrztekammern zustndig.
Allen, die eine Weiterbildung nach deutschem
Weiterbildungsrecht abschlieen mchten, ist
dringend zu empfehlen, sich vor Aufnahme ei-
ner Ttigkeit die Weiterbildungsordnung sowie
die entsprechenden Richtlinien der zustndigen
Landesrztekammer anzusehen. rztliche Wei-
terbildung ist ein wesentliches Qualittsmerkmal
des Gesundheitswesens, von daher sind derzeit
viele Krankenhuser bemht, die Weiterbildung
zu intensivieren, besser zu strukturieren und fr
die rzte in Weiterbildung transparenter zu ge-
Alle rztinnen und rzte, auch auslndische,
mssen sich bei den Landesrztekammern mel-
den und werden dort als Pfichtmitglieder ge-
fhrt. Mitglied ist man in der Kammer, in deren
Geltungsbereich eine rztliche Ttigkeit ausgebt
Zusammenfassend lsst sich festhalten, dass rz-
tinnen und rzte aus europischen Lndern im
deutschen Gesundheitswesen gern gesehen sind
und ein vielfltiges Angebot an interessanten und
attraktiven Stellen vorfnden. Wichtig ist: gute
deutsche Sprachkenntnisse sollten vorhanden
sein bzw. zgig erworben werden.
Nutzen sollte man bei der Auswahl und Bewer-
tung der Stellenangebote die Informationsmg-
lichkeiten von rztekammern und Berufsverbn-
Der Marburger Bund als einzige rztegewerk-
schaft und grter deutscher und europischer
rzteverband ist dabei ein wichtiger Ansprech-

Marburger Bund Bundesverband
Verband der angestellten und beamteten
rztinnen und rzte Deutschlands e.V.
Reinhardtstrae 36
10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 746846-20
Telefax: +49 30 746846-26
E-Mail: benemann@marburger-bund.de
rztinnen und rzte aus sterreich fhren die Li-
ste der auslndischen rzte mit 2.173 gemeldeten
und 1.872 berufsttigen rzten an. Die berwie-
gende Mehrheit (1.515) ist im Krankenhaus ttig,
211 im ambulanten Bereich, der Rest sonstig rzt-
lich ttig.
Aufgrund des anhaltenden rztemangels drften
sich fr auslndische rztinnen und rzte auch
weiterhin gute bis sehr gute Chancen fr eine T-
tigkeit in Krankenhusern in Praxen ergeben.
Wer eine Stelle im Krankenhaus sucht, fndet
Stellenanzeigen im Deutschen rzteblatt, auf
Jobbrsen (z. B. Career Day Medizin) und in zahl-
reichen Internet-Portalen.
Einen berblick ber zu besetzende Arztpraxen
gibt die Kassenrztliche Vereinigung des jewei-
ligen Bundeslandes. Eine Niederlassung in eige-
ner Praxis setzt jedoch u. a. eine abgeschlossene
Facharztweiterbildung und ausreichende Finan-
zierungsmglichkeiten voraus.
Bei der Wahl eines Krankenhauses ist es sinnvoll,
sich zunchst nach dem Krankenhaustrger zu er-
kundigen. Zu unterscheiden sind:
fentliche Krankenhuser
(Unikliniken/Stdt. Krankenhuser/Krankenhuser
von Gemeinden/Landkreisen etc.)
Frei-gemeinntzige Krankenhuser
(im Eigentum von evangelischer bzw.
katholischer Kirche und sonstigen sozialen
und karitativen Organisationen)
Private Krankenhaustrger
(z. B. Rhn/Asklepios/Helios/Sana/MediClin).
In allen Krankenhusern der genannten Trger
existieren unterschiedliche arztspezifsche Tarif-
vertrge, die die rztegewerkschaft Marburger
Bund abgeschlossen hat. Entsprechend knnen
sich Arbeitsbedingungen und Einkommensmg-
lichkeiten zum Teil erheblich unterscheiden. Mit
Abschluss eines individuellen Arbeitsvertrages
wird das Arbeitsverhltnis bestimmt durch die
Regelungen des geltenden Tarifvertrages sofern
der Arbeitgeber an einen solchen gebunden ist.
Dies gilt fr die berwiegende Zahl der deutschen
Krankenhuser. In einigen gibt es aber auch so ge-
JournAL JournAL
36 medPharm Careers magazine 37 medpharmcareers.com
the Western World for years
sufers from systemic
and long-term lack of doctors.
It is due to a number of causes, from which we
will enumerate only a few:
Limitation of education
at the medical academies in the 70s. At that
time, a popular conviction assumed
over-production of doctors and, among
others, the British administration
of M. Thatcher was proud of costs limitations
resulting from closing of medical academies
and hospitals. Similar situation took place
in many other countries. The awakening
came at the end of the 90s when suddenly
it became apparent that there are not
enough doctors. Taking into account that
education of a specialist lasts a dozen or
so years from the beginning of studies, and
that in educational process of one specialist
participate a signifcant number of already
trained specialists (which there is a lack of)
one can easily understand the scale of the
of Eu directive
which shortened the doctors working time
(it is estimated that in Germany for this
reason only there occurred a necessity of
additional 10-15 thousand doctors)
Development of medicine,
increasing specialization, which results in
a bigger number of doctors. For example, in
Sweden in the 70s there were 16,000 doctors.
Today there is 33,000 doctors and the lack of
them has never been so signifcant.
Demographic changes
such as extension of the average life
expectancy (which is mainly the efect of
medicine development itself). Longer life
requires more medical care. Presently, in
Western Europe the last year of a citizens life
absorbs 25% of life expenses on healthcare.
Extension of the scope
of healthcare
(obligatory mammographic tests etc.)
On the other hand, new members of the EU
decide to take advantage of the newly opened
labour markets, which is allowed, above all, by a
directive on automatic recognition of professional
Besides, this phenomenon has a more global
character. It is estimated that the introduction
of new healthcare reform in the USA will give
rise to the growth of the demand for doctors in
this country - to about 50,000. Presumably, part
of the defcit will be complemented with doctors
from Western Europe. This, in turn, will deepen
defcit that already exists in Western Europe and
will provide new possibilities for doctors from
Eastern Europe. And so on.
In spite of initial fears, departures of doctors at
least in Poland do not constitute a mass phe-
nomenon. It is known that since May 2004 until
the end of 2008 Regional Medical Chambers is-
sued 7,270 certifcates confrming qualifcations.
It does not mean, though, that all people, for
whom these certifcates were issued, emigrated.
The Englishmen say that doctors have so-called
portable knowledge i.e. that it is possible to
transfer their medical knowledge, whereas ac-
cessories necessary for the job practicing can be
packed to a carry-on luggage. Medicine can be
practiced everywhere. The barrier constitutes
awareness of local medical procedures and lan-
guage. In hospitals of Western Europe interna-
tional medical teams are everyday occurrence.
Moreover, the doctors departures are not always
labour market
in medical sector.
of permanent nature popular in the United
Kingdom, but also in Scandinavia, locum system
enables temporary employment and almost si-
multaneous practicing in 2-3 healthcare systems.
Usually, these experiences are enriching and cre-
ative for all parties.
Kinga oziska
Migrations of medical employees
(here we are going to refer to doctors mainly)
constitute an old and natural occurrence.
A doctor is by nature a mobile occupation educational process
assumes exchange of experience (congresses, trainings, internships)
and a constant medical development requires dialogue.
JournAL JournAL
38 medPharm Careers magazine 39 medpharmcareers.com
In Deutschland sind wir es schon lange gewohnt,
dass uns in Krankenhusern sowie in Alten- und
Pfegeheimen Mediziner und Pfegekrfte aus
vielen verschiedenen Lndern begegnen. Dabei
ist es klar, dass die verschiedenen Ausbildungs-
systeme in den Lndern unterschiedlich sind.
Besonders gro sind diese Unterschiede vor al-
lem im Bereich der Ger-temedizin. Ultraschall-
unter-suchungen und Laparasko-pien gehren
in Deutsch-land selbst im kleinsten Krankenhaus
zum Alltag. Fr viele auslndische Kandidaten ist
das jedoch ein hufg ungewohntes Gebiet. Wenn
das auch fr Sie zutrift, ein wichtiger Rat: Spre-
chen Sie von Anfang an ofen und ehrlich ber
dieses Defzit und fragen Sie, wie man Sie beim
Erlernen und ben untersttzen kann. Sicher ist
doch: ber die Einsetzbar-keit auslndischer rz-
te und rztinnen entscheidet letztlich nicht die
Herkunft und der dort einmal erwor-bene Ausbil-
dungsstandard, sondern das, was Arbeitge-ber und
Arbeitnehmer ge-meinsam (!) daraus ma-chen.
sind ein klares muss!
Ganz bewusst und mit aus-drcklicher Betonung
setzen wir bei unseren zu vermittelnden Kandida-
ten die Deutsch-Kenntnisse in der Priorittenliste
ganz oben an. Es ist und bleibt unvorstellbar und
inakzeptabel, wenn sich Arzt und Patient des-
wegen nicht verstehen, weil dem Arzt dazu die
sprachlichen Mglichkeiten fehlen. Die Globali-
Ihr Weg nach Deutschland
wir helfen Ihnen!
Analyse und Praxisbeispiele
Von dem rztebedarf an deutschen Krankenhusern haben Sie
sicher gehrt. Eine mgliche Lsung ist die Suche und Einstellung
von auslndischen rztinnen und rzten. Dazu aus unse-rer
langjhrigen Praxis im In- und Ausland einige Analy-sen und
Jrg Herrmann
Among these doctors over 4.5 thousand are spe-
cialists. Almost 200 are doctors who just com-
pleted their studies and, without obtaining the
right to practice their profession in Poland, at
once went abroad.
In recent years fewer and fewer people are will-
ing to go abroad and the main reason for that are
governmental decisions from 2006 on increase
in remunerations and guaranteed level of the
doctors remunerations. Last year only several
dozen certifcates confrming qualifcations were
Presently, what motivates Polish doctors mostly
are willingness to develop, gain new profes-
sional experiences, learn about other healthcare
systems, complete or obtain new specialization
abroad, individual family reasons etc.
In other countries of new Europe (Romania) f-
nancial motive, (as well as willingness to escape
from poorly fnanced systems and corruption) still
are of signifcant importance.
As Paragona team we have decided to accom-
pany this fascinating phenomenon. Apart from
recruitment, we also organize special language
courses, which prepare doctors for changing their
We prefer to speak about migrations or circula-
tions rather than emigration while observing this
movement form a wider perspective. We observe
comebacks, departures to new countries, tem-
porary departures, cross-border activities. More
and more often doctors form traditionally old
part (mainly from countries sufering from crisis,
such as Greece) are searching for employment in
We also go a step further not only by organizing
permanent or temporary trips, but also by selling
medical services, e.g. by our own dental clinic in

Each trip, each removal is a diferent, unique
history of a particular family which has its own
problems, fears and dreams. Participation in this
process constitutes for us a highly interesting,
valuable and inspiring experience.
Gazetaprawna.pl following PAP, Article dated: 2008-11-09
JournAL JournAL
40 medPharm Careers magazine 41 medpharmcareers.com
sierung und das Zusammenwachsen der Mrkte
haben aber auch hier viel verndert. In Deutsch-
land gilt nahezu in allen Bundeslndern einheit-
lich die Anforderung, dass rztliches Personal aus
dem Ausland das sogenannte Sprachzertifkat B2
vorzuweisen bzw. abzu-legen hat. Die gleiche
An-forderung gilt brigens auch fr Kranken-
pfegekrfte, die an deut-schen Krankenhusern
ar-beiten wollen.
und wer darf
in Deutsch-land
Im vereinten Europa gilt als eines der Grundrechte
auch die sogenannte Arbeitnehmerfreizgigkeit.
Sie besagt im Prinzip, dass jeder Arbeitnehmer
bzw. jede Arbeitnehmerin aus einem EU-Mit-
gliedsland auch in einem anderen EU-Mitglieds-
land seinem Beruf nachgehen kann. Deutschland
ist hier allerdings sehr streng vor-gegangen und
hatte diese sogenannte Freizgigkeit fr Arbeit-
nehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer aus den neu-
en EU-Beitrittslndern fr eine befristete Zeit
gesperrt. Die meisten dieser Befristungen sind
abgelaufen, nur fr Ar-beitnehmerinnen und Ar-
beitnehmer aus Bulgarien und Rumnien gilt sie
noch bis zum 31. Dezember 2013. Gott sei Dank
gibt es bun-desweit aber Ausnahmen in Berufen,
in denen akuter Fachkrftemangel besteht. Dies
gilt natrlich fr rzte und zunehmend mehr
auch fr Krankenpfegepersonal. Es bleibt also
festzuhalten, dass in deutschen Kranken-husern
Mediziner und Pfe-gepersonal aus den EU-Ln-
dern eingestellt und be-schftigt werden drfen.
Kandidaten aus Nicht-EU-Lndern knnen dar-
ber hinaus in Deutschland auch arbeiten, hier
prfen aber die deutschen Behrden den Arbeits-
marktbedarf sehr genau und trefen sogenannte
Sollten die rzte
(w/m) nicht besser in ihrem Land
bleiben und dort helfen?
Tatschlich ist das eine Frage, die wir schon in
vie-len Lndern diskutiert ha-ben. Vom Baltikum
bis zum Balkan haben wir mit unse-ren dortigen
Auslandspart-nern sowie Verantwortlichen an
Hochschulen oder Ministe-rien ber diese Frage
disku-tiert. Die Antwort mag fr viele berra-
schend sein, sie ist aber berzeugend und macht
Sinn. Es gibt eine eindeutige Win-win-win-win-
Situation. Sowohl das Geberland (also z.B. die
Tschechische Republik), als auch das Gastland
(also Deutschland), als auch dort die deutschen
Krankenhu-ser und nicht zuletzt natr-lich als
vierte schlielich die auslndischen rzte prof-
tieren davon.
Fangen wir mit der Erklrung auf der Kandidaten-
seite an: Der auslndische Arzt, der in Deutsch-
land arbeitet, er-wirbt Berufserfahrung und
Fachpraxis in einem Land, dessen medizinisches
Ni-veau zu den hchsten auf der ganzen Welt
zhlt. Hinzu kommen die fnanziellen Aspekte.
hnlich ist die Situation fr die deutschen Kran-
kenhu-ser. Je grer der Personal-bedarf, desto
kleiner die Chancen, ihm auf alther-gebrachten
Wegen ausrei-chend erfolgreich begeg-nen zu
knnen. Umso wich-tiger ist es, personelle L-
cken durch auslndische rzte zu schlieen. Ver-
ein-zelt gewnschter Zusatznut-zen ist darber
hinaus die im rzteteam gewonnene Sprach-
kompetenz, da man nun z.B. auch mit Patienten
aus Sd-, Mittel- und Ost-europa problemlos
kommu-nizieren kann. Wichtig ist aber auch ein
weiterer As-pekt, der gleichzeitig zu ei-nem Plus-
punkt fr das je-weilige Geberland wird: In den
allermeisten Fllen bleiben die auslndischen rz-
te nicht fr immer in Deutschland, sondern keh-
ren nach ein paar Jahren in ihr Heimatland zurck.
Sie bringen dann eine deutlich verbesserte fachli-
che Qualifkation, wertvolle Berufserfahrung und
Sprachkompetenz im Ausland und nicht zuletzt
auch wichtige Verbindun-gen mit zurck. Ein
zustzli-cher Vorteil ist es fr Deutschland, dass
durch die Gewinnung auslndischer rztinnen
und rzte eine Entlastung der teilweise extremen
Arbeitssituation erfolgen kann. berzeugend ist
aber auch die Tatsache, dass viele rztinnen und
rzte das im Ausland verdiente Geld zu einem
hchstmg-lichen Prozentsatz sparen oder zur
Untersttzung der Familien in der Heimat ein-
setzen oder nach ihrer Rckkehr in ihre berufiche
Zukunft investieren, bei-spielsweise durch die
Erf-nung moderner Praxen. Nur sehr wenige
der in den letz-ten Jahren von uns vermit-telten
rztinnen und rzte gaben an, voraussichtlich fr
immer in Deutschland bleiben zu wollen.

Es gibt sogar
so etwas
wie Symbiosen
Betrachtet man Situation und Entwicklung der
Ar-beitsmrkte fr rzte ln-derbergreifend, so
wird noch ein weiterer Efekt deutlich. In vielen
Lndern ist die Zahl der Hochschul-absolventen
und damit der Berufsanfnger deutlich hher als
die Menge der zur Verfgung stehenden Aus-
bzw. Weiterbildungspltze. Es werden hart
formuliert arbeitslose Mediziner produziert.
Dass sie sich in ihren jeweiligen Heimatlndern
sonstwie durchs Leben schlagen mssen, bis sie
irgendwann einmal einen freien Platz bekommen
knnen, ist eine Situation, die sich eigentlich nie-
mand leisten kann. Auch hier hilft die oben ge-
schilderte vierfache Win-Situation allen Beteilig-
ten in idealer Weise weiter.

Wie luft so ein Such-
und Auswahlverfahren
fr mich ab?
Am Anfang stehen immer die Fragen, ob Sie in
Deutschland arbeiten kn-nen und ob Sie auch
tat-schlich in Deutschland ar-beiten wollen und
dies mit Ihrem privaten Umfeld (z.B. Ihrer Fami-
lie!) fest geklrt haben. Im Gesprch mit unseren
Auslandspartnern und mit uns in der Zentrale
in Deutschland werden dann alle Einzelpunk-
te und natrlich auch Ihre jeweili-gen Wnsche
und Vorstel-lungen besprochen und geklrt. Fr
die ganze Zeit unserer Zusammenarbeit gilt: Sie
brauchen uns nur anzusprechen, anzurufen oder
anzuschreiben wir sind stets fr Sie da und er-
klren Ihnen sehr gerne alle wichtigen Punkte.
Wir sagen Ihnen auch, welche Unterlagen wir
von Ihnen bentigen, um das Vermittlungsverfah-
ren einzuleiten und auch das sptere Genehmi-
gungsverfahren erfolgreich durchfhren zu kn-
nen. Im nchsten Schritt suchen wir dann eine
passende Stelle fr Sie, die wir Ihnen vor-schla-
gen. Einen ersten per-snlichen Kontakt haben
Sie anschlieend mit dem entsprechenden Kran-
kenhaus, wenn wir fr Sie ein Telefonat zwischen
Ihnen und unserem Klienten arrangieren und
dabei auch versuchen, dass zwi-schen Ihnen und
dem je-weiligen Chefarzt bzw. der Chefrztin ein
erster Kontakt entsteht. Im Verlauf dieses Tele-
fonats werden vor allem auch fachliche Fragen
von beiden (!) Seiten gestellt und beantwortet.
Sind auch da-nach beide Seiten wei-terhin an-
einander interes-siert, organisieren wir Ihre Reise
zu einem Vorstellungs-gesprch und zu einer bis
zu 3-tgigen Hospitation im jeweiligen Kranken-
haus. Dabei kmmern wir uns um alle Details,
weder Sie noch unser Klient haben irgend-welche
Schritte zu organi-sieren, und wir bernehmen
auch Ihre Reisekosten in bestimmtem Umfang.
JournAL JournAL
42 medPharm Careers magazine 43 medpharmcareers.com
In Deutschland angekom-men, werden Sie durch
ei-nen unserer Projektbeglei-ter vom Flughafen
abge-holt, zu dem jeweiligen Krankenhaus gefah-
ren und dort intensiv betreut. Somit haben beide
Seiten, die Kandidaten wie die Ver-antwortlichen
im Kranken-haus, uns als ihren Dienstleister stn-
dig im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes neben sich.
Nach Vorstellungsgesprch und Hospitation er-
folgt wie auch bei Inlandseinstellun-gen blich
die beidseitige Bedenkzeit und schlielich die
Entscheidung fr oder gegen eine Anstellung.
Ihre Zusage brauchen wir dabei natrlich schrift-
lich und auch kurzfristig nach dieser Hospitation,
da wir ansons-ten andere interessierte Kandida-
tinnen und Kandi-daten vorziehen.

und wie ist das
mit der deutschen
Wir kennen die EU-rechtli-chen Bestimmungen,
wir kennen die Brokratie in den europischen
Lndern und in Deutschland und wir kennen
auch die Besonder-heiten bei Vermittlungen aus
Genau aus diesem Grund bernehmen wir fr
die Kandidaten wie fr die Krankenhuser auch
alle Schritte im Genehmigungs-verfahren. Dabei
gilt natr-lich die Einschrnkung, dass bestimmte
Manahmen bzw. Unterschriften zwin-gend vom
zuknftigen Ar-beitgeber bzw. Arbeitneh-mer zu
leisten sind und nicht von uns. Zu diesen ganzen
Arbeiten fr und mit den Behrden gehrt selbst-
ver-stndlich auch, dass wir die bersetzungen
Ihrer Unter-lagen in die deutsche Spra-che von
Ihnen erhalten und dann bei entsprechenden
Stellen in Deutschland be-glaubigen lassen. Diese
so-genannte berbeglaubi-gung von im Ausland
ber-setzten Unterlagen ist in Deutschland zwin-
gend er-forderlich.
und welche rzte
knnen nach
Eigentlich so gut wie alle. Naturgem wer-
den nur Chefarzt- und Oberarztstel-len eher
selten mit rzten und rztinnen besetzt, die
frisch aus dem Ausland kommen, doch Fachrz-
te und Weiterbildungsassisten-ten (so heien in
Deutsch-land die jungen Mediziner, die zu Fach-
rzten ausgebil-det werden) werden in fast allen
Fachbereichen vermittelt. Mit dem Zusammen-
wachsen Europas wurde innerhalb der EU die
wechselseitige Anerkennung von Ausbil-dungen
und Abschlssen geregelt und festgeschrie-ben.
So ist gewhrleistet, dass Kandidatinnen und
Kandidaten aus diesen Lndern sowohl ihr Me-
dizin-studium als auch ihren Facharztabschluss
in Deutschland anerkannt be-kommen. Dazu
prfen aller-dings die deutschen Behr-den und
mter die vorge-legten Unterlagen sehr sorg-
fltig und geben dann (innerhalb von maximal
3 Monaten) entsprechende Nachricht. Sofern alle
Un-terlagen korrekt und voll-stndig sind und
den recht-lichen Anforderungen ge-ngen, wird
die sogenannte Konformitt bescheinigt, sie ist
Grundlage dafr, dass Sie nun in Deutschland
arbeiten drfen. Auslndische Fachrzte und
Fachrztinnen werden zunchst allerdings nur als
Assistenzrzte eingestellt. Parallel dazu luft die
Facharztanerkennung und erst nach deren positi-
vem Abschluss drfen tatschlich die neu gewon-
nene Kollegin bzw. der Kollege auch als Facharzt
arbeiten. Dabei ist fr Sie wichtig zu wissen, dass
selbst ein Weiterbil-dungsassistent (= Berufsan-
fnger!) mit ca. 3.200 3.500 brutto pro Monat
beginnt. Zwar ist das Leben in Deutschland re-
lativ teuer (vor allem in den Grostd-ten Mn-
chen, Berlin, Ham-burg, Frankfurt, Kln, Dssel-
dorf, Stuttgart), mit dem oben genannten Gehalt
lsst es sich jedoch berall gut leben. Auerdem
gilt bei Fachrzten diese fnan-zielle Einschrn-
kung nur bis zu ihrer Anerkennung, dann erhalten
sie hhere Mo-natsgehlter. Die Gehlter unter-
scheiden sich vor allem durch diverse Ge-haltsta-
rife, die es in Deutschland gibt, und nicht zuletzt
auch durch die Tat-sache, ob sehr viele oder nur
sehr wenige Zusatz-dienste (= Mehrarbeit z.B. an
Wochenenden) geleistet werden.

Das Fazit
Unsere Praxiserfahrung aus vielen Jahren erfolg-
reicher Vermittlungsarbeit auslndi-scher Medizi-
ner an deut-sche Krankenhuser zeigt:
Eine vierfache Win-Situation
fr alle Be-teiligten
In der Regel prob-lemlose Ablufe
fr Kandidaten und Krankenhuser, da wir
ihnen alle erfor-derlichen Schritte abnehmen
Keine Zusatzkosten fr Kandidaten
fr die Reise von und nach Deutschland
Und damit ein professioneller,
seriser und fr Sie als unsere Kandida-
ten komfor-tabler und sicherer Weg nach
Wir helfen Ihnen!
Auf Wiedersehen in Deutschland!
Ihr Jrg Herrmann
44 medPharm Careers magazine 45 medpharmcareers.com
The current situation in the personnel depart-
ments of German hospitals could aptly be descri-
bed as worrying. Many employers are looking for
new promising concepts to recruit new employ-
ees and ensure existing ones stay. In addition to
job advertisements which are still indispensible,
direct contact and active sourcing are now playing
a more important role. Social media ofers good
solutions here as long as its use is strategically
planned and consistently implemented. Besides
XING and Linkedin even networks such as Face-
book or the microblog Twitter have established
themselves as recruiting platforms in Germany.
Major corporations such as Deutsche Bahn are
setting the example and are successfully integra-
ting their social media presence into existing re-
cruiting strategies. A great deal can also be achie-
ved for employer branding using social networks.
The precondition in this case is however that in
addition to a product brand, the company also
has a convincing reputation as an employer. In
many companies today action needs to be taken
in this area which usually requires a major inter-
vention into the organizational structures.
Only a few hospitals have so far been active
But what kind of social media presence do hospi-
tals have in Germany? There are only a few out-
standing examples. Vivantes in Berlin has built up
a large community in Facebook and the hospitals
in Essen Mitte have also successfully implemen-
ted their Facebook presence including current
situations vacant. A few other hospitals have
started promising attempts but compared with
mid-sized companies in industry, the medical sec-
tor is clearly underrepresented.
One reason for this could be that the decision-
makers in hospitals may not be the typical Face-
book users. Apart from this fact, there are also
quite specifc reservations which need to be taken
seriously: many people are not quite sure if social
media even fts their hospital and if so, which
social media presence to opt for. Other questi-
ons include who should manage the accounts,
and last but not least, which legal consequences
are to be expected when personal rights, data
privacy or social media guidelines are involved.
Many companies also consider the pressure to be
transparent and (continuous) communication as
a problem. The social web however ofers many
opportunities especially for the health sector: On
the one hand the people using social networks
belong to the age group recruiters are focusing
on, the target group selection and reach is simp-
ly unbeatable, a low-key and direct contact with
potential applicants is possible.
With our Facebook page facebook.com/Medical-
TopJobs we have shown that it works when you
get active for your community: already after one
and a half year it has more than 6,000 active mem-
bers or fans. As on average every fan has 130 fri-
ends, the job adverts displayed here, additionally
using the "Jobstriker"-app (that makes it possible
to post jobs to other networks) reach more than
780,000 people. Any new posts are displayed to
the users 5,000 to 6,000 times on average. Get-
ting to grips with the subject can also provide an
impetus to critically examine your own qualities
as an employer. By communicating directly with
potential applicants or employees you can fnd
out what motivates people, what they expect and
how they actually judge an employer.
If you are interested in a more in-depth insight
into this topic the conference documents of the
# MRC Medical Recruiting Conference (took
place 5 and 6 October in Baden-Baden) can be
downloaded (about the end of October) from
www.medicaltopjobs.de. You will fnd papers
from experts such as Nina Diercks, an attorney
specialized in social media law (socialmediarecht.
wordpress.com/), Lutz Altmann (humancaps.de),
Cristoph Skrobol (potentialpark.com), Dr Martin
Heibel, (intratalents.com) and Yasan Budak (vico-
research.com) on topics such as social media re-
cruiting, employer branding in web 2.0, setting up
career websites, applicant communities, social
media law and social media monitoring.
Social media
Innovative Solutions for recruiting
and Employer Branding in the medical Sector
MCM Media Consult Maier & Partner GmbH
Ulrike Roese-Maier
Schefelstrae 60
76135 Karlsruhe
phone ++49 (721) 83147-10
fax ++49 (721) 83147-19
info@mcm-web.de ulrike roese-maier
JournAL JournAL
47 medpharmcareers.com
We recruit:
We recruit for:
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxembourg,
norway, Denmark, Sweden, uK, Ireland
Die Unternehmensgruppe PERMEDEX ist einer der fhrenden deustchen Personaldienstleister fr die Vermittlung
von rzten. Basis der seit Jahren sehr erfolgreichen Ttigkeit ist die Unabhngigkeit gegenber Kunden und Kandidat-
en. Unser Anspruch ist es, bei jeder Vermittlung die grtmgliche bereinstimmung zwischen den Anforderungen
unserer Kunden und den Wnschen unserer Kandidaten zu erreichen. Alle Stellenangebote verfentlichen wir online
auf unserer in vielen Sprachen verfgbaren Website.
Die Strke von PERMEDEX liegt in einer schnellen und rationellen Durchfhrung des gesamten Bewerbungs- und
In diesem Verfahren gibt es bei PERMEDEX eine zentrale Kontaktperson fr alle Beteiligten. Wir betreuen unsere
Kandidaten aktiv whrend des gesamten Verfahrens, bernehmen die komplette Organisation der Vorstellungster-
mine , geben aktive Untersttzung bei der Beantragung der ntigen Genehmigungen und helfen bei der Suche von
Wohnung und Schule.
Auch nach einer Vermittlung stehen wir weiterhin tglich ber unsere Hotline zur Verfgung. Unsere Dienstleistung
ist fr Kandidaten honorarfrei. Fr Kandidaten, die bereits mittlere Deutschkenntnisse haben, bieten wir kostenlose
Intensivsprachkurse zum Erwerb des Zertifkats Deutsch Stufe B2 an.
PERMEDEX Consulting GmbH
Clara-Zetkin-Strasse 14
D-07545 Gera
telephone:+49 365 773 008-0
Fax: +49 365 773 008-29
E-mail: personal@permedex.com
Web: www.permedex.com
manager: Reinhard Hirsch, Geschftsfhrer/CEO
Michaela Thaleman, Leiterin Kandidatenbetreuung/Head of recruitment department
Year of establishment: 2007
48 medPharm Careers magazine 49 medpharmcareers.com
We recruit:
Doctors & nurses
We recruit for:
England, Scotland, Wales & Ireland
ID Medical is a leading government approved supplier of doctors and nurses to the NHS. We are able to ofer both
temporary and permanent employment opportunities for candidates of all experience levels and in all specialties.
We have proven success in helping European doctors their frst NHS positions and helping them to achieve the career
aspirations in one of the worlds leading healthcare systems.
As the frst choice agency to over 80% of the UKs 350 hospitals, ID Medical can ofer you exclusive job and career
opportunities before any other UK agency.
Visit our stand today to fnd out why we place more International doctors in the NHS than any other UK recruitment
ID House
1 Mill Square
Wolverton Mill South
Milton Keynes
MK12 5ZD
United Kingdom
telephone:+44 (0) 0845 1309331
Fax: +44 (0) 0845 1309335
E-mail: uklocum@id-medical.com
Web: www.id-medical.com
manager: Trushar Patel Manager International Recruitment Services
Year of establishment: 2002
ABDoCtor.Eu (BY mEDIrAmA)
We recruit:
Doctors, Dentists, nurses
We recruit for:
France, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland
Medirama is a medical headhunting agency recruiting
for clinics, hospitals, and local communities. Very ap-
preciated by its candidates for excellent interview condi-
tions and cost exonerations, Medirama is now extending
for them its tech services:
ABDOCTOR.eu is an innovating, feature-rich website
created by Medirama. Thanks to the agencys partner-
ships, abdoctor.eu is nourished with hundreds of medi-
cal job ofers per month. European-oriented, this multi-
language platform has even a CV translation facility. Job
applications are carefully treated by the back-ofce of
the agency.
We accompany our selected candidates in their paper-
work and stay in contact with them after they start
77, rue de Lourmel
75015 Paris
telephone: +33 954 33 66 55
Fax: +33 954 33 66 55
mobile: +33 618 76 10 32
E-mail: contact@abdoctor.eu
Web: www.abdoctor.eu
manager: Cezar Harabula
Year of establishment: 2009
We recruit:
Doctors, nurses, Healthcare Assistants
We recruit for:
Asklepios ist eine der fhrenden, internationalen Klinik-
gruppen sowie der grte private Klinikverbund Europas.
Mit rund 36.000 Mitarbeitern, 104 Einrichtungen und ca.
2,3 Mrd. Gesamtumsatz zhlen wir zu den grten Ar-
beitgebern Deutschlands.
Bei Asklepios haben Sie die besten Voraussetzungen, um
fast jede Weiterbildung zu absolvieren. Die Vielzahl der
Kliniken mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten bieten
Ihnen alle Mglichkeiten. Die hohe Strukturierung und
Sicherung der individuellen Weiterbildung durch geeig-
nete Prozesse sind unsere obersten Anliegen.
Wir bieten Ihnen auerdem eine leistungsgerechte Ver-
gtung, freundliches, kollegiales Arbeitsklima mit fachen
Hierarchien, Vereinbarkeit von rzticher Berufsttigkeit
und Familie, Programme zur Gesundheitsfrderung und
fr unsere Mitarbeiter kostenlosen Zugang zu unserer
umfangreichen Onlinebibliothek.
Lindenstrae 12
64665 Alsbach-Hhnlein
telephone: +49 6257 501-393
Fax: +49 6257 501-133
mobile: +49 171 - 882 47 55
E-mail: bewerbung@asklepios.com
Web: www.asklepios.com
manager: Elke Stve
Year of establishment: 1984
50 medPharm Careers magazine 51 medpharmcareers.com
We recruit:
Doctors ,nurses
We recruit for:
We are mediate since 2004 with big success doctors for
jobs in Germany.
Especially we are looking for specialists, assitant doctors
which want to make their specialisation in Germany and
For our clients we are organize language courses (if nec-
essarry) in Germany. At the end the participants have
to take part on the B2 exam, supervised by the Goethe-
We are also ofer help in all kind of bureaucratically
problems, for instance for the applications for work and
residence permit.
Emil-Otto-Strae 4
07356 Bad Lobenstein
telephone: +49 36651 2493
Fax: +49 36651
mobile: +49 175 733 32 55
E-mail: info@medic-job.com
Web: www.medic-job.com
manager: Mr. Werner Brandler
Year of establishment: 2004
We recruit:
medical doctors, medical specialists
(consultants), dentists and nurses
We recruit for:
the netherlands and Belgium
Care Force is specialized in the recruitment and place-
ment of medical doctors, dentists and nurses for hospi-
tals and healthcare institutions in the Netherlands and
Our services go beyond placing the right person at the
right place. Care Force provides support throughout the
entire recruitment process, including personal coaching
and translation services at job interviews. Support with
regards to integration in a foreign society is part of our
extensive services package.
Care Force stands for a high level of personalized service,
providing honest information, personal attention and a
sincere approach towards people. This means more than
just fnding a top job with a bright perspective towards
the future. We take care of all aspects involved in your
transfer to the Netherlands or Belgium. This includes
registration, language training, suitable accommodation,
bank account, insurances and much more. Care Force
understands people who want to broaden their horizon
and take steps with the aim to improve their quality of
Impact 17
6921 RZ Duiven
The Netherlands
telephone: +31(0)26 355 4110
Fax: +31 (0)26 355 4628
E-mail: info@care-force.com
Web: www.care-force.com
manager: Jasper Willems
Year of establishment: 2002
We recruit:
medizinische Fach- und Fhrungskrfte
We recruit for:
entire Europe, especially Germany
Ihr Erfolg ist unser Anliegen!
Dafr bringen wir die wichtigsten Merkmale fr erfolgre-
iche Personalvermittlung im gesamten Bundesgebiet in
Einklang: Bewerber- und Stellenprofl passen fachlich und
menschlich zueinander. Dieses Konzept hat uns in den letz-
ten Jahren nicht nur einen sehr guten Ruf bei Unterneh-
men eingebracht, sondern auch fr einen berdurchschnit-
tlichen Vermittlungserfolg gesorgt.
Wir sind Spezialisten bei der Vermittlung von medizinis-
chen Fach- und Fhrungskrften in Festeinstellung oder
auf Honorarbasis.
Jeder hat seine individuellen Karriereziele, seine eigenen
Prferenzen und Prioritten. Wir wollen mit Ihnen nach-
haltig erfolgreich zusammenarbeiten und genau deshalb
wird jede Situation (Familie, Pendelbereich, Auslastung
etc.) und jegliches Ziel individuell betrachtet und berck-
Denn nur so fnden wir IHRE passgenaue Stelle.
Ergnzen Sie uns in Ihr Netzwerk und lassen Sie sich bei
Bedarf kostenlos von uns beraten. Wir gehen mit Ihnen den
erfolgreichen nachhaltigen Weg.
Ebertplatz 14-16
50668 Kln
telephone: +49 221 992005 00
Fax: +49 221 992005 05
mobile: +49 151 14474749
E-mail: medical@cep-consulting.de
Web: www.cep-gruppe.de
manager: Ersin Tezel
Year of establishment: 2002
We recruit:
We recruit for:
united Kingdom, Ireland
Direct Medics provides an expert recruitment service to
doctors seeking work across the UK and Ireland. Working
exclusively with doctors, we fnd outstanding temporary
and permanent placements in each country, with excel-
lent remuneration, support and advice with relocation ar-
rangements and an ongoing aftercare programme aimed at
ensuring positive experiences for our doctors. Established
in 2000, we ofer the assurance of knowledgeable, experi-
enced recruiters and a long-established brand.
33A Stockmans Way
United Kingdom
telephone: +44 (0) 28 9059 0077
Fax: +44 (0) 28 9059 0088
E-mail: info@directmedics.com
Web: www.directmedics.com
manager: Mr Paul Mulvenna
Year of establishment: 2000
52 medPharm Careers magazine 53 medpharmcareers.com
We recruit:
nurses, nursing,
medical students,
Care personnel,
Care assistants
We recruit for:
We ofer:
Mission in Norway
100% employer services
Free travel - commissioned by employer
Free rooms - commissioned by employer
Organization of documents
High salary and bonus summer
Warranty wage
Summer 2011
Travel with Dignus Care you, too. Sign up for the dream
assignment today. The best destinations are booked
Marcus Thranes gate 2
N-0473 Oslo
telephone: +47 08595
Fax: +47 22871051
mobile: +47 99602900
E-mail: jobb.helse@dignuscare.no
Web: www.dignuscare.no
manager: Steinar Christiansen, CEO
Year of establishment: 2006
We recruit:
Psychiatry, radiology,
Child- and adolescent psychiatry,
Internal medicine, Anesthesiology,
Ear, nose, throat, ophthalmology,
Pathology, urology,
General practitioners
We recruit for:
norway and Sweden
We ofer you:
Support and guidance
Language course
Interesting job opportunities
Permanent positions: Practical assistance
in housing and relocation for you and your family.
Temporary positions: Free travel and housing.
We enjoy very good relationship with our clients in
Sweden and Norway, and are parties to a number of
framework agreements relating to both the stafng and
recruitment of senior physicians.
Marcus Thranes gate 2
N-0473 Oslo
telephone: +47 22871050
Fax: +47 22871051
mobile: +47 91383810
E-mail: info@dignusmedical.no
Web: www.dignusmedical.no
manager: Tor-Egil Christensen, CEO
Year of establishment: 2006
8 www.MedPharmCareers.com
Dignus Care
Operating range:
We recruit:
Doctors, Medical students, Pharmacists, Psychologists, Nurses,
Auxiliary, Carers, Social Care workers, Healthcare Assistants
We recruit for:
Company description:

Dignus Care Supplier of health care to municipalities and
hospitals throughout Norway.
Jo oot o rowlo uooou wo oro loo|lo Ior.
r Nurses
r Nursing
r Auxiliary
r Medical students
r Care personnel
r Care assistants
Wo oIIor.
r Mission in Norway
r luu%oloyor sorvlcos
r Free travel - commissioned by employer
r Free rooms - commissioned by employer
r Organization of documents
r High salary and bonus summer
r Warranty wage
r Insurance
Summer 2011
Travel with Dignus Care you, too. Sign up for the dream
osslooot touoy. Joo bost uostlootloos oro boo|ou rstl
Company details:
Dignus Care
Marcus Thranes gate 2
N-0473 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 08595
Mobile: +47 99602900
Fax: +47 22871051
E-mail: jobb.helse@dignuscare.no
Web: www.dignuscare.no
Manager: Steinar Christiansen, CEO
Established: 2006
Dignus Medical
Operating range:
We recruit:
Doctors, Medical students, Pharmacists, Psychologists, Nurses,
Auxiliary, Carers, Social Care workers, Healthcare Assistants
We recruit for:
Norway and Sweden
Company description:

Dignus Medical Supplier of senior physicians, psychology
specialists and health care managers to hospitals in Sweden
and Norway.
Wo oro loo|lo Ior soclollsts lo.
r Psychiatry
r Radiology
r Child- and adolescent psychiatry
r Internal medicine
r Anesthesiology
r Ear, nose, throat
r Ophthalmology
r Pathology
r Urology
r General practitioners
Wo oIIor yoc.
r Support and guidance
r Language course
r Interesting job opportunities
r loroooot osltloos. lroctlcol osslstooco lo oocslo oou
relocation for you and your family.
r Joorory osltloos. |roo trovol oou oocslo.
We enjoy very good relationship with our clients in Sweden
and Norway, and are parties to a number of framework
oroooots rolotlo to boto too stoIo oou rocrcltoot oI
senior physicians.
Company details:
Dignus Medical
Marcus Thranes gate 2
N-0473 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 22871050 /+46 406307580
Mobile: +47 91383810
Fax: +47 22871051
E-mail: info@dignusmedical.no
Web: www.dignusmedical.com
Manager: Tor-Egil Christensen, CEO
Established: 2006
Dignus Medical and Dignus Care are founded on the basis of the Dignus recruitment concept that was launched in Oslo in 1999.
Our Swedish and Norwegian sister companies maintain close contact and collaboration in respect of candidates. In order to meet the
ooou Ior coouluotos wo oovo olso ostobllsoou oo oIco lo too 8lovo| kocbllc wolco osslsts cs lo rovlulo gcollou coouluotos Iro
Europe as a whole.
8 www.MedPharmCareers.com
Dignus Care
Operating range:
We recruit:
Doctors, Medical students, Pharmacists, Psychologists, Nurses,
Auxiliary, Carers, Social Care workers, Healthcare Assistants
We recruit for:
Company description:

Dignus Care Supplier of health care to municipalities and
hospitals throughout Norway.
Jo oot o rowlo uooou wo oro loo|lo Ior.
r Nurses
r Nursing
r Auxiliary
r Medical students
r Care personnel
r Care assistants
Wo oIIor.
r Mission in Norway
r luu%oloyor sorvlcos
r Free travel - commissioned by employer
r Free rooms - commissioned by employer
r Organization of documents
r High salary and bonus summer
r Warranty wage
r Insurance
Summer 2011
Travel with Dignus Care you, too. Sign up for the dream
osslooot touoy. Joo bost uostlootloos oro boo|ou rstl
Company details:
Dignus Care
Marcus Thranes gate 2
N-0473 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 08595
Mobile: +47 99602900
Fax: +47 22871051
E-mail: jobb.helse@dignuscare.no
Web: www.dignuscare.no
Manager: Steinar Christiansen, CEO
Established: 2006
Dignus Medical
Operating range:
We recruit:
Doctors, Medical students, Pharmacists, Psychologists, Nurses,
Auxiliary, Carers, Social Care workers, Healthcare Assistants
We recruit for:
Norway and Sweden
Company description:

Dignus Medical Supplier of senior physicians, psychology
specialists and health care managers to hospitals in Sweden
and Norway.
Wo oro loo|lo Ior soclollsts lo.
r Psychiatry
r Radiology
r Child- and adolescent psychiatry
r Internal medicine
r Anesthesiology
r Ear, nose, throat
r Ophthalmology
r Pathology
r Urology
r General practitioners
Wo oIIor yoc.
r Support and guidance
r Language course
r Interesting job opportunities
r loroooot osltloos. lroctlcol osslstooco lo oocslo oou
relocation for you and your family.
r Joorory osltloos. |roo trovol oou oocslo.
We enjoy very good relationship with our clients in Sweden
and Norway, and are parties to a number of framework
oroooots rolotlo to boto too stoIo oou rocrcltoot oI
senior physicians.
Company details:
Dignus Medical
Marcus Thranes gate 2
N-0473 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 22871050 /+46 406307580
Mobile: +47 91383810
Fax: +47 22871051
E-mail: info@dignusmedical.no
Web: www.dignusmedical.com
Manager: Tor-Egil Christensen, CEO
Established: 2006
Dignus Medical and Dignus Care are founded on the basis of the Dignus recruitment concept that was launched in Oslo in 1999.
Our Swedish and Norwegian sister companies maintain close contact and collaboration in respect of candidates. In order to meet the
ooou Ior coouluotos wo oovo olso ostobllsoou oo oIco lo too 8lovo| kocbllc wolco osslsts cs lo rovlulo gcollou coouluotos Iro
Europe as a whole.
We recruit:
Hospital Doctors, GPs, nurses,
Pharmacists, Dentists, Dental
nurses, technicians and Hygienists
We recruit for:
united Kingdom
Exxcel Medical is a specialist in healthcare recruitment.
Our main area of expertise and
experience is the supply of healthcare professionals
(doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists
and allied health professionals) to the healthcare sector
in the United Kingdom. We supply
public and private hospitals, GP surgeries, out of hours
service providers, walk-in centres,
pharmacies and dental surgeries nationwide.
With over 9 years experience in healthcare recruitment,
you can be sure that you are in
good hands. What makes us stand out from our com-
petitors is our strict code of conduct of
ofering an honest, transparent and ethical service.
Albion House
470 Church Lane
United Kingdom
telephone:+44 (0) 208 205 3030
Fax: +44 (0) 208 205 3020
mobile: +44 (0) 7754 959 940
E-mail: jobs@exxcelmedical.com
Web: www.exxcelmedical.com
manager: Ahmed Jabbar
Year of establishment: 2007
We recruit:
Doctors, nurses and AHPs
We recruit for:
united Kingdom, uAE and Australia
HCL International have helped thousands of healthcare
workers and social care professionals fnd their dreams
overseas. Wherever you are in the world, wherever you
want to go, we can help.
Recruiting healthcare professionals into permanent roles
is our specialty. We have helped thousands of healthcare
professionals to fnd positions in some of the most excit-
ing countries in the world with opportunities in state-of-
the-art facilities.
No matter where you want your healthcare career to
take you, HCL International is your frst destination.
10 Old Bailey
United Kingdom
telephone: 0044 (0) 207 8618950
E-mail: http://www.healthcarelocums.com
Web: www.healthcarelocums.com
54 medPharm Careers magazine 55 medpharmcareers.com
HumAn rESourCES mAnAGEmEnt GmBH
We recruit:
rzte aller Fachrichtungen
und Positionen,
examinierte Krankenpfegekrfte
We recruit for:
Wir sind spezialisiert auf die Vermittlung von rzten (w/m)
und examinierten Krankenpfegekrften (w/m) an deutsche
Wir bieten:
Interessante Arbeitspltze in ganz Deutschland
Stellen in fast allen Fachbereichen fr Oberrzte,
Fachrzte, Assistenzrzte
und Weiterbildungsassistenten (w/m)
Betreuung bis zu Ihrer Einstellung an einem
deutschen Krankenhaus
Betreuung durch unseren Auslandspartner in Ihrem Land
bernahme Ihrer Reisekosten
Abholung am Flughafen und Begleitung
zum Vorstellungsgesprch
Beglaubigung aller bentigten Dokumente
Sie brauchen:
Gute Deutschkenntnisse (B2-Zertifkat)
Alle erforderlichen Dokumente
unser Auslandspartner hilft Ihnen dabei
Besuchen Sie unseren Vortrag in Ihrem Land
(Raum und Uhrzeit erfahren Sie hier beim Veranstalter).
Wirthstrae 2
95445 Bayreuth
telephone: +49 921 1508798 0
Fax: +49 921 1508798 1
E-mail: info@jh-dp.de
Web: www.jh-dp.de
manager: Jrg Herrmann
Year of establishment: 1988
We recruit:
We recruit for:
Kienbaum ist die grte Personalberatung
in Deutschland.
Dank unserer langjhrigen Erfahrung und Professional-
itt im Health Care Bereich knnen wir vielfltige Arbe-
itsmglichkeiten fr rzte (m/w) anbieten.
Unsere Mandanten sind sehr gut ausgestattete Kranken-
huser, Fach-, Polikliniken und Rehabilitationskliniken.
Unsere Arbeitsangebote sind fr Assistenz-
und Fachrzte (m/w) aller medizinischen Fachgebiete.
Unsere Dienstleistungen sind fr Sie kostenlos. Wir
beraten Sie kompetent whrend des gesamten Bewer-
bungsprozesses. Ihre persnlichen Daten werden ohne
Ihr Einverstndnis nicht weitergegeben.
Kienbaum Berlin GmbH
Executive Consultants
Health Care Bereich
Potsdamer Platz 8
D-10117 Berlin
telephone: 0049 30 880199 45
0049 30 880199 27
Fax: 0049 30 88019926
E-mail: zornitza.ivanova@kienbaum.de
Web: www.kienbaum.de
manager: Gerd Freiwerth - Health Care Manager
Year of establishment: 1945
12 www.MedPharmCareers.com
Kienbaum Berlin GmbH
Operating range:
We recruit:
We recruit for:
Company description:
Kienbaum ist die grte Personalberatung in
Dank unserer langjhrigen Erfahrung und
Professionalitt im Health Care Bereich knnen wir
vielfltige Arbeitsmglichkeiten fr rzte (m/w)
Unsere Mandanten sind sehr gut ausgestattete
Krankenhuser, Fach-, Polikliniken und
Unsere Arbeitsangebote sind fr Assistenz- und
Fachrzte (m/w) aller medizinischen Fachgebiete.
Unsere Dienstleistungen sind fr Sie kostenlos.
Wir beraten Sie kompetent whrend des gesamten
Bewerbungsprozesses. Ihre persnlichen Daten werden
ohne Ihr Einverstndnis nicht weitergegeben.
Company details:
Kienbaum Berlin GmbH
Executive Consultants
Health Care Bereich
Potsdamer Platz 8
D-10117 Berlin
Phone: 0049 30 880199 45, 0049 30 880199 27
Fax: 0049 30 88019926
E-mail: zornitza.ivanova@kienbaum.de
Web: www.kienbaum.de
Manager: Gerd Freiwerth - Health Care Manager
Established: 1945
Link2Europe Belgium
Operating range:
We recruit:
Nurses, Pharmacists, Healthcare Assistants
We recruit for:
Belgium - mainly Flanders region and Brussels
Company description:
Link2Europe is a Belgian based company and is
providing only International Recruitment solutions for its
in Poland. Our division Medical Careers is providing all
services for Hospitals and Elderly homes.
Besides all administrative preparation to work legally
in Belgium we also provide intensive language trainings,
accommodation and support locally.
It is very important for Link2Europe that we take care
of the people we recruit. We provide all necessary
documents to work legally in Belgium, such as working
permits, residence papers, social security and bank
cards. Link2europe also helps you to settle down and
will provide you accommodation to give you a good
If you are interested in working in the healthcare
sector in Belgium and if you are triggered to learn the
language French or Flemish we can provide a good
and challenging job for nurses.
Company details:
Link2Europe Belgium
Lichterstraat 31
2870 Puurs, Belgium
Phone: 00 32 37 407 676
Fax: 00 32 38 996 077
Mobile: 00 32 477 328 512
E-mail: igor@link2europe.be
Web: www.link2europe.be
Manager: Igor Van Assche
Established: 2007
We recruit:
nurses bachelor and master
We recruit for:
Belgium, the netherlands (Holland),
Link2Europe is an international recruiter founded in Bel-
gium and mainly recruiting for the Belgian Labor market.
We started our activities in 2007.
For the healthcare sector in Belgium we are working under
the Link2Care brand.
Link2Care ofers recruitment and selection services for
Care taking centers, elderly homes, hospitals and home to
home care. We became a strong partner for a lot of institu-
tions in Belgium, Holland and Germany.
The demands are high and we expect also a lot of efort
from candidates we recruit.
Link2Care ofers a whole range of services for the candi-
Preparing all administration. Support for Translation of
documents when necessary. Language courses in Flem-
ish (Dutch) language or French. A training program for
3 months in Belgium. Fixed job in the Belgium, Dutch or
German healthcare sector after successfully completing
language course and training.
During your preparation and training Link2Care supports
you with:
Accomodation Native speakers to give you proper sup-
port. Community with other nurses currently active in
If you are a motivated and adventurous nurse and willing to
move a step forward in life, do join us.
Lichterstraat 31
2870 Puurs
telephone: 0032 3 740 7676
Fax: 0032 3 899 6077
E-mail: info@link2care.be
Web: www.link2care.be
manager: Igor Van Assche
Year of establishment: 2007
We recruit:
Pharmacists, nurses
We recruit for:
Belgium mainly Flanders region
and Brussel
Link2Europe is a Belgian based company and is provid-
ing only International Recruitment solutions for its cus-
tomers. We have recruitment ofces in Rumania and
in Poland. Our division Medical Careers is providing all
services for Hospitals and Elderly homes.
Besides all administrative preparation to work legally in
Belgium we also provide intensive language trainings,
accommodation and support locally.
It is very important for Link2Europe that we take care of
the people we recruit. We provide all necessary docu-
ments to work legally in Belgium, such as working per-
mits, residence papers, social security and bank cards.
Link2europe also helps you to settle down and will pro-
vide you accommodation to give you a good start.
If you are interested in working in the healthcare sector
in Belgium and if you are triggered to learn the language
French or Flemish we can provide a good and challeng-
ing job for nurses.
Lichterstraat 31
2870 Puurs
telephone: (+32) 37407676
Fax: (+32) 38996077
mobile: 0477328512
E-mail: igor@link2europe.be
Web: www.link2europe.be
manager: Igor Van Assche
Year of establishment: 2007
12 www.MedPharmCareers.com
Kienbaum Berlin GmbH
Operating range:
We recruit:
We recruit for:
Company description:
Kienbaum ist die grte Personalberatung in
Dank unserer langjhrigen Erfahrung und
Professionalitt im Health Care Bereich knnen wir
vielfltige Arbeitsmglichkeiten fr rzte (m/w)
Unsere Mandanten sind sehr gut ausgestattete
Krankenhuser, Fach-, Polikliniken und
Unsere Arbeitsangebote sind fr Assistenz- und
Fachrzte (m/w) aller medizinischen Fachgebiete.
Unsere Dienstleistungen sind fr Sie kostenlos.
Wir beraten Sie kompetent whrend des gesamten
Bewerbungsprozesses. Ihre persnlichen Daten werden
ohne Ihr Einverstndnis nicht weitergegeben.
Company details:
Kienbaum Berlin GmbH
Executive Consultants
Health Care Bereich
Potsdamer Platz 8
D-10117 Berlin
Phone: 0049 30 880199 45, 0049 30 880199 27
Fax: 0049 30 88019926
E-mail: zornitza.ivanova@kienbaum.de
Web: www.kienbaum.de
Manager: Gerd Freiwerth - Health Care Manager
Established: 1945
Link2Europe Belgium
Operating range:
We recruit:
Nurses, Pharmacists, Healthcare Assistants
We recruit for:
Belgium - mainly Flanders region and Brussels
Company description:
Link2Europe is a Belgian based company and is
providing only International Recruitment solutions for its
in Poland. Our division Medical Careers is providing all
services for Hospitals and Elderly homes.
Besides all administrative preparation to work legally
in Belgium we also provide intensive language trainings,
accommodation and support locally.
It is very important for Link2Europe that we take care
of the people we recruit. We provide all necessary
documents to work legally in Belgium, such as working
permits, residence papers, social security and bank
cards. Link2europe also helps you to settle down and
will provide you accommodation to give you a good
If you are interested in working in the healthcare
sector in Belgium and if you are triggered to learn the
language French or Flemish we can provide a good
and challenging job for nurses.
Company details:
Link2Europe Belgium
Lichterstraat 31
2870 Puurs, Belgium
Phone: 00 32 37 407 676
Fax: 00 32 38 996 077
Mobile: 00 32 477 328 512
E-mail: igor@link2europe.be
Web: www.link2europe.be
Manager: Igor Van Assche
Established: 2007
56 medPharm Careers magazine 57 medpharmcareers.com
We recruit:
medical Personnel
We recruit for:
France, Belgium etc
We are a recruitment company dedicated to medical jobs
whose main goal is to deliver a truly personalized service
guaranteeing the right candidate for the right job.
We are targeting doctors, nurses and physiotherapists
who are fuent in French and who are willing to work in
a francophone European country.
Our friendly team of experienced and professional con-
sultants has built a strong reputation in recruitment by
placing high quality candidates in a wide range of medi-
cal roles throughout France and Belgium.
100, boulevard Maria Luiza,
foor 4, ofce2, Sofa 1202,
telephone:+359 2 81 333 60
Fax: +359 2 81 333 62
mobile: +359 885 716 099
E-mail: victoria.milusheva@lpg.bg
Web: www.lpg-bulgarie.bg
manager: Jonathan Beggiato
Year of establishment: 2005
We recruit:
medical Personnel
We recruit for:
France, Belgium etc
We are a medical recruitment company whos main goal
is to deliver a truly personal service guaranteeing the
right candidate for the right job.
We are targeting doctors, nurses and kinesytherapists
French fuent and willing to work in a francophone Eu-
ropean country.
Our friendly team of experienced, professional consul-
tants has earned a reputation for recruitment excellence
placing quality candidates in a wide range of medical
roles throughout France and Belgium.
Str. Domnita Ruxandra no 17,
Sector 2, 020561 - Bucharest,
telephone:+40 21 201 00 20
Fax: +40 21 210 00 39
mobile: +40 740 204 735
E-mail: recrutare@lpg-roumanie.ro
Web: www.lpg-roumanie.ro
manager: Gabriela ROXIN
Year of establishment: 2001
We recruit:
Doctors, Dentists
We recruit for:
Medena Rek Polska is recruiting doctors and dentists
from EU countries that want to move
to Sweden for over 10 years.
Specialists, doctors during their specialisation and dentists.
Permanent employment, assistance with administrative
and professional issues, free stationary medical Swedish
language course with boarding and accommodation, f-
nancial help, course for families.
Please visit our website and fll in application form.
Accepted candidates are invited for the interview to
Sweden. Feel free to contact us with any doubts or
Bielawska 36B/31
05-520 Konstancin Jeziorna
telephone: +48 22 736 60 31
Fax: +48 22 736 60 31
mobile: +48 605 263 548
E-mail: medena@medena.com.pl
Web: www.medena.com.pl
manager: Monika Ziegler
Year of establishment: 2000
We recruit:
We recruit for:
Germany, Danemark
MEDEXPERT is a Romanian doctors provider for Germa-
ny and Danemark ,having the main goal to help both the
candidates and the clinics to cover up their needs.
Germany is a good choice mainly for the young residents
with or without residency exam in Romania and also for
the specialists.Most of the vacancies are for:Internal
medicine,Intensive Care,General Surgery,Cardiology,Ga
Neurology,etc.The candidates mainly have to meet the
next conditions:graduation diploma,B2 German Lan-
guage Certifcate,Accordance Certifcate.
Danemark is a good choice for specialist doctors in
domains like Psychiatry,Radiology,Pathology,Dentists.
The candidates have to fuently speak English Language
and they receive:free language courses for the candidate
and his/her family for up to 6 months,pocket money
during the language courses(700-800 euros/family),free
accomodation during the language courses for the can-
didates and his/her family.The candidates get good and
very well paid jobs in Danemark .
The entire recruitment process is free of charge for the
Our ofer is more than just a recruitment process ,it is an
approach to the Romanian candidates.
telephone: 0040763657167
mobile: 0040765256424
E-mail: medexpert@rocketmail.com
Web: www.medexpertromania.com
manager: Constantin Marinescur
Year of establishment: 2009
13 www.MedPharmCareers.com
Medena Rek Polska
Operating range:
We recruit:
Doctors, Dentists
We recruit for:
Company description:
Since 2000 Medena Rek Poland Sp. z.o.o. has
completed eleven training projects that resulted in over
415 Polish doctors and dentists working in Swedish
public medical institutions. Courses are conducted the
best teachers specializing in teaching foreign medical
personnel. Accommodation, provision, materials and
oooclol ool ucrlo too cocrso ls corootoou.
Aort Iro too cocrso wo rovluo.
r assistance in obtaining obligatory licences and
r law course for medical personnel in Sweden
r osslstooco lo rolocotloo (oooclol ool oou ouvlco
lo oulo too louooot, scoools otc.}
Are You intrested in working in Sweden?
Do oot oosltoto oou cootoct cs.
Company details:
Medena Rek Polska
Bielawska 36B/31
05-520 Konstancin Jeziorna
Phone: +48 22 736 60 31
Mobile: +48 605 263 548
Fax: +48 22 736 60 31
E-mail: medena@medena.com.pl
Web: www.medena.com.pl
Manager: Monika Ziegler
Established: 2000
Operating range:
We recruit:
We recruit for:
Company description:
MEDEXPERT is a Romanian doctors provider for Germany,
Danemark and Norway, having the main goal to help both the
candidates and the clinics to cover up their needs.
Germany is a good choice mainly for the young residents
with or without residency exam in Romania and also for the
soclollsts. Vost oI too vocooclos oro Ior.lotorool oulcloo,
Intensive Care, General Surgery, Cardiology, Gastroenterology,
Nephrology, Pediatrics, Neurology, etc.The candidates mainly
oovo to oot too oot cooultloos.roucotloo ulloo, 2
Goroo Loocoo Cortlcoto, Accoruooco Cortlcoto.
Danemark and Norway are more interested in specialist
doctors for Psychiatry, Radiology, Pathology, Dentists. The
coouluotos oovo to cootly soo| |ollso Loocoo oou tooy
rocolvo. Iroo loocoo cocrsos Ior too coouluoto oou ols,oor
family for up to 6 months, pocket money during the language
courses (700-800 euros/family), free accomodation during the
language courses for the candidates and his/her family. The
candidates get good and very well paid jobs in Danemark
and Norway.
The entire recruitment process is free of charge for the
Our offer is more than just a recruitment process, it is an
approach to the Romanian candidates.
Company details:
325400 CARANSEBES No.1 V.Alecsandri Street
Phone: 0040255511753, 0040255511653
Mobile: 0040765256424, 0040761690617
Fax: 0040255511753
E-mail: medexpert@rocketmail.com
Web: www.medexpertromania.com
Manager: Constantin Marinescu
Established: 2009
58 medPharm Careers magazine 59 medpharmcareers.com
We recruit:
Specialist and resident doctors and
We recruit for:
Sweden, norway, Denmark, Germany
MediCarrera work ofers for specialist doctors and den-
tists in public health care in Sweden Norway and Denmark,
with intensive language course for all family members.
MediCarrera, is working on behalf of the public health care
in diferent regions in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, re-
cruiting European specialist doctors and dentists, organiz-
ing their language training and relocation. The vacancies
are permanent positions in public hospitals, primary care
centres or dental clinics.
MediCarrera ofers the selected doctors, and all family
members, an intensive language course, at our course cen-
tres, with classes and activities for children and kindergar-
ten for the youngest. During the language course you will
get assistance with relocation and the practical problems.
With the MediCarrera concept every family member will
speak the language from the frst day in the new country.
Work in Scandinavia means time for career and time for
family life.
There are ofers for specialists and residents in Germany,
language level B1 is a requirement.
MediCarrera SL
Balmes 191, 6 1
08006 Barcelona
telephone: 0034 933 173 715
mobile: 0034 663 082 957
Fax: 0034 934 159 951
E-mail: info@medicarrera.com
Web: www.medicarrera.com
manager: Mats Ignell
Year of establishment: 2002
We recruit:
Doctors, Physiotherapists
We recruit for:
Germany, uK, norway, Sweden,
Medicor Careers is a regions leading stafng services
company that provides recruitment services to residents
and medical professionals in the Baltic States and sup-
plies medical staf to a variety of clients in Europe.
Currently we ofer resident opportunities in the hospi-
tals of Germany where our clients seek surgeons, or-
thopedists-traumatologists, gynecologists, neurologists,
psychiatrists, anesthesiologists, and other professionals.
We ofer various positions for medical professionals
of various specializations in the hospitals of Germany,
UK, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Very wide range of
medical practices is needed.
Medicor Careers also consults residents and doctors, as-
sist them in paperwork, organize language courses and
arrange the job interviews.
Gedimino pr. 50/2
telephone: 0037052615945
mobile: 0037069937170
E-mail: info@medicor.lt
Web: www.medicor.lt
manager: Laura Duksait-Ikauskien
Year of establishment: 2009
- JoBS For DoCS
We recruit:
All medical Directions:
Assistant Doctor,
Assistant medical Director,
Head of Department
We recruit for:
medicusconsulting supports medical facilities (Such as
clinics, hospitals, doctors ofces, etc.) by flling vacant
management and professional positions. In addition, we
advise and assist doctors in career planning and fnd-
ing new professional challenges. Thus we provide the
reliable link between the company and the interested
doctors. Our areas of expertise thereby guarantee the
competent and efcient outcarriage of your individual
everything from one source
- quickly, comfortably and directly
many years of experience
comprehensive and cutting-edge database
international network of relationships
Ludwigsplatz 13
D-94315 Straubing
telephone:+49 94 2143028 8
Fax: +49 94 2143028 7
E-mail: info@medicusconsulting.com
Web: www.medicusconsulting.com
manager: Stefan Straeussl
Year of establishment: 2004
We recruit:
medizinisches Personal, vor allem
rzte aller Fachrichtungen
We recruit for:
Die MediClin ist ein bundesweit ttiger Klinikbetreiber
und ein groer Anbieter in den Bereichen Neuro- und
Psychowissenschaften sowie Orthopdie. Mit 34
Klinikbetrieben, sieben Pfegeeinrichtungen und elf
Medizinischen Versorgungszentren ist die MediClin in
elf Bundeslndern prsent und verfgt ber eine Ge-
samtkapazitt von rund 8.000 Betten. Bei den Kliniken
handelt es sich um Akutkliniken der Grund-, Regel- und
Schwerpunktversorgung sowie um Fachkliniken fr die
medizinische Rehabilitation. Fr die MediClin arbeiten
rund 8.200 Mitarbeiter.
Okenstrae 27
77652 Ofenburg
telephone: 0049 781 488 202
Fax: 0049 781 488 200
E-mail: info@mediclin.de
Web: www.mediclin.de
manager: Frank Abele
Dr Ulrich Wandschneider
Year of establishment: 1996
60 medPharm Careers magazine 61 medpharmcareers.com
We recruit:
We recruit for:
mediFLEXible was founded in June 2007. In this short
time we proved our trustworthiness to our clients.
The main profle of our enterprise is to provide the high-
est level of professionalism to help both clients to fnd
the most suitable candidates, and candidates to fnd the
best place to work and live. We provide language educa-
tion for the candidates and as much assistance as it is
possible for the whole family, if their goal is to move to
We can help for all kind of specialist doctors, however
currently the most wanted physicians are psychiaters,
radiologists and pathologists in Sweden, A&E doctors
in the UK and surgeons, anesthetists, internists in Ger-
many. Junior doctors are also welcomed to contact us, if
they would like to work in Germany.
H-7629 Pcs
Keller J.str.8.
telephone: +36 72 252 423
Fax: +36 72 252 423
mobile: +36 30 350 8459
E-mail: info@medifexible.com
Web: www.medifexible.com
manager: Odett Szab & Lszl Laj
Year of establishment: 2007
We recruit:
We recruit for:
England, Scotland,
Wales & northern Ireland
Medline Recruitment is a leading supplier of doctors to
the NHS & Private Hospitals in UK. We are able to ofer
both temporary and permanent employment opportuni-
ties for all experience levels and in all specialties.
Medline Recruitment can ofer you exclusive job and
career opportunities before any other agency. As all the
directors are doctors themselves who worked in NHS for
many years we feel that we understand our doctors very
well. We do our best to help all our European doctors to
achieve their carrier goals in UK.
Our friendly team of experienced and professional re-
cruitment consultants has built a strong reputation by
placing high quality candidates in a wide range of medi-
cal roles throughout UK.
Please visit our website to fll in an application form and
feel free to contact us for any doubts or questions.
Medline Recruitment
Suite 15785
Lower Ground Floor
145 - 157 St John Street,
London, EC1V 4PW
telephone: +44 (0) 20 7993 2973
+44 (0) 20 7993 8737
Fax: +44 (0) 20 3292 1951
mobile: +36 30 350 8459
E-mail: info@medlinerecruitment.com
Web: www.medlinerecruitment.com
manager: Mr. Phani Malladi
mEDIPE SP. Z o.o.
We recruit:
Doctors, nurses, Carers
We recruit for:
Germany, Switzerland, Austria
Medipe ist ein Vermittlungsunternehmen, das mit 8-jh-
riger Erfahrung schon vielen rzten und Krankenschwest-
ern geholfen hat, ihren Traum, in den deutschsprachigen
Lndern (Deutschland, sterreich, Schweiz) zu arbeiten,
Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen und ihre Lebensqualitt
dadurch zu verbessern.
Medipe verfgt ber die Mglichkeiten und das ntige
Netzwerk, um eine erfolgreiche Vermittlung in das Wun-
schland zu realisieren.
Wie DU dir deinen Traum erfllen kannst, zeigen wir dir
auf unserer Internetseite: www.medipe.com.
Fr deine erfolgreiche Vermittlung solltest du gute
Deutschkenntnisse auf dem Sprachniveau B2 und ein
Arztdiplom vorweisen knnen.
Lebe deinen Traum - mit Medipe wird es anders sein!
ul. Szewska 8
50-122 Wrocaw
telephone: +48 71 377 88 24
Fax: +48 71 377 88 33
mobile: +48 600 020 319
E-mail: info@medipe.com
Web: www.medipe.com
manager: Anna Pustelnik
Year of establishment: 2010
nAtIonAL LoCumS
We recruit:
Doctors & nurses
We recruit for:
uK (England, Scotland,
Wales & northern Ireland)
Embark on an exciting career choice with National
Locums. As an award-winning agency dedicated to
the provision of locum doctors to the NHS and private
healthcare organisations throughout the UK, we place
huge emphasis on customer support and will endeavour
to support you every step of the way with your employ-
ment in the UK.
Not only do we appreciate that preferable rates are of
utmost importance to our doctors, we also ensure that
we provide the very best solutions in:
FREE Accommodation
FREE Travel
Geographical preferences
On-Call Ratios
Career Development
Attractive contract lengths
Travel Expenses
Visa Support
Weekly pay
640 Milton Keynes Business Centre
Foxhunter Drive
Linford Wood
Milton Keynes
MK14 6GD
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1908 686800
Fax: +44 (0) 1908 686801
E-mail: doctors@nationallocums.co.uk
Web: www.nationallocums.co.uk
manager: David Cook
62 medPharm Careers magazine 63 medpharmcareers.com
We recruit:
We recruit for:
united Kingdom
NES Healthcare has over 30 years experience and is the
market leader in providing Resident Medical Ofcers to
the private and public sector in the United Kingdom.
As NES Healthcare is an employer and not an agency,
they ofer a personalised service wherein you become a
member of staf.
NES Healthcare recruits doctors to work as Resident
Medical Ofcers (RMOs) in private hospitals throughout
the UK.
You will need a minimum of 2 years post graduate expe-
rience & to be eligible or have Full GMC registration &
hold current ALS & EPLS certifcates.
We mainly ofer general RMO contracts but if you have
specialist skills, we are also currently recruiting for doc-
tors with Oncology, ICU/ITU or A&E experience, to
work on specifc contracts.
NES is unique in the fact that all our doctors are sup-
ported/mentored by our Medical Director & given pre-
contract training on the skills required to be an RMO
in the UK.
74 The Close
Norwich, Norfolk
United Kingdom
telephone: +48 22 292 68 32/+44 01603 305210
Fax: +48 22 841 11 50 /+44 01603 623755
mobile: +48 501 897 471
E-mail: recruitment@neshealthcare.pl
Web: www.neshealthcare.com
manager: Peter Sheppard
Year of establishment: 1980
oPtImA rECruItmEnt EuroPE, S.r.o.
We recruit:
medical dep.: Doctors, nurses
other dep.: fnance&economy,
sales&marketing, administrative &
customer care, It&telco, Logistic,
We recruit for:
medical dep: netherlands, Belgium,
Sweden, united Kingdom, Germany
other dep.: Czech republic+Eu countries
ment has been established as separated department
within the company in 2001. It is based in Czech republic-
Prague and since its existence it has been more inter-
nationally oriented. With continuous activity at medical
market along in years OPTIMA medical has happened to
meet and build very strong, credible and supporting rela-
tionships based on which we can help healthcare candi-
dates to get work abroad in well established and verifed
healthcare institutions. Our main focus is on doctors
and nurses with EU qualifcation - in training or with
specialty diploma in particular medical feld. Countries
where we recruit to are: Netherlands, Belgium, United
Kingdom, Germany and Sweden.
V Jm 1
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
telephone: +420/224162700
Fax: +420/224162709
mobile: +420/739571561
E-mail: medical@optima-recruit.cz
Web: www.optima-recruit.cz
manager: Marek Hrabk
Year of establishment: 1990
PEArSon AnDErSon
We recruit:
nurse, Dentist, Pharmacists
We recruit for:
united Kingdom
We specalise in bringing Nurses & Pharmacists from East-
ern Eurpean countries. We get them trained and into
Locum work.
Uniqe selling point for Pearson Anderson is that we have
live training centres across the UK
For example we can bring a nurse from Romania and get
them trained in a Nursing Home and then live out to work
within 4 weeks
We work fast and efciently.
Edward Buildings
21 Rutland Street
United Kingdom
telephone: 01162 855 200
Fax: 0116 2855 225
mobile: 07812 812 053
E-mail: info@pearsonanderson.co.uk
Web: www.pearsonanderson.co.uk
Year of establishment: 2009
We recruit:
Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists,
We recruit for:
Denmark, norway, Sweden, France,
Paragona is a leading European provider of international
stafng solutions to the healthcare sector. We are a private
Scandinavian-Polish company with ofces in Stockholm,
Warsaw, Bucharest.
Our clients, for whom we have recruited and trained over
600 healthcare professionals, are large public and private or-
ganizations in Western Europe.
We believe that by making a contribution to solving European
labour shortage problems, we strive to actively integrate Eu-
rope by increasing mobility among European professionals.
We seek to act responsibly, ethically and respectfully at all
Al. Jana Pawa II 29
00-867 Warsaw
We also have ofces in Stockholm, Bucharest.
telephone: 00 48 22 653 66 80 (to our ofce in Warsaw)
Fax: 00 48 22 653 66 84 (to our ofce in Warsaw)
E-mail: info@paragona.com
Web: www.paragona.com
manager: Kinga oziska-Czaja
Year of establishment: 2002
64 medPharm Careers magazine 65 medpharmcareers.com
We recruit:
Doctors, nurses, Carers
We recruit for:
Die pvmed Personalvermittlung konzentriert sich auf die
Vermittlung von rzten und Pfegepersonal. Dadurch er-
reichen wir eine hohe Kompetenz in diesem Gebiet. Wir
arbeiten unabhngig von jeglichen Arbeitgebern im Ge-
sundheitswesen. pvmed ist deutschlandweit aktiv und
kann so in der Regel den Kandidaten mehrere interes-
sante Alternativen bieten.
Unsere besondere Strke liegt in der individuellen Be-
treuung der Kandidaten. Es wird eine persnliche Be-
treuung garantiert vom ersten Gesprch im jeweiligen
Heimatland, ber die Begleitung zu allen Bewerbungs-
gesprchen, bis hin zur Erledigung aller notwendigen
Formalitten. Ebenso wird die Organisation des tgli-
chen Lebens von der Krankenversicherung bis hin zur
Wohnungssuche, Schule und Kindergartenplatz unter-
Partner in den Herkunftslndern betreuen die Kandi-
daten ebenfalls, insbesondere bei der Beschafung der
notwendigen Dokumente.
Die Betreuung ist fr die Kandidaten und deren Familien
Friedrichshafner Strae 180
04357 Leipzig
telephone:+49 341 2000571
Fax: +49 341 2000571
mobile: +49 177 5622301
E-mail: tollert@pvmed.de
Web: www.pvmed.de
manager: Jrg Tollert
Year of establishment: 2007
We recruit:
Doctors, physiotherapists
We recruit for:
P&P CONSEIL est un cabinet de recrutement bas Paris
spcialis en recrutement de personnel mdical et para-
Nous proposons des postes de mdecins spcialistes ou
des postes paramdicaux au sein de centres hospitaliers
franais, tablissements privs, associations de mdecine
du travail pour services inter-entreprises, mairies et col-
Nous recherchons rgulirement des spcialistes en :
Anesthsie-Ranimation Radiologie Cardiologie
Mdecine du travail Psychiatrie et pdo-psychiatrie
Neurologie Pdiatrie-nonatologie Gyncologie
Griatrie Mdecine gnrale, mdecine interne
Les engagements de P&P CONSEIL :
Assistance pour les dmarches administratives en France
Participation fnancire vos frais de dplacement
et dhbergement
Aucune commission en cas de collaboration
Notre volont est de trouver la parfaite adquation entre
les candidats et les tablissements de sant. P&P CONSEIL
s'applique ainsi concilier l'panouissement des personnes
et l'efcacit des tablissements dans le respect de cha-
cune des parties.
102 Avenue des Champs Elyses 75008 Paris
telephone:0033 1 53 76 20 45
Fax: 0033 9 72 11 95 37
mobile: 0033 6 60 88 19 75
E-mail: contact@pnp-conseil.com
Web: www.pnp-conseil.com
manager: Christophe NICOLAS
Year of establishment: 2009
roSEGGEr rECruItmEnt PLC
We recruit:
We recruit for:
Germany, uK, Ireland
Rosegger Recruitment PLC is a fully-licensed manpower
agency specializing in the placement of Hungarian doc-
tors abroad, in particular to Germany, UK and Ireland.
We assist our candidates throughout the entire recruit-
ment/registration process and all other important mat-
Westminster Language School (www.westminster.hu),
our partner, organizes conversational language courses
for doctors in English and German to help them to im-
prove their foreign language skills.
Rosegger Recruitment PLC Hungary
H- 1122 Budapest, Pethnyi t 7.
telephone: +36 30 327 4143
Fax: +36 1 224 5457
mobile: +49 177 5622301
E-mail: jobs@rosegger.hu
Web: www.rosegger.hu
Contact: Emma Andrews
Email: emma.andrews@rosegger.hu
mobile: +36 70 6000 839
manager: Palma Veress
Year of establishment: 2007
We recruit:
Gesundheits- und Krankenpfeger,
oP-Fachpersonal, Ansthesie-
und Intensivpfegepersonal
We recruit for:
(S)TEGMED ist darauf spezialisiert im Auftrag seiner
Kunden ofene Stellen im Bereich Medizin & Pfege zeit-
nah auf hohem Qualittsniveau zu besetzen. Sie fnden
Niederlassungen in ber 20 Grostdten (Hamburg, Ber-
lin, Mnchen, Kln usw.)
(S)TEGMED bietet seinen Mitarbeitern eine unbefristete
Anstellung mit leistungsgerechter Bezahlung auf tarifi-
cher Grundlage, Prmien und Leistungszulagen, eine
persnliche Beratung und Betreuung sowie individuelle
Es werden regelmig Fort- und Weiterbildungen ange-
boten und Unterknfte in Deutschland
Torstr. 20
70173 Stuttgart
telephone:+49 747218 - 13
Fax: +49 747218 - 33
mobile: +49 163 414 55 03
E-mail: eu@stegmed.de
Web: www.stegmed.de
manager: Alexandra Auer
Year of establishment: 2002
66 medPharm Careers magazine 67 medpharmcareers.com
We recruit:
We recruit for:
Workindenmark connects Danish companies and hospi-
tals with international job seekers.

Workindenmark is part of the Danish Government and
linked to EUs employment service EURES. We ofer
a wide range of services for jobseekers from EU coun-
tries who are interested in working in Denmark. On our
web site www.workindenmark.dk you can fnd extensive
information about the Danish health care system and liv-
ing and working in Denmark.
Denmark is renowned for its high standard of healthcare
and ofers challenging jobs with high focus on work-life
balance. If you are Medical specialist and interested
in working in Denmark, please send us your CV use
At the moment the Danish hospitals are especially look-
ing for medical specialists in the felds of cardiology,
radiology, oncology, pulmonology, psychiatry, neurol-
ogy, and geriatrics. Furthermore there are good career
opportunities for GPs and dentists.
Nyropsgade 1,1.
DK-1602 Copenhagen V
telephone: +45 72 22 33 90
E-mail: health@workindenmark.dk
Web: www.workindenmark.dk
Year of establishment: 2008
We recruit:
Adult nurses, Paediatric nurses,
mental Health nurses and Health Care
We recruit for:
united Kingdom
TFS Healthcare is a company specialising in the place-
ment of healthcare professionals on a permanent basis.
Our years of recruitment experience coupled with our
extensive knowledge of the healthcare industry means
we can ofer efective solutions to all our nurses needs.
Focusing on the nursing market, we place our candidates
in to both the private and public sectors. Our European
division is a team of consultants that is committed to re-
cruiting the best quality nurses from the EU into the UK.
Each consultant is multi-lingual, in order to interview,
test & guide each candidate thoroughly.
Two London Bridge
United Kingdom
telephone:+44 (0)20 7940 8231
Fax: +44 (0)20 7691 0444
mobile: +44 (0)787 285 7141
E-mail: europe@tfshealthcare.co.uk
Web: www.tfshealthcare.co.uk
manager: Ben Cambage
Year of establishment: 2010
We recruit:
We recruit for:
Qualifying doctors for German hospitals
Doctors participate in an "upgrading" process in prepara-
tion to work in German hospitals.
The training is focused on German mentality, the mas-
tery of the German language with special attention
to the details of medical terminology and education in
practical skills.
No charges for the doctors
The entire education has a total value of 6,000 which
will be fully paid by the prospective employer! Be
successful in Germany
Our graduates become a high professional qualifcation.
With our certifcate you can enjoy your new job
in Germany.
Quality does the diference
Die Externe Krankenhausakademie GmbH
Habichtstalgasse 11B
35037 Marburg / Germany
telephone: +49-6421-9994408
Fax: +49-6421-988965
mobile: +49-1726113144
E-mail: rosniatowski@germanys-next-doctors.com
Web: www.germanys-next-doctors.com
manager: Dr Rolland Rosniatowski
Year of establishment: 2010
IntErnAtIonAL mEDICAL rECruItmEnt
We recruit:
medical Doctors
We recruit for:
Germany, Switzerland
International Medical Recruitment in Budapest, Hungary
is a recruitment company specializing in the placement
of medical professionals. We recruit German and English
language speaking doctors from Eastern Europe, espe-
cially from Hungary and Romania to work in Germany
and Switzerland for medical positions.
Contact us and fnd out more about how our recruit-
ment services can help your hospital, general practice or
specialty practice fnd the right candidate.
We ofer doctors from Romania and Hungary the best
choice for fnding employment in Germany and Switzer-
land. We never charge any doctors for our recruitment
To discuss your individual requirements, please contact
me: oprea.iulia@med-dr.hu
1027 Budapest
Bem Jzsef tr 1.
telephone: 0036 30 941 7646
mobile: 0036 30 941 7646
E-mail: oprea.iulia@med-dr.hu
Web: www.med-dr.hu
manager: Oprea Iulia
Year of establishment: 2011
68 medPharm Careers magazine 69 medpharmcareers.com
SZoLGLtAt nonProFIt KFt.
We recruit:
We recruit for:
The EH Duty Medical Provider Non-proft Ltd. has been
established in 2009. The owners of the company are Jsa
Andrs Teaching Hospital, Szatmr-Bereg Hospital, M-
tszalka Regional Hospital and the Sntha Klmn Men-
tal Healthcare Centre and Hospital. We keep going our
activity in Szabolcs-Szatmr-Bereg County. Our activity
is on duty doctor service in the Jsa Andrs Teaching
Hospital and in the Sntha Klmn Hospital, in addi-
tion we provide the central medical and family doctor
attendance in several areas of the County. We aspire to
operate our company according to the rules of profes-
sion and the valid protocols.
Fax: +36-42-599-888
E-mail: ugyelet@ehzrt.hu
manager: Ben Cambage
Year of establishment: 2009
HoLDInG nonProFIt Zrt.
We recruit:
We recruit for:
The main purposes of the Szabolcs-Szatmr-Bereg
County Medical Health Provider Holding Plc. are to
make the equal opportunities, to provide the highest
level medical attendance. The Holding Plc. has been es-
tablished in 2009. The company contains four hospitals
in the county: Jsa Andrs Teaching Hospital, Szatmr-
Bereg Hospital and Spa, Mtszalka Regional Hospital
and the Sntha Klmn Mental Healthcare Centre and
Hospital. By this time the Holding with its almost 5000
employee - became a determinative hospital in Hungary
due to the quality health care and efcient operating.
Fax: +36-42-599-888
E-mail: ugyelet@ehzrt.hu
manager: Ben Cambage
Year of establishment: 2009
We recruit:
rzte, Assistenzrzte, Fachrzte
We recruit for:
Deutschland, Schweiz , sterreich,
Polen, ungarn, tschechien
Das HELIOS Klinikum Bad Saarow ist ein Akutkranken-
haus der qualifzierten Regelversorgung im Land Bran-
denburg mit 571 Planbetten, 15 Kliniken, zwei Instituten
und einem Zentrallabor. Insgesamt arbeiten am Klinik-
standort etwa 1.000 Mitarbeiter. Die groe Breite un-
seres fachlichen Angebotes ermglicht eine interdiszipli-
nre und ganzheitliche Behandlung und Betreuung der
Patienten. Dafr haben wir fachbergreifende Zentren
gegrndet, wie z. B. das zertifzierte Brustzentrum und
das zertifzierte Sarkomzentrum Berlin-Brandenburg.
Einer unserer Schwerpunkte im HELIOS Klinikum ist
die Onkologie. Durch die langjhrige Erfahrung unserer
rzte in der Diagnostik und Behandlung von Krebser-
krankungen und die Ausstattung mit modernster Medi-
zintechnik bietet unser Klinikum Spitzenmedizin.
Pieskower Strae 33
15526 Bad Saarow
telephone: +49 33631 7-24 28
Fax: +49 33631 7-24 71
E-mail: info.badsaarow@helios-kliniken.de
Web: www.helios-kliniken.de
manager: Corinna Glenz
We recruit:
Doctors & General Practitioners
We recruit for:
England, Ireland, Scotland,
Wales and Australia
Triple West Medical (TWM) Is a specialist medical ser-
vice and recruitment company providing focused solu-
tions to both candidates and clients within the Public
and Private Hospital markets in the UK. We encourage
our consultants to forge long term personalized relation-
ships with our doctors.
Triple West Medical has vast experience in supplying
medical locums, long term permanent solutions and of-
fering resourcing consultancy services. We understand
the need of each Hospital and Medical organization we
work with to recruit and retain the correct staf to com-
pliment their long term patient care goals.
Equally we focus on working with our doctors to fnd
the perfect opportunity in tune with their family com-
mitments and career aspirations.
41 Whitcomb Street
telephone: 0845 074 0614
Fax: 0845 074 0615
mobile: 07826 946 241
E-mail: Ricky.wright@hotmail.com
Web: www.triplewestmedical.com
manager: Ricky Wright & Oz Oruc
Year of establishment: 2007
70 medPharm Careers magazine 71 medpharmcareers.com
Reha-Klinik in Thringen
Fachklinik fr interdisziplinre
Schmerztherapie sowie
Rehabilitationsklinik fr
Orthopdie und Rheumatologie
in Thringen/Deutschland
sucht rzte (m/w) der
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Klinik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Trgergesellschaft mit
Leistungen der Grund-,
Regel- und Zentralversorgung
in Nordrhein-Westfalen/
Deutschland (Flughafen
Dsseldorf ca. 95 km)
sucht rzte (m/w) der
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Klinikverband in Sachsen
Landesverband mit ber 70
hochmodernen Krankenhuser
mit hervorragenden
beste Aus- und
sucht fr Sachsen/
Deutschland rzte (m/w) der
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Klinik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Groes Krankenhaus der
Maximalversorgung in
Universittsstadt in Nordrhein-
Westfalen/Deutschland (sehr
gute Infrastruktur) sucht Arzt
(m/w) der Allgemeinmedizin.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Klinikverbund in Sachsen-Anhalt
Klinikverbund sucht fr eine
Klinik in Sachsen-Anhalt/
Deutschland einen Arzt (m/w)
der Allgemeinmedizin.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Klinikverbund in Sachsen
Groer Klinikverbund in
sucht Facharzt (m/w) fr
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Groe Klinik in Bayern
Modernes Akutkrankenhaus
in Hochschulstadt in
Bayern/Deutschland sucht
(m/w) fr Ansthesiologie.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Klinik in Sachsen-Anhalt
Krankenhaus mit
Basisversorgung in einer
Kleinstadt in Sachsen-Anhalt/
Deutschland sucht Facharzt
(m/w) fr Ansthesiologie.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
2 Thringer Kliniken
2 Krankenhuser der
Grundversorgung in
suchen Fachrzte(m/w) der
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Praxis in Bayern
Gemeinschaftspraxis fr
erstklassische Augenmedizin
in Bayern/Deutschland sucht
einen Facharzt (m/w) fr
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Fachklinik in Nordrhein-
Krankenhaus der gehobenen
medizinischen Grundversorgung
in Kleinstadt in Nordrhein-
Westfalen (ca. 150 km von
Frankfurt/Main entfernt)
sucht Facharzt und
(m/w) im Bereich der Chirurgie.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
MVZ in Bayern
Versorgungszentrum in
Universittsstadt in Bayern/
Deutschland (gute Infrastruktur)
sucht Fachrzte (m/w) fr
Chirurgie und Unfallchirurgie.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
2 Thringer Kliniken
2 Krankenhuser der
Grundversorgung in Thringen/
Deutschland suchen
Fachrzte(m/w) fr Orthopdie/
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Reha-Klinik in Sachsen.
Rehabilitationsklinik in
einer Kleinstadt in Sachsen/
Deutschland sucht Facharzt
(m/w) der Diabetologie.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Fachklinik in Nordrhein-
Fachklinik in Nordrhein-
sucht Fachrzte (m/w) fr
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Fachklinik in Nordrhein-
Fachklinik in Nordrhein-
sucht Fachrzte (m/w) fr
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Praxis in Bayern
Gynkologische Praxis
in Kleinstadt in Bayern/
Deutschland sucht Facharzt
(m/w) der Gynkologie.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Innere medizin
Krankenhaus der Grund-
und Regelversorgung in Hessen
Kleines Krankenhaus mit
umfassender medizinischer
Basisversorgung in einer
Kleinstadt in Hessen/
Deutschland (ca. 200 km von
Frankfurt/Main entfernt)
sucht Fachrzte und
(m/w) fr den Bereich der
Inneren Medizin.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
72 medPharm Careers magazine 73 medpharmcareers.com
Klinik in Hessen
Krankenhaus der Grund- und
Regelversorgung in Hessen/
Deutschland sucht Fachrzte
und Weiterbildungsassistenten
(m/w) fr das Gebiet der
Inneren Medizin.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Klinik in Sachsen
Krankenhaus der
Regelversorgung in Sachsen/
Deutschland sucht Facharzt
und Weiterbildungsassistenten
(m/w) fr den Bereich der
Inneren Medizin.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
in Hessen
Krankenhaus der Akut-
und Regelversorgung des
Klinikverbundes Hessen/
Deutschland sucht Fachrzte
oder Weiterbildungsassistenten
(m/w) fr den Bereich der
Inneren Medizin.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Fachklinik in Nordrhein-
Fachklinik in Nordrhein-
Westfalen/Deutschland sucht
Fachrzte (m/w) fr Innere
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Fachklinik in Nordrhein-
Fachklinik in Nordrhein-
Westfalen/Deutschland sucht
(m/w) fr Kinderkardiologie.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
mund-, Kiefer-,
Fachklinik in Nordrhein-
Fachklinik fr kosmetische
Chirurgie- und Laserzentrum
in Nordrhein-Westfalen/
Deutschland sucht Mund-,
Kiefer-, Gesichtschirurgen
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater HRM GmbH
Tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Klinik in Mecklenburg-
Akutkrankenhaus der Grund-
und Regelversorgung in
Deutschland (190 km von Berlin
entfernt) sucht Facharzt (m/w)
der Neurologie.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Fachklinik in Bayern
Fachkrankenhaus fr
Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie,
Psychosomatik, Neurologie,
Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie
und -psychotherapie, Forensik
in einer Universittsstadt in
Bayern/Deutschland sucht
Facharzt (m/w) fr Neurologie.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Klinik in Hessen
Groes Akutkrankenhaus in
Hessen/Deutschland sucht
Facharzt (m/w) fr Neurologie.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Reha-Klinik in Hessen
Fachklinik fr orthopdische
Anschlussheilbehandlung und
Rehabilitation in Kleinstadt in
Hessen/Deutschland sucht
Facharzt (m/w) fr Neurologie.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
2 Thringer Kliniken
2 Krankenhuser der
Grundversorgung in Thringen/
Deutschland suchen
Fachrzte(m/w) fr Orthopdie/
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
MVZ in Bayern
Versorgungszentrum in
Universittsstadt in Bayern/
Deutschland (gute Infrastruktur)
sucht Fachrzte (m/w) fr
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Klinik in Schleswig-Holstein
Kleine Klinik fr Psychiatrie und
Psychotherapie in Kleinstadt
in Schleswig-Holstein/
Deutschland sucht 2 Fachrzte
(m/w) fr Psychiatrie.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Klinik in Mecklenburg-
Modernes Krankenhaus der
Grund- und Regelversorgung
in Mecklenburg- Vorpommern/
Deutschland (zwischen Berlin
und Ostsee) sucht Facharzt
(m/w) der Urologie.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Akutkrankenhaus in
Groe Klinik in Mecklenburg-
sucht Fachrzte (m/w)
verschiedener Fachrichtungen.
Sehr gute Infrastruktur, ca.
2 Bahnstunden von Berlin
entfernt, alle Schulen befnden
sich vor Ort.
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
Fachklinik in Nordrhein-
Fachklinik fr kosmetische
Chirurgie- und Laserzentrum
in Nordrhein-Westfalen/
Deutschland sucht Zahnarzt
Bewerbungen und Anfragen
bitte an:
Jrg Herrmann Die
Personalberater Hrm GmbH
tel: 0049/921/150 87 98 0
BPL recruits Nurses
for France and UK
74 medPharm Careers magazine 75 medpharmcareers.com
Accident and
Location: UK
Salary: remuneration
commensurate with level of
experience Work type: Full-Time
Renowned recruiter seeks
experienced A&E SHO for work
in UK hospitals
Our Clients look for Doctors at
ideally a full-time capacity but
sectional or locum blocks are
available. If you would like to
explore the option of changing
your current location of work
and discuss our A&E jobs, please
email us at:
for further information in the
strictest confdence.
Accident&Emergency Specialists
Fancy living in green and
friendly Northern Ireland? Do
you have minimum two years
experience? Are you interested
in specialist, registrar and
consultant A&E positions both
permanent and locum? The ideal
candidates for three vacancies
will be GMC registered and
English profcient, previous UK
experience an advantage. Please
send your CV via email to:
Consultant Grade
With minimum three years
experience in speciality
and GMC registration for a
permanent UK hospital position.
Salary range: 35- 65K. Interested
applicants should send their
letter of motivation and CV to:
General medicine
General Medicine
Specialist Scotland
We need a general medicine
specialist with:
min 2 years experiences
Excellent English
GMC registration
Good conditions for the right
candidates Contact:
General Surgery
General surgery SHO
General Surgeons needed!
Location: Northern Ireland
For more details please email:
Opportunities for General
Surgery Specialists
In Ireland, contact:
Haematologists needed urgently
2 vacancies in Northern Ireland
Consultant Haematologists
For work in UK hospital. Address
resumes and cover letters to:
Obs and Gyae Consultant
Experienced Oncologist
- 2 yr exp GMC reg English
good salary
Paediatrician wanted
With 2 years exp, GMC
registration, fuent English, for
North-West England hospital
Send CV and covering letter to:
exciting opportunities,
good salary
In Northern Ireland and East
Midlands for rehabilitation
medicine specialists with
2-3 years practice. For more
information please sent your cv
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Accident and
3 A&E vacancies
In Ireland
for ambitious, hard working
doctors looking for a challenge
and change of lifestyle
interested applicants will have
support in relocating and
Please send CV, application
letter and references to:
Acute medicine
Two Acute Medicine Vacancies
Work in Ireland and grow your
career in Acute Medicine
Great conditions and earnings
Interesting location and friendly
Send your application to:
General medicine
Ireland - vacancy
General Medicine Specialist
2-3 years experience and fuent
English a must
Needed in an Irish hospital.
For more information please
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Dafr bringen wir die wichtigsten Merkmale fr erfolgreiche Personalvermittlung
im gesamten Bundesgebiet in Einklang: Bewerber- und Stellenprofl passen fachlich
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Sie stehen in Mittelpunkt
"Ihr Erfolg ist unser Anliegen!"-
Tel. 0221-99 200 500
Email: medical@cep-consulting.de
Cep GmbH Medical & Healthcare
Ebertplatz 14-16; 50668 Kln
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