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COMMUNICATION Communication is the fundamental means by which humans have evolved into the dominant species on the planet.

All humans communicate naturally. Communication is an act or fact of passing along / giving some information by talking or writing and it enhances our survival. No one ever communicates perfectly. Educational institutions and parents need to realize that Academic Excellencies are not everything. In real life, soft skills (communication skills, coping skills, leadership qualities, self esteem etc.)are as important and at times more important than core skills. Our communication skills or lack of them could spell the difference between success and failure in many of the things we do. One of the significant elements of succession the modern world is skill in effective communication. Those with remarkable academic achievement often fill to reach positions they otherwise deserve for want of adequate flair for communication. Some may be carried away by the notion that a rich vocabulary, correct grammar and the right pronunciation can make you a great communicator. Communication is the activity of conveying information. It is the process of transmitting and receiving information through a common system of symbols, signs, behaviour, speech, writing, or signals. When all other means of communication fail, try words Process of exchanging information and ideas is involved in any communication. The vital point is that the recipient should understand what the sender intends. In a wider perspective, it is a generic process of translating information from one domain to one or more other domains through a medium. A domain can be the mental world of a person, statistical domain of an analyst, the computational domain of a software program or the economic domain of a market. As a part of the usual language learning in schools and colleges, you are exposed to fine points of reading, writing and speaking. Listening is an integral ingredient of good communication. For these things, you hardly got any special hints from your school masters. Non-verbal communication, body language is important. Skills in selecting the most appropriate words or expressions to convey your thoughts need not result in effect communication. It would be to your advantage if you apply your mind to the diverse features of communication and try to develop better skills in each one of them. Important aspects: There are three aspects in any communication content, form, & destination. A good communicator should apply his /her mind carefully to all the three, if the process of communication has to be effective. In any form of communication, there is always a gap between what a sender wanted to convey and what the receiver actually gathers. You have a certain idea in your mind. You couch it in certain words based on your definition to represent it accurately. Your process of forming the words to express your idea may be called encoding. Your ideas take shape in a specific form. Sometimes instead of words, the form may be that of a picture, chart, sound, or some other medium. The idea carried in the medium is looked at by the receiver. He understands the idea based on the meaning he attaches to words or other elements of the medium. This is the process of decoding. There may be a gap between your idea and what is presented in the medium and again, another gap between the content of the medium and the idea grasped by the receiver. This precisely is the reason why people often have to say that they did not mean what has been reported.

Effective communication: Effective communication can be achieved if a deliberate attempt is made to reduce the gap, by careful use of the medium with special care of the type and background if the receiver of our message. The meaning as given in the dictionary may not hold good in all contexts. When a grandfather tells his three-year old grandson you silly thief, the usual; meaning of the words has little relevance. Before entering into important discussions, we may have to define the terms we intend to use. As an instance3, after an hour of heated discussions on the existence of God, one of the participants said that by God, he meant Truth. If the definition had been made earlier, no debate would have taken place. A person attaches a particular meaning for a word, depending on his/ her background and experience. You know that in the world of politics, words such as democracy, secularism, socialism and freedom mean different things to different people. Your own perceptions and obsessions should not turn out to be a barrier in communication. What is beautiful to me may be ugly to you vice-versa. So, if I start the presumption that what appears to be beautiful to me is beautiful to you as well, it may end upon breakdown of communication. Building fine rapport with the listener is the essence of good communication. Communication skills are very important for a manager because through his words he has to convey exactly what he wants his subordinates to do. So, his language should be clear, precise and to the point. Sometimes the words one uses can be misinterpreted resulting in conflict. When words are used to share ideas and expressing emotions it can lead to misunderstanding. The misinterpretation of words can be either intentional or unintentional and create barriers in communication. If an idea sounds right to the Manager, he should not presume that the so others would understand it. In fact there is no guarantee that listeners will understand any communication in exactly the same way the speaker intends. The ways to prevent misunderstandings are: Use of specific language: the manager has to use concrete rather than abstract words in communication. Abstract language can leave a lot of room for misunderstandings because if the message is vague and non-specific misinterpretations of words and also generalization is possible. Managers must remember that being more specific increases their chances of being understood better by others. Use of the right words: avoid using judgmental words in the communication. Such words will make the listener that he is being attacked and it could prevent setting up a rapport between the manager and his team. Manager should use minimal use of restrictive words in the communication to his subordinates. Restrictive words such as should, must, always etc. make the listener think that he has no choice and puts him on the defensive. Unrestrictive words like perhaps, could& might give a sense of leeway to the listener. This also shows that the manager respects and values his subordinates words. Shun interference: while sharing information with his subordinates, a manger should just state the facts, and avoid adding his own inferences. This will avert misunderstanding otherwise the listener will not know the real facts and this can cause disagreements. Effective communication is the key to be a successful manager and a boss who follows this will keep his subordinates happy and can handle them effectively. This will help everyone to deliver an over the top performance always.

Speech (unspoken & Spoken); writing; invention of paper (in China ~105 AD); advent of printing. The word communicate comes from Latin root Communicare meaning to impart or to participate. Communication means sharing of ideas or thoughts. Communication has been successful if there is shared understanding. For real communication two or more must be present; share some portion of them with another; sharing can be intellectual or personal. Communication is more than a two-way street meeting of minds. Communication is an ongoing process that is there throughout our life. The basic ingredients of communication are: Sender Receiver A message communication of thoughts, feelings, words Ways of generating a signal Brain Shared understanding Feedback Writing and Speaking are compared to another form of communication Broadcasting. For effective communication of ones feelings, thoughts, ideas and transmission of knowledge etc., language is an indispensable instrument. In the modern world, English holds the unique place of importance being a living language, wide spoken and written and dynamically growing from day to day. A radio transmission has three elements: a) a transmitter b) a signal or a message and 3) a receiver. Perfect communication is far from guaranteed. Many a times a crackling sound comes over the airwaves static / interference caused by a loose wire or thundery sky. Speaking and writing also have three elements: a) a transmitter, b) a signal and c) a receiver and these also suffer from interference which distorts the message between transmitter (you) and the receiver (listener or the reader). The obvious culprits might be: a) inadequate vocabulary or nervous twitching or noisy street b) lack of consideration for your audience and c) lack of confidence in yourself. Communicate clearly: you start to think more clearly which in turn improve your communication skills still further. As your powers of self-expression increase, so does your confidence and vice versa. The upward spiral should continue to the point where words spoken or written, come fully under your command. Their role in your daily life will transform itself from a source of worry to a source of support, always doing your bidding promptly, elegantly and effectively. Lack of effective communication with others can lead to serious problems. Research points out that in 44% of the cases communication or the lack of it is the cause for marriage/relationship to end. In academic settings-efficacy of communication between teacher and student is put to the test, literally and frequently. Communication skills are tested daily at work place & at home. Workplace letters, memos, reports express clearly the thoughts and facts each person seeking to communicate (employer & employee). Failure in this ruins ones career.

People who feel their communication efforts are effective also feel most comfortable. Life is like a grinding stone it can polish you or pulverize you depending on how you position yourself. Communication can be broadly divided into three segments viz., unspoken; spoken; & written Listeners & readers agree or disagree with another persons comments interaction takes place. Effective speakers ask the audience to participate in some way; speakers may askverbal response or show of hands. Unspoken communication: forms context; body language; distance & touch Audience communicate amusement, restlessness, appreciation by laughter, coughs, noisy movement or applause. Non-verbal communication: is everything but the words, components, vocal qualities, tone of voice, as well as gestures, body languages, accents and attitudes. Context: very important infant wakes up and criesphysical needs. Muscular contraction of childs face communicates. Communication is always and everywhere occurring. We walk into a room where people are talking sudden silence you may be the topic of conversation or they want you to leave the place. Dress appropriately, hairstyling, clean and well-pressed clothing. Body language: physical appearance counts; dress well. Person whether smiling or scorning angry or happy reflects in each persons body language. Facial expression- speaker to reinforce the strategies; listener to show interest. Eye to eye contact but not a stare. Physical gestures like, nod agreement, avoid aggressive gestures. Hand ringing usually reflect anxiety Foot tapping denotes irritation. Communication involves accepted codes of body language: Orientation is a significant factor - may be face-to-face; side-to-side; or even back-toback. Those who cooperate would stand side by side; competitors would go face to face. It may be accidental, that there is more argument across the table than alongside. Eye contact: steady eye contact indicates interest and positive thought. Deep look into the eye of the other person can deliver a good lot of sympathy when the occasion demands. Long periods of looking at a person continuously sometimes interpreted as vulgar staring with a hunger for intimacy. Not looking into the eyes during conversation mean indifference; a negative message. When a listener is not convinced by what is being heard, he may stare elsewhere for a long period. You look at the speaker to get the visual images through postures and gestures that accompany the words. The speaker receives necessary feedback by looking at the listener. The pupil of the eye grows bigger or dilates in moments of excitement or arousal. The movements of the eyebrows also give us clear indications of the attitudes of people engaged in conversation. Use appropriate words for conveying messages with precision and clarity. If there is silence when the speaker asking for questions after his presentation, it will be a severe shock if the audience remains silent. It implies that the speech did not stir any interest or it was totally rejected hence it becomes a barrier in communication.

Personal space: each o us involuntarily sets apart some space for oneself while interacting with others. A person in high position may have a larger space around him as his own.{he may keep a distance}. If there is no crowd , a person will not sit too close to someone. If the place gets filled up, one may not hesitate to sit very close to strangers and there will not be any resistance to this invasion. There are certain unwritten rules and conventions in the matter of distances to be kept between people{if a stranger stands too close to you, you may feel uneasy but it willlbe normal if your friend or a relative stands close to you}. Intimate distance: Close phase- whispering, touching, patting on the back, embracing or children clinging to parents. Far phase: 15 45 cm. Personal distance: (for interaction among good friends)close: 45 75 cm; far phase:75 120 cm Social distance: (for interactions among acquaintances) close phase: 150-200 cm; far phase 200-400 cm. Public distance: (for public speaking) close phase: 350-750 cm; far phase: >750 cm It is not the distances but an awareness of the concept of personal space that should not be violated for ensuring proper communication. To emphasize your point, you can make movements: wide sweeps with the arms, walking with long strides, shaking the head vigorously, pacing quickly up and down, making sudden stops and starting quickly, pointing with outstretched arm and hand, leaning back and pushing the body forward, arching the eyebrows are some of the manifestations of nonverbal communication. Categories: body language can be classified such as aggressive, defensive, emotional, evaluating, bored or tired, authoritative, submissive, hilarious, relaxed, romantic etc. Different style of non-verbal communication is the clever use of time. If you are asked to attend the meeting at 5.0 pm and if you turn up at 5.30 pm an unspoken message how much you value that. But if you report at 4.30 pm, the message is different. Although body language is helpful in achieving success in communication, paying too much attention to every move/gesture may spoil the whole thing.

Distance & touch: Part of the body language distance, both physical and psychological matters. Two people across a table- physically distant. Keep appropriate distance so that the other person is comfortable. Leaning forward, proximity, but not aggressive or dominating.

Strangers in proximity in railway, bus stations, park benches etc., - they place personal belongings between them; turn bodies away from each other; avoid eye contact - these make physical and psychological barriers. Touch: strong form of communication; hand shake or dancing together etc., Each society has its own rules and taboos about touch. Once should keep in mind this aspect. Use touch to convey warmth emotional support bereaved family. In business world a firm hand shake is OK Learn as much as possible the customs/practices of his/her culture. Avoid violating taboos and do not over generalize. To sharpen your perceptions of unspoken communication, try watching TV with sound turned off. Find out how you pick up the story line, can be tried in news broadcasts also. Speaker- use resonant tone and moderate volume .vary the pitch and rate of speaking. Spoken communication: Spoken language is modified by various ways visitors to home, neighbours , radio, television may influence your vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar even before the child sets foot in classroom. So everyone develops- 1) informal language for everyday conversation at home with friends. 2) formal language for speech or job interview. The success depends upon how well the preparation is.

Personal conversation accounts for a substantial part of the communication that we are involved in everyday. In interpersonal communication you should be TACTFUL in conversation. [T think before you speak; A apologise quickly when you blunder; C converse, do not compete; T time your comments; F focus on behaviour, not personality; U uncover hidden feelings; L listen for feedback]. In strange company, it is good to introduce yourself since that would not leave them guessing who you are. Greet others first, you may get a favourable response. No harm in asking a persons name, if you do not know; repeat it during the conversation. Sweetest word for anyone is his/her name try to remember the names of people whom you intend to meet again. Intellectual curiosity: will be appreciated in cultured groups. Never enter into arguments on trifles. Never give unsolicited advice You can share your interesting experiences if the situation demands. Keep your general awareness up to date, if you want to take part actively in an interesting conversation. You would be able to switchover to new subjects when a subject has run out of steam. Be a good listener. Never be dogmatic. In conversation humour has a unique place. Body language: People who speak in a natural way are liked by others. Do not try to put on airs. Eye contact and a pleasant smile would add spice to your words. Everyone likes to speak on areas in which he is well-versed. Enjoy the conversation and show that you are enjoying it .Be enthusiastic. Never adopt a stance of arrogance since none would like to converse with such a person. Do not be rude but you should not surrender your selfesteem. show patience. Ask questions seeking clarifications. Key to success: any communication succeeds only when it has been received, understood, accepted, and the intended action has been effected. Ideas and words are

important but your voice, tone, appearance, and body language are also equally important in oral communication. Making a presentation: Not only the structure but also the content, logic, and main phrases are to be planned. The right strategies for effective presentation include: Getting over nervousness Wearing proper dress Proper body language Speaking with clarity Not reading from a prepared text State your objective in the beginning Follow the logical order in presenting ideas Chose the right mode for each item { statistical trends through histograms, pie diagram etc} Use computer software (PowerPoint etc) Avoid clustered display on the screen Ensure that your voice is heard and the projection by all. Synchronize spoken words with gestures Avoid mannerisms Ensure voice modulation Keep eye contact Adopt the language to suit the comprehension level of audience Maintain appropriate speed of delivery Use controlled humour Avoid frequent corrections during speech Emphasize significant points Interact effectively with the audience Watch the body language of the listeners and making changes in style, if necessary Not talking beyond the permitted duration Give a summary at the end You should look at the type of your listeners before choosing your language. Suppose you are addressing rural farmers, all of them may not be of the same level in the matter of perception or information. Under such situations, one strategy is to adopt is to address the average among the group, this is the style that is followed by a good teacher in a class comprising of heterogeneous group of pupils Persuasion: you are often faced with the problem of convincing others of your standpoints. Politicians, marketing and business professionals have to be good in this kind of communication. The aspects to be kept in your mid are: Find out what type of person is your target on the basis of educational background, culture, language comprehension, age, sex, attitude etc. if the moods not appropriate, generate an atmosphere congenial to effective listening. What you say should have the clarity and accuracy. Plan beforehand your strategy of presentation Be confident and enthusiastic. Watch the listeners expression and body language continuously and see that the person is not emotional when you try to apply logic through your words. Your logic has to be convincing. Use illustrations and be consistent. Make the listener to feel free to ask questions thereby making way for smooth exchange of ideas.

Make him feel important. If there is a problem to be settled through negotiation, split it into parts and identify portions of agreement and try to tackle the other portions in stages. Try to build trust at every stage and never make the listener hostile, lest he should block further communication.

-Knowledge is power but all knowledge is remembrance For effective communication of ones feelings, thoughts, ideas and transmission of knowledge etc., language is an indispensable instrument. In the Modern world, English holds the unique place of importance being a living language, widely spoken, written and dynamically growing from day to day. Most English words are twice as long as they need to be, staggering under a weight of unvoiced vowels and consonants surplus to requirements. QWERTY keyboard nobody ever thought of reforms. English is supposedly a phonetic language, the letters of our alphabet stand for sounds the way the word as are spoken or pronounced to correspond to the way they are spelled. Earlier English was more phonetic but time has brought drastic changes in pronunciation while changes in spelling have not kept pace. The gulf that has been created during the last several centuries by the invention of printing press that transformed English from a phonetic to most unphonetic language. In the same country distinct types of pronunciation in different places is possible. Reminder principle: standard association Black night wrong right day night Short tall no yes little big

down up

in out

Repetition makes perfect: piano, games, computer etc., gets easier access in brain. Practice makes perfect only if what you practice is really what you want to remember. Play a wrong note. Keep practicing wrong words in correctly -- difficult to undo it. Foreign phrases -- envelope enveloper Your attention is highly selective. Brain ignores 99% of messages it receive, most are insignificant, irrelevant you pay no attention. Short term 5 to 7 times at a time, lasts 1 minute Long term minute/hour/year Brain can process 100,000,000,000,000, bits of information but computer 1000, 000, 000. Memory repetition study rehearsal, nursery rhymes. Classification category related items Consolidation moves short term / long term storage. Telephone no. repeated call you remember\old people: physical and chemical changes in brain in old age.

Ability to acquire new memories desires interest in the present fell off indelible traces in the brain. You have very good memory prove it try to forget something you know! You cannot do. Ignition of memory is Association; can be sub-conscious or conscious or controlled /uncontrolled - ideas/imagination. Conscious controlled association - a trained memory; Poor memory- amazing level. Association is mental connecting/binding together two things. Spark plug interest; always easier to remember things you are interested in rather than not interested in. Mental reminder connections, force you to be interested in these things at that moment. Associate two hitherto unconnected things association forces interest. To remember a new thing, associate something we already know or already remember. When 2 things are associated, the thing you already know reminds you of new things become something you already know. Balloon shaped like a ball Believe Never believe a lie Stationary is to stand Still Stationery is to write a letter Spelling mistakes: habitual ones; programme it- in the troubled spots. Parallel lines are all parallel I take a Bus to business. My pet learned by repetition Do not eat leather There is no tragedy to age. It was end of my friend Dessert comes after Dinner (double n) Desert is full of sand Naval as in Navy Navel as in Belly button A principle is a rule School principal is my pal Receive is positive It is necessary to clean chess pool Million 7 letters 7 digits Speak always in English. It is the most spoken International language Address At+ten+dance ten+ant = tenant Brain pictorial, linguistic words, numbers Visual image directly; others decoded, sorted and recorded. A picture is worth1000 words Effective reading is a search for ideas, thoughts and answers no rule, you make your own rule.

Learn to listen: receive the message concentrate/ active listening. Normally improves with practice shifting our conversation from ourselves to other person from what we plan to say next to what she is communicating now. Communication principles we normally apply <20% of the time. Unwritten communication Unspoken signs more critical at home. Babies cry to communicate the needs.

Listening & reading skills as well as unspoken forms of communications, important part of a persons ability to communicate. Attention should be given to each form of communication before more detailed exploration of creative arts of speaking and writing. Try listening techniques when talking with one or two people: -Concentrate on other people while they are speaking - eye contact do not turn your body away from person - lean forward slightly - do not counter a question or shift the topic suddenly ask more questions or about what is being talked - check whether you have understood correctly If formal presentation is made in a class or workshop observe the speaker. Pronunciation: spoken or sounded words more important. Sounded word precedes the written word by 1000s of years. Use correct ways to sound them in speaking. English is a phonetic language i.e., letters of alphabet stand for sounds words spoken or pronounced-correspond to the way they are spelled. Time has brought drastic changes in pronunciation with no spelling change. Common errors: do not pronouncet in fastener; wrestle, chasten. The speech: is the effective communication with one ore more persons. You must be in command of the situation at all times- extensive preparation and rehearsals are necessary. Know your audience: small group of strangers or known people and mind relation with them etc. Select your topic: purpose of presentation; write down the speech to be made. Gather information: make notes, collect information, facts, statistics etc. check how much detail you want to give. Too much detail will bore them too little will decrease credibility. Make an outline: construct outline prepare/change periodically. Do not hop around keep logical relation between points. Write presentation: try to treat it as if you are talking to decision makers in the workplace. Use simple ,speaking vocabulary, avoid tongue twisters. Be positive in your statements; use facts. Signal that you are about to end, as you begin conclusion Make it strong persuasive and clear impress upon them You should grab the attention of the listener and see that they want to hear more from you. Include humour, jokes, anecdotes etc. Prepare visual aids: Visual aids enhance presentation make it simple Good aids cut time needed to convey an idea and increase understandability of the words being spoken. Select the proper equipment needed for it. Rehearse:

Rehearse several times with visual aids, in front of a mirror or in front of co-worker or knowledgeable friends. Try to be natural, do stand straight posture Rate of speaking and pitch and the volume can be modulated Gestures hand movement avoid mannerisms Always practice eye contact. Set the stage: Get familiar with the place where you intend to present the speech. You should be able to see all people and all of them should see you. All in the room should be able to see the visual aids, you use. Do not block anyones view of the screen, flip chart etc. Check glare is not a problem in the room, ensure proper illumination. Evaluate: Evaluate your effectiveness did I communicate effectively to fulfill my purpose. Interview: A critical step in obtaining employment. Make a good impression- first few moments are crucial Smile and greet rehearse typical questions they ask in interview and also the questions you want to ask to the employer. Written communication by necessity a rather solitary activity Involvement of at least one other person, whose comprehension of what has been written is necessary for communication to take place. Reader simply sees words is not OK, person must understand what has been written. Reading opens many windows in the mind. Books can become turning points in our life. They inform reform and transform. Writing maketh an exact man, creativity keeps a man sane. Many write, a few publish and only a very few can sell (Islanders read more books per capita than anybody in the World) . The art of writing: Writing is above all for communication- for conveying ideas and feelings from your mind to another mind. The hallmarks of good writing are the hallmarks of good communication viz., i) ii) iii) accuracy, appropriateness, attentiveness of your audience, avoidance of ambiguity brevity or conciseness, brightness or buoyancy correctness (of usage and grammar), clarity, consistency, concreteness

Written communication falls into four categories: Exploratory writing: is to inform or to explain; typical of more academic & business writing Argumentative writing: is used to persuade by reason and emotions Descriptive writing: paints a picture appealing to the five senses Narration: gives an account of action or events. Non-fictional, Fictional and Dialogue Remember your readers: Since writing is primarily for communication, you have to keep your reader constantly in your mind as you write. It means taking trouble - ordering your

thoughts in the most methodical and logical sequence and working them in the most lucid language. You have to clarify your ideas to the reader. Like spoken communication- begins with words written communication allows us through the minds eye Access to knowledge Sounds of times long gone Places and people only imagined By writing we may communicate to others our words of knowledge, concern, inspiration. We may enlighten, amuse or challenge. Reading opens up vast possibilities- all we read is in bound Writing provides opportunity to reach out to share to send outbound message. Easiest and best way to learn about good writing is through reading Read as much as you can, take time to evaluate the writing involved Journalistic writings are different from college textbooks Text books differ from novels of Agatha Christie , Perry Mason etc. Reading is an essential skill at this age of audio &video. Student or non-student alike can read well & quickly. Good student is an efficient reader. Reads rapidly with good comprehension; able to read critically and retains what he has read. Previewing: devote a few minutes to preview the material. Reader familiarizes with general content of the book before he begins actual reading. Finding main ideas: author has to convey to the reader the ideas in a logical and lucid way as possible, the ideas he wishes to impart. In a single para, basic idea is presented. Critical reading: Reading quickly with adequate comprehension is not enough. Effective reader should read critically, to evaluate what he or she reads. Critical reading is refinement of skill in reading. Should differentiate between fact and opinion. Rate of reading: Determined by the purpose for which you read and by the difficulty of the material. What you want to do is to absorb and digest and make apart of your mental make-up, every fact and idea you come upon in your reading. Rate of reading skills skimming, skim-reading and reading for key-words. Skimming: is a sub skill in the reading process. In skimming, you leave out whole sentences, paras even pages. The basic rule is to skim for a definitive purpose. Skimming for an answer to a question: may be telephone number, something like an initial of a big man, birth date of a VIP etc. Preview the material use quick words or phrase. Let your eye move rapidly and efficiently over the text, when you come upon guidewords stop and read carefully. In skimming speed is essential. Skimming in order to get a general idea of the contents. Can be a valuable procedure. First preview the article, read the first para, read the first line of each following para, but read the last para thoroughly. Skim-reading: combination of skimming + reading

Read important section and skim the less important one-increase rate of reading by key words telegraph style, perhaps 60 percent or more of sentence in left out without loosing the meaning of sentence. Your attitude when reading is important. Do not be afraid of the printed page.enter every reading situation with confidence and enthusiasm. This frame of mind will help you in the long-run. Enter every reading situation with confidence and enthusiasm, you will find this frame of mind will helping the long run.

While speaking, you are finely tuned to the needs of the listener and the listener guides you to modify or change. But in writing things are not easy, you get less guidance for your audience and they get less form you. Body language, pauses, gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice etc., help the listener to derive information. But for readers, only the words guide them. Speakers get the feedback and can modulate their level quickly to ensure that the message gets across. Writers, by contrast, usually get their readers feedback only after the act of writing is finished. As for contents: do not burst into detailed explanations. Style: write simply, bearing in mind that simple writing varies according to the readers level of sophistication. As for tone: pitching it correctly is rather like dressing correctly. A formal tone attracts and involves the reader; a stiff tone distances and alienates the reader. The best policy is to err on the side of caution assume that the readers have high status but little technical expertise. The result should be a fairly formal tone, a fairly non-technical and lucid vocabulary and fairly methodical analysis and explanation of the contents. Above all, the more work you, as writers do to get it right, the less work the reader has to do. And vice versa. Be attentive and logical: The commonest faults in everyday writing like faults of grammar, usage or style can be put down to simple lack of concentration. The writer many a times accepts the mistake and corrects with an explanation that I was not thinking. Lapse of attention will result in a lapse of logic, grammatical error/stylistic flow. Constant vigil is the key you can avoid most of the errors. How to improve your communicative quotient? Listen do not assume Healthy communication Four blocks Arguing or withdrawing Blaming and accusing Not listening Changing the subject Listening is not the same as hearing. You must hear in order to listen, it is not true that if you hear you are listening. Hearing function by your brain wherein the sounds received by our ears are assigned meaning. Problems related to listening: Brains are much faster than our mouths [speak 30-100 words/min., but mind can process information much faster than that. We lack interest/ we prejudge what we are hearing We do not seek or give feedback.

Musts of listening: To listen comes from Middle English to merge; to make conscious effort to hear; to attend closely. To hear to perceive/sense sounds especially through stimulation of auditory nerves. Temperament and Communication: Personality type self-image, self esteem Each of us is a blend of 4 distinct personality types and more specifically we are usually a blend of two of the four types. Greek nomenclature: Choleric: is called the Driver. The choleric gets straight to the point and is not concerned with the feeling of others. Sanguine: is an outgoing, warm person/people. Talkers and are concerned with the feeling of others. Hates to hurt others feelings and will avoid conflict at almost any place. Melancholy: is highly organized detailed and critical. They are introverted, often moody. They often feel that they are right because they have taken tome to carefully analyze whatever subject they are taking about. Phlegmatic; is the quietest of the four types (calm on the surface), they are the most likely to be anxious internally when communicating. Trust and communication: Trust is the single most important ingredient in successful relationships. Trust is in our heads a state of mind, an interpretation, a subjective feeling. Trust, like respect is earned. Delivery of good news is to be done in a wise manner on certain occasions In Ramayana, Hanuman says to Rama after his trip to Lanka, Kanden Seethaiai.

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