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Worshipping Community of Darlington-Bellevue St Cuthberts Church cnr Darlington Rd and Hillsden Rd, Darlington


Anglican Church
Diocese of Perth

Mission Plan Prayer: Thank you, God, for grand liturgical occasions and simple worship events. Show us Christs face in every celebration where we gather in his name.

MUSTARD SEED - EpiphAny 6 12 February 2012


MAINLY MUSIC - Can You Help? Commencing at 9.30am on Tuesday 21 February, we will be conducting a pilot of Mainly Music. This community music program for toddlers and their parents has enjoyed great success around the world. Children participate in simple music activities, then parents enjoy a delicious morning tea while children have free play. Its a great way to serve our local community. The value of Mainly Music is the direct contact with people in our local community. Would you be willing to serve as part of a team to help with registration and morning tea? Or leading children and parents in singing and moving to music? Please talk to Cheryle Martin 9255 2526 or Father Chris. WELLSPRING COMMUNITY FORUM: THINKING ABOUT AUSTRALIA AND REFUGEES The Wellspring Community is a dispersed ecumenical community in the spirit of Iona. They are presenting this forum at the Ascension Hall, 17 Spring Park Road, Midland on Saturday February 25, 3.30-5.30 PM

The sick and those in need: Yanni, Jean, Mary, Ric, Malcolm, Evan, Kayes Family, George, Meghans family In the Diocese we pray for: Archbishop Roger Herft; Bishop Tom Wilmot; Bishop Kay Goldsworthy; Parish of Como-Manning, Anita George and people. In the Province we pray for: Parish of Oyster Harbour, Diocese of Bunbury; Parish of Wickham, Diocese of North West Australia. In the Anglican Church we pray for: Primate of Australia, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall; Diocese of Sydney, Archbishop Peter Jensen, Bishop Robert Forsyth, Bishop Glenn Davies, Bishop Ivan Lee, Bishop Peter Hayward, clergy and people. In the Anglican Communion we pray for: Archbishop Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury; Barrackpore (North India), Bishop Brojen Malakar.

WEDNESDAY EUCHARIST: There will be NO Eucharist this coming Wednesday 15 February as Father Chris will be interstate. ASH WEDNESDAY Claim the Date: Ash Wednesday falls on Wednesday 22 February. Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes will take place at 9.15am and 7.30pm. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a time of reflection and personal discipline leading up to Holy Week and Easter. ST CUTHBERTS DAY - Claim the Date: This year, St Cuthberts Day falls on Sunday 18 March. There will be ONE Eucharist at 9.00am, followed by the traditional group photo, followed by a shared craft activity, followed by a bring-and-share brunch.

LENTEN LECTURES - WHY DID JESUS HAVE TO DIE: FIVE THEORIES OF ATONEMENT Five talks with discussions, led by Father Chris. These sessions will explore somethe theories of atonement including: subsitutionary atonement, ransom theory, Christus Victor and scapegoating. Commences Sunday 26 February, 5.00pm-6.00pm at St Cuthberts Parish Centre, corner Darlington and Hillsden Roads Darlington. No cost. MEDITATION: Meditation will take place each Saturday at 8.00am. Please join us in the church we often have coffee afterwards. CHURCHSAFE TRAINING - 10 & 11 March: Our church is slowly recovering from the shameful behaviours of the past. We are doing this through cultural change - particularly through ChurchSafe Training, a program now in use across thousands of Australian churches. All public ministry roles require ChurchSafe training. Upcoming courses are as follows: Sat 10 March, 9.00am-1.00pm St Lukes, cnr Wesfield Street and Sheoak Rd, Maddington

Sunday 11th March, 1.00pm-5.30pm, Wollaston Education Centre, Mt Claremont Please RSVP to Sharon on sjayasekera@perth.anglican.org or 08 9325 7455 THE ONCE AND FUTURE EUCHARIST: Why do we do what we do in the Eucharist? This event at 6pm on Tuesday 27 March will begin with a Teaching Eucharist, a walk through the APBA liturgy with an explanation and space for questions. After a light supper, we will then celebrate the Eucharist according to the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. 2012 marks the 350th anniversary of this central Anglican work. Its rich cadences and beautiful language have shaped Anglican identity. Its worth experiencing whether you grew up with it, or whether it is completely foreign to you. HOSTS DINNER: People who serve as Hosts on Sunday mornings are invited to the Rectory for dinner on Monday 20 February from 6.30pm SERVER TRAINING: Servers new and old are invited to attend Server training on Sunday 19 February at 4.00pm. Dads and Mums are encouraged to bring their children to introduce them to this important ministry.

RECTOR ABSENT : Father Chris will be out of the parish during the coming week, but still accessible via email and mobile phone. He is attending the Australasian Ethics Network Conference in Brisbane as the guest of Edith Cowan University, where he serves on the Human Research Ethics Committee. BOOK CLUB: St Cuthberts Book Club will next meet on 6 March at 7.30pm at the home of Val Duff, 12 Hillcrest Drive, Darlington. We are reading All That I Am by Anna Funder. On 3 April we will meet at Judys and discuss The Happiest Refugee by Ahn Do and on 1 May we will meet at Charlottes and discuss The Dove Keepers by Alice Hoffman. If you would like Jill to order one or all of these books for you, give her a ring on 93793476. FILM NIGHT, HILLS SUSTAINABILITY GROUP - Monday 13 February in the Parish Centre No Impact Man is entertaining and amusing, a compelling and provocative film. It documents Colin Beavans challenge to completely eliminate his personal impact on the environment for 12 months. Light refreshments from 7.30pm for a film at 8.00pm. Gold coin donation.

ANNUAL MEETING OF PARISHIONERS: The Annual Meeting of Parishioners will take place on Sunday 20 May. There will be ONE Eucharist at 9am, followed by a brief meeting to receive the budget and elect office-bearers. CALENDAR: To find up-to-date information about parish activities, please visit www. hillsanglicans.com.au/calendar . Important information will continue to be included in the Mustard Seed, but if you want to check information about times, locations and facilities, the online calendar is your first port of call.

Sunday 19 February Monday 20 February Tuesday 21 February Wednesday 22 February Friday 24 February Saturday 26 February Sunday 18 March 4pm Afternoon tea for Servers in the Parish Centre 6.30pm Dinner at Rectory for training /development of hosts 9.30am A pilot of Mainly Music 7.00pm Catch Music Ash Wednesday 6.30pm Michael Penningtons 50th anniversary of ordination 8am Meditation Lenten Learning Groups begin St Cuthberts Day


(2 per service)


(One per service)



(One per service)




12 FEBRUARY (WEEK 2) 8am Sue Young Gill / Ross Ellie Graeme Pat

2 Kings 5:1-14 Psalm 30 1Corinthians 9: 24-27 Mark 1: 40-45 NA Mary Sue Young Maureen


Fred / Michelle A Chris Shereen Megan


Graeme Fred

Sarah Philip

19 FEBRUARY (WEEK 3) 8am 10am Judy Jill Rosie Krys Ian

2 Kings 2:1-12 Ps 50: 1-6 2Corinthians 4: 3-12 Mark 9: 2-9 NA Michelle W Heather Holly Gus / Martin & families Lynne Fran None Brenda Lyn H

Susanna / Kerry

Office: T: 9299 7274 E:stcuthberts@bigpond.com Mustard Seed: Jan Carroll E: jancarroll09@gmail.com Website: www.hillsanglicans.com.au Rector: Fr Chris Bedding T: 9299 7274 E: rector.darlington@live.com.au Day off: Friday Emergency Contact: 0405 525 476 Wardens: Charlotte Blackley 9295 4241 Brenda Marissen 9299 6723 David Bryde 9299 6049

Hills Anglicans

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