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Skin testing for penicillin allergy is the most reliable way to determine if a person is truly allergy to penicillin.

Ninety percent of people will test negative (meaning they do NOT have a penicillin allergy), because they either lost the allergy over time, or they were never allergic in the first place. Challenge testing PENICILLIN DESENSITIZATION
Finally, regarding the second question, penicillin skin testing is not indicated for use in penicillin-naive patients

Hussain Salha said said Hussain Salha said said infection Hussain Salha said strepto pneumonia only TB says

Hussain Salha says

says Hussain Salha says says

Hussain Salha says


Hussain Salha says says oral

Hussain Salha says 3 test skin test says 3 2 Hussain Salha says challenge desensetisation says

just sent you a nudge. Hussain Salha says read this Challenge testing If skin testing is not available, a healthcare provider may recommend a challenge test challenge tes says Hussain Salha says An alternative to penicillin skin testing is a desensitization protocol

Finally, regarding the second question, penicillin skin testing is not indicated for use in penicillin-naive patients says

Hussain Salha says http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/586375 oral or parentral says PENICILLIN DESENSITIZATION Desensitization can be done for people who are truly allergic to penicillin, but require treatment with it .or a closely related antibiotic

.Eating food with penicillin in it does cause reactions for penicillin-sensitive individuals One of the items I read pointed out that most serious penicillin allergies are usually to injected penicillin. .Since penicillin is consumed by mouth, the thinking is that a reaction to it would not likely be as severe .So it is not necessary to do allergy test when use oral penicillin Hussain Salha says desensetization test????????????? or not says Hussain Salha says test says :If skin testing is NOT available, options for people who may be allergic to penicillin include

Take a different antibiotic (Undergo a challenge test (see 'Challenge testing' below Undergo desensitization

Hussain Salha says challenge test says Hussain Salha says says Hussain Salha says

says Hussain Salha says naive says Hussain Salha says second exposure allergy says Hussain Salha says says Hussain Salha says

says Hussain Salha says types skin challenge explain the result says Epicutaneous (Prick) Tests

Intradermal Test Hussain Salha says says ,If epicutaneous tests are negative Intradermal Test Hussain Salha says says :Skin tests a-skin prick testb-intradermal testc-skin patch testHussain Salha says ok says Hussain Salha says ok explain the result says ;wheal diameter after 15 minutes is 4 mm larger than that of negative controls Hussain Salha says says Epicutaneous (Prick) Tests Hussain Salha says says


challenge Hussain Salha says says

Hussain Salha says

Epicutaneous (Prick) Tests

Duplicate drops of skin-test reagent are placed on the volar surface of the forearm. The underlying epidermis is pierced with a 26-gauge needle without drawing blood. An epicutaneous test is positive if the average wheal diameter after 15 minutes is 4 mm larger than that of negative controls; otherwise, the test is negative. The histamine controls should be positive to ensure that results are not falsely negative because of the effect of antihistaminic drugs.

Intradermal Test
If epicutaneous tests are negative, duplicate 0.02-mL intra-dermal injections of negative control and antigen solutions are made into the volar surface of the forearm by using a 26-or 27-gauge needle on a syringe. The diameters of the wheals induced by the injections should be recorded. An intradermal test is positive if the average wheal diameter 15 minutes after injection is >2 mm larger than the initial wheal size and also is >2 mm larger than the negative controls. Otherwise, the tests are negative.

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