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tmQCD and disconnected diagrams

Alejandro Vaquero Avils-Casco e February 14, 2012

Twisted mass basis and physical basis

tm Basis = = P hysical basis

The twisted mass basis and the physical basis are related through the transformation

ei5 2 3 ei5 2 ,

where is the twisted mass angle, which relates the standard mass to the twisted mass through tan = We will usually work at maximal twist, that is, =

. m

Basis transformation for the pseudoscalar i5

5 , eiK5 = 0 K = Constant

Applying the transformation, and taking into account that

we nd i5 = iu ei
5 2

5 ei

5 2

u + id ei

5 2

5 ei

5 2

d = iu ei5 5 u + id ei5 5 d =

= i5 cos 3 sin . At maximal twist, only the second term survives i5 = 3 . (1)

Figure 1: Disconnected diagram associated to the pseudoscalar avour singlet.


The one-end-trick

Now we have to face the problem of computing the following disconnected diagram which appears associated to the contractions of quark-antiquark pairs in the same point. In order to evaluate this diagram W , we need to calculate the propagators in points 0 and x
1 1 WP = Du + Dd ,


according to expression (1) in the physical basis. The one-end-trick consists of taking into account the following relationship for twisted mass fermions Du Dd = 2i5 , therefore we can write (2) as WP = Du Dd 1 1 = Du (2i5 ) Dd . Du Dd (4) (3)

This way we remove the dierence of propagators, which is bound to introduce large errors and reduce the signal-to-noise ratio. Lets see this in a more detailed fashion. What we want to compute is Tr (WP ) = Tr [Su (x, x) Sd (x, x)] = Tr [Su (x, y) (2i5 ) Sd (y, x)] =
= Tr Su (x, y) (2i5 ) 5 Su (x, y)5 = 2iTr Su (x, y)Su (x, y)5 =

r x

(x)|5 |r (x) , r


which should enable us to compute the disconnected diagram without the need of all-to-all propagators.

Basis transformation for the neutral pion i5 3

Again, we use the transformation rules to nd i5 3 = iu ei

5 2

5 ei

5 2

u id ei

5 2

5 ei

5 2

d = iu ei5 5 u id ei5 5 d =

= i5 3 cos sin , and assuming maximal twist, we nd i5 3 = . Minus sign?? (6)


The one-end-trick

The situation in this case is completely dierent, when compared to the pseudoscalar. The problem is the following, now we have to evaluate
1 1 W 0 = D u + D d ,


which is no dierence, so the twisted mass relations between the up and down quarks would give rise to Du + Dd = 2DW , (8)

where DW is the Dirac operator without the twisted mass term, so in the end, the application of this relationship would result in W 0 = Dd + Du 1 1 = 2Du DW Dd . Du Dd (9)

which, to tell the truth, Im not sure why is not so protable. 2

Lets analyse this last result in detail. The evaluation in terms of propagators is Tr (W0 ) = Tr [Su (x, x) + Sd (x, x)] = 2Tr [Su (x, z1 )DW (z1 , z2 )Sd (z2 , x)] =
= 2Tr Su (x, z1 )DW (z1 , z2 )5 Su (x, z2 )5


where we have used Su (x, y) + Sd (x, y) = 2DW (x, y),

Sd (x, y) = 5 Su (y, x)5 .


Now we apply the non-trivial relationship Su (x, y)DW (y, z)5 = 5 DW (x, y)Su (y, z), for there exists a rule not very dicult to prove. First we multiply both sides by Du at both ends Du Su DW 5 Du = DW 5 Du , Du 5 D W Su D u = Du 5 DW . Then we notice that Du (x, y)5 DW (y, z) = DW (x, y)5 Du (y, z) which is very straightforward Du (x, y)5 DW (y, z) = DW (x, y)5 DW (y, z) + 2iDW (x, z), DW (x, y)5 Du (y, z) = DW (x, y)5 DW (y, z) + 2iDW (x, z). Thence we can go on with the calculation
Tr (W0 ) = Tr Su (x, z1 )DW (z1 , z2 )5 Su (x, z2 )5 = Tr 5 Du (x, z1 )Su (z1 , z2 )Su (x, z2 )5 =



r x

(x)| (DW r ) (x) , r


where we have called

1 |r = Du |r ,


and the |r represent the vector sources.

Basis transformation for a general bilinear i

Now we are considering a general bilinear with an operator , which can have dirac and avour indices. We will explicitly write the avour index in our calculations, referring to f1 f2 to the specic component if1 f1 f2 f2 i. In our case, fi = u, d. In order to compute the transformation to the physical basis, what we need to know is the commutator [5 , ] and the anticommutator {5 , }, which will depend on the particular choice for . With this information, we can proceed i = iu ei
5 2

uu ei

5 2

u + iu ei

5 2

ud ei

5 2

d + id ei

5 2

du ei

5 2

u + id ei

5 2

dd ei

5 2

d .

At this point the calculation becomes incredibly tedious. We shall face it by parts. Lets start with the uu term iu ei
5 2

uu ei

5 2

u = iu uu u cos2

{5 , uu } iu 5 uu 5 u sin2 u u sin . 2 2 2

Imposing maximal twist,

[5 , uu ] {5 , uu } u u u 2 2 The combination dd yields almost the same result, except for a small sign change in the term involving the anticommutator iu ei
5 2

uu ei

5 2

u = i u 5

{5 , dd } [5 , dd ] d + d d . 2 2 And the cross terms ud and du switch the place of the commutator and the anticommutator id ei
5 2

dd ei

5 2

d = i d 5

iu ei

5 2

ud ei du ei

5 2

d = i u 5 u = i d 5

{5 , ud } [5 , ud ] d u d , 2 2 {5 , du } [5 , du ] u + d u . 2 2

id ei

5 2

5 2

Twist-two operator conventions

K = i D , (16)

The twist-two operator, also called x is dened as

where the D stands for the naive fermionic operator. This K are usually symmetrized, and made traceless, so the nal operator becomes O = K + K 2 4 K .


The quantity x is one of this O , and take non-zero values at vanishing momentum. There are two dierent versions of x : x u+d , which is the one I just exposed, and x ud , where a avour matrix 3 is inserted. This operator is invariant under the twisted mass transformation, so the variants with 3 can be solved with the one-end trick, whereas the standard operator requires of the generalized one-end trick.

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